the world bank group archives public disclosure...

THE WORLD BANK GROUP ARCHIVES PUBLIC DISCLOSURE AUTHORIZED Folder Title: IPA Chronological files (outgoing) - Chrons 19 Folder ID: 1772391 ISAD(G) Reference Code: WB IBRD/IDA 03 EXC-10-5765S Series: IPA chronological file (outgoing) Sub-Fonds: Records of President Robert S. McNamara Fonds: Records of the Office of the President Digitized: September 20, 2012 To cite materials from this archival folder, please follow the following format: [Descriptive name of item], [Folder Title], Folder ID [Folder ID], ISAD(G) Reference Code [Reference Code], [Each Level Label as applicable], World Bank Group Archives, Washington, D.C., United States. The records in this folder were created or received by The World Bank in the course of its business. The records that were created by the staff of The World Bank are subject to the Bank’s copyright. Please refer to for full copyright terms of use and disclaimers. THE WORLD BANK Washington, D.C. © 2012 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / International Development Association or The World Bank 1818 H Street NW Washington DC 20433 Telephone: 202-473-1000 Internet: PUBLIC DISCLOSURE AUTHORIZED

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Page 1: THE WORLD BANK GROUP ARCHIVES PUBLIC DISCLOSURE … · MAR 20 \ • ar Ms. P1 ckt Thank you for your 1 tt and 1 t w inv1 tat ion



Folder Title: IPA Chronological files (outgoing) - Chrons 19

Folder ID: 1772391

ISAD(G) Reference Code: WB IBRD/IDA 03 EXC-10-5765S

Series: IPA chronological file (outgoing)

Sub-Fonds: Records of President Robert S. McNamara

Fonds: Records of the Office of the President

Digitized: September 20, 2012

To cite materials from this archival folder, please follow the following format: [Descriptive name of item], [Folder Title], Folder ID [Folder ID], ISAD(G) Reference Code [Reference Code], [Each Level Label as applicable], World Bank Group Archives, Washington, D.C., United States. The records in this folder were created or received by The World Bank in the course of its business.

The records that were created by the staff of The World Bank are subject to the Bank’s copyright.

Please refer to for full copyright terms of use and disclaimers.

THE WORLD BANK Washington, D.C. © 2012 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / International Development Association or The World Bank 1818 H Street NW Washington DC 20433 Telephone: 202-473-1000 Internet:


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/ v: i I II i II II i II il l II III Ii 111 1111 111 1111111111111! ill!

1772391 A2004-031 Other#. 2 3096459

I PA Chronological file s (outgoing) - Chrons 19


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r r.

JEMerriam:rgw June 27, 1980 '


(SigJied) Roho rt S. McNamar~

er •

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~lJN 30 1980

~ .. a

... :.: _ JLMaddux:

June 24, 1980

- '

1.1 Tuas Soc.--of ,Certif.ied, Pl1blic A:ecountants NeSbitt, w. \, -

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• UN 30 18

, JSi ned) Ruber, S. . cHarrlar',~


, ' .I


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JUJl27 '988

JEff; pz

June 26,1980

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JUM 23 1980

. ,.

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UN 2 3 ,980

(Signed) Robert S. M·cHa-marl


Page 11: THE WORLD BANK GROUP ARCHIVES PUBLIC DISCLOSURE … · MAR 20 \ • ar Ms. P1 ckt Thank you for your 1 tt and 1 t w inv1 tat ion

(Sj-gned) Ro~ ert S. McNamara

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(Si ne

.1 , D.

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JlJN 1 9 I ,

, , ~

, , .

(Signed) Robert S. M~cNam~ra



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1 ..

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J N 1 0 1S"

ISignedl Robert j~ . -- '- :'

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• JUM 1 L9

" . I!. . m'.)~' ~;, •. ~~ : fr.~ ~

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Page 17: THE WORLD BANK GROUP ARCHIVES PUBLIC DISCLOSURE … · MAR 20 \ • ar Ms. P1 ckt Thank you for your 1 tt and 1 t w inv1 tat ion

---- (Sigaed) Robert S. McNamara

,; .

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.• JUN 9. 1980

- .... ~* (Signed) - obert • McNamara .... _ ....

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. , J'UIIk J

.8 O· • . .so .. . ..

JUN 51980

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. - "

(Signed) Robert camara '



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I .


'(Sl . ed) Rob rt S. McNamara ,. gn


. i\

J I} 198tJ


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. .. ~ "'''11>

,(Signed) Robert cNamara

. .

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AY 14

.... tMlitl, ."~iOJUl 'ec~Lty Afft~"iI" 1e.dLc. ...... , tfallillliJtc ..

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• i/

(Signed) o.bert S. McNama~


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,JLKad4 ' • AprIl 21# 1980

eftA. Area Cballlb.. of . KOCb%'tili... J.




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Igned pr.J~~' .... v : .. .. .. If , - .. • •• ~i am ra

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Page 28: THE WORLD BANK GROUP ARCHIVES PUBLIC DISCLOSURE … · MAR 20 \ • ar Ms. P1 ckt Thank you for your 1 tt and 1 t w inv1 tat ion

(Signed) _ 0 ert • camara

2. , J.

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If AI J 1 '.D

4 I


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AR 2 8 19B


Page 31: THE WORLD BANK GROUP ARCHIVES PUBLIC DISCLOSURE … · MAR 20 \ • ar Ms. P1 ckt Thank you for your 1 tt and 1 t w inv1 tat ion

Son Excellence Ahmed Sekou Toure President de 1a Repuhlique Populaire

Revolutionna1re de Guinee Conakry

Monsieur Ie President,

Je vous .remercie vi.vement de votre Iettre du 22 mars que Ie Hinistre de l' Energie et du Ko~koure a bien voulu me remettre au cours de notre r.eunion delundi dernLer. J'ai pris connaissance avec Ie plus grand interet des indications contenues dans votre lettre au sujet du projet integre du :Konkoure et j 'ai ecoute avec attention toutes les explii ca tions cornplementaires que Ie Ministre a bien voulu nous donner sur la haute priorlte que Is Guinee accorde it ce projet, sur les intentions de financement de plusieurs bal11eursde fonds et sur les demarches deja entreprises. par votre gouvernement aupres d'un certain nombre d t industriels de 1 t aluminium. -

!ious savona Ie role important que l' exploitation des ressources minieres du pays peut jouer dans Ie developpement de son economie. Nous sommes conscients que les vastes reserves de bauxite et I'importance du poten­tiel hydroelectrique de la Guinee j ustifient l' etude de projets visanta valorls~r ces deux ressources. Noue sommes persuades que 1a crise de l' energie et la hausse du prix des produits petroliers rendront de .plus en plus rentable 1a realisation d'investissements tels que la construction du .barrage de Konkoure. Cependail.t nous aVOllS tenu a 1ndiquer -'au Hinistre N'Famara Keita ' les etUdes qui doivent ~ ~c ore etre entre?risa~' pour determiner si ce projet est, des maintenant. justifie et les p'roblemcs complexes qui devront etre resolus pour faire en sorte que l'investissement apporte a 1a Guinee une contribution economique positive • . Nous ne savonspas encore s1 ces proble.mes pourront etTe effectivement resolus, mais nous feronstout ce qui est ·en notre pouvoirpour vousa1der a les identifier et les analyser et. si cela est possible; surmonter les difficultes. M~s collaborateurs ont remis au ¥dnistre une note recensant quelques uns de 'ces problemes et indiquant la fa~on dont, nous semble-t-il. lIs devront etre ~ra1tes.

C'est dans cet esprit que nous avons accepte de participer a la 'reunion prevUa pour . les 29 .. et 30 avril a Paris, au cours de laquelle lesexperts guineens et les representants des bailleurs de fondsinteresses examineront ensemble les ~tudes de factib11ite du barrage etde l'usine d'aluminium prepareespar EDF

. ~;

Page 32: THE WORLD BANK GROUP ARCHIVES PUBLIC DISCLOSURE … · MAR 20 \ • ar Ms. P1 ckt Thank you for your 1 tt and 1 t w inv1 tat ion


ct Alusu1sso. NOUG o.pcrono v1veQQnt que eette r~un1on noU8 penlettra d t tJ.?profond1r notre coonaiasanco du dos8ior. de deteminer le8!e!i.1Onta at comp16:aenta qui <1evront etre apporttta a ca. 't~dc. et d'arreter le. decisions qui. devrout ecre pt1..scs pour pouTsuivre 14 pr&pBration duprojet.

VeuUlea agreer ~ ~foll81eur 1. Pr6'a1dent. 'I' expre •• 1oll ~. ; Ma tr~. · haute consideration.

(Signed) Ro·bert S. McNamara

"Robert S. Hd-Iamara

Ie 27 mars 1980

cc: 12) Mr. McNamara's office Messrs. Tha1witz (WAP); Fuchs (IPD); Cash/de Selliers (IPD);

Bouhaouala (WAP); Cosgrove (WAP); Thiam (WAP); Gilling (WAP); Palein (WA2); Westebbe (WA2); Noukelak OvA2); Scanteie (WA2)_:


Page 33: THE WORLD BANK GROUP ARCHIVES PUBLIC DISCLOSURE … · MAR 20 \ • ar Ms. P1 ckt Thank you for your 1 tt and 1 t w inv1 tat ion


(Signed) .-~obe rt S: McNamara

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JLMaddux:ems March 20, 1980

(Signed) Robert S. MeN.amara


Page 35: THE WORLD BANK GROUP ARCHIVES PUBLIC DISCLOSURE … · MAR 20 \ • ar Ms. P1 ckt Thank you for your 1 tt and 1 t w inv1 tat ion

MI:. S •

TlUUIk Y r: your inV1ta ion iver the 1 reedo L cture in JOJ. llar_.,,~

Otas.J~r8Cm Aea.;t .. u.e , urd YU.i~ of Wli:va<taI*rlltA4 Job \Jrg'

JLMaddux : ems March 21, 1980


Page 36: THE WORLD BANK GROUP ARCHIVES PUBLIC DISCLOSURE … · MAR 20 \ • ar Ms. P1 ckt Thank you for your 1 tt and 1 t w inv1 tat ion

MAR 20 \ •

ar Ms. P1 ckt

Thank you for your 1 tt and 1 t w inv1 tat ion to pre.ent th Huvard uaine. chool Club' fourth annual Busin.s. Stat M< d. to Goftrnor arriman on 'l'hur y evenill9, May 29th,.

I ppx-eciate your t.hinld.ilg of lne in this conneotion, and very db regret having to ~.clln.. I will be on a' trip abroad at. th time.

It wu gOod of you ~ write, and 1 ••• ace my beat wi ' bee tor what 1 clearly going to b a ti ul 1ng

~ .vening.

Eliza}) th Plac Cba1xman Harvard chOol

Club of 1ngton 1522 K Str et, N.W •

.. abington, D.C. 20005

JLMaddux:ems March 19, 1980

Sino ly,

~Signed) Ro ~e rt S. Me'Hamara

b rt • MCNamara

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(Signed) . obert S. McNamara

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A 1 2 1980

(Signed) Robert S. McNamar~



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liAR 12 1910

.1J"bd~Y. ~

(Sign-ed) Robert S. McNamara

. , ', '



. ,


\ ~ I

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3.1 rt, I




Ii, " ,;




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MAR 1 2 1980

1.1 ( )~-

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Jl:JIa44: t

March 7, 198

(Signed) Robert S. McHam

1.1 Chriatiaa Collet 0 xU _ aUte1d, •

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MAR 4, 8

(Signed) Robert • McNamara

lie IlIUlt'Mt

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FEB 2 9 J


1.1 nere,.-U • I • ~j~l1!10

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.. 2 1 8

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C :amara


1.1 •

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, .. ...... I"U' 15 t' 19

Xaat. for, I!l.

1 0

(S.ig e"d) Robert S. M"cNamara


10 Potter

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fEB 161980

(Signed) R bert S,. c amara

1.1 rcwl • )'oster. Ed. Inat. Scott., H.

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· ..

FEB 16

(Signe~dr Rober S. Me aml[l

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FEB 15

(Signed) Robert S. McNamara

JLMaadus: Febnary 13# 1980

3 .. 1 Gbo , A.

Page 51: THE WORLD BANK GROUP ARCHIVES PUBLIC DISCLOSURE … · MAR 20 \ • ar Ms. P1 ckt Thank you for your 1 tt and 1 t w inv1 tat ion

Signed) Ro.bert S. 'McNamatl

1.1 •

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I '




JLIIadcla ~ . Februuy 8, 1980

,{ ·igne

· ,

FEB'11 1980

' c amar~

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· .


1. .. 1 UDiY. of Maql LeViton. D.

FE 5 1 0

(SignecJ) RobertS. MeMamara

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~ ,,­ebruary 5, 19 0


, ~NJ1I11 ,ar.a

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• F 5 1

(~gn6d) Rober ' camara

Jr..Ha44u: .. nary., 19

1. GniY. of PMkftA ..

P ., L. , \

) \ ,"


, "

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(Signed) Ro ert s. Mul~atftMa


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~ .

JAM 31 1980

'(Signe amara

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JA 30 1 80


l1aD4aZ', ..


\ \



Page 59: THE WORLD BANK GROUP ARCHIVES PUBLIC DISCLOSURE … · MAR 20 \ • ar Ms. P1 ckt Thank you for your 1 tt and 1 t w inv1 tat ion


. . (Signed) Robert S. McNamara

" I


Page 60: THE WORLD BANK GROUP ARCHIVES PUBLIC DISCLOSURE … · MAR 20 \ • ar Ms. P1 ckt Thank you for your 1 tt and 1 t w inv1 tat ion

Cifeis I~l J , uuy 24, 1980

JA 28

{ r ned R 'bert • rAcNamara

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JA ? 1

(Signed) Robert s. r~cNamara

3.1 Gis d· , o.

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JUI&Q~lWl: t

J 1.4, 198

• COnt~ ctor f SJ>XOWIIe-l J.

ara •

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JA. 1 5 '.0

'(Signed) Robert S. McNamara

\ n

, 1.1 } j


! ' ,

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obert ara

ft ..... , •


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JAW 14 198C


J ~ 11,1980

4.11 Paadit. R.


), U

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JA 1980

2.5 , J.

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• Klaflal_

J£ .... "'l. !,gw ­-JanoaN 8 t 1,80

bee: Mr. S. Shahid HusaIn M.r. Ts tis

. ! . 'JAN 8' 1980

Page 68: THE WORLD BANK GROUP ARCHIVES PUBLIC DISCLOSURE … · MAR 20 \ • ar Ms. P1 ckt Thank you for your 1 tt and 1 t w inv1 tat ion

Office of the President

Dear Hardy:' .

THE WORLD SA K Washington, D.C. 20433


January 4, 1980

Thank you for your letter and the transcript of the panel discussion on Energy, and the edited version of my remarks, as well as your overall intro­duction.

I have been out of the city recently, but now have had a chance to review the material. Enclosed please find the introduction, and my part of the discussion. I have made a few minor adjustments in wnat were, essentially, informal oral comments on a very complicated issue.

I look forward to rece1v1ng a copy of the published proceedings in Engineering and Science.


.{Sfgned}. Ro ' ert S.;f1

Robert S. McNamara

Hardy C. Martel Office of the Secretary California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California 91125


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(Slgned) Rnhert S. fAcNamara

JAN 4 1980

\ \.


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JAN 4 1980

(Signed) Robert S. Ie amara

Marl.h .. c.

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JAN 4 !980

(Signed) Robert S. ,r~~cNamara