the written word web viewa. william jennings bryan b. harry s. trumanc. ... conflict of the adams...

U.S. History End of Course (EOC) Exam, 2009-2010 Information… What is the format of the exam? 100 Multiple Choice Questions Exam Period Length 7:15-11:22 (4hours) When is the exam? 1 st period EOC Exam: Wednesday June 1 2 nd period EOC Exam: Thursday June 2 3 rd period EOC Exam: Friday June 3 4 th period EOC Exam: Monday June 4 *Each period will have a review session the day prior to the EOC. The EOC exam is worth 25% of your semester grade… Final Grade= 0.25 (EOC%) + 0.375 (0.8 x 1 st semester coursework + 0.2 x 1 st semester midterm%) + 0.375 (2 nd semester coursework) *You can check Parent Assist for these percentages What does the exam cover? Number of Exam Questions Goal 1: The New Nation 1789-1820 ~8 Questions Identify, investigate, and assess the effectiveness of the institutions of the emerging republic. Goal 2: Expansion and Reform 1801-1850 ~9 Questions Assess the competing forces of expansionism, nationalism, and sectionalism. Goal 3: Crisis, Civil War, and Reconstruction 1848-1877 ~8 Questions Analyze the issues that led to the Civil War, the effects of the war, and the impact of Reconstruction. Goal 4: The Great West and Rise of the Debtor 1860-1896 ~7 Questions Evaluate the great westward movement and assess the impact of the agricultural revolution on the nation. Goal 5: Becoming an Industrial Society 1877-1900 ~8 Questions Describe innovations in technology & business practices and assess their economic, political, and social impact. Goal 6: The U.S. in World Affairs 1890-1914 ~7 Questions Analyze causes and effects of the United States emergence as a world power. Goal 7: The Progressive Movement 1890-1914 ~8 Questions Analyze the economic, political, and social reforms of the Progressive period. Goal 8: The Great War and Aftermath 1914-1930 ~5 Questions Analyze United States involvement in World War I and the war’s influence on international affairs.

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Page 1: The Written Word  Web viewA. William Jennings Bryan B. Harry S. TrumanC. ... Conflict of the Adams presidency in which the French demanded a bribe to speak with American diplomats

U.S. History End of Course (EOC) Exam, 2009-2010Information…

What is the format of the exam?100 Multiple Choice Questions Exam Period Length 7:15-11:22 (4hours)

When is the exam?1st period EOC Exam: Wednesday June 12nd period EOC Exam: Thursday June 23rd period EOC Exam: Friday June 34th period EOC Exam: Monday June 4

*Each period will have a review session the day prior to the EOC.

The EOC exam is worth 25% of your semester grade…Final Grade= 0.25 (EOC%) + 0.375 (0.8 x 1st semester coursework + 0.2 x 1st semester midterm%) + 0.375 (2nd semester coursework)*You can check Parent Assist for these percentages What does the exam cover? Number of Exam QuestionsGoal 1: The New Nation 1789-1820 ~8 Questions

Identify, investigate, and assess the effectiveness of the institutions of the emerging republic.Goal 2: Expansion and Reform 1801-1850 ~9 Questions

Assess the competing forces of expansionism, nationalism, and sectionalism. Goal 3: Crisis, Civil War, and Reconstruction 1848-1877 ~8 Questions

Analyze the issues that led to the Civil War, the effects of the war, and the impact of Reconstruction.Goal 4: The Great West and Rise of the Debtor 1860-1896 ~7 Questions

Evaluate the great westward movement and assess the impact of the agricultural revolution on the nation.Goal 5: Becoming an Industrial Society 1877-1900 ~8 Questions

Describe innovations in technology & business practices and assess their economic, political, and social impact. Goal 6: The U.S. in World Affairs 1890-1914 ~7 Questions

Analyze causes and effects of the United States emergence as a world power.Goal 7: The Progressive Movement 1890-1914 ~8 Questions

Analyze the economic, political, and social reforms of the Progressive period.Goal 8: The Great War and Aftermath 1914-1930 ~5 Questions

Analyze United States involvement in World War I and the war’s influence on international affairs.Goal 9: Prosperity and Depression 1919-1939 ~10 Questions

Appraise the economic, social, and political changes of the decades of the twenties and thirties.Goal 10: World War II and Cold War 1930-1963 ~11 Questions

Analyze United States involvement in World War II and the war’s influence on international affairs.Goal 11: Recovery, Prosperity, and Turmoil 1945-1980 ~11 Questions

Trace economic, political, and social developments and assess their significance for the lives of Americans. Goal 12: U.S. Since Vietnam 1973-Present ~7 Questions

Identify and analyze trends in domestic and foreign affairs of the United States during this time period.

How do I start studying? Read all goal notes and look back at fill in the blank study guides for each goal.

Reminders… You must arrive on time. No food or drink will be allowed in the room during the exam. Bring several #2 pencils well sharpened and an extra eraser. (Hint- test out your pencils and erasers to make sure they

erase well enough so your scantron does not mark answers right wrong.) No one will be allowed to leave during the exam period- make sure to stop at the bathroom before coming to the exam

period. Also make sure to bring a book so that if you finish early you have something to do. You are not allowed to read textbooks or study material for other EOC exams during an EOC exam period.

You will NOT be permitted to leave until all students have completed the EOC exam. Even if all students have completed the EOC no student will be permitted to leave until 11:22, the end of the exam period.

Bring your assigned textbook to return on the day of your EOC exam period- failure to do so will result in being

Page 2: The Written Word  Web viewA. William Jennings Bryan B. Harry S. TrumanC. ... Conflict of the Adams presidency in which the French demanded a bribe to speak with American diplomats

EOC Reviewcharged with the replacement cost Also bring all binder contents as they will be collected prior to the exam.

Following the completion of the exam by all students and materials being turned in a film (Forrest Gump) will be show.The Written Word

Listed below are historically relevant pieces of writing by notable writers. Match the correct piece of writing to the person responsible for it.

1. _____ James Madison (Goal 1)

2. _____ George Washington (Goal 1)

3. _____ Alexander Hamilton (Goal 1)

4. _____ Alexis de Tocqueville (Goal 1)

5. _____ Henry David Thoreau (Goal 2)

6. _____ James Fenimore Cooper (Goal 2)

7. _____ Washington Irving (Goal 2)

8. _____ William Lloyd Garrison (Goal 2)

9. _____ Frederick Douglass (Goal 2)

10. _____ Harriet Beecher Stowe (Goal 3)

11. _____ Abraham Lincoln (Goal 3)

12. _____ Frederick Jackson Turner (Goal 4)

13. _____ Helen Hunt Jackson (Goal 4)

14. _____ William Jennings Bryan (Goal 4)

15. _____ Andrew Carnegie (Goal 5)

16. _____ Alfred T. Mahan (Goal 6)

17. _____ Lincoln Steffens (Goal 7)

18. _____ Jane Addams (Goal 7)

19. _____ W.E.B. DuBois (Goal 7)

20. _____ Booker T. Washington (Goal 7)

21. _____ Jacob Riis (Goal 7)

22. _____ Upton Sinclair (Goal 7)

23. _____ Ida Tarbell (Goal 7)

24. _____ Woodrow Wilson (Goal 8)

25. _____ F. Scott Fitzgerald (Goal 9)

26. _____ Ernest Hemingway (Goal 9)

27. _____ Zora Neale Hurston (Goal 9)

28. _____ John Steinbeck (Goal 9)

29. _____ John F. Kennedy (Goal 11)

30. _____ Gloria Steinam (Goal 11)

31. _____ Betty Friedan (Goal 11)

32. _____ Ralph Nader (Goal 11)

33. _____ Martin Luther King Jr. (Goal 11)

34. _____ Rachel Carson (Goal 11)

35. _____ Bob Woodward & Carl Bernstein (Goal 11)

36. _____ Daniel Ellsberg (contributor) (Goal 11)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A. The Pentagon Papers, 1971B. The Emancipation Proclamation, 1862C. A Farewell to Arms, 1929D. Democracy in America, 1835E. The Jungle, 1906F. Twenty Years of Hull House, 1910G. The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, 1845H. The Souls of Black Folks, 1903I. Washington’s Farewell Address, 1796 J. The Significance of the American Frontier, 1893K. A Century of Dishonor, 1849L. The Gospel of Wealth, 1889M. Ms. Magazine, 1972N. The Shame of the Cities, 1904O. The Liberator, 1831P. Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 1852Q. Up From Slavery, 1901R. On Civil Disobedience, 1849S. Silent Spring, 1961T. The Great Gatsby,1925 U. The Federalist Papers, 1788V. The Grapes of Wrath, 1939W. How It Feels to Be Colored Me, 1928X. Profiles in Courage, 1956Y. The Influence of Sea Power Upon History, 1890Z. The Feminine Mystique, 1963AA. Unsafe at Any Speed, 1965 AB. Letter from a Birmingham Jail, 1963AC. Fourteen Points, 1918


Page 3: The Written Word  Web viewA. William Jennings Bryan B. Harry S. TrumanC. ... Conflict of the Adams presidency in which the French demanded a bribe to speak with American diplomats

EOC ReviewAD. All the President’s Men, 1973AE. The Bill of Rights, 1791AF. Cross of Gold, 1896AG. How the Other Half Lives, 1891

AH. Last of the Mohicans, 1826AI. Rip Van Winkle, 1819 & The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, 1820AJ. The History of Standard Oil, 1904

Landmark U.S. Supreme Court CasesMatch the key supreme court case to its significance.

1. _____ Marburg v. Madison, 1803 (Goal 1)2. _____ McCullouch v. Maryland, 1819 (Goal 2)3. _____ Dartmouth College v. Woodward, 1819 (Goal 2)4. _____ Gibbons v. Ogden, 1824 (Goal 2)5. _____ Worcester v. Georgia, 1832 (Goal 2)6. _____ Dred Scott v. Sanford, 1857 (Goal 3)7. _____ Munn v. Illinois, 1876 (Goal 4)8. _____ Wabash v. Illinois, 1886 (Goal 4)9. _____ Plessy v. Ferguson, 1896 (Goal 3)10. _____ Schenk v. U.S., 1919 (Goal 8)11. _____ Korematsu v. U.S., 1944 (Goal 10)12. _____ Brown v. Board of Education, Topeka KS, 1954 (Goal 11)13. _____ Mapp v. Ohio, 1961 (Goal 11)14. _____ Baker v Carr, 1962 (Goal 11)15. _____ Gideon v. Wainwright, 1963 (Goal 11)16. _____ Escobedo v. Illinois, 1964 (Goal 11)17. _____ Reynolds v. Sims, 1964 (Goal 11)18. _____ Swann v. Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools, 1965 (Goal 11)19. _____ Miranda v. Arizona, 1966 (Goal 11)20. _____ Tinker v. Des Moines, 1969 (Goal 11)21. _____ NY Time v. United States, 1971 (Goal 11)22. _____ Roe v. Wade, 1973 (Goal 11)23. _____ U.S. v. Nixon, 1974 (Goal 11)24. _____ University of CA v. Bakke, 1978 (Goal 11)25. _____ Texas v. Johnson, 1985 (Goal 11)26. _____ Bush v. Gore, 2000 (Goal 12)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A. Allowed for segregation by establishing the idea of “separate but equal.”B. Allowed the press to print ‘classified’ documents.C. Restricts freedom of speech when there is a “clear and present danger”.D. Federal government could regulate interstate commerce.E. Forced Nixon to hand over tapes despite his citing executive privilege.F. Slaves are considered property and have no right to sue and Missouri Compromise unconstitutional.G. The use of a quota system is banned “reverse discrimination” but the constitutionality of affirmative action is upheld.H. Limited the rights of states to control interstate commerce and led to the creation of the Interstate Commerce Commission I. Established judicial review (the ability of the Supreme Court determine constitutionality) as a result of the “midnight judges.”J. Legalized abortion.K. Internment of Japanese Americans during WWII deemed a “pressing public necessity”.L. Overturned Plessy v. Ferguson, ruled segregation unconstitutional and led to desegregation of all schools.M. Evidence obtained illegally cannot be used in a court of law.N. “One Man, One Vote” equal representation conceptO. If you cannot afford a lawyer one must be provided.P. The accused has a right to a lawyer during questioning.Q. Reapportionment of representation based on current census data was enforced.R. Ruled that Cherokee land could not be taken, but President Jackson did not enforce the ruling. S. Protects contracts by ruling that New Hampshire could not change the charter of Dartmouth College. T. Students wore armbands to protest the Vietnam War; court ruled that symbolic freedom of speech is protected.U. “Bank of the United States” case in which the bank was upheld and states could not tax it. V. Protects the right to protest (1st Amendment) by burning the U.S. flag. W. Busing was to be used to facilitate the desegregation of schools. X. Dealt with corporate rates and agriculture by allowing states to regulate private companies for the public good.


Page 4: The Written Word  Web viewA. William Jennings Bryan B. Harry S. TrumanC. ... Conflict of the Adams presidency in which the French demanded a bribe to speak with American diplomats

EOC ReviewY. The accused must be informed of their rights prior to questioning.Z. Ruled that Florida’s method for recounting votes was unconstitutional stopping the recount and gave Florida’s electoral votes to

George W. Bush making him president.

Notable Quotations- Who Said…Match the famous quote with the person who said it.

Context in which it was said1. ____ “Remember the ladies” Founding of America (Goal 1) 2. ____ “It is our policy to steer clear of permanent alliances” U.S. foreign policy (Goal 1)3. ____ “Fifty four forty or fight” Oregon territory (Goal 2)4. ____ “John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it” Cherokee removal (Goal 2)5. ____ “Four score and seven years ago…” Gettysburg Address (Goal 3)6. ____ “A house divided against itself cannot stand” Civil War (Goal 3)7. ____ “I shall fight no more” Indian Wars (Goal 4)8. ____ “The fulfillment of our manifest destiny is to overspread the continent” Westward expansion (Goal 4) 9. ____ “You shall not crucify mankind on a cross of gold” Gold vs. silver standard (Goal 4)10. ____ “Speak softly and carry a big stick” U.S. imperialism (Goal 6) 11. ____ “You provide the pictures, I’ll provide the war” Spanish American War (Goal 6)12. ____ “These journalists are just racking up muck!” Industry journalism (Goal 7)13. ____ “The world must be safe for democracy” WWI (Goal 8)14. ____ “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself” The Great Depression (Goal 9)15. ____ “Dec. 7- a date which will live in infamy” Pearl Harbor attack (Goal 10) 16. ____ “I shall return” WWII (Goal 10)17. ____ “The Buck Stops Here” Presidential power (Goal 10)18. ____ “I have a list of 205 people known to be members of the communist party” Red Scare (Goal 10)19. ____ “I have a dream…” Civil rights (Goal 11) 20. ____ “I am not a crook” Watergate scandal (Goal 11)21. ____ “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country” (Goal 11)22. ____ “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind” Apollo 11 landing (Goal 11)23. ____ “The true problems of our Nation are much deeper -- deeper than Melaise Speech (Goal 11)

gasoline lines or energy shortages, deeper even than inflation or recession.24. ____ “The number will be more than we can bear” 9/11 terrorist attacks (Goal 12)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A. William Jennings Bryan B. Harry S. TrumanC. General Douglas MacArthurD. Martin Luther King Jr. E. Abigail AdamsF. Richard NixonG. John F. Kennedy

H. Abraham Lincoln (x2)I. Chief JosephJ. Andrew JacksonK. Franklin Delano Roosevelt (x2)L. Theodore Roosevelt (x2)M. John L. SullivanN. Neil Armstrong

O. James K. Polk P. Mayor Rudy Giuliani Q. George WashingtonR. Woodrow WilsonS. Joseph McCarthyT. William Randolph HearstU. Jimmy Carter

Name that Amendment…Match the Constitutional Amendment with what it guarantees.

1. _____ Gave African Americans citizenship rights- Civil War Amendment. (1868) 2. _____ Direct election of Senators- a progressive era reform. (1913)3. _____ Women’s suffrage. (1920)4. _____ Established an income tax- a progressive era reform. (1913) 5. _____ Limited the president to two terms in office. (1951)6. _____ Gave African Americans freedom- Civil War Amendment. (1865)7. _____ Banned the consuming, buying, and making of alcohol. (1919)8. _____ Gave African American men voting rights- Civil War Amendment. (1870)9. _____ Allows 18 year olds the right to vote. (1971)10. _____ Repealed the prohibition amendment. (1933)11. _____ Allows for freedom of speech, religion, press, and protest. (1791)12. _____ Abolition of the poll tax. (1964)


Page 5: The Written Word  Web viewA. William Jennings Bryan B. Harry S. TrumanC. ... Conflict of the Adams presidency in which the French demanded a bribe to speak with American diplomats

EOC Review13. ____ Solved problems with elections by allowed presidential candidates to select their Vice-President and

run on a ‘ticket’. (1804) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Amendment Numbers to choice from: 1, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 26


Page 6: The Written Word  Web viewA. William Jennings Bryan B. Harry S. TrumanC. ... Conflict of the Adams presidency in which the French demanded a bribe to speak with American diplomats

EOC Review


Page 7: The Written Word  Web viewA. William Jennings Bryan B. Harry S. TrumanC. ... Conflict of the Adams presidency in which the French demanded a bribe to speak with American diplomats

EOC Review


Page 8: The Written Word  Web viewA. William Jennings Bryan B. Harry S. TrumanC. ... Conflict of the Adams presidency in which the French demanded a bribe to speak with American diplomats

EOC Review

Name that President…Read each description and write the correct president’s name on the line next to it.

1. The only U.S. president to serve non-consecutive terms in office and the only Democrat of the Gilded Age. (Goal 5) ____2. This 1920s president ‘said’ and did little when it came to the economy. (Goal 9) _________________________________3. Leader of the D-Day and 1950s president of the U.S. (Goal 10) __________________________4. President who advocated neutrality in WWI and then helped create peace by writing his 14 points. (Goal 8) __________5. President who ended Reconstruction by removing troops from the south. (Goal 3) _______________________________6. President who advocated a ‘Great Society’ while escalating the Vietnam War. (Goal 12) __________________________7. Farewell Address warned against foreign entanglements and political parties. (Goal 1) ____________________________8. When President William Henry Harrison died while in office he took over. (Goal 2) _____________________________ 9. President whose goal was to ‘preserve the union’ after being elected in 1861. (Goal 3) ___________________________10. President who is often blamed for the Great Depression because of his laisse fair attitude to the economy. (Goal 9) _____11. Author of the U.S. Constitution and president during the War of 1812. (Goal 1) _________________________________12. Faced impeachment due to disagreements over his Presidential Reconstruction Plan. (Goal 3) ______________________13. Known as the great expansionist president who got land from the Mexican American War. (Goal 2) _________________14. Democrat president who remained indecisive in the years preceding the Civil War. (Goal 3) _______________________

15. Known by the nickname Tippecanoe he only served 1 month in office (Goal 2) _______________________________16. America’s only non-elected president who made the controversial decision to pardon Nixon. (Goal 12) ______________17. America’s first African American president who campaigned on the idea of change. (Goal 12) _____________________18. President during the 9/11 terrorist attacks and began a war against Afghanistan and Iraq. (Goal 12) _________________ 19. He was president during the Persian Gulf War and lost reelection by breaking a promise of ‘no new taxes.’ (Goal 12) ___20. Conservative who was elected with the help of the ‘moral majority’ and sought to reduce size of government. (Goal 12) _21. Hero of the Battle of New Orleans and president of the ‘common man’. (Goal 2) ________________________________22. 2nd president of the United States who dealt with the escalating tension between Britain and France. (Goal 1) _________23. President during an energy crisis, greatest accomplishment Camp David Peace Accords. (Goal 11) __________________24. President during the Era of Good Feelings, the aftermath of the War of 1812. (Goal 1) ___________________________25. Son of a president who became president after a controversial election result some called the ‘corrupt bargain’ (Goal 2)_26. As successor to Andrew Jackson he continued his democratic ideas. (Goal 2) ___________________________________27. President who advocated a “New Frontier” by making a commitment to space exploration. (Goal 11) ________________28. Veteran of the Mexican American War his presidency was dominated by discussion of expansion of slavery. (Goal 2) __29. President during America’s two greatest crises of the 20th century- The Great Depression & WWII (Goal 9 & 10) ______30. Democrat who was president during the controversial Kansas-Nebraska Act. (Goal 3) ____________________________31. During his presidency the Pendleton Act was passed reforming civil service after Garfield’s assassination. (Goal 5) ____32. Union general during the Civil War, surrounded himself with friends who were unqualified as president. (Goal 4&5) ___33. Assassinated by Charles Guiteau, angry about not receiving a government job. (Goal 5) __________________________34. Gilded Age president and grandson of former president William Henry Harrison. (Goal 5) ________________________35. Assassinated by mentally unstable son of immigrant Leon Czolgosz. (Goal 5&6) ________________________________36. Prior to becoming president he fought in the Spanish American War with his Rough Riders. (Goal 6) _______________37. America’s largest president who turned his back on progressive goals. (Goal 6) _________________________________38. Scandal ridden president who is remembered for the Teapot Dome Scandal. (Goal 9) ____________________________39. This president was responsible for making the decision to drop the Atomic bomb on Japan in WWII. (Goal 10) ________40. When President Taylor died in office he took over. (Goal 3) ________________________________________________

41. He resigned from office following the Watergate scandal. (Goal 11) __________________________________________42. Author of the Declaration of Independence and founder of the Democratic Republican party. (Goal 1) _______________

43. President throughout the 1990s during an economic boom. (Goal 12) _________________________________________~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~George WashingtonJohn AdamsThomas JeffersonJames Madison

James MonroeJohn Quincy AdamsAndrew JacksonMartin Van Buren

William Henry HarrisonJohn TylerJames K. PolkZachary Taylor


Page 9: The Written Word  Web viewA. William Jennings Bryan B. Harry S. TrumanC. ... Conflict of the Adams presidency in which the French demanded a bribe to speak with American diplomats

EOC ReviewMillard FillmoreFranklin PierceJames BuchananAbraham LincolnAndrew JohnsonUlysses S. GrantRutherford B. HayesJames A. GarfieldChester Arthur Grover Cleveland Benjamin HarrisonWilliam McKinley

Theodore RooseveltWilliam H. TaftWoodrow WilsonWarren G. HardingCalvin CoolidgeHerbert HooverFranklin Delano RooseveltHarry S. TrumanDwight D. EisenhowerJohn F. KennedyLyndon B. JohnsonRichard M. Nixon

Gerald FordJames CarterRonald ReaganGeorge H. W. BushWilliam ClintonGeorge W. Bush Barack H. Obama

Mixed Up- PeopleRead each description and write the correct person’s name on the line next to it.

1. Leader of the Black Muslims who advocated violence if necessary. (Goal 11) ___________________________________2. Governor of Wisconsin who led the way with progressive reforms at the state level (Goal 7) ________________________ 3. Fought at the Battle of Tippecanoe for Native American land. (Goal 1) _________________________________________4. Steel industrialist who believed in the ‘Gospel of Wealth’- one should give their money away. (Goal 5) _______________5. Led the Mormon people to Salt Lake City Utah to escape religious persecution (Goal 2) ___________________________6. Supportive of labor by founding the Industrial Workers of the World and Socialist views (Goal 7) ___________________7. After committing violent acts in Kansas he led a raid on Harper’s Ferry in protest of slavery (Goal 3) _________________8. Published the Liberator, an anti-slavery newspaper calling an immediate end to slavery. (Goal 2) ____________________

9. He established Tuskegee Institute and believed African Americans should accept the role white game them. (Goal 5) ____10. Founding Federalist party leader who helped create the economic foundation of the U.S. (Goal 1) __________________11. Leader of the Radical Republicans who wanted to punish the south after the Civil War. (Goal 3) ___________________12. Abolitionist and former slave who gave speeches about her ‘journey’. (Goal 3) _________________________________13. Responsible for organizing the terrorist attacks on U.S. embassies in 1993 and on 9/11/2001. (Goal 12) ______________14. Labor leader who fought for Mexican migrant workers. (Goal 11) ____________________________________________15. Reformer who worked to improve prison and metal health facility conditions (Goal 2) ____________________________16. Civil Rights leader and founder of SCLC who supported concept of civil disobedience. (Goal 11) __________________17. Reformer who promoted public education for all American children. (Goal 2) __________________________________18. Created a vaccine against polio, the disease that struck president FDR. (Goal 10) ________________________________19. Founder of the Settlement House, Hull House which helped the poor and immigrants. (Goal 7) _____________________20. “Captain of Industry” criticized for monopolistic practices in the oil industry. (Goal 5) ___________________________21. Industrialist who dominated American banking. (Goal 5) ___________________________________________________22. American businessman who led the overthrow of the Hawai’ian monarchy. (Goal 6) _____________________________23. South Carolina Senator who opposed the Tariff of Abominations and embraced concept of nullification. (Goal 3)______24. SNCC leader who created the phrase, ‘Black Power’. (Goal 11) _____________________________________________25. Explorers who ventured into the land of the Louisiana Purchase and beyond. (Goal 1) ____________________________26. Famous writer and poet of the 1920s Harlem Renaissance. (Goal 9) __________________________________________27. His assassination was the spark that started WWI. (Goal 8) _________________________________________________28. Transcendentalist writer who supported the idea that one should not obey unjust laws. (Goal 2) ____________________ 29. Prime Minister of Great Britain during WWII who worked with President FDR to win the war. (Goal 10) ____________30. Promoted nationalism by establishing language standards for American English. (Goal 2) _________________________31. Fascist leader of Nazi Germany during the 1930s and 1940s. (Goal 10) ________________________________________32. General in charge of war in the Pacific during WWII and troops during the Korean War. (Goal 10) _________________33. Built affordable housing for returning WWII veterans. (Goal 10) _____________________________________________34. Her protest on a Montgomery Alabama bus led to a boycott that helped to desegregate public transportation. (Goal 11) _35. She organized a conference at Seneca Falls NY to support women’s rights. (Goal 2) _____________________________36. Inventor of the cotton gin which created a greater need for slave labor in the south. (Goal 1) _______________________37. Created a textile mill in New England that helped fuel the American Industrial Revolution. (Goal 2) ________________38. Leader of the USSR during the 1980s who insisted policies of more freedom causing the end of the Cold War. (Goal 12) 39. Fought in the Indian Wars out west and died at the Battle of the Little Bighorn. (Goal 4) __________________________40. He created the term ‘Gilded Age’ to describe the late 1900s, an era of great corruption. (Goal 5) ____________________41. The most famous conductor on the underground railroad. (Goal 3) ___________________________________________42. Inventor of the steel plow which helped farmers out west deal with dry farming conditions. (Goal 4) ________________43. Led fellow settlers to the Mexican territory of Tejas. (Goal 2) _______________________________________________44. Founder of the NAACP who believed African Americans should not accept their 2nd class citizen role in society. (Goal 7)


Page 10: The Written Word  Web viewA. William Jennings Bryan B. Harry S. TrumanC. ... Conflict of the Adams presidency in which the French demanded a bribe to speak with American diplomats

EOC Review45. Advocated the U.S. build up its Navy to become a world power. (Goal 6) ______________________________________46. He was a Virginian and considered the South’s best general during the Civil War. (Goal 3) ________________________47. His cartoons helped to bring about the downfall of NYC political boss, Boss Tweed. (Goal 5) ______________________48. Invaded Kuwait causing the U.S. to engage in the Persian Gulf War. (Goal 12) _________________________________ 49. 1920s celebrity who was famous for flying non-stop across the Atlantic. (Goal 9) _______________________________50. Convicted and executed for spying for the USSR in the 1950s. (Goal 10) ______________________________________51. He founded the UNIA and focused on the ‘back to Africa’ movement (Goal 7) _________________________________~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Adolf HitlerRobert E. LeeCharles LindberghW.E.B. DuBois Mark TwainThomas NastAlfred T. MahanHarriet TubmanStephen AustinHorrace Mann William “Bill LevittMartin Luther King Jr.Langston HughesWinston ChurchillSaddam HusseinDorothea DixJulius & Ethel Rosenberg

John DeereMikhail GorbachevRosa Parks Robert LaFollette John D. RockefellerNoah Webster George Armstrong Custer Frances LowellSusan B. AnthonyHenry David ThoreauOsama bin LadenBrigham YoungEli WhitneyDouglas MacArthur Andrew CarnegieJane AddamsEugene V. Debs

J. P. MorganJohn BrownWilliam Lloyd GarrisonJohn C. CalhounAlexander HamiltonThaddeus StevensSojourner TruthMalcolm XTecumsehBooker T. WashingtonCésar ChávezWilliam Clark & Merriweather LewisSanford DoleJonas SalkStokely CarmichaelMarcus GarveyFranz Ferdinand

Mixed Up- Terms & ConceptsRead each description and write the correct term on the line next to it.

1. Concept used to justify business success and imperialism, ‘survival of the fittest.’ (Goal 5&6) ______________________2. Principle that led to conflict over slavery in the Kansas and Nebraska Territory. (Goal 3) __________________________3. Name for the pre-Civil War time period. (Goal 3) __________________________________________________________4. Thomas Jefferson opposed Alexander Hamilton’s National Bank because it violated this principle. (Goal 1) ___________5. The Virginia and Kentucky Resolution led to this principle. (Goal 1) __________________________________________6. The population growth following WWII into the 1960s was known by this term. (Goal 10) ________________________7. Document issued after the Battle of Antietam by Abraham Lincoln that freed the slaves in border states. (Goal 3) _______8. The major crop that dominated the south and required an abundance of slave labor (Goal 1,2,3) _____________________9. The Virginia & Kentucky Resolution, the Hartford Convention- both involve debate over this issue. (Goal 1,2,3) _______10. The Union strategy during the Civil War in which the Confederacy was to be cut in two. (Goal 3) __________________11. This document gives power to the people and is considered the ‘supreme law of the land.’ (Goal 1) _________________12. Philosophy of disobeying unjust laws that was used by Thoreau, Gandhi, & MLK Jr. (Goal 2&11) __________________13. The painting of natural landscapes by this group helped to promote nationalisms. (Goal 2) ________________________14. The transcontinental railroad was completed with the help of this immigrant group. (Goal 4) ______________________15. This organization terrorized African Americans following the end of the Civil War. (Goal 3) ______________________16. Many states took this action following the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860. (Goal 3) _________________________17. Used by William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer and pushed the U.S. into war with Spain. (Goal 6) ____________18. Movement to solve society’s ills following the extravagance of the Gilded Age. (Goal 7) _________________________19. Organizations that helps workers by negotiating on their behalf as a collective group. (Goal 7) _____________________20. The ‘new’ woman of the 1920s who cut her hair short and wore short skirts. (Goal 9) ____________________________21. The use of this readily available source of money was a main cause of the Stock Market Crash of 1929. (Goal 9) ______22. Progressive era organization that worked to ban alcohol consumption. (Goal 7) _________________________________23. African American artistic expression during the 1920s. (Goal 9) _____________________________________________24. A new 1920s idea that one needed to buy lots of material things. (Goal 9) ______________________________________25. FDR’s plan to create jobs and get the economy going in the Great Depression. (Goal 9) ___________________________26. Following WWI this organization was created to ensure world peace. (Goal 8) __________________________________27. The policy used by Great Britain to avoid a second world war with Nazi Germany. (Goal 10) ______________________28. Following WWII this organization was created to ensure world peace. (Goal 10) ________________________________29. The policy of the United States to avoid the spread of communism following WWII. (Goal 10) _____________________30. The idea that is one country fell to communism, neighboring countries would also follow. (Goal 11) ________________31. Separation of power between the states and the federal government. (Goal 1) ___________________________________32. This plan gave money to democratic European countries following WWII to help them recover. (Goal 10) ____________33. Helped recently freed slaves by building schools and giving them basic supplies. (Goal 3) _______________________


Page 11: The Written Word  Web viewA. William Jennings Bryan B. Harry S. TrumanC. ... Conflict of the Adams presidency in which the French demanded a bribe to speak with American diplomats

EOC Review34. Policy of president Reagan that involved reducing the role of the federal government. (Goal 12) ____________________35. Conflict with Native Americans usually involved differences in the concept of ownership of this. (Goal 1,2,4) _________36. The sinking of the Lusitania and discovery of this document led the U.S. to enter WWI in 1917. (Goal 8) ____________37. Conflict of the Adams presidency in which the French demanded a bribe to speak with American diplomats. (Goal 1) __38. The response to Adams’ Alien and Sedition acts was this document embracing nullification. (Goal 1) _______________39. When a stronger country takes over a weaker country usually for economic gain. (Goal 6) ________________________40. Political movement of farmers who wanted to see more government involvement to help them. (Goal 4) _____________41. U.S. foreign policy with the USSR that eased tension between the two countries. (Goal 11) ________________________42. Immigrants, primarily from southern and eastern Europe arrived at this processing center. (Goal 5) _________________43. The slogan used by president Truman for the continuation of FDR’s New Deal. (Goal 10) ________________________44. Women fought hard in the 1970s to have this passed, but in the end it failed in the Senate. (Goal 11) ________________45. This act prevents discrimination of sex and allows girls to have equal education opportunities. (Goal 11) ___________46. Policy that helped returned WWII veterans get homes and an education. (Goal 10) _____________________________47. Taft’s idea to help other countries abroad by supporting their economy. (Goal 6) _______________________________48. Law that gave Congress control over Reconstruction. (Goal 3) _____________________________________________49. President Wilson’s idea of tariff, banking, and trust reform. (Goal 8) ________________________________________50. An agreement a worker makes to not join a union. (Goal 5) ________________________________________________51. Allowed the U.S. to set up military bases in Cuba following the Spanish American War. (Goal 6) _________________52. This concept means to formally accuse an elected official of misconduct, this occurred with Presidents Johnson (Andrew), Nixon, and Clinton (Goal 2, 11, 12) _____________________________________________________________53. The most controversial part of the Compromise of 1850 was the inclusion of a strict ____________________ (Goal 2, 3)54. President Theodore Roosevelt’s domestic policy of conservationism and monopoly & anti-trust regulation (Goal 7) ____55. President Dwight Eisenhower’s focus on social and economic reforms, while also building up the military. (Goal 10) ___56. The United States government often pushed for independence and self-reliance. (Goal 9) _________________________~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Social DarwinismPopular SovereigntyAntebellumSquare DealStrict Interpretation of ConstitutionNullificationLandEmancipation ProclamationCottonState RightsAnaconda PlanU.S. ConstitutionCivil DisobedienceHudson River SchoolChineseKu Klux KlanSecessionYellow JournalismProgressivismLabor Union

FlapperCreditWomen’s Christian Temperance UnionThe New DealHarlem RenaissanceFugitive Slave LawConsumerismLeague of NationsUnited NationsAppeasementContainmentDomino TheoryFederalismMarshall PlanNew FederalismDétenteBaby BoomModern RepublicanismZimmerman NoteXYZ Affair

Virginia and Kentucky ResolutionsImperialismPopulismNew FreedomEllis IslandFair DealEqual Rights AmendmentTitle 9ImpeachmentGI BillDollar DiplomacyFreedman’s BureauWade-Davis BillYellow Dog ContractPlatt AmendmentRugged Individualism

Mixed Up- EventsRead each description and write the correct event on the line next to it.

1. Policy of the Federalist time period that provided an orderly way for territories to become states. (Goal 1) _____________2. The turning point battle of the Civil War. (Goal 3) ________________________________________________________3. Agreement about the extension of slavery, set a line between free and slave states at 36, 30. (Goal 2) ________________4. This trial involved the teaching of evolution which was illegal in 1920s Tennessee. (Goal 9) _______________________5. The most famous battle of the War of 1812, fought after the war ended! (Goal 1) ________________________________6. The war that gave the U.S. the future states of California, New Mexico, Arizona, and Nevada. (Goal 4) ______________7. This war began when the USS Maine was sunk in Havana Harbor, Cuba. (Goal 6) _______________________________8. A scandal of the Nixon presidency that involved a break-in and cover up and let to his resignation. (Goal 11) __________9. In 1980 Reagan appointed Sandra Day O’Connor to be the first female to be part of this branch of government. (Goal 12) 10. Following WWI and WWII the U.S. experienced a fear of communism known as this. (Goal 9&10) _________________11. Farmer uprising in Pennsylvania that showed the federal government’s ability to deal with crisis. (Goal 1) ____________12. Presidential and Congressional attempt to repair and rebuilt the south following the Civil War. (Goal 3) ______________


Page 12: The Written Word  Web viewA. William Jennings Bryan B. Harry S. TrumanC. ... Conflict of the Adams presidency in which the French demanded a bribe to speak with American diplomats

EOC Review13. Thomas Jefferson doubled the size the United States when he made this purchase. (Goal 1) ________________________14. This territory was referred to as ‘bleeding’ as a result of the Kansas-Nebraska Act. (Goal 3) _______________________15. The Compromise of 1850 included this controversial aspect that had to deal with enslaved people. (Goal 3) ___________16. Gave western settlers 160 acres of free land as long as they agreed to stay for a time and build a farm. (Goal 4) ________17. Pro-union act of the 1930s that allowed unions to use collective bargaining. (Goal 9) _____________________________18. The public grew sympathetic to unions after this steel strike. (Goal 5) _________________________________________

19. This treaty ended WWI, but lay the foundation for WWII by being punitive toward Germany. (Goal 8) ______________20. During WWII this group of Americans was interned or put into camps for the duration of the war. (Goal 10) __________21. The federal government sent in troops to break up this railroad worker strike. (Goal 5) ___________________________22. The fear of communism and immigrants during the 1920s led to their execution. (Goal 9) _________________________23. In October of 1929 this crashed causing the U.S. to experience a 10 year economic downturn. (Goal 9) ______________24. This group of writers wanted to get in touch with nature in the early 1800s. (Goal 2) _____________________________25. A New Deal program that provided money to the elderly and disabled. (Goal 9) _________________________________26. The USSR and Germany signed this prior to WWII. (Goal 10) ______________________________________________27. WWII policy in which the U.S. sold weapons to European allies. (Goal 10) ____________________________________28. The election of 1824 came to be called this by Jackson because of speculation of unfair practices. (Goal 2) ___________29. A New Deal alphabet soup creation that assured people their money was safe in banks. (Goal 9) ____________________30. An outpouring of religious fervor in the early 1800s. (Goal 2) _______________________________________________31. The Soviet satellite launched into space that caused fear and panic. (Goal 11) ___________________________________32. This 1795 treaty allowed the U.S. control of New Orleans and established a border with Spanish Florida. (Goal 1) _____33. This Pennsylvania nuclear power plant had a partial meltdown in 1979 causing fear. (Goal 11) _____________________34. President Carter’s greatest achievement was peace between Israel and Egypt in this agreement. (Goal 12) ____________35. Henry Clay proposed this to improve infrastructure to the young nation in the early 1800s. (Goal 2) _________________36. The U.S. planned this after the Soviet’s cut off the supply routes to Berlin following WWII. (Goal 10) _______________37. The Cherokee people were set on this journey to Indian Territory out west in 1838. (Goal 2) _______________________38. The Adams-Onis Treaty gave the U.S. control of this territory, now state. (Goal 1) ______________________________39. The Civil War began when this South Carolina location came under fire. (Goal 3) _______________________________40. The creation of this led to the end of the Open Range out west. (Goal 4) _______________________________________41. A New Deal alphabet soup creation that regulated the stock market. (Goal 9) ___________________________________42. The passage of this act set railroad rates in proportion to distance traveled. (Goal 5) ______________________________43. At Promotory Utah this was completed. (Goal 4) _________________________________________________________44. WWII began with the invasion of this country in 1939. (Goal 10) ____________________________________________45. Passage of this act forced Native American children to assimilate into white culture. (Goal 4) ______________________46. This act prevented monopolistic practices. (Goal 5) _______________________________________________________47. This war occurred after Iraq’s Saddam Hussein invade Kuwait. (Goal 12) ______________________________________48. The first war in which black and white troops fought in integrated units. (Goal 10) ______________________________49. This purchase was known as Seward’s Folly. (Goal 6) _____________________________________________________50. Andrew Jackson was very much against the formation of this feeling it unconstitutional. (Goal 2) ___________________51. This is the most famous battle of the War of 1812 fought after the peace treaty was signed. (Goal 1) _________________~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Northwest OrdinanceGettysburgMissouri CompromiseScopes TrialBattle of New OrleansMexican American WarBank of the United States (BUS)Spanish American WarWatergateSupreme CourtRed ScareWhiskey RebellionReconstructionLouisiana PurchaseKansasFugitive Slave ActHomestead Act

Wagner ActHomestead StrikePullman StrikeThe Second Great AwakeningTreaty of VersaillesJapaneseSacco & VanzettiStock MarketTranscendentalism Trail of TearsSocial SecurityFDICSECNon-Aggression PactLend-Lease ActPolandBerlin Airlift

Interstate Commerce ActSputnikPersian Gulf WarTranscontinental Railroad3 Mile IslandAlaskaSherman Anti-trust ActFort SumterBarbed WireBattle of New OrleansDawes ActCamp David Peace AccordsAmerican SystemKorean WarPinkney TreatyCorrupt Bargain



Page 13: The Written Word  Web viewA. William Jennings Bryan B. Harry S. TrumanC. ... Conflict of the Adams presidency in which the French demanded a bribe to speak with American diplomats

EOC Review