the white eagle lodge in ireland issue no. 15 march 2017 · ireland, and co-leader with me. this...

1 6 THE WHITE EAGLE LODGE IN IRELAND ISSUE NO. 15 – MARCH 2017 Dear Friends We start the New Year and it is with great pleasure that I welcome Jacquie Brennan, our Sister Rose Star, as Mother of the Lodge in Ireland, and co-leader with me. This appointment was made by White Eagle through Jenny Dent, the world-wide Lodge Mother, last July during her visit to Ireland (see her letter on page 9). Jacquie will work with us all, bringing her special gifts of leadership, counselling skills, and a deep love of Nature and Mother Earth, coupled with knowledge of the Celtic wisdom. Join with me in making her welcome and work with her in living White Eagle’s teachings while in the physical body every day of our lives. I am also increasingly aware that 2017 has started with a bang for most of us. Great changes are taking place and we struggle to accommodate them. Most times they may not be of our making, like Brexit or President Trump, but their impact can be considerable. We may struggle to know how best to cope. White Eagle’s words at such times are given in the passage ‘Seeking the Christ within’: ‘If your burden is heavy, if you face an ordeal from which you shrink, cease worrying about the future and strive to visualise the figure who is Love itself. You will instantly be comforted and strengthened. At

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Page 1: THE WHITE EAGLE LODGE IN IRELAND ISSUE NO. 15 MARCH 2017 · Ireland, and co-leader with me. This appointment was made by White Eagle through Jenny Dent, the world-wide Lodge Mother,

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ISSUE NO. 15 – MARCH 2017

Dear Friends We start the New Year and it is with great pleasure that I welcome Jacquie Brennan, our Sister Rose Star, as Mother of the Lodge in Ireland, and co-leader with me. This appointment was made by White Eagle through Jenny Dent, the world-wide Lodge Mother, last July during her visit to Ireland (see her letter on page 9). Jacquie will work with us all, bringing her special gifts of leadership, counselling skills, and a deep love of Nature and Mother Earth, coupled with knowledge of the Celtic wisdom. Join with me in making her welcome and work with her in living White Eagle’s teachings while in the physical body every day of our lives. I am also increasingly aware that 2017 has started with a bang for most of us. Great changes are taking place and we struggle to accommodate them. Most times they may not be of our making, like Brexit or President Trump, but their impact can be considerable. We may struggle to know how best to cope. White Eagle’s words at such times are given in the passage ‘Seeking the Christ within’: ‘If your burden is heavy, if you face an ordeal from which you shrink, cease worrying about the future and strive to visualise the figure who is Love itself. You will instantly be comforted and strengthened. At

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that moment of contact with supreme Spirit you are touching eternity.’ (‘Little Book of Comfort’).

loving blessings



The Greatest Service One soul can help the whole world. You say, ‘I want to do some work. Use me, here I am!’ But, my child, you don’t need to come to us to offer yourself. The service is here, beside you, and waiting in your own heart, every day. The greatest service that anyone can give is continually to think aright – continually to send forth love, to forgive.

(‘The Quiet Mind’, Sayings of White Eagle)

WHITE EAGLE PRAYER O Divine Presence, we breathe in the breath of stillness, we open our hearts to thee. Thou knowest the need of thy children. We aspire to become more in tune with thy love. So shall the peace of thy spirit dwell within us, and we shall know that all is well. (‘Prayer, Mindfulness and Inner Change’)

Derek Smyth, Lodge Leader

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The Grail Temple

Do not be confused by words or the opinions of men. When the Lord Christ spoke through Jesus on earth, he said that the pure in heart should see God. Not the man with the highly developed intellect, not the man of great book learning, but the simple humble, loving son or daughter of God. This, my children, is the way and it is the only way into the secret of creation, the secrets of eternal life. The power which comes to man in the secret chamber of his heart is the power which will free man and help him to perceive the truth of life. So learn, my children, to go into the sacred silence of the grail temple and kneel before the altar and wait. Perhaps you will see the great angel of the Sun, with wings out-stretched, guarding the holy grail; and perhaps you will see the form of the gentle Christ, standing with the grail cup before Him, and He will raise the cup to your lips and you will drink deeply. The golden liquid will flow all through your being, pulsating through every atom, the physical, mental and spiritual atoms of which you are composed. We stand together in the healing temple of the Most High. The Great Spirit pours down upon you, the golden rays from heaven…Your cup, the grail cup, which is your heart, is being filled, filled with the power of the spirit. Be filled with this


We worship Thee. Infinite, boundless light and power and goodness, we surrender to Thee…

May we be healed, cleansed, strengthened and perfected in Thy life…

(‘The Still Voice’, A White Eagle Book of Meditation)


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In May and October last year, Derek Smyth welcomed participants to a retreat day on ‘A Way to Happiness’. He focused on techniques to expand knowledge and understanding of the way forward on the spiritual path using White Eagle as a guide and teacher. We were delighted to hold the first one in the beautiful setting of Tara Lodge in County Meath, beside the ancient Hill of Tara. It was a gorgeous day and Derek helped raise the vibration of the group to such an extent that we blew the overhead power cables! That’s our story, anyway.

For the second retreat day, we were in Belfast, united with both old friends and new. White Eagle’s words were powerful and the Light was strong, in spite of the earthly weather.

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Greetings dear friends, members, sisters and brothers

This is my first letter to you in my new

role as mother of the White Eagle

Lodge in Ireland and as joint-leader

with our beloved Shining Star, Derek. It

is my wish and intention to support the

splendid work that Derek has been

doing for so many years on behalf of

the Ireland Lodge and to help with that

work going forward. I hope we may all

continue to grow in group consciousness a true community of


February is the beginning of springtime according to the old Celtic

calendar and, as such, is a perfect time for us to affirm new life, to be

cheered by green shoots pushing up through the frozen earth and

much tender new growth that defies the still chilly winds. We can

emerge from the depths of winter, turn our faces to the sun’s

increasing strength and join with nature’s flow of new energy and

purpose. White Eagle affirms to us over and over that there is no true

separation and that overcoming the illusion of separation is the key to

true brotherhood among all beings on earth. And so he emphasises the

tremendous value of our work as a group.

‘… through group work so much more is accomplished than in isolation.

You will not only look out towards the light, but you will realise the

quickening and the unfoldment of the light within your own heart and

you will overcome separation. My brethren, this is the destiny of the human race: in time, to overcome separation.’ (White Eagle, Group Consciousness, page 112)

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And how are we to achieve this? White Eagle is clear that everything

begins in the presence and awareness of the Star. The blazing, six-

pointed star – ‘it is the whole of life’ it is ‘God’s plan for humanity… the

symbol of creation.’

‘Shining above you is the blazing Star. What is this Star? It is the

whole of life. Its rays penetrate through and through humanity, and

through the earth plane. In the heart of the blazing star, this Sun, is

the Perfect One, the Son of the Creator, God. Christ is the Son, born

of the Father-Mother God and sent to earth in human form, sent to

earth in the light of love and goodness to raise men and women up from

the earth, from darkness into the glory of the spiritual life; into the

glory of the heavenly light.’ (White Eagle, Group Consciousness, page


As above, so below… as within, so without. No separation. So to become

one with the glorious consciousness of the Star, to create peace and

brotherhood on earth, White Eagle counsels us to cultivate peace

within the sanctuary of our hearts.

‘In the midst of the turmoil of today you should strive to reach this

sanctuary of silence. It is beyond the reach of the mind – it lies within

the depths of the heart of love…’ and he continues…’ we have spoken of

the love within your breast, and necessity for love to guide and inspire

all your work. But we impress also upon you the power of peace. Peace

is a dynamic force, a creative power, and without peace in your hearts

you lose power. Love, too, is dynamic, but it loses its force if there is

no peace. Conduct yourselves, your life, your work, with the eternal

peace in your heart. If you would help your fellow men and women,

maintain peace within.’ (White Eagle, Group Consciousness, page 98)

And so we affirm the presence and awareness of the Light of the Star

within our hearts, as it pervades all life. I return again and again to

White Eagle’s comforting words in The Quiet Mind:

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Don’t think that we are unaware of your disappointments and

hardships, and the fears that possess you. We in spirit know that you

have tests. We know that the physical body is not always as fit and

perfect as it could be. We know that the material conditions in your

life can be irksome. We are so attuned to you that we absorb your

feelings. We know the problems and the difficulties; but we would

reassure every one of you that if you will truly follow the light within

your heart, all will be well.’

All will be well! That is my affirmation and prayer. Let us go forward

together, fellow travellers in the Star, into the spring with renewed

hearts to create true brotherhood on earth.

Derek and I would like to increase the opportunities for us all to get

together, and bring along interested or like-minded friends, for

discussion, meditation, healing groups and workshops. You will see that

we now have several regular on-going activities in various locations,

including two recently started absent healing groups in Holywood,

County Down. We are also delighted to be welcoming Simon Bentley to

Belfast and Tullow in June for his timely astrological insights ‘A

spiritual look at some worldly problems’ and Jan de Vulder in October,

to inspire us with her teaching on ‘The Power of Thought’. Definitely

important dates for the diary!

With very much love,


Your Sister Rose Star

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‘With a serene and tranquil mind and heart’…this is one of the most difficult conditions to which man, placed in the vortex of human life, can attain; but we would emphasise the great need there is for all souls who aspire to the White Lodge above to learn the secret and the power of a tranquil and serene mind. We advise you, beloved children, to pray amid the turmoil of your earthly life, for calmness of mind and heart. May this be your daily prayer; and when you have attained to a degree of calmness, you will not find it difficult to love. You must earnestly pray to unfold these two qualities. Without there is the bustle, turmoil and noise of the outer plain, so typical of man’s life on earth. But within this Lodge, there is peace, there is love. This is a very good example to you of the Lodge which is within your heart, the true temple of the spirit. In your outer life, in the outer courts, there is inharmony, harshness, noise and disturbing elements. In the heart there may always be peace, stillness and love. The Master’s voice is the Christ within your heart. O beloved brethren, we understand your individual difficulties, we know how hard it is for you to prevent the impatient ‘mob’ from invading your inner Lodge. But this you have to learn to do. This is your work as a brother. You have to retain the peace and sanctity of the Lodge within, and so control the outer court so that you can hear the voice of the Master… If you could see with pure spiritual vision, you would see into the hearts of all men and you would find beneath all the rubble and the rubbish a great sweetness. Try to cultivate true vision, so that you may see the sweetness in your brother’s heart. At the present time, it is only God or one of the wise ones who can see that sweetness in every human heart, but you are all being trained to do justice; to look into the darkness and see the shining light.

(‘Prayer in the New Age’)

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Dear Members and Friends in Ireland

I am writing with my warm greeting and

encouragement on your efforts to be a strong

and clear channel for healing of your own

country and the world. White Eagle’s path of

service offers good opportunities for everyone

to be involved in his healing work. This can be

simply joining in our daily healing prayers at

3,6,9 and 12 (or when you can remember) to

visualise a six-pointed Star filled with God’s

healing light shining over the whole world, or

signing up to be an Earth, Human or Animal

Healer. (This is an opportunity for those

becoming members.)

During my very happy July visit, when I presented a Retreat Day on

the theme of Divine Mother (with Jacqueline Brennan), I was strongly

impressed by White Eagle about the importance of the healing work in

Ireland and the opportunity for all in Ireland to join in this. Please call

Derek or Jacquie if you would like to chat about how you can become

more involved.

I also have more happy news for you. During my visit White Eagle

asked me to appoint Jacquie as our ‘Mother for Ireland’. She will be

working alongside your leader Derek, guiding the further unfoldment of

all aspects of the work, including of course, the healing and Star

Brotherhood. Jacquie has served for many years with White Eagle,

being very well trained by Michael Collishaw in the London Lodge in the

80’s and 90’s before her marriage to Herbie and move to Ireland. Her

spiritual name given by White Eagle at the time of her dedication as an

Inner Brother is Rose Star. So you have two ‘Stars’ leading you

forward on this wonderful path of service - our Brother Shining Star

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and Sister Rose Star. They are assisted by a small team of brothers,

each contributing their individual skills and gifts to the circle of our

Ireland Brotherhood and work.

I shall be thinking of you all very often over the coming months and I

know beautiful progress will be made in all areas of the work.

With my love and encouragement,

Jenny Dent

Lodge Mother

PS. I hope you will find inspiration from the Meditation for Ireland I

have written below (following the meditation given during our

Brotherhood Service at the end of our Retreat).

MEDITATION FOR IRELAND Picture the Star shining down over the whole of Ireland—the north and south united…… the Star shines to the North, South, East and West of Ireland. See the Star filled with silver light, helping cleanse the soul of Ireland; cleanse the soul of the people of Ireland of all negative emotion, and bring forgiveness for all the pain of the past ages. The silver light of the Star touches the minds of the people of Ireland…… awakening new understanding and the vision of brotherhood between all nations.

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See the light of the Star turn to gentler pearly light, bringing the healing ray of Venus, the planet of harmony and peace, to touch and comfort every sad and wounded heart in Ireland. Then see how this beautiful ray of the pearly light of Venus stretches further to embrace the whole world in Divine Mother’s cloak of soft nurturing love…… The healing angels of the Star, and the angels of Venus, now lift you up on wings of light. Look down upon the world and see how the light turns to a beautiful green—the ray of balance and harmony. See this green light carpeting the whole of your land—Ireland—and this gentle ray (St. Brigid’s cloak, as in the legend) bringing healing to the very land itself, Mother Earth and the whole of the natural world and the animal kingdom. See how the green light—St. Brigid’s green cloak—sinks right down into the soil and rocks, into the heart of the earth, and there awakens (like Brigid’s forge flame) an even stronger light in the very heart of Ireland. The ancient spiritual fires are re-kindled and burn more brightly than ever before…… shining out to heal the whole world. (Jenny Dent) Note: Brigid was a Christian, living a holy and charitable life during the time of St Patrick. According to legend, Brigid asked the King of Leinster for "as much land as her cloak would cover" in order to build a monastery. When the king agreed, she miraculously caused the cloak to expand over many acres in Kildare, where the monastery was built circa A.D. 470.

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Tuesdays: 11am Spiritual Contact Healing (by appointment) 3pm Absent Healing (all welcome) 7.30pm Meditation Classes (numbers limited) Thursdays: 3pm Animal Absent healing (all welcome) Contact: Derek Smyth, 192 Point Road, Dundalk, Co.

Louth Phone: (00353) (0)42 9336147

HOLYWOOD, CO. DOWN Thursdays (fortnightly) Absent Healing at 7pm Sundays (fortnightly) Absent Healing at 11am Contact: Nicola Wilson, 23 Victoria Road, Holywood BT18 9BA Phone: 07966 014698 Email: [email protected]


st Thursday of each month

Absent Healing, 7.30pm Contact: Carmel Horrigan, 46 Maplewood Avenue, Springfield, Tallaght Phone: 01 4627432


st Saturday of each month

White Eagle Earth Healing and Full Moon Meditation 11.45 (for a prompt 12 o'clock start) – 1pm Contact: Maria Sullivan Phone: 087 9493508

TULLOW, CO. CARLOW – Slaney House Thursdays, 7.45pm (for 8pm start) – 9.10pm White Eagle Earth Healing, followed by a general meditation Contact: Jacquie Brennan, if you would like to join this regular,

committed group Phone: 059 9151057

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A retreat day with Simon Bentley, the Principal of the White Eagle

School of Astrology

In the present day, the world is facing many challenges and we try to make sense of what is happening and why. This retreat day explores how White Eagle’s teaching can help us to cope with the very difficult world we currently inhabit. It includes some basic astrological teaching, but no prior knowledge of astrology is required.

SATURDAY, 3 JUNE 2017 Library, High Street, Holywood, Co. Down 10am (for 10.15am) – 3.30pm o Cost £40 (or Euro equivalent) which includes teas and coffees. o To book your place, please contact:

Nicola Wilson on 07966 014698, or [email protected]

SUNDAY, 4 JUNE 2017 Teach Bhride, Tullow, Co. Carlow 10.30am (for 11am) – 4.30pm o Cost options:

1. €45 (or sterling equivalent) which includes teas and coffees OR 2. €55 to include teas, coffees and light vegetarian lunch.

o For accommodation at Teach Bhride phone 059 9152465 o Please book your place by Sunday 28 May, by contacting:

Jacquie Brennan on 059 9151057, or [email protected]

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A retreat day with Jan de Vulder, Leader of the White Eagle Lodge

Contact Healing work Do you ever long for a sense of Peace of Mind and Happiness of Heart? How do we find in this physical world the inner state known as ‘wellbeing and wholeness’?

It would seem that in each of us there is this urge not only to grow but also a deep longing to be at peace with ourselves. An awareness of who we truly are and how to live in peace and joy are part of the teachings of White Eagle for this Aquarian age. This retreat day offers an opportunity to explore the teachings and some current scientific understanding of the Power of Thought and the part that the world of Nature plays in our understanding of the vibrational effects on our whole being. If we truly want peace and happiness for ourselves and all living beings on this planet then it has to begin with us.

SATURDAY, 21 OCTOBER 2017 Library, High Street, Holywood, Co. Down 10am (for 10.15am) – 3.30pm o Cost £40 (or Euro equivalent) which includes teas and coffees. o To book your place, please contact:

Nicola Wilson on 07966 014698, or [email protected]

SUNDAY, 22 OCTOBER 2017 Teach Bhride, Tullow, Co. Carlow 10.30 (for 11am) - 4.30pm o Cost options:

1. €45 (or sterling equivalent) which includes teas and coffees OR 2. €55, to include teas, coffees and light vegetarian lunch.

o For accommodation at Teach Bhride, phone 059 9152465 o Please book your place by Sunday 15 October, by contacting:

Jacquie Brennan on 059 9151057 or [email protected]

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The Lodge offers us a number of ways to tap into White Eagle

teachings during our busy day. Short passages from readings can give

us inspiration and strength just when we need them.



(For Members) This short email arrives in your inbox every Monday morning. To subscribe, email: [email protected] or phone (0044) (0)1730 893300

SJRC This is the St John’s Retreat Centre’s regular inspirational email, which is always accompanied by an uplifting picture. To subscribe, email: [email protected]


Star Notes


From time to time, Jenny writes a short piece, reflecting on what she has recently seen or heard in the news or in Lodge work. To subscribe, email:

White Eagle

Quiet Mind


Wherever you are, at home or on the bus, you can phone New Lands to listen to a short passage from the Quiet Mind. No need to subscribe, just call (0044) (0)844 2098319.

If you find it difficult to set up these free subscriptions, let us know and we’ll do it for you, or you can phone the office at New Lands on

(0044) (0)1730 893300.

The White Eagle Lodge website:

now with a dedicated section for members

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Derek Smyth Jacquie Brennan 192 Point Road Slaney House Dundalk Barrack Street Co. Louth Tullow (00353) (0)42 9336147 Co. Carlow [email protected] (00353) (059)9151057 [email protected]


Ireland website

We have our own Ireland website now, so you can keep track of events

online at the address below (please note – there is just one ‘e’ in

whiteagle) : Donations

The White Eagle Lodge is very grateful to everyone who makes

donations to the Lodge on top of your subscriptions.

We don’t receive a share of donations in Ireland so, if you would like

your contributions to be directed to the Ireland Lodge specifically,

please let New Lands know.

Contacting Derek and Jacquie If you would like to contact

us for healing, meditation,

books, or just for a chat, it

would be lovely to hear

from you.