the yakima herald. · lent to 150 miles |ierhour, are its piston speed and valve action. itis...

Volume L THE YAM HERALD. REED A COE Proprietors. iniU EVERY THURSDAY* (2.00 PKR ANNUM. IN ADVANCE. Itartiriag lata llp> Aff&atwi. E. M. Hied. Editor and Business Manager. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. V. n. VSITB. I R. I. SEITBLT V. H. Attorney. I WHITE A BNIVELY, Attorneys at Law. rpr once with County Tnoanrar. at the Court Room, North Yakima. Will practice inall the courts ol the territory. L n. t. cAToa, | k c. PAsaisn, Bprao*. I North Yakima CATON A PARRISH, Attorneys at Law. practice In all the Courts of the terri- tory. OAce on Pint Street, opposite the Court Homo. North Yakima W. T. 1_ JOHN O. BOYLE. Attorneys at Law. Wlllnractleo Inall Courts of the Territory. Office In Pint National Bank BniMinc, North Yakima. W. T. i. a. as a vis. | a. ma as. | c. a. obatks REA VIS, MIRES A ORAVEB, Attorneys at Law. practice Inall Courts of the Territory. Special attention flren to all D. 8. land office bast ness. OBces at North Yakima and Bllens- bnrgh. W. T. t bdwasd wairaoit. I iouna.At.Li* I AI.LKN, WHITSON A PARKER, Attorneys at Law. in Pint National Bank Bnlldint, North Yakima. W. T. 8. 0. MOBFORD. .. Attorney at Law, Practices In all Courts la the Territory. Ks W. o. «. bill. m. o. wm. ?. con. «. n. HILLA COB, PhyslcftßS, Sirgeois ud Accoucheurs. franco over Allen A Chapman's dm* store. DAVID ROSSER, M. D. DM-Havlngbeen In aettve practice for a nnm- her of yean, now offiera his Mrriccs to the eltl- sens of North Yakima and eommnntty. All calls answered promptly end he hopes by dllll- tent attention to bnslneaa to merit a libcal pat- rona«c. Office over C. B. Bnsbnall's drng store. T. B. GUNN, Physician A Surgeon. Office In Pint National Bank, first door np stairs. Refers to W. A. Cox sod Bsbelmaa Brae : also, to any eitiaen of Memphis, Mo. ? MISCELLANEOUS. ?I. M. STOUT, FORWARD ISO AND COMMISSION. handling of Yakima Prodace for PageTHound Markets a Specialty. Wsrthoaae west of Railroad Track, No. 8, Block B. North Yakima. W. T. 011-ly A. F. SWITZER, Contractor and Builder, NORTH YAKINIA. W. T. f Hitt Contract tor the erection of ell classes of Bnlldiura. either Brick, Slone. Concrete, or Wood, and wtUcomplete the work honestly ill According to i|msnL Ksvaasacs: firm Net'l Beak of North Yekime. office, «p mein la Opera Romeo. Office bean, 4 teSp. m. NORTH TAEDEA NUBSBBT NORTH YAKIMA.W. T. All kinda of FINE FRUIT TREES At moderate prices. SHADE TREES A SPECIALTY. R. LRIHUR, - - MMF. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of North Yakima. Diaacroae. S9SB!( \u25a0 J. R. Lewie, Rowato Waireo*, President. Vice President. W. L. Sremwao, Ceehler. ~ DORS A QRNRRAL BANKING BUSINESS. Bijb sat Mh Exebage at KmmrsMc Rato. fAYR INTEREST OH TIMS DEPOSITS. SrtAjjil Finewiis&Lipni Theßeetßraadeof liported aid Dnotic Clean South Side Yakima Arena* WHY I RIMED YOI . Why did 1 kirn yon * Oh, nonaeusc! How eonld a man explain that ? With yonr eyes looking at him from under Acoquettish Ualnsborongh bat: With nothing but lace on your shouldcn, And, now, ask me why 1 kissed you! It wonid make a preacher swear. Why did I kiss you? Confound It! I think that was reason enough; To make me tell all my reasons. la Jnst a little too rough. Oh, of course I knew you were married? There was not much chance to forget? So, perhaps, that was why I did it, And yet?and yet?and yet? I think that the reason I kissed yon Was because you were standing so near. While your eyes, thro? the star-lit darkness. Were shining so tender and clear: Your hand, when 1 tenderly clasped it. Half answered, trembled with fright? Do yon understand, now, why I kissed you, Out them in the darkness last night? Well?this, then, was why I kissed you; Yonr throat and your arras were like snow, Yonr breath was like wine, and your glances, Were langorous, tender and slow: Your Ups. like a shell that is scarlet. Were softly uncurled. Just for this: That a man should lose conscience and reason And hcuor, all?tor one kiss! So, all in a moment I clasped you, And held you, and kissed yon with love. And only the flowers knew It, And God and the angels above; Bo this, dear, Is why I clasped yon, And held yon, and kissed yon?with pain: Because I knew never, no never, Would you anfi I kiaa?again. InqnktiM*. As we notice tire many falsehood* re- peated concerning what this or that nmn Raid, we are apt to nay like David, ?All men ore liars and like David, we are apt to be hasty. The fact is, more than three-fourths of the people can not rejieat the words of a speaker, especially if the subject be new or complex. Sometimes the misrepresentations are willful. Aliout fifty years ago, Buchanan was accused of saying that the laborer of the United States ought to work for ten cents a day. He only said that Holland had become rich witha pure metallic currency. At that time unskilled workers some- times got as low as ten cents a day; hence a mere inference was stated ns a matter of fact. In 1840, General Harrison was accused of saying ina speech at Bellevue, Ohio: ?Look at me and you will sec a greater man than Najioleon.? Now for the facta: When the committee were aliout to notify him that they were ready for him, they found him talking with a young man whom be had not scon for twelve years, hut he knew him at first sight, as he was the son of tenant at South Bend named Sawyer. ?Where is your father?? asked be. ?In the crowd,? aaid the boy. Har- rison would not answer the summons of the committee until lie had shaken hands with his old tenant. Pleased with the in- terview, he commenced his sjteech with these friends in his mind. ?Napoleon had a favorite tune which he often called for; the name of the tune was ?A Man is Never so Happy as When With His Friends.? However, Ido not wish to compare myself to Napoleon, for he w as a great man, and you can see 1 am hut a small one.? Then he told them he was with his friends and he was happy, etc. Many a democrat was willing to sw ear that he hail made the speech its given above. Thomas Corwin is quoted as saying, ?If I were a Mexican as I am an American I would say to the soldiers, ?Have you not room enough to bury your dead ? If you have not, come here and we will welcome you with bloody bands and hospital graves.? ? Nine-tenths of the most intel- ligent people liellevc that the above words are reported verbatim, but the change, only a slight change, makes the sentiment too harsh. While debating the subject of the Mex- ican war, his opponents used a Latin phrase which meant, ?More room.?' In answer to this he said: ?The senators want more room. If I were a Mexican as I am an American, 1 would say to you, (the senators), ?Have you not room enough,?? etc.? Ah the soldier ]h ex- pected tofight for his country, right or wrong, it is not fair to insert the word soldiers in place of senators. Henry Ward Beecher is accuse* 1 of say- ing that ?A dollar a day is enough for a workingman.? He denied this. It is not probable tliat any prominent man save a lunatic would ever make such an expression. Beecher did say: ?A working man can possibly live on a dol- lar a day.? A Safe ißTMtmcnl Is one which is guaranteed to bring you satisfactory results, or, in case of failure, a return of purchase price. On this safe plan you can buy from our advertised druggist a bottle of Dr. King?s New Dis- covery for Consumption. It is guaran- teed to bring relief in every case, when used for any afleet lon of throat, lungs or cheat, such as consumption, inflamma- tion of Inngs, bronchitis, asthma, whoop- ing cough, croup, etc., etc. It in pleas- ant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, and can always be depended upon. Trial bottles free at C. B. Bushnell?s drugstore. ?Why will yon go about with that list- lew air and pale face? Have yon no life, no ambition? You seem to care nothing for what transpires around yon. The beauties of nature do not interest you, and you feel that life is a burden. If you would have the vigor and elasticity of youth return, enjoy a good hearty meal, and feel like an altogether different per- son, then take Dr. Henley?s Dandelion Tonic. It certainly produces remarkable result*. Sold by*Allen A Chapman. A GREATJNYMON. Railway System and True! It be Rei- olntlontied. j Ua« IlnilArrd Mile, u l,.«r?Ac- count of lbs Teat of the New HoyAlton Itlryrlc Engine. The second day of February, at Port- land, Maine, was the proudest day in E. Moody Boynton's life. His famous bi- cycle engine has been tunning hack and turtle upon u track builtfor it in the yard of the Portland company?s works, where it was constructed, ami where another is to he built at once, as well as several cars of the same style. The popular interest in the thing is astonishing. Thousands of people leave leeen down to see the ope- ration of tie is curious engine. At one time during tlie afternoon there must leave been 500 people present, including neouy Indies, hut there were also business men, capitalists and a great numleer of practical railroad men, of whom many came from a distance. The immense itoasibilitics of the new system appeal very strongly to the im- agination. Mr. Boynton, wearing a curious fur cap, ami looking more like a minister than a mechanical inventor, rode back and forth for an hour in the second story of his engine, shouting to the hoys to keep off the track, hut de- clining to make a speech. He was asked: ?How are you satis- fied with the success of the experiments??? ?I am perfectly satisfied,? he said. ?It ran smoother and easier than I or any one else expected, as nothing was com- plete, and it was the first crude experi- ment.? ?Will you give some details?? ?With one quarter steam ami a con- sumption of fifty youuds of coal per hour, the twenty-ton engine was moved hack and forth, a majority of times with with the steam shut up, working by ex- pansion. There was no friction whatever when running straight. Ho accurately balanced was it that the w heels, all of them within an inch of the guiding beam, frequently stood entirely still. There was no swaying whatever from aide to side, the smoothness, stillness, ease and grace of motion was all that could he de- sired. It was simply the bicycle running on smooth steel and pusiied by steam to which SUO man power could lie applied by increasing the furnace fires. This machine has a wiieel 8 feet in diameter, and two engines, each 12x14 stroke. From 650 to (100 revolutions or turns, equiva- lent to 150 miles |ier hour, are its piston speed and valve action. It Is expected to take four curs, each seating 88 passengers, one hundred miles an hour If necessary. The weight of these cars is twenty-eight tons, or seven tons each. It would re- quire ten |talace cars, weighing four hun- dred tons, or five passenger cars, weigh- ing aliout half as much, to convey the same number of passengers we carry with twenty-eight tons.? ?Then there must lie a tremendous sav- ing?? ?Not only do we save fivefold io the weight of the train, hut the friction of the bicycle spindle wheel* is less than one-half of the ordinary double track train. A Having of tea to one in the power required pennita the attainment of an average apecd of one hundred miles per hour, or the earn ing of freight and passengers at the present rate of speed with from five to tenfold Having in power required. The cost of equipment, of wear and tear,will I* materially reduced; each single track railway, by this single mil system, becomes a double track, without the purchase of any new land, grading, bridging or tunneling. The only added expense is the upper skeleton frame with guiding beams, sixteen feet above the track, which will cost, when made qf wood, from SISOO to S3OOO per mile, or if made Of steel, al>out S3OOO per mile, ex- clusive of double length ties, to which the arching steel is fastened. The average cost of tracking roads is a I tout $30,000 per mile. By this system one-tenth of that sum, with steel, gives ample allowance for every contingent expense. No steel rails are used overhead, only wooden guiding beams, and the wheels scarcely ever touch them, going straight.? ?How about safety?? ?The safety is nearly absolute, if very high rates of speed are not desired. The safety at one hundred miles per hour will be greater than the ordinary trains at twenty miles. There is no wedging or side strain, or oscillation with the bicycle train, which is grooved twtb stave and below, and cannot leave its trsck, and when made of steel, fourteen feet deep, H can neither break nor born. And with additional safety wheels, wrecking is tically impossible. The overhead struct- ure carries the wires with which the en- gineer can converse in a fog with a train fifty miles away, or with the station mas- ter while he is moving 100 miles per hour.? Orders have been given for additional equipment, and President Edward R. Davies and Treasurer George F. Morse of the Portland company have joined with Mr. Boynton in the organisation of a Boynton bicycle railway equipment company for the manufacture of the en- gines and machinery, to be let to the rail- ways of the United States on a fair rental for their uae or to be absolutely sold sub- ject to s royalty to the parent Boynton bicycle railway company of 32 Nashua street, New York. The treasurer of the new bicycle equipment company is The Yakima Herald. NORTH YAKIMA, WASHINGTON TERRITORY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY SI, 1889. George F. Morse, the present treasurer of the Portland locomotive company, whose engines for the past forty yean liave been known throughout New Eng- land and on the Pacific railroads for their high quality. All the patents of the Boynton bicycle railway rf?stem in the United Htates are the property of the New York company, which in organized something like the 801 l telephone with a capitalization of 15,000,000. \u25a0 It was chart- ered under the New Jersey laws January 30, 1888, and its embrace some of the best names in New York and Boston, although there is not one specu- lative name among them. No stock ia on the market, and none ia sold except for experimental purposes. Mr. Boynton claims that, should the system save hall the present expenditure in tniDH|M>rtatlon, adapted to the billions of dollarn of existing railway property, the royaltieM at one mill per ngile for each passenger and the same per ton for freight would produce an income of mere than |70,0U0,0(N) annually. It is believed to be applicable to small feeder roads, and less extensive to build and operate than anything heretofore known; that it will take the place of the farmer?s wagon at a Having of fifty fold inconveying his freight to the larger roads; that it will open up inaccessible continents like Africa; that it can be applied to wooden rails as well as to steel rails, to electric as well as to steam roads, and to elevated as well as surface roads. With its' exceed- ingly narrow and light train following a single thread of steel, bracketed to the cliffs and gorges of the mountains, it will open up hitherto inaeoeesible regions, saving a million dollars per mile in the tunneling of mountains. If it doubles the present speed of railways, it makes the city and country one. The freight cars of the system measure forty tons and are designed to carry thirty tons of grain. Six-ton cars of steel, which are fourteen feet deep, thirty-two feet long and four feet wide, are loaded through their sliding roof at the top from the storehouses at the prairie and dumped automatically from the narrow sliding bottoms through a can- vas pipe into the bolds of the ships. For passenger trains an average speed of 100 miles per hour will be easily obtainable, and the first unfinished bicycle engine inits exhibition proved H. The posMibilities of the new bicycle en- gine many scientific men believe will never lie surpassed in transportation either in simplicity, ease, economy or s]>eed, and that the system of Hteam, or more likelyAectricity, transpor- tation will be used until earth ceases to lie inhabited. Everybody congratulates Mr. Boynton upon the success now seem- ingly assured after ten years of thought- ful preparation and experiment, which ho lielieves is to prove a lasting benefit to mankind, and while leaving to his family nn ample fortune, leave him a great name as one of the world?s benefactors. bath ?fTPreaiieat M. P. Official. In the last issue of the Huald a brief account was given of injuries received by assistant general superintendent N* D. Hoot of the N. P. B. R., but the particu- lars were meagre. Although every atten- tion possible was given, Mr. Root died on Thursday, February 14, and his remains were carried through Yakima, by special train, on the following day, to be con- signed to the last resting-place at Roches- ter, N. Y., the early home of the de- ceased. The accident which resulted In his death occurred while watching the operations of the steam excavator and onloader, which is engaged in tearing away the bank near the south-end depot at Tacoma. Mr. Boot was in the company of chief engineer Kendrick, principal assistant engineer H. 8. Huson and superintendent Horner. When a train of flat cars containing earth is unloaded, a plow, which passes the length of the train fin top of the cars, is attached to the engine by a long steel cable, which is longer than the train. The locomotive is started with a jerk to over- come the inertia, and as the cars remain stationary, the plow is drawn the length of the train and the earth cast off to one side. Mr. Root, while watching the work, at- tempted to paee between the can and the locomotive. Aa he started, the signal to move the engine was made, bat he did not hear it. His friends shoated, bat the noise was too great for him to note the warning, and as he stepped near the cable the locomotive Jerked the slack out of it, and the cable struck him in the ab- domen, throwing him several feet in the air. Hie friends ran to hia rescue and carried him to his private car. Dr. Davie was immediately summoned and did all that was possible to relieve hia intense sufferings, bat the injuries were fatal. Mr. Root was an efficient and eminently practical railroad roan, giving close atten- tion to all the important details of rail- way management, and had bat recently lieen appointed general superintendent of the western division of the Northern Pa- cific railroad from Helena westward, with headquarters at Helena. Fifteen years ago be was a telegraph curator on the Michigan Central rail- road, and was afterward train dispatcher at Jackson, Mich. In 1878 he was ap- pointed to a responsible position os dis- patcher on the Chicago, Burlington A Quincy railroad at Ottamwa, lowa, which position be held for three years, when be left the ?Burlington? and took a position at Brainerd, Minn., os chief dispatcher on the east end of the Northern Pacific. In the six or seven years be hu been connected with the Northern Pacific rood, Mr. Boot has been dispatcher, division superintendent, assistant superintendent, and assistant general superintendent, and has been considered by the management of the road one of their moot efficient men, and withal a man with a kind heart, respected and beloved by all who knew him. X NORTH YAKIIi Rapid Groitt ud Gnat Resources ot the Jnel City et Geitnl Washington. EvMeaccarWhat tffic YaUaaa Valley Draws a art Sells?Da ay ASvaa- tages la Tawa aafi Ceaatry. There are sixty-two business houses in the city of North Yakima, and all of them generally occupied. This will give ao-idea ot the local business. Of course these bouses are occupied by every know\u25a1 branch of commerce and trade?from two national banks, whose daily deposits average from SBOOO to $16,000 per day, some days the deposits have reached $60,000, while the average deposit bal- ance will equal $150,000, also from the dealer in general merchandise down to the laundry. In the general sales for the past year, including lumber, coal and the products of two flouring mills, both of the latest improved roller process, also the sales of merchandise, the city of North Yakima, with ita 2000 to 2200 in- habitants, has sold in 1888 about two and one-half million dollars. Probably as good an indication of the local business can he arrived at by the shipments of products from the Northern Pacific rail- way station here as from any other source. It must be remembered that these ship- ments are those of the surplus, or unused products here at home. The population of the county ia variously estimated at from 4850 to 6000. The last census?an inacurate one, rather under than over? ' placed the population at 4000 about a year ago. The influx in population aince 1 then haa Keen really marvelous, vet no ' accurate meana are at hand to estimate ' the number of that increase. It would be extremely conservative to place it at 1 25 per cent, and none of this increase participated in the producing of crops in | in 1888. The result of 1889 will show more than 25 per cent, increase in these ' shipments. For the information of the i reader we have secured the total business by carload shipped from this station. | Possibly one-fourth as much more has been shipped from here in quantities less ' than carload lots, and these should lie included. It should also be borne in \ mind that not until the advent of the railway, some four years ago or there- abouts, did these farmers endeavor to raise anything more than they needed for ' home use, as no market existed. In ad- | dition, fully two-thirds of these farmers | have come here since the railroad came. | The total earnings of this station was $168,000 for 1888. The principal ship- ments were, 2200 bales of hops, 200 car- ; loads of hay, 208 carloads of live stock, cattle, 19 carloads of horses, shipped east, ( « carloads of sheep, 62 carloads of vegeta- bles, 27 carloads of potatoes, 21 carloads ( of melons, 2 carloads of wool and 7 cases 1 of leaf tobacco, 4000 pounds, shipped to New York. Not over one-sixth of the available acreage is under cultivation, and ten times as much as is now sup- plied with water is here awaiting the cre- ation of irrigating ditches and canals. These figures should suggest the possibil- ity .>f this valley. Its market is the Sound and coast cities, the markets of the world, also via the Sound and Pacific ocean; and it has the towns and country to the east clear to and including St. Paul i and Chicago. There is no just reason ; why this city and county, when they i shall have reached their, maximum in population, ahould not have inthe city from 15,000 to 25,000, and the county 40,- 000 to 50,000. Neither is there any good reason why they should not be eventually , among the very wealthiest town and county in Waahington territory. For in- stance, the geographical center of Illinois is Springfield. This Illinois city is wholly supported by agriculture, while the tribu- tary country has not over half the yielding capacity of this county of Yakima. Springfield is over forty years old, and < Yakima three to four since its existence ; was really acknowledged or known. Tis true that Springfield is the capital of Illi- nois. Who knows but that North Yak- ima may be the capital of Washington. 1 To-day the location of the capital, by | common consent, is conceded to this cen- tral Washington, and one of two towns most get it?each with apparently equal chances. If a neighboring locality should secure the capital, why should act this city be at least the equal of Jacksonville, . Illinois,a neighboring town to Springfield 7 Jacksonville is a city of 18,000, and a very wealthy city. ItIs a seat of learning with five or six colleges and academies. Has not this city a parallel opportunity to the cities named? Nowadays cities reach i their maximum population in from five to ten years. II this city should have the ' same experience then in five to seven years hence North Yakima will have her 16,000 to 20,000 people and property here, now so very cheap, will then have ad- vanced 1000 per cent. All the material elements that go to make a big and pros- perous city are here. This people are the equal of any city inthe universe in point of morals, education, stability, energy, economy and application. They are dis- tinctively a progressive people who value educational opportunities. The hand- some two-story brick school boose now here, a fifteen thousand dollar building when entirely completed and extremely modern, is evidence of their intentions and desires in this direction. Another building even better than this one. will soon be erected, aa the need lor it now axlata. There are aixteen organlaed dla- tricta or loarnahipa in Yakima county to- day. The area of the county covers about 7000 square miles, or the equivalent of 70x100 miles. There are twenty-six school districts in the county in each of which some kind of a school building exists. The class of teachers employed are among the best?the system of exam- ination enforcing thin?all of which ex- plain the character of this people. The school indebtedness of the county is nom- inal or trivial* the total county indebted- ness being only about SIOO,OOO. This sum has been required for the construction of bridges chiefly. Ho many valued and desirable streams?the main life and sus- tenance of the county?require frequent bridging to enable farmers to get into the town, and the people are not penurious in their own interests. These county bounds were most readily sold at par?- with 6 per cent interest running thirty years?with the privilege of redemption at the end of twenty years. Yakima county presents one marvelous and most attractive feature, vis: The total taxa- tion of the county is only 13 4-5 mills, which includes the total tax, territorial added. It is divided as follows: \u25a0IIXO. Territorial panoses Xb Ordinary county . 10 Road an'd 'Bridge' Road tax Lfi Military U Relief of indigent ex-Union soldiers is one-tenth of one mill, a total of IS 4-5 mills. There ia not a pauper in the county. The above taxation is heralded to the world as the very lowest known from and including Minnesota to and in- cluding California. If there ia another county in a new country that can show as low a taxation, the public would like to know of it. It is not ever one-half the average taxation of Dakota ?it is about 5 mills less than the average of this terri- tory ; it is 7 mills less than the average of Montana, and apparently, with the splendid natural road beds, and increased valuation, it need not be materially in- creased in the future. The total amassed valuation of property is even two million dollar*?and like all Washington territory ?this valuation is most shamefully low. The real value is over four times as touch and on this basis the real taxation should he divided by four. With this most de- sirable record of a county yet in ita in- fancy, why should not Yakima county and the city l*e most desirable to live in. The indolitedness of the city is only $lO,- 000, the taxation 7 mills. When taxes next are paid, thia entire indebtedness could be paid off, or S7OOO of it, so easily as not to endanger the future needs of the city. This amount, in the good financial of the city, Is almost too trivial to men- tion. We should not close this article without returning the thanks of the Ore- gonian to Mr. H. G. Humphrey, the pop- ular and efficient agent of the N. P. rail- way in this city, who kindly prepared the above table of shipments from his records. He is also authority (or the statement that the local express business has more than doubled in amount in the last year. The telegraph ahowa the same result, while the population itself about doubled in 1888.? Oregonian. . ftmttr Turn. \u25a0 Senator Zeb Vance is a North Caroli- nian, now in his fifty-ninth year, and in his seventeenth year in the senate. Be- fore be was elected to the* office he now holds he hsd served twoyean in the bouse and had held a number of offices in hia native state, and had rendered valiant service to the cause of secession, rising to the rank of major general. He was in Lee?s army at the surrender at Appomat- tox. Vance is rather large in build and heavy inform, with silvery white hair and a stubby moustache of the same color. Hia voice is rather rasplah and nasal, and he might be regarded as a down-ease Yan- kee from the tone of hia speech, hot be is a southerner, with all the southern traits strongly marked in his character. Hia humor, of which be has a very abundant fund, is of the southern type. Vance evi- dently comes from a family that was very religious and devout. Hia language at many times is strikingly like that of the bible. Phrase after phrase of his speeches are well known texts of the holy writ,and there la a strong religions coloring in all g>f his remarks. The principal character- istic of bis mind, however, is his humor. He is the funny man of the senate. He has an inexhaustible storehouse of anec- dotes which be relates cleverly end always with aptness. He has lightened op the doll and dry details of the tariff with hu- mor and wit, which has many times pro- voked a hearty laugh in the senate; but bis assault on the system of protection is hardly regarded as serious. It is good humored and sophistical. Vance la a southerner in hia politics. There is no taint of mogwumpery about him. Daring Cleveland?s administration hia chief occu- pattern in the senate waa to rtdkule and make sport of the civil service system, which Cleveland had promised to support. Vance selected his choicest stories to Illus- trate what be considered the absurdities and incongruities of civil service reform. ?The world wide reputation of Ayer?s Sarsaparilla is the natural result of Its surpassing value as a blood medicine. Nothing, in the whole pharmacopeia, effects more astonishing results, in scrof- ula, rheumatism, general debility, and all forms of blood disease, than this remedy. ?'? l have used Ayer?s Pills lor the post 30 yean, and am satisfied I should not be alive to-day if it had not been for them. They cured me of dyspepsia when all other remedies failed.?? 11. P. Bonner, Chester. Pa. Ayer's Fills are sold by all druggists. Number 4. SPIRITUALISM. Hot to Pom Spirit Circles it Bom. Lessees to Btglian. Table Taasbllag?Whe are Kataral Nt4leau,aa4 Hew lettala tbs Mfiterleu Fewer. For the benefit of tboee who with to try their powers st home, we gather the fol- lowing directions lor forming spirit dr- cles: Inquiries into the phenomena of spirit- ualism should begin by forming circles in their own homes, with no spiritualist or professional mediums present. Should no results be obtained on the first occa- sion, try again with other sitters. One or more persons possessing medial powers without knowing it are to be found in every household. Let the room be of a comfortable temperature, but cool rather than warm?let arrangement! be made that nobody shall enter It, and that there \u25a0hall be no interruption (or one hour dur- ing the sitting of the circle. Let the cir- cle consist of lour, five or six individuals, about the aarne number of each sex. Bit round an uncovered wooden table, with all the palms of the bands in contact with its top surface. Whether the hands touch each other or not is usually of no import- ance. Any table will do, Just large enough to conveniently accommodate the sitters. The removal of a hand from the table for a few seconds does no harm, but when one of the sitters breaks the circle by leaving the table it sometimes, hot not always, considerably delays the manifes- tations. Before the sitting begins, place some pointed lead pencils and some sheets of dean writing paper on the table, to write down any communications that may be obtained. People who do not like each other should not sit in the same cir- cle, for such a want of harmony tends to prevent manifestations, except with well developed physical mediums; it Is not yet known why. Belief or unbelief has no influence on the manifestations, but an acrid feeling against them is frequently found to be s weakening influence. Be- fore the manifestations begin it is well to engage ingeneral conversation or in sing- ing, and it is best that neither should be of a frivolous nature. The first symptom of the Invisible power at work Is often a feeling like a cool wind sweeping over the hands. The first manifestations will probably be table tiltings or wraps. When motions of the table or sounds are pro- duced freely, to avoid dfofusion, let one person only speak: he should talk to the table as an intelligent being. Let him tell the table that three tilts or raps mean ?yes,? one means ?no,? and two mean ?doubtful,? and ask whether the arrange- ments are understood. If three signals be given in answer, then say, *TII apeak the letters of the alphabet slowly, will you signal every time I come to the letter yon want, and spell us out a message?** Should three signals be given, set to work on the plan proposed, and from this time an intelligent system of communication la established. Afterwards the question should be put, "Are we sitting in the right order to get the best manifestations T" Probably some members of the circle will then be told to change seats with each other, and the signals will be afterwards strengthened. Next ask. "Who is the medium?" When the intelligence asserts itself to be relapM or known to anytyxiy present, welLAosen questions should be put to test the accuracy of the statements, aa the alleged spirits are found to exhibit all the virtues and all the failings of hu- manity. A medium is usually a person of an im- pulsive, affectionate, and genial nature, and very sensitive to mesmeric influences. Mediums are of both sexes. The best manifestations are obtained when the me- dium and all the members of the circle are strongly bound together by the affect* ions, and are thoroughly comfortable and happy. Family circles with no strangers present are usually the best. Possibly at the first sitting of a circle symptoms of other forme of mediumehip, then tilts or rape may make their appearance, whOe by sitting regularly two or three times a week the manifestations will vapidly de* velop. Among the varied phases of the phenomena already obeeeved by Investi- gators may be noted the following: Move- ment of physical objects, both with and withoutbontact with the sitters; direct writing, drawing, and voices; enhance- ment; trance, and inspirational utterance; temporary matarilisatlons; Involuntary writing, healing, visions, impressions, as well as many phenomena observed In the study of mesmerism and clairvoyance. Marts Wins. We desire to say to oar citisens, that for yean we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery far Consumption, Dr. King's New life Pills, Bocklen?s Arnica Salve and Electric Bitten, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or* that have given such universal satisfac- tion. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not follow their use.. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. Sold by C. D. Bushnell, druggist. and pimples an promptly relieved end cured by applying Dotard* Specific. It is s never failing remedy I*ask rheum, tetter and all skin dismsm, Sold by Allan A Chapman. ; .

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Page 1: The Yakima Herald. · lent to 150 miles |ierhour, are its piston speed and valve action. ItIs expected to take four curs, each seating 88 passengers, one hundred miles an hour If

Volume L




Itartiriag lata llp> Aff&atwi.E. M.Hied. Editor and Business Manager.



Attorneys at Law.rpr once withCounty Tnoanrar. at the CourtRoom, North Yakima. Willpractice inall thecourts ol the territory. L

n. t. cAToa, |k c. PAsaisn,Bprao*. I North Yakima


Attorneys at Law.practice Inall the Courts of the terri-

tory. OAce on Pint Street, opposite the CourtHomo. North Yakima W. T. 1_


Attorneys at Law.Wlllnractleo Inall Courts of the Territory.

Office In Pint National Bank BniMinc, NorthYakima. W. T.

i. a. as a vis. | a. ma as. | c. a. obatks


Attorneys at Law.practice InallCourts of the Territory.

Special attention flren toall D. 8. land officebast ness. OBces at North Yakima and Bllens-bnrgh. W. T. t

bdwasd wairaoit. I iouna.At.Li*


Attorneys at Pint National Bank Bnlldint,

North Yakima. W. T.

8. 0. MOBFORD. ..

Attorney at Law,Practices In all Courts la the Territory. Ks


o. «. bill.m. o. wm. ?. con. «. n.


PhyslcftßS, Sirgeois ud Accoucheurs.franco over Allen A Chapman's dm* store.

DAVID ROSSER, M. D.DM-Havlngbeen In aettve practice for a nnm-her of yean, now offiera his Mrriccs to the eltl-sens of North Yakima and eommnntty. Allcalls answered promptly end he hopes by dllll-tent attention to bnslneaa to merit a libcal pat-rona«c. Office over C. B. Bnsbnall's drng store.


Physician A Surgeon.Office In Pint National Bank, first door np

stairs. Refers to W. A.Cox sod Bsbelmaa Brae :also, to any eitiaen ofMemphis, Mo. ?



handling of Yakima Prodace forPageTHound Markets a Specialty.

Wsrthoaae west of Railroad Track, No. 8,Block B. North Yakima. W. T. 011-ly

A. F. SWITZER,Contractor and Builder,


Hitt Contract tor the erection of ell classes of

Bnlldiura. either Brick, Slone. Concrete, orWood, and wtU complete the work honestly

illAccording to i|msnLKsvaasacs: firm Net'l Beak of North Yekime.

office, «p mein la Opera Romeo. Office bean,4 teSp. m.



At moderate prices.





S9SB!( \u25a0J. R. Lewie, Rowato Waireo*,

President. Vice President.W. L. Sremwao, Ceehler.



Bijb sat Mh Exebage at KmmrsMc Rato.fAYR INTEREST OH TIMS DEPOSITS.



liported aid Dnotic CleanSouth Side Yakima Arena*


Why did 1 kirn yon * Oh, nonaeusc!

How eonld a man explain that ?

With yonr eyes looking at him from underAcoquettish Ualnsborongh bat:

With nothing but lace on your shouldcn,And, now, ask me why 1 kissed you!It wonid make a preacher swear.

Why did I kiss you? Confound It!

I think that was reason enough;

To make me tell all my Jnst a little too rough.

Oh, of course I knew you were married?There was not much chance to forget?

So, perhaps, that was why I did it,And yet?and yet?and yet?

I think that the reason Ikissed yonWas because you were standing so near.

While your eyes, thro? the star-lit darkness.Were shining so tender and clear:

Your hand, when 1 tenderly clasped it.Half answered, trembled with fright?

Do yon understand, now, why I kissed you,Out them in the darkness last night?

Well?this, then, was why Ikissed you;Yonr throat and your arras were like snow,

Yonr breath was like wine, and your glances,Were langorous, tender and slow:

Your Ups. likea shell that is scarlet.

Were softly uncurled. Just for this:That a man should lose conscience and reason

Andhcuor, all?tor one kiss!

So, all in a moment I clasped you,Andheld you, and kissed yon withlove.

And only the flowers knew It,And God and the angels above;

Bo this, dear, Is why Iclasped yon,Andheld yon, and kissed yon?with pain:

Because I knew never, no never,Would you anfi I kiaa?again.


As we notice tire many falsehood* re-peated concerning what this or that nmnRaid, we are apt to nay like David, ?Allmen ore liars and like David, we areapt to be hasty. The fact is, more thanthree-fourths of the people can not rejieatthe words of a speaker, especially if thesubject be new or complex. Sometimesthe misrepresentations are willful.

Aliout fifty years ago, Buchanan wasaccused of saying that the laborer of the

United States ought to workfor ten centsa day. He only said that Holland hadbecome rich witha pure metallic currency.At that time unskilled workers some-times got as low as ten cents a day;hence a mere inference was stated ns amatter of fact.

In 1840, General Harrison was accusedof saying ina speech at Bellevue, Ohio:?Look at me and you will sec a greaterman than Najioleon.? Now for the facta:When the committee were aliout to notifyhim that they were ready for him, theyfound him talking with a young manwhom be had not scon for twelve years,hut he knew him at first sight, as he wasthe son of tenant at South Bend namedSawyer. ?Where is your father?? askedbe. ?In the crowd,? aaid the boy. Har-rison would not answer the summons ofthe committee until lie had shaken handswith his old tenant. Pleased with the in-terview, he commenced his sjteech withthese friends in his mind. ?Napoleonhad a favorite tune which he often calledfor; the name of the tune was ?A Man isNever so Happy as When With HisFriends.? However, Ido not wish tocompare myself to Napoleon, for he w as agreat man, and you can see 1 am hut asmall one.? Then he told them he waswith his friends and he was happy, etc.Many a democrat was willing to sw earthat he hail made the speech its givenabove.

Thomas Corwin is quoted as saying, ?IfI were a Mexican as I am an American Iwould say to the soldiers, ?Have you notroom enough to bury your dead ? If youhave not, come here and we will welcomeyou with bloody bands and hospitalgraves.? ? Nine-tenths of the most intel-ligent people liellevc that the above wordsare reported verbatim, but the change,only a slight change, makes the sentimenttoo harsh.

While debating the subject of the Mex-ican war, his opponents used a Latinphrase which meant, ?More room.?' Inanswer to this he said: ?The senatorswant more room. If I were a Mexicanas I am an American, 1 would say to you,(the senators), ?Have you not roomenough,?? etc.? Ah the soldier ]h ex-pected tofight for his country, right orwrong, it is not fair to insert the wordsoldiers in place of senators.

Henry Ward Beecher is accuse* 1 of say-ing that ?A dollar a day is enough for aworkingman.? He denied this. It isnot probable tliat any prominent mansave a lunatic would ever make such anexpression. Beecher did say: ?Aworking man can possibly live on a dol-lar a day.?

A Safe ißTMtmcnl

Is one which is guaranteed to bring yousatisfactory results, or, in case of failure,a return of purchase price. On this safeplan you can buy from our advertiseddruggist a bottle of Dr. King?s New Dis-covery for Consumption. It is guaran-teed to bring relief in every case, when

used for any afleet lon of throat, lungs orcheat, such as consumption, inflamma-

tion of Inngs, bronchitis, asthma, whoop-ing cough, croup, etc., etc. It in pleas-ant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe,and can always be depended upon. Trialbottles free at C. B. Bushnell?s drugstore.

?Why willyon go about with that list-

lew air and pale face? Have yon no life,no ambition? You seem to care nothingfor what transpires around yon. Thebeauties of nature do not interest you,and you feel that life is a burden. If youwould have the vigor and elasticity ofyouth return, enjoy a good hearty meal,and feel like an altogether different per-son, then take Dr. Henley?s DandelionTonic. It certainly produces remarkableresult*. Sold by*AllenA Chapman.

A GREATJNYMON.Railway System and True! It be Rei-


jUa« IlnilArrdMile, u l,.«r?Ac-

count of lbs Teat of the New

HoyAlton Itlryrlc Engine.

The second day of February, at Port-land, Maine, was the proudest day in E.Moody Boynton's life. His famous bi-cycle engine has been tunning hack andturtle upon u track builtfor it in the yardof the Portland company?s works, where

it was constructed, ami where another isto he built at once, as well as several carsof the same style. The popular interestin the thing is astonishing. Thousandsof people leave leeen down to see the ope-ration of tie is curious engine. At onetime during tlie afternoon there must

leave been 500 people present, includingneouy Indies, hut there were also businessmen, capitalists and a great numleer ofpractical railroad men, of whom manycame from a distance.

The immense itoasibilitics of the newsystem appeal very strongly to the im-agination. Mr. Boynton, wearing acurious fur cap, ami looking more like aminister than a mechanical inventor,rode back and forth for an hour in thesecond story of his engine, shouting to

the hoys to keep off the track, hut de-clining to make a speech.

He was asked: ?How are you satis-fied withthe success of the experiments???

?I am perfectly satisfied,? he said. ?Itran smoother and easier than I or anyone else expected, as nothing was com-plete, and it was the first crude experi-ment.?

?Will you give some details???With one quarter steam ami a con-

sumption of fifty youuds of coal perhour, the twenty-ton engine was movedhack and forth, a majority of times withwith the steam shut up, working by ex-pansion. There was no friction whateverwhen running straight. Ho accuratelybalanced was itthat the w heels, all ofthem within an inch of the guiding beam,frequently stood entirely still. Therewas no swaying whatever from aide toside, the smoothness, stillness, ease andgrace of motion was all that could he de-sired. It was simply the bicycle runningon smooth steel and pusiied by steam towhich SUO man power could lie appliedby increasing the furnace fires. Thismachine has a wiieel 8 feet in diameter,and two engines, each 12x14 stroke. From650 to (100 revolutions or turns, equiva-lent to 150 miles |ier hour, are its pistonspeed and valve action. It Is expected to

take four curs, each seating 88 passengers,one hundred miles an hour If necessary.The weight of these cars is twenty-eighttons, or seven tons each. It would re-quire ten |talace cars, weighing four hun-dred tons, or five passenger cars, weigh-ing aliout half as much, to convey thesame number of passengers we carry withtwenty-eight tons.?

?Then there must lie a tremendous sav-ing??

?Not only do we save fivefold io theweight of the train, hut the friction ofthe bicycle spindle wheel* is less thanone-half of the ordinary double tracktrain. A Having of tea to one in thepower required pennita the attainment ofan average apecd of one hundred milesper hour, or the earn ing of freight andpassengers at the present rate of speedwith from five to tenfold Having in powerrequired. The cost of equipment, of wearand tear,will I*materially reduced; eachsingle track railway, by this single milsystem, becomes a double track, without

the purchase of any new land, grading,bridging or tunneling. The only addedexpense is the upper skeleton frame withguiding beams, sixteen feet above thetrack, which will cost, when made qfwood, from SISOO to S3OOO per mile, or ifmade Of steel, al>out S3OOO per mile, ex-clusive of double length ties, to which

the arching steel is fastened. The averagecost of tracking roads is a I tout $30,000 permile. By this system one-tenth of thatsum, with steel, gives ample allowancefor every contingent expense. No steelrails are used overhead, only woodenguiding beams, and the wheels scarcelyever touch them, going straight.?

?How about safety??

?The safety is nearly absolute, if veryhigh rates of speed are not desired. Thesafety at one hundred miles per hour will

be greater than the ordinary trains at

twenty miles. There is no wedging orside strain, or oscillation with the bicycletrain, which is grooved twtb stave andbelow, and cannot leave its trsck, andwhen made of steel, fourteen feet deep, Hcan neither break nor born. And withadditional safety wheels, wrecking istically impossible. The overhead struct-ure carries the wires with which the en-gineer can converse in a fog with a trainfifty miles away, or with the station mas-ter while he is moving 100 miles perhour.?

Orders have been given for additionalequipment, and President Edward R.Davies and Treasurer George F. Morse of

the Portland company have joined withMr. Boynton in the organisation of aBoynton bicycle railway equipmentcompany for the manufacture of the en-gines and machinery, to be let to the rail-ways of the United States on a fair rental

for their uae or to be absolutely sold sub-ject to s royalty to the parent Boyntonbicycle railway company of 32 Nashuastreet, New York. The treasurer of thenew bicycle equipment company is


George F. Morse, the present treasurerof the Portland locomotive company,whose engines for the past forty yean

liave been known throughout New Eng-land and on the Pacific railroads for theirhigh quality. All the patents of theBoynton bicycle railway rf?stem in theUnited Htates are the property of theNew York company, which in organizedsomething like the 801 l telephone with acapitalization of 15,000,000. \u25a0 It was chart-ered under the New Jersey laws January30, 1888, and its embracesome of the best names in New York andBoston, although there is not one specu-lative name among them. No stock iaon the market, and none ia sold exceptfor experimental purposes.

Mr. Boynton claims that, should thesystem save hall the present expenditurein tniDH|M>rtatlon, adapted to the billionsof dollarn of existing railway property,the royaltieM at one mill per ngile for eachpassenger and the same per ton forfreight would produce an income of merethan |70,0U0,0(N) annually. It is believedto be applicable to small feeder roads,and less extensive to build and operatethan anything heretofore known; that itwilltake the place of the farmer?s wagonat a Having of fifty fold inconveying hisfreight to the larger roads; that it willopen up inaccessible continents likeAfrica; that it can be applied to woodenrails as well as to steel rails, to electric aswell as to steam roads, and to elevated aswell as surface roads. With its' exceed-ingly narrow and light train following asingle thread of steel, bracketed to thecliffs and gorges of the mountains, it willopen up hitherto inaeoeesible regions,saving a million dollars per mile in thetunneling of mountains. If it doublesthe present speed of railways, it makesthe city and country one. The freightcars of the system measure forty tons andare designed to carry thirty tons of grain.Six-ton cars of steel, which are fourteenfeet deep, thirty-two feet long and fourfeet wide, are loaded through their slidingroof at the top from the storehouses at theprairie and dumped automatically fromthe narrow sliding bottoms through a can-vas pipe into the bolds of the ships.

For passenger trains an average speedof 100 miles per hour will be easilyobtainable, and the first unfinishedbicycle engine inits exhibition proved H.

The posMibilities of the new bicycle en-gine many scientific men believe willnever lie surpassed in transportationeither in simplicity, ease, economy ors]>eed, and that the system ofHteam, or more likelyAectricity, transpor-tation willbe used untilearth ceases tolie inhabited. Everybody congratulates

Mr. Boynton upon the success now seem-inglyassured after ten years of thought-ful preparation and experiment, which ho

lielieves is to prove a lasting benefit tomankind, and while leaving to his familynn ample fortune, leave him a great nameas one of the world?s benefactors.

bath ?fTPreaiieat M. P. Official.

In the last issue of the Huald a briefaccount was given of injuries received byassistant general superintendent N* D.Hoot of the N. P. B. R., but the particu-lars were meagre. Although every atten-tion possible was given, Mr. Root died onThursday, February 14, and his remainswere carried through Yakima, by specialtrain, on the following day, to be con-signed to the last resting-place at Roches-ter, N. Y., the early home of the de-ceased.

The accident which resulted Inhis deathoccurred while watching the operations ofthe steam excavator and onloader, whichis engaged in tearing away the bank nearthe south-end depot at Tacoma. Mr.Bootwas in the company of chief engineerKendrick, principal assistant engineer H.8. Huson and superintendent Horner.When a train of flat cars containing earthis unloaded, a plow, which passes thelength of the train fin top of the cars, isattached to the engine by a long steelcable, which is longer than the train. Thelocomotive is started with a jerk to over-come the inertia, and as the cars remainstationary, the plow is drawn the length

of the train and the earth cast off to oneside.

Mr. Root, while watching the work, at-tempted to paee between the can and thelocomotive. Aa he started, the signal tomove the engine was made, bat he didnot hear it. His friends shoated, bat thenoise was too great for him to note thewarning, and as he stepped near thecable the locomotive Jerked the slack outof it, and the cable struck him in the ab-domen, throwing him several feet in theair. Hie friends ran to hia rescue andcarried him to his private car. Dr. Daviewas immediately summoned and did allthat was possible to relieve hia intensesufferings, bat the injuries were fatal.

Mr. Root was an efficient and eminentlypractical railroad roan, giving close atten-tion to all the important details of rail-way management, and had bat recentlylieen appointed general superintendent ofthe western division of the Northern Pa-cific railroad from Helena westward, withheadquarters at Helena.

Fifteen years ago be was a telegraphcurator on the Michigan Central rail-road, and was afterward train dispatcherat Jackson, Mich. In 1878 he was ap-pointed to a responsible position os dis-patcher on the Chicago, Burlington AQuincy railroad at Ottamwa, lowa, whichposition be held for three years, when beleft the ?Burlington? and took a positionat Brainerd, Minn., os chief dispatcher onthe east end of the Northern Pacific.

In the six or seven years be hu beenconnected with the Northern Pacific rood,Mr. Boot has been dispatcher, divisionsuperintendent, assistant superintendent,and assistant general superintendent, andhas been considered by the managementof the road one of their moot efficientmen, and withal a man with a kindheart, respected and beloved by all whoknew him.

X NORTH YAKIIiRapid Groitt ud Gnat Resources ot the

Jnel City et Geitnl Washington.

EvMeaccarWhat tfficYaUaaa Valley

Draws a art Sells?Da ay ASvaa-

tages la Tawa aafi Ceaatry.

There are sixty-two business houses inthe city of North Yakima, and all ofthem generally occupied. This will giveao-idea ot the local business. Of coursethese bouses are occupied by every know \u25a1

branch of commerce and trade?from twonational banks, whose daily depositsaverage from SBOOO to $16,000 per day,some days the deposits have reached$60,000, while the average deposit bal-ance will equal $150,000, also from the

dealer in general merchandise down tothe laundry. In the general sales for thepast year, including lumber, coal and theproducts of two flouring mills, both ofthe latest improved roller process, alsothe sales of merchandise, the city ofNorth Yakima, with ita 2000 to 2200 in-habitants, has sold in 1888 about two andone-half million dollars. Probably asgood an indication of the local businesscan he arrived at by the shipments ofproducts from the Northern Pacific rail-way station here as from any other source.It must be remembered that these ship-ments are those of the surplus, or unusedproducts here at home. The populationof the county ia variously estimated atfrom 4850 to 6000. The last census?aninacurate one, rather under than over? 'placed the population at 4000 about ayear ago. The influx in population aince 1then haa Keen really marvelous, vet no 'accurate meana are at hand to estimate 'the number of that increase. It would

be extremely conservative to place it at 125 per cent, and none of this increaseparticipated in the producing of crops in |in 1888. The result of 1889 will showmore than 25 per cent, increase in these 'shipments. For the information of the ireader we have secured the total businessby carload shipped from this station. |Possibly one-fourth as much more hasbeen shipped from here in quantities less 'than carload lots, and these should lieincluded. It should also be borne in \mind that not until the advent of therailway, some four years ago or there-abouts, did these farmers endeavor toraise anything more than they needed for 'home use, as no market existed. In ad- |dition, fully two-thirds of these farmers |have come here since the railroad came. |The total earnings of this station was$168,000 for 1888. The principal ship-ments were, 2200 bales of hops, 200 car- ;loads of hay, 208 carloads of live stock,cattle, 19 carloads of horses, shipped east, (« carloads of sheep, 62 carloads of vegeta-bles, 27 carloads of potatoes, 21 carloads (of melons, 2 carloads of wool and 7 cases 1of leaf tobacco, 4000 pounds, shipped toNew York. Not over one-sixth of theavailable acreage is under cultivation,and ten times as much as is now sup-plied with water is here awaiting the cre-

ation of irrigating ditches and canals.These figures should suggest the possibil-ity .>f this valley. Its market is theSound and coast cities, the markets ofthe world, also via the Sound and Pacificocean; and it has the towns and countryto the east clear to and including St. Paul iand Chicago. There is no just reason ;why this city and county, when they ishall have reached their, maximum inpopulation, ahould not have inthe cityfrom 15,000 to 25,000, and the county 40,-000 to 50,000. Neither is there any goodreason why they should not be eventually ,among the very wealthiest town andcounty in Waahington territory. For in-stance, the geographical center of Illinoisis Springfield. This Illinois city is whollysupported by agriculture, while the tribu-tary country has not over half the yieldingcapacity of this county of Yakima.Springfield is over forty years old, and <Yakima three tofour since its existence ;was really acknowledged or known. Tistrue that Springfield is the capital of Illi-nois. Who knows but that North Yak-ima may be the capital of Washington. 1To-day the location of the capital, by |common consent, is conceded to this cen-tral Washington, and one of two townsmost get it?each with apparently equalchances. Ifa neighboring locality shouldsecure the capital, why should act thiscity be at least the equal of Jacksonville, .Illinois,a neighboring town to Springfield 7Jacksonville is a city of 18,000, and avery wealthy city. ItIs a seat of learning

with fiveor six colleges and academies.Has not this city a parallel opportunity tothe cities named? Nowadays cities reach itheir maximum population in from fiveto ten years. IIthis city should have the 'same experience then in five to sevenyears hence North Yakima will have her

16,000 to 20,000 people and property here,now so very cheap, will then have ad-vanced 1000 per cent. All the materialelements that go to make a big and pros-perous city are here. This people are theequal of any city inthe universe in pointof morals, education, stability, energy,economy and application. They are dis-tinctively a progressive people who valueeducational opportunities. The hand-some two-story brick school boose nowhere, a fifteen thousand dollar buildingwhen entirely completed and extremelymodern, is evidence of their intentions

and desires in this direction. Anotherbuilding even better than this one. willsoon be erected, aa the need lor itnowaxlata. There are aixteen organlaed dla-tricta or loarnahipa in Yakima county to-

day. The area of the county covers about7000 square miles, or the equivalent of70x100 miles. There are twenty-six

school districts in the county in each ofwhich some kind of a school buildingexists. The class of teachers employedare among the best?the system of exam-ination enforcing thin?all of which ex-plain the character of this people. Theschool indebtedness of the county is nom-inal or trivial*the total county indebted-ness being only about SIOO,OOO. Thissum has been required for the constructionof bridges chiefly. Ho many valued anddesirable streams?the main lifeand sus-tenance of the county?require frequentbridging to enable farmers to get into thetown, and the people are not penuriousin their own interests. These countybounds were most readily sold at par?-

with 6 per cent interest running thirtyyears?with the privilege of redemptionat the end of twenty years. Yakimacounty presents one marvelous and mostattractive feature, vis: The total taxa-

tion of the county is only 13 4-5 mills,which includes the total tax, territorialadded. It is divided as follows:

\u25a0IIXO.Territorial panoses XbOrdinary county . 10

Road an'd 'Bridge'Road tax LfiMilitary U

Relief of indigent ex-Union soldiers isone-tenth of one mill, a total of IS 4-5mills. There ia not a pauper in thecounty. The above taxation is heraldedto the world as the very lowest knownfrom and including Minnesota to and in-cluding California. If there ia anothercounty in a new country that can showas low a taxation, the public would liketo know of it. It is not ever one-half theaverage taxation of Dakota ?it is about 5

mills less than the average of this terri-tory ; itis 7 mills less than the averageof Montana, and apparently, with thesplendid natural road beds, and increasedvaluation, it need not be materially in-creased in the future. The total amassedvaluation of property is even two milliondollar*?and like all Washington territory

?this valuation is most shamefully low.The real value is over four times as touchand on this basis the real taxation shouldhe divided by four. With this most de-

sirable record of a county yet in ita in-fancy, why should not Yakima countyand the city l*e most desirable to live in.The indolitedness of the city is only $lO,-000, the taxation 7 mills. When taxesnext are paid, thia entire indebtednesscould be paid off, or S7OOO of it, so easilyas not to endanger the future needs of thecity. This amount, in the good financialof the city, Is almost too trivial to men-

tion. We should not close this articlewithout returning the thanks of the Ore-gonian to Mr. H. G. Humphrey, the pop-ular and efficient agent of the N. P. rail-way in this city, who kindly preparedthe above table of shipments from his

records. He is also authority (or thestatement that the local express business

has more than doubled in amount in thelast year. The telegraph ahowa the sameresult, while the population itself aboutdoubled in 1888.? Oregonian. .

ftmttr Turn. \u25a0

Senator Zeb Vance is a North Caroli-nian, now inhis fifty-ninth year, and in

his seventeenth year in the senate. Be-fore be was elected to the* office he now

holds he hsd served twoyean inthe bouse

and had held a number of offices in hianative state, and had rendered valiantservice to the cause of secession, rising to

the rank of major general. He was inLee?s army at the surrender at Appomat-

tox. Vance is rather large in build andheavy inform, with silvery white hair anda stubby moustache of the same color.Hia voice is rather rasplah and nasal, andhe might be regarded as a down-ease Yan-kee from the tone of hia speech, hot be isa southerner, withall the southern traitsstrongly marked in his character. Hiahumor, of which be has a very abundantfund, is of the southern type. Vance evi-dently comes from a family that was veryreligious and devout. Hia language atmany times is strikingly like that of thebible. Phrase after phrase of his speechesare well known texts of the holywrit,andthere la a strong religions coloring in allg>f his remarks. The principal character-istic of bis mind, however, is his humor.He is the funny man of the senate. Hehas an inexhaustible storehouse of anec-

dotes which be relates cleverly end always

with aptness. He has lightened op thedoll and dry details of the tariff with hu-mor and wit, which has many times pro-voked a hearty laugh in the senate; butbis assault on the system of protection ishardly regarded as serious. It is goodhumored and sophistical. Vance la asoutherner in hia politics. There is no

taint of mogwumpery about him. Daring

Cleveland?s administration hia chief occu-pattern in the senate waa to rtdkule andmake sport of the civil service system,

which Cleveland had promised to support.Vance selected his choicest stories to Illus-trate what be considered the absurditiesand incongruities of civil service reform.

?The world wide reputation of Ayer?sSarsaparilla is the natural result of Its

surpassing value as a blood medicine.Nothing, in the whole pharmacopeia,effects more astonishing results, in scrof-ula, rheumatism, general debility, and allforms of blood disease, than this remedy.

?'? lhave used Ayer?s Pills lor the post30 yean, and am satisfied I should not bealive to-day if it had not been for them.They cured me of dyspepsia when allother remedies failed.?? 11. P. Bonner,Chester. Pa. Ayer's Fills are sold by alldruggists.

Number 4.

SPIRITUALISM.Hot to Pom Spirit Circles it Bom.

Lessees to Btglian.

Table Taasbllag?Whe are KataralNt4leau,aa4 Hew lettala tbs

Mfiterleu Fewer.

For the benefit of tboee who with to trytheir powers st home, we gather the fol-lowing directions lor forming spirit dr-cles:

Inquiries into the phenomena of spirit-ualism should begin by forming circles intheir own homes, with no spiritualist orprofessional mediums present. Shouldno results be obtained on the first occa-sion, try again with other sitters. Oneor more persons possessing medial powerswithout knowing it are to be found inevery household. Let the room be of acomfortable temperature, but cool ratherthan warm?let arrangement! be madethat nobody shall enter It, and that there\u25a0hall be no interruption (or one hour dur-ing the sitting of the circle. Let the cir-cle consist of lour, five or six individuals,about the aarne number of each sex. Bitround an uncovered wooden table, withall the palms of the bands in contact withits top surface. Whether the hands toucheach other or not is usually of no import-ance. Any table will do, Just large enoughto conveniently accommodate the sitters.The removal of a hand from the table fora few seconds does no harm, but whenone of the sitters breaks the circle byleaving the table it sometimes, hot notalways, considerably delays the manifes-tations. Before the sitting begins, placesome pointed lead pencils and some sheetsof dean writing paper on the table, towrite down any communications thatmay be obtained. People who do not likeeach other should not sit in the same cir-cle, for such a want of harmony tends toprevent manifestations, except with welldeveloped physical mediums; itIs not yetknown why. Belief or unbelief has noinfluence on the manifestations, but anacrid feeling against them is frequentlyfound to be s weakening influence. Be-fore the manifestations begin it is well toengage ingeneral conversation or in sing-ing, and it is best that neither should beof a frivolous nature. The first symptomof the Invisible power at work Is often afeeling like a cool wind sweeping over thehands. The first manifestations willprobably be table tiltings or wraps. Whenmotions of the table or sounds are pro-duced freely, to avoid dfofusion, let oneperson only speak: he should talk to thetable as an intelligent being. Let himtell the table that three tilts or raps mean?yes,? one means ?no,? and two mean?doubtful,? and ask whether the arrange-ments are understood. Ifthree signals begiven in answer, then say, *TIIapeak theletters of the alphabet slowly, will yousignal every time I come to the letter yonwant, and spell us out a message?**Should three signals be given, set to workon the plan proposed, and from this timean intelligent system of communication laestablished. Afterwards the questionshould be put, "Are we sitting in the rightorder to get the best manifestations T"Probably some members of the circle willthen be told to change seats with eachother, and the signals will be afterwardsstrengthened. Next ask. "Who is themedium?" When the intelligence assertsitself to be relapM or known to anytyxiypresent, welLAosen questions should beput to test the accuracy of the statements,aa the alleged spirits are found to exhibitall the virtues and all the failings of hu-manity.

A medium is usually a person of an im-pulsive, affectionate, and genial nature,and very sensitive to mesmeric influences.Mediums are of both sexes. The bestmanifestations are obtained when the me-dium and all the members of the circleare strongly bound together by the affect*ions, and are thoroughly comfortable andhappy. Family circles with no strangerspresent are usually the best. Possibly atthe first sitting of a circle symptoms ofother forme of mediumehip, then tilts orrape may make their appearance, whOeby sitting regularly two or three times a

week the manifestations will vapidly de*velop. Among the varied phases of thephenomena already obeeeved by Investi-gators may be noted the following: Move-ment of physical objects, both with and

withoutbontact with the sitters; directwriting,drawing, and voices; enhance-ment; trance, and inspirational utterance;temporary matarilisatlons; Involuntarywriting,healing, visions, impressions, as

well as many phenomena observed In thestudy of mesmerism and clairvoyance.

Marts Wins.

We desire to say to oar citisens, thatfor yean we have been selling Dr. King'sNew Discovery far Consumption, Dr.King's New life Pills, Bocklen?s ArnicaSalve and Electric Bitten, and have never

handled remedies that sell as well, or*that have given such universal satisfac-tion. We do not hesitate to guaranteethem every time, and we stand ready torefund the purchase price, if satisfactoryresults do not follow their use.. Theseremedies have won their great popularitypurely on their merits. Sold by C. D.Bushnell, druggist.

and pimples an promptly relieved endcured by applying Dotard* Specific. Itis s never failing remedy I*ask rheum,tetter and all skin dismsm, Sold by AllanA Chapman.

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