the way you think determines the way you look and your six pack results

The way you think determines the way you look and your six pack results Yes, that’s right! The way you think can and will determine your results. How does this work? You may say to yourself “This is nonsense! How can my way of thinking determine the physical work that I’m doing?” Well, the answer is very simple. You see, just by looking at things in a certain way we determine if we are going to continue what we are doing, or if we will stop. In your journey towards getting a perfect six pack you will encounter many obstacles. Don’t think of them like they are just some obstacles but rather, that they are challenges that your life presented to you so that you may fail. Yes that’s right, to fail! By perceiving an obstacle like being a challenge, then you will be more likely to pursue that challenge and eventually win it. Always remember that you are grater then life, that YOU AND YOU ALONE have the power to CHANGE ANYTHING YOU WANT in your life, and some challenges like cravings, should not overwhelm you and you should be stronger then them, because YES, YOU ARE STRONGER THEN A TEMPTATION. Here are some of the challenges that you may encounter in your much desired six pack journey: Having big cravings. Finding difficult to sleep at least eight hours a night. Not having the support of your family and friends. Thinking that it is too hard. Finding hard to organize your workouts.

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Post on 09-Apr-2016




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The way you think determines the way you look and your six pack results


Page 1: The way you think determines the way you look and your six pack results

The way you think determines the way you look and your six pack results

Yes, that’s right! The way you think can and will determine your results. How does this work? You may say to yourself “This is nonsense! How can my way of thinking determine the physical work that I’m doing?” Well, the answer is very simple.

You see, just by looking at things in a certain way we determine if we are going to continue what we are doing, or if we will stop. In your journey towards getting a perfect six pack you will encounter many obstacles. Don’t think of them like they are just some obstacles but rather, that they are challenges that your life presented to you so that you may fail. Yes that’s right, to fail! By perceiving an obstacle like being a challenge, then you will be more likely to pursue that challenge and eventually win it.

Always remember that you are grater then life, that YOU AND YOU ALONE have the power to CHANGE ANYTHING YOU WANT in your life, and some challenges like cravings, should not overwhelm you and you should be stronger then them, because YES, YOU ARE STRONGER THEN A TEMPTATION.

Here are some of the challenges that you may encounter in your much desired six pack journey:

Having big cravings. Finding difficult to sleep at least eight hours a night.Not having the support of your family and friends.Thinking that it is too hard.Finding hard to organize your workouts.Not having enough time to train.

What you have to remember is that all of the above are just excuses. Excuses that will hold you back and eventually make you fail. Forget the cravings! I’m asking you! WHAT CRAVING IS BIGGER? Eating a chocolate, OR GETTING A SIX PACK?

Remember, you have the power to change anything and to turn a disadvantage into YOUR ADVANTAGE!

Page 2: The way you think determines the way you look and your six pack results

What’s the best time to work out and is there such a thing?

You probably heard many times that you should work out either in the morning or in the evening. Is this true and does choosing one of this two options will enhance your chances of getting a six pack faster?

Well the answer depends. Personally I prefer work out in the morning and I will explain in a little bit why. But first, I know that many of you have a job and cannot wake up at, let’s say 6 in the morning, and in this case, working out when you come back home is just as good as working out in the morning, although, I find that starting the day with a workout and a cardio session get’s me far better and faster results.

Why is that exactly? Here’s why:

If you want to lower your body fat percentage as soon as possible then you must understand the fact that your body, while working out get’s his energy from calories. This is something that you probably already know. BUT, what most people don’t realize is that in order to loose the extra weight, or extra fat deposits, your body will have to reach out to these fat deposits supply for energy in order to complete a workout.

This happens when you’re body does not have any other source of major energy, like glucose for example, so he has to go into other sources of energy. In this case it would be the extra fat deposits.

This is exactly why many say that working out in the morning is a far better choice then working out in the evenings. After a good night sleep, your body will wake up with little energy and doing a small 15 minutes cardio session after waking up will force your body to use the extra fat deposits as energy. This will result in lowering the body fat percentage and the six pack will be shown faster.

Now, again, there is nothing wrong with working out in the evenings as well. You would more likely be tired from a days work anyway and still find it a little difficult to work out, BUT, if you can choose between two options, try and always choose the one that will get you faster results.

When people ask me what’s the best time to work out, I say to them first of all that I personally prefer to work out in the mornings, BUT this does not mean that you cannot have the same results by working out in the evenings as well.

So therefore, the best time to work out is the time when you actually work out.