the wood smoke activist network

1 The Wood Smoke Activist Network December 2012 Newsletter Educating the world about the health and climate impacts of wood smoke. Editor: Shirley Brandie 1/12/2012

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The Wood Smoke Activist Network December 2012 Newsletter

Educating the world about the health and climate impacts of wood smoke.

Editor: Shirley Brandie 1/12/2012

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We hope that this newsletter will give you the information and inspiration

you need. Regain clean air to breathe and eliminate the wood burning that

is affecting your health and your home environment.

Please pass this issue on to others in need of help and suggest that they

send an email to [email protected] to be added to the mailing list.

**** A doctor’s letter verifying how wood smoke compromises

your health or public health in general would be beneficial in

showing that wood smoke truly is doing damage to you.****

Volume 4, Issue 11

December , 2012

Editor : Shirley Brandie

Co-Editor: Julie Mellum

Mission Statement

Our mission is to educate all citizens about wood smoke as a major form of hazardous air pollution that affects our health, our home, the use of our property, water, crops, livestock, the environment, and climate change. We urge citizens everywhere to work with their elected officials to name wood smoke a ‘nuisance’ and create bans/by-laws to finally end the devastating effects of residential wood smoke.•


Fighting Wood Smoke Pollution from the

Grassroots to Government Level

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Newsworthy Links

NASA earth observations

Fires can generate large amounts of smoke pollution, release greenhouse

gases, and unintentionally degrade ecosystems.

The colors are based on a count of the number (not size) of fires observed

within a 1,000-square-kilometer area.

Humans added plenty of greenhouse gases

According to NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, landfills emit

around 25 billion tonnes of methane per year; farm animals around 80

billion tonnes; and biomass burning between 10 and 50 billion tonnes.

Greenhouse gases from wood are a burning issue

Excerpt: The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has proven that

particles created by burning wood and other biomass—so called “black

carbon”—are a major contributor to global warming.

Wood smoke is new burning issue in Metro's crosshairs

Excerpt: "The options range from an outright ban in urban areas to things

like ensuring wood stoves meet certain emissions standards or having

burning limited to so many days per month," said Ray Robb, Metro's

environmental regulation and enforcement division manager.

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The American Lung Association

Please visit The American Lung Association's "Public Policy" page. (Please

note that the policy document is for informational purposes only and should

not indicate an endorsement of products advertised on the site)

There is more information regarding "Residential Wood and Other Biomass

Combustion" on page 5 of the "Energy" PDF

Also, please visit their "State of the Air" site for even more information.


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Assault on an American family An outdoor wood furnace smoke falls toward the ground and travels in a plume for up to 1/2 a mile, getting into neighbor's yards and homes. This video is from Nassau, New York. It shows what it is like for a family living near an outdoor wood furnace.

Watch the video at the link below

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Smoke and Health

When people are not at work they typically spend 60-70 percent of

their time at home, (Szalar,1 1972; Chapin2, 1974; Sexton et al.3, 1986) and

if they heat their home with wood they are potentially exposed to fine

particle pollution. In addition to the smoke that can be released inside the

home, studies show that an estimated 70 percent of smoke from chimneys

can actually re-enter the home and neighborhood dwellings (Pierson4 et al.,


Numerous scientific studies have linked particle pollution exposure to

a variety of problems, including:

• increased respiratory symptoms, such as irritation of the

airways, coughing, or difficulty breathing;

• decreased lung function;

• aggravated asthma;

• development of chronic bronchitis;

• irregular heartbeat;

• nonfatal heart attacks; and

• premature death in people with heart or lung disease.

People with heart or lung diseases, children and older adults are the most

likely to be affected by particle pollution exposure. However, even healthy

people may experience temporary symptoms from exposure to elevated

levels of particle pollution. For more information about particle pollution,

visit For more information about asthma, visit


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B.C. Hydro slash & burn for megaenergyprojects

To do so, hundreds of kilometers of trees are being cut and burned in slash

piles from Terrace to Bob Quinn. This is not without controversy.

In just one year 3 forest Forestry Districts have handed out over 2300 permits for similar size burns in one airshed.

Please click on the link below for more information on this incredibly

unbelievable release of smoke into the air. In my opinion, they do not grasp

the reality of climate change.

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Although inspired in part by real attitudes, behaviors, and situations, the following story is

fictional and does not depict any actual person or event. Any resemblance to people or

neighborhoods you have observed is purely coincidental.

Smoketopia Development Plans Holiday Ceremony

With Christmas fast approaching, holiday plans are abuzz in Soothaven, Smoketopia

County's premier dome-covered development for smoke lovers. The community will be

holding its first-ever tree lighting ceremony.

"New York has their famous Tree Lighting at Rockefeller Center, and we were inspired by

that to start our own tradition," says Mary Nunbright.

"It's going to be so special," she continues. "Every yard will have a tree, and there will be a

giant blue spruce put up in Creosote Square. The night of the tree lighting ceremony, we're

going to start at one end of Soothaven and sing carols along the way as each yard's tree is lit,

until all the Christmas trees are glowing with light, then we'll gather around the big blue

spruce tree in the square. Everyone will help decorate it and after it's lit up, we'll sing 'O

Christmas Tree.' "

Stewart Padidiette and Wes Pestergall were in charge of getting the blue spruce, but things

did not go as planned. Since there are no spruces in Smoketopia County, they had to look

elsewhere to find one.

"I knew the perfect tree," says Stewart. "There was a real big one in the front yard next door

to my old house from before I moved to Soothaven. The lady who lives there was at work,

so me and Wes borrowed Punky Sparkburn's flatbed truck and had him follow us with a

front-end loader. It was a slick operation, too. We almost had it."

"Yeah, we were smooth," adds Wes. "I chain-sawed the tree down and then Punky picked it

up with his front-end loader and put it on the flatbed, and Stew and I beat a path out of there

with the tree. But someone called the cops and Punky tried to flee in the front-end loader and

couldn't out-maneuver them in a low-speed chase."

"We'd like to know who the grinch was that dropped a dime on Punky. I guess some people

really hate Christmas, plus Wes is out a chain saw," says Stewart, not concealing his disgust.

He goes on to explain that after the police found spruce needles on the hydraulic grabs of

Punky's front-end loader, the tree was traced back to Soothaven and impounded as evidence,

along with the chain saw, front-end loader, and flatbed truck. "The police didn't know where

to impound the tree so they left it on the flatbed, which is a total waste of fuel," Stewart


"I've never felt so violated," says Punky. "They took my private property and the community

spruce, and all three of us got arrested! All I can say is thanks a lot for punishing Christmas,

people; and for reminding me why I moved to Soothaven."

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But in the end, those grinches who impounded the tree were foiled. Yes, foiled by none other

than Erant Finn, the visionary developer who created Soothaven. He arranged to have

another tall blue spruce delivered to Creosote Square from Smoke Grove, Minnesota, where

he is currently putting the finishing touches on a second dome-covered community.

"Oh gosh, he's our Santa Claus!" Mary Nunbright says of Finn. "I just wish he could be here

to see all of these trees lit up at once, and the lighting of this grand, elegant spruce. Just

imagine how the flames will dance like sugarplums in our eyes as we watch it burn, with the

backdrop of the smaller Christmas trees in the yards already blazing away. Soothaven will be

aglow with fiery trees and holiday smoke filling the streets. As the fire is reflected in our

eyes, it will be a wonderful opportunity for each of us to reflect on how much we mean to


©Katherine Troidl, 11-17-12

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A constant worry

Sent by a friend in New York: It was the first crack of autumn here in NY and very warm. A beautiful clear and mild day.

This idiot 3 doors away who has a small ranch house and TWO freaking smoke stacks sticking out of the little roof (what a jerk)

I think he must have someone staying with him which ticks me off because when he's not home,

the renter burns the freaking stove!

So - we drove by and sure enough, the one stack was puffing away okay? And here comes this

big young guy (they're all young in that house) walking up the driveway to get the mail - picture this: smoke streaming from roof - looked like locomotive smoke!

He's wearing shorts and a tee shirt and BAREFEET! Why is he burning a wood stove for if he can walk around outside in shorts and no shoes?

This is the stupid mentality of these people. Meantime, they're polluting our air.

Oh, another thing - there used to be a Nursery down the road - about 1/2 mile away selling plants and soil etc.

They closed and guess who bought the place?

A Wood Stove Company!!!!!!!!! I almost died. If they start displaying (they already added a big

chimney) stoves and burn all winter I'm moving.

There's a big sign out front: for sale Granite and Wood Stoves! I'm holding my breath they

don't put up an OWB.

It's a constant worry.

**** I would really appreciate it if others would send me their stories to publish. Names

need not be used unless you wish to. Adding your town/city/province/state/country is a

useful tool, as well. You will be helping to show the horror that you live with day & night

and that helps to get the message out to those that can make changes but have no idea

how many people really are suffering. We need to get them moving on this issue of wood

smoke invasion!


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BOZO of the Month

In my opinion

Barrie, Ontario

Barrie’s web site states that: “Barrie is committed to providing residents with

opportunities to enjoy an enhanced and secure quality of life in a prosperous and

ecologically sustainable community.”

I’m certain that the last council meeting has shown the residents that, in no way, is their

quality of life supported by this Mayor and council, in my opinion.

Those who have suffered due to backyard burning and thought the nightmare was behind

them, when council announced that they were considering an end to this incredibly

ignorant behavior of many individuals, must be shaking their heads at the lack of caring

that the Mayor and council members have shown.

I can just imagine how the backyard burners will celebrate their victory. The smoke will

fill the air like it never has before!

Why has this council allowed this to happen? In my opinion, they now look like the

Bozos they are, giving false hope to their residents that smoke from backyard burning

was at an end.

I wonder if the council knows that their proposed ban was published world-wide on the

Internet and that their decision to allow people to foul the air with smoke is also there for

the world to see. They have taken their city to a new low! And, for that, they are truly the

biggest bunch of Bozos and should hang their heads in shame.


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December… Well, here we are in the thick of things once again. The air is

filled with the choking stench of your neighbor’s wood smoke.

The holiday parties you have dreamed of having over the years are, once

again, impossible to have because your neighbor’s burning controls your

ability to entertain friends and relatives.

Do you think that maybe a ‘control issue’ is why they douse you in smoke?

Because they know that you have complained about the smoke but also

know that your complaints did not produce any action.

To pay you back they will burn even more and produce as much smoke as

they can so that you can never enjoy your own property again. I know

because I have lived through many years of a neighbor doing the same thing.

In our case it took years of litigation to end the bullying from our neighbor. I

don’t want any of you to have to go through what we did!

Searching for someone to help you is almost a useless effort because there is

not one person who can help you but yourself. Scary? Indeed! But, compare

that to years & years of attempting to get help before realizing that there is

none but your local municipality.

There is information online that can more than prove that wood smoke is

cancer-causing among other things. You need to start now to get all the

information that you can from reputable sources and put a package together

along with your dated, digital photos and take them before your next council

meeting. Get on the agenda and ask for a smoke bylaw to protect you and all

other residents from the hazards of wood smoke.

Easy? No, it isn’t. Necessary? Yes, it is!

Wishing you all a bright Holiday Season and a New Year that brings clean



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Residential Wood Smoke On The Rise - Worse Than Tobacco Smoke

The growing popularity of outdoor wood-fired boilers (OWB), also known as outdoor

wood-fired hydronic heaters or outdoor wood-fired furnaces, has been increasing at an

alarming rate, affecting areas of NY, CT, MN, WA, and other states. Although residents

voice concerns over health dangers attributed to excessive amounts of toxic smoke

emitted by OWBs, there is not enough being done by local and state officials to regulate

residential wood smoke.

Frustrated residents complain, “Our kids are getting sick. Officials are just not listening

to our cries for help.” In one Mid Hudson home, two garaged ferrets died after a six

month exposure to the smoke of a next door neighbor’s outdoor wood furnace. The

homeowners described the smoke as noxious and relentless, stating that it set off their

smoke alarm almost daily. “We finally had to disconnect it [our smoke alarm]. That’s a

fire hazard as far as we’re concerned.” Another complained she had to keep scrubbing

soot off her bedroom walls. Needless to say, when it comes to the issue of, to burn or not

to burn, arguments between neighbors and local officials have been cropping up in many

municipalities throughout New York and other states. “Canada is a step ahead of us in

bans and regulation of wood smoke,” states Victoria Valentine who is involved with USA

and Canadian groups fighting for wood smoke regulation. “We’re fighting for our

freedom to breathe clean air and right to quiet enjoyment of our homes and healthy


A group of concerned Mid Hudson Valley residents has been campaigning for clean air

by lobbying local and state officials and agencies, requesting stricter regulation of wood

smoke that is now flowing freely in our air, polluting and promoting illness. “Along with

our request for regulation, we are asking New York to follow the lead of Connecticut’s

recent attempt to protect residents from wood smoke,” states Valentine, HB 6616, AN


redefine wood smoke as a public health nuisance and allow action to be taken to protect

people in their own homes, Margaret R. LaCroix of the American Lung Association of

New England reports.

“We don’t want to deprive anyone of the right to burn wood but believe oversight is

necessary to protect health and environment. Burning wood should never be the primary

source of heat and hot water for any home. Limitations would help alleviate some of the

high concentrations of wood smoke affecting many areas where residents are gravely

affected.” Valentine insists, “Wood smoke is more than an annoyance; it can become a

severe health hazard when fine particulate matter is inhaled and lodges in your lungs. We

want the public to know.”

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Valentine herself was treated last fall for serious respiratory damage resulting from wood

smoke inhalation when her next door neighbor tried to heat his home solely with wood.

Involuntarily breathing the excessive smoke caused what her doctor called internal

sunburn complicated by a staph infection.

Burning wood for heat and hot water is not GREEN as the wood stove industry and other

proponents proclaim. It blankets the atmosphere with black carbon soot that contributes

to global warming. Wood smoke contains carcinogenic particulates along with some of

the greenhouse gases the Obama Administration is pushing to control: carbon dioxide,

methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride

that negatively impact our planet.

When you live in close proximity to a wood burning device you may be exposed to 24/7

smoke inhalation, which is as bad as or worse than breathing second hand tobacco smoke.

Exposure to wood smoke causes an array of symptoms such as headaches, burning eyes,

nose, throat and chest. The American Lung Association and the EPA agree that wood

smoke exposure worsens or can cause asthma and respiratory illness along with a host of

other illnesses. Scientific studies find pregnant women, children and the elderly to be

most at risk. Wood smoke has been linked to SIDS [Sudden Infant Death Syndrome] and

may weaken healthy immune systems leading to premature death, and the list goes on.

“Inhalation of wood smoke should be avoided,” states the EPA website which recently

provided information on wood stove swap-outs. This concerns Valentine. “On one hand

they warn of the dangers of wood smoke and on the other they offer tax credits for those

who want to swap an old wood stove for a new one. Smoke is smoke. Why not swap

wood stoves for clean burning gas or electric stoves?”

Wood smoke crosses property lines, hovers and surrounds homes, infiltrating through

closed doors and windows, walls, electrical outlets and normal air exchange. Even if you

don’t see or smell the smoke, if you live next door to or near an operating OWB or wood

stove, toxic smoke is more than likely entering your home, affecting the health of your

family. “We have tobacco smoke restrictions,” Valentine argues, “why not wood smoke?

You can avoid cigarette smoke, but you can’t avoid breathing contaminated air in your

own home that’s being bombarded by your neighbor’s wood smoke. Would you give

your kids a carton of cigarettes and tell them to chain-smoke? Exposing them to wood

smoke on a daily basis is just as bad, if not worse.”

Sources: , , ,


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Legal Help

**Note to any legal firm that can provide help with residential wood

smoke issues and wishes to add their name to this page.**

Please email Shirley with your state/province, name of firm, who to

contact (email address & telephone)


WOOD SMOKE CASES, perhaps on a contingency.

Attorney Sherri Myers is a Florida attorney who is also licensed to practice in

Kentucky and in 2 federal courts. She specializes in the rights of persons with

disabilities, many of whom may be protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act

(ADA, the civil rights law that is intended to ensure that citizens with disabilities such as

asthma, for example, have “access” to public spaces such as city parks, streets and

sidewalks. A federal court in northern Iowa ordered the town of Mallard, Iowa, to

disallow wood and leaf burning, because the smoke presented a physical barrier to a

small child with severe asthma, making her unable to use city streets and sidewalks.

Sherri is interested in legal issues that impact persons with multiple chemical sensitivity

and other environmental illnesses. She also serves on the Pensacola City Council and in

that role is working to influence governmental policies on environmental issues. She is

the Advocacy Coordinator for the Center for Independent Living Disability Resource

Center. Sherri lives in Pensacola, which is located in the panhandle of Florida. Contact

her at [email protected]. Phone: (850) 484-0902

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Legal Help

Outdoor Wood Boilers have the potential to create nuisances or harm human health by

releasing unsafe levels of Particulate Pollution and other cancer causing air contaminants.

Scientific studies and lab testing have shown that some Outdoor Wood Boilers exceed

EPA safe air thresholds at levels that can cause both short and long term health problems,

even death.

The American Lung Association states that anyone can be affected by particle pollution

but several groups are most at risk:

Children under 18

Adults 65 and older

Anyone with chronic lung disease, such as asthma, chronic bronchitis, or emphysema

Anyone with a cardiovascular disease, such as high blood pressure, coronary artery disease,

or congestive heart failure and diabetes.

Joe Ritch an attorney in Corpus Christi Texas who specializes in nuisance and product

liability believes everyone should be able to live in their home and enjoy their property

without fear of harm.

If you or someone you love is being adversely affected by the contaminants emitted from

an Outdoor Wood Boiler you may be eligible for representation with no out of pocket

expenses. To have your case evaluated please call 361-885-7500 and ask for Joseph


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Wood smoke: Know the Facts

Wood Smoke…

1. Violates the property rights of others to use and enjoy their property smoke-free.

2. Contains many of the same toxins that are in tobacco smoke. These

include lead, mercury, arsenic, benzene, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), carbon monoxide and dioxin(s), “some of the most insidious chemicals known to man.” (Harvard School of Public Health). They also accumulate in the environment.

3. Is implicated in asthma attacks, heart attacks and premature death in

people of all ages, including sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

4. Violates the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Guidelines by presenting a “barrier” to those with disabilities such as asthma, preventing them from accessing public spaces. Parks, bike paths, playgrounds, sidewalks, outdoor sports and public gatherings are often inaccessible and unhealthy, due to wood smoke.

5. Stresses everyone’s immune system. Children, the elderly, and those

with asthma, lung or heart issues, diabetes or other disabilities are among the most vulnerable.

6. Is a major source of black carbon soot fine particulates, which are bundled

with cancer-causing and hormone-disrupting chemicals.

7. Is implicated in reproductive birth defects and childhood diseases including asthma, pneumonia, cancer, autism, Asperger's Syndrome, allergies and other disorders.

8. Interferes with the seeding of rain and moisture in clouds, and also

accelerates the melting of glaciers ( and

9. Burning wood is an increasingly serious fire hazard. Please don’t burn


For more information, contact [email protected] Website:

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JOIN OUR NEW NETWORK! Our cause has gained great momentum, with more people joining the

anti-wood smoke efforts weekly. Our focus now is to help everyone

connect with others near us nation-wide in the US and Canada.

We must unite in pressuring our municipalities and governments

toward wood smoke regulations as soon as possible.

Therefore, I am looking for Volunteer Wood Smoke Coordinators in

EVERY STATE & PROVINCE to field and manage wood smoke

complaints and issues in their own state or province.

The goal is to share information nation-wide and to focus on wood

smoke regulation.

I think it’s safe to say that anyone reading this newsletter probably has

issues with wood smoke.

If you are willing to give your name and email address so we can form a

visible network please email Shirley or Julie.

Perhaps you would be willing to help with letter writing, flyer passing,

etc. No money is required, just a willingness to be someone others can

contact for support or more involvement.

Contact Julie at [email protected] if you would like your name

to appear on our state/province–wide contacts page or if you’d like to

become your state or province’s “representative” to coordinate contacts

within your state or province. Contact Julie, also, if you’d like to learn

who else is fighting wood smoke in your area and if you want concrete

suggestions on how to get results.

Network Representative List

To find a list of representatives in your area or to volunteer for your

State or Province please refer to the “LINKS” page on my web site.

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All burning results in very fine micro particulates and there is no safe level of this asbestos sized, dangerous air pollutant. Solid fuels, such as pellets and especially wood, produce more smoke and emit more fine particulate air pollutants than cleaner fuels such as gas and electricity.

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Bylaws & Bans

**I am beginning to compile a list of municipalities that are

acting on wood smoke emissions. Please send me a link to any

that you find to be added to the list.**

Golden, BRITISH COLUMBIA- passed a bylaw prohibiting the

installation of any solid fuel burning appliance (Bylaw # 1150).

Hampstead, QUEBEC - banned all new installations of wood stoves and

ordered existing wood stoves to be removed within 7 years. (Bylaw # 729-2)

Montreal, QUEBEC (Apr. 29/2009) - no further installation of any wood

burning stoves or fireplaces.

Suffolk, NEW JERSEY - bans all OWBs within 1000 feet of another house.

Stillwater, MINNESOTA - bans all wood burning or boiling stoves -

existing and future (March 11, 2010).

Pleasant Prairie, WISCONSIN - bans all new outdoor wood furnaces and

wood boilers.

Savage City, MINNESOTA - prohibits outdoor wood boilers (OWBs).

Burnsville, MINNESOTA - banned OWBs December 2008.

New Prague, MINNESOTA - total ban on OWBs.

Grand Forks, BRITISH COLUMBIA - The bylaw states that “no person

shall create a nuisance using a wood burning appliance in such a way as to

disturb the health and comfort of two or more persons from separate

dwellings.” Enforcement would be complaint driven and fines could be up

to $500.

Houston, BRITISH COLUMBIA - requires uncertified appliances to be

removed by 2010.

St. Thomas, ONTARIO - prohibits the use of outdoor fireplaces including

wood boilers and chimeneas.

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Sarnia, ONTARIO - has set stringent restrictions on setback distances for

outdoor boiler operations from the nearest dwellings and property lines.

Nation, ONTARIO - outdoor wood boiler specifications have been set

which include minimum lot sizes, distance from property lines and

distances from property buildings.

Elmira, NEW YORK - Ban on smoke and other deleterious fumes that

cross property lines onto the property of another. Fines are $250 for a

second offence or a jail term. Best ban in the country!

Marion, IOWA -prohibits new outdoor wood-burning boilers within city

limits and to regulate existing setups. All existing boilers must be

registered by Jan. 1; have smokestacks two feet higher than any residential

roof within 300 feet of the system; and be removed when the property

changes hands.

CONNECTICUT - Avon, Granby, Tolland, Hebron, Woodbridge, South

Windsor, Portland, Norfolk, Ridgefield, Haddam, Cheshire, West

Hartford, Hamden, North Haven and New Fairfield – 17 towns have

banned outdoor wood furnaces in order to protect the health and property

values of their citizens.

Inver Grove Heights, MINNESOTA - Nov. 15, 2010 - council bans all

OWBs. All OWBs must be removed from properties by Oct. 01, 2011.

The STATE of WASHINGTON - has laws to address neighbor's wood

smoke. According to the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency, “generating

excessive smoke is not only unneighborly, it’s illegal. Under state

regulations, smoke from a person’s chimney cannot exceed 20 percent

opacity for six consecutive minutes. Greater smoke densities could result in

fines from air pollution control officials. It is always illegal to smoke out

your neighbor. Everyone has a right to breathe clean air. If smoke from

your fire is affecting your neighbors, it is considered a nuisance and

subject to enforcement action.”

Salmon Arm, BRITISH COLUMBIA - No person shall install an Outdoor

Solid-Fuel Combustion Appliance in or about any premises.

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Huron East, ONTARIO - Bylaw passed - all new OWB's to have minimum

setback allowances and lot sizes. A great improvement over what they had

before – nothing.

Nappanee - Bans Outdoor Wood Furnaces

Twinsburg, OHIO - Council voted 7-0 in favor of adding outdoor wood-burning furnaces or boilers to a list of items that are restricted.

Marion County, INDIANA – OWB ban.

Evansville, INDIANA – OWB ban.

Long Beach, INDIANA – OWB ban.

City of LaPorte, INDIANA – OWB ban.

Michigan City, INDIANA – OWB ban.

Butler, Indiana – Bans OWBs within city limits.

Waterloo, ONTARIO - No person shall set or maintain an open air fire.

Hamilton, ONTARIO - No person shall conduct an open air in a manner

that creates a nuisance....

Caledonia, WISCONSIN - Bans all new OWB installations except in

agricultural areas.

Port Alberni, BRITISH COLUMBIA – (2012) All newly installed wood

burning appliances must be EPA listed. Beginning in 2017 (5 years from

now) all existing wood burning appliances must be EPA listed.

Prohibition of unpermitted fuels. $200 fine for non-compliance, per

violation. Inspectors have the right to enter to determine compliance with


Grand Forks, BRITIH COLUMBIA – No person shall create a nuisance

using a wood burning appliance….

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Photos and Videos

To see some photos that victims of wood smoke have sent click here

To have your own photo listed, send an email to: [email protected]

Click here for links to more information

Just a few photos to show to your public officials and others you want to convince that only a ban on smoke release will change this!

Click here for videos

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Canadian Action Activities

Wood smoke is a major problem in all of America and Canada.

National efforts are gaining momentum. Regardless of where we live,

our actions should focus on getting our national governments to

regulate wood smoke. To make an impact, if each reader calls or emails

each of these contacts, we can move mountains.

Go for it now!

Health Canada assesses scientific evidence about the health effects of wood smoke

and makes this information available to Canadians. Health Canada is also working

with other government departments to determine the best ways to minimize risks

associated with wood smoke.

In addition, Health Canada is a contributor to the Burn it Smart! Campaign

sponsored by Natural Resources Canada.

Environment Canada:

Health Canada: [email protected] Air Health Effects Division, Safe Environments Program, Health Canada

400 Cooper Street Ottawa, ON K1A 0K9 Telephone: (613) 957-1876

Natural Resources Canada Burn it Smart! Sir William Logan Building,

11th Floor, 580 Booth Street, Ottawa, ON K1A 0E4

Write or email to your local council & MPs to request that they create or amend a

bylaw to cover nuisance smoke. Preferably, a ban on all wood burning in residential



The Ontario Ministry of the Environment has released the latest news on Smog


Click here for the Canadian Bill of Rights You can apply for a review here.

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U.S. Action Activities

URGENT—Immediate Action ALWAYS Needed

A new EPA-certified wood stove promotion gives a 30% tax credit and a

huge discount to the public. It is being funded by stimulus money from

the US government. This flies in the face of the known hazards of wood

smoke that the EPA acknowledges on their website. If we don’t stop our

states’ stimulus money from funding this major promotion, it will be

next to impossible to regulate or ban wood burning in any form.

If you have never protested wood smoke or called your public officials

before, this is the time to do it!

Contact your US Senators and Representatives, as well as your state

Senators and Representatives and City Council members. Ask them

to see that the stimulus money does not go towards this

promotion. It is crucial to let your elected officials know that you

don’t want the stimulus money used for this promotion in your

community—but only to apply to gas or electric

technology. (California has a change-out program that only allows

swap-outs to gas or electric.)

Let them know that wood smoke is a major health hazard and is a major contributor to global warming.

Send an email to others and ask them for their help too. (See

suggested email below).

Be sure to call your US legislators and State legislators and City

Council Members, to alert them to the problem and asking for their

help too in keeping new EPA certified wood burning equipment out

of your community, even if a state-wide promotion allows them.

If we don’t stop this unthinkable promotion, there is little hope for a

healthy legacy for our children and grandchildren.

Page 28: The Wood Smoke Activist Network


Action #1- Suggested message for calling and emailing U.S. legislators

and state legislators. Please also relay on to others and urge them to

contact others.



Dear (elected official):

Please use your influence to disallow stimulus money to be used for EPA

wood stove promotion in (your state and/or your community.)

According to the EPA’s own website, wood smoke is a killer responsible

for premature deaths nation-wide at a rate of 3% of the total deaths

every year from fine particle pollution. (Harvard School of Public

Health). That is close to 73,000 people in the U.S. each year--an

epidemic! Wood smoke is extremely hazardous for children, the elderly

and especially those with asthma. Asthma is already the number one

reason for school absenteeism. It is even implicated in sudden infant

death syndrome.

Our states are looking for ways to limit fine particulate pollution and

better air quality. This should be a “no-brainer.” Wood smoke emits

over 9,600 % more lead than natural gas, according to the EPA’s own

data. It also emits arsenic, mercury, formaldehyde, polyaromatic

hydrocarbons and dioxins, persistent organic compounds that do not

break down in the environment or in human lungs, crops, soil and water

supply. See for the facts.

Please do not allow stimulus money to be used for promoting more


(Sign your name and contact info)


Page 29: The Wood Smoke Activist Network


About the Editors:

Shirley Brandie

Ontario Director of Canadian Clean Air


She is retired from a medical laboratory

and currently doing in-depth research on

the effects of wood smoke on health and

the environment.

Web site:

Minneapolis Julie Mellum

Julie is a Realtor who knows that wood smoke devalues real

estate as a “material fact” that can affect a potential buyer’s

use and enjoyment of your property. She continually

researches the latest science on wood smoke and is a member

of the Edina, MN Community Health Committee.

Web site: Take Back the Air

If you would like to have your wood smoke story published, click here to

email it.

* We do not accept responsibility for errors in articles submitted for

publication. It is the responsibility of the author to ensure the facts are,

to the best of their knowledge, correct. **

** Please note that articles submitted for publication may be edited for

grammar, punctuation and sentence structure.

Send an email to [email protected] to be added to the mailing
