the warren standard paper works

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  • 7/28/2019 The Warren Standard Paper Works


    heW arren S ta nda rdolume ThreeNo. Two1996

  • 7/28/2019 The Warren Standard Paper Works


    H O W D O

    O N S T A N T / B U Z Z

    T H E R 8 T I L L A N

    T IN T U R N I N G T H E P A G ES

    U T I F U L P R I N T E D P I E C E

    A N D I N V O L V I N G R E L A T I O N -

    P R I N T T H T H I N G C

    E Q U A L . T H E J O B O F T H E D E S I G N E R

    I S T O M O T I V A T E T O M A K E P E O P L E

    T H I N K A N D F E E L T H I N G S T H E Y D I D N ' T

  • 7/28/2019 The Warren Standard Paper Works


    C A T E D E S I

    N E E R .

    Y O U R W O R K ' T H A I S T R E T

    T H O U S A N D S O F Y E A R S ,

    T O D A Y T O U C H E S T H E

    S O U L

    N O O T H E R M E D I U M C A N . T O

    O U T H O W P A P E R W O R K S , P L E A S E

    H E P A G E

  • 7/28/2019 The Warren Standard Paper Works


    It's the ultimate interactive operating system. Fitting easily in a pocket andweighing but a few ounces, it is the very definition of portability. It is completely impervious to power surgesyet carries all the power that words,pictures, and ideas can convey. It allows random access faster than anyother medium, with a simple flip of the thumb. Zap, rip, spindle, fold, andmutilate itit still carries its message. It is tactile, sensual, convenient,and highly expressive. It is called a "book." Will iam J. Mitchell, theDirector of the Architectural School at M.I.T., recently released the firstbook to be published simultaneously on paper and the Internet. EntitledCity of Bits: Space, Place, and the Infobahn, it is an attempt to define thearchitecture of this virtual world. When asked why he publishes on paperat all, given the topic of the book, he replied that the book does things thatthe Internet cannot (and vice versa). "Books are low-tech interactivity, and,as such, they work better in more places at distributing new ideas to morepeople than the Internet right now," says Mitchell. "Books provide a greatformat. On the other hand, on-line gives you other advantages, like uplink-ing to other readers." One recent study concludes tha t people read text 3 0 %slower from a computer screen than from the surface of a page, and proof-read 38% slower. Reading is not a continuous movement of the eyes.It actually consists of jumps (saccades) and stares (fixations). The numberof fixations and time per fixation increase with text/image difficulty.

  • 7/28/2019 The Warren Standard Paper Works


  • 7/28/2019 The Warren Standard Paper Works


  • 7/28/2019 The Warren Standard Paper Works


  • 7/28/2019 The Warren Standard Paper Works


  • 7/28/2019 The Warren Standard Paper Works


    A '* , v v t. ..; "The first sense to ignite,^%* * touph is often the last to4

    * V 4 A *'** ** burn out; long after4 our^yes .betray, us, our*hands

    N%* . , remain faithful to the^ % ** - % world...irf describing1 such

    ^ ,4 final departures, we often\ t I ; ^i /talk of losing ,touch."; V4 v H "rqderjcR Sachs, inThe

    V %4 i Sciences. Stroke the sur-* ' . . * % *t fafce dHhis page with your

    V * * * * fingertips. Just under the> J ridges of your fingertips, a

    - s " .; * host of tiny cells calledD-IJVI E 5- ;' , Meissner's corpuscles-

    * i ft % 9,000 per square inch.v l \ v * t , sentd messages to your

    brajn. Once there, magic* 4 ^ ^ j happens. So precise is

    ^ . % v the sense of touch, that>- \ : t the brain understands

    % - % i