the washington star. - digifind-it · the washington star. volume xix. washington, wakeen county,...

THE WASHINGTON STAR. VOLUME XIX. WASHINGTON, WAKEEN COUNTY, N.J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11,1886. NUMBER 45. LODOI, No. SI). A. P. AA. M, 8 mled communication', lit»od 3rd TnumUy* In *itcb month. M«fon!cHpill,WaMilnutun. S«erctsry, J.B.Fulper.WMbUutton.M.J. TRMFLI ORiPtta, Nu, 13, It. A. M.-bUlcd con- vocation*. Sod Tiioiditr Ineitch month. Mi- •oplelUll, Waablnelou. S.c.-clary, J. B. ¥a\- WAIHIKHTON Corxm, No. 7, Koynl nod Kuicel M.ilor«.-St«ieii a.»erabile..3r<l FHU*y In web month. Vntonlc Hill, Wnitum-ton, lircoiiit J.B.Knliier.W«.b:»(£lon. rn.J. DsMQLi.TCn*><A!<i>«T.Nu.«, K . T . - 8 l a t c l c n CUVBS. 3nd inrt -1th Wcdni^iUyn in each mont. Mauinic Hull. W.nliit.cloD. iu-c order, s, UrofT, WatbUutoii. N. J. WABIK.H C.C.tcii,. No.Ili, Jr. O. U. A. M.-Mcot- \ag», avcry Monday nvi'Qlnz. Khlclda' Hull. AViKbtriuiuo. S e c r m r / , I.ncUn HUrojio, W»»li. inclon.N.J. WmHrx.iTos LomtK. Nr.B.K. A L.otlhc O.S. Stnltd m.-otlDir*. 1H nnd 3rdFriday in cw montb. M«vh»i<lc« I1M1, Wathlntion. W. Jeanlnjti. Secrotnij, WathtiiKton, N, J. LIBIRTT Cocscit, Mo. W, 0, U. A.M. Meet Inn •Y«r TnMcUycrcnini:. Mcchnule'i Hall. KLC , n-Ury. W. E. JennlngP, Wsihtnjjton, H. J. i»T»jbnrn, W«*b"nntoa, H.J. HAIMFIKLD Locus. So 43, 1. 0. O. P, meet! •very data ran? cvcainii In Odd Fellows' Hall, . W«AltiBtM. Heeieiirr. T. II. Qullck, Wartl VimcoHiTcosu Cornell., Ko. 10.16, American I, Rloa ortlonur. maeif •veij 2nd and 4th At nndi.. uvcDlaci Ineach month, at H o'clock. Secre- tary, Miner F. Uaty, Washington. N. J. Joan F. RBTiroLpa POST, No. GO, 0. A. It. meet ]*t&8idMi>D'lsycv'ni[i of «ach month. Ifroit July lit to Oct. 1*1 only tm l»t .Monday tn raontli.) Mechanic* Hull. AdjulBUt, J. T. PROFESSIONAL TtfM. A. STRIKER, Civil and Criminal Law Practitioner, Notary Public, Master in Chaneory. WASHINGTON, N. J. .VANIiyKE, « # . . . Washington, W.a., Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Solicitor, Matter &Examiner in'Chancery, PRACTITIONER IN THKUNITED .; STATK3 COURTS, And in all the. Courts of A'ete Jersey P.M. COOK,, Regular physician & Surg«on : WASHINGTON, N. J. Gnk'e ojiixwilo .St. CloiKl Hotel. Toli'lilimio n! - f 7 to 9 a. m. J OtTtCB IIOVHS: V 4toGp. Ut. I 71olop.ui. P ROF. JAS. L. KOSESUKRV, WiuhMon, X. J., Gives INSTRUCTIONS in MUSIC PIANO or ORGAN il Ills home, or at rcslik'tlce of pupila. Sliedul ittutitlon {mill to rudiment.*. Already bus an;c clasa, ami incctd ivltli grunt biiccees. Turins euey. - : - 3-r>-lv JOS. C. THOMPSON, AtTCTTONBEE, WASHINGTON, N. J. HOTELS QT. (JI.0UI1 HOTEL, '• WASHINGTON AVK., WASHINGTON*, N. J, U NS UIt 1' ABS131> Location, Accommodation and Miuinge- ment. Permanent and Transient Gneats well entertained. A New^TmARD^RToTAttached. C. F. STAATES, Proprietor. CITY HALL SQUARE. Now York, Opposite City Hall mill the I' onko. -"nnpoIntinciits'iuiiKunilturL' or ANY llUl'SHlu Sew York city nml laI'Oinluctcd on tlio. EtXROFEAN PLAN. uitt^ivulkfrumllr^kiyirltrMbu nii.l Kkv-.t.-l Allllniiaofcnrspiisstli,, iloor. .Mo^tvou- ' vetilcnt llotol lit Sew Yort for mcrdinniB to stoii nt. Dlnlnc Itoonifl, Cnfot* nnil I.undt COUDUT ru- l>lutu with nil U>u luiuriua in modiTuto pric-a. Julyisly Keystone Restaurant, First-Class Lining Saloon, Proprietor Marble & Granite YARD. r/Monuinente, Headstones^TalilttSi.ttc 1 ." C< tery plots enclosed, and satisfaction guaran- teed. Plrjano (.'till iiml exutnlue my ' stock he- cheer fully totill persons on nj>nlieatlon.:;-,•«..-,' Ghas- Force, Proprietor. INGXON; N. j." ... ' .. • GO.IO : "V. . • Mrs. K. M. Skinner's Wanlitiiffroii AVPUIIO; '* J' you Tim BEST c •Breads . :?•- ' Oake 9 - A full Hno of oholco confoptluntTy alwny&ou iianil 1 O»o trlitl will HliowUint -\ These Goods eve the : jiest. Int.—Tin* mils-O It toiM-Mnr l'> any «l*i'T rnnk. IS t! mmiM'tig Inh-ml" 1-t I'liiin-ly rl'nr nh lm lurrying |«>«'T(,r lli«- liiMriuiii-nl fully ilmil S'l.-(t I* mljii-ttalilc 1 mnny lu'lci't. Iiywhich iii-ur.* tin- flit>rti-'l iH-rnMi run *min*> I' 11 ' 1 .ml itmtnil llu' kmvKWi-ll.t(«!iii>!tJ with it* i (IH-IH 111.'llllll'-l. ' |HI(I tMli Ih" i»-r"form'iTU'l-imiip-nll'itii' viiri.-il.-*'iif ti; without nii-ItiC tin- haiKt fr.-ni Hi'- k<-yImanl. Ctli.-lt nm In* |IIIIII|H«I ]•>* ii'iy cihi-r tu-rnoi! limn ilu- ]H<rfnrnn'r win) »1ll >-ll .ilnvtly i»|-|i.wlt.- fitli.—Tlio mi'i-tijiTil*iii M e<> hliii|illili*l un- well cMisinMot tlint It It m-iirly liii|->»Mt-l<- f. rtli.—When i-liwi-il It l-i.'iiilri'lyfsf.'frium! nearly i>n><>f!!imlii*l(liuii|iiii'-S((ii>l Cm-fr»iii Btli.-lt run bit iwki-i) In n very MtiitH *y.\rv •irevuiilliij: tliiMlnuiiL-r i'f Injury in Jlth.—Tin- W'fl Murk U init Kwili'T emli with Iitni-1 n.-ri'W!». in.! .lu'.i-ii.llii)i »\«m phu- Jolnl* Hint lire v.ry apt in clvo. <-I'Mnlly hi « 'luii!(,'e of i-linmii-. lOtli.—Tlm (rani'- IH-IIIII i>( l-r.ii it I* f-tmisci-r tion> iiurulili- IIIKI sli* tlrini.-r <m tin- iioor •lint my oiht-r BIJ'IA ill oilier* Hil* nruim I* w'l'l nt 'i iirl.-i- ti> wwii.H'ti t'lth nny llri"l-ul;i»- AnnTli'iin frpiu niiuiiifni'inr c<l. It linn UM-U ili-lciU'-l mi'l t'tillt tifn-r jvars m >ri<>in-i> In Ii'utntti^' Ju-t ulmt in ri-.iuir.-1. lVii»liliiut»ii, .%',.*., l\ S. A. Send for Illustrations So Say We 111 The Tailor, Has its lino n full slock of M'OOLKN 8 for MEN'S SUITS mi nnc win iiml in the cily. Ho iuis both of AVoratcd and CiiHsiniors, of the nost fuHliiomtblu Pliiidu," Clieclis, Diagonals, Kevsoy.s, CliiiicliiUas, ^Ic- tons, I 1 ur IJeiivers, etc. - IEc cuts them in the Latest Styles .ml guarantees a lit. Call nud cx- i\iiiiue his stock at 154 Washington Ave.? VV ST,U1'.S .Iiilvol Its. 1 h- il IM, T ft:! !' a- 1 ;-! f-r i' ;i:i.l nc will liill 31.1JM! fid! r,ir;n|, ^,li,l (Vnimit Ow, i,,r l Sr- ]'J.(i-u tm-iidoii this H«;i-v.'lK'iiyoiiivi'iu-. Washington, Warren Co,, N, J, ( V. S. A. I will tnl;o oi'ilot'H for present ov ipviiig tlolivory for l.ho uolcbnitod Niagnra grujio: One your olil vlm-a , ' £ 1 .75 ""TO..3'';.">r.t*1'l"*llt < "- i ••-.-'. •:-- :•• .••_• .!"• I...J-1,IH1. i-o yenrolil (,'(itie('fU..'.T.";7Vn".".."""..". "" '.'ii TO ywir cil<l IH-liiwuru !tt I'u y o n r old llrliUiii-ii ..;'.'...,.' "J.i i'o y e a r old i.mly. ; .-.'3 Buy of your lioino floftiurnnd don't bo . swindled by travelling. Yankco tree peddlers. S. E." GRAFT., Bees^ Queens, Honey, '•^furn Italln'n Hcefl and Queona;'.inil lion '"•'• olllllk " Mtofor " l %Kl.!ASJ.BOBKSll. 6 SJulylin ' WDIIIIIIKKIII," S. (I. v THE BARGAIN BOOK.*-STORE A Vnnt nnil V«rt«'l rall«cllnn of Vol- tttnci*. 4HiI ami now; coiniirlHiiiir inr- elKii mul Aincrlcttii lilurntiii'o nt mur- m iNrcl o rII. L«l™ <"r. of n yscH.oU. j iK-ouN cnialoRiio ''' " •••• Tonsorial Artist, J , 'Washington, 1ST. J. ilinvlnc, llHliwililnir,' SluimtioiiliiH un.l nvnr tliinji In mylliui ilonu In il,o bual manner. . .;) " ."Diiniul Whipci't. UNRIVALED ORGANS Ott'tho KASY PAYMENT flystcm, from §3.83 put iRunihun. 1U0uiylCR, (22 tofflun. ScudrorCat- iilofiuo with lull particulars, innlkd Ircc. :' UPRIGHT PIANOS, Ctonntrtictcil onUio rcwmethod nf fitrliif>lnfr," elmllar terms. Sena for Ocficrlptlvo CatuloKuc MASON &ItAMLIN ORGAN AND PIANO CO, : .Uoston, Now York, Chicago. Scrofula .lii: i.irii :*.ins;/ IJ IIJJ::U:I, :i vt Ilin ri'.l tiy li ::' i.inii hiiA rvtnixw* whlclt i[;iiiil. ][ ft itfleu luhcrlteil, .I t!ti! rcniili o( iiitprii|K<r vocci* -ri'iirint I«I!<MIII, iiudi-uuHiicss, 'XithiTi'iliKiM. Chronic Sores, KMIWI-H, ('iitiriTdim Jlimiorx, ut tvw-i, mul C<w n-Mill frum »KcrotuIou.-t comli- l. Till* iltmtua cmi U of Ayft'n Sardapariild. niftilmisrnntiltlonuf llio 1]h ,]r.u U ;.|,: r |iu>h I ,y l.t N.v.tti'in. AdiT tabins \PHH lliaii tjotllts ot Aycfi Sitraaimrillu. 1 am Entirely Cured for tho i>:wi year, liavn not fniinil it w i r y tiMt!>ii»n,viiii>tlir]tii)\vliaiever. u»w hi l»-tler lii'iillh, nml stroncpr, r.vtT licfom.-0. A. Wllartl, IMS n)iit «t., lloaion, Masa. .i* intiiiilnl wltli Srrofulotis Sores' ivii years; bin, nftcr USIIIK lw r.1 nf A.vcr's SitrsniiarJlla, I ami I havo nw l nf A.vcrs SitrsniiarJlla, tin) noms lniil.r.I, ami I havo now (jooil hcaltli.— Lli»i)M'th \A nrnock, W Apploiou atrcct, L<i;vull, 3Ia.t.t, Stmie iiiontlis njjo I wna troubled with SCIDIIIIIIUK atirns «nrayIPR. Tlio limb wiw liiiillyswoMf-nnml InUninril.nniltlio »iir<>*<li.HdJi'.rgeiI1«r{;o quantities of offen* Shu niititer. Kvoryremetiyfailed tnitll I m<<{\ Ayer'a Sarsaparilla. By taking ilircis ifotilcs o( this inedlcino tlto aorea liiiv.- boon Iicaled.nnd my health Is re* MorwI. latiiRraternlforthoBOmlithas ilfinti nw. -JIM. Aim O'Brlan, 1M 0ull|. vaiiM., ^^!^v Yurk, Ayer'sSarsaparilla, l'rrtmml l,v Dr. J. C.Arcr &Co.( Lowell.WMI. HohlLyallliniBilili. ltlMfliiUbMlfn.t). ALLEGER'S LUMBER YARDS AND PLANING MILLS And KO lo pPfe'K'" 1 ng\n '. Pntl^ntesl feller, too, I rn-ktm, 'nt ever J>»t tim- crly : rtnir cnoiiiili nfter tits volco VIM lew! lu-M tntiKli i IIiMijul.l pi cvpr'tldiiKbiit hl.Vt.rrnili— Vim fellcrx," IIBM w»i)' twlnkl.- l.h i-y.-4 iin.l AnilRhly )>IK<lclit for thnt Pa- lilt!.-;-.Iu *wd Khivt o' IIIIIII* to (Mi-k . . . iv llnrro \v(wftinnn Mt J'Vii.'/ircit like, lorn.-, UwsBftl-l, ' "On'yto.)iin '." mul «rli.-.| : Au<l WlK"*. 'nl J'Uts ill' Ui<- lii-st xuwnl u'(trk In 11-' e«)>, " WIII-II Cyt nun!.' ,11m, [ i,tt vmi h.- llilii't ill". iiuytliltiK i-l-»' Unit -l:iy UutJtVlH'lIiritHll.llHIil (i-i-l fm).I J" E . AV. ^Vlleger <fc Son, U/QWTFH Por tho Groat »WnilllilJ War Book Just Published, entitled -SPY™; REBELLION 1 . , AwoniltTfiil Uh.lcliy trm Brent Chief of Uji/N-uret Sfpttft, A1.I.AN PISKEI1TON. n/«; Nui- wiyc Irfuft told. Acrniililcarrount of thi'lint l>I"t lii ii-.-n.ii.liinli; I.liKttlti— H«w h«> WHS eomiitcuil wif.'ly tn WtLlHnutDii-Kiirly ttnltlrJ nf ir> Wnr-Thi' ik-.-rct s-r- v]i-.'A I'i'iiiiilL-siv \ itiM'l .... .JM .- ..,.. t chrlllln^' War Hoolc f-v Profusely IHustriitot!." 11 ' ' ° '" l|fl 23-AGENTS WANTED! ii HUVCM/III Autiil. Wu t-ive full li^tniflloiu «>» tt> ni'w litstlurii'rs. KITrull imrtluulru^ (\nnii term* tongrnh lulling Y i W. i)n.i.iMiii.t)i. I>IIII1|!.IIIT. NViv York,. Piles Piles. Piles. -V<» <:uttlli».;.A'o rjinir, No Jturiiltie. IViifiit'H. Xa OhihiH'iii;: No l'nin. -No'Cure, No Pay. RUPTURE. RUPTURE: niV| l ' l <'nM;< > M''i'iVi"'l Siiwly. '"vrrt-vt'f-iir^Viiar^ aiiit-wl. TUKUWj'tWAY VtiritTUl'SSKlS. Catarrh , Consultation Free. To a Butterfly in November. Oil, pnlll't [ihnriloiti tif AJoyrmx •miniuiT .Iny, Tlint vngiu-ly troinlilon on my wSn-lnw-iiatu-, Host lltt'thy lu-uvy-lUil'Ml vyi-s hi vnln . Dosi (iln'i forikJorous l,r. l iit!is tlint lilly |ilay Tliclr sweet cni'liitutmciits o'.'r Hi" iliimut-k tw« Anil lull thy tvnTH in tln'Miu* "f 1.1C»INIIIII; Jlitj- V Alftal UiOU :irt llii-SttlertlHTt of fair. Anil wliiU'r'rt Wnst Hhnll ru.l.'ly ^mllc tlicc i'.,-\\ u I.lku ihi-c, I lliiKMiiiK wntcb Hi.- wniilii): H«j,t rift tlic .ilin.lowrt rh" of d.-stl I nl^hi. (IHrL'li ArnoM iu tlm CittiiiKo Ili-iirtli DR. RflATTISOW, WASHINGTON, N. J. NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS.' S'ntlco U Itcrt'liy (,'lwn Unit nil persona who /m%i'llm^ r»HiT^iifor^viHclVHiey^iav("«^ "" " 1 to th« full wci'-iit of tho lAw- jirovlilcil for MOIIOAS ]»KTTV. '.. I'm" W?!\VKLU:B. .IOIIN Firrs. -. .10IIS SIIKHHKIt. '! N . L. lllUVMAS.. WJI. (i. DUPFOHI). , ' HUSHA I'KIIHV. .IOIIH I'KTKIIS. •W'M. II1NK1I, Kogers* Q-rapoiine!- Jim. a Jour., Tlm Jokeyrnt, ulttlfst, Ktr,r}-.U-lllii', OOMC-PI . fellow yen (ivornnwl Worked tit JM 1 ; wmrw work, 1-ut you kin tft !.• WAA nut) t-iioiiftli In l't» talk, AiitlhUftol, ! IfhswiuionlyUi'k m y R-carrylu' on Like ho mt V* il<>! iulin«lii Any atiop-uinio'll tell yi>t Ihcy tiirviT viu*oiit<- A iH.U.-rMlcr'ii.liin! Von wnnt s fnvor, nml'l nil I: anywhi-n i-liio— •• •• ' ... . Moat frco-farnrtctlivLtnnn tlmtifwny iti lln-w^rM Give up c-vcr' iiU-kci liuV ivorili- ' , An.l.lf youM n-iviuiU"l It, im-l i.ann-.l 111..liln lltrM n-^lrc you tlio i;artli I Hu'a tho Mlor cot tuiim>|>t»* In ml Ulilii'c nmke no illrTt-r><Q<--n nt nil Ki lilni how 1 Ho not Ut Mj- tn in.>— 'Vcu lot; nut n trruii|> I'lirty ••omrurlnMi' In uii tor-tlms And hi''11 t;lt nionK ;" )-uj'« In-, Jim OMn't linve, tier nevi-r <imi.| di nl»ii.1i overly inui'li . U* tills norl.l'rt KI-"UIII n linn— >rniiawrvoKnfrliliii,inori)'ii om't, liirnuillinftu TurnnutiilAmllNH-rrnillinot Mebliy Inugli mul Joko nlmiit il IIIHM-'J fi-rawhit.' —then Jt-tk liln cont, Tlo on Ills I |IU <>1I| ADVICE TO AYOUNG MAN. Letter from Washington to His Ncpli. cw on Industry, Company anil Dress. A Wi'st ClicMi-r (i'ii.) corr^t,">_hi!<>iit Ksiyu IH* ftillowing is n cuiiy *>f n-'lttVV 1 wrinni ij* *(Jcor(;o Wn.sliiiif;t(>ii. to Ills in-i'lu'-w, iimtlii-r, C.iim.-l Kiiinuul Wiw]ti!i»{un. Th.> .•rigiiiiil is in tbiMiWKKinu i.r JIH. X. ,St. |«- •itlBP mis ftiriiiMlyn 'n-siilent ..f Virpiiin, (1 is a Ilucnl ilcrtuiiutiiint ut C l m i t ! \V«.-]i« ^tim. Geurjji* Stt'i'too Wnsiiin»t<.ti, to wlium tlio liittt-r Uju!i1ri*s«i'tl. wns i.rni- nf tlio executors of tlio will of tliu " KHIIHT of ['hHmlolpliin. Tlio lottcr contnins snrue cv- tlk-nt uilvice, mul is ono of the Uwv \mvt\U- letters of President Washington ctiuit: ' SIOKST VKUX...S-, a*Jtl Jriirclt, J7S0.—Dfiir ;eorKl!: AH it-is jinri<M>1u"l j?luilt'soon' lw iitiler tlio iiitinfnl iieci'.swit.v cif i|uiitin» this ilnco nud entering otii'e more intn the litisllo ;>f publkk life, in lionforniity to tin; yoiw. of ly country nml tlio (.-ntroittics of my •ionds, however uoutmry it IH In my own ihUcn or iuuiiiiiitiiiiis, 1 think it iiu-iiiriiiont :i mo ns yonr unrl« nml friend to ({ivu. ytui some ntlvisiuy hints, wliicli, if properly n(- •nded to, will, 1 conceive, lmfound vi;ry ieful to yon in royulnHuH yotir t'ondiu'! ")\'\ giving you'respectability »iol only nl iircsent, lint through ovt-ry pc-rio.l of lift-. i'ou linvu now nrrived ul that ii^jo whon you must quit tin; trilling atmisenioiits of a loy nml nsauiiio Iho more riiguiuYrt niainuMs if n innn. At (his urisis your conduct will nttrnct tho uolice of those who urn nboul you, niitl OHIho IhU impressions sira (j'euor- ully thomost lusting, your Ooin^a nowinny nark the lending Iruits ut your tilmrnuter :hrough life. Jt is thi-'i't-foVo nbsoluiuly nct:- •nry, if you menu toiimlie r.ny tlgiuo upon lit? 1 " Wlmt theso steps nro, mid wlmt gen- ii lino into ho pursued lo lay iiio fouuiln- :ion of mi liouornble nml huppy progress, \a tho part of ngo nnd cxi'cric-ucc Iu point nut. This I siliftU ib ns fwr'iiM in my powt-t- with tho utiucst cheerfulness^ nnd I trust thnt r'our own good souse anii\v you the iieccssily Tho lirat nml gvonL object with you nt present is to acquire Iiy industry mid appli- cation such knowledge iis your siliuilion en- nlildH obtiiin nnil n^will^Jiip .ii^fnl lo_ you iulifcV/ln iloiiig'tltin two'tmiporiaut ob- jucls will beifjuiiicd bcskles tl(.;"!ne(iuirnmeiil of knowledge, uniiwly, ;.u hubit of iuihistry ami 'tlisreliali of thnt profusion of money, mid dissipntioii of time which' nro over iiHemiu'l upon itllciiesH. • 1 do not menu close appli- cation lo yonr studies; Hint you shmild imvi-r enter into those nnniseiiieuts which uvo hiiit- ed to your ngo mid stolum. ' They innybo ind,(*. to gojinml in. Imutl \yitli ench..ofher nil,""iiKcd'iu their" proper'seiiKoiis^wi!! lio 1 •amid to>'bo n lnntunl nKsistnnco toouclv other. But wlml nmiisciiientH nro to bu iulicti liiidVlintb'tlio gi-eiti mnttor lo ha niiemlwt to? Your own jiulgfiiicnt, with thu mlvico of your' reiil friends, wlm inny linve an opprii- ,liiiiity,of ft jieKsOiiul intcrcourso with ymt, will point out the piuliculnr'mnimer in which you may best Kpeml your_ moments of ivlax- ntiou niuch better tiiiui I. can nt adistnnec. Ono thing, however, I -wouhl hirongly in,;-, press upon you, linnicly, that whbri'oii huv'o leisure U) go into, ooutpniiy. thnt itsh'nuld niwftyB bo of tho best liiiul tliiit the place you nro iu will ftffonl." By this menus^yoit will bo romtnntly, impioriiiK yoiir iiiimiioift find i ciilliviitlng your niiiiil whiln you nru rclnxiug from your liooiiH, nnd good company will nlwnjH ho found much lm i-xpcwlvo than Iiml." •• ' !' ", ' ' •" ' Vmi caniiiit offer IM mi exdiiso for not us. ing It thai you i-nniiot gain mlmiiwloii there, or thnt yiui havo not n ]iroi>cr uttuntlou you In il. This Innu apology tiimlo ouly by IhtiHit wliiwu muiiuerH AIDiliK^um wlnwi t'liurnclcr in t-xa-plioiinl'le, neither of whii-h I hnpo will iHivi-r 1H<Kfiid uf you. cannot cnjoiii loo strongly upon you » duo iViiiKu of economy nml frugality. A will laifiw yourst-lf, tlmjircNent ntntu nf your [iropi-rty nml Itiiiiuns will tint mlinit of nny minci-i s.>nry uijitntic. Tlm nrtfrli* of clntliiiiK h now ono of tin •]iii;f espouses Jim will incur, nml in thU: fur ymt »ro nnt soicoiiiiiiiiciliw you slionli be. Dmiiry nnd iltniiliuesH will nhvny.s h( llw lln-t objects in thu dress nf a judieioiu md sciiribUi mini. A conformity to tht- pro failing fashion iu n certntn uYyce in iioces- tary, but it di'i-s not follow from thenco tlm n mnn xhonld nlways got n now cont or othci llioi* iip.ui fvcry trilling chnngo in tin do when pi-rlmp* ho han two or three very NI nnt-H by him. A pon-uii who hnnx- s to IJOn lrnilcr of tlm fushiou, or ono of tint lint tofollow it, will rcrtaiiily np-wnr in (In- eyes of jinlirioiB men to Imvo nothing rlliun a frcfpicnt chfttigo nf drew to nuii'iiil him to notico. I would wisl you li> uphill- Kulticii-nlly decent to entitle on tu ndiuNsiiin iu any company where you nn,v In 1 - I .cannot (mi strongly enjoin it ipon you, and your own hnowlcilgu'must om-tni't'yon of the trulh nf it—tlmt yon lioitld bo ns Hltlo expensive' in thin object ns you nroperly enn ; you nhmild nhvu iomu dolhesi to winr'ii church or on pnr- liciiliiroccasidiiH, wL >) hhonld not ho worn every dny. This cim be douo without nny ticnnl expense, fitr whenever it is tu-c- ry logi't new elothcN tho^c which hnvi bt'i'ii kept for particular occaKioiis will then come iu iis uvtry-ilay clothrH, nnlcsH they ihouM be of a siipi'riur quality to tho new. Wlmt I have slid with respect'lo clothes will ipply, pcrhnp-4, morn puintL-dly toljiwrence thnn toyon. . Andus you nro much older tliiiu lo K nml more capubli- of judging cf the J'roprii ty nf whnt I Imvo observed, yon >l ]my nttriitioii to him in riils respect mul ncv thnt h.f diws m-t wenr his clothes inv Miu'h nmrt- might In- y,\'u\ tuyou na n rtrttiiK limn upon tht* in'cesMty of paying n hUMillnitiunlotliu moral vlri'iw: biit thi: nay, jn-ihiips, moro properly he tin- subject if a fuliiro l.tti-r whon you »ro about to eu- (•r int" t!if world, if yon comply with tin nhi.r herein given tupny a diligent iilten- ion (d your studies and employ your tirni* i-f i p "I:ix.itk>]i in proper cumpimy you will ml but fi-iv opportunities mid little iiicli* .-.hiti' j'uii'nmHniie nt nu ncuilomy to nl.-rlliti:»> Mvms i.f vtcu.iiinl dissipation •hii-!i tim i-n-n |.r.>i nt thomsdves lo youth i every pl-uv, nnd pnrticitlarly iu (OWIIH. If H'I AW (ii-li'imim-d (ii nejjk'iit your bunks n.l jilnii;;.' ini« I'Ximvtgi'tiL'i- mul dissipa- i.ii. iii'thin;* iht.t I could now say would ivvnH it. fi-i-V..I1 must hi> i-ni]iloynd, andif i-* not in pur.-iiit «f thos.- tiling which art- r..tilnM.' it ntu»| lw in [unsnit-of those .-.Iiu-hnt.. .Kvlriiciiw. . Vmir 1'Uet-. frivnti .1 nn.-le, liu: WASIIiMiniS. Words Prom Emerson. A Hr.-it( man is ithvit>> .willing to lw lttlla. Sttl I'.'P. side .f liirtft-s- .mi tlinraiililiiiw'lf on th laiillniiMi.liu.J his wenk point. Wlwl is thu liimt.-l tiiMt in tha wurl.I'; Aii.!\v| Ih.. |I.V.> Hint will hr. nnuihilatud in»t>r than I..- iivaclii'roils luw already .•Anl-Mh imp.issib]!-, ,,,|<1 ,uHrms itself no ..>tta!. l>t!t u imlivi- of iho ileqis of nbM'Iut^ Nothiiif; giviil was uver nehcivi'-d without illntfiasm. Tin! v/ay i>t lifo is .-.voii.k-tTtil: Ui.-thyiilHiiitl<>iiiiionl. it (inly low nti-rits thnt oan be r-niiim-r- Led. IV-iir, wlit.'ii \onr friends say to you ul wli"ii thoy stain! with unml'iin. (imid vibw of irs'vdi iiml hitlf-'dislit.',' and must l.-ipiHiii llicir jiidgnient fur year- 1 'to i-onio. True Gentlemen. •••••! \x% yotir piii'iimi !'• nud, with a smiln itn.Moudi o( his hut. i lam- Eilim-nds handed to nil uM man. n^ait^t whom h.i hnd ncn- .k'lslnily stumbleil, the e;iin: whieh holind kiinL-l;'.it I'ii mi liis hrnnl. "1ln.po I did not hurt you? Wo wi>n- playing Ion roughly," "Not H bit," wiiiil the uM man. "ISO.VH will bulinys, nml it's best Ihcy sliuiild be. Vniidiiltrthai'iniue." . ' '• ••I'nuslnd (olionrUr" ami lifting his lint nHiiiu/i!aiT.v turned lo join tho playmates with whom ho Inn' been frolh-ldng nt the '•WJiii'riio'yoir'i'iiiso'yoiir 1 hiifVo thnfohl follow fur?" asked liis, coni]mni6ii, Charlie (Ii'ity. "Ko is only Ohl Giles, tho huckster." ••Thnt itiiilireni) dim-rence,'" said Harry. "Tliaipiestion is mil whether he is a gentle- man, but whether 1 am utio; nnd no true gentlciiiim wiil Im'lesa pulito to n man bo- tnbli'H llmnigh the'streets insteail of sitting in a coimling-hu'JNu." , • . ; Whk-li was right ? —The Hel^ug Hand. ^ :: Restores Lfigibility. Tho fnilea ink mi iloctinienls, papers. jMirebinonlrt, oiu., niny ntslored as to render tho writing perfeeliy legible. Tlio process coiisints,:ni uioi.sti-'ning tho paper with water, then jmss over tho lines n bruah 'which Iuis been wot iu n solution of sulplmU' ornmoniii. The* writing will immediately ii]ipenr quite dark In wjl«r mid this color, in the case of piii'dimeM, will ho preserved. fnili-s agiu'n. but may be rustoreil at pleasure ijy (hiiajiplii-nliiin of the. sulphide. . " ••: ' '•' Even Up... . 'Mui\ wi.'ll linyi' ti> give'up our bachelor "AllriHht.Jack." ' , •'•' '••.• ;1 Van"bmiglit ilit* ,-iliiVis.didn't you, 'Too '/". " Yes, Jntik.'V'. ' - • .-•. t, :,","1 pnid for having tlm hole ml in the eliiniw-y/ 1 . v , . 1V " Yuii did, my boy.' 1 t' 'vWvll, iVwirnVnothing likeafairdiviaioii. I'll tidiotliG hlovc, aud you enu. have. •'• tho Jumped From tho Susponslon Bridge ISUJTALO, N. Y,, NOT. 7,—LAWTCIIC* M DonoTiui, thednring jumpor, Mho HUCCCHD- fully lenpcd from tho Urooklyn Urtdp" fiutl lYiisonly provcuted by pollco inlcrfercnco from rejwaliug. his i«rforninuce nt the GuiifHco Fulls iu Ilocbofltcr, today jampot from thu Now Huspeuaion liridgo nt Ningwu Rilta totha wi(«r below', n dlstimco of over two linmlrcd feet, Tho leap WM nutria ut C;H7 n. iu. from n point jimt piutt tha centre of tlto bridge nud on tho Caniuliiin portion, aud wns Titnofiflcd bynbout a pcrsou; Tlio morning vm a beautiful onn, criN]: clenr mid fro-*ty, nnd tho sna vina just n] peariDg In tlio i-nnt when tho buggy drove mi tlio bridge. At tho rmme time tho boat rowed out into tho rWer. At precisely C;57, the bout being ilirectly underneath tho md hiiggiug tho Cuniwlinu xhore, pistol hhi it vim hcivrd, a dark form shot off from tho bridge and n HOCOIKI shot followed. Iiy A ntop wotch just four seconds from tho (Inio tlio «hot yroB henrd until UOIKITAU xtmck tho trntor, feet first, And withftlouri Nj'lnjdi. Ho WAH not fifty yardn nwny from thoboat,' which wns at onco pro- pcllcd townri! tho centre of tho•.river, tieconds Hci'tned like hotirn AHthe wnter wi Kcanned for tho npiioarnnco of tho diver, niul it Heeined nu though ho had mink noTer to riso ngfiin. A hbout from the bontinrtii id tho nppcarnnco of Donovnn'HliCftd Homo distnuco dowu tho Htrcnm, nnd thoKo ia tho Imat RAWwith delight that ho WAR RWIIU- Ifo appeared dnzed, nnd could sot Imvo kept up long, but tho boat soon reach- ed him, and how/ut pulled in bycngcrhnndH. One of the party nnrrowly escaped bebg lulled ovorbourd whila nidiog the swimmer, from TTIIOHOmouth spurted n teacupful of blood mho fell into tho bottom of tho boat inft(lend faint. Tho Mnld of tho Mist lnading was soon reached, andhere n conveuicnt flnnk of brnu- dy somewhat revived the hero of tho hour, Iu afew minutes Donovan was Assisted into tho buggy, nnd tho party crossed tho bridgo to thu American side and repaired to tho IV citic Hotel, whore tho daring lenper wiw put bed At once Andftphysician summoned. Among the crowd that witnessed tho loop in the American Hide wns Chief of Police riigiin, of JiiispcnHion Bridgt-, who hnd got wiud of tho nlTuir, mid arrived tooInto to iuterfcro. He wns ouo of the first to grnsp Douovtin'H limp hand, aud assured him that though it would Imvo been bin duty to pro- vout ivhiit looked like a tlelibcrato suicide, now thnt it wua over ho WAH glnrt to congrat- ulato him on his plucky aud Huccewful font. A hurried brcnkfust WUH taken nt the hotel, •hero tho juniper wns stripped nnd rubbed tinlil hid skin fairly glowed. Tho physician Eorioua injuries; Wyond htvt-ml >rni.sen nud u coutuHion on each elbow-. Tho iloutor'iilab thought thnt ouc of the lad'u ribs wtw broken, but advised that bo lm taken IOUIO nt once, where a thorough mtdicul ex- iminntion could bo inside. Carriages wero irderod nnd tho party drove to the Ceutrnl l)0].ol and tiMk the» n. m. Went Hhore train to this city. Conductor Drnku and Mr. Al- bert Simpson, at tho (leueral 1'iiiseuger I)e- itirtment of tho Now York Central, were iw- iiiutnw ill their attentions to thu bridge hero, who brightened lip considerably, nnd. wns not at nil fatigued by the journey. Arrived ii this city the pnrty drove to tho Uroezel House, where Uouovau was ut once takeu to a room and oiamiucd by a physinaii. I>rn. CInrk nud Gco. H, 1'nlittur found Mint the iiirlh rib on thu left side'wns detached from the breastbone And it wns at once bnuditgcd up. .. Donovan said, •'They Bny the bridge is 11NS et high, nml after they took me out of the ivnter 1 found out tho water is lower than it ver wii". nml tho ilistnuco from tho bridge liust be*il5 feet. It was n terrible jump md I TouMu't niftkd it nyuiii for tho whole iTnited States," nnd Dmiovnii slimldered nml dosed his eyex for a few iniuuleH ns if he SAW tin- Ningnrn gorge below him ngain. BUl¥ye'sFaiEig Health. With sincere ri*gret wo hear of tho failing t-iilth cf Mr. Hill Nye. the popular humor-' ,t. Mr. Xye hnd n serious illnesH thn-u years ago whih: he wius still a resident of Wyoming; it wiw in the hope that n ehnngo if i'liiiiati> von Id restore him tohis obilhne vigor thnt he removed to Wisconsin.'' Tlm i-hnnge did senni to beiit'tit him for nwlule; u>riiniis if he had remained iu the (piirt of iis pretty Hudson houii- our bright nud ovahk' friend might now bo as robust nml * .hearty ns ev.'r he was. ,ltut Hill Xyo in n iiisy iniiii niid acoiiHcientiousniriii; he'liiis deemed it his duty to improve every oppor- tunity tit provide for his family and for liuiself ujjuinsl the miny day's-nnd there liav.-been many miny dnys iu Hill Nye'H lifo—uIKI among tho rest of us poor devils oes not un.L'r-stnnd it till ? So Hill Nyn ns worked hard and patiently—ninny timcH -hen lie him been ill of body mul sick iu nu'tj yet out of bis jiain there hus eoiisii nidi giKMl.-ns will, testify all of UH who linvu been so thoroughly warmed by his de- licious humor. ...Within the liwt year Mr. !\'yi!' iifis'.bteti'niinost eonstnntly engngei! ecUiriug.'aiid iiiin employment luw taken liiu into nil purls of the country in all kind jf wealher, necessitating exposure and nil ;hiiso irregularities which surely impair tho iltli. Tho result HCOUIH to lie that the genial huniortat'H phyHical eondition 'm" itoyntjiirw^ycnrs; ago n-lwii he came from-thu fw West with the .iiH of malnria in his vehw. >[r. Nye us that unless sonic chnuge for the >rsets in very.soon he will bo. cnnipol' led to nbanilon nil wor^rfor mi indefinite •hid.—Chii'ngo JS'UBH, v ~ Prize Shots. A padlock nm safah dim countiu' yo' lions. Hberybody yells fo' justice, but who wnulH lifiibiosH nt diuiiah time Inys up i>ctiU'.fo' snppah." n ap it n'n'tdo lies' reconiiucuVL.- ,.-. .•• l!f tie dog didu' fink ilnr war siillinUoo bu ;ot by hit how.idif, wag lm tail. .^ \'j . Dnr may be no sieh t'iug nv, htek ; hut how itdiit'Ilnstus "gitH outeu demcltmi pittuh' ifo an 1 Siunbo nm heV bydo dog ».. 'bo hcrrin', ofyo'iH got imapjietite, am «' etah nio'sel dan cpinil on tons' nd bo wid m.—A. A; WnUtron injafy,: "la tho moon nindu ofgroun ohow-o?. 1 ' nslted asuiidl buy «.f )iln lilllo slstor. "Of course hot,"'was,)tho patronizing reply. " H o w wily yGii^ftKi'I Won't you M»O its iniule of yefhiw chePH« ? "—•huhji; '_ He Asked a Few Questions. Clmrlcu Berry, ciuhlcr of tho Itock Tnlaud frcjghtofilcct h well-known to bo ouo of th most courtentu nnd plt-asnnt gcutlcmou in tho roilroml buNlnom. Ho is ever ready to give infotmntlon, nud luunllysubmltH to nny number of irrelevant iiUintiouH without murmur. Yesterday, however, his placidity WM Bomcwlmt ruffteil by tlio qnerfcH of a young man, who opcii(nl with tho follow ing i v , mister, wlmt time docs tho mail gc to St. Louis?" . •; "Atfio'clock this afternoon. 1 ' "What timo dots It get there ?" "About 7 o'clock tho neit morning.* 1 "What tlrao will tho mall bo delivered ?" "I could not say, but if your letter is lm rtnut you enn put on a special-ileUTery ttnmn nnd it will reach IU dcsttiiatlon be- eenBBnd'J o'clock.' 1 "In this 5 o'clock train n innil train ?'' "Ills." "Ilat HHinioNing it U behtml time ?" "Well (facetiously), it would probably be lute. 1 " 1 . • -, ' . -.- . ,. "What linin did you Bay it gets there'( "Seven o'clock." ."In that clock up there right ?" "Ko, sir, it is wrong. Wa kcop'lt about i hour behind just to fool people nud muko them nNk questions." "Why do you want to dothat ?" "It's olio of tlio rules.' 1 "You don't any no. HATO you nny drink- ig wnter?" "No, Bin We tun not nllowed to touch it. "Well, I swoiv. Pi TO o'clock UIM after- noon, you say, 1 ' "Yes." •.'"•• VWell, good-dny." "Gooil-day, sir."—Ht. -JosepH Jfenthl. One Stone Unturned. When Mr. Jenkins wont to his bedroom nt hnlf-pnst one, it was with tho determiua. lion of going to slocp, nnd with another de- termination thnt- he would nnt be inter- viewed by Mrs. JenkiiiH. So, as soon ns he tad entered the door, and deposited the lamp upon the drc&sitig-tnhlt*, h« commenced his speech: " I locked thofront-door. I put tho chain on. I pulled tho key out n little bit. Tho [big id iiuidc. I nut tho kitten out. I emp- tied tin! drippnu of the refrigerator. The cook took the silver to bed with her. I put cane under tho knob of tho buck-hull door. put tho fastening* under tho bathroom windows. Tho parlor-liro has coal on. I put tho back iu tho cluset. I did not drink ill themilk. It in not goino tornin. Nobody gave mo any messngu fur you. 1 mailed your letters tn soon ns I got down town. mother did nut cull iit thoollice. No- body died thut wo aro interested in. , Did not hear of ti mnrriiige or engagement. I •as very busy ut tho otlico making out bills. Imvo hung my •clothes over chnir-bneks. I wnut a new egg for brenkfaut. I think tlint is nil. nnd I will now put out tlio light.' 1 Mr. Jenkins felt that ho had hedged ngnitint nil inquiry, and.a triumphant sniilo wns upon his face its he took hold of the gas- :hecfc, nnd sighted n lino for tho bed, when :io was e/irth<|iinked by a ringing Inugh. nnd :ho ijncry from Mrs. Jenkins : . .. " Why didn't you take off your hat?" Pickings From Puck. Men with marble brows arc vwy npt to ivo wiiKlvn hrml.-i. It rcimirt-s'liuig jimutim: btfon.* a lawyer m smile kindly on the jury with out; oyo, nud glitre nt the witiu-ss with the othvr. Til.; KLiixtni is iippronchin-,' when very hirtiiiL-n will bo. abh- u> iictt'riuiiw the JoniUtioi.ufthe thi-vniumeliT without staud- ng on their A convict with H bull and chniu'iattach- uont giiv..-11-snn oxenso for. not taking a unimc-r vacation, tlmt ho was too closcly ied to hii.;iin-ss. r "An Unfniight Duel" is Kpuken of by~li Southern contemporary. We suppo'ii* tin- i-einmns wi.-ro unhnidi'd rnvoly.-rs, and thnt 10th duoiists wor.; killed. Tt-rril»h»V- " The I'liiladi'lphia Zoo is joahms of our ncquisititm of ••Murphy," tho hippopot- imus. They hnto lo see .so much roposc md slowness outsido of their own city, Hince Prohibition has obtained iu Ctonr- ;in, lint liipior uianiifaeturor.s bnve : gono mt of the business so i.-sti-nsively that :hf-a-is now only, one disiillory to overy our humlied inhnbitnnts. •'s"siaieuioiii"ihiit.' : ]tatieii uii-ij is so hard up thnt ho has Ui draw oi iis wife when he wants a package of cigiir- -ttos, niu-ds i'lintii-uintion. Wi> wore not iwaro that iluitrint Riimki'd. What a (|iiiiiitity of things a ninii can nviik in. . for instniioe.- Ho win break in u .air of Klioes, he etui liroiik in a colt, he enu iri'iik in a Imnk, or he enu hronk in a cold* sweat or a profuse prtrspirniion. JFrs. Tjiuib, of Huston, is ae.-us.'d uf innk. .(,* nwny with lutr harn-lippod baby. How ,uch wo.nldhitvc been tohavolot if livJ: ! iuidgmw lip, "with something to dis-' linguish it from ili« rest of tho liost Whillier, theJtoston lawyor, who stole fifty thousand dollars from ii client, com- ilnins offering lonely in lib .null!"' W«nrc iibrupt enough to say that iu e<iuity-he vairsmonthcr. 1 " ' •' •. " -"--— ' If Co^Fied Grunt nnd •Mr.-Paul-Dana can not reach any satisfactory conclusion regarding thp.linnl.dispusition..of. that, ilyo. hundred ddllurelioel;." the" writer 'wi»" only ho too ghul to lutstfu to their n-lief, llroth- ers, let ii!i help one nnotM'r. ^ Condui-tor.— Ts there n rrohibitioiiist in ;his ear? i W n g e r (pronipily).—Yen'. I'm iins fruiii tho word go. (Jouductor (coming oward and spcnltiug cnnfiiioiitinlly).— jciutiic lake your. ])nekot pistolvu niiimtu, will you? •Thuro.V. a lady faintod in tho IBXl IMll 1 ..' __ " •... • "Miss : AugoHna'— \Vh^f was' ivferred'to,' Mr; 1'otoiwm, in tlm ipnitnlion: '•Tho'yf.loii utt, noithei- do Ihoy spin, and yet Solomon, n till hin glory, wns nnt arrayod lil;o onotif how?" Jfv. I'irf*'rnini,—l!r—M-oll, r.-ally. [ doii v t know, uiiloss il was (hi; Chicago VuarcliistM. ; ' -Theio an; four plnws within a two hours' riiln of Atlant;i, whioh is a prohibition lowiC nndalreaily lueasii-Jes. havo beentaken to build eight railroads rnnuing to them, the trains nvory 11 vn miiintcs. This; terpriHc, but it iaa provident., impression. in •Atlanta that the J rains ought to run oftcnor. TWINKLINas. Thcro'a ono good thing A bod boy wnn't tuko-good adWco. It IB no longer instylo to wy " Cbefltnuls.' 1 Justmaraiur" Tho) threatening anonymous letter la A Bword that haa o Tery hhurp bliulo for A bun- The true iudopcuJent iu jKwIUca la ths man wlio is willing to iiccopt drinks from nil tho cAndidatca.—PhiUuUlphta Kronikle- JfrraU. ; The diffcrenco between tha bind RM ami the ladjf of tho liouso Is that tho hired girl lion somo time sho can cull her owa— Wtuft- ingtoii Critic. A convivlAl person pAthetlcftlly remarks of a wiilor recently drowned nt sen, " Poor fellow 1 lioliiia taken bis lost schooner over the bar,"—Judge. "Clmngo hor«!" flhouted tho conductor Iu n Pullman car, nnd men ruahod to the toilet-room with griianckji nn<l clean shirts. Nt\o Orleatu Picayune. Tho advertisement of K~ potent' medicine SAJ-H, " Children cry for it." If you want yonr children tocry you know now what to uiy for them.—BomercllU Jourital. How to nrnko n counterfeit dollar that is uot worth moio tbrm tho real onois now puzzling somo of tho shrewdest minds of tho country.—PhlhvMp/tta Jforth American. Won /Mctlniaolfth a college chumof youra ? " naked n npitcful old nmid of a crusty ild bncbclor who WAS very tender on tlio BUhjoct of nge. "Yes, nimlaui," Wns tho cftlniroiily; "an* lio onco told mo you wero An old flntne of h\3."~Judge. Tho womeu's temperance* union of Bur- HngtoD, N. J., offciB a prizu of $!tO for the beat specimen of a continued drunkard. Tlio trouble with the confirmed drunkard in thnt he IHtoo modest togo ou exhibition,, and ho nlwAjH thinks tho confirmed drut,k. nnt is somebody ola<*.—Judge. Ono dAy, ia Aportion of thu west whero udiiuis congrogal«, thuy. put AU Indian's lands to tho wireu of n battery oud tho BUT- ago dnncod with ogitAtion nml turned op tho hitcs of hia eyes with fear. '' Wboopco!' he shouted. " Stopec wngou !fitopoeWAg- on! " They let him go, nml as ho Btrnight- mod out hia fingera ho remarked with in- ;enrtodb(gUHt, "Shoofly! Henpilam!"•*-£>. A youug lady in tho north sido dormitory has papered tho wills of hur bedroom with -nvulopeft which hnve ineloftod tho let- she has received for tho last foW years. An these arcof various HIZOH nud vnriogntcd colors, and bear n vuriety of handwriting and nn oddcolluction of stniups, tho effect very (junint. This is n not uncommon stout in thu Eastern colleges.—Va/mar if. Chicago Herald. A Western exohaugo tells its readers how to mind their "P'H" iu the following para- •rnph: "Parsons who patronize import) thould (my promptly, for the pecuuiary :)rospccb of tho press poKxcss n peculiar lower inpushing forward public prosperity. If the printer is paid promptly, and his pock- ittbook kept plethoric by prompt-paying pn- Irons, ho puts his pen to his pnyer in pence; liis paragraph;) nro more pointed ; ho pnintu in picturoa of passing events in more plosia- ing colora, nnd tho perusnl of his paper is n ire to tho people. Paste this piece of proverbial philosophy in somo pluco where nil persons enn perceive it." " Her Majesty," writes n I^oudou corn's- rmdent, "oats nt atntu diiniern without oves. 1 ' Tlic rcitsou for that is nt ouco np- pareiil. It enables her Majority to gut a bet- ter grip outho wing of a chicken. In wrestling with tho common hen of com- merce nt thudinuer-t:ib!e, she must be hnn- Ued without gloves, or tho buttle is lost. (jloves would also bo'^vcry iinuih in the wny when her Majesty desired to clutch nn ear of n by each cud, the tip ami the lobe, so to- nk, while sho gnuml nt it mniiWiipi. ii see, there nro -a liimdrcd eniorgeneie.s Hint might Arise during tlio piogrcss of i\ uti! dinner wherein gloves would be in tho siyi—Jirooklj/n Eni/l*. ' . . A Cow Worth a Fortune. Mury Ann of St. Lambert's, tho famoue JW for which Mr. Puller lnus rofused $2fi- DUO, is indeed n wonder to look at, even :hon»h tho heholdor knew, nothing of her us buttor rti:ord. Simis A Inrgo , Hpcdniou of tho breed, nail nojudge of n diiiry-cow* would parw her iiuuoticcd. In color fihfi rnuy^be re^Ardod m asolid fnwn,.; vith dark faciugs. Her horns nre sdiort, fino md cruniplod. Her hand is large, full in he face imil n Bhnilo coarse nt tlio muzzle. Ito? neck is loug nnd line, with a prominence .if dewlnp that does not add to lipr bonuty. Her shouWora nre very thin mid fine, with (jonsitlcnibla depth tothe brisket. Hack of the shoulders slit* beguis to widen out slow- ly like "ii wedgo. Her body is very,Iohg, vith great depth. through the after portion if the abdomen. Her ribs* nro long, ilat and open, with nn unusual stretch, between tho UiKt ribnud tho point of the hip. Her liip- li'oneahro widu" 1 hpart- 1 'nud 1 "pfoiuiii,!ut."-' : 'with" ; '-'• Ureiit distance from the point of thu hip to :he root of the tail. Her stillos nro deep indwell developed, lwr'iulder extremity urge and perfectly formed, nnd for largo md tortonniH milk veins it is doubtful if ihe hns au equal living. She looks to ho n *o\v. of extriwirilinary^cim^titatiaii nnd vitidi-.,: [y,and except her milking habit HhownnuuTu. IOUH tlevelopTiTeiitV'sift- :: B!W\VH no ;Biyii"'of :ho wonderful milking tustH to which «ho Mnry Ann is now the very picture of rug- god robust health, and is now unqiicstipnr nbljyiwfit,if not indeed litter than over to,. •Imtiipiou the claims of tho JersoyH in IL Hitter lest. Sho nppearst to he an extreme y heurty feeder, in fond of being potted. iinguhivly cool mid free from norvontiiicsH. md, inhliovt, (hovery ideal of u dairy cow fully in lier ' iwhne, nud'abnolutely freo Toni.faijlta.or.ailnientn.of,any kind", __ " What is it about tho extension of this road Y " nukedft nasHaiigor wlio WAS ninkiug a Houthwest t r i p . ; , ' .;-, . o ;L' "Oh, it is tobo extended," promptly re- plied tho conductor. . "How far?" >-• ' v . j "' '' " Well,nboiit(iinile.'' ; " A mild! What iu nre you giving .lCt?" :v • T i n gniug you fti>oiutcr tlmt tho oxteu- aidii will bo mado theexcuse foi- u cut of ten l*er cent, iu wiges bt>foio Jnunnry 1st."—

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Page 1: THE WASHINGTON STAR. - DigiFind-It · the washington star. volume xix. washington, wakeen county, n.j., thursday, november 11,1886. number 45. lodoi, no. si). a. p. a a

THE WASHINGTON STAR.VOLUME XIX. WASHINGTON, WAKEEN COUNTY, N.J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11,1886. NUMBER 45. LODOI, No. SI). A. P. A A. M, 8 m ledcommunication', lit»od 3rd TnumUy* In *itcbmonth. M«fon!cHpill,WaMilnutun. S«erctsry,J.B.Fulper.WMbUutton.M.J.

TRMFLI ORiPtta, Nu, 13, It. A. M.-bUlcd con-vocation*. Sod Tiioiditr In eitch month. Mi-•oplelUll, Waablnelou. S.c.-clary, J . B. ¥a\-

WAIHIKHTON Corxm, No. 7, Koynl nod KuicelM.ilor«.-St«ieii a.»erabile..3r<l FHU*y In webmonth. Vntonlc Hill, Wnitum-ton, lircoiiitJ.B.Knliier.W«.b:»(£lon. rn.J.

DsMQLi.TCn*><A!<i>«T.Nu.«, K.T.-8latclcnCUVBS. 3nd inrt -1th Wcdni^iUyn in each mont.Mauinic Hull. W.nliit.cloD. iu-c order, s,UrofT, WatbUutoii. N. J.

WABIK.H C.C.tcii,. No.Ili, Jr . O. U. A. M.-Mcot-\ag», avcry Monday nvi'Qlnz. Khlclda' Hull.AViKbtriuiuo. Secrmr/, I.ncUn HUrojio, W»»li.inclon.N.J.

WmHrx.iTos LomtK. Nr.B.K. A L.otlhc O.S.Stnltd m.-otlDir*. 1H nnd 3rd Friday in cwmontb. M«vh»i<lc« I1M1, Wathlntion. W.Jeanlnjti. Secrotnij, WathtiiKton, N, J.

LIBIRTT Cocscit, Mo. W, 0, U. A.M. Meet Inn•Y«r TnMcUycrcnini:. Mcchnule'i Hall. KLC

, n-Ury. W. E. JennlngP, Wsihtnjjton, H. J .

i»T»jbnrn, W«*b"nntoa, H.J .HAIMFIKLD Locus. So 43, 1. 0 . O. P , meet!

•very data ran? cvcainii In Odd Fellows' Hall,. W«AltiBtM. Heeieiirr. T. II. Qullck, Wartl

VimcoHiTcosu Cornell., Ko. 10.16, American I,Rloa ortlonur. maeif •veij 2nd and 4th At nnd i..uvcDlaci In each month, at H o'clock. Secre-tary, Miner F. Uaty, Washington. N. J.

Joan F. RBTiroLpa POST, No. GO, 0. A. It. meet]*t&8idMi>D'lsycv'ni[i of «ach month. IfroitJuly l i t to Oct. 1*1 only tm l»t .Monday tnraontli.) Mechanic* Hull. AdjulBUt, J . T.


Civil and Criminal Law Practitioner,Notary Public, Master in Chaneory.


.VANIiyKE,« # • • . . .

Washington, W.a.,Attorney and Counsellor at Law,Solicitor, Matter & Examiner in'Chancery,PRACTITIONER IN THK UNITED

.; STATK3 COURTS, •And in all the. Courts of A'ete Jersey

P.M. COOK,,Regular physician & Surg«on:


Gnk'e ojiixwilo .St. CloiKl Hotel. Toli'lilimio n!

- f 7 to 9 a. m.J .

OtTtCB IIOVHS: V 4toGp. Ut.I 71olop.ui .



il Ills home, or at rcslik'tlce of pupila. Sliedulittutitlon {mill to rudiment.*. Already busan;c clasa, ami incctd ivltli grunt biiccees.

Turins euey. - : -3-r>-lv




QT. (JI.0UI1 HOTEL, '•


Location, Accommodation and Miuinge-ment. Permanent and Transient

Gneats well entertained.

A New^TmARD^RToTAttached.C. F. STAATES, Proprietor.

CITY HALL SQUARE. Now York,Opposite City Hall mill the I' onko.

-"nnpoIntinciits'iuiiKunilturL' o r ANY llUl'SH luSew York city nml la I'Oinluctcd on tlio.

EtXROFEAN PLAN.uitt^ivulkfrumllr^kiyirltrMbu nii.l Kkv-.t.-lIt . l t . Allllniiaofcnrspiisstli,, iloor. .Mo^tvou-

' vetilcnt llotol lit Sew Yort for mcrdinniB to stoiint. Dlnlnc Itoonifl, Cnfot* nnil I.undt COUDUT ru-l>lutu with nil U>u luiuriua in modiTuto pric-a.


Keystone Restaurant,

First-Class Lining Saloon,


Marble & GraniteYARD.

r/Monuinente, Headstones^TalilttSi.ttc1." C<tery plots enclosed, and satisfaction guaran-teed. Plrjano (.'till iiml exutnlue my ' stock he-cheer fully to till persons on nj>nlieatlon.:;-,•«..-,'

Ghas- Force,Proprietor.

INGXON; N. j . "

... ' .. • G O . I O : "V. . •Mrs. K. M. Skinner's

Wanlitiiffroii AVPUIIO; '* J'you Tim BEST • c

•Breads. :? •- ' O a k e 9 -

A full Hno of oholco confoptluntTy alwny&ou iianil1 O»o trlitl will HliowUint - \

These Goods eve the:jiest.

Int.—Tin* mils-O It toiM-Mnr l'> any «l*i'T rnnk.IS t! mmiM'tig Inh-ml" 1-t I'liiin-ly rl 'nr nhlm lurrying |«>«'T(,r lli«- liiMriuiii-nl fully ilmil

S'l.-(t I* mljii-ttalilc1 m nny lu'lci't. Iiy whichiii-ur.* tin- flit>rti-'l iH-rnMi run *min*> I'11' itmtnil llu' kmvKWi-ll.t(«!iii>!tJ with it* i(IH-IH 111.'llllll'-l.

' |HI ( ItMli

Ih" i»-r"form'iTU'l-imiip-nll'itii' viiri.-il.-*'iif ti;without nii-ItiC tin- haiKt fr.-ni Hi'- k<-yImanl.

Ctli.-lt nm In* |IIIIII|H«I ]•>* ii'iy cihi-r tu-rnoi!limn ilu- ]H<rfnrnn'r win) »1ll >-ll .ilnvtly i»|-|i.wlt.-

fitli.—Tlio mi'i-tijiTil*iii M e<> hliii|illili*l un-well cMisinMot tlint It It m-iirly liii|->»Mt-l<- f.

rtli.—When i-liwi-il It l-i.'iiilri'lyfsf.'frium!nearly i>n><>f!!imlii*l(liuii|iiii'-S((ii>l Cm-fr»iii

Btli.-lt run bit iwki-i) In n very MtiitH *y.\rv

•irevuiilliij: tliiMlnuiiL-r i'f Injury in—Tin- W'fl Murk U init Kwili'T emli

with Iitni-1 n.-ri'W!». in.! .lu'.i-ii.llii)i »\«m phu-Jolnl* Hint lire v.ry apt in clvo. <-I'Mnlly hi «'luii!(,'e of i-linmii-.

lOtli.—Tlm (rani'- IH-IIIII i>( l-r.ii it I* f-tmisci-rtion> iiurulili- IIIKI sli* tlrini.-r <m tin- iioor •lintmy oiht-r BIJ'IA

ill oilier* Hil* nruim I* w'l'l nt 'i iirl.-i- ti> wwii.H'tit'lth nny llri"l-ul;i»- AnnTli'iin frpiu niiuiiifni'inr

c<l. It linn UM-U ili-lciU'-l mi'l t'tillt tifn-r jvars m>ri<>in-i> In Ii'utntti^' Ju-t ulmt in ri-.iuir.-1.

lVii»liliiut»ii, .%',.*., l \ S. A.

Send for Illustrations

So Say We 111

The Tailor,Has its lino n full slock of M'OOLKN8

for MEN'S SUITS mi nnc win iiml in

the cily. Ho iuis both

of AVoratcd and CiiHsiniors, of the

nost fuHliiomtblu Pliiidu," Clieclis,

Diagonals, Kevsoy.s, CliiiicliiUas, Ic-

tons, I1 ur IJeiivers, etc. -

IEc cuts them in the

Latest guarantees a lit. Call nud cx-

i\iiiiue his stock at

154 Washington Ave.?VV ST,U1'.S

.Iiilvol Its.1 h-

il I M , Tft:! !' a-1;-! f-r

i' ;i:i.l nc willl i i l l

31.1JM! fid! r,ir;n|, ^,li, (Vnimit Ow, i,,r

l Sr-

]'J.(i-u tm-iidoii thisH«;i-v.'lK'iiyoiiivi'iu-.

Washington, W a r r e n Co, , N, J, (V. S. A.

I will tnl;o oi'ilot'H for present ovipviiig tlolivory for l.ho uolcbnitod

Niagnra grujio:One your olil vlm-a , ' £ 1.75""TO..3'';.">r.t*1'l"*llt<"- i ••-.-'. •:-- :•• .••_• . ! " • I . . . J - 1 , I H 1 .

i-o yen ro l i l (, '(itie('fU.. ' .T.";7Vn".".."""..". "" '.'iiTO ywir cil<l IH-liiwuru !ttI'u yonr old llrliUiii-ii ..; '. '...,. ' "J.ii'o y e a r old i.mly. ; .-.'3

Buy of your lioino floftiurnnd don'tbo . swindled by travelling. Yankcotree peddlers.

S. E." GRAFT.,


Honey,' • ^ f u r n Italln'n Hcefl and Queona;'.inil lion

'"•'• o l l l l l k " M t o f o r " l % K l . ! A S J . B O B K S l l . 6SJulylin ' WDIIIIIIKKIII," S. (I.

v THE BARGAIN BOOK.*-STOREA Vnnt nni l V«rt«'l r a l l«c l lnn of Vol-

tttnci*. 4HiI ami now; coiniirlHiiiir i n r -elKii m u l Aincrlcttii l i lurnti i i 'o n t mur-

m iNrclo rII.

L«l™ <"r. of n

yscH.oU. jiK-ouN cnialoRiio

' ' ' "

•••• Tonsorial Artist, J ,

' W a s h i n g t o n , 1ST. J .

ilinvlnc, llHliwililnir,' SluimtioiiliiH un.l nvnrtliinji In my lliui ilonu In il,o bual manner. .

.;) " ."Diiniul Whipci't.

UNRIVALED ORGANSOtt'tho KASY PAYMENT flystcm, from §3.83put iRunihun. 1U0 uiylCR, (22 to fflun. ScudrorCat-iilofiuo with lull particulars, innlkd Ircc. : '

UPRIGHT PIANOS,Ctonntrtictcil on Uio rcw method nf fitrliif>lnfr,"elmllar terms. Sena for Ocficrlptlvo CatuloKuc

MASON & ItAMLIN ORGAN AND PIANO CO,: .Uoston, Now York, Chicago.

Scrofula. l i i : i.irii:*.ins;/ IJ

IIJJ::U:I,:i vt Ilinri'.l tiy li

: : ' i.inii hiiA rvtnixw* whlclti[;iiiil. ][ ft itfleu luhcrlteil,.I t!ti! rcniili o( iiitprii|K<r vocci*-ri'iirint I«I!<MIII, iiudi-uuHiicss,'XithiTi'iliKiM. Chronic Sores,

KMIWI-H, ('iitiriTdim Jlimiorx,ut tvw-i, mul C<wn-Mill frum »KcrotuIou.-t comli-

l. Till* iltmtua cmi Uof Ayft'n Sardapariild.

niftilmisrnntiltlonuf llio

1 ] h, ] r . u U ; . | , : r | i u > h I , yl.t N.v.tti'in. AdiT tabins \PHH lliaiitjotllts ot Aycfi Sitraaimrillu. 1 am

Entirely Curedfor tho i>:wi year, liavn not fniinil it

wiry tiMt!>ii»n,viiii>tlir]tii)\vliaiever.u»w hi l»-tler lii'iillh, nml stroncpr,r.vtT l ic fom.-0 . A. Wllar t l , IMS

n)iit «t., lloaion, Masa..i* intiiiilnl wltli Srrofulotis Sores'

ivii years; bin, nftcr USIIIK l wr.1 nf A.vcr's SitrsniiarJlla,

I ami I havo n w lnf A.vcrs SitrsniiarJlla, tin) noms

lniil.r.I, ami I havo now (jooil hcaltli.—Lli»i)M'th \A nrnock, W Apploiou atrcct,L<i;vull, 3Ia.t.t,

Stmie iiiontlis njjo I wna troubled withSCIDIIIIIIUK atirns «n ray IPR. Tlio limbwiw liiiillyswoMf-nnml InUninril.nniltlio»iir<>*<li.HdJi'.rgeiI1«r{;o quantities of offen*Shu niititer. Kvoryremetiyfailed tnitllI m<<{\ Ayer'a Sarsaparilla. By takingilircis ifotilcs o( this inedlcino tlto aorealiiiv.- boon Iicaled.nnd my health Is re*MorwI. latiiRraternlforthoBOmlithasilfinti nw. - J I M . Aim O'Brlan, 1M 0ull| .vaiiM., ^ ! v Yurk, •

Ayer'sSarsaparilla,l'rrtmml l,v Dr. J. C.Arcr &Co.( Lowell.WMI.HohlLyallliniBilili. l t lMfli iUbMlfn. t) .




And KO lo pPfe'K'"1 ng\n '.Pntl^ntesl feller, too, I rn-ktm, 'nt ever J>»t tim-

crly :

rtnir cnoiiiili nfter tits volco VIM lew! lu-M tntiKli

i IIiMijul.l p i cvpr'tldiiKbiit hl.Vt.rrnili—Vim fellcrx," IIBM w»i)' twlnkl.- l.h i-y.-4 iin.l

AnilRhly )>IK <lclit for thnt Pa- lilt!.-;-.Iu *wdKhivt o' IIIIIII* to (Mi-k . . .

iv llnrro \v(w ft innn Mt J'Vii.'/ircit like, lorn.-,

UwsBftl-l, • • '"On'yto.)iin '." mul «rli.-.| :

Au<l WlK"*. 'nl J'Uts ill' Ui<- lii-st xuwnl u'(trk In

11-' e«)>, " WIII-II Cyt nun!.' ,11m, [ i,tt vmi h.-llilii't ill". iiuytliltiK i-l-»' Unit -l:iy

UutJtVlH'lIiritHll.llHIil (i-i-l fm).I J"

E . AV. ^Vlleger <fc Son,

U/QWTFH Por tho Groat»WnilllilJ War BookJust Published, entitled


, AwoniltTfiil Uh.lcliy trm BrentChief of Uji/N-uret Sfpttft,

A1.I.AN PISKEI1TON.n/«; Nui- wiyc Irfuft told.A crniililcarrount of thi'lint

l>I"t lii ii-.-n.ii.liinli; I.liKttlti—H«w h«> WHS eomiitcuil wif.'lytn WtLlHnutDii-Kiirly ttnltlrJnf ir> Wnr-Thi' ik-.-rct s-r-v]i-.'A I'i'iiiiilL-siv \ itiM'l

.... .JM • .- ..,.. t chrlllln ' War Hoolc f-v

Profusely IHustriitot!."11' ' ° '"l|fl


ii HUVCM/III Autiil. Wu t-ive full li^tniflloiu«>» tt> ni'w litstlurii'rs. KIT rull imrtluulru^(\nnii term* to ngrnh lullingY i W. i)n.i.iMiii.t)i. I>IIII1|!.IIIT. NViv York,.

Piles Piles. Piles.-V<» <:uttlli».;.A'o rjinir, No Jturiiltie.

IViifiit'H. Xa OhihiH'iii;: No l'nin.

-No'Cure, No Pay.

RUPTURE. RUPTURE:niV|l'l<'nM;<>M''i'iVi"'l Siiwly. '"vrrt-vt'f-iir^Viiar^aiiit-wl. TUKUWj'tWAY VtiritTUl'SSKlS.

Catarrh ,

Consultation Free.

To a Butterfly in November.Oil, pnlll't [ihnriloiti tif A Joyrmx •miniuiT .Iny,Tlint vngiu-ly troinlilon on my wSn-lnw-iiatu-,Host lltt'thy lu-uvy-lUil'Ml vyi-s hi vnln .

Dosi (iln'i forikJorous l,r.liit!is tlint lilly |ilayTliclr sweet cni'liitutmciits o'.'r Hi" iliimut-k tw«

Anil lull thy tvnTH in tln'Miu* "f 1.1C»INIIIII; Jlitj- VAlftal UiOU :irt llii-SttlertlHTt of fair.Anil wliiU'r'rt Wnst Hhnll ru.l.'ly ^mllc tlicc i'.,-\\ u

I.lku ihi-c, I lliiKMiiiK wntcb Hi.- wniilii): H«j,trift tlic .ilin.lowrt rh" of d.-stl I nl^hi.

(IHrL'li ArnoM iu tlm CittiiiKo Ili-iirtli


N O T I C E T O T R E S P A S S E R S . 'S'ntlco U Itcrt'liy (,'lwn Unit nil persona who

/ m % i ' l l m ^


"" " 1 to th« full wci'-iit of tho lAw- jirovlilcil for


'.. I ' m " W?!\VKLU:B. •.IOIIN Firrs. -..10IIS SIIKHHKIt.

'! N. L. lllUVMAS..WJI. (i . DUPFOHI). ,


Kogers* Q-rapoiine !-


a Jour.,

Tlm Jokeyrnt, ulttlfst, Ktr,r}-.U-lllii', OOMC-PI. fellow yen (ivornnwl

Worked tit JM1; wmrw work, 1-ut you kin tft !.•WAA nut) t-iioiiftli In l't» talk,

A i i t l h U f t o l ,! IfhswiuionlyUi'k my R-carrylu' on

Like ho mt V* il<>!


Any atiop-uinio'll tell yi>t Ihcy tiirviT viu* oiit<-

A iH.U.-rMlcr'ii.liin!Von wnnt s fnvor, nml'l nil I: anywhi-n

i - l i i o — •• •• ' . . . . •

Moat frco-farnrtctlivLtnnn tlmtifwny iti lln-w^rM

Give up c-vcr' iiU-kci liuV ivorili- ' ,An.l.lf youM n-iviuiU"l It, im-l i.ann-.l 111..liln

lltrM n-^lrc you tlio i;artli I

Hu'a tho Mlor cot tuiim>|>t»* In ml •Ulilii'c nmke no illrTt-r><Q<--n nt nil Ki lilni how 1

Ho not Ut Mj- tn in.>—'Vcu lot; nut n trruii|> I'lirty ••omrurlnMi' In uii

tor-tlmsAnd hi''11 t;lt nionK ;" )-uj'« In-,

Jim OMn't linve, tier nevi-r <imi.| d i nl»ii.1 ioverly inui'li

. U* tills norl.l'rt KI-"UIII n linn—>rniiawrvoKnfrliliii,inori)'ii om't,

TurnnutiilAmllNH-rrnillinotMebliy Inugli mul Joko nlmiit il IIIHM-'J fi-rawhit.'

—then Jt-tk liln cont,

Tlo on Ills I | I U <>1I|


Letter from W a s h i n g t o n to His Ncpli .cw on Industry, Company anil Dress.

A Wi'st ClicMi-r (i'ii.) corr t,">_hi!<>iit KsiyuIH* ftillowing is n cuiiy *>f n-'lttVV1 wrinniij* *(Jcor(;o Wn.sliiiif;t(>ii. to Ills in-i'lu'-w,

iimtlii-r, C.iim.-l Kiiinuul Wiw]ti!i»{un. Th.>.•rigiiiiil is in tbiMiWKKinu i.r J I H . X. ,St. |«-

•itlBP mis ftiriiiMlyn 'n-siilent ..f Virpiiin,(1 is a Ilucnl ilcrtuiiutiiint ut C l m i t ! \V«.-]i«^tim. Geurjji* Stt'i'too Wnsiiin»t<.ti, to

wlium tlio liittt-r U ju!i1ri*s«i'tl. wns i.rni- nftlio executors of tlio will of tliu " KHIIHT of

['hHmlolpliin. Tlio lottcr contnins snrue cv-tlk-nt uilvice, mul is ono of the Uwv \mvt\U-

letters of President Washington ctiuit: 'SIOKST VKUX...S-, a*Jtl Jriirclt, J7S0.—Dfiir

;eorKl!: AH it-is jinri<M>1u"l j?luilt'soon' lwiitiler tlio iiitinfnl iieci'.swit.v cif i|uiitin» thisilnco nud entering otii'e more intn the litisllo;>f publkk life, in lionforniity to tin; yoiw. of

ly country nml tlio (.-ntroittics of my•ionds, however uoutmry it IH In my ownihUcn or iuuiiiiiitiiiiis, 1 think it iiu-iiiriiiont:i mo ns yonr unrl« nml friend to ({ivu. ytui

some ntlvisiuy hints, wliicli, if properly n(-•nded to, will, 1 conceive, lm found vi;ryieful to yon in royulnHuH yotir t'ondiu'! ")\'\

giving you'respectability »iol only nl iircsent,lint through ovt-ry pc-rio.l of lift-.

i'ou linvu now nrrived ul that ii jo whonyou must quit tin; trilling atmisenioiits of aloy nml nsauiiio Iho more riiguiuYrt niainuMsif n innn. At (his urisis your conduct will

nttrnct tho uolice of those who urn nboulyou, niitl OH Iho IhU impressions sira (j'euor-ully tho most lusting, your Ooin^a now innynark the lending Iruits ut your tilmrnuter:hrough life. Jt is thi-'i't-foVo nbsoluiuly nct:-

•nry, if you menu to iimlie r.ny tlgiuo upon

lit?1" Wlmt theso steps nro, mid wlmt gen-ii lino in to ho pursued lo lay iiio fouuiln-

:ion of mi liouornble nml huppy progress, \atho part of ngo nnd cxi'cric-ucc Iu point nut.This I siliftU ib ns fwr'iiM in my powt-t- withtho utiucst cheerfulness^ nnd I trust thntr'our own good souse anii\v you the iieccssily

Tho lirat nml gvonL object with you ntpresent is to acquire Iiy industry mid appli-cation such knowledge iis your siliuilion en-nlildH obtiiin nnil n^will^Jiip .ii^fnl lo_you iulifcV/ln iloiiig'tltin two'tmiporiaut ob-jucls will beifjuiiicd bcskles tl(.;"!ne(iuirnmeiilof knowledge, uniiwly, ;.u hubit of iuihistryami 'tlisreliali of thnt profusion of money, middissipntioii of time which' nro over iiHemiu'lupon itllciiesH. • 1 do not menu close appli-cation lo yonr studies; Hint you shmild imvi-renter into those nnniseiiieuts which uvo hiiit-ed to your ngo mid stolum. ' They inny boind,(*. to gojinml in. Imutl \yitli ench..ofhernil,""iiKcd'iu their" proper'seiiKoiis^wi!! lio1

•amid to >'bo n lnntunl nKsistnnco to ouclvother. But wlml nmiisciiientH nro to bu iulictiliiidVlintb'tlio gi-eiti mnttor lo ha niiemlwtto? Your own jiulgfiiicnt, with thu mlvico ofyour' reiil friends, wlm inny linve an opprii-,liiiiity,of ft jieKsOiiul intcrcourso with ymt,will point out the piuliculnr'mnimer in whichyou may best Kpeml your_ moments of ivlax-ntiou niuch better tiiiui I. can nt adistnnec.Ono thing, however, I -wouhl hirongly in,;-,press upon you, linnicly, that whbri'oii huv'oleisure U) go into, ooutpniiy. thnt itsh'nuldniwftyB bo of tho best liiiul tliiit the place younro iu will ftffonl." By this menus^yoit willbo romtnntly, impioriiiK yoiir iiiimiioift find


ciilliviitlng your niiiiil whiln you nru rclnxiugfrom your liooiiH, nnd good company willnlwnjH ho found much l m i-xpcwlvo thanIiml." •• ' !' ", ' ' •" '

Vmi caniiiit offer IM mi exdiiso for not It thai you i-nniiot gain mlmiiwloii there,or thnt yiui havo not n ]iroi>cr uttuntlouyou In il. This In nu apology tiimlo ouly byIhtiHit wliiwu muiiuerH AID iliK umwlnwi t'liurnclcr in t-xa-plioiinl'le, neither ofwhii-h I hnpo will iHivi-r 1H< Kfiid uf you.cannot cnjoiii loo strongly upon you » duo

iViiiKu of economy nml frugality. Awill laifiw yourst-lf, tlm jircNent ntntu nf

your [iropi-rty nml Itiiiiuns will tint mlinit ofnny minci-i s.>nry uijitntic.

Tlm nrtfrli* of clntliiiiK h now ono of tin•]iii;f espouses Jim will incur, nml in thU :fur ymt »ro nnt soicoiiiiiiiiciliw you slionli

be. D m i i r y nnd iltniiliuesH will nhvny.s h(llw lln-t objects in thu dress nf a judieioiumd sciiribUi mini. A conformity to tht- profailing fashion iu n certntn uYyce in iioces-tary, but it di'i-s not follow from thenco tlmn mnn xhonld nlways got n now cont or othci

llioi* iip.ui fvcry trilling chnngo in tindo when pi-rlmp* ho han two or three veryNI nnt-H by him. A pon-uii who h nnx-s to IJO n lrnilcr of tlm fushiou, or ono of

tint lint to follow it, will rcrtaiiily np-wnr in(In- eyes of jinlirioiB men to Imvo nothing

rlliun a frcfpicnt chfttigo nf drew tonuii'iiil him to notico. I would wisl

you li> uphill- Kulticii-nlly decent to entitleon tu ndiuNsiiin iu any company where younn,v In1- I .cannot (mi strongly enjoin itipon you, and your own hnowlcilgu'mustom-tni't'yon of the trulh nf it—tlmt yonlioitld bo ns Hltlo expensive' in thin object ns

you nroperly enn ; you nhmild nhvuiomu dolhesi to winr ' i i church or on pnr-liciiliiroccasidiiH, wL >) hhonld not ho wornevery dny. This cim be douo without nny

ticnnl expense, fitr whenever it is tu-c-ry lo gi't new elothcN tho^c which hnvi

bt'i'ii kept for particular occaKioiis will thencome iu iis uvtry-ilay clothrH, nnlcsH theyihouM be of a siipi'riur quality to tho new.Wlmt I have slid with respect'lo clothes willipply, pcrhnp-4, morn puintL-dly toljiwrence

thnn to yon. . And us you nro much oldertliiiu lo K nml more capubli- of judging cfthe J'roprii ty nf whnt I Imvo observed, yon

>l ]my nttriitioii to him in riils respect mulncv thnt h.f diws m-t wenr his clothes inv

Miu'h nmrt- might In- y,\'u\ tu you na nrtrttiiK limn upon tht* in'cesMty of paying nhUMillnitiunlotliu moral vlri'iw: biit thi:nay, jn-ihiips, moro properly he tin- subjectif a fuliiro l.tti-r whon you »ro about to eu-(•r int" t!if world, if yon comply with tinnhi . r herein given tu pny a diligent iilten-ion (d your studies and employ your tirni*

i-f ip"I:ix.itk>]i in proper cumpimy you willml but fi-iv opportunities mid little iiicli* .-.hiti' j'uii'nmHniie nt nu ncuilomy tonl.-rlliti:»> Mvms i.f vtcu.iiinl dissipation•hii-!i tim i-n-n |.r.>i nt thomsdves lo youthi every pl-uv, nnd pnrticitlarly iu (OWIIH. IfH'I AW (ii-li'imim-d (ii nejjk'iit your bunksn.l jilnii;;.' ini« I'Ximvtgi'tiL'i- mul dissipa-i.ii. iii'thin;* iht.t I could now say wouldivvnH it. fi-i-V..I1 must hi> i-ni]iloynd, and if

i-* not in pur.-iiit «f thos.- t i l ing which art-r..tilnM.' it ntu»| lw in [unsnit-of those

.-.Iiu-hnt.. .Kvlriiciiw.. Vmir 1'Uet-. frivnti .1 nn.-le,

liu: WASIIiMiniS.

Words Prom Emerson.A Hr.-it( man is ithvit>> .willing to lw lttlla.

S t t l I'.'P.

side.f liirtft-s-

.mi tlinraiililiiiw'lf on th

laiillniiMi.liu.J his wenk point.

Wlwl is thu liimt.-l tiiMt in tha wurl.I';

Aii.!\v| Ih.. |I.V.> Hint will hr. nnuihilatudin»t>r than I..- iivaclii'roils luw already.•Anl-Mh imp.issib]!-, ,,,|<1 ,uHrms itself no..>tta!. l>t!t u imlivi- of iho ileqis of nbM'Iut^

Nothiiif; giviil was uver nehcivi'-d withoutillntfiasm. • Tin! v/ay i>t lifo is .-.voii.k-tTtil:

Ui.-thyiilHiiitl<> i« (inly low nti-rits thnt oan be r-niiim-r-

Led. IV-iir, wlit.'ii \onr friends say to you

ul wli"ii thoy stain! with unml ' i in . (imidvibw of irs'vdi iiml hitlf-'dislit.',' and mustl.-ipiHiii llicir jiidgnient fur year-1'to i-onio.

True Gentlemen.•••••! \x% yotir piii'iimi !'• nud, with a smilnitn.Moudi o( his hut. i lam- Eilim-nds handedto nil uM man. n^ait^t whom h.i hnd ncn-.k'lslnily stumbleil, the e;iin: whieh ho lindkiinL-l;'.it I'ii mi liis hrnnl. "1 ln.po I did nothurt you? Wo wi>n- playing Ion roughly,"

"Not H bit," wiiiil the uM man. "ISO.VHwill bulinys, nml it's best Ihcy sliuiild be.Vniidiiltrthai'iniue." . ' '•

••I'nuslnd (olionrUr" ami lifting his lintnHiiiu/i!aiT.v turned lo join tho playmateswith whom ho Inn' been frolh-ldng nt the

'•WJiii'riio'yoir'i'iiiso'yoiir1 hiifVo thnfohlfollow fur?" asked liis, coni]mni6ii, Charlie(Ii'ity. "Ko is only Ohl Giles, tho huckster."

••Thnt itiiilireni) dim-rence,'" said Harry."Tliaipiestion is mil whether he is a gentle-man, but whether 1 am utio; nnd no truegentlciiiim wiil Im'lesa pulito to n man bo-

tnbli'H llmnigh the'streets insteail of sittingin a coimling-hu'JNu." , • • .

; Whk-li was right ? — The Hel^ug Hand.

^ :: Restores Lfigibility.

Tho fnilea ink mi iloctinienls, papers.jMirebinonlrt, oiu., niny ntslored as torender tho writing perfeeliy legible. Tlioprocess coiisints,:ni uioi.sti-'ning tho paperwith water, then jmss over tho lines n bruah'which Iuis been wot iu n solution of sulplmU'ornmoniii. The* writing will immediatelyii]ipenr quite dark In wjl«r mid this color, inthe case of piii'dimeM, will ho preserved.

fnili-s agiu'n. but may be rustoreil at pleasureijy (hiiajiplii-nliiin of the. sulphide. . "

••: ' '•' Even Up. . . .

'Mui\ wi.'ll linyi' ti> give'up our bachelor

"AllriHht.Jack." ' , •'•''••.• ;1 Van"bmiglit ilit* ,-iliiVis.didn't you, 'Too '/".

" Yes, Jntik.'V'. ' - • .-•. t,:,","1 pnid for having tlm hole m l in theeliiniw-y/1 . v , . 1V •

" Yuii did, my boy.'1

t' 'vWvll, iVwirnVnothing likeafairdiviaioii.I'll tidiotliG hlovc, aud you enu. have.•'• tho

Jumped From tho Susponslon BridgeISUJTALO, N. Y,, NOT. 7,—LAWTCIIC* M

DonoTiui, the dnring jumpor, Mho HUCCCHD-fully lenpcd from tho Urooklyn Urtdp" fiutllYiisonly provcuted by pollco inlcrfercncofrom rejwaliug. his i«rforninuce nt theGuiifHco Fulls iu Ilocbofltcr, today jampotfrom thu Now Huspeuaion liridgo nt NingwuRilta to tha wi(«r below', n dlstimco of overtwo linmlrcd feet, Tho leap WM nutria utC;H7 n. iu. from n point jimt piutt tha centreof tlto bridge nud on tho Caniuliiin portion,aud wns Titnofiflcd by nbout a pcrsou;

Tlio morning vm a beautiful onn, criN]:clenr mid fro-*ty, nnd tho sna vina just n]peariDg In tlio i-nnt when tho buggy drovemi tlio bridge. At tho rmme time tho boatrowed out into tho rWer. At precisely C;57,the bout being ilirectly underneath tho

md hiiggiug tho Cuniwlinu xhore,pistol hhi it vim hcivrd, a dark form shot offfrom tho bridge and n HOCOIKI shot followed.Iiy A ntop wotch just four secondsfrom tho (Inio tlio «hot yroB henrd untilUOIKITAU xtmck tho trntor, feet first, Andwith ft louri Nj'lnjdi. Ho WAH not fifty yardnnwny from tho boat,' which wns at onco pro-pcllcd townri! tho centre of tho •. river,tieconds Hci'tned like hotirn AH the wnter wiKcanned for tho npiioarnnco of tho diver, niulit Heeined nu though ho had mink noTer toriso ngfiin. A hbout from the bontinrtii

id tho nppcarnnco of Donovnn'HliCftdHomo distnuco dowu tho Htrcnm, nnd thoKo iatho Imat RAW with delight that ho WAR RWIIU-

Ifo appeared dnzed, nnd could sotImvo kept up long, but tho boat soon reach-ed him, and ho w/ut pulled in bycngcrhnndH.One of the party nnrrowly escaped bebglulled ovorbourd whila nidiog the swimmer,

from TTIIOHO mouth spurted n teacupful ofblood m ho fell into tho bottom of tho boatin ft (lend faint.

Tho Mnld of tho Mist lnading was soonreached, and here n conveuicnt flnnk of brnu-dy somewhat revived the hero of tho hour,Iu a few minutes Donovan was Assisted intotho buggy, nnd tho party crossed tho bridgoto thu American side and repaired to tho I Vcitic Hotel, whore tho daring lenper wiw put

bed At once And ft physician summoned.Among the crowd that witnessed tho loop

in the American Hide wns Chief of Policeriigiin, of JiiispcnHion Bridgt-, who hnd

got wiud of tho nlTuir, mid arrived too Intoto iuterfcro. He wns ouo of the first to grnspDouovtin'H limp hand, aud assured him thatthough it would Imvo been bin duty to pro-vout ivhiit looked like a tlelibcrato suicide,now thnt it wua over ho WAH glnrt to congrat-ulato him on his plucky aud Huccewful font.A hurried brcnkfust WUH taken nt the hotel,•hero tho juniper wns stripped nnd rubbed

tinlil hid skin fairly glowed. Tho Eorioua injuries; Wyond htvt-ml>rni.sen nud u coutuHion on each elbow-. Tho

iloutor'iilab thought thnt ouc of the lad'u ribswtw broken, but advised that bo lm takenIOUIO nt once, where a thorough mtdicul ex-iminntion could bo inside. Carriages weroirderod nnd tho party drove to the Ceutrnll)0].ol and tiMk the » n. m. Went Hhore trainto this city. Conductor Drnku and Mr. Al-bert Simpson, at tho (leueral 1'iiiseuger I)e-itirtment of tho Now York Central, were iw-iiiutnw ill their attentions to thu bridge hero,

who brightened lip considerably, nnd. wnsnot at nil fatigued by the journey. Arrivedii this city the pnrty drove to tho Uroezel

House, where Uouovau was ut once takeu toa room and oiamiucd by a physinaii. I>rn.CInrk nud Gco. H, 1'nlittur found Mint the

iiirlh rib on thu left side'wns detached fromthe breastbone And it wns at once bnuditgcdup. • . .

Donovan said, •'They Bny the bridge is 11NSet high, nml after they took me out of the

ivnter 1 found out tho water is lower than itver wii". nml tho ilistnuco from tho bridgeliust be *il5 feet. It was n terrible jumpmd I TouMu't niftkd it nyuiii for tho wholeiTnited States," nnd Dmiovnii slimldered nmldosed his eyex for a few iniuuleH ns if heSAW tin- Ningnrn gorge below him ngain.

BUl¥ye'sFaiEig Health.With sincere ri*gret wo hear of tho failing

t-iilth cf Mr. Hill Nye. the popular humor-',t. Mr. Xye hnd n serious illnesH thn-u

years ago whih: he wius still a resident ofWyoming; it wiw in the hope that n ehnngoif i'liiiiati> von Id restore him to his obilhnevigor thnt he removed to Wisconsin.'' Tlmi-hnnge did senni to beiit'tit him for nwlule;u>riiniis if he had remained iu the (piirt ofiis pretty Hudson houii- our bright nudovahk' friend might now bo as robust nml* .hearty ns ev.'r he was. ,ltut Hill Xyo in niiisy iniiii niid acoiiHcientiousniriii; he'liiis

deemed it his duty to improve every oppor-tunity tit provide for his family and forliuiself ujjuinsl the miny day's-nnd thereliav.-been many miny dnys iu Hill Nye'Hlifo—uIKI among tho rest of us poor devilsoes not un.L'r-stnnd it till ? So Hill Nynns worked hard and patiently—ninny timcH-hen lie him been ill of body mul sick iunu'tj yet out of bis jiain there hus eoiisiinidi giKMl.-ns will, testify all of UH who

linvu been so thoroughly warmed by his de-licious humor. ...Within the liwt year Mr.!\'yi!' iifis'.bteti'niinost eonstnntly engngei!ecUiriug.'aiid iiiin employment luw takenliiu into nil purls of the country in all kindjf wealher, necessitating exposure and nil;hiiso irregularities which surely impair tho

iltli. Tho result HCOUIH to lie that thegenial huniortat'H phyHical eondition 'm" itoyntjiirw^ycnrs; agon-lwii he came from-thu fw West with the

.iiH of malnria in his vehw. >[r. Nyeus that unless sonic chnuge for the>rsets in very.soon he will bo. cnnipol'

led to nbanilon nil wor^rfor mi indefinite

•hid.—Chii'ngo JS'UBH,

v~ Prize Shots.A padlock nm safah dim countiu' yo' lions.

Hberybody yells fo' justice, but who wnulH

lifiibiosH nt diuiiah time Inys upi>ctiU'.fo' snppah."

n ap

it n'n'tdo lies' reconiiucuVL.- ,.-. .••l!f tie dog didu' fink ilnr war siillinUoo bu

;ot by hit ho w.idif, wag lm tail. . ^ \'j .Dnr may be no sieh t'iug nv, htek ; hut howitdiit'Ilnstus "gitH outeu de mcltmi pittuh'

ifo an1 Siunbo nm heV by do dog »..'bo hcrrin', ofyo'iH got im apjietite, am «'

etah nio'sel dan cpinil on tons' nd bo widm.—A. A; WnUtron injafy,:

" l a tho moon nindu ofgroun ohow-o?.1'nslted asuiidl buy «.f )iln lilllo slstor. "Ofcourse hot,"'was,)tho patronizing reply."How wily yGii ftKi'I • Won't you M»O its iniuleof yefhiw chePH« ? "—•huhji; '_

He Asked a Few Questions.Clmrlcu Berry, ciuhlcr of tho Itock Tnlaud

frcjghtofilcct h well-known to bo ouo of thmost courtentu nnd plt-asnnt gcutlcmou intho roilroml buNlnom. Ho is ever ready togive infotmntlon, nud luunllysubmltH to nnynumber of irrelevant iiUintiouH withoutmurmur. Yesterday, however, his placidityWM Bomcwlmt ruffteil by tlio qnerfcH of ayoung man, who opcii(nl with tho following i v

, mister, wlmt time docs tho mail gcto St. Louis?" . • •; •

"At fi o'clock this afternoon.1'"What timo dots It get there ?""About 7 o'clock tho neit morning.*1

"What tlrao will tho mall bo delivered ?""I could not say, but if your letter is lmrtnut you enn put on a special-ileUTery

ttnmn nnd it will reach IU dcsttiiatlon be-eenBBnd'J o'clock.'1

"In this 5 o'clock train n innil train ?' '"I l ls .""Ilat HHinioNing it U behtml time ?""Well (facetiously), it would probably be

lute.1"1. • -, ' . - . - . , ."What linin did you Bay it gets there'("Seven o'clock."."In that clock up there right ?""Ko, sir, it is wrong. Wa kcop'lt abouti hour behind just to fool people nud muko

them nNk questions.""Why do you want to do that ?""It's olio of tlio rules.'1

"You don't any no. HATO you nny drink-ig wnter?""No, Bin We tun not nllowed to touch it."Well, I swoiv. Pi TO o'clock UIM after-

noon, you say,1'" Y e s . " • . ' " • •

VWell, good-dny."

"Gooil-day, sir."— Ht. -JosepH Jfenthl.

One Stone Unturned.When Mr. Jenkins wont to his bedroom

nt hnlf-pnst one, it was with tho determiua.lion of going to slocp, nnd with another de-termination thnt- he would nnt be inter-viewed by Mrs. JenkiiiH. So, as soon ns hetad entered the door, and deposited the

lamp upon the drc&sitig-tnhlt*, h« commencedhis speech:

"I locked tho front-door. I put tho chainon. I pulled tho key out n little bit. Tho[big id iiuidc. I nut tho kitten out. I emp-tied tin! drippnu of the refrigerator. Thecook took the silver to bed with her. I put

cane under tho knob of tho buck-hull door.put tho fastening* under tho bathroom

windows. Tho parlor-liro has coal on. I puttho back iu tho cluset. I did not drinkill the milk. It in not goino to rnin. Nobody

gave mo any messngu fur you. 1 mailedyour letters tn soon ns I got down town.

mother did nut cull iit thoollice. No-body died thut wo aro interested in. , Didnot hear of ti mnrriiige or engagement. I•as very busy ut tho otlico making out bills.

Imvo hung my •clothes over chnir-bneks. Iwnut a new egg for brenkfaut. I think tlintis nil. nnd I will now put out tlio light.'1

Mr. Jenkins felt that ho had hedgedngnitint nil inquiry, and.a triumphant sniilowns upon his face its he took hold of the gas-:hecfc, nnd sighted n lino for tho bed, when:io was e/irth<|iinked by a ringing Inugh. nnd:ho ijncry from Mrs. Jenkins : . ..

" Why didn't you take off your hat?"

• Pickings From Puck.

Men with marble brows arc vwy npt toivo wiiKlvn hrml.-i.

It rcimirt-s'liuig jimutim: btfon.* a lawyerm smile kindly on the jury with out; oyo,

nud glitre nt the witiu-ss with the othvr.

Til.; KLiixtni is iippronchin-,' when veryhirtiiiL-n will bo. abh- u> iictt'riuiiw the

JoniUtioi.ufthe thi-vniumeliT without staud-ng on their

A convict with H bull and chniu'iattach-uont giiv..-11-snn oxenso for. not taking aunimc-r vacation, tlmt ho was too closclyied to hii.;iin-ss. r

"An Unfniight Duel" is Kpuken of by~liSouthern contemporary. We suppo'ii* tin-i-einmns wi.-ro unhnidi'd rnvoly.-rs, and thnt10th duoiists wor.; killed. Tt-rril»h»V- "

The I'liiladi'lphia Zoo is joahms of ourncquisititm of ••Murphy," tho hippopot-imus. They hnto lo see .so much roposcmd slowness outsido of their own city,

Hince Prohibition has obtained iu Ctonr-;in, lint liipior uianiifaeturor.s bnve :gonomt of the business so i.-sti-nsively that:hf-a-is now only, one disiillory to overyour humlied inhnbitnnts.•'s"siaieuioiii"ihiit.':]tatieiiuii-ij is so hard up thnt ho has Ui draw oiiis wife when he wants a package of cigiir--ttos, niu-ds i'lintii-uintion. Wi> wore notiwaro that iluitrint Riimki'd.

What a (|iiiiiitity of things a ninii cannviik in. . for instniioe.- Ho win break in u.air of Klioes, he etui liroiik in a colt, he enuiri'iik in a Imnk, or he enu hronk in a cold*

sweat or a profuse prtrspirniion.

JFrs. Tjiuib, of Huston, is ae.-us.'d uf innk..(,* nwny with lutr harn-lippod baby. How,uch wo.nldhitvc been to havo lot

if livJ:!iuidgmw lip, "with something to dis-'linguish it from ili« rest of tho liost

Whillier, the Jtoston lawyor, who stolefifty thousand dollars from ii client, com-ilnins offering lonely in lib .null!"' W«nrc

iibrupt enough to say that iu e<iuity-he

vairsmonthcr.1" ' •' •. " -"--— '

If Co^Fied Grunt nnd •Mr.-Paul-Danacan not reach any satisfactory conclusionregarding thp.linnl.dispusition..of. that, ilyo.hundred ddllurelioel;." the" writer 'wi»" onlyho too ghul to lutstfu to their n-lief, llroth-ers, let ii!i help one nnotM'r.

Condui-tor.— Ts there n rrohibitioiiist in;his ear? i W n g e r (pronipily).—Yen'. I'miins fruiii tho word go. (Jouductor (comingoward and spcnltiug cnnfiiioiitinlly).—jciutiic lake your. ])nekot pistolvu niiimtu,

will you? •Thuro.V. a lady faintod in thoI B X l I M l l 1 . . ' __ " •... •

"Miss:AugoHna'— \Vh^f was' ivferred'to,'Mr; 1'otoiwm, in tlm ipnitnlion: '•Tho'yf.loiiutt, noithei- do Ihoy spin, and yet Solomon,n till hin glory, wns nnt arrayod lil;o ono tifhow?" Jfv. I'irf*'rnini,—l!r—M-oll, r.-ally.[ doiivt know, uiiloss il was (hi; ChicagoVuarcliistM. • ; • '

-Theio an; four plnws within a two hours'riiln of Atlant;i, whioh is a prohibition lowiCnndalreaily lueasii-Jes. havo beentaken tobuild eight railroads rnnuing to them, thetrains nvory 11 vn miiintcs. This;

terpriHc, but it ia a provident., impression. in•Atlanta that the J rains ought to run oftcnor.

TWINKLINas.Thcro'a ono good thing A bod boy wnn't

tuko-good adWco.

It IB no longer in stylo to wy " Cbefltnuls.'1

J u s t m a r a i u r "

Tho) threatening anonymous letter la ABword that haa o Tery hhurp bliulo for A bun-

The true iudopcuJent iu jKwIUca la thsman wlio is willing to iiccopt drinks from niltho cAndidatca.—PhiUuUlphta Kronikle-JfrraU. ;

The diffcrenco between tha b ind R M amithe ladjf of tho liouso Is that tho hired girllion somo time sho can cull her owa— Wtuft-ingtoii Critic.

A convivlAl person pAthetlcftlly remarksof a wiilor recently drowned nt sen, " Poorfellow 1 lio liiia taken bis lost schooner overthe bar,"—Judge.

"Clmngo hor«!" flhouted tho conductorIu n Pullman car, nnd men ruahod to thetoilet-room with griianckji nn<l clean shirts.Nt\o Orleatu Picayune.

Tho advertisement of K~ potent' medicineSAJ-H, " Children cry for it." If you wantyonr children to cry you know now what touiy for them.—BomercllU Jourital.

How to nrnko n counterfeit dollar that isuot worth moio tbrm tho real ono is nowpuzzling somo of tho shrewdest minds of thocountry.—PhlhvMp/tta Jforth American.

Won /Mctlniaolfth a college chum ofyoura ? " naked n npitcful old nmid of a crustyild bncbclor who WAS very tender on tlio

BUhjoct of nge. "Yes, nimlaui," Wns thocftlniroiily; " a n * lio onco told mo youwero An old flntne of h\3."~Judge.

Tho womeu's temperance* union of Bur-HngtoD, N. J., offciB a prizu of $!tO for thebeat specimen of a continued drunkard. Tliotrouble with the confirmed drunkard in thnthe IH too modest to go ou exhibition,, and

ho nlwAjH thinks tho confirmed drut,k.nnt is somebody ola<*.—Judge.

Ono dAy, ia A portion of thu west wheroudiiuis congrogal«, thuy. put AU Indian'slands to tho wireu of n battery oud tho BUT-

ago dnncod with ogitAtion nml turned op thohitcs of hia eyes with fear. ' ' Wboopco!'

he shouted. " Stopec wngou ! fitopoe WAg-on! " They let him go, nml as ho Btrnight-mod out hia fingera ho remarked with in-;enrtodb(gUHt, "Shoofly! Henpilam!"•*-£>.

A youug lady in tho north sido dormitoryhas papered tho wills of hur bedroom with

-nvulopeft which hnve ineloftod tho let-she has received for tho last foW years.

An these arc of various HIZOH nud vnriogntcdcolors, and bear n vuriety of handwritingand nn oddcolluction of stniups, tho effect

very (junint. This is n not uncommonstout in thu Eastern colleges.— Va/marif. Chicago Herald.

A Western exohaugo tells its readers howto mind their " P ' H " iu the following para-•rnph: "Parsons who patronize import)thould (my promptly, for the pecuuiary:)rospccb of tho press poKxcss n peculiarlower in pushing forward public prosperity.If the printer is paid promptly, and his pock-ittbook kept plethoric by prompt-paying pn-Irons, ho puts his pen to his pnyer in pence;liis paragraph;) nro more pointed ; ho pnintuin picturoa of passing events in more plosia-

ing colora, nnd tho perusnl of his paper is nire to tho people. Paste this piece of

proverbial philosophy in somo pluco wherenil persons enn perceive it."

" Her Majesty," writes n I^oudou corn's-rmdent, "oats nt atntu diiniern withoutoves.1' Tlic rcitsou for that is nt ouco np-

pareiil. It enables her Majority to gut a bet-ter grip ou tho wing of a chicken. Inwrestling with tho common hen of com-merce nt thu dinuer-t:ib!e, she must be hnn-Ued without gloves, or tho buttle is lost.(jloves would also bo'^vcry iinuih in the wnywhen her Majesty desired to clutch nn ear of

n by each cud, the tip ami the lobe, so to-nk, while sho gnuml nt it mniiWiipi.ii see, there nro -a liimdrcd eniorgeneie.s

Hint might Arise during tlio piogrcss of i\uti! dinner wherein gloves would be in thosiyi—Jirooklj/n Eni/l*. ' • . .

A Cow Worth a Fortune.Mury Ann of St. Lambert's, tho famoue

JW for which Mr. Puller lnus rofused $2fi-DUO, is indeed n wonder to look at, even:hon»h tho heholdor knew, nothing of her

us buttor rti:ord. Sim is A Inrgo ,Hpcdniou of tho breed, nail no judge of ndiiiry-cow* would parw her iiuuoticcd. Incolor fihfi rnuy^be re^Ardod m a solid fnwn,.;vith dark faciugs. Her horns nre sdiort, finomd cruniplod. Her hand is large, full inhe face imil n Bhnilo coarse nt tlio muzzle.Ito? neck is loug nnd line, with a prominence.if dewlnp that does not add to lipr bonuty.Her shouWora nre very thin mid fine, with(jonsitlcnibla depth to the brisket. Hack ofthe shoulders slit* beguis to widen out slow-ly like "ii wedgo. Her body is very,Iohg,vith great depth. through the after portionif the abdomen. Her ribs* nro long, ilat and

open, with nn unusual stretch, between thoUiKt rib nud tho point of the hip. Her liip-li'oneahro widu"1hpart-1'nud1"pfoiuiii,!ut."-':'with"; '-'•Ureiit distance from the point of thu hip to:he root of the tail. Her stillos nro deepindwell developed, lwr'iulder extremityurge and perfectly formed, nnd for largomd tortonniH milk veins it is doubtful ifihe hns au equal living. She looks to ho n*o\v. of extriwirilinary^cim^titatiaii nnd vitidi-.,:[y,and except her milking habit HhownnuuTu.IOUH tlevelopTiTeiitV'sift-::B!W\VH no ;Biyii"'of:ho wonderful milking tustH to which «ho

Mnry Ann is now the very picture of rug-god robust health, and is now unqiicstipnr

nbljyiw fit, if not indeed litter than over t o , .•Imtiipiou the claims of tho JersoyH in ILHitter lest. Sho nppearst to he an extremey heurty feeder, in fond of being potted.iinguhivly cool mid free from, in hliovt, (ho very ideal of u dairy cowfully in lier ' iwhne, nud'abnolutely freoToni.faijlta.or.ailnientn.of,any kind", _ _

" What is it about tho extension of thisroad Y " nuked ft nasHaiigor wlio WAS ninkiuga Houthwest t r ip . ; , ' .;-, . o ;L'

"Oh, it is to bo extended," promptly re-plied tho conductor. .

"How far?" >-• ' v . • j "' ' '" Well,nboiit(iinile.'' ;

" A mild! What iu nre you giving

.lCt?" :v• T i n gniug you fti>oiutcr tlmt tho oxteu-

aidii will bo mado the excuse foi- u cut of tenl*er cent, iu wiges bt>foio Jnunnry 1st."—

Page 2: THE WASHINGTON STAR. - DigiFind-It · the washington star. volume xix. washington, wakeen county, n.j., thursday, november 11,1886. number 45. lodoi, no. si). a. p. a a

The Washington StarXin. Hoc y.Ss !Hlazcr,

i.f.nt'u* ASH rriii.niiiauf.WnijUMUStjr. nun W. Oi*;<

$U3 ps: Ycaij b Airis:e.

IISirt'H.V, N..1., Nov. n , ISM

r Proclamation.A |-ri'«-l:iih;iiiull t.y tin.' I'l'-'Uli'lIt or Iti

: I'tilted Stall-':"It till* I'lllH |.(YH ttli' 1-tip-ti.lH l.f till ' |.l'(.|i|. ' I

i|iii'1'tiltctl^tnUv.f(i;nliiy lit ..tell .vi-nr r-ItiM-iilHv Ml U|.UN I.V tlitir eliW i-\.'flltlw\ IIIiii-kin.\vli.i !•,'•• tli<< L'/HI.!II.» IIIKI iiK-r.y '•' '••«•.in.! to Itivot,-- His toulImiH and •>n>-i i i ih i i .

In nWriiHKM nf MICII riifi'Hit. I, -(iruvCliivcliiinl. t'rwl>li-iilt>[t]iu L'liliiil JMnlw, iliii.-l.vt!.'.-l-iiiit,-iinil-«t :i|'!iri TtmrMtnv, lliurjilli «l:iy irl Xi.wmUr. W.*i;im, tn l.f uliM'm-ri-.nut t«ii|.t si* n if.iv i.f (iiiiiifir^l^ii^fcinfi'nitvr.

';•; o n t l n l iluvli'inUniir \wl>W ftnv-jii ilicirUI-.-II-K.HR-.I 'utii'IovitKriit* nii.l tife.-iiiMu InHii-Ir ii*u:il MIHV- ••{ u.-r.-nif li> KU« iliunki. toI Ho rulur i«f iln: IIIIWITM- lur <<nr tmilluiii'il cti-Jnymnit .-I lli.i W»\n,;* i.f n live u»vvriiiHenrrunt ri-iii'»:t|i>ll'ii.|iK>^ «*r.'p«i»rrUy tlmm-h

* out intr hiiul, I.THi.-n-ltiri,tft,leli li:i» reward, i<] Hit- hU.r i.t l!,.-;c uln< • ill tin- nA\, iimt f..

imr (tro^n^Mi" n jfoj-li-Jn »!| llint iniifcw. tiiitluii «rc:it.

And. while wvtiniiviiiitinfu Ilic inthilt,- p.nvjr•if Cod In t-uriii'iimU, \\>»>'l :in.l Mnrtii. in Hiefruitful ln'nrii* "1 IIHIM* wtei lt:tui t'l'cti i-lik-M-vil Ir.-m liiirin lliri'ti.'l: III- mm-v Im tuniwl ]^^mlllinnt-l , III;. ii>lt:itiim.->.

Lit u« i!i.-tuiiUui our I limit;si;! vlnsri- rememiicr tla- |u>i.r urnl tuulv witfi eliran...»HI«!Hi.liiliiH. HI liml ..iir »(:rviii> m:iy. liy•li'i'ilii nf rlniritv. lu> luUik' utvt.'i'l;tli!i.' hi llii;M-'Ill <lf till! 1.1'tll.

Ill wltllfl-KUlllTuir 1 itilVe tlWIIMld PCl liltlinml uml caii^d (!>•• .-util ol tlic L'nStc.l Snile^totientllxtHl.- • .

Piniiuil Mm i-Ity n! tt*n?.iln:!lnii. ilib Hi>ltiny <>( Novtmitjcr. in (he yuar ui l.or<1 WItliuiii>ii.i,l tit-lit mid rfeluv-itx. mid ofthe liiitqH'.Kl.-iin: .,[ II.!! i.'nlu'.l ^ , i lw ul.MuerU'U 111.: MIU imiMlr, ,1 mul eleventh.

T. I-1. !Uv.uti., Swrvlnry "f Slute.

S roKin t CAKT.i*<i.n •!** itr.-nt.i:cn:i» TH(.'ougrcsn utter [ill, mul tho political tumli-htoncs cot lip to liiw moiiiovy wilt Imvu tolie taken in nnd preserved for use nt nUitcr (late, '

• Tim Si'.m: Hn.uit' o r OASVA«HI:HHwill meet nt TiL'iitoti on Xuesilny, tl2i!j,wliL'll tho filllciiil vote o f ' t he Stultor (iovoiiior mul Congressmen will beiiiin.niucrtl. Tho tiuiinl will ounmt of

', tlir Ciovui-noi* mul four Seniiturs, Iparlies willlio rt'i*rc foil tod,

TT is iNrr.inNiisM TO 'NOTR THAT IF

1're.siiVntinl cliuiors Iiml IJCOII cliuson 011Tiiosilny tin' I>L>iuocrnts wonlil I'k'ct tlic.I'roMileiit 1»y2DT to ill I f iwtoml votes.'LVy might uveti spare Connecticut, »sweir IM liiuiniin mul Xevailii, to -theIlejmhlii'aii column sind still IHIVP, withl.'olomtlu, n ltinjui'ity of one. //'

Tin: oi'i'i';iAi. nr / r ruxs MAKI: MK.'IMOOUU'M I'ltii-ulity only l l t i . In Ak-xstiulriu ttiwnslup, Htiulei'dutr comity, Sidvotes ffeto tor Li-wi* "IV* Yuri IJliir-

. com, lint tlii! comity Il iwil of/'unviiKscruUirmv them out, Counting tliusn hs tlreally v.mL' intotiiloil, iliu plnmlitycut iloivn to only six!y.


pltiiu oniling to nccuro tlic Culled St;iSenniors-liip in may nt iirst nii[:r;tr, eventlicmjrli the l'tu-ty iu;iy Imvo a. majority inttio Ijogislntinv. Tlx> Xev.viii; Jounuubrings out .lolm .1'. Stockton nml si littkliooni for Clianc.^llnr .Kiuiyi-n lias beenstnrletl. If enough opposition of u i!etennined ctmmeti-i1 is f-mtn'l agrtinst tht

'fiovernor. the CCYC-UVI i>riztMiiny slipfrom his gMKp.

1 Tf.ii: n r n m ; , ::I:TT •;:.*:> nr Tiir, I:I:CJ:STclu'L'liuli ill tills St.'.ti: h;i\v not Jill beenlileil with the Si-n-.:t;iry t.f .Stale,,lmt theolliciul canvass has IIL'UII i-omi'lutwl in nil

. fh>- ir.iiiuties,. The tol.i! vote thU year' ('2:}'J,li;i) is 1!t,(IS <--tviiu>i' than Hut vntu

iii l.SSo'iiml tin' l>omnt;|'iitiu plurality

. ("SjlfiS) U l.i*»l HI.MUT than Ci.ivmiutAbbt'tt's i>:iii-iili:yiti I.-.V.. Green's iota!voiii in tin- Siaio i< IlU,:iiil; Howey's

• Tin: M:*!' I.i:»i-i..viriii-: \vir.r*.Mi:i:T o s""Uw si-eJiiil T i i i ^ky uf Jaiiuiiry. wliii

will "bo the 1 lilt,, at :l u H i c k in th" 'if-ti-ni'ii.ii. f.)n 'tlit; following Tnf-stlay<.iuvei'(ior (iroiMi will bit inaugurated undmi the •lextfiihsL-iuetit Ttiosilny a Viile

•"•iUIhTtiiiioii iii -ouch1••"for" Vnil«lHtlltlW StillQtOT. llotll liaises flllHllB 10•igive on any one efimlidftto a joint mooi-iu» will l»u hold oil tlio following Wud-tiCKilay when the e-.ndidAu.> who • receives

• forty .one vof-pf, which is 11 majority of alliln; members nf IjolH houses, will be de-clared elected. In miH'j there is no elect-ion tlu-n a ballot or ballots must, bu hadnntjl a nwtlt U ivaclu'il." Tliia in how

r / The Republican Losses.• If tli.; itopublienii roostei-s in thoGlliiv.s ot'.niir asteomed eotitoiiipurarius

. wdt) l-iL'loiiK lo iha t purty v.'onld take alucid imwval and eontcitiiplalu ilie losseson thoir si.ii1, timy would " roost lower"and «niiv ]*»» l.piidlyovof J>cinocr.iLio twl>irnuItK. • ' ' • •

• Thfi fact in Hisii if the election:! BIUIWapathy -and dificinitotit among the IMao-cmtii: voters, l.!ie,y<du tint indieatb any!

"restoi'!il:n:roi [«ijtulsU:"titV!i!l".li;'iiijS3'~iii'"lhe1jUepublieftJi. 1'iU'iy. _..Thi:ru are us inuiiy

' J1ifmiM.>nttIt'. vo'.ers iii'thoi:ouiilry ns therewei'e iwu >«ai^ iiyo.. Ar coiiBideraliluimmliwnrtl»:m did m>t-vbf.e. That is

, bad enough, but . it is sill. In not a

;;;siris^.di~i,n4^rKUt^.is.|liojtC'pti]dii:aiiguiiuluo loan iiiereftso uf the liupubli*

™;itc [V.tljlifniH. Im v. w i ! n'jw.t; J "SUCdlU .'.V-iL'-lf.1 llio .Suimto.- Thu. drfuctiou of ltiddle-

bergci", of which there were muny K.ymp-tomn IftKt winter, nud • tho indcpendoiiooot ViUiWyek uotild, •wilb, tho [iroVmblo

. gRitid of tlm Jl.-mnewts'in Califoniin,. liiiiianti ri'nd ^Kuw .T«rsey, destroy the

Republican Hiijirnmncy in 'iho npjierhouse. Tho., Ke-Hiblicnir'1 mnjority- of4],;"00 for IJluiue h wiped out in Jliiiuc-

™abta?"1-1l1liu"-i1rt.iji.flly"in^Oliio1-'is~le8a. tliati 12,000, n : loss of'• O,pflO from laat

yeiu'.. In JlusFfU'hnsettrt tlio lV(.'j\ublicanmnjorily \n rediifijil oiic-hulE^ and thoDemonratH gsinUwo Ct)iif;r«-fjuu'ii. Colo-IMIIO in lost in spile or tho Kepnblicnnlionliu.' Andin.Ncw York Iho I^publi-cans fnilcd to tlio best csndidftio'.(hpy..,liavo noiniualcil for aay ofllcc in ft

. long time—IhiiS" l;.miii<j"tlu'' State'1 four

timcH iu.succewii'Ji. '•On the whifli1, whilo not. (lenyiiiy. or

. ;V attempt ing iii •l'i;liilhvv,i!ilj-. DeiuocrntioIbwes iii tome locnlitils, wo advise theHcpuhlienns,to.'!)ft,*\i a! lumip."— W'nr/ff


Vutk World uuyH tho ufllclal caovasslahowa no cliaugo ia tho jioliticnl comploxton, HH previovaly uuuouuceil. Therewill bo twelvo lU'imbliean S^notorH andulno Dcwocrutio Heunlont.., Tho IIOUHOwill eouBut nf thirty-two pumocmts amihvcii'-y-Hovon Itcpulilicnim, TJicro:» onutio. HccoiintH nro to IRS had in ci^lit

rlult HU fur tw licard [n>in. So fmthu DciuournU tiuvu » majority of twu onjoint ballot.

Tho Official Congressional Vote .Tin' olllclii tvliirm frum tho rotirth Von.VHHlDuul OUtrlct glvo Mr. t'iilcock uility *>f llli volus. 'Hie folluwitit; H the

full vote by oouuties:I'M'vwk. Vniilllnrii)iii. Mnr

' U i ( I ! ) O'

Wiirrfti......... ;i;u« nfl« I,

Tumi ....."li^iisi ii^fti a,

Elected and Burned to Death.The Afkermnu hotel, n two-elory frn

iti lid in ti nt JxxtgtM'lw, ]nd., wits hiiniedhi! inumiun aftvr flittion, nml llirco menH'tishwl hi the tlninrs. They wow forgotten

in the oxdtomciit until it \\m too lutn to MV.tlniii. Two of tliPiu wurc .lolui ('. tintwnnd Mk'Unei . Tnicoy, who WPIV electedirciwnro mid auditor of Martin county. Worn

by the onurtitiiiH of thi> (Lvy Uicy retired1 Into hour, nnd wero not nwnkiutd until

Irxi late to cscA'io. (fiitcs died 11 death nlt«rinre, uiimlh-atedbytho position in whidihis bcly wiw found. Thu Ihird victim wiwJohn ] lurch, whnso lireiteiu'o in Itio budiwas tiukuuwn. lie k-nves H family of four

1. <i;.t.'.'. hiul deven ehildn-n, mol-ly grown.

A Boomerang.

The (ax on oleomargariuo jnomUca toproduco tin effect precisely opitoailo titlmt intended by thu diiirymci) in deluuiuling its iui]iositioii. Their desinwns to drive tho provluct out of tho mar-ket, but they luive suceeedtd in itilvertU-itig it iu a way which mnru Ihiui vonutcr-

;s tho two eeuts udditiannl fontthey have aueccctieil in placing on it.Possibly they have nlso lavessi luted thewanufucttiru of u tjutUsr urticlo thanformerly produced in souio quartern,thusgiving thu commodity nu improveil rep-utation iiml securing nu enlarged de-lunnd for it. A wholesiilo tlonk-r in 1'itts-liiiru states tlmt this week he will not benblc to fill tho order.-* hu Ims received,though tho price him ndvuuced just thamount uf tho tux. Colleotor l'riedt-ninostimntcH that 2,000 out of IJ.520 doutorsin tho Second Revenue District of thi?city will take out liconsea betore the l«tof December, und it is hia opinion thattho new 1 uw will cause im iueroafed Hale.

The theory ia comiMilling oleo-tiinrguriue to bu sold for what it is, itwill f niu leputntiou for iU useful nndInirmlcss character much faster thnnwhen sold under fulae represcntntloui1.It serves tlio purpose of dairy butter EOwell unit in so much cheaper that it iaubunduutly tiblo to take euro of itself inspito of tho duty. Aad tho law is jn.sti-iled so fur as it compels honcat traii^u-tioos, but there it should stop. The ta;will not help tho dairymen .much, iseem?, nud it will make poor people paymore for their oleomargarine. '.

Aud, moreover, the Government 1notwnnt tho money.— II'oWi/.

Notes r r o m Kambler.

'LtriT/., i*\., Nov. B, l ss^ri>s«s. EUITOIIH: The periKrinatioiis of

your correspond cut bus sut him down furtta:;.ur t'vout the (meieiit Moraviim villanf l.iliU. I.ilitv. is Igcutftl in Warwick lowohi'i. Luncastur couuty, 011 the Hue of theIleHillii|>& Coluiiibiu railroad—Iii milvs fromIjiueiLSttr aud ii7 niilot from llmtliiif{—tiiuiU one nf the olilf/st settlunit'iit.s in cuiitralIVimsylvitiii'i i>ud iiiiiubors about l?m in.(militants. The fuiro of-tliii country w ru|lin».ir^untly iindulutiiiy, but thu hills do notrisu to tlio dignity of moimtiiiiis.

J TL tho mouth df JX'i\, 17-1'J. in tin- course>f 11 furiiWfJJ visitation of tliovwious j-roupsif (iuru'mw HKII\«^ iiinong WIRIUI itiuvriuituetnljCr-s from thu ilDrnymi) utiUJi'inout utItuthleliem luul for suverul yeftrs Ijucnlabor-ny. (.'mint Ziuzondurf citiui* to Warwickowiuship. Jinny JMJI-SUUH wore uwnlci'iu'dHidt-r liis.prt'iichiua mid u uuiiiber of nnr-ionabelonging to the Lutheran (^iiiruli tie-iirt'd royulnr services aud this led to tholiyliliu}- of u log uliuruU in 17-1-1. This in78-> Hnvii pluco t«!> KtoiiQ structuru wliii;h'ti turns was n-modiika iu IH'il, hut thu oldv,-.]], an: still i,. thu building and scorn y.»,,unr itniitlior century. Another csuiujile of.lw KubMnntiiil chnweter of thoir buildiuy

found in thu "Sisters' IlotiiV built iniTiUl, htill iu agood stale >.t prosorvulinu.rhe " Urotliurs' Hiiine1!. bus been rocvnll*..iiiji.HluU'd. The (Jliurch from it« very'iirrtlotabli.sliniQiiiiinJVidt-dschoiiUfiir tlio cliil-li'L'ti of its iiic'mburtililii bfiaiilii); giyilii; earc-ul iittGiitiou to their religious training. 'J'i.t.«1ID!'1H for boys aud girls were lit-ltl siefiii-AtcIy.-'Litkz IJoiirdiny School1' foundcil in,7.1! ri'laiiied the origiiml tjtju till in lH'i;i itas changed by act of Lcgislaluru und i[. b;:rmm - Uudon' Hull Kuuiluary. " The suhoolw niuiiitnined und excellent regulation andus given to Lancaster count)' numy of iLff-st (iiiltiirt'il women. Iu April, 18&i,(kv)rgfi.'. Dhmu, of Ikthlehmn, d.mated to \\w.f'tiiiiiiiry. as _aH. nieinorinl oft hm daughter

Min-y, it with'ehiiaco'f bVliH/Uiofwl-Iliuiitei] cost of ".yhiuh U twenty tho'usnndilollnrs. About tint first mRiiiifutturi; of imy

3tti was the making of pi|n> or(jft)iH byavid Taitueberger ns onrly as 17*W. AllI'guii ninile by liim was in use iu the Moru-iuit'Olnu'cU-hora till 18711,-iciicrioilv.of.-.i'aii'VH,*-- IjilitK tilso diiiiim uuriy famo for itsiot/.«'l Liikory, In l tM, John' KrciU'r ajt-lifrd to thctowu tri'ytcca for ppriuissiun toiiild-n~liro\vcrjv:audijaalt!ionf(V~T!^!Witi.ij'fll in tl(6 hope thai- malt liquors nii^h}ipcrsode tljo HiiirjtuoiiH Jiijuor^iii yonend

use (Clmrch reconlH).

The LHity. Spring is known fur and videmil tlm grounds murouudiug it oinbnu-iugseveral acres have been litted up for tbi!convenience of picnic und pleasure parties

itil is animally,visited by thouwindH. ' Thoitring Injriijs out from under 11 ledge ofniDHliiiifl rouks .ii| .vohjuio.:iijiiillcicut:.,.tu

turn a iiiiUwheel' nml is KO M'jarkliug uifilclear that the " npenkled buautius" Unit dis-port themselves in itrt wutorn licrc iiud.tbcii'IIIUV<I chiiucilt i>ud uiu bo HL'CU iu lurgeUHubcrrt, Tl'O yttfcfj.ii] in wallctl.un furicurly 11 quarter uf a uu'lc (induieuj,Vtjhat]eOinl within this iucloauro fishing is probibit-

ciluu'tlar penalty of1 the law. Originallygroinuls Hiuruimdiiig tho Hpring wore,

iu 1* wild, iiiiirKliyrs"tuto. - AH isijrjy H«:-178»uprovumeutu begijn by liliing up tlm'urHlicH imtlpJnnliugHLmlo trees.'J'hc'ftssistftucb• TVOS voluntary, Saturday.-

uftotnoniis aiul luooulight nighlH bclug. tlo-votod to t)w work." .

1 . . . '• , ! U ' ' - •

it IiKiuilu r H.» tmr.Utl In lliu ilonivliiii burying umnnd vrliodii'd.IiHlf IH. ISHO. li.-li'l .lohti AugustusHnlliT. Itirn at,, IMKI. At

ngii of iwculy be wn<i gni<hiiili>d fnnuMilitary nitlijfcnt Itcnx- and VnU-n-iI"S«ii»i«iimr.r* »r tl.r IV11.I1 ..rmy.

Aft' r 1111 t \ . nl fill <X]M ri. nc- in \MUIH-.'Uii»'Khi'Httlr.lhils::'.u.'i,i.> diMini.-i. tijtiu'Sacramoito ilvtr utid Imilt 11 mill, 1

icry ami iTtvUtli.'fort.'. In 1K1S whll«n nilllravf wn> 1niii)i diig II]M>II 1ii< niufli 1

l.umii iliMuiercd-blnnlni: jMrli.-l.t. 11Kind wld.-h »i| i<M!'iiiiiiiii<ift liv 1I1.

(J.n.-n.l pr..»f.l t.i b - ynl.l. Tli,. ' n..u>H[irnul, Ihi'foiiliivy MIH by golil. . . ^ i r*and ( Hul).r'.vii>.di-.|»ir*..hKi.1loft lie Intnl. II.' 11 <-liiiiii WlWi' tlx

riiit.-il StntM land i mi-Hlmi i-tnbrafiii^tin- KIU'H nf tlic prcMtit c-iui" •<rSn4-rmii.iili

IUI Miiryxvill.M.nd il w.i-. M.wh but tl«««• \nwn[ip.'(il.-(l {•' flu- ! ' . S. ,SH|T<J«(

Court, tin- d e e U u m ' w n-v rsitl and (It'ii'lSlltllT foillld llllllM If diH|K>HM^nl I'f llll llil*properly. In 1MW Ibi- ll.^Uhit>iri> of <'nfuniitinniiilf.l Itliini jHiHii'ii of i'l'i) |<moiitli. In lH71 hoimn..). . T-ttil/innl 1fug plensoti with llio plm-o d<-.-idi<l to tnlip flirt n-M<l«ll<V lirrr. SultlT tllhi,ssniily of histmniiity. wbil.- tlif pni|.."itymil'" owtu-d H viibir<l now ai mvr ' bit,1ml million-. Kifli v 'u il utmvard U(ifllu'iirighmldiM-ouMi ,.f ^>ld in Culi-f-.mia. : - I t tv i iur .

Aatii<;lul>otih' ut Ajtr 's 'rijiA-ipuil!:ilU-nlublMi tht!!i!i>vit» -1" ll.i^ im'diWn.u1>U<od]>nrillcr. '.Many thors.uuU <H

,-Oplo ure yearly unrcdof i-hroniudiKcniii •by iho faithful use of lUis remedy. It i.-

inei]milk'd lor Hit' i'iiu> <>rscrofula.

'rin'nn'ivi-pnh'lii'iins m»\v f.vl liki- :Uh (iiituf Wider.

Cure Youraalf. .iKiit'l p.iy |JU-|;O doct1.1V bill-. Tin* lnv

ui.di.-al b.. t.k published, Ion pagvH. .•!.«i.nired ]ilnti-s. will h<! scut In yt>ii on r.voi|i'

of llircc •_' I'Mil .stiuii|M in piiy inline"1. Aililri'SH A. I'. Onluiiy.V t'u.. HUMOII, .Mais.

Chii'ii«o luople Mii'i'i ut tin- idi'u thatArnaia-i wa* uvu- very much of a linr.

Bucklon's Arntun Salvo."lliu l«.>t*.. in Iho wirM f.-vt:!!^.

llruiMS. S.mi>, lllivi-i, S:dl llb'iim, l-'uvotSi'i't-j.,. T.itt.r, Cliiipi».il llaniU. I'liilblaiiis,Cnnn, nud all Skin I It ttfl I.IK^. uml i-oaitivcl;cures I'lli*. or n» |.;iy k-piiivd. Ii in guaia»UvdU.pv lM»,,fo (a.i li,r. l,-.ion.. l.rii1.m,- ;

|rofund.-d. l'ri.i. 'J'.tvulrt | » r bos. I'oile by Wtiiri-ut'oiuity Dm-Stole .

It takes an Iiishmiiti to \w\: \iU way

through the worhl.

An Enterprising Reliable House.WurriMi Ctuinty Drue •^Mi'e tail ulwiiys

he relied upnii. not onlv 1 •> t u n y in fiwktbcliest oft'verylliiitirriiiit tn secure lliAsPucy fur muih arliclv? as li;ivp \r(>l(-!{iiownmerit, ami urn iiu'mliir uitli tlif! |u-uiilo,theieby siHtaiiiini: llui irjmtiitioii ol Whigalways enii'tpii.-iiis. i".'i 1'^v'' it-iiubtf.naviiii! fcsmi-d llif Ajreiiuy for ll.i' telub-rated l.)r. Kim;'? XewMijt-Jowry f,.ir Con-

ption, will si'll it on u poiitLvi'-'^nur.UHM'C. U will surety i-un- unv. nml everyallvctiun t-l Tlit.iai, Uwpi. anil i'!nr«i, ami

to thaw our e<iiifiiK-i.i:f. w.- invit *-uull a iMl^ t lu 'L ' rmlW. i i . . V'n>!.

Tiieri! nre to lit: tu . uiy .SOVL-U MIOW

storms during tho ctmiii:;; wtntct*.

Wonder fu l Cure-j.

W. IJ. IJtnl. .V i!o,, \Vltftli'Mtk" iiii-l lie-mil lJni!fBUi.or)tt . i i»-.(ia . w y . Welmwl.n'ii M>ll'ii>K Dr. Ki-iL'V X«-"- l)i=ciiVffry,Rfor tw


iAni;t:aHiilvitmrnUinl n>

» B i r u"{iit7"ill.'"'lW-"!iavi'"'*'|ii;'iu! cm-'.-s I'lrcijii'd by the...,

... i i ih i-iiy. Ktvenil ciiSf; of

Iiroiimiiii.-il Cuii-uJiijinVii tuive .I'tfii f-n-

iffljly L-im-il liy i!.-.- .il n lew U.u l i r cf Dr

ICingV New ]*):!i(niVi-iy, tnk-ti in cttttiiPC-

tion wiili I-:«i-etr-ic! Hit'lvr.-'. V.'f j-tiiiruulei

llu-in tilwuys rf=)itl by Wiirri-n Cnuiitj

Druj.; Sii 're.-

PARKER'S TONIC fciiiUt Wnv, "it l«. 'ctmlTHIMIJ* ut iin> win-»t i-iiM-t mul '.* lliu U t r»-n»ilj- fur nilnlt<i:U"iii>i-r »I;ij tbruiitaiiil luii^-, itii.l (ilfvft-iT nrirlljii

UNRIVALED ORGANSilliuHY^V 1»IVMKNT hy-lein, from win t h V Vwrtvlrt, ftl in (w»L SCDU for Uol-I^IIU with itill iwHlciiIiirs, iiKitlitil free.


HUSON 1 IIA1IUN ORGAN AND PIANO CO,,Boston, Now York, Chicago.

Remington Staiulaiii""Typewriter

SIBHOCBAPB.uini. ff)|- uTlllny shr,ri!iri!i,l.

pIV|1.UA» D. MILK". «B !"""•< a i . . » w » . X.

Absolutely Pure

A m

Washington Star

:ill Ihi'.Ni-ws i.r ilh:

I ):i v .


I'M! Iti'ins.









CHICACO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RAILWAYn r 1U c t l nnltion ntxl Ho-o mlnllon to nit priitrlpdl lltica l^uaiuul

a j o l n w , conn titu tea tlm moHt Important uiki-coimmiiitjil mile in Hint Hj'Htom or throuKh tninaportat toi i u-iilch Invlti^i uml lutlil-nitu.itravel uiid tmlllc Ixitwcon cltlon of lliu Atlantic mm 1'nclim cjoit.-jt..:. ItIH nlao tlia lnvorlto und boot routu tn mid from points Fntit I . * o t ! taoutlionut

C C O ,By i-oaaon or 1U contntl pnnltion ntxl Ho-oWcMt. utiiililiilaiHl tormlnal jiolnw, connmiiitjil mile in Hint Hj'Htom orthrouKh tnnitu.itravel uiid tmlllc Ixitwcon cltlon of lliu Atlantic mm 1nclim cjoit.jt..:.IH nlao tlia lnvorlto und boot routu tn mid from points F-ntit, I.*ort!it.-u'-it iiaoutlionut, uml corroaponillntf points \V crtt, Nortluvuat mul HoiulnvcMt.

• Tlio Hock latnnil flj'atora Includes ID IIH main lino nml hnnK-lu-f. C l i l m u ,Jollot, OUawii. iAtinlln, Pflorla, Uunuuuo. Moll no nml Koclc ]?lnml, tn Illl>">i!t;

vutipctrt. Miiwitlnu, Waatilnirwn, nUrflold. OIUiiiiwu. U.^nton. n, \V*viortj*. lowu City, D09 Molnca. Indlnnoln, Wlntemit . Atluiitlc. Knoxvllli-,

ulubon Hitrlaii OutliHu Contro iin.1 Council Uluitt', In lowu; <J:il!uiliiv o w o r t l i nml A

Ltbortj. lowuAiulubon, HitrlT H O H C r

lowu City, D09 Molnca. Indlnnoln, Wlntn, Hitrlaii, OutliHu Contro iin.1 Council

TruiHOH. Ctinioron iintl Kunaaa City. In Mtssouri; I.cnvonwortli nmlIn Kuiwiw: Alborf. Lou, Mlnmmpollrt mid &t. Paul, lit MlmiL-Motn; Wr.tDitkom. uiid Imudroduorintormotliittu cities, townf, vUtaifc^iunl Ktniioit

THE GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTEn« tiintrpna that «pnBO o^ personal security iiiTordod hyn

Plio ir

, K M H I I I ! W I l ' l o N ^ l

lill" conri'octlnir"jpolnw"YiV~Unfori DopoUJ, aud tiiluxuries of its Pftasomtor Equlpmont.

Tlio Flint Bxprustti TraliiM ixMWoon Olilcngo ontl lho MlefiouM Rlvornro com-noHod or woll vontltutoil, flnoly uptiolalcrod Day coucliu.4. Lituniliicmii. PullninnI'uluco SlooporH of tliQ lfttodt dosttm nnd HumntuotlH ninintr Vat.; In wlilcholtibomioly coolcud munld nro Inltjurt-'U' eaton.- "Koo(l.Dl«<-'"tloii wnliiiitr nr*Apputltu, nud lloultli on both." Botwoon Cblcairo mid MtitiMiH city mulAtctilaon, tiro nlao run tho Culobrntod Rocllniitar Clialr Cant.

THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUT?.ta tho dlrocb und favorite lino botwoon chlcnqo n n d Mlntion*)oUa nml Bt. Pau l ,whoro connoctlona nro rtmda in Union IX'notH for nil polntH '•• •••" "' ' — ' -nnd Drltlah Provincos. Ovor tlild routo, Pttut EXPI-HHH Tml\vntorinif places, uummni* rerforta. p lcni resquo loculUlwfl, uni•--^Hroundajjr Iowii nnU MlnnuHotu. lUau l^o tnj*;l] •*•-

rpoitita'iiV tliuiH!i TnilnM arn n m m .u»tlofl, nnd liumlmcnmt HHII-

.,,„ ._ _ ....nnuwotiL ltibiilrfo tbn niont ittsivi^lo rou te t o t lmen w h o n t Holds and nnstornl lnnrtn of interior Pukotu .

atlll nnot luir DIRECT LINE, vln' 8(in«cn a n d Kunknkocv mm hrcn nn rnodbotweon Nowiturc Nowrf. Itlchmoml, Clnclnnuti. InritnnnpolK

u n t u n ' "•— *•• *•• — " • "* • •

intr urrich


Uoun ;iJo.V**?iffi?'*2 9,\ j^^nT""' iv?J l !? "(iVi a "s t / j?* i vyr«

y ( f

R. R. CABLE,President anil General Manager, Chicago.

E. ST. ,rat Ticket and Passenger Agent, C


^ e i l r m i r ^ C I H M M I U w« rvun if JH>II :UMI I I I S I M O I I , a i i i n i i i ; l l n ' l i u ln . - . s sstv th i i t \Vni | ' . - i J a r k i ' t s w i l lilwA |iluy. N 'o imyl Uoom Tor ult. Heat liraniM uCci^ir.. »!-;a.vsr.»i luilhi. | t l t < ' t m d v i l c s i l i l l i l i ' llliMI illlV " t I l lT .uniUM'llli t l l i ss i ' l i sDl l ." W u lltlVl-

. A . . . . « -» * « » . , •-.< « . - . . . i n'ci>iv(.>tl sfv»M';il •l;ii'iii'(f i n v o i c e s , i i m l s i i o w b y t';n; t i n t m u s t a l h ' i i c -

l i w M n r k in l l i i s s - i ' l i i t t i . iJoi i r l t* t - ' lu i l i , l>i ; i£ot i : i l C l o t h . A s t n i -k i t n . ' H i l k : i tn l Si 'trl IMtis l i . w i t h i i ' i i m i i i n ^ o f K I I T . I 'V'ii ihi 'r , A s t r a -k n i t r i u d P l u s h . i S V w e s r (ii.*sj<;ns : i tu t I m t n i t U u l I y n i a d i ; . J i t c k -t.'is i n ' I M K I I M S S p n t i ' i i s i o n . \V-> htw\ ihU y i - : i r in J v : i < l y - n i : u l e U t i r -i i i i t m i i i l l i i

JOHN S. CASTON Proprietor.

Philadelphia &_Rootllng R. HX»t«*.Ilf>'StJ.VC!flll I'ill .1*1 V. ,

. •!l!l(t!lnl l-:il/-l'l«.-lU].url l^r l.'.Nt

».:w'.\. *M.—ffniHi'i'iiiii; ill Illuli llrMtto (»r ' f,.-lir-.l-.y'r* .M..HII11I1.I. H.i;!, ilrhlvx Ilrtiu.-Ii. A.-.; \ it's.,i:i..rvlU.-r..r b'].-iiilnKi'Hi;in Iliniini I In >k for , r tr.-ufii :LII,1 riiiliL.l'-lg.lilu; nl i:!laLlH-Uii»inf..r i •t'Mfi HrmHi.i'.•.-;», t;r..v.>..-i.-. i ?

l.l.-il'. .M. —(••.iiin-.'tlHUiit f-i.incrvllli' f'.r I'lcjit*iKi.-n; a t i:..iiii'l l in-.k fur Treiiu.i. m:.| I'lilln--'li.liiii < i.•..!:! I1. M <V.nii-:ctlui:tH fi.i.UTvlllii fur I'U'iu- !

i W l l j l l i i t ' i t l i l i / j ' t i N ' i h V i ' r t i u r l . o i i s V l " " ' • • ' : ' Uiliiilffl.Malaria, Dyspepsia,


i c l i t s . [ i m i ' i i n i l c : m e a r l y iUHju ' i - i i ,HI .

• T



\\ \l._\Vf'Ht'.lliLII-l

1'. .M.-Sti


!\! ill-l-'n\. M.— V>

1'. M.—Ftir1'. .M.—F"





•A I I I 1)

i Vr Hi

f i t <•''.


1 U!|. 1


*£•i n k








'.•in.. Si<w York. f-,..i f.(l.!UTij- Stri't'l. I.wiX.W.SM'.\. M.; I.«>. >.»\,»•"•• • [ • ; ! I ' ^ I S ' . ; - U U - - ! I

I , 1 "





litr ;


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Ill'l V lilli K:



M ' ii!)

s—" Tit" li


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r I,',-

j [Fi ts lii '- 'ii | . f i i i [ i i . . , | -m i l t t i n : M ; t m m : > r ! i . l ',:iz;ir l i :n*c hr-i-n IViinut

g u i l t y l i t w - l l i i i } ;

rajnM' tin)it ; i n y n i i i c r inmsi. ' in n c r t h n ' i i N V w .li»rsi>y.

•. Ii. IIAXIWK, Ii™. I;""- *\V W. S'l'KA U^S, sii|jrriii','",l>

Established I S30.

HAS REMOVED to SEW STORE,233 Greenwich" St., corner Barclay St,,

NEW YORK.' U l t r . n l : l

v i , ,w slfsi^ 10'"J l i l i t lw


MARBLE CLOCKS AtlD FANCY GOODS.1 on t in ; i»ri;niiSL>s


• l i iVSn' ' , !1 , " . " ' . " ' ! , ' , , * . ' " " " "1 " ' " ' "

iirominiy rallfivn nti.lami immny HIUV.M, Unl-l i u l y u l * i . Howiiro

Ull'«OlV,^ \Mk



Tone, Touch, Workmanship« B u r i W j .

MEDICAL OFFICES,Maw. WmASt.. Jhlln., lwnicflrDrs.J.W.i&J.B.'KolKmsac/,:

K O f il SpocliilM

Drs.J.W.&J.B»l»MWio,l «> yi'im. Kir of nil SpocliilDlHonw, ludmllnu llcaii'.tH nt YoiiUid'l Iini'fU-,l"Krv!irli)ioWl!W. Call or write uinl V" °"'°<iby 11 OrnUiiftlo at .iclTurson ColU'Bo, with HosiilIMcxiiorltmw. llnnrp, mns , nt,,1i. C l w d siirtilnys

JTof. \V. V. [[(.I.-dml-, M. ll..:.i Mini iltli St..!X. V. wrlt i 's : •• Kiir-Uln- i-wii|«-'|i-ri-Miunihi.M!i

'" r i i ' t C.ii- Wjii ' l imi:: siirJiMii. ii."Vl..'i:. W'.iiti'.''wrilfH : ' ''• Hfts-kiur !r 0,w l-.'.-t niMlli-iiv- itini'r."

,' " Kv.-.-y p:m.-iil iirsit-Si, Frmi.-li* lk.-!'lMl. N . - V . V • . ! wild liu-Uliii- li;n

Oom-petitors "Defied..W h y I ' I ' l i ' -y H I T il i i- v i ' i y l.-itusl ! .

\ ^ : S iz i ' s h i l i r i i l l !• *•{} •- Pni - t . '* i i i iH Iii. n i l ]>iirst.':i I


isilly. No iiiatU:!' wJuit yoiL\v;uir-in tho w;iyv.-»••••"• .:.ti I'l'iK* urn. 'MviitsiH-riiiltr. iSo iiiatU:!' v.-Jutl: vou wuar-iu tho WJIV1 •'2^'^VIiiri'l?ii^.Vv""-^?y^":^?;rTr".V" 1 o r ' c l o t h i i i - eoim' t(. t h e >rjiiHiiit»Hi. .Bawir : a n d y o u

Kiwklii^l.s|.luii-Jui!i.> i.ikw uol .•in, I - \:-M<\\ •....-,. i ™. ----- • . . " . - ' •

""r-il-piy Wiirrori Cou.U.v-:l)ni^ Si..-n\ Wt^KltiK-

•niK.lvA^ICt.NI-: ('(».. :•! '.Vanvu St.. Nf.i Viirk.

Pi Greveling & Go.'s MammmrfBazar,;AVasliingtou, ISTe v .Tersey.

Muni IIIO'IPI uniriiwlii-.'WiMiih'i.i|.;i^i rutii-ut-jil.llliy lriM'nri:li!ir«c:iifnil nv iSiahc iiVvliiirs"

ule^ imifin. h Mt^ijWl. • • > ^Wurfl'i'i- lii-rnt^tlii'l'osimiist-i', U»> M:tn>nfonoy Driinr !)!(<. iiicl lo uiiii-lulsof V. S. I'ai^ui.tlitit: l-'or i-j^iilar, iijlylcc, t>'nii-> mvl rijti.^iin-i'ii i

luttuuiiii ^l!>-iriH-ii!;-j-()iir:i.\vu- M'ttt'-Vi-fo'.imy. ]

// V. .\.SSti\V .V f».,up\^Miu< I'lilciit I'tBiv. Wji-iUlii^tiii!, 1). ('.

C A T A R R H • E'LX1S. •

Cold in Head,'


6Old Corner Store."


—-;•• A ' i ' — - • -

" \ imrildo !rt itii|illO(l "Inin.iiwli nowli-il HH<! IsticrwiiUK1. i W l i f t ! ii|Mp1UBUl"»'i hy nmll Kl -nirf'UW'!. t!|i-f:iil(iM ti>jj. lily lli-iw.. owt-K". N. \ .

i n M i i t . v d> < M i i u i


'W).OI>. iiUB«, ,vijlsKntul iitiK

Alisnluiclyjhc Best.AhW.yoiiiiKrocL'r l'iaNM\UN^U^"SV("ii/irvk"|iwt.'N.Y."."llfrs;J. AV. UliAlinsi.RY'SSuXS, KPW'esLSi., N. Y.,M(U AKOHts, tiuivl U'V viiviiluw nml iirlon II.HI. •

/"Cnn1-MlUUii'On Hays!! A JilEr.Vl'

' ' ' ' I ,

'816. GREAT IRISH STRUGGLE, 'A iiuli iuti j . .,'.'.:T'-v VII tli'j inlplity htniuKlolurginniJUt Ant-.irlcn iiivl liuroiiL-. ilmi 1" n!fkln|; ^llio llrltl^ii llmiiSratoltJOoiitri'. (Inly 5J.M'. Kii.ilDrawl hy I'uriiull. llluatnileJ. ••LHI.l.S KAsT.— AIMI-OBB I1UHIUB1) iiKy^.I ' l i l liuiriiihin, l'ti.

T O a i ' V r i l K l t W L T l l " A. G K K A T • V A l l I K T Y O K •••.•: , , v ;

Ladies' &-Misses' Coatsi Jackets!>

Dress Gb^ds DepartmentIJKHW' ST'S'I'JMS I'oi- Rill nml Winlcr. iv

I_)i!on ami-Cu'ru. •)«»!• II. "ilrAi.vis, Lcmvll.M s H T s C m i o t ' o r H t fnus tn miy

\ \X. W. Cor.•Cn

• f> J

Page 3: THE WASHINGTON STAR. - DigiFind-It · the washington star. volume xix. washington, wakeen county, n.j., thursday, november 11,1886. number 45. lodoi, no. si). a. p. a a

The Washington Star.ON*, N. J . , NOV. II. I

COA.I' A.TT UKTA!! <.M Ui« II. I . A tt*. It. It, VIK'H i-l«-vntc| p.\,\

Untie HKJ |HT tKeg H.V1 m-r ton.Mtin* , n.TS JUT Inriiiftnut xut |H>ri<i->.

CP~!ii-»t HU'illtW nlWAfN tiii'linml «lry (UIKIITCyivi-r>.

('IHII I'ut'li-tt •Ilrt<<-1 from *liulci* (itvrr wrii'ii")

: \VM. HUIM.IU*, Acrht.Him k -mil hi hi! or Illllllilliinit | * r I-.11.


nil ilio( l

, .Vitnlttf H

Frolics at Corn Htiskincs.klii« fottiat urv nil tit.- hi

Hi"- country ',i-.t at invent , im<l lliu yninij!"". for llml iimtliT. ntvfun. Tho fnOU-H tire

HOPE.l»r. A. 1,. <iil,U niiwil Iho fnuui- r-r n

new U-irn, wti-k. the i1iim-iu<iiiiM of

^ OJllcial Xteturn* oCWarron County.

ii«M nt tii^lit out iu Ihotiirtili. 1.!, •wn- cii-M» «lien< tin' Mnlbmror:tlu-lwriL .\lltli.>y..!itt« f..lU aiouml ili-l)i'iK>il>orlii<m| an- Mir.< to tilt, tut Mi.- frolic,Jlu- i.M farmer* nlluw tin. |H.yM t«j.l..mtli,yl>len«e, wi lint;* n» t t a Work N |ta-iT<irm«-<l,"111 tlt;ll (-hi N tllO ,Vlill!lK-tl-N till ..J-jH-ltUlli.ij 11 tiiilio liihlncM with iilomun' In » wiiylint 1H M^lily, Jji,tlijilit ti frwllt* til KimihT Ik-nbm'*., n.wiili.n.lci l.y folly jt.mi;

.._ ,.•!••., wi»i IIAVI* i'linri;« of tin, ... itof iTtnwtWon-Utt'Hurroanti'nf War-

rt'it romity (n linvit nil l!n< '.eitnl millet1* Mulluj:tlicrrtn |>rltitii! nml jiuhllntiol In lint SiMK mulour frlcinH n'-llliB In nny uf the fttxm* IXMUIWISmiibcnr thin fart lu inltul Ami mi""*111 th« Hurro-wtu» to muni tlm nntli-PN mul n<lvvrllM>nttiU nRItv for iiutlli-Allon.

IfMivii fanm-lV ilnn-liter-. Tim j»jrlI.VH. TL.-.v ilimikl .•M.Tiiii.lliii'ki-.l

t tli.)

NOTICE.The Sr.ut U »>M l.y Mr. KJ. Cy|i1ii>m At hi*

Hewn Maiul III Wi-llcr'n cigar More.


r.sti Crntncr's 1'oarl Itoller Flour. tf.

HiUikiuiit wiU' in tlio Smith building. .

A linn Uno of rilk n<xx1s at tlu> bankrupt

*nlo. - ' . • • • • • • •

We had some snow squalls nu Sunilny mitt


AHeml tlio btuikmut wile, in tlie KinilliIiulMIiig.

W. JoHcpli'if Fnir will open on TlianLs.itlTing nlghl.

'flio young j)i'O]iltMif,Tiiiii'tion will t'lijoyu lMiflii"thi» (.'veiling.

It IK enconnyiij^ to wo all of Washington'sorgan factories BO busy.

Sheet music, fi cents, at Alleyer'n musicstore. Always 011 hand, mltf.

Kev. J. 1'. McCnbe, of the O.\fonl M, fti-lmrch has remaned his charge.

Next Sumlny, tho Hth, thu Lutlierauswill observe us Memorial Sumlny.

" Hilly " ltownu, tlie t<xjircK, comeout with (i hrnml-ncw express wagon.

uiiniy Iof iof cum. ,\f(i-i

vfai-n tiit'iv \\&4 ii-' tiii'ri> corn t " tm-fc, tiifmlL-ki TH ndjoiirmil tit tho kirn iliHirnnilanrtil until iliyli^ht. l'i.ldl.r -liinuiy <N.Imrii, mini Two liHihji-s, fiirninlu •! th.t inn.>i<\ nnd tlie lx>ys mmTt) n mill <>n n tifi^liLn'riuji riilor-inill itnd tint iiion^h ctdi-r mui]il»h» tu k<v|i .-v.TjlHHjy in (•)M«1 clut-r. A-iooii iu the hn^Iiin^ ^nsoti is I,\,T thin* willKJ jhiinvru (nirtU-H mul muln.-ot-ri jtiilN Iu t[iiitcmvny tin- li-uj,1 wiult-r t-vtiiin^. Tin1

young folk* in tho amntry Knuwhowto"avo fun, If imvlnHlyJoi^.—/;«».

Another Powder-mill Explosion.Mixiiij-.hoihi; Xo. 1. of tin- I'uri-iti' 1'ow-

irr WorliK, mul nnotlu-r hoit-c knonii ILH lln-jjK'tnill, fii>Ioili-<l with fatnl n-stilts mi

Tuesday nftcrin'on. Hit* iiitsin^'hoiisctir>t tuul was »ct vlX \>y it tin- iu (Iu- mi[mil. The iin|ioin1iti^ ilmi^or W;w wi:!u' mennndnil 1<ut D.ivi.l nuiiinull<M> .Hiiinini11 \m* kill,.I <.titriKhl an.1 Iii«< M-nt-teriiiK m-iili Imninl tin- utlur fonrn-t thf-ywori* nmkinj,' o\ll. Tin1! <'X|>I>I-!KII H:I-houril Vi-ry iIMinelly for M-V» ml IIUII-H mul afew in this t.,\vii claim to hav.> Mt tlieMioJ;.ML-ilieal n-s>taiuv «;•.- .>l>tainvt1 nii.l tin-men's injiiriis nitnl for. Thoi-s|i].^ioii ofthe iloiK-uiltl w.x-i iiiiiM.I liy ilu- men

l 'Kl.t i .T'ninnr, OIIIK- ilnu of ,M»rrh .v]Tnnii-r, NVwark, - i " " ' KutiOay with hlsj

11. Tttnii-r, i:-i.|, J

n i . w Imvo U-.ii iwM In th«iChrUtian Ohiirvh iluriiiK the jwit ten IIHJH.CoiiHiilcrnhln lulercxt It mauIfi'Mcil, l>iit tmiviiviTt* niu rc| Hit toil AH j t l .

IMunni Howell, tlu> ycuiul ami ncoonituo-Uliny H.ih'Hiim'1 In Tiirucr llnm*. Htntv, ri'in-inincnl, Tiinuliiy, in tho Tnr*nor Imildili^', on llelvlilrn: nvoinic. '

'I'hn coM weather nml biiow, MimUijt KI>middtiily ujtou UH, fiuiU njMiiy of our farnu-riiujirciKircd for uliitfr wt-ather. Tlu-ru lit J,'OIK! iltnl of corn tu hit«k yi t. Thu ur«l» Isid n\eM}j« imc, . '. . .

Sinw Ihe llr>t lust, our ttnortrfnun IwvcH'i'ii i-njiiyiii^ tlii'insolvcti.'. imil thu rt-jMirt<f lh<> tiim is litnrd In every ilirettimi. l b b '>im tire very |ileliliful, one Ninirtxt linviiij;«l««tl llft.-en ono .luy tiwt week.ICi.-v. .Mr. Kuril nn-nelutl un. abio nml <•!--

•jiient ti-injk'ttiiu'o Hiruioii in thu I'rcsljjlo-riati (,'lmrch un Sun,l«y. Mr. llnritV text«(!••, " fo r how can I emluro t>* sco thu evililmt »lmll conit! untu my ]M'OJII«V"—KstliiT

nt, <'•. Ho IX'HCV.-H that tin- ol>j(>et of Mil-uTiinci' work wlioiilil 1H- fo• «iv« fau\p. \MIT


Alhmin-hv , .KranWIn.*.F U hJrccnwlrh

1 hekclUttownI U I

l U l ^ i ' i . i f r ^ l i l ? i : f i i l l I•r


; I : ! : • • •? : i \ ~\ •. \ j r- | _ i f \ : | o

"" ' ""';jiJ ; f::;:

II21 n; H I . i n ; iia us! n i l <a\ m\....! ( " "

in! mi. Mi mi; « I I mi mi i s ; ; " "UIW; !Sl»l| 113:1 2 I J | IMtsI m i : 213 ' 1711 I l l i ' " l " " r " I " "l » l Cll 2 2 1 H i ; 71 111: luu" (1| 27 : ,"T"T"T'"III! 7.1 HSj Ill7i 72 l«i- | | i i IB! | K " , I " - . , " . . , . " .

Tlioy Rise to ExpUln.

The Board of rreeliolders ' Reply to Carp-ing Critics—Absurd Statements of

Keckicss Expendtturti KdcctoallyQuashed.

ing CKec

Uifonl, utliMHci..;•• aiis; m :,z• in j i«s ,n : . . . | ; , " " ! o'-o' 7"1 , ! • " "u l i n . , m i r r y 1 1 1 ! ; ! | : , : l , . , ; , . , ; . . . - ; . . . . ; . _[•• • • " . , : J | ' . • • • • • •

1-i.niiinLntK.:-.....:::: ».v.i; cm .u7!-iiwi| 771, w » ! — s . . . . l '. nail 8aV ov'"h

Yot lino nls cull on Alfrid Ohm.ilcr, tlio ilmlertnkcr, Wiuliington, X. J .

Tiie only snfo medicine for children is Dr.Hiiiid'R Cough nml Crmii>. Trico, 2.1 eta.

A line liu? of silks nt Auction Iu the SmithbiiiMhi". Cull during tin' iln.v nud ringools.

The Keyslouo bovs weio out on WYiday night with tho tiro apjmmlus for n littlejinnitiec.

H. lioyor A'..SoiiVstockuf(jroL'erii'!(, etc., islulvrrtiscil for«nk* ul inieiwii on Suliiriluy,Nov. 13th. .!•'•• .: Tho hospital jirojVct at l'hilliiiitbuig lmsr.wivL',1 a start. Tin- "Warrf-u l'oun.lry i>the llrst to contribute, rinnatiujj §2oO.

We umlcrstimil thnt Mr. James H. Lnkcuswill return to Osfonl ami neccjit a positionwith the Oxford Iron it Nail Comi'iiny.

JItsaLiuiiftlJowlby, of Iliickettstowu. hiwbeen vi^tlDjj at Mm. "Win. A. StrykerV, on

. ltrlvhlcrc avoniic, during tho past week.

Mrs. Eihviinl l'lottd ami daughter I.iz/ichnw joined Mr. PiottK in Southern UelHWan1)nud will spend most of the winter there.

Thu Allegor fuetory ww fort-til to 6tiindstill yesterday, n jiovlion of the brick worknndor the. boiler lniviuy fiilleu into the'firo.

The table of election rutnnw publishedIIL-,1 w o k by tin* STAB WHS the nearest i-or-rect of nny [Hililislie-l by. thi' county JIUJH-I-.S.

Mrs. Kusnn VmiDoron ha^ retuntfil lo tin*Windsor IIousi1 after NpCiuliny aboutmouth with frieiids at Xow Jlruuswiek nn

• New York.

Conductor Tunison, of (Ins iilm-c. wjilust week iiresonteil with a handuoiiK- imi-duotor's Iiinlern by tho connnutei-s who ridton hU trnin.

tho miicltiiii-ry runiiiiiji ubilt- liiaiiin^ tin hcacajie jtCtcr thn llM ivj>orl. Tliin • xjiliniontook plueo twenty iiiinut.s lalir. Tlio 1.^to lliu eunipiiiiy is itltoiit tl.*i,ll(«l. Tin

buildinys wvm of fmmc nml wholly destroy-cd. The rnrt'itu work- in,- ut the Uiwi-r nulof Liilifi UnpiitL-Mi . near Shi|iiiin^|h»rt.

Ow «r tin- injurt-d min, it lm* I...11learnol, hni sinci- ilud.

To Our Readers,.iiiliot t w Mrou^ly nr^.' iiprni 011;

renders the ncri.-s-'ily of Mibsi-ribinj* f,<r nfamily weekly tti-wspaixr of tho tlr*! I'L-ISS-iiich, for Iiiotnikv. as The hulr^mh>,(,«(XcW York, W.-tf wi> ublij-od to j-t-Icct oticpiibliention for hid'itiiid oir,ft;l rending

1 tin- excliMon of nil othi-r.-. w ^lioiil.lrfiotwo uiilu'ritiitiiif-ty 77n' Jii'!'i«-tnl( I* 11 new-pupor. tnn(,i\/[in>. mid review, nilin one. It is 11 tvli^ous :i littniry. usi t'dui-n-

1 story, iiniitl. it -••R'Util'n-, uu it^ri-cultnral. a liimiu-iid. nud 11 i«.litii-:d I-;I]I.Tounibiiu'd. It hns :L' folio IU-V* 11ml L'I de-partments. So matter what it por^m's it-'liyion, i«»litics or piofi's-ii'ii nviy ho. no mat.ti-r.wli!it the ii^o, sex. i>iiip1.iyiii.-nt or «•tion nii.y be, ThrJnttrf*ntl,iti\ii\l pnhelp, tm iii>triit-ti»r- an oiltUMtor, thneis can do no hss (hun to suit! 11 jfree fiiKu-huoii 1

vi'tiri- 1lii» .l.ftiou of Mum* nn1bilif.11011 tu i-t^islnlive or C'on^rosionni halls;

and w<< Hank that lliu majority nf tlm nild-iciu'c wt-ns of tin- *mim mind.

'Klcctiuii pxv«loir«i lhtni tany bliKidshed.bill tlten- wax consider.iblu i-xciteinuut dlir-iiif,' liii< day mill until tint vote was i-otinliii.Tin- lirst I'Si-ilciiii-nt win oecasiom-d by 11surplus of iuHjn'etors, thri-cpresi-ulin^lwive™ an tin' elioM-n KnanUan of Iho hIH*X. \tL-l spring at the anuuiil town 1iii^tbru'weri: thrci'iniididati-H in tin- Jlclil,iW,.: Sylv^t ir -I. Tri-nt, nominated by tlieliipiihlir'ui*. Daniel Moore, nominated Lyhe IVmi', nml Ira Hiind, noniimiti-d hy

thu 1'rohibitiimist.s. hi thu flection MODIivt-il III" hi)*lit-!>t iniiubor of vules, Hmul

lli-t next Iiiyl^st, nnd Treat tlm lowot.1 laud i-hiiiiH to hi- a Temperance Democrat,

i-::iiwtj:i»iwj 101:1 'ir»i

, I'H»:; Vimtil.ircoiii, Mo; ltalr.1, Hsl; Mutdilor, ll'J,


wnleh fnmi n ilnniktinlV nmw >.i!h.«r tlinn \ Mw- Mury 1W! ha<t nmv.d In Ni-tvitrh.

Mrs. Aml y n . ; • • • - • • • • • • •

Mis« I'limibi1 (.'oli'l<.iiyh ii VNiiin^ nlItmulway.

Jllwi Nellit- Cniiift t.jH.'iit Sunday in (ii rin»n N'ntley,

M\SH I,ill UiuliiiK w vi-iliuj; fri-mUI'titernon and .New York.

John C. Heed is lillin.; u wint-r on-:.,;nu-nt ,it Worcester, MUM.

.Siller (JUwsan, of Oxford, \vn^ in towtlm curly part of tlio week.

id tht> j

i'ii <>f t in*

s to whether two.' |Htlitical parly eould

b ln> in-p.-dors, ..r whether thu 1'rohibitionU-it-ould b»* r.'KanVd ID. 11 party, eneh Riilo-('Uj-ht tin-law. This not bein« dcnrii|wnho ]»>int. legal advie,! was, taken, nul each-iili- received the advit-e it desired, hence tlioditlieiilty. llund Iinving ln-en iiwpt'ctor hist

enrlmd thek.-ytothi-l ox in hi, ]•*hlijii, ntiil nftcr tho Doniocratie board re-

fused to swear him in. refused lo ive it up.Treat 'win also the old in>[ioetor and he lidil

nlher key; tlKrefon'Monre, v\w•'fit<t>'n-hi wa- eln-lrd, had 110 key. Hut in u shorttrue one was procured, wbieh uuloclicd theiti-t in tiiiur to ..IH-n tii,-polls. \ v m \ t A

vas thronleiHil but whether it will take plueet'liLiins to be seen. In ,-aso there is unc n• I'xed inie^tion will be M:ttle.l. I'idcot-k's

l him hitnl ilu; r.stilt

^ i i fwr .vnts tbcopy, .ir fur tliirt-

paper will],,. MJIII K iiiciiiih. unnlijuilfio of its im-i'ii.s nmr.' ovili.-nlly. Its yearly(inscription is .•jll.ilii.or tw»> veuis (or is..", uu

Address. The lml^,,<h,,i,'£r,\ IJnw'lwi.y.S'ew VorkCiiv. . : [ w *

The chart for reserved seats for theTliiuikMjjiving entertainment will be at theWarren County Drug Store itt VI o'clock,

1 Wctlnesilny; November 17th.. *Mr. E . H . Slulcr, wife and sou, former

residents of this place, now n*itlin» in Phil-ndelphia, spent tho wcok imiojiy relatives intown, returuiu" homo to-day.

Siuuucl C. Jenniiigs, rditor of Hie Toms]!ivcr.CV(/nVr, died at bin ri»idt-ne(- in thattown on Sunday eveniufj, of purnlysisof thebruin. I[c hud Wen ill for u period of ,iyht

. m o n t h s . • • • .'• . • -•.-'•: . : " -

Miss He-Quire, of Treutou, the| will be at Well's Hull, Jundiou,Tlintiksaiviiig evuuing, in the interest of theUiiptist Church. A good audiciu-e'is desired'mid expected.

AmoiiB the propc-rtifis now iidvertised for. MI1<! hi Bucks county is tho original farm of

William l'eun. oiLwliieblm lived for somotime wbilo ho was in Pennsylvania. It isnow owned by William Crnster.

Any of our rentiers who are. .sulFcriug withchronic ilis't-iLsisi are referred to Dr. T. X,Jiicnbns (sou curd). l ie has been in busi-noss for a number of years and hsw troati-dense-s from all parts of the country.

1 Messrs. II. W. Allegec and A. II. Kicrltl

Port,,Ocltlen School Report1 I'm: Tin: JKISTII •>!• unimri! ,

No. of pu^il.- .•moll.-.l f..i- tli.- inonUi. ~'2 ;

ivomi!.. daily .V.I : ju-n-eHlngri of

tti'-iKiancc, S-J.

Tho rollirtviii{{ ure (ho-{ pupils vJu> luivin their M>\vml cliiwr!* atlaim-il an avoragor !«). or above, ill thfir ii-cltatioiis, it.-.:

Nettie Opdybf !«i;;)l!oln Thuiiip.M.11 HKfitift Aiulvrsoii Hi'. A!oi!/.o Hiiiiiiurr !'-">

Tlu-IIepublk1 receiving ^0 niujurity,

ldenlof.«|.ii*aitul a | J por!;. too. us Mowry.uuly Wl-M ^otes l»-

hind Van Hlar.-om. (ii.itvi-^.

Ijwt Siitittiy eveuiiiK n praise st-rviiv wmheld tn tho Methodist Church.

The llanni-rsloro, M. KaU, proprietor.!receiving a new frun ting of paint.

Mrs. M. Winter of Uriel; Clnireh, s,pei.Sunday with her father. John Dielison.

A1111.3 Muttison him e n d e d 11 workshop onhi-* recently-purchased kit on Madis«.n M.

Asnrjirisojiarty wat tendered Mrs. WnMarlatt by her frkiub on Siilurdayuveniiij.

l'rank Curtis |ui>t bi>t>ti eleeled svcn-tiirid treasurer nf Ihiwthorne ein-1.-. ( \ J

S. C.

Delictiv.-McClall.nbas bet-n W1-ur..l Iaet in the.l-'nrki-r f-tnr.- tobberv al I'otSlurmy. • • . . • •

Mrs. Mary Steuurt is building un mlditioi1.'bur barn jttut maliiii- a -ide entraiuv uher I.rt in .•oi..s,q.1,-iue.

Klot/. .t Hr.joks will oik-r forwib- .>u tin

Mr^. Calvin (inrey. of N.-i[lending tbo w,-i..k pa,t in

Mr. Weaver ww •MHiii«t1 from bis -,riin,,\


f III" himso itn.l k.t -,f A. <;,i.l.'ii.r ll-'Xt Sjilunliiy nftemu.,11 will 1» 1 chaiu-e fur wuin uiio. II i- » .!. -linMtniiliuii tiivl I'lunty iif irilit un til.' !..t.Mr. -I.:-, |Ji Suiilli l.iiuily. nhu ri.oll l.;,:r:. luil.' 1,. l.'.v lirro. >ira nt pi.

l»y T-i.--d.i

frifail-- ri'lutivrs ll.inlnl

iikllarbcrJil. Marry Thoiii|w.m Opilyk- V\ IUla Amli-wo

l !»7 I Tl

» !m. .Mi-US.

Price HI. liert Iliimiiir-r tu. HanvvSkinmVill, (iuorpo Mowder ii:t, Miutu,, Omlvko '.u.Frank K, " •• •• - r ••

I!r-».);. tlii-r.' Ih.-y fornit-rlv r. s],h ,\. W,

ivWuht t in i w'ry]it..!i,i,nt vi>it

TL- Miuv of Smidrty. ttiomiiiK hwt umd.i

ilu- |H-..|.!.. ,.]».-!! th. tr . .y^ i n d r e u d o f a i i -

•.•bin- winter. <»f wh'u-h tlie MIOW was a

'1'h.f nhwJ.iloilliliiiiK !o,.l;...| unite

11-r. Iir. Kiiyliiim. i.f Struu.Nl.iirn. Til.,fav.,| us with tw.i iiili-ri'stiiii,' >,.niiuiis nilSuu.lny In*!. Our j,:iMur. C. II. UnvU, islukiiiK a »liorl viuiili.ui anluiiK lik ninnyfri.-ExU. W,. huj,,: h.' will r.'tiirn nmdi r<:-fr,.J,..lhyhi«>i»it.

1'ritts li:i. Willie O],t!yko!M. Lizzio lli'iiiniii.r | -['h,. |»ti,,.r.mill Inn l,.-eii iiliiniii.' ].n-uy!K Ki«lly Ski,,,,.., 113. K«lii;Sinill,l.|.(Aii-j.; l,»lil.v-f,,r«l»iiltwo ilu.m.l l l« |,n.s.Ua * iinhvclili) ;'."•, .tltunit* (.onuii! J-i.. (Hive; , . ... . ..Opdvke '.17,'Kmniit IKId.-n W.i, Miimii- l-'rilts! l " u s "w" 1 1 " tl Wl11 1L'"--!' "" • 1 W "1<: |""l>n-!M Jiin'io M d !" Hl l S ! h tI, .It-iiuio llnwdft- Id. liellu .Suutt'.in \nmiliiunneU HI), K'ati,- Y.^U-r \h,. Marv l-'mre' ' ' " Mow.l.'i- !K.i, Cli:irli.: \\'iiik-rs 'M.

K. C Ki:iiN..t«u-lii-r.

'• McClellan's Eook,nn'ii turn him-y i.r tin- liiti<

r .V o lu' siuvi-n hundred pii»t-s't is nuw ,.111. It

.ves Ha- .serrc-t bistury o( tlu- lirsi two'iii-N of tin'wur. Ilisiieciiiint of bis ser-ees lunl bis private l.-tienitn- imWishi-d—w l h o Arnivoflh.-

iis plans' . it. 11

nd bo -ritintorreivdwilb.eoouo l,ivs ever kimivii;thi; 1 rut Us of (b\* bis-iiry, now mitdi.' publi,-. Kvery s.ildi.-r nll,\

eiviliim will jliul ilfliKl,t „;„! ir'iwinotl.u, inijpw. . W« linvi. cMiiiiin, ' .! tin- [iriK-

111K--111I th<>

i-miiph-t. '

u|..- finely

1: luis uf,-' tlie best 1

ed mu be idh- dm

KT h e jiah-'of vral es ta te b v ' t h o i-vui'iltiir:; o

A. I t . Iliulroti.i1fi-fti.-i-i!, was iii.Mii.iind <l

M o n d a y af t 'T t i -^n u i r l l H . - l i r - t <-f n<-»

month.tJt'o. } \ \ Tlioiuiis, i.f "Illsiek llit".ir

fam», has removed to Mrii-k r'hiiivh ((ir.m^cand the rejNirl is limt b.- i-IWif ij. L'5 ! " t*ii-:lies* :it that pin---. i 4

Th.'f-wyount,' men from tlii- ].l:u;.. w!:ot t d d b I i


Mieha-I ifcuiKimrl. of Hrid««-ville, .vie.l-rm.-d his H«A birthday, laM Kalnniny. tut of his friends jpivc him 11 bi^j Mir-j.ri-e.

S..1IM-of ..urrilizeiK werolnot halUtk-d wilhvul! hut nctunlly ih-piwit.-d'Uli'bls. Then-Wen-Him.'V0U1 of tlilxkillil, liolu- of tlii-m b.iilij; counted.

Mr. Join, JtusIIiiK »nd wif- bnvo left ll.-I-viilen-, At pr.-sent lln-y am living in o

tiie honor, int.-^rily, pnidiiii-f 11mlbiislne^Nuipaclty of Hi,- prtM'lit lloiird "f ('hnwnI'reeholilcwof Ihcntitiity (.f Warren Jmv.injt apiM-areil in certain of th« county IIUWH-pfijiern; und tho following p.irn('nipli, xl/.,:

Wo ITIII'IPINH ihu m.-kle«mii| citrnvajant nj-|-rui'rlatlonnc.fu^.'otimy>»iii'.i^}((iN.| U,.i 11 tiItilrllJtfll.lpsuu.iiii-m.if thoc.uiityrt llnnucrn IitLonuwsjMi|xT». W» vlotr wltli nUrm Ihu <i

The Ti tus uaiic.

Argument for a New Tiiat in the Caseof the Convicted Janitor.

1 .Iii.lj;.i |lc]H|n,iil Vaii\vct.K nil nt Iho C.i|iit-.J

l h hfont new trlil ht i.f .fanitorTitun,

if U'nrrrn cnti-tmlM}-K.-imi'w, wtillo th« irnvirntcofl lmw.rkiM.ii

uu monrjr Iunuc<t, luu" -ftft» fu luinll'ttt

yuf Hi" f'iil tin- mil<-u.||ly iln with Iho

11 adopted us ixtrt of Hi- plat,foriiiitri.nuoftlio i«>liticnl partl.-s of thucounty, UliehiMjvi.'ilthcK.iid lK«inl lo up.1-oint its InvcNliynl!.BV:..:;,itli-e, (u whiehMf!N«rti, Tunison und |l.-nnhr wen-, fur tlmlipccial purpose, added, to luvt-stlgulu tin;hnrne« of corniption contained in the HIMWiii.-ntioiied nrtli-lcs and rt'jiort atlln-prescntie-iHionf.fthob<«ird.

. inrwiid comniltt'-t!ipoelfnlly rojiort tlmt UJHIU n careful exam-y piiinllon of thu nud oflidul documentif the county, vo find the chiu -M nllmkil

to false anil nubinit tho following report:During HID H-cal yenr 't-mtliuj .Mny 12,

in>s;», noltstothoninuiint of -filgiven Ii. bnrruw money in anticipation «.(taxeii; during,'HID biinn year every ono ofthus.* notes wiw jniid. ])urin« tlio faettlyear ending May 11, 18HC, notes to theamount of ij'.>K,lM)O were given; ilnriny the

year every dollar of Hmmj note* WIMabtnit Allutniiai'hy. Wo nnd.Tf.tand that paid. Tho niimml county titaleiueutrt forlhi<y will shortly p.ty n visit ( . . the i r won tluuo yciri pnblislivditi .tlio comity newK.who livi-ft down wist. liajierH jilainly statt* these fiictn. At tho nl lh«. minler «f TillM

M. Khlpiimui'[>om-illhcar}{tmientoubehalf of Tit in, prociitln^ tht> f"Hinving tin

11111N II|MUI ivhi.-li n innv triitl wntM»i;l(t:.

I. Tlnit th<> ^-ond i-onnt ofincut in bad.

-J. Cniii'lilin^thut lli"M>c>tid<-<Mititi«ba<l,lliuniili'iit'i! tu rapttorun ullcmpt tiiiiinot Iw IIM. 1 under llii.'otbirtwuc.nDiiKlilutc. iimnlfT In tiu> lir-jt ilc^fLt.'.:i. T}i.'cvid.-nr.illikiiliiuiU-r the rnlo id.

iwiuKdllldavili IHIHJ taken,lisci-tnluct intlii'jiiry'tlnil it 1

Hate tint vcnltcl.Taking ii|. Ihu lift ohjeetioijintcd out lli'i verbal uliaraodr of Ihu

«md count a* ohjeetud to. Thischared 'I'iliiN, hom\A, with ndonlilo .riinewhen it wiid Hint " i n couiiuiltiti^ rapit ami

iiMlimlc, I t n i l i b o ^ i i i c time Mcr hv-f.trc n ila-ition i* HMchfil.

IftMt iinut if.-fiiHiTiii IKI\V triul, Iho diVf.lieo nitl itlitJoli tin.! Oli.uatll'T Id ctrtifytliociiiu] (<» thi; Court of l-rrorn utid Ap(»onbf,w lilt Ii 111K.U ix-^i wi tit, KII t \<r|iti<>iM taken .iluriitt thu trial. If nil .lluiW fait Titu-.will (Wwiilciicwl tu ilcnlli pmbiibly »n the'-• 'duyi ' f DfownWr.

lleiijiniiin Mi-Cor-1. nfjfuw York, is« Ills fi.mily ii, llelvid.-rf. ]l,miv inty|h. mid rank-. bi«h in tlm " pro'f«-«li. "IAM Summer b.- hU unkb; and Inw (.wiilk nr. oriitvlioa up t.» this tlnu-..

Th<- mountains and bills r.minl abi.'itloHinveru quit., white, Sunday niuriiinyWe Imd h.-wral Hurries uf MIOW,' iliirinu 'thiilay,i.Suell1LsM.(,i,iily. (},„*, w Wli l, ' |tl< ul miy more liy wreeiis tliiH Keason.

IUi|. Senrhs is not as well as h.; wits 11ivieki.-... Th.'old Koullemau is not re..'*iveriiij{ from his iiijnrio» us rapidly ILS bi«H'UiN had hoped for. Your n-adt-rs willvimn.ber that he gut hnrl at the mlsfiiu of:li.'ii«'Wl,.(i,.i;M,,,11

present time thero U not a note outstandingnf-aiust tlio county of Wnrren, except thenotos filveii hinee June 1, 1HSC, hi nutlcipa-!tim of tuxcH T t t t d t(ton of tiixcN. Tim Htatt-ment maiio t coinp

•'ii • {,'ivfii out that thi- -N'ewCburcli. nt Ilitriiinny will I.

iy. Tlii! worknloll'lif,' forward «Vt luat-i-s have been ptlt upUie j•kandnuwtlu/paii.t,^.-., . , ply

ly tw posMbh

ud.:d <Ioir.tiii

;•!Valley but 'I'lmndiiy;; r»p»>t :::i . :

'iiu'ly tim--.Thi! Stale Collet', V. M.'(.-. A., will HHCfonvi-niion nt C. C. I. 'thi- winter. Iti-p

resentativ of tintI!^K tif the Slut"1

.adiiij- school-inpri.-.- Hit- bod

c\t<i>uti-d snu

TluM. l i rehii- ,y. luys»t KiuH'r, W.*t Km!

'hiinwacy. Mr. lv. .Unl hi^ cl.-rk-t IIM ilireL-t-

Ullilij; U[> UMil sllippiht; ,,f Jli^l.-Vs l v | , . l , .

lt.-d .-..lljjh MTIIJ.. Th.' S-d.-S W l . n . ViTV

^ i f a e l o r y l ^ t y . a r l m t M r . K. , ;X , , ,e.s toivally m.-iv.n.-.tli.-m.hiriii,. | | , . . ]tU.M.lA

I Tbnndiiy w.i, .1 l . . , l . l . l ler . ihiy1" ft .l ' " 'K i l " " [ ' i . " - ! that iii-i^liliorl | . ' T h e

l t"V.Mr.r . .bb. th ;- i i"Wi.mi. . |M-r . l.n.i

!"»>:» ^«.if-1 tS!il t l . .>»luilb. .M .Hid fri.ti>nitl..1iiiiu!f'iiv,.tWiti"i'..nliHl Kr.'i-iisiil.iru-ht iti-n-y iv.vplinn. Tli.-yihhMi-"it ii ;\\ >>( lln-ir dominie mid un< r.

trjller. referred to iu /ilnfratoirn /VftM,-xprcisly staled tbo faet tliat thu comity hud

IK» lloatiiif; debt; Said htjiteincnt properlyiliil iiui {jiruuit one of tho current eipendi-turer! uf the county the payment of tempo-nry lonn.1 iw It did not show the, niiioiint of

loiiey received from "Teniixuny kmiH iniiticipittiun of tuxes," the printed blanks

scut out by comptroller not i.skinj; forthese; ilenw. It did show nil expendituresfoi-whkh iinmial appropriation*! arc made.Tho statement* itbovo refomd to publishedin the. county papui-s pliiiuly set forth theaniiiiint of iiiunoy borrowed in aiilk-jpatiou1

of tints nud ultiu tho amount paid. In ref-erence to |he pay limn t »r the county .1. lit uttlu: nit« of .*'J.J,IKM> » year in IS7S-7!l theloiinty I>ooks -.IKHV that at llml lime thecceipts of thu eounly were HVIVIM by |>:iy-neitt iuto the, treasury of lai^o SIHIH »f

Iu commit rjij.o he killed " it«;.htatiitu in Mtidi i w

would IHI " in committing riiptwr in iitttinpt-' ti it." Thf count thereforu was coutniryto tho htntiilc.^ It was a faUu pleading. Itpluscnlcd two offelieeu for the ilcfcndelit tuQiiHvvtT to in one count. Tbu objection in-iler tho 8f.'cotnl heud rtfteil purely, on iefpd^rotmds. It wax discussed nt Inii^lh midmiir.y cases in support wen- vited. ('0111-

' « to tin- Jiimloljectioii, Mr. Shi^ma.i'dthe»iibslanca of (h« Chi.f Jittlk'o'x(,'c relative to Cbits found in tlm dn-M

of tho dead 'Cilllo Smith. Tttu Chl-f ./11s-icotuld thitjuryihoycimldiiotrclymiidion

thoiibrcH. Vut In the ftrcii oi Unit itKtrnc-iioti they sent fur thrt-u ur four mii^nifving

to scrutini/o Ihu dress und tho I'd.res.Counsel rend tlio evtik-tia* of thocuiLStabli! uf tlm jury, of the Helviilcrojeweler, mid nf a juror rclalivo ta tbo .secur-ing of Iho glasses. Tlio impropriety <<f thusjiivoyilif,' Into tho jiiry-ruuiii 1 spteies nfvidulico not proditeeil iu court whero thf

prisoner might have had a eliiUuM to reply

A Parlor Oar Burned,Wednesday I'VciiiuHtt jxirlor eiir on

thiM.VnlmlltaIlr.hi.1, iittaehi-.) to tmhi X<>.•", mul iHTiipf'il by IIINIUI U'ii [tiriMmH, wai..i.mphtely lniriK'd ii|t. Tin' i-nr uu-4 light,

p f , "'nl <is 111*1 train AnlinryHi'1 ciindiutxrltinieil 011 ll:c WM inlh« net of H-hlllJ- It when it<'Aptoilcil. On.'«i hi of thvcir wan wnrly lijmni wilt MiniIho interior of t h o m r luuk Ha*. Tho train\\!Hpn>ii>plly*ti>pinil,lhop.iv<'iiJb'<'rH tniun-f. r n d In ltii>.th.-r n.r. nml III- burning carwiw 1i.tult.-it Iti Ih.' Matt-r tank, iit-nr Ihu As-' HI ry t.|ati«u, with lh'< 1IM|M! that thu Ihniit-Hmi^htlH'«-\liii)>iiisIii-d. TliUpntvi'iliuiilii.

ly. The.t-ur mw tin.'U* mii.nii » -Miiletnu-Ijuinl kft In burn. Tho cur W-longed i» tli.| I', A-. I!. Koiid, itiiil WIM vnl-idiMitjilri.iMMi. it , tntnlly di-Ntroyed.

^ : ) K I in vnlimhli'N.

wa.tcjt>l in the U'l-slern DUtricl,I his pliici?, for IVtter for Cjovernur.

The now Stall) Wgitht-r Uurcau will dis-l M i[ilayMonn h frotn Iho railroad triiiin.

to it, was comuitulc'd upun 1they could smtiiiicii niiignifyiutran Id they nut HIIMUMUII ivit

verely, IfuM, why

1-W 1UU-. IW Dr. ITimd'H Teething[lotion |i» kitliu baby's K11"1. ^ ^ ' u l1^•ire. . .

].ottuil'rilileii( iirrcsted /ur child murdercvera! weeks »«c> in ('lii^trr, liii* been tuken

tn tim ('uitiity Jail at Murrlsbiwn. :

LmlicH', MisHOs1 nml chiltlrca's clonksand \vrn])H ut tlm IJrick Store on tho cor-ncr. Cull mul we HiL'iii. J . W. f i l l s .

1'nrties bavin" nioii")1 tohnin Imvo mi u]> ~'"l>ort!iiiity to iinv-t in U'^hiu^tou Nchool -' nulls, be.irin^ o per rent inten-st ]t!iynbli>.•ini-iiiiliilally.

ni.bbiiis'circu>arriv.'dat ('ri-nuhlmtii U-tweek, nud went int.. winter ipiartL<rs. TJn>pa-t season issliiled tohiivf bet-n a Very sill'-nwfiil (Hiv with ll. . .: .

It it jitM tim

bolo proc iiH nas |>rcpOntiroiH. ('oiui-h i d i

money from suits cerLiiu parlies.| haiMilmss.M , - N . c. (I. i;,.;,,!,.,

• nil" furltll.1 I

I.-art Krti.-i

p i n the wild*'i .ni<.im»u Hii.1 I'ike c••if-. IV, Tli.-y li-ft l!flvi.|.T.- .in M.)it..rni|i», br .^bt iiiid-etirty. ;it:d b,.:tMedlu-y vviiilif lining a wnf>.,u loud t.f .


tod sifliw in lids phi.-e during tin' wf.-k.Tb-liandsome show-windows uf ci-miin ,VWobi-r 11 n- eviik-iice of his 1i!indirf..rk.

.Mrs. \h: .biM-ph C.».k and daiiKhtcr Mi-, jAug. lliiiiu. nf yniir buronjih. wrri* in tnwlast w.el;. nnd Mrs. l>r. Frank C.«.l; Wiw tbKiu'st of ht-r jiuiii, Mrs. Mdrtliii Vannatt.-i, o

with t<>i "nun

IH - I I Wrealthe IJe.'i-ll

A boiitiimn uiinird Otimmii:ts severely ku-kcil by n tuul1 Tbtnsday last, lie wa-

\>T. Martin. Mis »kull \vari recovery is doubtful.Dr. Crime's h(.nso bi.-<-ante

Our lnw>i-r.- Wt 111 hiTivni 11 Mondayiir^iu-Ib.-'l.'itus iiiiird.-i- I-.L.,. |.,'f..r,- theipn-ine('..iirt WIHIII view lo M-curim; aulrii.l. -I. (i. Sliipmnti .\-Son :tryn..-il in

7|bcJaj!f of lh:. i-rlwii-r, I.N.V t'ri.M-ciilurr N>i . . /I Sniii!) nnd I.I. S. Harris J-lsij., in behalf of

at tb,- ,M>nt lion.m> by

.! )ind

-lames 1'ralt purcbas.-d tlic"AlheMwii tannun Thursiliiy »t ->HI mi "iwre. It coutiiinsiiboiii i:il acres and has p, l H l biilldiii(js.JiniliwiiKlit'lta bur-aiii and so nutde thepiu-clmsf. Mo is now the owner of twofanii-s. nnd if ini malms this farm likt. theDin: wbidi ho has iwiied, in n short tiiim howill miiUi-11 liiif prodiit-livv farm of it.

Th.; gi'iissund k-avt-sonthu hillsido lielowdaily set o fiiv by

;parl;s thrown out by (!lt- engine* whieh 1ri-.nnd llui hoy-s, with sticks and

"hooks and lines. " alone pullodiuKeventoeu of tho finny tribe :pickerel, one weighing three nml onu-halfpounds.

Mr. TuuiHon Quick, of Lincoln, Neb., VKHin town this week visitiug his sistur, M R K.•1. Luntjor, whom lie hnd nol seen in twenty

9 , . year.-'. Mr. Q. in cxtcusiycly. ongiigod in tho

!l weallhy.

. All Avho hive Hceu that hnndHoinc 1(|iiilL which is to I of nl. thu

SCPrid.(mr,.say,U-i3.t!ic finest they .hnvc'Keen yet. Von can still obtain n few ebnuecsat S5 cents of any of-tho :XmlieH of the

• ' Church. ' ,. .'

••^.-Tli«T.ndies.nrSt,-.r.'(er'a.Churi.'h.wi!:h:t^aunouuee tbnt at their fair and fostivnl in

fineiitty Hall, on tho liltlMiuid 20th, tlioro. will bo a first class supper Kervod nt'25cts.

Thcrc^'ill also boVoffcre.ii for wnle Tco Creamnnd Confectioner;', nlso 11 largo supply ofuseful nnd fancy ariiolon. ,; .-. ' ' ^

Mr. I>. V.^Vyokoff of this place bus boon,,.:• ongnge.d in tho insaraucc • biisinesH for BOWC

,timo, but h[i8 never mmlo n ptibliu auuomicc-'.....inent'of the fact, before ..this. we.e.1i.. Tlii hnn

' ^ a onrd iii\tiiiotiicr 'eoluniii uf tlio STAII towliich the attention, of imsincKH men midfarmers is respectfully"culled.

of tbo Grand Army of tho Jtepublic, Major(iuorg'e S. Merrili. Fow remedies lire hellerknown in this vicinity than Sulphur Hitters;[hair mile lias ijuen voiy general throughouttins section, and Ihe number of rolinblo and1

well nu l led <-ILSCS of bcticltoiui' resnlfs andrecovery liy Uit-ii-nw, is lurgo 'umViioyoiuiilinpnlr.. ,•. ' ' •(

iy." of Itouhiwtnr," X. H.. died-.•TlfiOd M yirfrrtV-R-llil-Jlilllri^lUIll

•Idayw.- lie. hadjieen fmli!if,'vfor!hovcral.IIOIIIIIK, biitiui atlaek of jiiindyHis' wivcr'ul

; , I days ago called his df-iilh. 1 b< wn.i n" wide-Thciro is n young ninu in our town selling kiiriwu 'and unii'li.iisnirtfd. cili^i-n. llo

flhainberK' Enoyolopedia—fi very yniniibli! leaves a widuw, line hon uml I wo daiightiirs,work, being the latest edition of tho great w*lh ninny i-clutivi!." nnd friends lo mourn. -,7

. Uritiflb! Eneyclopediny'vith American ndfli- j Uuvur (X, H.) it'r/Mlirtni. Tlm Mi-. I-ibby-tions/.all being careful!y-revised to dntc;~If Iicrcniairi^l-fvas t!i« fullji-^i.r N"fitlmti T.ibby,

'is printed 011 good' pnper, 10 vols.,.,9:t2tl ' ' " ""'"~ 'pngcji, over'-lOOO illtiHlrntioiifl.' ?rico/ in

brush: hiiv,' n great "ritcket"

•k. .V.Jiinrsl..rVuflh<- war is e.,,,,!,^,- l l w- l l l i !"L ' s- T1""'f «*'«•» uro « r y Injuriouswlihmtt 11. U is w,.,l ^ , . u , , « , . . - l L h - ^ M ^ ^ v m , timber and tii , railroad coa ,rinto.1 uud l,(,und. ,,„,, ,,n.r..,,lv ilUwtmi- TO*!'"W '" ' «*" 0 1 " ' W " f " r »** l l ! l l l l ! l ^il. (,'upt. M. II. [lenity, of Washington, '' - . . .

licorgo Slarkor is u buppy man. H's tiWanvn-iuidHnnlenlnii ,•,.,be tjlud lo S f'>rtlieb..i.k

Tho Brakemoii 's Ball.1

Jjuilye. N,,. . \\;^ Umthcrfiond od Bi-ak-c-men, of thia plneo, will I10UeoudftiiniiBl ball imlioaUy Hull, tm


liloiwuro deiived, hns ihu Inlinebold an other (his year. Xo puhiH uro bcinyiimrcd foi-^the success oHhis year's voniii^A.for.lhe,cuiiifoi-t\iiidV;hjV.yiii^'ir'iVf''iproBiwctlve gursts. Tickuln, admit

leniiiu und huiieH. .Vi cents. . ' '

^ ^ ^ ; ^ §14...,. Tlm younK

uiau, whoso iiamo is 'E, H.-Y\VebbT can. bofound at the •Wnrren Cotmly Driij; Bk»re;.Fur iitimiihj of the book ho refew i» thorn towhom JIP hr.s ftnld in.iown. . ,

l ^ ^ v J ^ V ' l V l . e l ) . ^ . . 1 . »Nuwvi'ork' ivilir.iin I ' l^a i i l lit:o Vif mil-Ittiery goods, ntid iuvilos all tho ladies tocall JUUIBGO .inJrVat t!iu Itiink Sloro on Ihu

• 'rhisKiiow, thn Uoniitiful, si'iow, eiiiniSunday. .. •' V-

Sunny is the Imppiest iiiim iu town,'1 I'id-c.«:l; is elected, '

Mr. Andrew b u i i ^ i ; i.f llruokside, wiu-T i m n V i ^ t n n l h j v 1 ^ ' " ^ ^ " " ^ - ' ' - - >.-••••"•. Sir. Daniel Cowe.ll ,t Siin him, liuishe.lpaiutiny at .(unctinn.

M. C. VuiiH|;:kle has ilu>' llnest ccloiy inihis wectioirof tlif eounly. * •„ ;,•

.:: Mr..-lo^ph House.' of Newark, wjw tlmKUC-st of(!. N. Frilts hwt week.

Out- blaelMiuilhhfiKa-iun left 11s. We uu-ilerstaml he'iiiis"gouc"'to Miuliigun. " "';1%"

M'I-H. C. S. Yard, or Washington, was thufjucHtof M. C. VnnsickUMnst.wce-k.

J. W. Forkcr's store wns broken iiiit) hutThin-Hday niyht and about ¥l">« taken.

MituTvMiiifflifl Vanatta and Mr. .Towephon the wick list, are ini-

.liiy iiion.I.^ nml broke 1 . . ^ froiii t)ii; li'ir-.h"-ing post nonr tho bain mid ran down AViish-iuglon street sliijipitiH u\<-ntiUlly rtt Dr.Cani[ibell*.s at Drakostown.,

.promptu urchostru hns been h.H-iuvdfor Iho Thrtuksgiving .-iit^rttiiiiiueut, euti-

; of tho following well-known per-IH: Prof. HidismlKoii. (iciideiT' nud

Charhjs Weber, violiiw; Prod Itichnrd-aniil'viuliu; Uhnrles tt"ndi>. cornet;Mmtiu, piecalo; Kobort Uodur, born;i


•Mess. J. 0. tiaroy ami Win, Ecclesou, of»ijm|i..-.lliisv_weok-.bniitiiig.thfJi-oUon-tmlsl ••:

.ludgu (Jiiiiliuld has brotiglit1' in a carloadnrimftcaltbj.whicb lm in diKpoaijig or ni i>very low price. ' ' ,, -

,u\ Farmers Take Notice." I wiUjOffur for salu on nml aflor tlio(Hat dny o[ Novotnbur CO J/a ad 0 / CowsStrippers. All coming iu March orFol)-ninry. c Any 0110 ilcsiringsnoh'Rtook will.lovwcl) togivo 1110 a Cftll^wiil Boll strip-|)crs on long tfnie. Fresh cows nlways onlifliul, Stuck wnrrantcdand taken1 backinod us reprt'eisntet], •'" U; ;0+NI-"IELD.

Port Mnrrdy,1?!. ,T. 11J B|oeppH| plncn ii

JamMiss Alice Vun Horn, "rjjnuist. .

Mnrtiu Ytiuiigblmtil, auditor."f tins Valen-tino ustiilo, bus this week !».-eu actively en-Unged in looking up ami rupliiiiiiig the libra-ry lmoks nnd articles of furniture, of tho late0. II. Viiluutine which lmv.> IHVK removedfrom tho odice.. The itrtii-les we.ii; found,jll-H<'O'l:;yr'.lcr_:ii'partius will probably not vonlniii to siiuli £11-

.itinritv ngaiu.

Win. MeCouuell, of this jilnco. wtw vemoved to the. Morris Plains Asylum l.tsl i-'i idny to bo treated for .softening of tlii> bmi-'i.Ilo iiaa recently been coiiiined to lh« housi.with fovei-.nnil is weak |ihysh-ntIy ;-^-,;U a*inetitully. Tho esaminiuj,' pbyiician yavclittle boi,O"£.rhis'liWy.^i.v,-liiii-siiys" U11U tin:citsc eauuot be la-ei-ntit-ly di-tonnin.-it untilIhp patient i w

tiiti\ tl»:u.-ri'Jb.ssrs. Id-asloy, Uejiiie. iind\'r.uS,v.-kl(.. N*.» on.; 11111 foretell what thejiidjp-iiii'iit uf Ihe C.nrt will he. l»nt Hie tk'-i-i?.ioiiisliM»!ii).l funvtird tn with greM in-K'rrKt.- • with ••rt-y.-iitl.-iMiuiwh.i hint br.-n I.. Trenton, mi Monday.yuuro.rr.(su,m,leiit was led to Mi.-ve tlmi' ,-oiin-xel for the d-feus,; did n-it uiitertaiii theslroiig<'M Impex of getting u n,-w trial. He-.iiiilhti.hiid h.'.»r.l 1.11 intimation tlml. thoUhlef Jiwtkvw-n-.fipp^.dliin'ii.'W trial inwhich .-wi.l Ii- d.<iil.|.-d .whi'-th-r -ii.- woiil.lIn'KWmetl. •

Th.- v.-n.-ralile nntl a.s|iit» -ludge Uealty.^ y,[ IT^ie. i s i n n f a i i ' w n y ti>K-t himself int


For einmnle. from March 1 to September 1." " over jl'J.ODO was pnid to Hit- eounly

MU'II sources. The minutes of theL^tr.Inl thnL liniu do not chow that nuy?soliiUiiii was pussed ty jmy $'i'»(()OII of tinjuntydebt each year. Thu pn si-iit lloari1

f r'rreeoldew is entR-ised for onleringiise.1 thhyenr.-r-W.tmi)—" wilhin >*.,'»»» as

tnn..Lh us lh<! i>ld ring ns:.'eK.sf'd the lit-t yearof its power.1' At that tinio j?7<M««t, U isstaled, wm nii=.-d ty d.-fmy the county's ex-pi-uses mul nt tho sum.: tiiuu the. oimty debtwiw increasing. The iiiiiiinfpiuciitth.'itgli iiiiikiugappi'ipriiiti'ius lo Ihuiiniotmtif .*i:fi.lNMi is really paying the onlinary

ling o.V|i.tisesof the, .'"iinty forNrt.TOii.

sel referred to the timling of <:oal dust iu thrlioel of oni- «.f Tilllf'H shuts. It fumel holt, in the beet, whi:lict' it fell on 11 sheetif white piip.-r when tho shoo wellihaki-n. .lSytlw aid of Ihu miignifjiiif,'

iwcs, itwas found to lu> fual diiit. Thengnifving glusM-rt als.i produced knowl-:g" eoi.a-iniug. the libivs in thn d r m ,it produced iu open court. l.'uutiHd saidHi action l.y Ihe jury was m, outragoupdn

tb.- vuiislitiitiunal lighU of th.; prisoner nnd

I'ro-jf: Tlieemiio .-it of Iho Tiliw (rialnil probably be. m.L lt>s than ¥7,1111(1; bonds*l:!.nfi['; interest on bonds.'I. These iiciua ainoiint to .*Jl.:iin>.

wbieh lakeit from jjU"»,IHN) 1,-nves .*.1:|.7IMIfur defiaying Ihe nrdinnry rnnniiig ex[n.-nses>r tin: I'liiiuty, nor is the eounty jtiliiuj up uniH« tlfKiting d.ibt. llesid.-s ordinary, ey-H'ta.* th.--re IIIH been pnid during Iho' jmst

Iv.-o yt-ius over .•iTOO for uxpetif,es uf a eon-fur a sewer; over s'((lll

.ii<titi>U<l »f iUlf -iillieient ground forranlin- a iwv trial. N.» 'mm eonld Cell

hi.vv- much the results nl italic I by ' lhif' iiiilui.-ncud tlio jury.

Thejury .seemed bent on convielioniuiil if uvuip

ht-ru wits 11 case whereon tho: jury was itillu-•HL-ed iuto :t ter.Hd by pnblii- ..pini-'ii, thatnis one. • ., .

Kx-.!udgo. .1. 1;. Hhipman.. si-nior t-uiin<>>-lfurTiliH, e i lcdanumlerof new nu-rs mi,.

'iuing the ol.jVrtioiii of lliu pri-iuin;r.lVo. -1-iitor Kylvwli-r 1'. Smith r.'pliyd for

llieStiitc. .lludiSL'iisMtd llrsttlio objee.ti«>tihtn tin; form of .thu iudktiiieuL am! besideslimiting i-iiM-.s lo (.huw that Ihe eunnlswen: eorri'L-tly drnwii, drgiK-dtliat at tin: bestthi' der.-udant'* ubjci-ti.Ni was a Iliiusyt.:.:hniiMilty and thai lii> ri-hU bad not bi-en

.huloitet infringed. ' As lo tho allegedumiiliu-Ur tlu-i juioi™. he »j,i,I. t'lifru washiny iJrthiiW liiat now uvMciiui Iiiul been•odiiccd into the jury-'ooiu. T h e dress,

.heplaukaiidthu-.'thor'exhibils boforothe.iuryhadall Iw.iii hcUnv tho d-jfeiuliiit iVourl. .Those exhibits won; sent to tlidry for ml nation mid the. closer they esmiitied them the hotter. Tho defem .' ub-i-ct that the.y ciamined t'»> vlo^-W, Sup1.iso nil the jurors *pu!lii:'li>i<i wmiMhe defend objeot to th..- ibu nftSti-iit in tnnk-


to iu:il;e uu 4'iigiigi-iiienl<r Thaiili'igiving .-vviiiiii-. The Ijulies' Aid

Sueiety's enivrtiiluiiieiit in Ileiitty ll.dl willU' IW be.>t pLee. Ir r.pclld thu evn,ill-.

If you • irniil a chink or Xtiivninrkutilon't furKL-t to go tu tin- Illicit Htorn nntlio corner before y«u buy, fur w« cansiivc you money. .f. W. Fitt-s,

npkiu.l'ie lV-htival given by tin- Hn.*ySaturday,' N'ovcmhcr l:»h. in tho I'res-

byterian (,'hapel. K-u i-ivum nml other goisl•ings will IHJ tin; ordi'i- of thu cvt-niug.utnc lute, coiiiu all.. , .

Tlio lurgest and best -si>k<utcd. stock ufL'cs.s goods for lull and winter over

Dpoiicit up in Wushiiigton, mul nt the' iwtist in'iws, »t thu IJrick Storo oil tliojtnor. J . W. Fitts.

On n wag.-i- of *:>" Jaeob Mohr, a brewer(finpliiyed in licriut-r'fi brewery, at ITnionMill, drank ni)iiiirti>i' »( it barrel of lugorbe<-r inside of two hours. He. then drank h -<iuart of Iliilland gin to ei temct the effect ..of Ihu beer.—/>>. Wond.-r if that mim won


Queen.of Liverpool mitt London,American. ofPhitiulolghiu, imd

Fennitylviinlii, ot'Philadelphla,'n!f!s.-ifiiii|Kiiili-;iar.-itiiifiii» tin; stiroujH'sr, *if-

•li " ' "D, V! WYCKOFF^WinhliiKtod, N. .1.

• . . . . , . . . . ,•.•;.•.•.... . .... .' Juj. ftt (hi! ilnss. Supple niieof Iho juinr.sIOW sot of indices for County Clerk's oiliee; W(W i n t j 1 0 |i:1i,it ,,f tMn-yii,.. n liiu-uifving.ver 8Kid for a sheep lnm ,«t County House; 1 Bi I l s s™ l l w l ly iWKUUi tio-wonM the n.e ofivcr.*l."iI0 since Ihe.hiw was pju^ediu ISH-1 \ , l l t, ,,|,._. , 1,;.;..,.., ... .... .

iu-l U n flectio iluy he avertedliiiiM'if iu 11 nuKit "HVnsivo iimnnor and.n)V,.,H,,U..-chllKi,,,.fnnt a- few that hemow :is inueh law as '-the nexl fellar."t u p p m Unit iw thi'eleclion last Springitf[.hni M.ioiv. Deiuooral. an.) Iru h.llaiin. l1iiihibiii,.nist. were •• limn,,,..

N | l

for burial and headstones for deeen•oldiersi. TUis IntU-i- is nn item of expothnt the comity formerly did not hnve t.benr.

Accompanying tho ubovu report wvro thfollowing tabulated Mutctnutits. xv/..': <•

i ? !5» ! i f i ! i i j j i j ! ? !: : : ~$Z%\ 5.: : : : : I : : • i •

- his phr.sicint slivii»lb'.

, . - v B E O A D W A Y . - : - - : "

forget Ihe donation to-night nt thechurch'.1 No charge nitide. for.siip])or, Come(me, cotno nil.

A largo bi»ud of gyiisi.^w^^ii...*,.mo,>-ireek, on one of .Intiic-i FJOIIKTSOII'S lots.

They bad been there before, thirteou yoavs

B o . •-• ' ' r v ) , ' ' • < l V

Tho Liulies' Aid Society iu6t last Thursdayveiling nt Mm. 1). ]t. MuohnioroV. -V-'liirgc

number of visitors, besides thr, fult"<|iiolii ofiinnhera, were preHiint.'' All enjoyjd thowciisioii very • much, especially • tli« gatiie.,ud jmrtook bountifully of thi[.. ropastAm

jiiimd by tlio .N".^ '^ ' ' . ' - P.1>..Qliiii'lL;k-.i:i"j*l'<.'n:

sonio'HelectionK'oii'tho'cornei^Tvbiefirwiii^highly uppreeiiiied by nil;.-. H ,-y'''Notices were served on tho town'"-—*•"'(on loji'ieiit-iiwi. Siilimlny nt the. Liimnr Mjiicrnl .SjiringH. .-\(. (ho n]lioiir tbo conimiltoo repaired In th . , ,hut no ono being there to prefer chains,iiobiiHiuiiSsVfls .trniiNacled. A\'o'ii mleifii mulUioyworo called to upon tho old raid. Thiswould linvfl been impimibli! for then. Jo do,[Li tlioy Inul previously granted the change,HO iwto enable thuvipmrryingof^limestonefrom tho old bed..,...This in' it short.time willyriulo tho road, HO if&ro Svill bo scarcely anyhill to climb, while formerly it. wns the


1 vieinily,'- r11n.1i. '

by th,- lluiml. On tho ••<[ ,,f N,

when the lioui-arrived for Iho opL>

tbo liox.-Iiidge lieufyprotesto.

inn Inspector. He


Unit there wns no such I

.tion piirly.tiiiil Hint thnrnfoi-o II:

not srvve,iMif.,Mi.,'Kestediliiit S. J .

rn-at.thodofoutod llepublii-nn, Kit on lh

lioiml.-:• Of mural-..Mr. if,,,,,, Hnini.'d \i, b

.hulpgiilly .-loelod iiis].eL-(oi- un.hiusiste.

ipoli .

i;:ive him this f

MUOI; wben-npon tbogiiiud huum-o nml ii^

ids now siiy Ibey niuun lo inatituleproeo.-iliii,;s-|.n,tii,st the Jntlyo and perhapsLreatUmim

tiiy 101

ToaL 01V11 l u u

IWi.WI- l l ,


' 'JV'.',0:.-.•u houril

us1, his


ilhi i

the hill.'ISpriny.•the"ocoi

lied Ibai.

•i- coi'lii

•„ H Wll!

11 re nee"


11 od to•* 11 b i gi-rpiiiod


l tnki! 11 hand in vindicating the L'ro(«»ri hi whieiu-voul. look uut

l i l

New Hampton.IIUII Slater IIIIH llooii n

Tl1r.1v will hu a union meeting in Clmrijli at Junction, noxt Sabbnthivenliiij. ' ' • • • . . • ' •

Tho\nrQof.lohn]{o\y]b(v>^f tjijs plaeo,Mini un rtundfiy, tlm 7|1J iut,t.t of lyphoidfever. .Tne fnnorul wrviees^voro hold atIho hoiniMin Tnemluy, flic '.Uh; •

M.r. Ceorgo.WJUnvlby lins'moved intoiho old hoiiicsteniV projicrty iu this place.

nving. KOIHO ropa

iyiiiitfjsii#4Yr_ • -



i t .

••i ; A

'.m IHI-,..«•

^ , 1

- ; f ~ Cost of Hie-Titus7 T n a l ^ p ^Thc'l'Whulders of -Warren cXM- l,,iVl>lil about '$(1,(10(1 ^i '[riid, i

Imi,i Oiit lij- tlm s

Sn S . l j sbo

iff for jitlprs1 feos,L.otc,.:' Somo of tli» nlhe

it f l l R ' ' '

\wMrii] -M /,:|:i ni

/1'!SM•' .v .....Cr11 liiiiSJC. (J. \VoaVer,h bn»hl[i.c7 inrv »J .. ruriinrlw! K, l l n r r i r i , ! . " " m w i Z . ^ " ^ * ,<L 1 -

- "• " • b j y i i i i i i i T t i i k c r a ; r , i •>:,

bo •ll.joctoil to.KtasstS Wt.-li: Ur.t 11 rtjx;eio of «.X|)t.|tThey w..-re honiothiu- I hat ntiy person coulduni> and the I'liiplnyuiijul of tlwni vaxs uui atiling tu viliate tho jury's verdict.

Henry M. Uavrh, f,.IIou-od nlsii ou the sideof (hi; Slate. As to the dofotiec'.s tirst ob-J«'»i 'lh»t " erimu was i-h«r««il iuthe second count of the iiidii-fiuent. counselsaid this did nouippoiir to Iwthc case. Thecount bintw. tlK.if.thfl lulling w<n iK-rpoir.itr,)while t-onimittiii'; tup.; and in iittomining tooummit rap,-. There must have Won anuttoinpt. eouusel iMiiliiiuod, before, the rapuHMS actually coiinuitiod and tho killing mayliavi* bcijiiii during the attempt und haveliooii eomptded during Ihe rn]-e. ur nfter it.Iu that-view tho iiidietment olfcnds ngiiiustIhe Miitntc in noway... The "objec-• i«'ii bsing ulsii aiiswoioii. (hit thirdwas taken up ami' di-i-tissc-d. Mr. llmrw

led attoiilion to Ihe iltsfavin- with whiuhall courts regard Iho t.*liniuuy of 11 jumr

•If hml agtve.1. ,11.rdict t


which h

would tend to throw ujieii tii'o'doors for

tampering with ji'iriiw afler Ibo vunlict

md 01100 bouii reiuluriil. Ilo ai-ned u!<

iko PnwfWilur KmlTh,'liiiif the jiWHiitfyinjs

11st found iu thu shoo ho ;iltadio,l no gienlnpiiflii'iee Ii.. ii. A verdict is uof (o b,-Mdo in a caso simply beoaitsu Iho jury lim!

something iu llu> evhihits which cotniMol didlot diM.-over. • ' ' . . , .

Afler recoss .-Wiulye Shijmmn male, tl,k-fuueo's llmil nrginnoiit. After discussinglit* two ohjVetiniH t.i.the. iudidiuent.nti.-uglh. h.M-niueto ihu nllegcd misootflhojury. Aslolheditst foumlhe 0d Hint it wns 0110 of Iho most iinpnilemei-.t.s inllioease. But for i!te. muj.ig glasses Ihe jury could not1 Imvo delor-liijed whether it wns i.-oid dust or u.<ml'thii whole, lino or iho [imtciiutioii hncen lo show by such menus tlmI'illie Smith in .Jimitur '••Titiis's runiiii-

111 near the \-oal wht-u Ibo mtinlor WIIiiuitlod.. li." wns shown (00, by uvidone

li'al tliuj'ury had not agreed on' it. verdictill lifter the yhUsrs wen: procured. Why

imtiniiblwlu s>iiiiiiwa llntt thoy•enV"sci;iired wil|l 11 view "111111 refractory j.m.r. Th",en J ho roiwous fnr dctein lining (lint: Titusill ti»,c liis'liftf. If Iho jinors wem nutliMliciiil by lh>j utah^os, mttli) State, pro-

•ud to claim, wiiy did nol. Ihe Slutu calljumw and put the quihiiini to^thoiii

lirly iu to wliHlller they wemor iioj,,. Tim.-.- •-•. ~--^-. .r^-^..^-.:..J}}'\:Ml?iv. li«tiinonyLiTihl have beon' vid'tub!u' in. doeiding thVleslion of a ' new trial. . li»- couohwioli

.i:tshipimm iiiiido'a fervid appeal. !•

lt. I'. X. .

ori'in-:!? •oirnii : TUCITJIKST

Nuwtuu,, antl Ku.-lo. .JlomI Wiiiihliiiitim — tV

!l.:if*p. m.; Siitiirihi*.-. 7t"iS.:Wii. 11

tvf. S to



ENTEBTAINENT!rrtfrt»yii-ri;m i'Miri-h u'lll atv« 'ilifir annual



Thursday^ Eveuiiirr NOT. MtB,CiuJ.lins'.'/r Clianiiliv Tiililiiiius viimi! :IN1isfiif Chiiradi-s. TiiMua

luslniiiioiitiil Music. 'Wdk-r'i) 0n-he>tm IUH '.eon m-'-,\





• only s,-|i<



i-.l jiii-hii:•I'tiiH



lei out

.11 fun It

. Kim



• i-

l i i .


, \'n.

THE GREATEST AND THE BEST.Tho.L.irito Double Weekly,;.-;..

ROHKIOUQ nnd Secular.


OBSERVER(KstahllMied ISJJi.) . .


1 A.Safe P a p e r for t h o Fami ly .THE NEW.YORK OBSERVER

CAN BE TRUSTED. ;t tSt i indsbytho Old nnd Tried Truths

In Religion, Morals, Education,and in all Public and Pri-

vates Mat ters .

!.•> Ciiimervnlh'e nf Jill flood Tiling.' ll \...iilllyOiipojii-it Kvll ami Sin in every form.

Tltu Onsi:uvt:it \si\\u well-known cneiny nf


AND ROMANISM. '"Itis a ptt|ier thai lihs" O|ilulous, uiid can tie.- "'jf""'

t-.w\ tlium ;_wlik-h lias n fiiitli, ami IIDIIIH .to it. u - Jfeml tliuiii; which lms n faith, ami liotilx to it, j . f 7Tlm Nuw VOIIK .UiunuvBU i» a'llvln? and TAurowlntr INwor In Ilil* l.uml. It cuntuliwall U'he. Nuwn of tliu Wurhl; tlio Hert TlionjrliU) of ^lio A1 >!(*!. Aiitluirs ami CornelwmloiitH uvury-.vh.:re.; IN wiry, It.u.k, Hcvie.Vs, Nota anil.Juerlcp', ]li<iiurlii:iiiit.-j fur Timelier*. aiiitlontn,IIIIHIUUM Me-n, l-'armurs, l'liroiiU ami Glilldnm.BVKKV CIUUSTIAX SHOUIJI HEAD IT.



Pr ico $ 3 . 0 0 «-yot i r , in A d v a n c e . '-Ptoi-Kynien, $2.OO a - y a a r .

S u b s c r i b e r s . S e n d f o r S a m p l e Copy;


Cnv; 11..'1 w , '• '<•' • , ,


Page 4: THE WASHINGTON STAR. - DigiFind-It · the washington star. volume xix. washington, wakeen county, n.j., thursday, november 11,1886. number 45. lodoi, no. si). a. p. a a

Odo to Lawyers.ThtMirtlI.-ai.M>l'.tl..'ninl "Iny,Aixt IIII» a .•..urUif.u— «. m W 1.1* wn»VJiint n*nu nll..rtn-y, with n \ « y u tWn* TUIIIB I" tin?"" Hi- i«-(ni« In n <•«-.•.

Aid In- M t u-ry !!.»• rtMM.ii (.1 kWhy none lm<t l - rn -wilt l>. Hi" r-'tfluiwrIVn* Hi" Mult »f 111* nut nU•flint him.- *.f Hi"


]M li.nt I'vr

l i l *u l l j i t i n h > " Im I a-v lotln'tnriti rth'l tin- tvii—u

31.vlci.ut IiU i>|>|f[Ami llii' i>M >U-vllTo IifiVrtlit?ftl(<jrni

iiu-'h iii!inii<it

* lh.< »!>PIII.<T lul l >•" • I" n < 1'r*ill O[. |-«ln« liln, <|ii1,:kly a r w ,KS| mull Hl'lt-".ill III" ll.1l I ••! tltf\,lmn\-\*-nr,.ti>U IIII'.IMN Ih" w«.

Thin lliry i|U l l B • • . • •

All'1 .-OtK'l.l'ltlllT It1* til1

l-fllM .Nt-k l l liu.iy uiut F-

1 v If «lt tln*y)itivt'!"il I ••fr;t--li uiliiT lH'irii''iTli.* .l.vil tin* IKII I--.J. n.t.U-,1 <.f hU .In- ;I'm Mitl-n.-| n«v.- 'iI • nil v.-ry *,-ll~Th.»«. ijnvjvn. U l) , , | I ruin Un- Hf.rnU.-r M l .

They l t Uio (,'outt with villain• • . ! • . .

ifti-i, tli.-v lijivc I'IIHMM.\n.t, I'm frv.luvll.

My (iKi'utHnn; rk-hi n* Itl l . iuy.r> p . • • a i l -i r 1 Im.l tlii-m t i n y wu;.l I i-nlti.ll'- in.- •ml nt n

lull ! " .


A Talc of Two Foolish Youitfj Pcopand a Hero,

From Ucigriivtu.

CIIAITKU It.Captain "Lcici'MtT uvii an officer'jn'II

. Majt'.-l/.s nwtli Ui-siiutin1 of l.tiiuciX. ihad IH-CII li^hti:^' out in the S.mitan, ami lislain many Arabs wiilr Iiis'.^.ml .swur.1—cIii* revolver, iiiurt! l>r<>t>;i!>ly, ;H tlic swordthe iiuriutl is btftfcvci! l-> IK; IIK-FL- dk-clivi:the w.iyof uliucriri^ in the sun mi rcvi.Jays titan when It i onus M A t\\w-\U>ncutting Hut tin- Anil*, hail Wen slain, ma few senior (.flit'crs !i;n! IH-CII vnt. off in IproCt'-'s (fnrliin:ilc!y porhaji-, as it tnnile ttliinj: look mow like war), si. lie had returnu c:i]Uain am! a IKIH.

- •• lie liatl hlu-.iy!. liceti » liun>. to be sun.—liati (frown up l<» it, as it wvn\ from the tinwhen he lint) liven a SIMW liahy-lmy. lirn

. in milnint ringlet* ;nnl a • lace Lollar, t!atlurwl <.f ntirsiL^ ami U,e il.irlin- cf malili1;it1ie-t. There tuny Itavc Iwn a tunporai

...b-it'iir.iti.m of iiis ylory .luring schw.1 ,iv

. c'.ilItfKtfdays'a-IiritWi'yoHlti is slianK-fillrcf.'.'i'rtlics <.f ckiihc-, and prime to attach in

•• dtit; ini[K»rta!icct.> tin-ii!,!cuiiinii>!isof foo1

. ia cutnr'.u—i"a in tl'.L* lyotli Laiilfmt.irsrKviivJ. Tiiuv .ii-liv ll

war.bui tlit'iio-«i-..-iiui i>f firwimts tniistaclnami the iMiiuK-uitiun >'• riilmly l>!o.nliliii>[.

.sentiments in urtlinaryoinviT^itinn will m> .

• reputation: l i e h:i<l .k'iu-itilol nutinly tip.•thc?e itifts, aiilcclln- lii^ii' cn!l;ir,-, an erehead aiiil ;i jiciujr.iHy miiwli'n- . Iqur l iuu iwhich seemed l» indiciiu- ilitit mi the tl;

Itattlc s.mietliini,' w u i . l i.niic <>{ it—proiulj

•II Kous"u-ithuut >.-!>•!»- Urn ll,cyminR aliY-ti .ms of |iti:i>h i!ia:dk.-)ihf..-,.I hat! .nuiie ti.nv

t, iii- ty -> l>IiS MI lie.«u:if:i!Iy parte.

iviidtiii!,' at

his yul.Ieii Iiaird...wn tlw miildle, hi-; smile

, his belief in rimi^if..:.. MIJ.IKeiieratly \ ier t oiiii<:nt to i:ike him r.l his tnv

valuation, fn'mi wliicli it rc-tiltc-l n.-.tunili. ihatiiL- wai very d o r lu tiiuu. ] | t . hai- jirwivii ruvti-turned i" this. h w . :i nrntei

of amr-e always. ri:u! now ili.-.t I,L- h ; l ll .MS!l

:;l .

oiily AI

^ c t i n i l bv ai

'viry (;

ll ha-j .-comi-ii liuit ,>V i Mo u-oul-•jirove '-.. t-.wvj.titiji *o :iii-> ink-: :IK at a Kill in t\w r.\.--ulh of Noveinlicr.•.b'lSiittlirwwwksljefort tlw' m-nintf whe

' (im' Aiisi'fitlliur'r. rcwlin;,' LT.ii.-iUn di.-.istr'ii^ly. ..The Captain a.i i i t t i i icrcii tin- l.:i!l-ri«»ii

iiti K tt;, lt;. eves liwd'iipun him v.iiii a h i . * : ' iri<;rt.iliilmt<

;"Himir;.!iG:i.,.;lle m.lkv.l her hri-tily. ',1-1:1:1 ..!,! j.iiiy K-MUC her. win;

JooitL-.l at him al>ii, aa;[ hi.-ii:>d :u> dc«il.i uiD.lhc improsiwi lie had m . f k Neil

-'• hail siiil w . i s , ' - ( Hi. amiik-." liwfc— ;'. preltyfuliliL-i1:' IMe-n'i he MWH ;thnrt>t t.n' K'H«I to be lruc?"V . W I wh-,n la-r mm. •agrre.l wilh JILT, she ii:i<l i^.sic <,:i to ™ j i r o• licr opinion thai i lwa> a - Inmc !.- let hin

Kul Uisswl ::ud. lumiilc,!; Uui •]»« rcmiiHlet:her of a vwMinjf «ifci;. wliwli ii'Micms ipiit.sinful Hi.i-nt; thai ' .he should be tepi in :{,'hs* L-.'I^-;, la !;et'i> the t-iust o.r! him; :.iid ilia

'"as for M'i«iiiij:.]iim mn tu a rwd war, to |i{,'hand K«I, jiilMiajii cut.will! swurds mid sjwanand things, and bliidi wii'i [V-xvdur1, and t<run altoycthtr t-j.-tiid in lliu iiiattLT of Unit!

ly' n iii.:rcdi|ilc i.titrate, unwor'-.if a Illinium: liriiWi ('U.veriimyiit!

Hut (-'aptiiin l..:rce-lL-r li:id iiol Jwartl_tl

! heroism lo admit even so much,, I didn't mind," he wld. " It wa* mu.I like bclnji on jwradc. Voti know, they wcr[ generally shot down before they tjulte got t

!l> lllC N[U.lrC."

" Oh! Well, o( course there wasn't muj to be afraid of, then," said Ncila in if d tu |: pointed,'-'

" Hut—they might c « into the sqiure.yoknow," salil lie. Ami then that w W[urt of the tiling. We were cavalry yoikti.iw—-lancers," looking down at hU tinf o r m . . ' • • : . . . . •

To be sure," u ld Ntlla brij-iitcniii^ ujAmi you would ilkurgc out to meet llici

Isuppo*?".11 Well, not exactly," he admitted " W

I'.uild wait until they were broken and thnl low them up."

"Oh!"said Ncila again: "when the;rcre rimnlnn away. And then y.m wouliin ,tfar them.' I sec."She evidently thought there was not murl

i thin. The Captain <JId not know what ti;iy.

"Yes, lint—you see—ah—they mijilii turnround, yon know. They did, |.h>, sometimes—often—In fact, generally,"

" V«»?" wid Neil;.. " Mow riii|itii~4»! mot to sec that. And then you would li^ht?'

" Yes, then we would light." He wanithcr relieved at getting out ot what sci-inc.

dilemma. No one bad ventured to ask htmor detail*'before..

" Ititt It must have been awful," she wenn, after a pause, of contemplation. " Vototitd never have liecn sure what momeni

they would come down on you."It was difficult to protinostieate the!

rrival, the Captain said, not putting eveihis task beyond the power of heroic souls,1 lave we not wcatlier prophets ? and shall ai

iceranda Kcnllcnun admit hinmrtf !es:sdeiit than the mctorological office?"Oh.i t is dreadful to think of," she

repeated. " And then, being NO far ;iw;i)from even'place and not having enough ti

. id sleeping out 'on the ground, amhaving no hot water to dress In the mornings,ind not having clean collars, I suppose—i-ith horror gradually growing in her eyes a

the picture of the hardships of war thus conjurod up—" jwrhaps even having to wcaipaper collars! " .She looked at hint nppo.ilugly for conlirin.ilIon or donial.

The Captain owned the truth of her stiruse. sorrowfully, yet with something of llnurdonahlo pride' of the warrior who li.n

liornc and survived such trials, l ie grcuImoftt animated as he proceeded to R'L-OUIII

he dismal tale of priv s they had boru that far land. It was a subject on whichIC could say more than on the bald details ofmiles. Naturally, for one must rise, a....Ircss, and have (or go wilhoul) iV.d and•lecp every day of a campaign, while baltle•nines but seldom, Neila was, doubt less,atisficd. She listened to him with whenever he looked at her he wouldett fur a moment the gaze of her brown•es ti.xed on him with that peculiar look nf:nid admiring wonder. It had occur til toin more than once that he was rather

ike Othello.

Then the sweet communion of souls hadHX'II interrupted by an earthly creature,

nn mid with tossed hnir, who came and•ricd Ncila off to dance. It was in facti A n*t rut her. Hut she gave a little regret*

il backward glance as'she went, importingw much rather she would have stayed—tit him. . •• . ' .

It was during llie dance (hat she had sur-ristd Jim by stopping and laughing a beanynaccountable laui;h.. She had always beeii.idicied to laughing, partly from a sense ofimur, ]>ar:ly, he said, because of thoseinples. which necessitated laughter t<> bringem out. Hut no hint of the c a u » of thisigh t-mild he extract from her.Captain Leicester, when she had left him..•icwed his forces, and endeavored t o . s e e l

he aliovc I K - W C mentioned; a y.mii^ laityMiuill ami ik-ui .-f t'l^nrc, \th<> tripped d.iinil1ia(-kt»(hcb.-illr<xmi. Uuj;tiInK i.>ni\* 'a- -went.

Afirr t lut »i-ht i'ii|Miiln L r i n V r r litiitrsucil llu-t-.imp.iign wllh v!j;nr, and \tilill ap|Mri-n1 hi i t tvi i l) |tr.t.!i|.cd nii-^lvliljit l iM and tlii.tlly .ti--|u!r. In ihv hr.-.i-t <Mr. Jaim> AiiMrulIu'r. 'I IiU y.-im- ^-tilt.ltl.ui was ii..t ;t liirn, li.ul l i" IIHTV t 'ngi; .the repute nf lifroNni att.iihht'4 l<> him ih:iBiu-h(ifany) ;i« may \K tfvMwtl Ir-'m the

| lommcnilng mi IKT.IIC a. lions in lli.itl.»r fragment .if tliL- " IS i t l imk i,(Liber ty" wlik-h'.m-ii 'd hi- - a u « -iritcr of suh. le . id .rs Hut lu- U . H

hi h u e "lilt thf >ut>;t-tt .'(.)'•<- c i n iK i i ^n . amithere 1ml K v n (<«r ;t ontpir <•( y ra r t i i i - l i nxlivceii tht-m m ;»l «1.4r,il.!i' i f n m n chiManttttiafrtiKut bt"f»"*r '{wuMng>m\t

liHiiltjiimient <>f » liiglk'rpli.-L-..ii the "l-.ul.V4rIc''in|KV«>nii> »!i.i'ri;MurnKiit In c«.v.Jim. !uvlitK:il.ivf.if |.!.ii» ^K-.Ain;; .milkiir iiiiiliT-tandin^' nxM i.iita).iint:iliV in ;iite** man, lir.-n^lil iilH>utiii)e\pl.iii.itI<nivyiiI

hU with siuli tin.l.Mr..l>V wV-i with U m writifii.

TlkM' imthii.^ j.ft fnr him l>;ii t<> j ; .\:iy. It u-»*aj;riMt wrcin-ti. Tiic ^irl intuhU life, tlurc lud Ux» MUI:rfiL-ta.v..rd l«Uv«n : lliem. h u . i i i ' ..' hiilf-i'ti^i^Linciii -:i li-ipi>> iv'.ttii';* ih.nadn.Vi-r Kr.wn v/iiti - m i : v : i ! .,'illi the we;.n>..MU- i:rr.i!i •;: «.f I.iwri:i kl.-vs'

but ha-I k'Ol crNp v.i:li i:i(,.nN..[ i.,,:-y,<:.u,--wilh wli-lv«'iti.- iinpt-tliikiKc. ' They bad

,-er bci-n l.»vcr> afur tin: ...uvi-iii:.i:i.»l p;; but tln-y been Mti-ti (rivwU. I le

had not aloii.'- l"Vi-d h<r. Jim -.,;,! !•. \.i;n-v\is l.Iim.k-iiiiK f^liiou'. tmiliu l.-.l lil-vd(i tvcilr-i-uiil-.l net have lil.t'd her wn-

if >IR-!i;iil h.tii a man! l:m that :dlover. an.| In- •!....,lili.....w,y. . .

Biting Ca-.mtcrfoit Cdm in Half

U h i . . f D r i t i i i n i o i i . l . .-r t h > I Mi l . I S t a i r - '

nwitry li-'iii-Ln.-Ht. hl.i!t»u.-.t 'hi NVwVitrk. Ual.r..,i l-.ii-liM.nd, hfnvy...t tiuuml mum hf«vy.iiiiim!",,--t.-.. !!.•'ifiil jirv. IIII'I.MII liiti- n .• itm-t'rf.'it .••'in in twn. rrmii it dollar m ;i tlv.--.nt pi-itv. N.i iiuMi'r win-ri' In' i^, b.< in., bit..-, u spiirioii-. r»ui in t»<< wiivu

ri-ntlt. II-l»it< t.liui- for n Mr..-I mrdnijtur ii'it. li>n;i :VA". mid th.- 1i;tt«r

wanted lit jump nn him. Tin1

.• tin- iA i»i f iWlmi ' i l llml il l

i ., uvi.r,vr..ili ii.-lia.l.

in;n,l l.ilil flit.- rliici tlui; In' rri uii!l.viBi.*..ininl iTMt imini.,v. U'lun tin. il. i . r i i vlliily ..JMn.-.l l i l , riiat un.l , | , , . . . , . l hi% . Hi.' Si.HV(in[..,.r.l •Ju.v.Tut 111" .|H.-iluiilihM.v !..» tlj • rar.- .V, I". Jl,i!l mil

.v Him ui,..i,,,!,...,,:,,,. im. I.-,.nriipiiio 1<> lurt it I'tiL^ttl.^ n^ah'l'iuc.—*S'"/;i I-'r<iif'<'\> AU-l.

f Iiu : actio . There uM beeyetie doubt that it was a victory, l lei . , - . .

d told the weakness of the yarrison: andai-cuMiiniud to judge by the eu-s—

URT |)himcd himself, indeitl, on his fa'cuhyix-ular d.!.v:r.'(lion. But he was not di^p.w-to disband himself, and evacuate thi> ci.un-

Itie should >

fYour ChildrenAre constantly exposed tt> danger fromColds, WUoo|tlns Cotipli, Croup, ' bud

'(liaeasus i-kxiiILu' tu HID .tlitont iindImitf*. l"ur K K I I nlliiKJntJ, AyerMCherry I'.-otoral, . jircmpiK- -ndimitis-tered, nffurds speedy relief rtnd cure .

A s n rfiiiodv for WICMI-JSI" foiv*!i,•with wldeli many nf .,ur cht idren \v,.r.»ntlllctcd. wu its id. during t!.u inL-t win-tPr. with itm.-Ii s;i:i-fur::,-ii, Avar ' sChurrv IV.:uiral. I".ir this w.-toasidur tliU i«t'imratitiii th.: um-si utii-('iiclou.i o[ nil ill-: in.'.li.'liif* u t i ich l a v ocomo t" our l:inm-!i:d^i'.— -Marv I'iirU-hurst , .Proci-i'tn-sj. JHU:I-J lur J.ittloniindcrLTR, JJuttciUtt r, Mil.

My uhildrrit Imvn 1 » i - r i t lb r l .v KIITUjoet to attiiuk.-i of CrMiin, ami I fiti'l.'il t.iiind anjvfir.'<:tiv.> ri'itn-dy mul l 1 com-menced ;n I mi HIM frill'.; Avar ' s {.'In»rr%*J'ectorftl. T h i s pr»|«irii;i.rn rcll.-v.-s tli'.tdiftkulty of breathtii^ iui-1 invariablyntrCHtho cmii i la in t . — Davi.l G. '•••••-'•Cliiuhum, Culuinbiii Cu,, >',• V,

I litivo tisod mv family fiuliavo 'found it fsporial

- T H E - -

AllegerOrganSTYLE O. No. 3 2 ,

fntu-jlii. 4 (nil »tt* of A l l w rI'lil.-t.t UniU; TIK-M* rmU a:Mt.-rliTtlltil Illnrt' IMlWrffill ti.r. t'.Mr.' invt-utiHi. Coinitoii No. :« contain* 1' in , .ft " IT : 1'rliii'lpiil, DlapiiMin, KortI'lniio. Mu*. 1'r Kitru-, Mt.nlhi. Kline uml tlruiid •Kii.t-Mtip, , KvilieliitiiTilitllIlllktil.' till' IlltlfW*. >(>T CTillV. u imtim coiitiilntni; n larr'« IIMIIIIT:•.[ »in|)i> lire »unt to m-t flit tif<hr. Srylu<l!4iiin.ln from t!i,.,Kii^lity miM.ii.d Itiillaini UlucWulniit. l.ulll la it.U.not far «ho

. Tlie C»-f !• vrrjrtiRnriMiniF UcKalit>rlrr or I1il« lrrr;»n l« | 80< « 'Mix.) uml NK.k. ^ildi.ilMii'lMiillinc.t fliiti.

Wolfiinfr Sj»ed bt Co-tciponJcnc

(tnh'riit oii.i'. mul llm (>n:uwilt l»'•hli.jir.l lli.'Miiiiuihiyyini..rihTl-nnlv.-.!. .liMn>^'


annlfrnltli errrj ln*tra

Only *80.0(T

mow Af?&fi








' For Sale By A. B, GOOFF & CO., Washington, N. J.

FALL AND WINTER OPENING.nnni i>i\v ;t full .'.i:s..ripiicn nf i>ur t«K.-k but ;isk your attention to ;

U;\v spfi'biii-'-'*•;•''!•:( in! I'roni the ilii'ferrjiu (tcpariuu'nts.i..M>!i;s'; i ; r ; x T s v A M > I : H I I J > K K N ' S

UNDERWEAR; ;,!c|ia:tl 'iL';iL \w I ' . ' . ini I f l u v f l l u ino^ t r o i r ^ M i r s t n r k in t lie phuje , a

ttt :r , ! . t - " f ::i t ' ! ,K :n , , ! u !<>v.vr - r ; i lc nf [ i r i i x s t h a n a n y (if m i r[r ;'.iiy!!iinji in i

lmvo found it rs].orWhooping Ooii«h. Tall irritation, p r v t t slixtftiulliig to i(liiMntiv t«n<l- , I . It. Wulliii

I find no mCroup andCh IV

.s Chorry IVctoralmany years , amii l l ilunMo lit

i-iu..- al lavsvi'tits iiiilatumatioti from) ImiKs and quickly *nl.-

">- irt liiinir Coinpliilni.u:), riaiuvil!e,.Mich.tlirinc!. so f-ffoctivi', fur

pim; Oitigh, a* AvI f l t lif f

liulc toy . only s j s lu.mtln ol.l. carrvinUlinn «iiWy ilimugli Hi,, u-urst cn»o «(WIO..|.IIIS OTCII I ™ , s:iw._Jai,gJlalmiu, !'iiiL-y I-hus, 'IViin. «

ftyer's Cherry Pectoral,

. all very welt to conquer, lintme the vanquished nrojitrly rc-

;i] Hi Mibjection, and conttnted withtry—should lie quit':' certain as to their

i-aitv. . And Captain iVefctfler was nut so{'.-. l ie hud a vn^'de tin^siiicss, an itii-intnMi; hair-distrust, as m e might have

sirokiiij; a cat outwardly placid, but knownbe of variable temper. So Iiu presentlyi^iit her inn, danced with her (a carefulse, with a noodilual of blancc* •and notd i teetutum) and even took her down to

Later in that night a regimental chum ofi—a very small ami very wicked major— Iling him resting in one of the corridors.-':t besi.Ic the curtained entrance to an

haj sai j to him- , r ••

hawn1! i.ccn! g ^ T l i e Best and Purest Medicin»H

l ;..-:il^'

W::lsi: :sd C^ton Hosiery; i r« . :r | ! i . 1 ~ i , r . . ( L i M r t i i i i ' i t l . : i m t : i t n - i : i >lni;k (i!- U)K\»n n m l i l nmcs t i i :«!ii'..ii. '.w..!ii! !.:• l i . tn i i = > fi i ' i i i l !:i n i ; iny c i t y s u - R - \ W e have- a l w a y s

ipcriui" (.''ass nf ^din* -;t£ni JKSVC n v w r |iur-!i:ir-i,-(I inferiur ytiuti.-; that \vu

l!iu>i; v.-im wt.iiii! puiyhii-t..' lYikihki tfiioii at tlic • ^\nw\-in priiT;:. S,:ii^f;icii.iii is (Itiaritnleal. "*"'

this ii

, . ] n t h i s t!u-;;art;!!::r:; w e I iavc iiifitv t h a n d o u b l e d o u t s l e e k a n d a r c n o w. p r e p a r e d t o . s ! i o v : : i Knc i . i ' .Uid a n d t \ i s ! i ! iu -a : y l - i v t s . - w h i r l i wou i t ! -liu. h a r dt o t-,|ttal in i " i v s . f fM Kr™wr p r i c i i Mpp dt o t-,|ttal in > i " i v s .,f f.M Kr™wr

l i h d d

y . h i l i wouit! liu. harWe utv dcUTiuined to increas

Ony «\lni ti.t

irllci'Intli.' rii'l<'rl:ikln^t'!i<lM.F«. mul >.t!i>U*H.i- m-t.1 nr mi irii.l.'rtnl;.- In ilii-tl.-liiliv.

HAV,uixlii.K.- tliU<pl>.f inf-ni.Di'.' thvlrrrlt'tiilx nmt Ilir imMlc Ifiiit Ih'-v titr nmv to iin i;ii([.-rtnklil<,' In It..' tim t ii|'|>r«vt-'!

. f l j l i ' nn<t nt \ . r v Ion- ml.'*, U'.>|n\<'i>ur-(•]in«r.lti \m»\~»>tr iiw>! m>.\ fnnhM our-<-hi-» wHli nil il..- in.'-i •,ij.j--i.t! a|.i.;ifiilii'.'«ur I In- ]ir.i!ii|.i mul KitMm-I-.ry r«n>l,i«'i .-I our

ni|K.v.-ii Im. C.i«ktt i'.ir t.'nv.Tvltii Hi-' .Ii:ii:ldtlif.tM nlr.

UV tit*' ihniiL'huii-j In t/.r Ud twinner.

Our tiitt'ilniiiiif hr]<x thi; b»l»i jUr nny

vjth'uf time 'rh*!wt, ,nt!,»ut

B. &B;Ttl f -]ii'ri;i] If.-11111.till S;I!I . CiHititllli'S; %\\>\\\

cvi-ry l iny.

I. & B.

'i Fail to Call Soon.llni-i-jiwi op.-n.vl il IniW! liil-oriill liiiru Mmiii,. Tuttvls lMwat

; | irni-si!vcr liiiiiwii !.' .


Anolh . - r hu-K., Ir.l ,,r t l i « . X o l l i , , - l , , t l l r !„,.,, s;.i.i|.K..s : Y o u Itmm-.wluil tln-.v iircr Mini w o r d s sue H I I N W C S S I I I T !

CALL EARLY FOR CHOICE.I j MINI' lu MUlkf il fill nltjt'cl ({) COllM' .sIlOplUlll.'. ('V)'U

I In; nnrini'.sl w n i l i r ' i ' ! '" . .

Call and See Our Prices

M.iiiTitnin. (inl.TM !.v Ti-Uiili'i.ii. r,v. l\",

•mxnwsK a\\kr.t:A'\iu ur vn.Our 7'triM >uul /',-,>« n,,- mtj, u.-<j

•fllm!hlh!l>, • ' - - • - . - . • - -



HMC.SI.-.Tli -VV. ••"•l"««'".JUIINW. FIIIIKKII, '


Machine Shops,BOWERS & MITCHELL, Prop's,

JGHTandHEftyy'FflRHHSGDBSin,] .SI'lilXli TIM I K S . ,,l!.»[ul,!.fi •„,. , ( n , ' , .• f i l l " l » t iii-il.iliil- nml muiriii>t.''.,,l. Wolill lilivo ,.li IIIIIKI nl i;!l linn-., II (,;!i - i , ,U ,.|

Coiiur/.'liny lljlir'sl'riirnmi'ii" iVi/.*' ('rih!Jrlll.-. lluryu l 'uwcr-. 'n,r,-!iii^.,m,l |-!,.,,i,.r-:<>:ul Sc ra j im. Wnt.T U'l..^!.. tt,,i. i \ i , L ; i , . 'toi.1 Inm [-,..1 MiKiii- M,,v,.. ilav I'nT-•r^. i=K-,l Klines inn,!,.,,[ n,,. !,u.t Uj.-U- Ir,,n.Iso »m:iiH r,,r

liucki'jo Mowers, Iteupcrs mill

|.i«-aslli,.|., call. „S i i l l l a t l l , i

Bowers & Mitchell, ..\» IhuuM H.,-.v,-i> l\,au,lry.

3 0 5 , 3 0 7 & 309 NortliajnptOH St., EastOD, Pa.

- I S -

Headquarters' . ' — — F O 1 ! — — • • . . • • . ' • . . • •

Gloaks, Ladies' Jackets,

Scai Plush and Children's Oloaks in EndlessVariety.


Cloaks to Order.Y«i i ciin iiitiki; se lec t ions from il \avisfi .s lnrk oil Klogmit C l o a k -i;s :nul Triiitiitiii^s iiuil lmvo y ^ n i ' C l o n k s c:ut iiiul iiiiitli; b y (ix

lii-iciiccd unit i.'omjwli'iil. uloiik fnnkers . J' 'it Ciiuiniiitueil.

j£"3O IVoi'tlisuiiptoiL St. lEsis-itoii, f a

I'.ldclcs from fiTiiii l)cl;i»'.'iri. Uii(l"i'.lj£"(jiuk for tin- Uig Gl»l)i> Sine.



" W e l l , l.dcestcr, so you

n thl> (Ir-p: .r t i iu:m i'tul h.> t h a t e t u i wi: oflVr SOUK.* I tarj^ains.j a r c a!)M.)!i:iv*!y..partly;::up;/' \ '. 'c f*;;-iif;iMy i i iv i to you a!! t o in>j)C'Ot <>ur :J w h e t h e r yini \;-\<h \n \VAIV)•::><.; ' T i v ' t . asHi inn ,^ pu l i t i ; a tU ' i i t i un , a i u ! . tin1 "vil! i)i: i i i i p o r m i i c d l o l>i!\v . . -

;^fa'Si- Shaw &. Carter, Washington, N= J

d by a littlu real slaughter, lint have tli'ine old way of making havo.- in gentle

"easts." . . ." Von mean—" siid Leicester.

When he

- bound slid ,, . _attention, hut s«Si,f«>t*;«I timidly iliat il mi»lIJU atitiostV-ljtiut' lo it dowii.i*1' " I t doe

" t o iliiticv, and

... .rcnillly.:.-;-=•- --:--••-••••':'-r-'~-- ' .; ".. ....'.NVoii.-aro .|»iic rij{ht,".liu' said, " tllongh

i ' an i afraid there are k'l^Virls w!io lliinl; so.<";eiieri.liy't!iey llkv to km]) .me ^(joiiiyrouiid and round—"

" I'.iVe "'a teetotum," s i ' s ^ s l e d Xei!a,jimvclv. " • .. • ..:• " Yes, jiiKt.-JSnt T Iwil much rather sitdown." '!M> 'lliey we. .l-nvii, hi a widiulei!

... corner 1 , , ' • ,i;;;---.~"All'hiiniv,l!Litaiit|-XvJ!iti::

t'.-won't VOlt tcilme all 'about the w a r ? " She Uiiilted Jil liiinwith iiinofe'nl, woiu 'er i i^ eyes. Me was

' modestly conscious; tfliidiSouiiitf in lliu haloofi'iuiv.k; ij!ood-K'liilli:n:sstlj;il>lie knew to. be

. iiiimsi him. l i n t h c l i a d not'VmeaiH lo i'alk• alifnil the war. «r p c ^ ^ ' ^ a m a l e i i r TliUarch.

" ( V l i , ' , ! , , ' ^ ! ] ^ . " " shw salJ;L.'.MIOW uxcil-inur it was—and ht.w l-i i! i t inusl have

• been to set!,l,jic'Arabs c> vi; ' • ' .Vi i j ; on—and—whether you,-,were,.^ilr..! • ' i ' o l K l 'wllynfraid of course "-:lwsily,.Kifrri:, lie warriorprejwru to loo): iudifriiiinl ••'rl>m jusi ;i. little

1 IJitcold jind iiuivcrinjf'—i-M'iti'i!.1"

He eil il ;;,)i;i?:iiiMliblB. witli

" Not likely," said Captain Leicester.111'Vllow confoundedly cheeky though. Ko1 shall[ perliaps niake love to her.just .to—:tp.piTnisli him yoifknow."

'And what about tlie girl, if she makes nfool of herself about y o u ? / ' said the Major ,rather impolitujy; . __ '. [ • ..

" H a l she'll [jet over it; theyValways "do."" A n d if—you make a,.fool of yourself

about h e r ? " . "*-* ' ' ,,llial's llie one danger a man has to

run. l i e may find himself idiot enough toi yet married.some t ime. : .-,

" O h J " • s l i d - t h e Major, " W e l l I 'm Amodest sort of a man myself."—he had beenknown, in his younger days, as the cheekiestimp in the service—" and I always thinklliere are two dangers. I call them thji Scyl-la ami the Charybdls of courlHliip. One, the

_)f your falling in love with the ({liljllie otli'er, the danger of the girl Slot falling

with yim.' ; Sometimes you run*1 into' ' o t ! ' . " . . . . ; r' . .

" I don't tlv.nk-r-" tlie Captain was 'begin*

n g . ( i • • , ' - , , '

" I know you don't. Hut perhaps youwill,some day., Meanwhile, I 'ni going to dance,"A n d h e went.1 ' •. •;• • • %" ' , "

' Ca]>!ain'Keicester, after meditating a SvhilcI— not .about'"those twin dangers; the ideawas iitr absurd one—did likewise, find therorridnr was vacant.' Then tlie curtains were

cy Illaenae, r.mi wish to HVH ti^K.old ngo, use SUI.IIIUXlicy uuvcr fnll to cure.

id i! 2-ceut Btani|iH to A. r . Oiilwnj- .t Co. , .u^Maea., for itett meitical wuvk imuUsiiwl.'


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'Ok'i ir ly s t t imls in l.hc Urn*.-1

IVonf, ns . - iw . ' i ' k ly n ' l i j i inns itutuxixirn.1."'—Xtntdttj/ rt-lmol TiMlihHlc.lnlii:!.../, ,

li is a SU'lS,

A l t , •


,pi(.!Mlliiiiil,v. |' Sinnliiv.Si'.liiidl

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front run!, of j .mruuliHii . unit uveryi iuivmi «riiilullliCuiu'o slmiild i 'cul l l .

'fKRMS Ob' SU.nsaiHi'fiOA;biio .Moiuli.,.'...„,* :!i> i DniVVcai- -..t.-?• n,nn•nirco'llnmiis. . . ; , 7,-.J'j'v:o.Vi;ar;i....;>,^:,i.(!iiI'Vur Mrmitis i.niT'riiri'u Vi'iiw.,..;,

.six Month i,r.n h'-.-n- Vvi i rH. . . . . ; ; • y..".nNino MimUiri.".",.1.."!.1.*.-! | MvntVi'iim Hi.iiliSelitl lV'islal Cunl fur a Uvv Ki\»\<h'. ci>ity, and

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THE INDEPENDENT,; .'•' U31 iJnmihvny, Now Yurlt.

NOTICE OFlSETTLEMENT. , ~"Soileo la iiiirt'ljy Riven Unit the iii-utiiinlti .if iho

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ELY BROTHERS, J)nigglsts,Offcgo,NV.

Professor of Drawlng i Painting,F.iniH'ilvnteiU'lirr i.f fn!e liund ili-iiwini>in Hi.- l-;r>ls(.-c.i.til llii;li Suhtiol nt Wiishiui;-Um. X..K Ahiici^wftil ralilliitiir nt.tlm,

Centennial Exhibition 1876.IMrlmli.-. I.UIII1HI:»IK>. .Miulno Vlows, Ac.^:lnOil. 1'usli'l ur Craynn.i Crayon PortrultB 30liyUI iiuilufs. franiu, ilO.OU.' ilniivnnun llfo nr from plKilOKri;i>!in, iinsiirimssi-rt-Inmill i.f resi-liililimcu iind iirilrtlu '.'IViicl.

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tiy IIUIHUII tin-noK'il K]>i<dall*tH wllhiint tH>in<tlrCiiinl|lilm,ii«tr-/n lliiw immtiiH, urn! n\nw IIIH

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