the word human is derived from the latin word

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Post on 02-Jun-2018




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  • 8/10/2019 The Word Human is Derived From the Latin Word


    Modern Homosapien

    The word human is derived from the Latin word humanus, which is the adjective form

    of the word homomeaning earthly being. The human body is an earthly organism. The

    issue humanity faces today is the mechanization of the individual and the expansion of a

    technocratic institution known as The West. The philosophies of the most arcane and

    treasured contemplative traditions, reveal profound principles on the harmonious relationships

    amongst humanity and nature, which seldom are upheld today in the secular world and in the

    politically motivated mainstream religious sphere. The large portion of humanity drifted away

    from such principles although such teachings are hidden in plain sight within the writings of the

    great philosophers and mystics of this age. The religious institutions of Catholicism,

    Brahmanism, and Islam cast aside their contemplative roots and engaged in religious warfare and

    imperialism. What is the source of all this madness? The mind is fundamentally the origin of

    conflict. If the mind is diseased then the family, society, and environment will spread its

    sickness like a cancer. The disease is characterized by the confusion, disillusionment,

    depression, and sociopathic-tendencies found within the mind of the individual. The wisest men

    and women in history revealed a path to the eradication and transcendence of these afflictions.

    The purpose of human life is the actualization of humanitys highest mental, physical, and

    spiritual potential through the realization of enlightenment and it is only by this understanding of

    oneself and of nature on a collective level that will save humanity from destroying itself. The

    people of the modern era are disconnected from themselves, the wonders of nature, and the

    spiritual wisdom of the ancient world. The society is engineered in a mechanistic fashion with

    purely materialistic aims as collective goals. The philosophy of materialism, imperialism, the

  • 8/10/2019 The Word Human is Derived From the Latin Word


    disconnection from nature, and the mass confusion and conflict within the individual are

    responsible for the environmental, social, political, and spiritual problems humanity faces today.

    Within the mind exists the capacity to transcend the frailties of human nature, which

    manifest in the form of greed, hatred, and delusion. Upon the exacerbation of such instinctual

    qualities; the manifestation of violence and tyranny occur. Inhumane actions are only possible

    through inhumane intentions. Sociopathic and evil intentions are housed in a troubled and often

    abused personality. Inhumanity is defined by a characteristic sociopathic disregard for life and

    an absolute lack of concern, or even an intention to inflict harm and destruction, on the welfare

    of other people. Anything which inflicts unnecessary pain and suffering upon another individual

    or nation is considered inhumane. If war is fought for the sake of protecting the homeland it is

    still a tragedy because innocent lives will be lost. In the case of self-defense, people are justified

    to take the life of their attacker if retaliation is the only way to survive such an altercation. In

    war, blood is almost always shed for geopolitical, financial, or religious motives. War is totally

    inhumane and can only be enacted by a sociopathic congress or state that is more concerned with

    destabilizing various regions in order to exploit economic resources than with whatever

    nonsensical lies are spread over the media. How crazy must these politicians be to say that

    bombs will bring peace? Our world is run by inhumane people and sure Americans can say its

    the people who choose! Sure and each time Americans choose they pick another corporate

    prostitute, another sociopathic carpet bombing, drone striking, aggressor. Nonetheless,

    humanness is defined by the totality of human experience. Humanness includes what may be

    considered suffering, pain, depression, lust, anger, jealousy, hatred. At one point or another most

    people will experience these emotional and psychological states. Humanness also encompasses

    sublime and joyful qualities like happiness, peace and love. The extreme of negative qualities

  • 8/10/2019 The Word Human is Derived From the Latin Word


    leads to inhumanity because then such a person wants to annihilate the humanness and welfare of

    others and violate natural order. Within people is an inherent quality of goodness. This can

    easily be proved by observing children. If a child is not given love and attention during his/her

    early years, then during the adolescent phase of development a wide variety of emotional issues

    will be observable. Inherent goodness within people is also proven whenever children are raised

    to be killers. At first a child will refuse to torture or strangle and animal to death. The child will

    cry and vomit until he/she has been whipped and beaten enough to know that taking life is the

    only way to avoid further pain. Inherently humans wish for life to flourish and prosper. When

    natural order is violated through harming other people, engaging in the destruction of people and

    nature, inhumanity turns its disfigured head. No other creature on Earth kills millions of its own

    kind for territory. Only humans destroy the environment and move onto another lush oasis only

    to turn it into a wasteland.

    The positive side of humanness is defined by qualities such as peace, joy, and

    companionship. The mystical side of humanness is experienced and embodied by qualities such

    as omnipresence and a transcendence of the ordinary. Humanity has the capacity to experience

    realities beyond time, space, and form. Humanity has Tao, the source and mother of all things,

    as the foundation of consciousness itself. It is those exemplary individuals like Socrates, through

    the guidance of his inner Daemon or Holy Guardian Angel, urged us to vanquish all knowledge

    and question everything until even the perception of knowingness is determined. People like

    Lao-Tzu and Buddha embodied the highest qualities of humanness such as universal love and

    compassion, but all these sages taught that the highest virtues are attained by knowing oneself,

    which meant directly knowing the non-duality of Tao or Nirvana. The source of confusion in

    our world is rooted in imbalances and unnatural lifestyles, but most of all it comes from a sense

  • 8/10/2019 The Word Human is Derived From the Latin Word


  • 8/10/2019 The Word Human is Derived From the Latin Word


    absent in Western culture (aside from the Mystery Schools of Greece & Pythagoras). How can

    the individual improve him/herself if improving oneself in American society means improving

    your circumstances? How can people know themselves if what a person is is defined entirely by

    what they own? American culture is completely backwards thinking no wonder people are

    walking around like soulless zombies in Wal-Mart. Tyler Durden in Fight Club said, We have

    no great war, our war is a spiritual one. We have no great depression, our depression is our

    lives. The only way out of this mess is to re-engineer the entire society towards a naturalistic,

    holistic, and virtuous lifestyle.

    Why do we need religion and science to tell us what the truth is? People dont know the

    truth to be within themselves. People dont know that the acupuncture meridian system was

    discovered (not invented) by a couple sages with extraordinary paranormal abilities. The

    Buddha coined the term Rupa-Kalapa and stated that it disappeared and re-appeared a million

    times in one second and was the foundation of all matter (Goenka). Lao-Tzu said Everything

    comes from nothing, yet the Big bang theory wasnt expounded until the 20th

    century (Kwon

    56). People still have such capacity for discovering truth in matter and exercise such abilities

    today, but what are we told in school? Were told that those people are fakes and charlatans and

    that only religious nuts believe in such things. Were told that the mystical is just imaginary and

    that the realities our ancestors spoke of for thousands of years were just bio-chemical

    hallucinations. I know that there is a pathway to the truth and that the seed of the mother is

    within every individual on this planet. If every person was taught how to nurture this seed then

    peace would be prominent. Its been proven over and over in prisons and mental health

    programs that yoga, meditation, and even a proper education totally transform people. Truth,

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    peace, and happiness are essential to humanity and the decline of such is in tandem with the

    destruction of the environment and humanity itself.

    Despite the negative commentary in this work, Id like to inform the reader that my views

    on the direction of the human race are very positive. Society is definitely transforming and

    although we dont have a revolution on our hands we do have a gradual awakening. Each

    passing year fast food restaurants are losing money because more and more people are eating

    organic. Each passing year more and more people begin to question the validity of the media

    and authenticity of the American corporatocracy. A reawakened spirituality is also growing in

    the West because terms like non-duality and mindfulness are now used in classrooms

    whereas 30 years ago the only places youd find those terms were in books like I Am Thatby

    Nisargadatta and Be Here Now by Ram Dass. Meditation is a super hot topic in neuroscience

    because apparently meditation masters are considered the happiest people on planet earth.

    Above anything else people are questioning more. People are questioning whether the dogmas

    of reductionist materialism are authentic, or why the Catholic Church has a long history of

    pedophilia issue with young males, or why the term Illuminati has become mainstream? What is

    this all about? With the internet people are doing their own research and sharing their own

    discoveries about the world. On this track more and more people will step out of zombie land

    and into present time. The pinnacle of humanness is the realization of enlightenment and we are

    on the road to building a culture which can support an environment of peace, community, and

    internal and cultural development. It begins in small places like Googles Search Within

    Yourself meditation program or the landmark neuroscience study on meditation; the

    International Shamatha Project by B. Alan Wallace. It starts with alternative news stations like

    Russia Today and Aljazeera who are ripped apart by mainstream media simply for digging a bit

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    deeper. Big brother is spreading his influence wide across the globes and into the very depths of

    our collective consciousness, but hidden beyond the confines of time and subjectivity exists and

    unlimited source of truth and goodness. It is this source which more and more people are getting

    in touch with today. It is that sense of I Amness and the love which flows from it that will

    save our world.