the way to limit emission – energy effi cient buildings. the...

The way to limit emission – energy efcient buildings. The example... 81 Key words: carbon dioxide impact, nearly zero-energy building, energy consumption, re- newable energy Introduction The concentration of gases responsi- ble for the development of global warm- ing has been steadily rising for decades. Global energy-related CO 2 emissions grew by 1.7% in 2018 to reach a historic high of 33.1 Gt CO 2 (IEA, 2019). It turns out, that it’s biggest contribution can be accredited to urban areas. Although they occupy only 3% of the area of our globe, they are responsible for over 70% of emissions. According to American esti- mations, the on-going trend of popula- tion migration from rural areas to cities will still transpire in the decades ahead. While today 55% of the world’s popula- tion lives in cities, it is estimated that in 2050 it will be 68% (UN DESA, 2018). In the EU 70% of the population already are city inhabitants. The progressing ur- banization and population growth may cause main metropolises to contribute to the further increase of greenhouse gases emissions in the world, if one does not take any remedial steps. The major sources of urban emissions at present are residential houses, ofce buildings and other buildings, which generate over half of all greenhouse gases emitted by these agglomerations. On the EU scale the entire municipal-household sector produces approx. 36% of CO 2 emis- sions, and it’s development is connected to the further increase in demand for en- ergy (Report COM(2013) 483 nal/2). According to the Ecofys report (Wong, Jager & van Breevoort, 2016), buildings in Poland consume as much as 40% of all energy used in the country, 70% of which is accounted for heating. Right at rst sight one can recognize, that it is Scientic Review – Engineering and Environmental Sciences (2020), 29 (1), 81–92 Sci. Rev. Eng. Env. Sci. (2020), 29 (1) Przegląd Naukowy – Inżynieria i Kształtowanie Środowiska (2020), 29 (1), 81–92 Prz. Nauk. Inż. Kszt. Środ. (2020), 29 (1) DOI 10.22630/PNIKS.2020.29.1.8 Ewa FIGIEL, Dorota LECIEJ-PIRCZEWSKA Faculty of Civil and Architecture, West Pomeranian University of Technology The way to limit emission – energy efcient buildings. The example of the largest facility in Poland in nearly Zero Energy Building standard

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Page 1: The way to limit emission – energy effi cient buildings. The … · 2020. 4. 2. · 342 photovoltaic monocrystalline mod-ules. The planned annual

The way to limit emission – energy effi cient buildings. The example... 81

Key words: carbon dioxide impact, nearly zero-energy building, energy consumption, re-newable energy


The concentration of gases responsi-ble for the development of global warm-ing has been steadily rising for decades. Global energy-related CO2 emissions grew by 1.7% in 2018 to reach a historic high of 33.1 Gt CO2 (IEA, 2019). It turns out, that it’s biggest contribution can be accredited to urban areas. Although they occupy only 3% of the area of our globe, they are responsible for over 70% of emissions. According to American esti-mations, the on-going trend of popula-tion migration from rural areas to cities will still transpire in the decades ahead. While today 55% of the world’s popula-tion lives in cities, it is estimated that in 2050 it will be 68% (UN DESA, 2018).

In the EU 70% of the population already are city inhabitants. The progressing ur-banization and population growth may cause main metropolises to contribute to the further increase of greenhouse gases emissions in the world, if one does not take any remedial steps. The major sources of urban emissions at present are residential houses, offi ce buildings and other buildings, which generate over half of all greenhouse gases emitted by these agglomerations. On the EU scale the entire municipal-household sector produces approx. 36% of CO2 emis-sions, and it’s development is connected to the further increase in demand for en-ergy (Report COM(2013) 483 fi nal/2). According to the Ecofys report (Wong, Jager & van Breevoort, 2016), buildings in Poland consume as much as 40% of all energy used in the country, 70% of which is accounted for heating. Right at fi rst sight one can recognize, that it is

Scientifi c Review – Engineering and Environmental Sciences (2020), 29 (1), 81–92Sci. Rev. Eng. Env. Sci. (2020), 29 (1)Przegląd Naukowy – Inżynieria i Kształtowanie Środowiska (2020), 29 (1), 81–92Prz. Nauk. Inż. Kszt. Środ. (2020), 29 (1) 10.22630/PNIKS.2020.29.1.8

Ewa FIGIEL, Dorota LECIEJ-PIRCZEWSKAFaculty of Civil and Architecture, West Pomeranian University of Technology

The way to limit emission – energy effi cient buildings. The example of the largest facility in Poland in nearly Zero Energy Building standard

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this sector where considerable savings can be sought.

Emissions from buildings are con-tributing not only to the issue of global warming. The external air quality is im-portant for the natural environment and human health. It is known, that the air pollution in urban agglomerations, which generate smog, comes mainly from indi-vidual heating devices used in the muni-cipal-household sector. In order to reduce the emissions, apart from implementing technologies utilizing renewable energy sources, the EU promotes and puts into action energy effi ciency and smart build-ings. The last one is the reaction to the recent development of the computer systems: building management system (BMS) and building and energy manage-ment system (BEMS).

In 2010 together with the revision of the Directive 2002/91/EC energy performance in buildings directive (Di-rective 2002/91/EC; Directive 2010/31//EU), the EU introduced as a goal “Nearly zero-energy buildings” and re-quires implementing this standard for a building in newly erected facilities from January 2021 onwards in all member countries. As an important building type to diminish energy use and greenhouse gas emissions in the construction indus-try, NZEB has attracted much attention since 2006 already (Christian, Richards, Atchley, Childs & Moon, 2006). An overview of defi nitions and energy-ef-fi cient measures of NZEB is presented in detail in Deng, Wang and Dai (2014). The low amount of energy that NZEB require comes mostly from renewable energy sources. Beginning on 1 January 2021 in Poland a building which is to be considered nearly zero energy needs to

fulfi l the requirements of heat protection of buildings included in the 2017 techni-cal conditions (Regulation of the Minis-ter of Infrastructure and Construction of 12 April 2002). For public buildings, it means that the value of the non-renew-able primary energy indicator EP for heating, preparing hot water, cooling and integrated lighting or the one ensured by the auxiliary equipment in these systems cannot exceed 95 kWh·m–2·year–1 for buildings without a cooling system and 120 kWh·m–2·year–1 for buildings with a cooling system.

The above-mentioned EU direc-tives have recently been changed as part of the “Clean energy for all Europeans package”. Also, after this EU amend-ment in 2018 (Directive (EU) 2018/844), the planning of buildings in accordance to the NZEB standard, which integrate renewable energy sources, becomes mandatory.

The enumerated EU directives are a very signifi cant instrument for enforc-ing actions, that will help in achieving highly effi cient and decarbonised build-ing resources by 2050.

Due to the above mentioned require-ments many new and modernized build-ings are currently being built in Europe in NZEB standard (Attia, Polyvios, Xeni & Morlot, 2017; Brambilla, Salvalai, Imper-adori & Sesana, 2018). One of them is the Posejdon complex in Szczecin, Poland.

Analysed object

The Posejdon service complex (Fig. 1) is the largest facility in Poland with low energy consumption (NZEB). It is situated in the very centre of Szczecin

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and consolidates the existing building of the former department store with a com-pletely new part which together will con-stitute one functional unit. The existing building was erected on 28 November 1928 and was opened to the public the following year as the department store DeFaKa (Deutches Familien-Kaufhaus). After the war, the preserved part of the building was restored – but in a differ-ent shape from the original and in a less embellished form. Already in 1951 the building was opened again to the public as the universal department store and had been in business until 2009. Since 2015 the owner of the city block, in which the store had been located, has been the Szczecin Porto company, which received a building permit in October 2016 and the investment is planned to be complet-ed at the end of 2019.

The complex will include an offi ce building with an area of nearly 20,000 m2,a conference centre for approx. 1,000 people and two hotels belonging to the

Marriott chain – courtyard by Marriott and Moxy – which together will offer 255 hotel rooms. The compound will encompass a publicly available patio on the fi rst fl oor of the offi ce part where a vertical wall of green, several meters high, will be created (Fig. 2). This living green external wall acts as extra insula-tion with a layer of air between the plants and the wall. It also reduces noise levels by refl ecting, refracting as well as ab-sorbing acoustic energy. Like all plants, green wall plants remove carbon dioxide from the air and release oxygen. This air fi ltering process of the most signifi cant greenhouse gases is certainly a remark-able improvement to air quality. Achiev-ing BREEAM Excellent status was one of the primary objectives for this project and one contributory factor to realising this was the specifi cation of a green wall solution.

The Posejdon complex in Szczecin will self-suffi ciently generate most of the necessary heat and cooling. It will be

FIGURE 1. Visualisation – A partial view on the historic facade of the Posejdon building (author: Fe-deracyjne Biuro Architektoniczne)

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equipped with, among others, a modern HVAC installation based on RES tech-nology, powered by photovoltaic cells situated on the roof of the building and a rainwater system for toilets, and de-vices characterised by very high energy effi ciency.

Installations in the Posejdon NZEB

A huge ground heat exchanger was constructed under the building and there-fore it will be possible to derive energy from the ground. The exchanger consists of 46 vertical boreholes, each 300-meter deep, situated under a foundation slab in the area of the underground garage (Figs. 3–4). The installation is fi lled with 28% ethylene glycol. It’s design tempera-tures will amount to 12/8°C in winter and 26/30°C in summer. The medium from ground exchangers is directed to two exchangers – water/glycol (power of

2 × 400 kW) working for the water loop heat pumps (WLHP) system. In case the temperature at the outlet from the heat pump loop reaches its minimal value (6°C), the system starts operating with water/glycol exchangers supported by a reserve heat pump. In the summertime, the cooling system is to be backed up by

FIGURE 2. Visualisation – the vertical wall of green of the Posejdon patio (author: Federacyjne Biuro Architektonicze)

FIGURE 3. Drilling for the ground heat exchan-ger (source:

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two evaporator-cooling towers built on the roof of the building.

Energy extracted from the ground will be used to heat the facility by means of high-effi ciency local heat pumps (WLHP) in the offi ce and service areas and also for the needs of producing do-mestic hot water for the hotel. On the oth-er hand, in summer, cooling derived from the ground will be used for air-condition-ing of the offi ce and service areas also thanks to the local heat pumps (WLHP). For this purpose, the offi ce and service part of the complex was equipped with 910 inverter heat pumps units (WLHP) placed under the ceiling, which will be responsible for maintaining the required temperatures in the rooms. The energy effi ciency class of the applied units in

ventilation and air-conditioning systems is A+ both for heating and cooling.

The primary heat source for the sys-tem of producing domestic hot water will be the district heating substation with hot water storage tanks. Additionally, hot water will be preheated using energy from ground heat exchangers. It was es-timated that 50% of the demand for do-mestic hot water will be generated from the district heating substation, whereas the remaining 50% from the RES sys-tem. Cooling achieved in this way by use of the heat pump will decrease the water temperature in the water loop.

Electric energy necessary to supply auxiliary energy in HVAC installations, circulation pumps in the RES system and pumps in the district heating substation,

FIGURE 4. The comparison of the depth of the ground heat exchanger with the highest buildings in Szczecin and the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw (source:

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DHW electric heaters (intended for the offi ce part) and internal lighting will be taken from the PV panel system with a total power of approx. 102.6 kWp (kWp is the peak power of a PV system). The installation will be constructed on the roof of the building and will consist of 342 photovoltaic monocrystalline mod-ules. The planned annual production of electric energy from the PV roof panels system amounts to approx. 81,880 kWh.

Artifi cial lighting in rooms where users are in temporarily (bathrooms, staircases, an underground car park) will be controlled by motion sensors. The application of motion sensors allows to obtain relevant savings resulting from rational electric energy consumption.

The building will be equipped with LED lamps. Due to low energy needs, they contribute to the decrease of en-ergy production which directly affects the reduction of carbon dioxide emission harmful for the environment.

In the building many solutions to limit water use have been envisaged. Treated rainwater (a grey water system) is supposed to be used for toilet fl ushing, watering green roofs and a green wall. Consequently, a separate installation of treated water run to bathrooms of the offi ce part and to water the greenery on a publicly available patio situated over the ground fl oor has been designed.

Heating and cooling of the offi ce--service part

In the offi ce-service part mainly air heating and cooling systems have been provided. On the roof of the build-ing and in technical rooms there are air

handling units equipped with a high ef-fi ciency heat recovery system based on rotary or crossfl ow heat exchangers. The units for the offi ce part are additionally equipped with coolers running on an ethylene glycol solution. The air han-dling units supply air, which will be hu-midifi ed to a humidity of 40%. The air distribution system will be equipped with CAV controllers. The ventilation system has been designed with consideration for the variable fl ow rate depending on the internal air quality and controlled by the automation and BMS systems. The ventilation fl ow rate will be decreased to a minimum, when users are not present in the building. The introduced solutions should substantially reduce the energy consumption of the ventilation and air--conditioning systems.

The heating and cooling of the offi ce and service area will be carried out by means of the water–air heat pumps, so--called water loop heat pumps (WLHP), which are also denoted in literature as wa-ter system heat pump (WSHP) systems and are the alternative to conventional air conditioning with heating systems. In the Posejdon offi ce-service complex part there are 910 such pumps. The main feature of the system is generating heat-ing and cooling energy directly in the lo-cation where it is used (thus, the system is decentralised), which has a positive impact on energy effi ciency. However, the system needs a central heat and cool-ing source. In the case of Posejdon, the ground is the main heat source. When the demand for heat is maximal, glycol//water exchangers can be supported by a reserve heat pump. The cooling source is also the ground exchanger backed up by cooling towers (Fig. 5).

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Single heat pumps have the certifi -cate of high energy effi ciency class (A+) with ratings: COP > 4.1, EER > 5.9, LWmax < 37.5 dBA. They are responsible for maintaining the required tempera-ture in the offi ce and commercial-ser-vice rooms. Each of the 910 heat pumps

will be connected to the installation by a piping system with a control valve, a sieve fi lter and shutoff valves (Fig. 6). Due to the variable needs for cooling and heating by the rooms being operated by the water loop, it is essential to apply a very accurate fl ow regulation. Because

FIGURE 5. The diagram of the heat source: 1 – the ground heat exchanger (48 vertical boreholes with double-U geothermal probes); 2 – manifold wells; 3 – the pump set (three pumps adapted for operation in 2 + 1 system); 4 – water/glycol exchangers (with power of 2 × 400 kW); 5 – the reserve heat pump; 6 – two evaporator-cooling towers built on the roof of the building; 7 – the set of circulation pumps (three pumps adapted for operation in 2 + 1 system); 8 – the two-step district heating substation in a serial-parallel connection with hot water storage tanks for the hotel part; 9 – the water/water exchan-ger for preheating tap water; 10 – the water/water heat pump for heating warm water; 11 – the fl ow heat exchanger for heating water in load circulation of hot water storage tanks, WSHP 1-6 – 910 local heat pumps creating six two-pipe loops diagram of the heat source (author: Dorota Leciej-Pirczewska)

FIGURE 6. The heat pump (WLHP) connected to the water installation by the pipe system with the control valve, the sieve fi lter and shut off valves (author: Dorota Leciej-Pirczewska)

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of that, modern balancing ABQM valves with the newest NovoCon® digital drive of the Danfoss company have been chosen as control valves.

In order to constitute a coherent and well-functioning unity with all building energy systems, the building will operate the building management system (BMS) – an advanced system of automatic regu-lation and control complemented by the functionalities allowing to manage en-ergy consumption.

The standard of the HVAC and elec-tricity systems in Posejdon goes far beyond currently existing norms. Additionally, ap-plied technologies allowed to obtain the prestigious BREEAM ecological certifi -cate in the latest version New Construction 2016 on the level “Excellent”.

Environmental impact: CO2 emissions savings in analysed object

In accordance with the previously mentioned EU directives, reference is made to the importance of the reduction of CO2 emissions in the generation of energy associated with buildings. Con-sequently, the most important objective of this paper is to characterize the CO2 building emissions and savings in CO2 emissions achieved thanks to the opera-tion of all technologies installed in the renovated offi ce-service part of the Posej-don building.

Methodology of research

The amount of CO2 emission gener-ated by the grid for heating, obtaining hot water, air conditioning, ventilation

and room lighting is directly affected by the energy performance of the building. The emissions are obtained after calcu-lation of energy use in accordance with Polish and European regulations using climatic conditions taken from a Polish meteorological database for the region Szczecin-Dąbie. The heat consumption was verifi ed according to the regulation on the methodology of determining the energy performance of a building (Regu-lation of the Minister of Infrastructure and Construction of 20 December 2016) valid in Poland. The general calcula-tions of the energy demand for heat-ing, cooling and ventilation are based on methods from CEN standards (EN ISO 13790:2008). Emission factors for electricity are taken from the report of National Centre for Emission Manage-ment (KOBiZE, 2018). Emission rate for the district heat, a value in accordance to the regulation on the methodology of determining the energy performance of a building (Regulation of the Minis-ter of Infrastructure and Construction of 27 February 2015), was assumed, be-cause of a lack of data from the supplier. On that basis, CO2 emissions were calcu-lated. The energy consumption necessary to fulfi l the building’s energy demands were compared for a WLHP system to-gether with the described below com-bination of auxiliary heat sources and a conventional district heating substation, which was used for the energy supply of the building before modernisation.


The calculated index of annual de-mand for fi nal energy for heating and ventilation of the analysed offi ce-ser-

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vice building before renovation is EKH == 201.71 kWh·m–2·year–1. The improve-ment of the energy performance due to the renovation results in a reduction of approx. 85% of building energy de-mand referring to fi nal energy for heat-ing in the modernised building. This means the value of EKH decreases to EKH = 29.28 kWh·m–2·year–1. As Figure 7 shows, heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) consume most of this energy, followed by lighting. This building presents little demand for do-mestic hot water (DHW). Indoor heat-ing accounts for approx. 36% of the en-ergy demand, whereas 12% of the total energy consumption is to meet cooling requirements.

In the case of electrical energy that is taken from the grid a reduction of 81,880 kWh·year–1 results from the application of photovoltaic panels, which will cover approx. 36% of the required electrical energy that concerns the energy perform-ance of the building in question (Regula-

tion of the Minister of Infrastructure and Construction of 20 December 2016). Ac-cording to this regulation it applies to in-door lighting, auxiliary energy, running devices of the HVAC system and heating domestic hot water.

It was calculated by (KOBiZE, 2018), that the average CO2 emissions for electricity in Poland are approx. 778 g CO2·kWh–1. Using this specifi c CO2-fac-tor for electricity in the Posejdon build-ing, savings from the photovoltaic instal-lation amount to 64.7 t of CO2·year–1.

Figure 8 shows the improvement of the thermal characteristic of the build-ing envelope after the renovations. The results show that the implementation of these strategies as well as using renew-able energy sources and ensuring a high energy effi ciency of the installed sys-tems, instead of conventional solutions before building renovation, could re-duce CO2 emissions up to 752.7 t·year–1

(Fig. 9), thus minimising the environ-mental impact. This constitutes a reduc-tion of CO2 emission on the level of 90%.

As a result, in this modernised build-ing it was possible to achieve a very low CO2 emission factor related to the usable area of the building. It is on the level of approx. 5.35 kg CO2·m–2·year–1. In both cases, before and after renovation, there is no emission directly from the build-ing, but released indirectly through the district heating and power plants.

It was calculated in Communication COM/2011/0112 that in order to reach the EU’s 2050 target CO2 reductions of 80%, a reduction of emission of approx. 90% in the building stock would be suf-fi cient. The presented building meets these requirements.

FIGURE 7. Percentages of the consumed fi nal energy in the analysed offi ce building after reno-vation

Lighting; 30%

Heating and ventilation; 36%

Cooling; 12%

DHW; 6%

Auxillary energy; 16%

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From the example of the modernised building Posejdon it can be concluded, that the energy performance, CO2 emis-sion and other gases responsible for

global warming can be signifi cantly improved by upgrading the building’s envelope, using a more energy effi cient HVAC system and by generating energy from renewable energy sources as well as applying occupancy-dependent smart

FIGURE 8. Thermal transmittance (U) of the building envelope before and after renovation

FIGURE 9. Carbon dioxide emission savings in offi ce-service part of the Posejdon building

















0 1 2 3 4



Floor to unconditioned (cellar)

Ground floor

Flat roof not ventilated

Exterior wall connected to ground

Exterior wall 42 cm

Exterior wall 75 cm

U [W·m–2·K–1]

Before renovation After renovation














Before renovation After renovation

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controls. In this aspect the Posejdon building is an example of best practices in the area of energy effi cient renovation of non-residential buildings for the full decarbonisation of the European build-ing stock by 2050. The list of elements being included in the renovation strat-egy, as set out in this article, provides an example that can be used as a guideline to fulfi l this target.


Attia, S., Polyvios, E., Xeni, F. & Morlot R. (2017). Overview and future challenges of nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB) design in Southern Europe. Energy and Buildings, 155, 439-458.

Brambilla, A., Salvalai, G., Imperadori, M. & Sesana, M.M. (2018). Nearly zero energy building renovation: From energy effi ciency to environmental effi ciency, a pilot case study. Energy and Buildings, 166, 271-283.

Christian, J.E., Richards, L., Childs, P., Atchley, J. & Moon, H. (2006). Energy Effi ciency, SIPS, Geothermal, and Solar PV Used in Near Zero-Energy House. ASHRAE Transactions, 112, Part 2, QC-06-026, 275-284.

Communication from the commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the Eu-ropean Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the regions. A Roadmap for moving to a competitive low carbon economy in 2050. COM/2011/0112 fi nal of 08.03.2011.

Deng, S., Wang, R.Z. & Dai, Y.J. (2014). How to evaluate performance of net zero energy building – a literature research. Energy, 71, 1-16.

Directive (EU) 2018/844 of the European Par-liament and of the council of 30 May 2018 amending Directive 2010/31/EU on the energy performance of buildings and Direc-tive 2012/27/EU on energy effi ciency. OJ L 156/75 of 19.06.2018.

Directive 2002/91/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2002 on

the energy performance of buildings. OJ L 1/65 of 04.01.2003.

Directive 2010/31/EU of the European Parliament and the Council of 19 May 2010 on the en-ergy performance of buildings (recast). OJ L 153 of 18.06.2010.

EN ISO 13790:2008. Energy performance of buildings. Calculation of energy use for space heating and cooling.

International Energy Agency [IEA] (2019). Glo-bal Energy & CO2 Status Report 2018. The latest trends in energy and emissions in 2018. International Energy Agency. Retrieved from: 03/26/document_cw_01.pdf

Krajowy Ośrodek Bilansowania i Zarządzania Emisjami [KOBiZE] (2018). Wskaźniki emisyjności CO2, SO2, NOx, CO i pyłu całkowitego dla energii elektrycznej na podstawie informacji zawartych w Krajowej bazie o emisjach gazów cieplarnianych i innych substancji za 2017 rok [Emission factors of CO2, SO2, NOx, CO and TSP for electricity on the basis of information con-tained in the National Base on Emissions greenhouse gases and other substances for 2017]. Warszawa: KOBiZE.

Population Division of the United Nations De-partment of Economic and Social Affairs [UN DESA]. (2018). World Urbanization Prospects. The 2018 Revision. Methodology. New York: United Nations. Retrieved from:

Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council. Progress by Member States towards Nearly Zero-En-ergy Buildings. COM(2013) 483 fi nal/2 of 07.10.2013.

Rozporządzenie Ministra Infrastruktury i Budow-nictwa z dnia 20 grudnia 2016 r. zmieniające Rozporządzenie w sprawie metodologii wyznaczania charakterystyki energetycznej budynku lub części budynku oraz świadectw charakterystyki energetycznej. Dz.U. 2017, poz. 22 [Regulation of the Minister of Infra-structure and Construction of 20 December 2016 on the methodology of determining the energy performance of a building or part of a building and energy performance certifi ca-tes. Journal of Laws 2017, item 22].

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Rozporządzenie Ministra Infrastruktury i Roz-woju z dnia 27 lutego 2015 r. w sprawie metodologii wyznaczania charakterystyki energetycznej budynku lub części budynku oraz świadectw charakterystyki energety-cznej. Dz.U. 2015, poz. 376 [Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure and Construc-tion of 27 February 2015 amending the regu-lation on the methodology of determining the energy performance of a building or part of a building and energy performance certifi -cates. Journal of Laws 2015, item 376].

Rozporządzenie Ministra Infrastruktury z dnia 12 kwietnia 2002 r. w sprawie warunków technicznych, jakim powinny odpowiadać budynki i ich usytuowanie. Warunki tech-niczne 2017. Dz.U. 2002 nr 75, poz. 690 [Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure and Construction of 12 April 2002 on the technical conditions to be met by buildings and their location. Technical conditions 2017. Journal of Laws 2002 No 75, item 690].

Wong, L., Jager, D. de & Breevoort, P. van (2016). The incompatibility of high-effi cient coal technology with 2°C scenarios. Utrecht: Ecofys. Retrieved from: les/fi les/ecofys-2016-incompatibility-of-hele-coal-w-2c-scenarios.pdf


The way to limit emission – energy effi -cient buildings. The example of the largest facility in Poland in nearly Zero Energy Building standard. In Szczecin a mixed-use complex Posejdon is being constructed. It will be the fi rst nearly zero-energy building

(NZEB) in Poland that meets the strict eco-logical standards that all buildings will have to meet after January 2021. The project was presented at the COP24 United Nations Cli-mate Change Conference in Katowice. The calculated building CO2 emission is very low. Based on the example of the Posejdon complex’s offi ce-service section before and after renovation modern technical solutions for meeting the buildings energy demand and the resulting reduction of CO2 emission have been presented. The emissions were obtained after the calculation of energy use in accor-dance with Polish and European regulations concerning the energy performance of buil-dings using climatic conditions taken from a Polish meteorological database. The de-scribed renewable energy technologies imp-lemented in the Posejdon building, serve as a reference to export management and design strategies to other NZEB with similar cha-racteristics in the same region.

Authors’ address: Ewa Figiel( Leciej-Pirczewska( Uniwersytet Technologiczny w SzczecinieWydział Budownictwa i Architekturyal. Piastów 50, 70-311 SzczecinPolskae-mail: fi [email protected]

[email protected]