the watchman and southron.(sumter, s.c.) 1892-10 …...dil alya söi0m0e i ~-i oisce! cter-pruwns s...

i i 1% A i i y i ^ / v «S - P H F. V ig \r S te m # t-1 g I I '.î;4 0 sa il SWS 4-' t- » s «S Vas SDMTSK WATCH AN. EC»taM!shdd April. ÏSSO. Consolidai Ans. 1SSL "Be Jus: and Fear act.Let ai! the Ends CwU Aims't at. be thy C rv'p, thy God's snd Trat-i's " SUMTER, S, C. WEDNESDAY, OOTOBEF 10. 1892 TKr: TKl K SV.*UTKRO?t\ KsiabliMicd Jcac, Fl J3 r >^ . . r ~ r BV N. Gk OSTEEN, SUMTEU, S. C. ï : Two Doihirs per »:>r.u:r.. in adv&sce. iDTStlTISSSilKTS. >ae Square, firs ;f:<7:^io:c.$\ 0.0 frrery süksequeni insertion. . 50 Contract." for three -.-or.::::, or longer will t«? '»sade at reduced rates au communication whiei ^ur^rve prdr^tt ïrïôrests wiiî becn>.r.:ed for as adver;r?< t.rî!*.-. ^rituaries and tributes o\ reSlf, et will be .dît reed for. THE Si£05i>S NATIONAL i>A.\M, CF SUMTE«. "State, city an.> county deposi- t 'ry. SU m TER, S. C W Paid wj- ; .;-'*«ai ..... $75,000 Surplus F»nd ...... Il.;"t'0 00 Transacts a Geoerai Baus usî Business. ^Careful attention 3  V i S GS DK ï> A n T i>î E ST. Deposits of Si and upwards -y.-. In- terest allowed at the r-\i<- of 4 : n rent, per anno si. Payable quarterly, n days ot W~ Januarv, April. July and October. r R. M. A Ai. LA CE. "r-cSi dent. »L. S. a-rrcN. Aug. 7 Gtshi r. - mm dp iäÄ StlMTEK, S . 'CITY AND COUNTY DEPOSITORY.. CTntcsact? a general Banking t-usioess. Also h>'; a Savings Bank Department Deposit'? or $1.00 and apv.-*.i received, î-nteres* calculated the r«tt of 4 per c-:.r. per annum, payabh r!y. W. F. ii. riAYSSVYORTH. V7. F. Ehamk. President. ! Cashier. j a tig SI._: Dil alya söi0m0e I ~ - i OiSce ! CTER -PRuWNS s PtJ.RDTS STORE, j "Entrance r»s Main Sfr"f-:. j 5ïetweeu BrevcsfcTurdy and Durant & Son. OFF»ce hours: 9 to I .30 : 2 to 5 o'clock, j "Sumter. S. C April ~gTw. sick,d.3x s.~~ I Orüi-e oTrr Bogin's New S .ore, CKTKAXCS OS XAiN STREET SU M TER, S. C. Kjffiee Hour^..5 to 1:30 : 2:30 :o 5. Sent 8_ ~~ NEW LUygEB YARD. | BBS TO INFORM MY FRIENDS A"Nt< the puo.ic seneraHv tii;»: S.i-.v M*j loca* d on rbe S ô: N R. R.. i :,*.i r. înv residence, is cow ::; full »' t> : am prepared to ..' >:: ai: ir* :e? oj ; c?ine Lumner from uobled :.:.: :.«> prie*, laccordint: to trrad-..? Ya.rd ac-erSibie on Nor:!: j i- F -.-i>\-\<.. J. i;. ROACii. Teb 13 NEW SI yur\o 2ÛMMÂNDER & RICHARDSON. LIBERTY STREET. SRVTER. S. C. ".VE HAYE F;'RMEl'A CO-PARTNEP^SHIP For the purpose of worîtÎ!»g Marbîe h!:d Granite1, manufsçturitîg mmt\ Mâm, fis. And doî.^g a Gêner*! Ras;rie?s : titat ii: . À complete wo:k-?hop h«5 ' " < i up on LIBERTY STREET, N S A R PoS? OrriCî: And we are now r^^;iy 'X-c .'- \ *:. ^>rrmip:ne--s a'î orders cons'srnt-d ' S»*... «faction guarantee i (. u:.r c»rice iartur»- P'ac:r.e- h-: order eit her- W F. <" ' M V A S F-*ER. G. E. RiCBARl>S< »N. watchman and mm JOB peintihg D E p a R T M E N T piete ?tocic ' ar<*>. :-.: . .-nid Faper. Trial J':.-:! "- and other Blanks. All work padded - » ordered. LET! ER HE.Vi>S X< >TE HM,U>S - ~ '- " KILL iiEADS "'r\'i i.M K.vrs KM \ K! î*Î-..S " - - iNYH A l -NS i'< .ST il KS RECEIF1S " ~"rnc ! !.\r:s " ! 7~~ l'AMPHLETS \ < i. IS COMPLET Law Ba'Ears a specialty. »V- },:> >.- f.-u-ii ities f«.r the prompt a::d corr«-<*t * xecuii of this '']:.-< of (i>i im< By-ljaws neatly p.-iatetl ». M-:: mates cheerful!v furuished on : ; TO RENT. ITllTHER (>R 1 i ^ -nst-r depot. !.:iro »vYater apara! ices Call o:i *>r n.j'! BOT CURTIS HOUSE. Highest of all in Leavening I t 1 INS.ÜBE Y Ol GIN Äsmrimce Company OF LONDON, Til?-: LARGEST ÇOMPANi iN THE WORLD Timt takes rire rickc o-a Gins For particulars, etc., apply to i MSnUI* ? AGENT. P. S..We do also a Gene ml Eire Insurance J>u>i:iess and "represent the MUTUAL LIFE IX>URàNCF of New York. the largest in tlie world. Aug. .:. .For Infants and Çiïiîdre». Castoria. promotes Di^e^tion, and ovo: wait's FlatwiericJ', Constipation, Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea, avA Fe^erisimessL Thus tii" chil I i< rentlereà hcahihy. un~. its sleep natural. Castcria c ntains no Morphine or other rarcctic proi*?rty-. 'Cantor;:) 5s >o -.reS \ to children that 1 . ( <>::: :: :]«: it j:s>!;[»'-:V'i-\«. :r.:v f.v»*SCTiDtioU fc-:-"vU ;.. r:11. A. Ariern::: M. λ., Iii South Oxford St.. Urooklyn; N. Y. * f u=o Castoria in my ;>r^rio»--. find it SOeciaiiv a :u:<:e<iV> Twtr< of eh : A:.i S Rr.lîEtkTSON *-!.ï». XttST&i Ave., : York. ""FTorn persona] kr '!_* :::.<) observation lean sav chat «"aw>~ki ;>. !:: fX«ivUent medicine for children*acting-as a laxative and re:ie*.ing the t. : t rtt» bow-is and £t-t«*KÙ system wry mueh, er*hüvc tOtd n:e/of its:ex- Ceii^u: e2o.t upon their eh.«! iren v Lvk. (_'. < >s«oor». Lowvll, >lns*. Thk Çentacr Compaxv, 77 Murray Street. 'S". Y. © O © o o r> o < 3 * -> U; ./ , O Jit thevar- i: "t^j ^-.-. W ^ W W U U Ü Ü Su ml ôi* Institute. rV. : NST!" : its .<. . - .'» ;:« r...:.:di. ^ r..t vv.-.i n].; .»:;: -: ruo::.> «r, i.::v Thos«- :ri: a rootns -hor, .{ «:.;:-v ;tr sn <*»riv dnv Thf a r .->r:i Us >< :; -n .^jr- i r^fitt*-*d, tizniilv. itirhf, »i! »»-c^arv în-vii- si.»'>d rt.-.ik. pMi-vr rr :it,.J Drawing n<::i Si>'t r-rnj ; tr: f->.,r-V.---;;:L'. Sti*n<>- Tv;..-v. r i : : r :t- -\ V'.-t-Si rt - r » s s>. e^cti ?: Ï-..t »! nnd Vorn! .\J-^:c .< :.<<« ::î? v.ü. i-- r*r-:vt-d Lor rti.y of th-?- i-'cmi. fi.*;:?-« r: v time ^'jriutj ^he rear, cd we 30>k*i! t;r'.r.«y»"- th«* v>>uti.j; IndiVs >' :. ". - _ '.!.»:' . : ' : ! :: ?\f schooi. fur ?.. :>.-: :i.!"i>:*;-t*:- '-. <: : . j. r kank u :;..«<n. Htesi-i-fit. Y fok sale. riiOK î: kxtractkö iioäev »r sa>* by the gallon or ALS«;. Fi'.»NKV IN iianütv f "Mf:. on '! [.rjolîotn -i it ïfcit.mun .. 'S": !CKN. JOSKni F. ÎÎMAAÎF Jivi ;j..iiiii;.i:'r. .' r VOL i jjiù i er.. 2S V^Ä^Ssö A BALLAD OF "OLD GLORY." It flutters from ocean to ocean Hhch over the el« meats' r-;ir, Tl rla^ > : our low arid dovotion. The s::ir spangled :bi_: we adore! It shai! reîçn a:.d >-i:.".il rule evermoro, Far famed. Nu h in sons: and in utory. Today and for days still in store. Ilurran for the folds of Old (iloryl Who can see without deepest emotion The stars that emblazon <t e*er- Thestars ":!:'.: ia warV î:<r.-e commotion [Hashed triumpti '" !ami o'er shore? n." e banner ; .::!t>:<.':5 that bore Todesnot ;iT:>i autocrat hoary, Str:ki::u tyranny rieht to the coro. @»rrah for "the folds of Old tiioryl '5 ^ ^ 1 If a foe cr false friend have a notion Its prowess ar.d s::c;.'^:!i t<> explore. It shall set all his nerves in a ::;«>t:un They never experienced beforel Oh, 'tis stronger by :'.ir than of yore When it crushed the vilo plot each Tory! Iîo! fighting V.viîi shimmer ar.d soar- Hurrah for the foids of Old Glory! r.woi. Their -ficht may its stars never pour For wrong on a batt'eneid gory! May its eagle bird live but t/>sr-<>re. Bu-rrah for the folds of Old 'J 'ory! . Eugene Davis. A PATRIOTIC PROGRAMME. Plans for the P'ttlurr. Se.h*»r»l Observance of ColuniHus llix-y. When the Aim rican superintendents of education at tlieir Brooklyn :: eoting conitirittee to takechargeof the üuti« titil p ibiic school t:eb.d>ratioii of C< :!t::;ii;s Day. they instructed them especially to pr ; are a u:j>foiVû progradnme of exer- Tnis oiiichil programme is now pub- ciiicaiiv fer a :n.t bo school houses. It provides ar v i:>r :ïî' -moon demonstrations m schools ;traj ciî t;:«"1» s may unite. The morning eere- m< »nies .are to l»e as follo*.vs: The schools are to assemble in their schoolhouses atthe usual hoar on the morning of Oct. 21. All the rooms under the same principal, so far as pos- sible, ;;re to unite in the s;;ü:c ex< rtds-es Although it is a gala day, the discipline i.i î') be precise, and the session issup- ryv^d the results of careful, pamsta^it^ :c.-r.:irations. The principal sees that everything is ih readiness, gives his last injunctions sts \v.;.( i: * t-he v.v- ht:;::s -.% »:.» are aiming the flag u runs are a'waited at the jrate by - î : rtpiZs and are escorted Li; :;kv > ::. maid: room aad in rat in; inen the vem and e:vh room :n turn, :l or otta r music, marches to «I vai a, v.- ne exercises are *.- take place and wia-r« s* als iiave been arranged. fi'i:e pupils are drawn up in a large hoI]i>\v sfptare arotmd the tlag, and the veterans and color guard take their places at the halyards. The exercises are opened by the mas- ter of c< Lvmouies, \vho may be the prin- cipal or an a]-p:-".n*' d person, reading tiiü president's proclamation f-.r the fcch cei dviv.iry:] of the day, in which he urges that every scho«vl in the; land ehaîi lîy th.e nationaJ flag He orders the l!ag* unfurled, and tin Heraus run it up the Ktal* and load the assemblage in threi ch> ers for t«*e stars and stripes Then, led by the principal; the pupils giv-> impressive salute !" the colors, pled git; - allegiance to the flag at.d t(. the republic for which it stands. This salute properly teiTnitiares in the sing- ing ô: "Xiy counrry, 'tis of theel" by the Foîi v.;; " this ::ni«jue ceremony anJ an acknowledgment "t Divine Provi- dence serially contributed features of theofrkdal programme. The iir t of theso is lh\- song of Columbus Day by Th- wn. th-.-distinguished writer of s w< et » Ti:i^ is tol>0:SuniE to thedd and ntaj-snc'ttuieof "Lvons " Then roil. ;ws the addr-.^ of Coiumbos I >ay, w hie h is ail i:g:it fui and brilliant declamation prej-'ir» d by Tiv? Youth's C<>mpani..n as its : rial y ft t., the cde- bratioti. The linai fea.tttre i>< ti:e read- ing of tire ode '.f C-.dninbns I>av This oew :.m, by Kdna. !> no ir, a mast-T-i--'"-. It will tako iogij and per- il lanetit rath-: as ;tu Aiaevican da-.-ie. The privib-geof d-olainiing this n.>b!o address, ;md of reu<lering tue snj»erb ;-d«*. wiL! b. ;l coV' ted dist iîreîioi) among th.- pupUs '-i <.ars--:e--N. :oel the asi^ign- iGeut, sSiould Ui ry cttrefnliy made This cone{i;d«\s the nniioriu at tires of tie* '-iVe-ia! j»r».gr;itjim*>. Following the*ï are - vj,. < . .! r. r.i;... the local ad- ditions, .-.ij' ji ;s tiisi,«>ric re]»res»-ntatioîiï!:, patriotic recitations and chorals, with vhich the s<dt«.«ds ntay d.-R--r.-.!< the ex- ercises. lr v.ill ah '> bo the usual thing f. >r addr<'.s.s«-s ;<< imad>; by I !: eminent j'tost s <f ti;.aeisi'.tr, and for tii" familiar aati-aial Ii} »ins to be sung Fr-j>ar;tîiv» s for the creditable, reti lering e»f fbi programme ca-iiJiol l^-gin :<-, " n i i!i"st ( ;;:> ) ! arrange? hen' « d'ld be nifbT.y, l'- at r>ir--- is : rat ire. i also Ul morji»|J .-.yjo-.i i 'o;!\f VO i. r' i 2 n:;f u.; y\--i , <-i }...|w..- .-i ..p»::i j>'V » e <t COLUMBUS DAY PREPARATIONS. Suggestions to the f*'d>>l.f«: :>ch'oi/ïs '('or the Celebration <>t tin- Annivcrs;sry. Tin.' official programme for the na- tional school celebration of Columbus Day is now published. The first duty of each (if our schools this fail, if ii wishes to be in line with the «>liit*r schoolsof America, is begin preparations at once for its proper observance of Oct. 21, the 400th anniversary of the discov- ery of America. A few suggestions as to the first things to be done may be of Son>e value. Teachers, the snperintendent and the ?cij')"i board should confer, thai ;(< ;:<>:'. may be harmonious and best rest:Its at- tained. The proposed eelei «ration should be explained i_> each school at th»» » arli- est tmrna.-rit. -ft should be so presented as to awaken enthusiasm Interesting topics relating to Columbus ami the dis- covery should be suggested for special investigation. Such topics ntfght bo "The Map of the World Before the Dis- covcry." 'Hniportant Inventions and Events in Europe Just Before the Dis- covery,*" "The Story of Coinmbns,*' "The Shi]»s of Columbus,'' "What C«> 'înin.bus Expected to Fir: ':," "Geograph- ical Growth of the ETnited Stairs," "Stories of South America," etc. The teacher should assign the address and the ode to those who can render them most intelligently. The flag salute and the songs should bo persistently re- hearsed. Important committees of pupils should be appointed: Firs:.A committee of invita:ion, whose duty is to see that the family of each, pupil receives a special invitatio:! to tlie morning exercises of Oct. 2*1, and also when they arrive to show them seats*. Second.A e..;<.r guard, whose duty is.(10 to see that the school has a flag and a staii in proper condition: (2) to meet the vetontns as they arrive escort them v.:*:: u:guiiy to the i>rî:icipai in the school house: (3) ie -act HS aids of the principal. Ae ee!<,:'~t.î i'A'ih committee of ar- rangements should also be constituted. This commiL-iee must see-^ßrst, that seats preparcu out oi uoors m nope of fair weather, and that a room is also lions and prin)e«l^rograin2ijes are pro- vided: third, that the i<>ca! press is in- terested and invited: fourth- that ar- rang *ments are made with the v< terans and other special guests for the parts they are * > take. But in all easts the sci:oo! principal »tust make himself personally responsi- ble for the work "f each committee. SOME GORGEOUS FLOATS. To Be S*1»'!; «t th« I>*;*lk?»t!on Cérémonies M->rc îthe c< :r.i<::- - 11 : r;::»T!î.«*r \\ :.^t fc'eiipa, i ; ia.::n! icv.- :v>i:t. Through adverse, wiuds threatened wr-rck. nr.:! ni-hts Cf raylessgloom, thon pointed to The north sisr grea: ambition. Iîe VvHö chee has ; t an a.!-.:., r v hais gained A paptdise hy Êves, t a.-a- The v. i;,-!;. rv a v vu;;:. '>!> !: ah Aa:;d. Ami th.... ..ii.lai dry-% i'M.-iifce. hsghcr Feî1;.à, «liL-i-tiK :. -m- war;....; i rota thy coacngfOUs ;;»; .. _*. the Ami biais <»:.v.;>.:-<i to his longed for Thot: trau- a > .;.:.(.:' v. ifi-ly sytftpatiiy To 1 11 f *: « 1 thv ; *:rp< t" his >oa!. .vnu titi.v ; ne < .: a have cycled hv .'- V art;.rt-,J ' Vet- .' r'-- f«»rong That laudi-.the grcstt t>;h:*:rnvr oi ».ho deep. It matters m : in that :-.:c! study Of spar«,, r thou .:. : culdo *br sP!rf. bark To undiscovered lands; supremely '.tt^. If to this plattet th'«»- <v,';,>-st fsrtj And voyage wraithiike, to Its cloud hung r;::î. Thon vyouîds: not care for praise. And i" perchance Sorhc? !:;!n : held out to thee .;. ;aur»d hucgh, iJ;:»'.S *. ',: [ n-iL ciaijO <>>: .- ^ Viv.lii, Otft One *f the in- *. ktrikmg. suggestions fur the local observances of Columbus Day is that ::: . y< ry town a^d city in the land the schools parade after the D>>rnîng. ox~rdses < f the celebraîtorr. While this is not specihe;dly included in the official programme pre£*ared for '.he day. it is strongly urged by tin; corn- initteo of educators who have Lad the uniform cob/oration in charge. if there is a general parade of the civic and military organizations a "pablic school review" should be its most honored feature. If thoro is no general procession tac schools alone might be renewed. Let the pupils sneet at their sciiooi houses at a desig- «cieut mar>r:als. without delays and in p< rfoct order, to their j-! ices in the line. The army vetenms north and ^a:!:. the : !;; and tin- gray alike, are prone- ly to march with the schoolsras special guards of hoTior. As the- reviewing stand is r eached each partof-the column can salate the flag with cheers and waving «f handkerchiefs and caj>f. The various patriotic organizations tni^ht fittingly be invited both to the morning exercises and t" serve, in addi- tion to tne vett raus, n.- escorts \\\ tn*- re- view. The beauty of the review would be heightened ii each schcxd carried -b- »th the natie-mtl flag and a distinctive banner of its own. The review might ho made impressive by symi>olic floats: models of tin- "old red «chiH.d house" a*! : of tin; >!:: < : Columbus are among the appropriate subjects. This feature, howevrr, should not be at- tempted unless it cari be elrectively done. In all cases, let it be said, the fant;istic should - rigorottsly barred from the procession. The Culture oi* T^c^ooo. The Muco a o-ti.-so'.r.ocnt of the A tlaula 'ojisi is a:lots roctvntly gave a sum mai v '.: t:.: obsetvarions niade ::v Mai W. L. G'esijer, on tobacC1.' emit lire v.-}.i:e hu a tiio tiü.-egb li:e tî-bacco sec::";.s i' FiV»i*ida. Vorth ' ni -b.ea aa<l 0'-i"^'..i, : acs lacis wiii prov«: mtcp sio.g aad y l:t.tb!c to llio iea.fiets «;{ Ta** î'n'tiva'; :% aad we glaViiv n tiscm :n otif col- umns in Florida Maj (vlessiier fourni the industry confined to tin) cultivation of cigar leaf tobacco fro a C'tbfcn feetl, a:- i s > suce >>'c! ami : ofitablc Was tin* ciiltivauior; p? \ a : that last vear, in llic <' ; .:v '-ab n, about 2,'cMj acres ^ « : ! :"\ i in plats ranging fiotu f*» î aty acres each, î avei'tigtr \ i-.i cci aere r. ns ao.»r.t r'îij poutids, and the price Tealfüreo averaged about 'M cents pet [n.ati.!, or >' i ' < '>.ihm a«*re. the cost oi pro- duction {jeit.g I's'imatcd at ;>< r acre, !ea\ a ':» ( proliî i-î ssi> per acre. In i' catur and Tito tuas Coun- ties. Georgia, tli'-it? has also been a considerable acreage oi cgar l«*a! to- bacco ; lanie.'l. tjie qualify and valu being about iii" sam»« as that of Gadn- <i«-n county In Coiutnbta cotmty. Florida, near take C'ty on the Geor- 'bi Sont ! crn road, Mai Gicssner ïonnd a Nf-assaciiti.scUs man ?.iiu bad this y.i ::: raist.'ii sevei: IiUiHired ptutmis of ciga: at tobacco per acre ami Ihé rjt::j 1:iv of it wa> iuiiv e<j«ial. if not superior, ! > the Liucst rSis«*d in Ga<l<deii cciiiin Tilts would give a m-: prellt of -:: I ill per acre. hi Georgia. ;i! Vaidosla. !:!! :! and Cv clou eta a susai! acreage ot el rar lea! tobacco was r:!aiited ii.'s year vvhbdi has been pi n. amc d bv i-xnerts t<i be eiiiial in iiuaiitV to 'lie :iv< ing" Florida tobacco; wi-U.- the vield per act" was JYom eight iiun«! ! \ to cue th iisand : unds j*- i acre, t":om wlvicli it v. Ü1 b«- - «-!: i; G»*er gia leads in :':« m.dlei pr< !;t. In idhei words riïë \ hi in G«-< rg;a ?ii s yea i is «b uMe the u\ in:;e yn'd.J '.a ploi id a, while tie- cost o protjiiction i> sahst.mi ii:y »Ii«* säure. !< i\üe: i pî < l îhsee t.Vacs as m ne ii as thaï <d: Fi- u he -at h i<\. t :.e.!s,.'-' t c :r t V Ha: wie.b- lb: : e sb-j W \ .: î -.v.M.ibi. . !,: ; \ ,. : i c v. il! ! a : : \ ., : .. :., l.i '. fbi.aigii, a.'vv- v: ,, i> -a:..'.\ : î o iy i;i"Vr tnat sm:::ii rg.t;i can niWiV- <: ";>> {' wilU at. y icioO See- lion in the |c .' ! nc; -ii i-I eig a: teal I.' \ |] M ('...,: v - : > I : i t-.. ,-\ >.<..\. is !.. ! i i t ! in-! <.!< ;.-!-: . f;t<:n» d !- i ils h. e ! : c : ,. !'... : u a ... c : " an ; v;.-!d. Ct'Ose.ih«-oCf id a i a* ili'Mt fv>i th.e t. .-i > ^ \y > KS \v h : :i has it et:1-: ,.,1 the .!»>.rl.-|»nn at ! flic b .d- it . ! nr. I" ;!:. b ars !. -/î v ,y : . dei.vv.salbei w-ü-l pit-uactS inairtiiac :, : iVai'. ii- a : w.i.-: r ' ' ( i ! .i i f -. 1 \v i; b an s.u. ;.' < ! HC.» I .»'- .' 1 \ i I A . . [' ; pi : » ; ca h a .*« Iv.«*. î a' I ! sv.n.jiii-s were pi «»uouMCt*:i by ! he ? 'a; < > iiUiatiS to be ill it'Y ;"1 iltialliV that that gore-rally raised in South Caroli nä, and :iif :;;;ee put on them wa: from 25 centR to hi fonts per pound VY hihj :j comparison on t'h s basi: nr.jrhl be more javotabie l ; Georgi; than an average uld show, we cat jtlst'y has-" a :-;Oi!p;i ;> !! Oh a Yield <; vm> po'ànds p; i' acre l«»r (je'-rgfa am" i')0 pounds per acre for North Carol i t:a. \\ ithotit claiming any a !.v »ntag» :n fjualt'y r price th s Cimiparison woii-d show a net profil of STlià per acre for Ceorgia as against £35 per tic; tor N /: îiî Cat olina i rom these comparisons :t vriil seen that s.aitii éjeor^ia présents an ïrivîttng iioi.l lor tobacco t'.'ow'ng*. oflVring fur farmers a staple crop which v Iii bring' them more money i.rom loss acreage than any product t.m-y haveeVer cultivated. The Florida Travel to go by Fayelteviiie. SaTs the Sa-TMsri-aafi Newts of'Octo- her iiirh : " T: " Atlantic Coast Line railroad lias taken the last step m ifs prépara- '"! rmmiag ali of its through fast height and passenger trains over the V\ hson Short cat ta the North Savan- nah ians will remmnber that the Altan- tic ('oast lire road, running from Florence, S C . t-> Wilson, X. C. which sh i I : i i s t't:; distance between this city and a!! points North by about seventy r»»ib s. The Short Cut was completed last spring", but has until now «»iiïv been us»-.! for local tariff because the oföebtls of tiie Coast Line system desired t<» gel the [road mto that completely eoulnpeci and thorough con&rthm which char- acter'"«-s tiS'l of the system before iitilizing it as a route tor fast traffic. They have now neatly completed all o{ their att^gefuetits, k:: ! at an eatK' dite w'îtl begin limning fast trains over that iino. The Cotnlactors and engineers Î: « m the main line have been ;><:t "ti the Short Cut ;n order that ta» y may become thoroughly familial with it prior !.. ;[s adoption as the regular through route for all last trallie. The Atlantic Coast lino already possesses the shortest through line from i harh'Ston and ooints South to the N nth. but by means of the Wilson r~h<>rt Cut the distance and linn; ovei reduci-id. Aikeivs Ch iiice for a Through Slooper. TItère has h a much difficulty fur some yotrrs re r :.ard to sleeping ~?'. aceeni-îda;, h>ns {' v traveler* to A«ker>, but ïiow if :-. pr '.able that wo wii oet tii- ii> t.i! to cb 1 m a tin er. It !> >tsttJ,j ti : I'.'f :. »' Ol Jeaiv'USV p f-. ; . ... ; .... t » v... f.: . 1* ... 1 tat' iei.1'1:' « *. .i.o.. ».'..i:>lUy n i:.:i- i'J Company, the latter Company is ^"'.t:<r t o trv to pi;at the Ariaatie C>n$C Line OU! of AiSgUStU i'iie C ..: { LftnrS O^n- trac; v.-id: liiv [ticdi'itouu and L'anviile *..r h:o-' ror î;îjs tn^»i ear and \Vii-'-i*>.rt.«rt sleeper between (.idffuoia an t Augusta espited last siiCDfti an G aas not rjeeri wed ai.d vyili no*, be restored. It; . or tn keep the Coast Line out of Augusta tito i\ichtnouu and Dauvilh) i-' contemplâting a citaDge schedule ci it? passenger train.- on tiie 15:b. it :> sai i the change new iurenderi i<. for the i»ie.»mlng uiortiing passenger train from Coluuibta and th.1 outgoing evetiing ::. n from Augu.^ra tube tackeJ ou f.. a tlrrenrh freight train;. The Aagc.-ta ageut says in- !: :> h-:arvi [ i'liiiiiL't > it: the scaeduio oe:;:iT cou- ten:; hi'vd and thut the inevorting tnotû- ;p.» and Oütg-dûs OVèniug «tili h;' UiiXed päs-etir aed t:idiht trains, bttt, v.lii,.1 he d:o« * oor kn ov. he d-es not b:S-ieve the m!:--;:'-' io:.-- will be !ec»î the tied Ir i-; anderstO 'd that the Coast Lme is rrvinü to arrange with rho S-oiri. Iroiiiia liaiUay tor hvht ^ it- slvrprt between Augusta and Coicrub;a over that road This »s just ' h;t v.- have been stliv- ing to obtain ' " s v : :d years and it ! » wïïat A ken hi', v needs to attract the trawl th -::ood siturälly c one h-:v S:n !i :i eh : incite tie* 1 »>r Lifre fa hurry t > c on- hfioa. the c-»r.i:eetio:: berv;een SutuTer t' and AUiiu-ra : . that has been murh t sliced a hour, 'j Iiis ro.i 1 w. aid rhr ;i:'h Alk« n. ami tnueh of it has Ehe Cotton VU\nl Turned Over îo Sir. Bowdi-c C*'tr*Mm.\ S. »'..(>.. : .Tl.e eot- -n Phito. was mday b a-ed W :?.o,vdeti 'Ire t;.-;d p»rty ru ina:-er. f«>r rertn Ot ve::; -. The board of iiiîèctors a. f and si sued :»t; address t > rht alliam'e r.<\ i aid id. a ] ortien of which ts as |j..w>t '! cau? , rrhi-h I -: rhi- ?; '> he tie. hi'dV wore « i ineSs ;-hsid :i el '.<-. that t- f s a v. ' ' : irsu- the [' t tn :i majHtet in a. !' a ;i! v to .he a a i ;vh« was .; : ! :«:..: O r r .' trrf i n." j.' ;i. ; t.e,vd:. r. n-t; -':a i at'.re c-and oia.oti p Oi-tio if inure di -' ly tor t ' 'ii «uro ! i ; f i v ï t hat ,.. t'- .:'..:> î'iae' s'ahîish. d up «a a ut, : : ri'tatec*.?.! ! !> than ever. Li Wtli ; ciM i< iv a * ai \ as ever to the p.« > t ;. afiiäüee p: o l ; n - Tu Coi:ift>i-î an Invalid Whon >l< \ io re;td I The South and the Chicago Fine Louistili-l, Kv., <>et. IS.The ; Lvui.-vill,; Tunes, o*:o of the most in- öaenib! ntj^spi^prs of this Stale, ui- vi.-es edit er lady thaï Kentucky a bra- den i ::f an exhibit at the v\ orîd s ?" ** " 1 v "ei. * * o-'cî rial <ji*v'dcj- a:oi ;"irsm r.«abi*j legisla- tion rende; inj; the Äi<il',0e<j appropria:- Mon cuuv&d&ble until after rec wirse is 'ai:en to the courts, together v.arh the I indlgnr.ieS that have been offered f'-m- gre-sman £>reckiiiridge by the Chicago pressaud public, "*;a this latter topic the Tim. a says : Hk-causo Co!. B:>ck- :tirîti£To cid not eindose to regard his selection as dedication n rat er as a *<|-iid pro quo' for bis conscience and a vole it- the matter of Congressional appropriation, he Iras been hounded by the representatives, clubs and press ef; Chicago t»» the p"ir.t that he bas been cosj'peiiC'd t a cancei :<:> a^o^in'ineut or fulfil il at a gàcc:£cc of bis self-resnec? Uiionng the p e indignity. Not;only rha-r-; >o -j;-r- sa* - fui of"all thi proprieties have. be«:i the ocwfjwjurs assaults epon #1s iz a j t' at the State has been be-paiterc-d with £'!h and every son and daughter id the C orn mou weal: h trc-a'ed wan comuaieiv and contempt. Parties, and sectb.n- j aiism have br ed !nL' into n one-sided \ controversy and Chicago, through h r \ recognized, if not authorized, spokes- ] man has with brutal frankness notified the people n{ Kentucky ana the :o:r-- South that they are not expected and not vcanted at this family ;:!îiir *' After a long comment the Time'' ad-is : "Let the .Slate representative? ! .in the national commission, ia'->:y. McKinsa ami IJennett, resign and Ken- tueVy say to tire Chicago management thai if she i- no': an honored best or S.aesi of the fair, she w-ili -art be rre^enr ; in either ea:paei'y.;* j Referring to the above, the Green- ! vi:!-- .»ews vet y pr -r.--tay remaiks : That is bad advice the h uisville j Times gives Kentucky regarding the | world's tair at Chicago. The fair is not ; .Chicagos. '.: ta the country's. L'ai | cag > is merely tie- place. To seek v..a- j geaooe lor any rt ai er imagined fault of ] Chicago people er newspapers by try- ing ;>> injure a display intended fur and to be participated in by tine whole e >un- ' try would be ri iiou::Us. The fact that j the effort weaid tail wocbl male it the mere ridiculous. The only suîïerer would be the Slate «.: Kentucky. 1 hv absence of the §-10!|,Ob'O display of îbv j commonwealth weui-J aar seriously dis- turn the exp«>sirbm and would mean j t- T'a-a;y to display bei' $b>.ë.R.U'ii re- sources t.- the wer ; :. j Weaver la Toniies^ec. \:e:e \\ eriV'-r went to Pulaski, ïer.n., where he performed so eutragcously SI -j VTiiit m-Te. made his sv-o.v-h w;thja: iaterruptton, and iefc Cornoiested. although ir had been heralded abroad aver the v;ires that he weald be ronghij handled it he shored hU hue in Tal-s- j. . lie went there ia a spirr r>f br^v.-v: a expecting to c-n»toutite." violent (-ppnsi t:.»u rar! w:e: doubtless disappointed j when Liie Democrats of that scctien | «îisphived the good rrmse net to grarifv Ihim. ' " ;'\ ïnsread of interfering hiai r Ii - v j j : : : an undisturbed a- artrrg; te: j hir- e:ake !:;- déniais ia the face ! ïhe j ; s we: u start Tüeni t.» the coutrarv, an i ! theu in a meeting held in ihe same : town Mid on the sitme day. bc'ofc the \ ecno <d o:s i.eaisis tia-i an a cut, teis.-eu ; ' tac folies in2 résolu:ions : » ' Whereas, r-hc re gies' party Pre^i- ài iiti-t! vimhdafe. J. i>. %.\ eaver. has made an address to :h_ people li a - to j cifiv. and whereas; we. L>eK;oerafs of GUvS cocnty, beSieviag in the rigiit ] ;>t ftee speech, i:av:» accorded him aj hearing in id.- own defence concerning the charge? of iuaumnniry, sp i:at:on and brutality alleged against him t e anmaa-ier of the po.-t fere ia LStC3 : ; in. v^rrheless. be it. ii) publish î 1 ttit. world auf »J-aaj'es ;^ Vv't- v.". iituv posing as :. fiieii-i "t tin' .invn-n.'.irieu am" oppressed t-î this land, uni white i»ar e-amfy was nude. | his : uni ii ion as mLîitfary cm nana r in L^t>o-01, icvy a-ses<a.;. at.- on no a-com- bâtant citizens, tha' he »antoniy de vas- S tated eur counry.; tliit h- iasa.rt- i o! : women and ebbdren. am! :b«- '>:' a:::;-: i-- a bvword <>t reproacîi «' our nee; !e That cottraasting his-conduct with i\i:A of Cel. Gresham. '-ev». .1 .>r-.r.> >a and nri;i is white her", we eorttj ana him a a :t< a j a: -a soldier i or :i> a marauder and dcspciSer the hcip'ess. aa.-.t as such arraign to i indict jam before th.- t>: eple 'it the l "ai"- i St if- s." this w:s b. trer rhir roT. a eggsj and a mere elective wav oi 'i i',;;.;:i; teas perambuiating meu .:«'» »s«k. v: .. . n- manbered. -at-a v u'reranees, be foutid wi.-hb: three tmuithsas i- ae.Üv i : ».».ii.f» tin- .<n ' ern - : :»s by -.vaf i:: i ;»tra .v.»m» : am: au: tnat'j .- it t f a :i ' Bravrii y Without :\n Gppo i *" \ a i - *" S G .i'd 11 1 h.1 rr rabite in eiv-t-n-M mi ; tin i'gress n»aal. disti j.-: :,,};.-a. i e I teilav wisi;ea m:ak:>».g aov nnaahaii ti tor eeoe- --« .* a cil i t w::r- :»e.-i to ^ int- no tri; ,. ! i1 1 a î IV- a s V *\ "cd "! vv : I 1 » i *" v. - b -!v«- i!n» t'ebi in t'n:> distiaed otiirrcr; ! l_f! j ;.^ ;,."-:.. i'ill t-:ii: tl.M»tin< e. r-i- ux.V ir : * v r i: -m 'a-* canv»--. a-a;st :»a* 1 -r brii ijiete tîi.eîT. recent ;rI «?» : the ' tiri:ccrair3 ;.i ri.!- a;.J' were prepared f; euT.v.r »he caihö:4^ri wi-h vif?>.r. The ibh ! party ad vocales anj'oru' the uhi e voters ..^ ?!r<; S**re have apurer,rfy giv-.-n «ïp rh:: ^:^e>. so: flL.-.t'.an elect'»pd il --:, t ~hi h.-. p-j*' oat thev have as ret ta Je« u nu arrion. Jupiters Opposition Tî;<* opposition Jarpicer < ilic iirii, u-:.f.;i the planet came ahmest near ;hf» t jj as is ever tîoss'Ir!'*. lias been aniiei'pai'-d bv as- trotiorners as a ;. rioe! irWi oppor- tunities { : discovory. This perh-d, so htvorabhi fur -.hs'-;via£ the Jv-vian syst'-m. iasts si;: we-h- ;>r more Professor !> »'ri:«a.'*s récent disco.v-' my at thé f.n-k Onsetvat.:y < !' a fTfrls Jovian moon s tiie first £rai»«.; tei«-- £"<>P*c (iisC'-vctv 'innre; t. .o presetrt o:;p«;>iî".;:: ..f tii 'Ii is !:<-\v- îotmd moori i< not oniy s îinv com» panne.; oi tim piaat orb, with a dir h::?:d»ed miles, but it revvdves »*.*zti*i its ptitnary at a disfanee of ?bont twenty-six t m :!*:: i utjiec h,-r.; the îat r's mIi fn e.bu! linie : : ; h : t tltè.ref«+rt% approach v(>ry near U; the oetiso nue en':rm-.n-.y Xî< [ : o;;ter aîmtisrhere Jn;>;t--r, (vhj. ticed bv h:s e;:?ra..-d:a;: y s; &s a::d chmd beds, w\;e:j ( ' :;t : :;i shows are eonsîauiîy :n ii-r^.-i: ,: I: aeria! envelotH*, pro!nîl«-:v :\'.t :. several il; e:<aad miles ah .ve the COvtïï îl î \ *. ',* % v* i S î i .X î ; l /Ï^Lîîî r* > " I » js<^ iieial.T." 1 * ''Cried Like a Cl:iid.5> ArausiA, G a., Oct î - .T<o;i Rai- son bas practically abat, bmed ail hope m betas returned to empress, lu tite State election last week he .v.if the issue in this district. It was a test Teto in t't s congressional race. When the news that the district had p»ne democratic by I/it/ö votes said the thing he ra^st r<\<rretied was the bitterness \rhicl: im î been aroîisf*d against !;i::i among i:is old hi his own !:":nn town, Titonvason, ail his life long fHesi^a voted a-ait-st him, and becatise of his teaciiin.trs of race eduality t.) the negroes, njattv of !:is crld !:i';:eis decHned t-> receive h:-u at their homes or to associate with him. Ills admirers now are cuiy rir;ir>iig the ijrno:r.::i classes of the v!mî'-s ami the blacks. Thoiteh he reatlzes that ho must be deleated, he has delernrined to make a iast bold stroke for the nejrrc v -te. and wiii tomorrow begin anoth- er îictive canvass ol lite district: speahit'y: principally to the neçioës. Dr. Corbett Resigns, f#r. i. t>. C-rt-ett. to th'% ec u- 'ai * c;ty. lias ttrndered his re>i^natron ..s one e{ th-' corps t»I puysiCtanî :-aL tue aSY-l :lt!l Tin* :«-s!"-na!*--:i is i > î.nhc a'ite.-t or: November I, atsd then Dr. Corbvît will ieave f »r lie* N.-i tli, where im will take spe-ciai lect ures far a while He has j; ,i yet decided 'trot! ids mtmc cwiiseî Dr « .vrb'.'tt v. > t>- ea at t.:-: a-yoï'î* six >-:-ars. and has .'eiia.c that ioti£ Sie: vice v.* »:: the Irij^herî ê>teom o! ti: v uti r hits ar.d has r:m oorte a arme- f.«r himsj:;' t=s r: >st reliable r.nù atteative ; 'iy; :ei :n His ways ate the. art : u * ira» eu tlarmy always meat, iie wa- the junior phy> Dr. Corbett had bis own j> drtical views and new: attempted to viis^nirc tiïero.. He woti-0 ; .t last t :-:;t say any: save" tie*! it r. St. lill tie' v.tcaacv ear. « I bv .o. Cor- h :t*s - ri -i it, ^ ; : 1. The kuiis :n :n are an mdes tc < ;j»5 s - vm. e : fdVarac'tër: thaï t-, if :h. \ i::.v n ; t ea ;:.;ar;d A >tronsr;k. A weak ei: t: .."er is -he.?n in : h we:.:-: sriiers, ana r :i si:: ; v- a^sytaj*; scrariitsT w ;.K. Ti or.o >!:. ::. 1 «te-;:c rte; :-r;;. ;neî a d-ed \rh:.-h re- untres a a:.a ;.-ev rtr.e . i'.* \v -ma .i. v. : i. t: -t :: a mm wr; ; «jrags t;:> legs about a- it thee v> rc aiaie ' ler.d, *r ri.hi a-;-. n \ T v.-.:;t to inèastifO & en ' -h- ch.»racier, and }ei^: n ?( ; time - a .»"*.:.:7. * au«> a»ia!y; ti - ua'ates. j th: iu:; ihe.a the seal, s adr ids \ : ;. . :i>es > \ w - in : : :i ' i- » r- <M«»-» i >. T. t t O ! - : \;>t-« . î: le \ I fffHt* I . \ v \ : \\ r, ft;. I. ';' On; Lir.:pî:et"ï Cure. \ .; 1 î \ à v e.

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Page 1: The watchman and southron.(Sumter, S.C.) 1892-10 …...Dil alya söi0m0e I ~-i OiSce! CTER-PRuWNS s PtJ.RDTS STORE,j "Entrance r»s Main Sfr"f-:. j 5ïetweeu BrevcsfcTurdy and Durant


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Vas SDMTSK WATCH >î AN. EC»taM!shdd April. ÏSSO.

Consolidai Ans. 2« 1SSL

"Be Jus: and Fear act.Let ai! the Ends CwU Aims't at. be thy C rv'p, thy God's snd Trat-i's "


TKr: TKl K SV.*UTKRO?t\ KsiabliMicd Jcac, Fl J3

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Two Doihirs per »:>r.u:r.. in adv&sce.iDTStlTISSSilKTS.

>ae Square, firs ;f:<7:^io:c.$\ 0.0frrery süksequeni insertion.. 50

Contract." for three -.-or.::::, or longer willt«? '»sade at reduced ratesau communication whiei ^ur^rve prdr^tt

ïrïôrests wiiî becn>.r.:ed for as adver;r?< t.rî!*.-.

^rituaries and tributes o\ reSlf, et will be.dîtreed for.


"State, city an.> county deposi-t 'ry. SUmTER, S. C

W Paid wj- ; .;-'*«ai ..... $75,000Surplus F»nd ...... Il.;"t'0 00

Transacts a Geoerai Baus usî Business.^Careful attention3Â V i S GS DK ï> A n T i>î E ST.

Deposits of Si and upwards -y.-. In-terest allowed at the r-\i<- of 4 : n rent, peranno si. Payable quarterly, n days ot

W~ Januarv, April. July and October.r R. M. A Ai. LA CE.

"r-cSident.»L. S. a-rrcN.

Aug. 7 Gtshi r.

- mm dpiäÄStlMTEK, S .

'CITY AND COUNTY DEPOSITORY..CTntcsact? a general Banking t-usioess.

Also h>';

a Savings Bank DepartmentDeposit'? or $1.00 and apv.-*.i received,

î-nteres* calculated the r«tt of 4 per c-:.r.

per annum, payabh r!y.W. F. ii. riAYSSVYORTH.

V7. F. Ehamk. President. !

Cashier. ja tig SI._:

Dil alya söi0m0e I~ - i

OiSce !

CTER -PRuWNS s PtJ.RDTS STORE, j"Entrance r»s Main Sfr"f-:. j

5ïetweeu BrevcsfcTurdy and Durant & Son.OFF»ce hours:

9 to I .30 : 2 to 5 o'clock, j"Sumter. S. C April

~gTw. sick,d.3x s.~~ IOrüi-e oTrr Bogin's New S .ore,CKTKAXCS OS XAiN STREET

SUMTER, S. C.Kjffiee Hour^..5 to 1:30 : 2:30 :o 5.Sent 8_~~

NEW LUygEB YARD. |BBS TO INFORM MY FRIENDS A"Nt<the puo.ic seneraHv tii;»: S.i-.v M*j

loca* d on rbe S ô: N R. R.. i :,*.i r.

înv residence, is cow ::; full »' t> :

am prepared to ..' >:: ai: ir* :e? oj ;

c?ine Lumner from uobled :.:.: :.«> prie*,laccordint: to trrad-..?

Ya.rd ac-erSibie on Nor:!: j i- F -.-i>\-\<..J. i;. ROACii.

Teb 13


SI yur\o


".VE HAYE F;'RMEl'A CO-PARTNEP^SHIPFor the purpose of worîtÎ!»g Marbîe

h!:d Granite1, manufsçturitîg

mmt\ Mâm, fis.And doî.^g a Gêner*! Ras;rie?s : titat ii: .

À complete wo:k-?hop h«5 ' "< i up on

LIBERTY STREET, N S A R PoS? OrriCî:And we are now r^^;iy 'X-c .'- \ *:.

^>rrmip:ne--s a'î orders cons'srnt-d ' S»*...«faction guarantee i (. u:.r c»rice iartur»-

P'ac:r.e- h-: order eit her-W F. <" ' M V A S F-*ER.G. E. RiCBARl>S< »N.

watchman and mm

JOB peintihg


piete ?tocic OÎ ' ar<*>. :-.: .

.-nid Faper. Trial J':.-:! "-

and other Blanks. All workpadded - » ordered.



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Timt takes rire rickc o-a GinsFor particulars, etc., apply to


P. S..We do also a Geneml Eire Insurance J>u>i:iessand "represent the


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sleep natural. Castcria c ntains no

Morphine or other rarcctic proi*?rty-.

'Cantor;:) 5s >o -.reS \ to children that1 . ( <>::: :: :]«: it j:s>!;[»'-:V'i-\«. :r.:v f.v»*SCTiDtioUfc-:-"vU ;.. r:11. A. Ariern::: M. λ.,

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""FTorn persona] kr '!_* :::.<) observationlean sav chat «"aw>~ki ;>. !:: fX«ivUent medicinefor children*acting-as a laxative and re:ie*.ingthe t. : t rtt» bow-is and £t-t«*KÙ system wrymueh, er*hüvc tOtd n:e/of its:ex-Ceii^u: e2o.t upon their eh.«! iren v

Lvk. (_'. < >s«oor».Lowvll, >lns*.

Thk Çentacr Compaxv, 77 Murray Street. 'S". Y.

© O © '© o o r> o

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Jit thevar- i: "t^j^-.-.

W ^ W W U U Ü Ü

Sumlôi* Institute.rV. : NST!" : its .<. . - ;» .'»

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ruo::.> «r, i.::v Thos«-:ri: a rootns -hor, .{ «:.;:-v ;tr sn <*»riv dnv

Thf a r .->r:i Us >< :; -n .^jr- i r^fitt*-*d,tizniilv. itirhf, »i! »»-c^arv în-vii-

si.»'>d rt.-.ik.pMi-vr rr :it,.J Drawing

n<::i Si>'t r-rnj ; tr: f->.,r-V.---;;:L'. Sti*n<>-Tv;..-v. r i : : r :t- -\ V'.-t-Si rt - r » s s>. e^cti

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_ '.!.»:' . : ' : ! :: ?\f schooi.fur ?.. :>.-: :i.!"i>:*;-t*:- '-. <: : .

j. r kank u :;..«<n.Htesi-i-fit.

Yfok sale.

riiOK î: kxtractkö iioäev

»r sa>* by the gallon or

ALS«;. Fi'.»NKV IN


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on '! [.rjolîotn-i it ïfcit.mun

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Jivi ;j..iiiii;.i:'r.

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VOL i jjiù i


2S V^Ä^Ssö


It flutters from ocean to ocean

Hhch over the el« meats' r-;ir,Tl rla^ > : our low arid dovotion.The s::ir spangled :bi_: we adore!It shai! reîçn a:.d >-i:.".il rule evermoro,

Far famed. Nu h in sons: and in utory.Today and for days still in store.

Ilurran for the folds of Old (iloryl

Who can see without deepest emotionThe stars that emblazon <t e*er-

Thestars ":!:'.: ia warV î:<r.-e commotion[Hashed triumpti '" !ami o'er shore?n." e banner ; .::!t>:<.':5 that bore

Todesnot ;iT:>i autocrat hoary,Str:ki::u tyranny rieht to the coro.

@»rrah for "the folds of Old tiioryl

'5 ^

^ 1

If a foe cr false friend have a notionIts prowess ar.d s::c;.'^:!i t<> explore.

It shall set all his nerves in a ::;«>t:un

They never experienced beforelOh, 'tis stronger by :'.ir than of yore

When it crushed the vilo plot each Tory!Iîo! fighting V.viîi shimmer ar.d soar-

Hurrah for the foids of Old Glory!r.woi.

Their -ficht may its stars never pourFor wrong on a batt'eneid gory!

May its eagle bird live but t/>sr-<>re.Bu-rrah for the folds of Old 'J 'ory!

.Eugene Davis.


Plans for the P'ttlurr. Se.h*»r»l Observanceof ColuniHus llix-y.

When the Aim rican superintendentsof education at tlieir Brooklyn :: eoting

conitirittee to takechargeof the üuti« titilp ibiic school t:eb.d>ratioii of C< :!t::;ii;sDay. they instructed them especially to

pr ; are a u:j>foiVû progradnme of exer-

Tnis oiiichil programme is now pub-ciiicaiiv fer a

:n.t bo school houses.It provides

ar v i:>r :ïî' -moon

demonstrations m schools ;traj

ciî t;:«"1» s may unite. The morning eere-

m< »nies .are to l»e as follo*.vs:The schools are to assemble in their

schoolhouses atthe usual hoar on themorning of Oct. 21. All the rooms

under the same principal, so far as pos-sible, ;;re to unite in the s;;ü:c ex< rtds-esAlthough it is a gala day, the disciplinei.i î') be precise, and the session issup-ryv^d the results of careful,pamsta^it^ :c.-r.:irations.The principal sees that everything is

ih readiness, gives his last injunctionssts \v.;.( i: * t-he v.v-ht:;::s -.% »:.» are

aiming the flagu runs are a'waited at the jrate by

- î : rtpiZs and are escortedLi; :;kv > ::. maid: room aad

in rat in;

inen thevem and e:vh room :n turn,:l or otta r music, marches to

«I vai a, v.- ne exercises are

*.- take place and wia-r« s* als iiave beenarranged. fi'i:e pupils are drawn up ina large hoI]i>\v sfptare arotmd the tlag,and the veterans and color guard taketheir places at the halyards.The exercises are opened by the mas-

ter of c< Lvmouies, \vho may be the prin-cipal or an a]-p:-".n*' d person, readingtiiü president's proclamation f-.r thefcch cei dviv.iry:] of the day, in whichhe urges that every scho«vl in the; landehaîi lîy th.e nationaJ flag He ordersthe l!ag* unfurled, and tin Heraus run

it up the Ktal* and load the assemblagein threi ch> ers for t«*e stars and stripesThen, led by the principal; the pupilsgiv-> impressive salute !" the colors,pled git; - allegiance to the flag at.d t(.the republic for which it stands. Thissalute properly teiTnitiares in the sing-ing ô: "Xiy counrry, 'tis of theel" by the

Foîi v.;; " this ::ni«jue ceremony anJan acknowledgment "t Divine Provi-dence serially contributedfeatures of theofrkdal programme. Theiir t of theso is lh\- song of ColumbusDay by Th- wn. th-.-distinguishedwriter of s w< et » Ti:i^ is tol>0:SuniEto thedd and ntaj-snc'ttuieof "Lvons "

Then roil. ;ws the addr-.^ of CoiumbosI >ay, w hie h is ail i:g:it fui and brilliantdeclamation prej-'ir» d by Tiv? Youth'sC<>mpani..n as its : rial y ft t., the cde-bratioti. The linai fea.tttre i>< ti:e read-ing of tire ode '.f C-.dninbns I>av Thisoew :.m, by Kdna. !> no ir, a

mast-T-i--'"-. It will tako iogij and per-illanetit rath-: as ;tu Aiaevican da-.-ie.The privib-geof d-olainiing this n.>b!oaddress, ;md of reu<lering tue snj»erb;-d«*. wiL! b. ;l coV' ted dist iîreîioi) amongth.- pupUs '-i <.ars--:e--N. :oel the asi^ign-iGeut, sSiould Ui v« ry cttrefnliy made

This cone{i;d«\s the nniioriu f» at tires

of tie* '-iVe-ia! j»r».gr;itjim*>. Followingthe*ï are - vj,. < . .! r. r.i;... the local ad-ditions, .-.ij' ji ;s tiisi,«>ric re]»res»-ntatioîiï!:,patriotic recitations and chorals, withvhich the s<dt«.«ds ntay d.-R--r.-.!< the ex-

ercises. lr v.ill ah '> bo the usual thingf. >r addr<'.s.s«-s ;<< imad>; by I !: eminentj'tosts <f ti;.aeisi'.tr, and for tii"familiar aati-aial Ii} »ins to be sung

Fr-j>ar;tîiv» s for the creditable, reti

lering e»f fbi programme ca-iiJiol l^-gin:<-, " n i i!i"st ( ;;:> ) ! arrange?hen' « d'ld be nifbT.y, l'- at 2«

r>ir--- is : rat ire.

i also

Ul morji»|J .-.yjo-.i i 'o;!\f VO i. r' i 2 n:;fu.; y\--i , <-i }...|w..- .-i ..p»::i j>'V » e <t


Suggestions to the f*'d>>l.f«: :>ch'oi/ïs '('orthe Celebration <>t tin- Annivcrs;sry.Tin.' official programme for the na-

tional school celebration of ColumbusDay is now published. The first duty ofeach (if our schools this fail, if ii wishesto be in line with the «>liit*r schoolsofAmerica, is !« begin preparations atonce for its proper observance of Oct.21, the 400th anniversary of the discov-ery of America. A few suggestions as

to the first things to be done may be ofSon>e value.Teachers, the snperintendent and the

?cij')"i board should confer, thai ;(< ;:<>:'.

may be harmonious and best rest:Its at-

tained. The proposed eelei «ration shouldbe explained i_> each school at th»» » arli-est tmrna.-rit. -ft should be so presentedas to awaken enthusiasm Interestingtopics relating to Columbus ami the dis-covery should be suggested for specialinvestigation. Such topics ntfght bo"The Map of the World Before the Dis-covcry." 'Hniportant Inventions andEvents in Europe Just Before the Dis-covery,*" "The Story of Coinmbns,*'"The Shi]»s of Columbus,'' "What C«>'înin.bus Expected to Fir: ':," "Geograph-ical Growth of the ETnited Stairs,""Stories of South America," etc. Theteacher should assign the address andthe ode to those who can render themmost intelligently. The flag salute andthe songs should bo persistently re-

hearsed.Important committees of pupils should

be appointed: Firs:.A committee ofinvita:ion, whose duty is to see that thefamily of each, pupil receives a specialinvitatio:! to tlie morning exercises ofOct. 2*1, and also when they arrive toshow them seats*. Second.A e..;<.r

guard, whose duty is.(10 to see that theschool has a flag and a staii in propercondition: (2) to meet the vetontns as

they arrive escort them v.:*:: u:guiiyto the i>rî:icipai in the school house: (3)ie -act HS aids of the principal.Ae ee!<,:'~t.î i'A'ih committee of ar-

rangements should also be constituted.This commiL-iee must see-^ßrst, thatseats preparcu out oi uoors m nopeof fair weather, and that a room is also

lions and prin)e«l^rograin2ijes are pro-vided: third, that the i<>ca! press is in-terested and invited: fourth- that ar-

rang *ments are made with the v< terans

and other special guests for the partsthey are *

> take.But in all easts the sci:oo! principal

»tust make himself personally responsi-ble for the work "f each committee.


To Be S*1»'!; «t th« I>*;*lk?»t!on Cérémonies

M->rc îthe c< :r.i<::- - 11 : r;::»T!î.«*r\\ :.^t fc'eiipa, i ; ia.::n! icv.- :v>i:t.

Through adverse, wiuds threatenedwr-rck. nr.:! ni-hts

Cf raylessgloom, thon pointed to

The north sisr grea: ambition. IîeVvHö chee has ; t an a.!-.:., r v hais gainedA paptdise hy Êves, t a.-a-

The v. i;,-!;. rv a v vu;;:.'>!> !: ah Aa:;d.Ami th.... ..ii.lai dry-% i'M.-iifce. hsghcrFeî1;.à, «liL-i-tiK :. -m- war;....;i rota thy coacngfOUs ;;»; .. _*. the

Ami biais <»:.v.;>.:-<i to his longed for

Thot: trau- a > .;.:.(.:' v. ifi-ly sytftpatiiyTo 1 11 f *: « 1 thv ; *:rp< t" his >oa!..vnu titi.v ; ne < .: a have cycled hv

.'- V art;.rt-,J ' Vet- .' r'-- f«»rongThat laudi-.the grcstt t>;h:*:rnvr oi ».ho deep.It matters m : in that :-.:c! studyOf spar«,, r thou .:. : culdo *br sP!rf.

barkTo undiscovered lands; supremely '.tt^.If to this plattet th'«»- <v,';,>-st fsrtjAnd voyage wraithiike, to Its cloud hung

r;::î.Thon vyouîds: not care for praise. And i"

perchanceSorhc? !:;!n : held out to thee .;. ;aur»d hucgh,iJ;:»'.S *. ',: [ n-iL ciaijO <>>: .- ^ Viv.lii, Otft

One *f the in- *. ktrikmg. suggestionsfur the local observances of ColumbusDay is that ::: . y< ry town a^d city inthe land the schools parade after theD>>rnîng. ox~rdses < f the celebraîtorr.While this is not specihe;dly included inthe official programme pre£*ared for '.heday. it is strongly urged by tin; corn-

initteo of educators who have Lad theuniform cob/oration in charge.

if there is a general parade of thecivic and military organizations a

"pablic school review" should be itsmost honored feature. If thoro is no

general procession tac schools alonemight be renewed. Let the pupilssneet at their sciiooi houses at a desig-

«cieut mar>r:als. without delays and inp< rfoct order, to their j-! ices in the line.The army vetenms north and ^a:!:.the : !;; and tin- gray alike, are prone-ly to march with the schoolsras specialguards of hoTior. As the- reviewingstand is r eached each partof-the columncan salate the flag with cheers andwaving «f handkerchiefs and caj>f.The various patriotic organizations

tni^ht fittingly be invited both to themorning exercises and t" serve, in addi-tion to tne vett raus, n.- escorts \\\ tn*- re-

view. The beauty of the review wouldbe heightened ii each schcxd carried-b- »th the natie-mtl flag and a distinctivebanner of its own. The reviewmight ho made impressive by symi>olicfloats: models of tin- "old red «chiH.dhouse" a*! : of tin; >!:: < : Columbus are

among the appropriate subjects. Thisfeature, howevrr, should not be at-tempted unless it cari be elrectively done.In all cases, let it be said, the fant;isticshould - rigorottsly barred from theprocession.

The Culture oi* T^c^ooo.

The Muco a o-ti.-so'.r.ocnt of theA tlaula 'ojisi is a:lots roctvntly gave a

summai v '.: t:.: obsetvarions niade::v Mai W. L. G'esijer, on tobacC1.'emit lire v.-}.i:e hu a tiio tiü.-egb li:etî-bacco sec::";.s i' FiV»i*ida. Vorth' ni -b.ea aa<l 0'-i"^'..i, : acs laciswiii prov«: mtcp sio.g aad y l:t.tb!cto llio iea.fiets «;{ Ta** î'n'tiva'; :% aadwe glaViiv n tiscm :n otif col-umns

in Florida Maj (vlessiier fourni theindustry confined to tin) cultivation of

cigar leaf tobacco fro a C'tbfcn feetl,a:- i s > suce >>'c! ami : ofitablc Was

tin* ciiltivauior; p? \ a : that lastvear, in llic <' ; .:v '-ab n, about2,'cMj acres ^ « : ! :"\ i in platsranging fiotu f*» î aty acres each,î avei'tigtr \ .« i-.i cci aere r. ns ao.»r.t

r'îij poutids, and the price Tealfüreoaveraged about 'M cents pet [n.ati.!,or >' i '

< '>.ihm a«*re. the cost oi pro-duction {jeit.g I's'imatcd at ;>< r

acre, !ea\ a ':» ( proliî i-î ssi> peracre. In i' catur and Titotuas Coun-ties. Georgia, tli'-it? has also been a

considerable acreage oi cgar l«*a! to-

bacco ; lanie.'l. tjie qualify and valu

being about iii" sam»« as that of Gadn-<i«-n county In Coiutnbta cotmty.Florida, near take C'ty on the Geor-'bi Sont !crn road, Mai Gicssnerïonnd a Nf-assaciiti.scUs man ?.iiu badthis y.i ::: raist.'ii sevei: IiUiHired ptutmisof ciga: at tobacco per acre ami

Ihé rjt::j 1:iv of it wa> iuiiv e<j«ial. ifnot superior, ! > the Liucst rSis«*d in

Ga<l<deii cciiiin Tilts would give a

m-: prellt of -:: I ill per acre.

hi Georgia. ;i! Vaidosla. !:!! :! andCvcloueta a susai! acreage ot el rar

lea! tobacco was r:!aiited ii.'s yearvvhbdi has been pi n. amc d bv

i-xnerts t<i be eiiiial in iiuaiitV to 'lie:iv< ing" Florida tobacco; wi-U.- thevield per act" was JYom eight iiun«!! \ to cue th iisand : unds j*- i acre,

t":om wlvicli it v. Ü1 b«- - «-!: i; G»*er

gia leads in :':« m.dlei pr< !;t. Inidhei words riïë \ hi in G«-< rg;a ?ii s

yea i is «b uMe the u\ in:;e yn'd.J '.a

ploi id a, while tie- cost o protjiictioni> sahst.mi ii:y »Ii«* säure. !< i\üe: i

pî < l îhsee t.Vacs as

m ne ii as thaï <d: Fi- u he -at h i<\.t :.e.!s,.'-' t c :r t V Ha: wie.b- lb: : e

sb-j W \ .: î -.v.M.ibi. .

!,: ; \ ,. : i c

v. il! ! a : :

\ ., : .. :., l.i '.

fbi.aigii, a.'vv- v: ,, i> -a:..'.\ : î o iyi;i"Vr tnat sm:::ii rg.t;i can niWiV-

<: ";>> {' wilU at.y icioO See-

lion in the |c .' ! nc; -ii i-I eig a: teal I.'

\ |] M ('...,:

v - : > I : it-.. ,-\ >.<..\. is

!.. ! i i t !

in-! <.!< ;.-!-: . f;t<:n» d !- i ils h. e ! :

c : ,. !'... : u a

... c : " an ; v;.-!d.Ct'Ose.ih«-oCf id a i a* ili'Mt fv>i

th.e t. .-i > ^ \y > KS \v h : :i has it et:1-:,.,1 the .!»>.rl.-|»nn at ! flic b .d- it

. ! nr. I";!:. b ars !. -/î v ,y : .

dei.vv.salbei w-ü-l pit-uactS inairtiiac:,

: iVai'. ii- a : w.i.-:


' '

( i ! .i i f -. 1 \v i; b an s.u. ;.' < !

HC.» I .»'- .' 1\ i I A..

[' ; pi : » ; ca h a .*« Iv.«*. î


I !

sv.n.jiii-s were pi «»uouMCt*:i by ! he ? 'a; < >

iiUiatiS to be ill it'Y ;"1 iltialliV thatthat gore-rally raised in South Carolinä, and :iif :;;;ee put on them wa:

from 25 centR to hi fonts per poundVY hihj :j comparison on t'h s basi:nr.jrhl be more javotabie l ; Georgi;than an average w« uld show, we cat

jtlst'y has-" a :-;Oi!p;i ;> !! Oh a Yield <;

vm> po'ànds p; i' acre l«»r (je'-rgfa am"

i')0 pounds per acre for North Carol it:a. \\ ithotit claiming any a !.v »ntag»:n fjualt'y r price th s Cimiparisonwoii-d show a net profil of STlià peracre for Ceorgia as against £35 pertic; tor N /: îiî Cat olina

i rom these comparisons :t vriil b«seen that s.aitii éjeor^ia présents an

ïrivîttng iioi.l lor tobacco t'.'ow'ng*.oflVring fur farmers a staple cropwhich v Iii bring' them more moneyi.rom loss acreage than any productt.m-y haveeVer cultivated.

The Florida Travel to go byFayelteviiie.

SaTs the Sa-TMsri-aafi Newts of'Octo-her iiirh :

" T: " Atlantic Coast Line railroadlias taken the last step m ifs prépara-'"! rmmiag ali of its through fastheight and passenger trains over theV\ hson Short cat ta the North Savan-nah ians will remmnber that the Altan-tic ('oast lire road, running fromFlorence, S C . t-> Wilson, X. C.which sh i I : i i s t't:; distance betweenthis city and a!! points North byabout seventy r»»ib s. The Short Cutwas completed last spring", but hasuntil now «»iiïv been us»-.! for localtariff because the oföebtls of tiieCoast Line system desired t<» gel the

[road mto that completely eoulnpeciand thorough con&rthm which char-acter'"«-s tiS'l of the system beforeiitilizing it as a route tor fast traffic.They have now neatly completed allo{ their att^gefuetits, k:: ! at an eatK'dite w'îtl begin limning fast trainsover that iino. The Cotnlactors andengineers Î: « m the main line havebeen ;><:t "ti the Short Cut ;n orderthat ta» y may become thoroughlyfamilial with it prior !.. ;[s adoptionas the regular through route for alllast trallie. The Atlantic Coast linoalready possesses the shortest throughline from i harh'Ston and ooints Southto the N nth. but by means of theWilson r~h<>rt Cut the distance andlinn; ovei


Aikeivs Ch iiice for a ThroughSlooper.

TItère has h a much difficulty fursome yotrrs re r :.ard to sleeping ~?'.aceeni-îda;, h>ns {' v traveler* to A«ker>,but ïiow if :-. pr '.able that wo wiioet tii- ii> t.i! to cb 1 ma tiner. It!> >tsttJ,j ti : I'.'f :. »' Ol Jeaiv'USV

p f-. ; . ... ; .... t » v... f.: . 1* ... 1tat' iei.1'1:' « *. .i.o.. ».'..i:>lUy n i:.:i- i'J

Company, the latter Company is ^"'.t:<rto trv to pi;at the Ariaatie C>n$C LineOU! of AiSgUStU i'iie C ..: { LftnrS O^n-

trac; v.-id: liiv [ticdi'itouu and L'anviile*..r h:o-' ror î;îjs tn^»i ear and \Vii-'-i*>.rt.«rtsleeper between (.idffuoia an t Augustaespited last siiCDfti anG aas not rjeeri

wed ai.d vyili no*, be restored. It;. or tn keep the Coast Line out ofAugusta tito i\ichtnouu and Dauvilh) i-'

contemplâting a citaDge schedule ciit? passenger train.- on tiie 15:b.

it :> sai i the change new iurenderi i<.for the i»ie.»mlng uiortiing passengertrain from Coluuibta and th.1 outgoingevetiing ::. n from Augu.^ra tube tackeJou f.. a tlrrenrh freight train;.The Aagc.-ta ageut says in- !: :> h-:arvi

[ i'liiiiiL't > it: the scaeduio oe:;:iT cou-

ten:; hi'vd and thut the inevorting tnotû-

;p.» and Oütg-dûs OVèniug «tili h;' UiiXed

päs-etir aed t:idiht trains, bttt, v.lii,.1he d:o« * oor kn ov. he d-es not b:S-ievethe m!:--;:'-' io:.-- will be !ec»îthe tied

Ir i-; anderstO 'd that the Coast Lmeis rrvinü to arrange with rho S-oiri.Iroiiiia liaiUay tor hvht ^ it- slvrprtbetween Augusta and Coicrub;a over

that roadThis »s just ' h;t v.- have been stliv-

ing to obtain ' " s v : :d years and it ! »

wïïat A ken hi', v needs to attract

the trawl th -::ood siturälly c one

h-:vS:n !i :i eh :

incite tie* 1 »>r Lifre fa hurry t > c on-

hfioa. the c-»r.i:eetio:: berv;een SutuTert' and AUiiu-ra : . that has been

murh t sliced a hour, 'j Iiis ro.i 1 w. aidrhr ;i:'h Alk« n. ami tnueh of it has

Ehe Cotton VU\nl TurnedOver îo Sir. Bowdi-c

C*'tr*Mm.\ S. »'..(>.. : IÜ .Tl.e eot-

-n Phito. was mday b a-ed W:?.o,vdeti 'Ire t;.-;d p»rty ru ina:-er. f«>rrertn Ot ve::; -. The board of iiiîèctors

a. f and sisued :»t; address t > rht alliam'er.<\ i aid id. a ] ortien of which ts as

|j..w>t '! cau? , rrhi-h I -:

rhi- ?; '> he tie. hi'dV wore « i ineSs;-hsid :i el '.<-. that t- f s a v. ' '« ' : irsu-

the [' t tn :i majHtet

in a. !' a ;i! v to n» .he a

ai ;vh« was .; : ! :«:..:

O r r .' trrf i n." j.' ;i. ;

t.e,vd:. r. n-t; -':a i at'.re c-andoia.oti p Oi-tio if inure di -' ly tor

t ' 'ii «uro ! i h« ; f iv ï t hat

,.. t'- .:'..:> î'iae' s'ahîish. d up «a a

ut, : : ri'tatec*.?.! ! :» !> than ever. Li Wtli; ciM i< iv a * ai \ as ever to the p.« > t

;. afiiäüee p: o l ; n -

Tu Coi:ift>i-î an Invalid

Whon >l< \ io re;td I

The South and the ChicagoFine

Louistili-l, Kv., <>et. IS.The ;

Lvui.-vill,; Tunes, o*:o of the most in-öaenib! ntj^spi^prs of this Stale, ui-vi.-es edit er lady thaï Kentucky abra-den i ::f an exhibit at the v\ orîd s

?" **" 1

v "ei. **

o-'cî rial <ji*v'dcj- a:oi ;"irsm r.«abi*j legisla-tion rende; inj; the Äi<il',0e<j appropria:-Mon cuuv&d&ble until after rec wirse is'ai:en to the courts, together v.arh the I

indlgnr.ieS that have been offered f'-m-gre-sman £>reckiiiridge by the Chicagopressaud public, "*;a this latter topicthe Tim. a says : Hk-causo Co!. B:>ck-:tirîti£To cid not eindose to regard hisselection as dedication nrater as a

*<|-iid pro quo' for bis conscience and a

vole it- the matter of Congressionalappropriation, he Iras been hounded bythe representatives, clubs and press ef;Chicago t»» the p"ir.t that he bas beencosj'peiiC'd t a cancei :<:> a^o^in'ineut or

fulfil il at a gàcc:£cc of bis self-resnec?Uiionng the p e

indignity. Not;only rha-r-; >o -j;-r- sa* -

fui of"all thi proprieties have. be«:i the

ocwfjwjurs assaults epon #1s tî iz a jt' at the State has been be-paiterc-d with£'!h and every son and daughter id theC ornmou weal: h trc-a'ed wan comuaieivand contempt. Parties, and sectb.n- jaiism have br ed !nL' into n one-sided \controversy and Chicago, through h r \recognized, if not authorized, spokes- ]man has with brutal frankness notifiedthe people n{ Kentucky ana the :o:r--

South that they are not expected andnot vcanted at this family ;:!îiir *'

After a long comment the Time''ad-is : "Let the .Slate representative? !

.in the national commission, ia'->:y.McKinsa ami IJennett, resign and Ken-tueVy say to tire Chicago managementthai if she i- no': an honored best or

S.aesi of the fair, she w-ili -art be rre^enr ;in either ea:paei'y.;* j

Referring to the above, the Green- !vi:!-- .»ews vet y pr -r.--tay remaiks :

That is bad advice the h uisville jTimes gives Kentucky regarding the |world's tair at Chicago. The fair is not ;

.Chicagos. '.: ta the country's. L'ai |cag > is merely tie- place. To seek v..a- jgeaooe lor any rt ai er imagined fault of ]Chicago people er newspapers by try-ing ;>> injure a display intended fur andto be participated in by tine whole e >un-


try would be ri iiou::Us. The fact that jthe effort weaid tail wocbl male itthe mere ridiculous. The only suîïererwould be the Slate «.: Kentucky. 1 hvabsence of the §-10!|,Ob'O display of îbv jcommonwealth weui-J aar seriously dis-

turn the exp«>sirbm and would mean j

t- T'a-a;y to display bei' $b>.ë.R.U'ii re-

sources t.- the wer ; :. j

Weaver la Toniies^ec.

\:e:e \\ eriV'-r went to Pulaski, ïer.n.,where he performed so eutragcouslySI -j VTiiit m-Te. made his sv-o.v-h w;thja:iaterruptton, and iefc Cornoiested.although ir had been heralded abroadaver the v;ires that he weald be ronghijhandled it he shored hU hue in Tal-s-

j. .

lie went there ia a spirr r>f br^v.-v: a

expecting to c-n»toutite." violent (-ppnsit:.»u rar! w:e: doubtless disappointed jwhen Liie Democrats of that scctien |«îisphived the good rrmse net to grarifvIhim. ' " ;'\

ïnsread of interfering hiai r Ii - v jj : : : an undisturbed a- artrrg; te: j

hir- e:ake !:;- déniais ia the face ! ïhe j; s we: u start Tüeni t.» the coutrarv, an i !theu in a meeting held in ihe same :

town Mid on the sitme day. bc'ofc the \ecno <d o:s i.eaisis tia-i an a cut, teis.-eu ;


tac folies in2 résolu:ions :

»' Whereas, r-hc re gies' party Pre^i-

ài iiti-t! vimhdafe. J. i>. %.\ eaver. hasmade an address to :h_ people li a - to jcifiv. and whereas; we. L>eK;oerafsof GUvS cocnty, beSieviag in the rigiit ];>t ftee speech, i:av:» accorded him ajhearing in id.- own defence concerningthe charge? of iuaumnniry, sp i:at:onand brutality alleged against him t

e anmaa-ier of the po.-t fere ia LStC3 -» : ;in. v^rrheless. be it.

ii) publish î 1 ttit. world auf »J-aaj'es ;^Vv't- v.". iituv posing as :. fiieii-i "t tin'.invn-n.'.irieu am" oppressed t-î thisland, uni white i»ar e-amfy was nude. |his : uni ii ion as mLîitfary cm nana r in

L^t>o-01, icvy a-ses<a.;. at.- on noa-com-

bâtant citizens, tha' he »antoniy de vas-S tated eur counry.; tliit h- iasa.rt- i o! :

women and ebbdren. am! :b«- '>:' a:::;-:

i-- a bvword <>t reproacîi «' our nee; !eThat cottraasting his-conduct with i\i:Aof Cel. Gresham. '-ev». .1 .>r-.r.> >a andnri;i is white her", we eorttj ana him a a

:t< a j a: -a soldier i or :i> a marauderand dcspciSer the hcip'ess. aa.-.t as

such arraign to i indict jam before th.-t>: eple 'it the l "ai"- i St if- s."

this w:s b. trer rhir roT. a eggsj anda mere elective wav oi 'i i',;;.;:i; teas

perambuiating meu .:«'» »s«k. v: .. . n-

manbered. -at-a v u'reranees, xve.ilbe foutid wi.-hb: three tmuithsas i- ae.Üv i: ».».ii.f» tin- .<n


ern - : :»s by -.vaf

i:: i

;»tra .v.»m» : am: au: tnat'j

.- it t f a :i'

Bravrii y Without :\n Gppo

i *" \ a i -*" S G .i'd 11 1 h.1 rr

rabite in eiv-t-n-M mi ; tin e« i'gressn»aal. disti j.-: :,,};.-a. i e I teilav wisi;eam:ak:>».g aov nnaahaii ti tor eeoe- --«

.* a cil i t w::r- :»e.-i to ^ int- no tri; ,.

! i 1 1 a î IV-a s V *\"cd "! vv : I 1 » i *" v. -

b -!v«- i!n» t'ebi in t'n:> distiaed otiirrcr; !

l_f! j ;.^ ;,."-:..

i'ill t-:ii: tl.M»tin< e. r-i- ux.V ir

: * v r i: -m 'a-* canv»--.

a-a;st :»a* 1 -r

brii ijiete

tîi.eîT. recent f« ;rI«?» : .£the ' tiri:ccrair3 ;.i ri.!- a;.J' wereprepared f; euT.v.r »he caihö:4^ri wi-hvif?>.r. The ibh ! party ad vocalesanj'oru' the uhi e voters ..^ ?!r<; S**rehave apurer,rfy giv-.-n «ïp rh:: ^:^e>.so: flL.-.t'.an elect'»pd il --:, t ~hi h.-. p-j*'oat thev have as ret ta Je« u nu arrion.

Jupiters OppositionTî;<* opposition Jarpicer < iî ilic

iirii, u-:.f.;i the planet cameahmest near ;hf» t jj as is evertîoss'Ir!'*. lias been aniiei'pai'-d bv as-

trotiorners as a ;. rioe! irWi i» oppor-tunities { : discovory. This perh-d,so htvorabhi fur -.hs'-;via£ the Jv-viansyst'-m. iasts si;: we-h- ;>r more

Professor !> »'ri:«a.'*s récent disco.v-'my at thé f.n-k Onsetvat.:y < !' a fTfrlsJovian moon s tiie first £rai»«.; tei«--£"<>P*c (iisC'-vctv 'innre; t. .o presetrto:;p«;>iî".;:: ..f tii 'Ii is !:<-\v-

îotmd moori i< not oniy s îinv com»

panne.; oi tim piaat orb, with a dir

h::?:d»ed miles, but it revvdves »*.*zti*iits ptitnary at a disfanee of ?bonttwenty-six t m :!*:: i utjiec h,-r.; theîat t» r's mIi fn e.bu! linie m« : : ; h : t

tltè.ref«+rt% approach v(>ry near U; theoetiso nue en':rm-.n-.y Xî< [ : o;;teraîmtisrhere oî Jn;>;t--r, (vhj. ticed bvh:s e;:?ra..-d:a;: y s; &s a::d chmdbeds, w\;e:j (

' :;t : :;i shows are

eonsîauiîy :n ii-r^.-i: ,: I:

aeria! envelotH*, pro!nîl«-:v :\'.t :.

several il; e:<aad miles ah .ve the

COvtïï îl î \ *. ',* % v* i S î i .X î ; l /Ï^Lîîî r* >" I » js<^

iieial.T." 1*

''Cried Like a Cl:iid.5>

ArausiA, G a., Oct î - .T<o;i Rai-son bas practically abat, bmed ail hopem betas returned to empress, lutite State election last week he .v.if

the issue in this district. It was a

test Teto in t't s congressional race.

When the news that the district hadp»ne democratic by I/it/ö votes

said the thing he ra^st r<\<rretiedwas the bitterness \rhicl: im î beenaroîisf*d against !;i::i among i:is old

hi his own !:":nn town, Titonvason,ail his life long fHesi^a voted a-ait-sthim, and becatise of his teaciiin.trs ofrace eduality t.) the negroes, njattv of!:is crld !:i';:eis decHned t-> receiveh:-u at their homes or to associatewith him. Ills admirers now are cuiyrir;ir>iig the ijrno:r.::i classes of thev!mî'-s ami the blacks.Thoiteh he reatlzes that ho must

be deleated, he has delernrined tomake a iast bold stroke for the nejrrcv -te. and wiii tomorrow begin anoth-er îictive canvass ol lite district:speahit'y: principally to the neçioës.

Dr. Corbett Resigns,f#r. i. t>. C-rt-ett. to th'% ec u- 'ai *

c;ty. lias ttrndered his re>i^natron ..s

one e{ th-' corps t»I puysiCtanî :-aL tue

aSY-l :lt!l

Tin* :«-s!"-na!*--:i is i > î.nhc a'ite.-t or:

November I, atsd then Dr. Corbvît willieave f »r lie* N.-i tli, where im willtake spe-ciai lect ures far a while Hehas j; ,i yet decided 'trot! ids mtmc

cwiiseîDr « .vrb'.'tt v. > t>- ea at t.:-: a-yoï'î*

six >-:-ars. and has .'eiia.c that ioti£Sie: vice v.* »:: the Irij^herî ê>teom o!ti: v uti r hits ar.d has r:m oorte a

arme- f.«r himsj:;' t=s r: >st reliabler.nù atteative ; 'iy; :ei :n His waysate the. art : u * ira» eu tlarmy always

meat, iie wa- the junior phy>:c.auDr. Corbett had bis own j> drtical

views and new: attempted to viis^nirctiïero..He woti-0 ; .t last t :-:;t say any:

save" tie*! it r. St.

lill tie' v.tcaacv ear. « I bv .o. Cor-h :t*s - ri -i it, ^ ; : 1.

The kuiis :n :n are an mdes tc< ;j»5 s - vm. e : fdVarac'tër: thaï t-, if:h. \ i::.v n ; t ea ;:.;ar;d A >tronsr;k. A weak ei: t: .."er is -he.?n in: h we:.:-: sriiers, ana r :i si:: ; v- a^sytaj*;scrariitsT w ;.K. Ti or.o >!:. ::. 1 «te-;:c

rte; :-r;;. ;neî a d-ed \rh:.-h re-

untres a a:.a ;.-ev rtr.e . i'.* \v -ma

.i. v. : i. t: -t :: a mm wr; ; «jrags t;:> legsabout a- it thee v> rc aiaie ' ler.d, *r

ri.hi a-;-. n lî \ T v.-.:;t to inèastifO &

en ' -h- ch.»racier, and }ei^: n ?( ; time- a .»"*.:.:7. * au«> a»ia!y; ti - ua'ates.

j th: iu:; ihe.a the seal, s adr ids\ : ;. . :i>es

> \ w - in

: : :i'i- » r- <M«»-»

i >.

T. t t O ! - : \;>t-« . î: le \ I fffHt*


. \ v


: \\r,

ft;. I. ';' On; Lir.:pî:et"ï Cure.

\ .;1

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à v e.