the world since 1945 – an overview. the balance of power changed dramatically after ww2 european...

CHAPTER 19 The World Since 1945 – an overview

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Page 1: The World Since 1945 – an overview.  The balance of power changed dramatically after WW2  European influences went down while the US & USSR emerged


The World Since 1945 – an overview

Page 2: The World Since 1945 – an overview.  The balance of power changed dramatically after WW2  European influences went down while the US & USSR emerged


Page 3: The World Since 1945 – an overview.  The balance of power changed dramatically after WW2  European influences went down while the US & USSR emerged


The balance of power changed dramatically after WW2 European influences went down while the US & USSR

emerged as the world’s superpowers The collapse of overseas western empires occurred The emergence of dozens of new countries

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ESSAYS 1. Compare and contrast the North (rich) and

the South (poor) parts of the world after World War 2.

2. Many regions of the world have seen a struggle between advanced technologies/western culture and the traditional ways. Explain the conflict and give 2 specific examples of these struggles.

3. International interdependence has created many opportunities and also many conflicts. What is international interdependence? Explain how it can be both a good thing and a bad thing.

Page 5: The World Since 1945 – an overview.  The balance of power changed dramatically after WW2  European influences went down while the US & USSR emerged

THE CHANGING POLITICAL CLIMATE An End to European Colonial Empires

Nationalism & Independence Resistance in colonialized countries had begun before the war At first, imperialist countries tried to hold on to their power The US backed the right of people to self-determination The USSR had long condemned western imperialism

Different Roads to Freedom In most areas, freedom was achieved peacefully (fairly new) In areas where white colonialists refused to leave, things

turned violent (ie- France in Indochina/Vietnam) Global Impact

90 new countries emerged during the “great liberation” p.506 Some large/small in population and or size “Developing World” in Africa, Asia and Latin America looked to

modernize (stable governments, economic development_ Most joined the United Nation

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The Cold War divided the world into two sides US & USSR (Superpowers) They competed for influence by offering economic/military aid Each superpower wanted the country to adopt their political


Nonaligned Nations Some chose not to take sides to hopefully promote peace and

to benefit from working with both superpowers

Hot Spots In Africa, Asia and Latin America – disputes broke out The US & USSR took opposing sides in the conflicts China – 1949 –revolution led to communist China (no tie to

USSR) “Shooting Wars” occasionally broke out (Korea, Vietnam

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The Cold War Ends – 1991 The Soviet Union collapsed and the Cold War ended Many world tensions eased, but other emerged

Ethnic and Religious Conflict Within many areas, ethnic &/or religious groups have

pushed for more independence so they can protect their culture Kurds in Turkey and Iraq Muslims in Kashmir Christians in East Timor

In some of these regions, the struggle of control/power has resulted in violence

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After winning independence, most nations have high hopes for a better future

Without colonial ties, many nations have no central identity to bind them together

Many modeled their new governments after western democracy, but it only worked in a few Little done to prepare leaders in colonialized nations Wealthy, western-educated elite control the power of the

government and economy while a huge majority of the people remain very poor

Political, cultural, religious infighting for control As problems grow, military leaders often took control (junta) Once in power, they build one-party dictatorships Despite all this, democracy did make hold in some African,

Asian, and Latin American nations

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REGIONAL & GLOBAL ORGANIZATIONS After WW2, the world was more

“INTERDEPENDENT” Political, economic, cultural and other links

created both opportunities and problems UNITED NATIONS:

Played vital role in decolonization Peacekeepers (often failed but have tried none the less) UN agencies have provided services for millions worldwide

WHO – AIDS crisis, hunger, disease prevention, vaccinations, etc

OTHER ORGANIZATIONS: Nations form regional groups for trade, protection, etc

GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) NAFTA (North American Free Trade Association) G8 – 8 biggest economies promoting economic cooperation World Bank & IMF – make loans to developing nations

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GLOBAL ISSUES Deadly Weapons (WMD’s)

Since the US dropped 2 atomic bombs, nations of the world have been trying to arm themselves with weapons

Nuclear, Biological, Chemical are of global concern NUCLEAR NONPROLIFERATION TREATY 1968 8 countries opening have nuclear weapons, 1 (Israel) won’t



1948 Human Rights include “the right to life, liberty and

security of person” HELSINKI ACCORDS 1975 included speech, religion, fair

trial, earn a living and live in safety Despite these, human rights abused still occur. Economic

pressure can be used to try to convince nations to stop abusing rights

Some countries accuse the world of trying to impose their values on other cultures

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TERRORISM??? What is it? Why would someone/a group use

terrorism to advance their cause? How do/should countries/people deal

with terrorism?

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Use of terror (especially against civilians) to achieve political goals

Groups have used terror as a political tool since the 1960’s (bombings, kidnappings, airplane hijackings, shootings)

North Ireland – both sides used bombings 1972 Olympics – Israeli athletes kidnapped 9-11 – suicide planes collapsed the World Trade Center

buildings To combat, governments passed tough laws and have

increased their watchfulness against plot of terror

Intervention Does the world have the obligation to stop human rights

abused or stop acts of terrorism? Ethnic conflicts within nations – are they an internal issue or

a humans rights issue that UN has a mixed record in intervening in crisis areas

Sometimes they do intervene, sometimes they do not No clear reason why/why not

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BOOK REVIEW Read section one p.504-509

Do questions # 3-6 on p. 509Use p. 510 in your book to complete the

VENN diagram at the top of the next worksheet

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GLOBAL TRENDS – NORTH/SOUTH The Global North and South

Rich Nations Industrialized nations of Europe, North America, Japan &

Australia Control most of the world’s wealth, standard of living high Most have capitalist economies – FREE MARKETS Governments support economic growth/regulate economies

Poor Nations Asia, Africa, Latin America 75% of worlds population and much of natural resources “Asian Tigers”, Oil Rich nations have seen economic progress Not yet developed their economies About 1 billion people live in poverty (many of them children)

Migration Gap between rich and poor is widening, despite some

development Imbalance cause people to migrate from poor to rich areas

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Multinational Corporations have linked nations Rich countries bring technology, advisors, loans, etc Poor countries provide labor force and markets

The Oil Crisis 1970’s – Political problems caused oil crisis – gave 3rd world

power OPEC created to control world oil markets Rich nations became aware of how dependent they were

The Debt Crisis Poor countries owed huge amounts of money to rich (loans) Needed money to modernize and begin to make money to pay

off loans Rich nations suffered due to debt crisis as world banks stuck

with loans Deal – rich nations would forgive debts in exchange for changes

in economic and political structures

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World Economies are now interdependent When one suffers, it hurts all;

when one excels, it helps many Japan 1997 - US 2007 - Europe now

Economic Organizations World Bank, IMF lend money to countries in crisis Hopefully stop economies from failing and hurting others

Often loans come with “strings” – conditions of the load to change either politically or economically

Local people often don’t want the conditions and will revolt against their governments GREECE -TODAY

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Obstacles to Development Geography

Population & Poverty

Economic Dependenc

eEconomic Policies

Political Instability

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OBSTACLES POSTER Get in groups of 5 Each member will create a poster about

one of the reasons 3rd World Countries find it difficult to develop their economies/nations

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Geography Few natural resources, difficult climates

Population and Poverty Better medical care increases population with limited resources Need for housing, food, jobs, medical care increase without new

income Some have tried to slow the growth (China) but face obstacles

Economic Dependence Remain dependent on former colonial ruling nation, outside

powers for raw materials, markets, help

Economic Policies Many new nations choose socialism to help their people With little/no private industry, government cannot raise enough

money Costs block other economic growth (Europe, China, Cuba)

Political Instability Many countries devastated by internal struggles/wars Corruption - Dictators spend on staying in power rather than

helping their people Wars create even more people in need

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Growing Threats The Industrial Revolution brought great environmental damage As science began to prove the damage being done, some

stepped up ENVIRONMENTALISTS (1970’s) raised the alarm and began to push

governments to make laws to protect the environment Chemicals, pesticides Oil spills, Acid Rain

GLOBAL WARMING – emissions from products damaged the environment, believed to cause an increase in the temperatures of the world

INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS – governments react after and pass laws to prevent Bhopal, India (1984) killed 3,600 people Chernobyl (1986) nuclear melt-down Gulf Oil Spill (2010) damaged ecosystem of the Gulf of Mexico

Protecting the Environment Rich nations have the resources and produce much of the

pollution Also have often led way to protect the environment Environmental Summits held to get world to work together

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Since WW2, people have flocked to cities for job, to escape poverty

Today, more than ½ of all people live in cities Often there isn’t enough living space, so “SHANTYTOWNS” pop

up City living is more of a “nuclear” family rather than extended

family As urban kids are educated, they often reject the ways of their parents The village structure is not there to enforce tradition/older beliefs

Westernization People in cities often adopt “western” fashions and ideas Western nations believed their way was better. Often to

modernize, cultures feel they need to “westernize” to get ahead It’s a delicate balance to keep culture/religion while modernizing Western beliefs place emphasis on material success and on the


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In southern half of globe, billions still lived in villages Long hard work the norm, exchange goods/services/news

locally Roads, technology have drastically changed village life,

connecting villages with the outside, luring many young to the cities

Religious Influences Religion shapes society – regardless of which religion Each religion offers solutions to modern problems Fundamentalists stress the basic beliefs/values of their religion Catholic Church – “Liberation Theology” urged members to

take amore active role in social conditions Muslims also called for change – rejecting western (secular)

ways calling for a return to “Sharia” law

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NEW RIGHTS/ROLES FOR WOMEN After WW2, women’s movements began worldwide The West

WW2 saw many women enter the workforce, many never left By 1970’s, the “feminist movement” fought for greater access

for women in the work world (jobs, pay, treatment) Women advanced as owners, executives, scientists, technicians New roles forced women to balance work with their home duties Some claimed women working led to family problems, others

claimed women contributed to the family well-being ($$)

The Developing World Many new nations worked on creating equality for women Education gap slowed the process, but women still advanced Middle, upper class (more educated) entered workforce,

contributed to the wealth of the nation and their families In poorer regions, women had farm duties along with household

duties. As men left for cities to find work, women’s burdens increased even more

Religion often places restraints on what is acceptable for women

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Computer Revolution Information revolution had created a world-wide economy E-commerce has brought growth to every region of the world Gap between North and South widens gap of wealth

Medical/Biological Breakthroughs Vaccines have saved millions New diseases are posing new challenges for researchers/doctors Organ transplants, advancements in surgical technology(if

affordable) Genetic Engineering is a current controversy

The Green Revolution New technologies increased food production (more/better foods) Weather plays huge role in food production (North & South)

Ongoing Issues Technology (good & bad) Poverty (places insurmountable burden on countries)

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A NEW GLOBAL CULTURE Westernized Popular Culture

Radio, TV, Internet have changed everything Global culture is driven by the West (US & Europe) American TV/Movies are watched EVERYWHERE Many believe this destroys the regional/local cultures World culture, recently, becoming more popular

The Arts Always copying what is valued (1700’s Turkish carpets) Value placed on ancient cultural treasures, efforts to protect

by govts UN & other groups are working to protect, preserve artifacts Traveling exhibits share artifacts, keeping control local

Looking Ahead Nationalism vs. Global Interdependence will make each

culture balance local and global interested in the future

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BOOK REVIEW Read Section 2 (p 510-515)

Do questions # 3-5 in review

Read Section 3 p. 516-521Do questions on p.521 #3-7

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CHAPTER ASSESSMENTThis chapter we are going to try

something new. You will get into groups you select. (no more than 3 in a group). You will be assigned 3 essay questions. As a group, and using your notes and book, you will answer each of the three essay questions together. This will be done on Thursday in class.

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1. Compare and contrast the North (rich) and the South (poor) parts of the world after World War 2.

2. Many regions of the world have seen a struggle between advanced technologies/western culture and the traditional ways. Explain the conflict and give 2 specific examples of these struggles.

3. International interdependence has created many opportunities and also many conflicts. What is international interdependence? Explain how it can be both a good thing and a bad thing.