the west virginian (fairmont, w. va. : 1914). 1918-10-28 ... ·...

^K^^^E^B8BC?5f5vjPg>,*v?>'^5S^*r?^KTSIirrr7^^*^^^wni'ui5i^^^^ir | y toc^^m^es of Train- _.-_^ tag'Seftooi.' ^^cpcntlon^b®-1 Jgjgyocgmlzatloos "of j^«i»ol<Ue5^»i'4fSjlor* I was. re-' ccnUy; illSstrated Jat~ tie /gradbattoa serclies of .'the: tenth. doss of 'the ; ,"'M Jewish TTe!taj«'"i'Boi^rd:»-.Tnifilnt :>!iC0l in Xcw Tort. CoL William S. l.nrltc-. .eat to France representthe Yulvr.t'.on Army'with the first :In?«ii:t of our troops and has been -.- there.-" I'..", cut months, was the rlyal site'.her r.nd wished the fifty. s'"t Jewish vrorhors of the class Godspeed, while Loeis Marshall, the prominent Jewish attorney autl phiisnthro& pist ol New Yorh. landed the work of the.Salvation Army among the boys at the front. ji^JfCFhat our flchtlng boys need Is In' 'splratlon and heart and character In i?tho»e.who are there to help then." ' declared Col. Barker. "Yen v.:.! rep4^ 'reseat la the camps and ov. rsrrs the ideals, and standards of t!'c Jewish faith,1- and it Is up to you uhovs a.l .things to be. consistent In jour religions practices. Practice what yea .preach. That,. I ara sere, bus !:een the secret.of oar own suec . J* live tip to the principles c* ; >ur i..ith and glTe whit yop.huve To :;I c m.a f; heart big^vrtth'.lovo,' the boys :'! r«» spect yon, whether'they be i'rotcs'.aiit. Catholic or "Jew." el The ne wly'graduated field workers win'inake* *' total of.£G0 aic:i cy..-. \ fleld^. wortj In jour^ camps ar.d natal training stations; tinder the auspices of^the "Jewish J.WeflPare Board. Tne "Board has about 1 fifty "huts'* In the r various camps and maintains centers in all large cities where soldiers and sailors of all faiths are welcomed. A headquarters has recently been established ln'Paris, and 100 men are being xeuuiicu.»'Ucio ivi .. v vi »iuia. There - are . now nearly 123,COO Jew* serving in the army and navy. _ DEATHS AND ] | FUNERALS !.Wayne Carpenter and Mrs. Lambert. t- Funeral services over the bodies of Wayne Carpenter and his sister, airs.! Hinta Lambert, wile of Marvin Lam-1 bert, whose deaths occurred on Sat-1 urday at the Emergency Hospital.! *' from influenza, vrere held today from the residence of their mother, Mrs.1 Jane Carpenter, on Prickett's creek. I The body of Mr. Carpenter was ink terred in the Vincent cemetery and that of Mrs. Lambert in the Hayhurst cemetery by Undertakers Carpenter nnrf Mrst Tjftmh#»rt'a Hpafh oci- cnrred Saturday night about twelve boars after her brother had passed away from the same disease. She is survived by her husband and three children. Ruby. Merle and Ear!, her mother and several sisters and brothers. Pk. - Mrs. Elizabeth A. Black. Mrs. Elizabeth A- Black, wife of William A. Black, died on Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, at her home at Grant Town, after an illness of several weeks. She is survived by her husband and six children, three daughters and thre sons, namely, Mrs. Walter Burl:, ^ Reynolds. Margaret. Sarah, Charles yt and William. Jr. Her father. Chas. A. Dusch, of Grant Town, also survives, besides several sisters and P brothers, including. C." E. Dntsch. AIp liance, Ohio; John C. Rusch. with the United States Engineers in France; Bernard A. Dusch. Grant Town; Mrs. Mike Malone. Mrs. Frank Zimmer man. Mrs. John Teeter, all of Pennsylvania; Mrs. John Lennon, of Independence: and Mrs. Terranco Welty. of Dakota mine. F.tneral services are announced to "o« held on Wednesday morning at *> CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. In Use For Over 30 Years Always beam Signature of & I Soldiers & Sailors i! Remember Them All j i They are to be remembered in I their fighting they are remem- " bering you. See that they are 1 > constantly supplied with things S t they require for toilet, comfort [? and for health. Send new lots 53 and new goods every once in a tj' while because tbe distance is ji great and it takes a long time j for the goods to get to them, f j and things will go astray. tVe [ j: can supply camp needs in a IJi hundred different kinds an.d will l 1 [ be glad to tell you what they ij; U9Q, n JLleb*> Lucj nouv UUU uwn tw get It to tbem THERE'S ONLY ONE WAY,TO SECURE. AtSATIN SKIN. "Apply. Safin skin cream, then Satin skin powder." -s Store I [- -iS&sSBugiik local sex: Returned Home. Mrs. W. P. Kerser, ot Brownsville Pa_ and her sister. Miss Lillian Sw?n of Mollne, HI, -who had been gnestj of Mrs. James Edwin Watson, at Highgate, have returned to Browns rille. » > » , T Married at Parsonage. This morning at 10 o'colck at the parson2j;e of the Central Christlar church, the pastor. Rev. C. D. Mitchell, married Samuel Rolen, of Weston, and Mary E. Donaldson, of Lumberport- 10 o'clock from the family residence with interment In the Holy Cross cemetery in this city by Undertake: Ft. C. Jones. The funeral party tyil! come from Front Town on a special car. Mrs. Annie Prozello. Mrs. Annie Prorzello. of Monongah died early this morning at the Emer trency Hospital, after an illness from Influenza. Her husband, Dominieh Prozzello succuaber to the same dis ease on October 25, at the hospital The body of the wife will be -interred In the Monongah cemetery tomorrow beside that of her husband by Under taker It. C. Jones. Andy Martin. Andy Martin, employed in this city but whose home is in Pennsylvania died last night at 11 o'clock at the Emergency Hospital from influenza The body was taken in charge by t'n dertaker R. C. Jones and will be held until relatives residing in ennsylvania can be heard from. Mrs. David Fletcher. Mrs. David Fletcher, aged 77. years mother of Harry Fletcher, of this city, (lied yesterday afternoon at her home at Shinnston after a week's illne... Jpnn paralysis. She was formerly Miss Louise Hall and was a membet of a well-known family. Her husband is deceased and she is survived bj several children, namely. Harry o: this city, Arlie. of Clarksburg, and Carl, of Cincinnati. One son, Mc gHiCHESTER S PILLS TM Kl*ONE> BSAICDl A jSSSL2tts£SrtS£5j& ruim In Bod «xtf Uold zactmlUc^O^ " sv .bfa ^ BIW nibbcn. V/ Jako M> oti«r. R«r of yoar V / fr tflbMhL A><<orCirwlftA.TCPl i fr Jjr waswD piuAfoc » JB yeaw teoowc >3 Bw. Safcrr. Alwys Rellabta ^^ S0LBRBPJS51STSE¥E8W«ERE P | Special I v-» "5? The West Virgin '7 tribution a limited numl 'Z it's readers for seventy This atlas is made 1 fi-ftil -nir»i-irro rrP f>i<a Am the United States and tl 2S £ ; On the reverse o & Independence, together vi - On the second shi *<§ is in detail and by coun jg and towns of both stat jjv On he third sh( vyj fronts. This in itself is entire atlas. On the re of the world and a copy the declaration of war i 8E On the fourth she jCS verse side cf this sheet world's history. & jj| V The fifth and last and its neighbors, also i kf All of, these map: as anv subscriber of The ' blank and presenting it strings are attached to ' I Ply' J ®ie | I WAI $ THE WES ^ Fairn $ GENTLE1V a I am a re vantage of the Atlas. Enclose a no | " 'ri IAL EVENTS [ Convention Called .Off The annual convention. of the Woman's Christian Union scheduled ' to have been held next week in Wheel1 ing. has ben called elf on account of ' quarantine regulations. It Is prob' able'that the convention i3 finally adjourned. . . 'yr Leaving Wednesday. > Mrs. Robert Fleming and daughters, t Miss Xce and Mrs. George Pullen - Peed, leave Wednesday of this week - ffor St. Lucie, Florida, where they will . occupy their cottage for the winter months as is their custom. ! Comas, is deceased. Funeral services 5 "win oe neia luesaav zmernoon at . : o'clock from her late residence and I the body -will be interred in the ceme! tery at that place. \ Funeral of Mrs. Rager. Funeral services over the body of [ Mrs. Harry Haser. whose death oc( cnrred on Saturday, were conducted . this afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, frfom ) the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gug Fitzpatrich. at Miilersville by [ Rev. Dr. Eddy. Her husband arrived r here Saturday evening from Camp Upton. X. Y.. where he was stationed awaiting overseas orders. The body was interred in Woodlawn Cemetery by Undertaker Jones. Mrs. Mary Spataporc. . Mrs. Mary Spatapore. of Monon. gab, a well-known foreign woman of - ! .. A Nation's Safety | depends upon more than wealth or the power of its mighty guns. It rests in its robust children ana in its strong, vigorous manhood. I SCOTTS rMIII'glON a-ravkvivn an ideal constructive tonic-food, j brings to the system elements easily assimilated and ^ v imparts strength and pro- JgSji motes normal growth. Scott'a Emalaion btnlda tip the ft U/ toeak and fortifiea the atrong. % *£:%. Scott & Bown^ Bloomficlrt. IC. J. IS-2C 5SSS858»®3:S8»»®S«8K To West V Readers ian has been fortunate in secu t>er of CRAM'S WALL ATLA r-fie cents. , to hang on the wall and the fr< erican Flag together with a f le dates which they occupied ir f this sheet is fae-simile pictur with illustrations of the earb set is a map of West Virginia ties. On the re verse of this sY es. set is a late map of the E an educational feature and we iverse of the sheet is a list of t of the President's speech of A] igainst Germany. set is another map of Europe a carries much valuable inform sheet of the At "as gives a ma the water route s to ail importa: 5 and information is contained West Virginian can secure by or sending it to the office, wit this offer. Do it today for we tttetUir&ti X MAP COl >T VIKtxLNIAN lont, W. Va. EEN. ader of The West Virginian and would > special offer which you are making 01 id find seventy-five cents for which send n me Address v.......... . w > after 10 o'clock at the Emergency! Hospital alter an ilhrm from influ- * tarn. Mrs. Spatapore was toronghtJ to the hospital an Thursday in a I critical condition. She was aged ] about 40 years and is sarrived by a > fvmlly. Mrs. Angelina Posila. Another death to occur at the hospital was that of Mrs. Angelina Posila. of Monongah, her death, however, resulting from uraemic poisoning rather than from influenza. Her husband died last week at the hospital ' ,'rom influenza. A. family of nine lit- ' to «nrrfr#» Mrs. Pisala'ss i * first husband wag killed in the mine 1 explosion at Monongah and two of thes urvivipg children wre by a. 1 former marriage. George Herlir.^: ] George Herling. a well-known re3i- ' dent of the city, died at midnight at his home on Second street, after an illness from pneumonia following in- ' fluenza. his illness lasting for a week. " Ail day yesterday it was thought that he could survive, but a few hours, yet his death deeply shocked the com- < munity. He was aged 39 years and is survived by his wife. One brother, residing in Baltimore, also survives, Mr, Herling having come to West Vir- ginia from that city, though ho had rsided in Clarksburg prior to coming j to this city. He was district superintendent for the Metropolitan Life ] Insumance Company and had a wide acquaintance in the city and surround- ing counties. He was a member of the First Presbyterian church and was PROFESSIONAL NORSE i Tells What to Do to Regain Strength After Sickness. New York City."I am a professional nurse..the grippe and bronchial pneumonia left me with a cough and in a depleted, anemic condition and no appetite. I cannot take cod liver oil in any other form than in Vinol and in a short time after taking it my appetite improved, my cough left me. I gained strength and weight. That is why 1 recommend Vinol to others.". Miss E. M. Walker. R. X. 35 W. SStli St. ! It Is the Beef and Cod Liver Pep- J tones aided by the iron and maugan- j ese peptones and glycerophosphates contained in Vinol which makes it so wonderfully successful. Crane's drug store. Fairmont. Vinol is sold in Maunington by the Pres- j irintion Pharmacy, and druggists ; everywhere. I > P. S..For children's Eczema. Saxol J Salve is guaranteed, truly wonderful, i ' P: ' irginian I s>: ... * ring for immediate disS which it can sell to KS 2E ? Diit page carries a beau residential chart of all : i oifice. ^ 5 fC§ | *e of the Declaration of ^ j Colonial soldiers. S* and of Virginia which jg leet is a list of all cities ££ k>: 38 'WAnoan famnne hattlp ill worth the price of the he various governments k: Dril 2, 1917, just prior to ^ is Lnd the World. The re- 3C5 ation pertaining: to the 38 ss 38 p of the United States §8 at seaports of the world. 5S in the Wall Map which S filling out the attached S ;h seventy-five cents. No S have only a limited sup- ^ itmit I JPON | 33 53 like to take ad- 33 » the new Wall S 33 te one wall map. ^ 33 33 ~. ... m mmn cf -JplciwTTcl QlllHtVg. 'Jt'SO tody wfll be taken to Baltimore tomorrow night lor' interment. Arrangements for funeral services which. are in charge of Undertaker Masgrave aad Son are no complete. - C| PERSONALS r - .i G. W. Crummett, of aPrkersburg. who had been the guest of his daughter. Mrs. P. R. Yost, for a few days it her home on Virginia avenue, returned to his home Saturday. Vice Wflrol PillinrclAr 1c ill frrtm H. luenza at her home on High street. Wayne Pcvrell. a member of the j: West Virginian composing force is ill from influenza at his home on Locust j ivenne. Mrs. Ward Goodwin aad children I: who had been here for several weeks I: an a visit to the former's mother. Mrs. I; lames Wisxnan, on staple avenue, left y = North, South, East and West 'AH Should Invest in W. S. S. i I I 1 Dedicate Tine Harvest ij To ] victory 2 The 1£M8 harvest' does not belong to us; we are I only., the trustees. J& We j must in this country build up a working food ? reserve " against, future short crops and.. lay up ] stores "over/there" to insure the * Allies against | possible, interruption of transportation.' Anserica is the Last Food Resource. We Must Not Fail * ! . j BEACON BATH ROBE BLANKETS > " j Wonderfully, pretty de« j signs, Indian, and. figured j in blue'and'red, green and tan, etc. $6.50 and ; $S.00. | Made up for $1.25 extra. - «» 1 .'V --1'jrc rrooi Stocks of Silks an< Goods at th< Comple This state of completeness of fabrics, .variation in des range'of'prices, which'are pure silks and all wool "goo son.';..' 'v '/.. . £ Women are choosing our' skirts. These are excepts color combinations'being £ yard length, 54 inches wid ers by the yard $5.50. '-V Fine quality, all-wool serge THE "VK An Exceptional Chi Will Be Profi r Of course.ycm'11 wantrto week.and relieve the-w side to thefrequest, also; fracticai.gilts are mute larger .varietiesvthan latei earlieryou-buythe >bette Here are a few snggestic Gk»**, Hosiery. Glassware,i Lamps, Trfmnnn. SBfes and j us manung tor xocxr noise m- «cMechszu Mr. Goodwin spent the week cad here ana accompanied them'home. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Martin end little daughter Leslie spent the weekend at the home of Mrs.' Martin's mother, Mrs. Margaret Sturm, near Fairvietr. Miss Mary Mulligan went to Pitsburgh yesterday to visit her sister. I Sister De Chate! at tie Crsalioe Academy. | Mrs. Earl McCray -who had boon! seriously III-* from influenza lor the | last vreek is improving. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Sturm have returned from Wheeling -where they had been th guests cf relatives for several days. Dr. H. S. Falconer is ill from influenza at his homo cn Fairmont avenue. While Quite ill his condition has improved to some estent. Atorney J. A. Meredith left las', night for an eastern trip. During his absence Mrs. Meredith is residing at the Fairmont. Miss Cora Kincaid left this morning II- II III IIIII III l~MII Mill ! , .r * >t V. j . i Graceful-ILmei did'Service ! BEAUTIFUI i 'iafuuLTtfi!: J vW f S ffi fs jl. \ £ :\ si ; JSt iteilir- Jlrf i tl b We want you to see the .'* I tailoring for yourself. We prices which" make Printzes most economical garments where....^ [I Woolen Dress Tr Va e Height of les pn iteness i ter applies to the assortment :ign; and to the complete he; asV low;as dependable, . ds can be priced this sea- ' ar£ -V" :S r--,r: ; : " Gi all wool,: plaid goods for jj, anally,; beautiful, .unusual £4 shown*1' Patterns'o f 2<1-2 -yy e are $16.50 to $18. Oth- * gg j36 - v t: sle s; $2.25 v$2^$2.75. k : £3 rm©LA" S War-TimeGift w greatest of all'musical ;rtainers makes the finest ci Christmas; gifts, i bringing Pi isure, not to one atone for 1 tie while.but to many the while. Make sure of rs.order it now. K s of New Victor Records, tin.Old favorities, and r. 4th Floor. . istmas Shopp rted and Better rhey -Kuy £ariy avoid as much; as/possible'the orkers of,the excessive; burden: yon yourself vilTbe'far more: in order this year; such article r. Then too, prices are consta :r^orAyou. : >ns: T BooScs.. Shws, Slipper*. Toilet Goods. _E itBJoosoe. S01ciUnd«isazxD«n£s..Pars.' S Pr^s Ooo^.3drt Pitted. Borers Restannmt.. Hat W9ttQT ^B^r ho^;^i $i r.-W'.. B^yT^K mTKe^^1 uccmrs )f k(tfe>F&*G^Tfol ave: seen Sfor a; numterl| f-" years * these^styiisSl ^intzess garments .faeS [ie .. most. v attracting otnc -have^hanSi^aoeJI ur. collars and* ar||ro^S ristocraticl he belts/-too, are'novel«l| nek artisti c. v* ;^a§fjsfi ou'get the ^ h£ig£t(6f M iyle $ and £ smartiiessIimiplpM aese ^Printeess^GeS^a e a l^>'<fishhctioh|giiiS ress.'',|>You also^ obtaiaj# isting Rvalue ^and^d^B 1 these Coats rst but they hold theirs ylish'lines throughout® All sizes to '14 ye^^j - I r^l usual rush 'of.rtIie ^a^B pleased. s*^ ^ ntly advancing - « .. j^Sggl tod.B«^<yna, g| ulturow *. r.~'' v

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Page 1: The West Virginian (Fairmont, W. Va. : 1914). 1918-10-28 ... · ^K^^^E^B8BC?5f5vjPg>,*v?>'^5S^*r?^KTSIirrr7^^*^^^wni'ui5i^^^^ir |ytoc^^m^esof Train-_.-_^ tag'Seftooi.' ^^cpcntlon^b®-1


|ytoc^^m^es of Train- _.-_^



"ofj^«i»ol<Ue5^»i'4fSjlor* Iwas. re-'ccnUy; illSstrated Jat~ tie /gradbattoaserclies of .'the: tenth. doss of 'the

; ,"'M Jewish TTe!taj«'"i'Boi^rd:»-.Tnifilnt:>!iC0l in Xcw Tort. CoL William S.l.nrltc-. .eat to France representtheYulvr.t'.on Army'with the first

:In?«ii:t of our troops and has been-.- there.-" I'..",cut months, was therlyal site'.her r.nd wished the fifty.s'"t Jewish vrorhors of the class Godspeed,while Loeis Marshall, the prominentJewish attorney autl phiisnthro&pist ol New Yorh. landed the work of

the.Salvation Army among the boysat the front.

ji^JfCFhat our flchtlng boys need Is In''splratlon and heart and character Ini?tho»e.who are there to help then."' declared Col. Barker. "Yen v.:.! rep4^'reseat la the camps and ov. rsrrs the

ideals, and standards of t!'c Jewishfaith,1- and it Is up to you uhovs a.l.things to be. consistent In jour religionspractices. Practice what yea.preach. That,. I ara sere, bus !:eenthe secret.of oar own suec . J* y..ttlive tip to the principles c* ; >ur i..ithand glTe whit yop.huve To :;I c m.a

f; heart big^vrtth'.lovo,' the boys :'! r«»

spect yon, whether'they be i'rotcs'.aiit.Catholic or "Jew." elThe newly'graduated field workers

win'inake* *' total of.£G0 aic:i cy..-. \

fleld^. wortj Injour^ camps ar.d nataltraining stations; tinder the auspicesof^the "Jewish J.WeflPare Board. Tne"Board has about 1 fifty "huts'* In the

r various camps and maintains centersin all large cities where soldiers andsailors of all faiths are welcomed. Aheadquarters has recently been establishedln'Paris, and 100 men are beingxeuuiicu.»'Ucio ivi .. v vi »iuia.

There - are . now nearly 123,COO Jew*serving in the army and navy.



!.Wayne Carpenter and Mrs. Lambert.t- Funeral services over the bodies ofWayne Carpenter and his sister, airs.!Hinta Lambert, wile of Marvin Lam-1bert, whose deaths occurred on Sat-1urday at the Emergency Hospital.!

*' from influenza, vrere held today fromthe residence of their mother, Mrs.1Jane Carpenter, on Prickett's creek.

I The body of Mr. Carpenter was inkterred in the Vincent cemetery andthat of Mrs. Lambert in the Hayhurstcemetery by Undertakers Carpenternnrf Mrst Tjftmh#»rt'a Hpafh oci-

cnrred Saturday night about twelveboars after her brother had passedaway from the same disease. She issurvived by her husband and threechildren. Ruby. Merle and Ear!, hermother and several sisters and brothers.

Pk.- Mrs. Elizabeth A. Black.Mrs. Elizabeth A- Black, wife of

William A. Black, died on Sunday afternoonat 2:30 o'clock, at her homeat Grant Town, after an illness ofseveral weeks.She is survived by her husband and

six children, three daughters andthre sons, namely, Mrs. Walter Burl:,

^ Reynolds. Margaret. Sarah, Charlesytand William. Jr. Her father. Chas.

A. Dusch, of Grant Town, also survives,besides several sisters andP brothers, including. C." E. Dntsch. AIpliance, Ohio; John C. Rusch. with the

United States Engineers in France;Bernard A. Dusch. Grant Town; Mrs.Mike Malone. Mrs. Frank Zimmerman. Mrs. John Teeter, all of Pennsylvania;Mrs. John Lennon, of Independence:and Mrs. Terranco Welty.of Dakota mine.

F.tneral services are announced to"o« held on Wednesday morning at


For Infants and Children.In Use ForOver30YearsAlways beamSignature


& I Soldiers& Sailors i!Remember Them All ji They are to be remembered in Itheir fighting they are remem-


bering you. See that they are 1 >

constantly supplied with things S tthey require for toilet, comfort [?and for health. Send new lots 53and new goods every once in a tj'while because tbe distance is jigreat and it takes a long time jfor the goods to get to them, f jand things will go astray. tVe [ j:can supply camp needs in a IJihundred different kinds an.d will l 1 [be glad to tell you what they ij;U9Q, n JLleb*> Lucj nouv UUU uwn tw

get It to tbem


"Apply. Safin skin cream,then Satin skin powder."

-s Store I

[- -iS&sSBugiiklocal sex:

Returned Home.Mrs. W. P. Kerser, ot Brownsville

Pa_ and her sister. Miss Lillian Sw?nof Mollne, HI, -who had been gnestjof Mrs. James Edwin Watson, atHighgate, have returned to Brownsrille.

» > », T _£

Married at Parsonage.This morning at 10 o'colck at the

parson2j;e of the Central Christlarchurch, the pastor. Rev. C. D. Mitchell,married Samuel Rolen, of Weston,and Mary E. Donaldson, of Lumberport-10 o'clock from the family residencewith interment In the Holy Crosscemetery in this city by Undertake:Ft. C. Jones. The funeral party tyil!come from Front Town on a specialcar.

Mrs. Annie Prozello.Mrs. Annie Prorzello. of Monongah

died early this morning at the Emertrency Hospital, after an illness fromInfluenza. Her husband, DominiehProzzello succuaber to the same disease on October 25, at the hospitalThe body of the wife will be -interredIn the Monongah cemetery tomorrowbeside that of her husband by Undertaker It. C. Jones.

Andy Martin.Andy Martin, employed in this city

but whose home is in Pennsylvaniadied last night at 11 o'clock at theEmergency Hospital from influenzaThe body was taken in charge by t'ndertaker R. C. Jones and will be helduntil relatives residing in ennsylvaniacan be heard from.

Mrs. David Fletcher.Mrs. David Fletcher, aged 77. years

mother of Harry Fletcher, of this city,(lied yesterday afternoon at her homeat Shinnston after a week's illne...Jpnn paralysis. She was formerlyMiss Louise Hall and was a membetof a well-known family. Her husbandis deceased and she is survived bjseveral children, namely. Harry o:this city, Arlie. of Clarksburg, andCarl, of Cincinnati. One son, Mc

gHiCHESTER S PILLSTM Kl*ONE> BSAICDl AjSSSL2tts£SrtS£5j&ruim In Bod «xtf Uold zactmlUc^O^"sv.bfa ^ BIW nibbcn.V/

Jako M> oti«r. R«r of yoar V/ fr tflbMhL A><<orCirwlftA.TCPli fr Jjr waswD piuAfoc»JB yeaw teoowc >3Bw. Safcrr.Alwys Rellabta^^S0LBRBPJS51STSE¥E8W«ERE


| SpecialIv-»

"5?The West Virgin

'7 tribution a limited numl'Z it's readers for seventy

This atlas is made 1fi-ftil -nir»i-irro rrP f>i<a Amthe United States and tl

2S£ ; On the reverse o& Independence, togethervi

- On the second shi*<§ is in detail and by counjg and towns of both stat

jjv On he third sh(vyj fronts. This in itself is

entire atlas. On the reof the world and a copythe declaration of war i

8E On the fourth shejCS verse side cf this sheet

world's history.&jj| V The fifth and last

and its neighbors, also i

kfAll of, these map:

as anv subscriber of The '

blank and presenting itstrings are attached to '

I Ply'


^ Fairn$ GENTLE1V

a I am a re

$£ vantage of theAtlas. Enclose

a no



Convention Called .OffThe annual convention. of the

Woman's Christian Union scheduled' to have been held next week in Wheel1ing. has ben called elf on account of' quarantine regulations. It Is prob'able'that the convention i3 finally adjourned..


'yrLeaving Wednesday.

> Mrs. Robert Fleming and daughters,t Miss Xce and Mrs. George Pullen- Peed, leave Wednesday of this week- ffor St. Lucie, Florida, where they will. occupy their cottage for the wintermonths as is their custom.

! Comas, is deceased. Funeral services5 "win oe neia luesaav zmernoon at .

: o'clock from her late residence andI the body -will be interred in the ceme!tery at that place.


Funeral of Mrs. Rager.Funeral services over the body of

[ Mrs. Harry Haser. whose death oc(cnrred on Saturday, were conducted. this afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, frfom) the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs.Gug Fitzpatrich. at Miilersville by

[ Rev. Dr. Eddy. Her husband arrivedr here Saturday evening from Camp

Upton. X. Y.. where he was stationedawaiting overseas orders. The bodywas interred in Woodlawn Cemeteryby Undertaker Jones.

Mrs. Mary Spataporc.. Mrs. Mary Spatapore. of Monon.gab, a well-known foreign woman of- ! ..

A Nation's Safety |depends upon more thanwealth or the power of itsmighty guns. It rests in itsrobust children ana in its strong,vigorous manhood.

I SCOTTSrMIII'glONa-ravkvivnan ideal constructive tonic-food, jbrings to the system elementseasily assimilated and ^ v

imparts strength and pro- JgSjimotes normal growth.Scott'a Emalaion btnlda tip the ft U/toeak and fortifiea the atrong. % *£:%.

Scott & Bown^ Bloomficlrt. IC. J. IS-2C


To West VReaders

ian has been fortunate in secut>er of CRAM'S WALL ATLAr-fie cents. ,

to hang on the wall and the fr<erican Flag together with a fle dates which they occupied ir

f this sheet is fae-simile picturwith illustrations of the earb

set is a map of West Virginiaties. On the re verse of this sYes.

set is a late map of the Ean educational feature and weiverse of the sheet is a list of tof the President's speech of A]igainst Germany.

set is another map of Europe acarries much valuable inform

sheet of the At"as gives a mathe water route s to ail importa:

5 and information is containedWest Virginian can secure byor sending it to the office, wit

this offer. Do it today for we

tttetUir&tiX MAP COl>T VIKtxLNIAN

lont, W. Va.EEN.ader of The West Virginian and would> special offer which you are making 01id find seventy-five cents for which send n


Address v.......... .

w >

after 10 o'clock at the Emergency!Hospital alter an ilhrm from influ- *

tarn. Mrs. Spatapore was toronghtJto the hospital an Thursday in a Icritical condition. She was aged ]about 40 years and is sarrived by a >

fvmlly.Mrs. Angelina Posila.

Another death to occur at the hospitalwas that of Mrs. Angelina Posila.of Monongah, her death, however,resulting from uraemic poisoningrather than from influenza. Her husbanddied last week at the hospital


,'rom influenza. A. family of nine lit- '

to«nrrfr#» Mrs. Pisala'ss i *

first husband wag killed in the mine 1

explosion at Monongah and two ofthes urvivipg children wre by a. 1

former marriage.

George Herlir.^: ]George Herling. a well-known re3i- '

dent of the city, died at midnight athis home on Second street, after anillness from pneumonia following in- '

fluenza. his illness lasting for a week. "

Ail day yesterday it was thought thathe could survive, but a few hours, yethis death deeply shocked the com- <

munity. He was aged 39 years and issurvived by his wife. One brother,residing in Baltimore, also survives,Mr, Herling having come to West Vir-ginia from that city, though ho hadrsided in Clarksburg prior to coming jto this city. He was district superintendentfor the Metropolitan Life ]Insumance Company and had a wideacquaintance in the city and surround-ing counties. He was a member ofthe First Presbyterian church and was

PROFESSIONAL NORSE iTells What to Do to Regain Strength

After Sickness.

New York City."I am a professionalnurse..the grippe and bronchialpneumonia left me with a cough andin a depleted, anemic condition andno appetite. I cannot take cod liveroil in any other form than in Vinoland in a short time after taking it myappetite improved, my cough left me.

I gained strength and weight. That is

why 1 recommend Vinol to others.".Miss E. M. Walker. R. X. 35 W. SStliSt. !

It Is the Beef and Cod Liver Pep- Jtones aided by the iron and maugan- jese peptones and glycerophosphatescontained in Vinol which makes it so

wonderfully successful.Crane's drug store. Fairmont. Vinol

is sold in Maunington by the Pres- jirintion Pharmacy, and druggists ;everywhere. I >

P. S..For children's Eczema. Saxol JSalve is guaranteed, truly wonderful, i


P: '

irginian Is>:


ring for immediate disSwhich it can sell to KS2E


Diit page carries a beauresidentialchart of all :

i oifice. ^ 5

fC§ |*e of the Declaration of ^j Colonial soldiers. S*

and of Virginia which jgleet is a list of all cities ££


'WAnoan famnne hattlpillworth the price of thehe various governments k:Dril 2, 1917, just prior to ^isLnd the World. The re- 3C5ation pertaining: to the 38


p of the United States §8at seaports of the world.

5Sin the Wall Map which Sfilling out the attached S;h seventy-five cents. No Shave only a limited sup- ^

itmit IJPON |


like to take ad- 33» the new Wall S 33te one wall map. ^


~. ...

m mmn cf -JplciwTTcl QlllHtVg. 'Jt'SOtodywfll be taken to Baltimore tomorrownight lor' interment. Arrangementsfor funeral services which. are incharge of Undertaker Masgrave aadSon are no complete.


r - .i

G. W. Crummett, of aPrkersburg.who had been the guest of his daughter.Mrs. P. R. Yost, for a few daysit her home on Virginia avenue, returnedto his home Saturday.Vice Wflrol PillinrclAr 1c ill frrtm H.

luenza at her home on High street.Wayne Pcvrell. a member of the j:West Virginian composing force is ill

from influenza at his home on Locust jivenne.

Mrs. Ward Goodwin aad children I:who had been here for several weeks I:an a visit to the former's mother. Mrs. I;lames Wisxnan, on staple avenue, left

y =

North, South, Eastand West 'AH Should

Invest in W. S. S.i


1 DedicateTineHarvest

ij To

] victory2 The 1£M8 harvest' does

not belong to us; we are

I only., the trustees. J&Wej must in this country

build up a working food? reserve


against, futureshort crops and.. lay up

] stores "over/there" to insurethe * Allies against

| possible, interruption of

transportation.'Anserica is the LastFood Resource. We

Must Not Fail *



j Wonderfully, pretty de«j signs, Indian, and.figuredj in blue'and'red, green and

tan, etc. $6.50 and ; $S.00.| Made up for $1.25 extra.

- «» 1 .'V

--1'jrc rrooi

Stocks of Silks an<

Goods at th<Comple

This state of completenessof fabrics, .variation in desrange'of'prices, which'arepure silks and all wool"gooson.';..' 'v '/.. . £Women are choosing our'skirts. These are exceptscolor combinations'being £

yard length, 54 inches widers by the yard $5.50. '-VFine quality, all-wool serge

THE "VKAn Exceptional

ChiWill Be Profi


Of course.ycm'11 wantrtoweek.and relieve the-wside to thefrequest, also;fracticai.gilts are mute

larger.varietiesvthan lateiearlieryou-buythe >bette

Here are a few snggesticGk»**, Hosiery.

Glassware,iLamps,Trfmnnn. SBfes and j

us manung tor xocxr noise m-«cMechszuMr. Goodwin spent the weekcad hereana accompanied them'home.

Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Martin end littledaughter Leslie spent the weekendat the home of Mrs.' Martin'smother, Mrs. Margaret Sturm, nearFairvietr.Miss Mary Mulligan went to Pitsburghyesterday to visit her sister. I

Sister De Chate! at tie Crsalioe Academy.|Mrs. Earl McCray -who had boon!

seriously III-* from influenza lor the |last vreek is improving.

Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Sturm have returnedfrom Wheeling -where they hadbeen th guests cf relatives for severaldays.Dr. H. S. Falconer is ill from influenzaat his homo cn Fairmont avenue.

While Quite ill his condition has improvedto some estent.Atorney J. A. Meredith left las',

night for an eastern trip. During hisabsence Mrs. Meredith is residing atthe Fairmont.Miss Cora Kincaid left this morning


.r * >t V. j .

i Graceful-ILmeidid'Service


'iafuuLTtfi!: J vW fS ffifs jl. \ £ :\ si; JSt iteilir- Jlrf i tl

bWe want you to see the .'*

I tailoring for yourself. Weprices which" make Printzesmost economical garmentswhere....^

[I Woolen Dress TrVae Height of les

pniteness i ter

applies to the assortment:ign; and to the complete he;asV low;as dependable, .

ds can be priced this sea-'

ar£-V" :S r--,r: ; : " Giall wool,: plaid goods for jj,anally,; beautiful, .unusual £4shown*1' Patterns'o f 2<1-2 -yye are $16.50 to $18. Oth- * ggj36 - v t: sles; $2.25 v$2^$2.75. k : £3

rm©LA" SWar-TimeGift wgreatest of all'musical

;rtainers makes the finest ciChristmas; gifts,i bringing Piisure, not to one atone for 1tie while.but to manythe while. Make sure ofrs.order it now. Ks of New Victor Records,tin.Old favorities, and

r. 4th Floor. .

istmas Shopprted and Betterrhey-Kuy £ariyavoid as much; as/possible'theorkers of,the excessive;burden:yon yourself vilTbe'far more:

in order this year; such articler. Then too, prices are consta:r^orAyou. :

>ns: TBooScs.. Shws, Slipper*. Toilet Goods._EitBJoosoe. S01ciUnd«isazxD«n£s..Pars.' SPr^s Ooo^.3drt Pitted.

Borers Restannmt..

Hat W9ttQT

^B^r ho^;^i$ir.-W'.. B^yT^K

mTKe^^1uccmrs)f k(tfe>F&*G^Tfolave: seenSfor a; numterl|f-" years

* these^styiisSl^intzess garments.faeS[ie .. most. v attractingotnc -have^hanSi^aoeJIur. collars and*ar||ro^Sristocraticlhe belts/-too, are'novel«l|nek artistic. v*;^a§fjsfiou'get the^ h£ig£t(6fMiyle$and£smartiiessIimiplpMaese^Printeess^GeS^ae a l^>'<fishhctioh|giiiSress.'',|>You also^ obtaiaj#isting Rvalue ^and^d^B1 these Coats

rst but they hold theirsylish'lines throughout®

All sizes to '14 ye^^j-

I r^lusual rush'of.rtIie^a^Bpleased. s*^ ^ntly advancing

- « .. j^Sggl

tod.B«^<yna, g|ulturow

*. r.~'' v