the water framework directive and state of europe’s water · the water framework directive and...

The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water Peter Kristensen, European Environment Agency Anne Lyche Solheim, Kari Austnes, NIVA

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Page 1: The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water · The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water Peter Kristensen, European Environment Agency ... hydromorphology

The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water

Peter Kristensen, European Environment AgencyAnne Lyche Solheim, Kari Austnes, NIVA

Page 2: The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water · The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water Peter Kristensen, European Environment Agency ... hydromorphology

State of Europe’s waters

How is it? (Nutrients, pesticides, heavy metals, ecological quality..............)How much is there? (Runoff, availability, demands, Water Stress.........)• Time trends • Getting better or worse?Pressures on the environment• Climate change• Human• Industrial• Agricultural “What is causing the problems?”State of Action on policies “Are they working towards target?”

Page 3: The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water · The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water Peter Kristensen, European Environment Agency ... hydromorphology

Nitrate (mg N/l)

< 0.8 0.8-22-3.63.6-5.65.6-11.3> 11.3

Nitrate concentration per river basin districtlatest year (most RBDs 2008))


Page 4: The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water · The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water Peter Kristensen, European Environment Agency ... hydromorphology

BOD & total ammonium

Overall trend in river water quality

Nitrate & orthophosphate

Page 5: The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water · The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water Peter Kristensen, European Environment Agency ... hydromorphology


2012 will be the European year of water in which the EU Com-mission will publish its “Blue-print to safeguard European waters” comprising reviews of the RBMPs, water scarcity and drought and vulnerability and adaptation policies. To accompany and inform the Blue-print and policy processes the European Environment Agency (EEA) plans for a 2012 report “State of Europe’s water”.

Page 6: The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water · The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water Peter Kristensen, European Environment Agency ... hydromorphology

EEA 2012 State of Water assessment

• 100 pages synthesis/integrated report• Four thematic assessments (30-60 pages)• Overview of status and pressures affecting Europe’s water • Some more detailed sector and activities chaptersWFD Article 18: … a review of the status of surface water and groundwater in the Community under-taken in coordination with the European Environment Agency;

Page 7: The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water · The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water Peter Kristensen, European Environment Agency ... hydromorphology

170 RBMPs

Other information

DG Environment

Blueprint to Safeguard European Waters

WFD imple-mentation

Water scarcity & drought

Climate change & water

EEA State of European Water


Water assessment

Thematic (focused) assessments


Baseline (Status of waters and pressures affecting them)

Further assessments – e.g. water resource efficiency, water accounts, ecosystem goods and services

Page 8: The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water · The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water Peter Kristensen, European Environment Agency ... hydromorphology

Status of reporting• 23 countries have reported data (not all countries have accepted RBMPs) • 141 River Basin Districts• 82 000 river water bodies (900 000 km – average length 11 km)• 17 000 lake water bodies (2/3 in Sweden and Finland)• 950 transitional and 2800 coastal water bodies

Preliminary results from analysis of 141 RBD reported by 23 EU Member States to the WISE-WFD database

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16 coastal water bodies (14500 km2)645 river water bodies (11800 km)89 lake water bodies (2000 km2)

Source: Estonian Environmental Review 2009

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Ecological status and potential

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Page 13: The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water · The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water Peter Kristensen, European Environment Agency ... hydromorphology

Ecological status/potential - I

Preliminary results from analysis of 141 RBD reported by 23 EU Member States to the WISE-WFD database

Page 14: The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water · The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water Peter Kristensen, European Environment Agency ... hydromorphology

Ecological status/potential - II

Preliminary results from analysis of 141 RBD reported by 23 EU Member States to the WISE-WFD database

Page 15: The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water · The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water Peter Kristensen, European Environment Agency ... hydromorphology

Percentage of water bodies in less than good ecological status/potential

Rivers and lakes

< 10 %10-30 %30-50 %50-70 %70-90%> 90 %

Page 16: The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water · The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water Peter Kristensen, European Environment Agency ... hydromorphology

Percentage of water bodies in less than good ecological status/potential

Transitional and coastal waters

< 10 %10-30 %30-50 %50-70 %70-90%> 90 %

Page 17: The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water · The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water Peter Kristensen, European Environment Agency ... hydromorphology

Significant pressures % of river WBs (65 000) being affected by pressures

Preliminary results from analysis of 141 RBD reported by 23 EU Member States to the WISE-WFD database

(number of Member States)

32 000 rWBs

Page 18: The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water · The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water Peter Kristensen, European Environment Agency ... hydromorphology

Lakes > 50 % without pressures

hydromorphology and diffuse pollution

Transitional waters Around 20 % without

pressures High pollution and hydromorphology


Coastal waters50 % without pressuresDiffuse & point sources

and Others pressures

Significant pressures



No pressure

0 20 % 40 % 60 % 80 %

Page 19: The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water · The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water Peter Kristensen, European Environment Agency ... hydromorphology

Ecological status of lake WBs without and with significant pressures

Page 20: The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water · The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water Peter Kristensen, European Environment Agency ... hydromorphology

Impacts% of river WBs being subject to specific impacts

Preliminary results from analysis of 141 RBD reported by 23 EU Member States to the WISE-WFD database

(number of Member States)

Page 21: The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water · The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water Peter Kristensen, European Environment Agency ... hydromorphology

Lakes > 60 % without

impactsAltered habitats and


Transitional waters Around 35 % without

impacts High pollution and altered


Coastal waters50 % without pressures

40 % Nutrient enrichment


0 20 % 40 % 60 % 80 %



Page 22: The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water · The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water Peter Kristensen, European Environment Agency ... hydromorphology

River Ecological status/potential by population density of RBDs

< 15 15-50 50-100 100-200 >200

Population density in RBDs (inh./km2)

Page 23: The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water · The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water Peter Kristensen, European Environment Agency ... hydromorphology

No pressures

Diffuse pollution pressures

Hydromorphology pressures

Percentage of river WBs having no or diffuse pollution or hydromorphology pressures

< 15 15-50 50-100 100-200 >200 Population density in RBDs

Page 24: The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water · The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water Peter Kristensen, European Environment Agency ... hydromorphology

Ecological status, by count of WBs

River ecological status & pressures

Proportion of river WBs with and without pressures

Page 25: The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water · The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water Peter Kristensen, European Environment Agency ... hydromorphology

Significant pressures

Pollution pressures (Diffuse and point source)

Hydromorphology pressure and altered habítats

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Hydromorphological alteration

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Transitional waters by count of WBs

TraC ecological status & potential

Coastal waters by count of WBs

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Finland Environmental objectives(will be covered by DG Environment)

Source: Keto 2010 at

Page 29: The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water · The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water Peter Kristensen, European Environment Agency ... hydromorphology

Implementation of measures

Status 2010 Status 2015

Pressures causing less than good GES/

GEP Measures

Are the proposed measures (PoM) tackling the right pressures?What will be the status in 2015/21/27 if the PoMs are implemented?


Page 30: The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water · The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water Peter Kristensen, European Environment Agency ... hydromorphology

Conclusions • The information reported via the RBMPs can markedly improve the overview of status and pressures affecting Europe’s water.• More than half of surface water bodies in Europe are in less than good ecological status or potential.• River and transitional water bodies are in worse ecological status/potential than water bodies in lakes and coastal waters.• The most severe pressures are hydromorphological pressures causing altered habitats and diffuse pollutant pressures causing nutrient enrichment.

Page 31: The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water · The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water Peter Kristensen, European Environment Agency ... hydromorphology

WISER and the future of WFDWFD implementation can benefit from the knowledge and tools produced by WISER.The scientific community can contribute to a better understanding of the status and pressures. I miss you in the evaluation of results from the RBMPsFuture of WISER database: Shared Environmental Information System principles: - Keep data at the source, but make them available for multiple uses- EEA has a vision of and is working on an Eye on Earth portal – producers make information available and the portal ensures users access to information.

Page 32: The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water · The Water Framework Directive and state of Europe’s water Peter Kristensen, European Environment Agency ... hydromorphology

EEA 2012 State of Water assessment

Mid-February EEA will start stakeholder consultation of the draft reports on ecological status and pressures and hydromorphology. The consultation will run until the end of March. We hope that the WISER community will read and make comments and input to the draft reports.Condensed versions of the reports will be published over the year.

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Questions? Comments?Thank you for your attention!