the yakimaherald j. l. coates a christmas gift?€¦ · torreador'a song (carmen) bizet b....

THE YAKIMA HERALD —_•— V*_a Itaai MM-t C*. \u25a0 i m NORTH YAKIMA. VAJK WEDNESDAY. NOV. 22, 1906. 6RAND OMAN RECITAL AT NEW METHODIST CHURCH Prof. Franz Mueller and Dr. K. A. Heritage of Spokane will En- tertain Music liOvers. The first attraction to be held In the new Methodist church will be the grand organ recital on next Friday evening, November 24th, by two of the most prominent musical artists Prof. Franz Mueller. In the Pacific northwest. Prof. Franz Mueller as an organist ranks among the very beat tn the profession. He is a composer of note, and Is director of the Spokane Conservatory of Mu- sic. Dr. Heritage, who will assist WH.I, PLAY FOOTBALL. Not a Church Member. Dr. R. A. Heritage. Prof. Mueller Is an equally famous musician, widely known as a bari- tone singer. He la president of the Spokane Muaical College. Tbe pro- gram wil be a very pleasing one, and on thla occasion tbe new pipe organ, of the church will receive its chris- tening. The program: PART I. Processional March Whitney Prof. Mueller Songs: a. Torreador'a Song (Carmen) Bizet b. Wretched Man (Brnanl).. Rosalni Dr. Heritage Organ:— a. Andante Smart L b. allegro Tours \ Prof. Mueller Songs:— lerafel King The Prodigal Spence The Wolf Shields Dr. Heritage PART 11. Andante No. 1 Dunham Monastery Bella Wely Prof. Mueller The Erl King Schubert Two Orenadlers Schumann Spring Song Mendelssohn Pisslcatl Delibea Rolling In Foaming Billows (Cre- ation) Haydn Thus Salth the Lord (Messiah).. Handel St. Michael's Church. St. Michael's Episcopal church, cor- ner of Taklma and Natchez avenues; Rev. Mauricea J. Bywater, rector. Sunday services: 7:30 a. m„ Holy Communion; 9:45, Sunday school; 11 a. m , morning prayer, litany and sermon; 7:30 p. m., choral vespers and address. Program for Sunday before Advent, Nov. 26th: Proces- sional Hymn N. 4 48, "Come, Let Us m Sing the Song of Songs," J. B. Pow- mWoU; Litany Hymn, 89, "Saviour, when * J&^-ust to Thee;" Te Deum, Simper In i; offertory, "No Shadows Yonder" from A. R. Gaul's "Holy City;" Ser- mon hymn, 504, Schumann; Reces- sional hymn, No. 414, "Guide Me, Oh, Thou Great Jehovah," (Barthelman). Evening at 7: SO, processional, BO7, "The Bon of God Goes Forth," (by 8. B. Whitney, In b flat; Dr. Oewers's choral responses, magnificat and nunc dlmmlttls, (Garrett, in D); Sermon hymn. 618. "Revive Thy Work. Oh, •Lord." Address, "How Can We Sing the Lord's Songs?" Recessional hymn, No. 32, "Saviour Again." Kllensburg Normal and the Yakima High School Battle Friday. The EllensbUrg Normal and the Yakima High School foot ball teams will meet on the gridiron In thla city next Friday afternoon, at the ball park, west of town. The Ellensburg team will come down prepared to put up the fight of their lives, and If the Yakima boys expect to win over their opponents, they must play ball from the whistle's first shrill shriek until it sounds the signal for quits. The Ellensburg team Is composed of the best material to be found In the high school of that place, as well as In the Normal. They are a hard bunch of younsters. and are credited with hav- ing one of the best teams In the east- ern part of the state. On the other hand, the Yakima boys have been playing great ball since 'heir last en- counter with the farmers from Sun- nyside, and they do not propose to have a team from Ellensburg come down here and beat them. The Indi- cations are that the game will be hotly contested from start to finish, as both teams are Inclined to be an- tagonlstslc. It will certadnly be worth anybody's money to go out and spend a quarter to see the boys play. On Thanksgiving day, the local team will go to Ellenburg to play the team of that city. A good crowd will accompany the boys from here to the scene of carnage. The good citizens of Yakima City take exceptions to the report that Wm. Cowles, who was arrested last week on the charge of embezzling school funds, is a member of any church organization. On the con- trary, it is said, he is a skeptic, and never has affiliated with any church organization since he has resided in that locality. The editor of a Kansas paper slates that he picked up a Winchester rifle one day recently and started up the street to deliver the weapon to Its owner. The delinquent subscrib- ers got it into their head that hewaa on the warpath, and every one he met insisted on paying what he owed blm. One man wipe"d out a debt of ten years, standing. On his return to his office he found a load of hay, fifteen bushels of corn, ten bushels of potatoes, a load of wood and a barrel of turnips that had been brought In. "So sorry not to have heard your lecture laat night," said the loqua- cious lady. I know I missed a treat; everybody says It was great." "How did they find It out?" asked Mr. Frockcoat. "The lecture, you know, was postponed." "He's so confoundedly small that when Judgment day comes, he'll be able to slip In throug the crack." "What crack?" "The crack o" doom, of course.— Ex. Whate'er befall man thinks his pluck And wisdom qualities immense; When he has lost, he thinks it's luck, And when he wins, he's sure it's sense. —Washington Star. Woman —If you'll wash your face I'll give you a meal. Tramp—But how'll you know It's me when I get It washed? Eve—Why do you carry that dis- graceful umbrella? Adam —I sympathize with It. Eve —Why? Adam —It's never been the same since It lost a rib. Franchise Applied For. "Has franker decided to try that raw food diet for his health T" "No; he says he Is going to com- promise and eat half raw food." "You don't say?" "Yes; he Is going to marry a col- lege girl and let her do his cooking." J. L. COATES VIOLIN MAKER AND REPAIRER Especial attention given to aestoriag old Violins, Repairing Bows, Mando- line, Culler*. Cello or On.. Nur violins are weak on tome strings. 1can lengthen them end equalise the tone. Satis- faction guaranteed. ITaEwen Bldg., opp. Pacific Hotel. CITY COUNCIL APPOINTS JUO6ES OF ELECTION Places Where Voters Will Cast Their Ballots—Election Officials In Each Precinct. There will be six voting places In the city on election day—December sth. The council at Monday night's session designated each voting place, and named the inspectors and Judges, of election. The following Informa- tion covers these points, the voting place and election officials being giv- en: First ward, at I. O. O. F. hall; F. M. Spain inspector, W. A. Erwln and George Welkel judges. Second ward, at the city hall; C. B. McConnell inspector, E. E. Cleaver and H. D. Winchester judges. Third ward, at 109 West Yakima avenue; G. E. Wise inspector, B. B. Conndo and A. E. Kneer judges. Fourth ward, No. 8 West Yakima avenue; A. Swartz inspector, Dr. Hall and M. French judges. Fifth ward. In the Miller block, corner First and Chestnut street; J. E. Ueach Inspector, D. !_. Thacker and F. Curry Judges. Sixth Ward, No. 5 South Third street; l_. Brooker Inspector, H. P. .Tames and B. F. Barge judges. CITY COUNCIL MEETS IN REGULAR SESSION City Fathers In Regular Session Mon- day Evening—New Telephone All councilmen were present at the Monday night meeting except W. M. Thompson. The minutes were read and approved, and a few bills allowed and warrants ordered drawn in pay- ment of the same. There were no remonstrances. The bid of N. W. Halsey & Co., bankers of Chicago and New York, for $48,000 of North Yakima bonds at 97.53 per cent was declined. Resolutions of intention for a wooden sidewalk on South Seventh street, and also for a cement sidewalk on the south side of the first block on East Yakima avenue were adopted. These will be found in full In another column. An ordinance was passed calling! for the vacation of certain streets and , alleys In blocks 143-163, In order to permit the Cascade Lumber Co. to' extend Its yard. The ordinance pro- j vides that in case the company shall , at any time cease to use the streets j and alleys thus vacated for the pur-' poses set. forth, the same will revert j to the city. The city is also given the privilege, by the terms of the ordtn- ance, to extend sewer lines or other! public Improvements through this property. A resolution was adopted award-, Ir.g the entire contract for the build- ing of the city sewer system to Pat! Mullln. It was the original inten-' lion of the council to have the city engineer purchase the piping for tbe main trunk line, but after further consideration the committee on pub- lic improvements decided that the best Interests of the city would be served by giving the entire contract to Mr. Mullln. The contract as It now reads, calls for over $49,000. W. P. Freleigh and A. H. Green- burg of Seattle, made application to the council for a fifty-year franchise to put In a telephone and telegraph system. They agree to furnish the city with five telephones a year free of cost to the city. The franchise was turned over to the city attorney for examination. The attorney waa Instructed to pre- pare an ordinance fixing tbe salary of the city health officer, beginning January 1, 1906. at $1 per year, pay- For Thanksgiving Dinner J We have Cranberries, Pumpkin, j Squash, Mince Meat, Plum Pud- \ ding, Celery, Sweet Potatoes, | Raisins, Currants, Jams, S Heinze Pickles (plain, g mixed, aweet, sour, dill S and chow-chow), Nuts g Oysters, Figs, and S many other good g things. g If yon want COFFEE THAT I CANNOT BE BEATEN, here is ! the place to get it. I Phone 2251. 106 S. Second St. able at the end of each year. This step has been taken with the Inten- tion of Introducing later the office of city Inspector, who will not neces- sarily be a physician, and who, It Is expected, will give moat of his time to the sanitation of the city. In the matter of obtaining a right of way through the property of C. H. Stein, the committee appointed to ad- lust the claim reported that they had agreed upon $400 for the privilege of running the sewer through the property. The report of the commit- tee was adopted. A committee was appointed to se- lect twenty-live places In the city for the purpose of placing as many in- candescent electric lights, of fifty can- dle power each. They will make a report at the next regular meeting of the council. ADVERTISED LETTERS. Itemalnlng Uncalled for In the Post- office at North Yakima, Wash. Parties calling for these letters will please state that they were adertlsed on November IS. On cent Is due on I each: Armstrong, Mr. W. B. [ Anderson, Richard Buck, Dalbsrt A. Brown, Mrs. Anna R. Breery Vaudeville Co. Bock, Mr. Warren Bpiker, Mm. Geo. W. Craln, Jack. Carney, Mrs. F. Cook, Mr. John Chase, Mr. Vernon Bradford, Mrs. llolley Daily. Mr. Frank IMx. Mr. J, II laement, Mr. Win. Frnncls. Mrs. C. M. Farls, Mr. Thomp. Kilger, Mr W. W. Oulthner. Mr. Chas, J. Oeorae, Mrs. Amelia Huard, Mr. Louis BlChsna, Miss Bernloe Harrlng. Mr. Frank Hawthorn. Robert Hnln, Miss Nellie Hnmblln. B. J. Headershotr, Mrs. Jackson. Miss Reha Knnpp. Mr. Tom Mitchell, Mr. J. F. Muiigia. H M. Chas. McKay. Mr. S. E. Marlow. Niiss Esther Miller. Mrs Harvey Odell. Mr. O. J. Peed. Miss Mary Palmer. Mr. I.ynde Prlre. Miss Alhertlne Qunrenhiirg, Mr. Elmer Richmond. Mrs. Pearl Selhert, Mrs. Maaale Grldllng Saunders, Jpunes K. Khuler. Miss Bessie Simmons. Miss Mnhel Tnundell. Mrs. Vaughn. Oren Vessev. W. H. Whlttock, Mr. John H. Walker, Miss A. Wright. T,. A. Wright, I_. Arthur Wlelman, Mr. Gus "How did the milkman get hurt?" inquired the washing machine agent, In an eager tone. "Why, while he was driving his wagon near the edge of town, he fell off," calmly replied the landlaord of the Whlllersville tavern.—-Judy. "Senator, how did you get your start In life?" asked the reporter. "I was born on a hillside farm In I Vermont." replied the eminent states- man, "and at an early age I rolled down." —Chicago Tribune. ! Crawford- -What, makes the Sena- tor so dishonest? Crabshaw—Says he Is merely get- jtlng back the money It cost him to p be elected.—Tom Watson's Magazine. "Maggie, our gas bill has gone up I outrageously this month. Now you i must be dreadfully extravagant, and j I want to Investigate matters." i Maggie—Sure an' I'm that careful i and economical, mum, that I never j turns off them burners all the way, i fer the sake o' savin' the matches. "Well, my son has agreed not to I try for the football team at college." "I suppose you feel very greatly relieved." Only partially. He joins a fraten- nlty organization next week."—Lou- isville Courier-Journal. ORDINANCE NO. 453. AN ORDINANCE vaenting certain por- tions of certain streets and alleys | running by and through, and being In blocks 142 and 1(3 in the City of North Yakima, Yakima county, Wash- ington, upon the petition of the Cas- cade Lumber Company, a corporation. WHEREAS. The Cascade Lumber Company, a corporation, heretofore duly filed Its petition with the Clerk of the City Council of the city of North Tak- lma. Yakima county. Washington, ask- ing to vacate certain streets and alleys In, over and along blocks 143 and 142 of the city of North Taklma, Taklma county, Washington, snd Whereas, Said City Clerk has hereto- fore given due and legal notice of the hearing of said petition, and said peti- tion has been duly presented and heard by the City Council of North Taklma, Yakima county, Washington, and Whereas. Said City Council of North Taklma, Yakima county, Washington, has determined to grant said petition of said Cascade Lumber Company, a corporation, and has determined to va- cate certain streets and alleys and parts of streets and alleys described In said petition, NOW THEREFORE. Ths City Coun- cil of North Taklma do ordain as fol- lows.' Section 1. That those certain streets and alleys and parts of streets and al- leys In the city of North Taklma, Tak- lma county, Washington, and more fully described as follows, towlt: All that part of the alley running through the center of block 143. and being north and northwest of the cen- ter line of lots S and 11 of said block 143, which said center line runs through the center of said lots in a general northeasterly and southwesterly direc- tion. Also all that part of Eighth street lying and being north and northwest- erly of the north and northwesterly line of lot 3 In block 143, nnd lot 14 In block 163: also all that part of the alley in the rear of the lots In fractional block 143, lying and being north and northwest of the north and northwest line of lot ]«. block U3. All of said lots, blocks, streets and alleys being In the city of North Taklma. Taklma county. Washington, as Is shown by the plats and maps of said city now on file . and being In the office of the county auditor of Yakima county, Washington, be and they are hereby vacated. Provided, however, that said city re- serve the right to use the same for the purposes of laying sewer, water or gas] pipes therein, or placing telegraph, tel- ', ephone or electric light poles therein;! and if at any time the said Cascade] Lumber Company fall to use the said i land for the purposes of a lumber yard or manufacturing plant, then said land A CHRISTMAS GIFT? WHAT WOULD BE MORE ACCEPTABLE TO YOUR WIFE. DAUGHTER OR SISTER THAN A PIANOS In our representation of FACTORIES, we can mention such HIGH GRAPE INSTRUMENTS as the KNAHE, KVKRETT. BTECK, HARDMAN, PACKARD, FISCHER, LUO- WEG, VOSE A SONS and HI other makes. We are offering EX- CEPTIONAL BARGAINS, of which you will do well to take advan- tage. Why not SEI.FCT YOUR INSTRUMENT NOW, make a SMALL PAYMENT down and let us store it for yon ? We invite you to examine our line. 11 _ ilili I 101 S. Second St. Opp. Postoffice Rbove described shall revert to said city. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take ef- fect and be in fores from and after five days after Its pasta gt. approval and publication. Passed by the City Council November 10th, innr>. Approved November 21st, 1905. Attest: Mayor. O A. FECHTER, J. C. BROOKER. City Clerk. IIIPSOI I TION OK IVI'I*.VUO> TO CONSTRICT wooden sidewalk on the went side of South Seventh Street, between south line of lot 3, block 132, and north line of Race Street. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Coun- cil of tne City of North Yakima. Wash Ington, that the said city of North Yak- ima Intends, and hereby declares its In- tention to improve South Seventh Street iii anid city between the south line of lot three (3), in block one hun- dred thirty-two (132), and the north line of Race street, by the construction of n wooden sidewalk on the west sldo of South Seventh street within said lim- its and In front of blocks numbered one hundred thirty-three (133), one hun- dred thirty-four (134). one hundred thirty-five (13..). one hundred thirty- six (136) and one hunderd thlrtv-seven (137). and lots four (4), five (6), six («). seven (7) and eight (S), In block one hundred thirty-two (132). In said city, according to the official plat thereof, which said plat is now on file and of record In the office of the nnd- itor of Yuklmn. county, Said sidewalk shall he eight (S) feet in width, nnd shall be constructed anil laid In oil par- ticulars In accordance with "Standard Specifications No. 1 for Wooden Side- walks In the city of North Yakima, Washington.'' and "Standard Plan for Wooden Sidewalks," each heretofore and on May 2, 11)01. duly approved by resolution of this council as a stand- ard Specification to cover all wooden sidewalks thereafter laid by order of said council, and In accordance with the plans and detnl drawings therefor heretofore filed wiih the city atari, by the city engineer, and shall be laid to the grade heretofore established by said city engineer, us the same appears from the notes of his survey shown on said plans and detail drawings. That the estimated cost of said Improvement Is $onn.on. and that the costs and ex- penses of constructing the same. In- cluding the expenses for engineer's ser- vices, nnd for the publication of this resolution of Intention, nnd all other publications required by law. and nil other expenses Ini'idental and necessary to the doing of the said work and legal- ising the special assessments therefor to be assessed to and levied upon the property Included within the following boundaries, towlt: Beginning at the point of Intersection of the westerly line of South Seventh street wit,, the southerly line of lot three (3), In block one hundred thirty-two (132): running thence westerly nlong snld southerly line of lot three (3) one hundred twen- ty (120) feet; thence southerly nnd parallel with snld line of South Sev- enth street to the northerly line of Race street; thence easterly along the north- erly line of Rare street one hundred twenty (120) feet to the westerly Una of South Eleventh street: thence north- erly along said line of South Seventh street to the place of beginning and comprising the following described par- cels of land, towlt: The easterly one hundred twenty (120) feet of lots four (4). five (5). six («). seven (7) and eight (8). In block one hundred thirty- two <1a J>. lota one (1), two (2). three (S), four (4), five (Hi, six (•). seven (7) and eight (8), In block one hundred thirty-three (ISS): lots one (1), two (2). three (2). four (4). five (&). sis («). seven (7) and eight (I), In block one hundred thirty-four (124); lots one (1), two (2). three (2), four (4), five (I), six ((), seven (7) and eight (»> In block one hundred thirty-five (115); lots one (1), two (2). three (2), four (4), five it,), six («), seven (7) end eight (8) In block one hundred thirty- six (134); lota one (1), two (2), three (3), four (4). five (5). six ((), seven (7) and eight It), In block one budred thlr- tv-seven (127). all of said lots and blocks being In the city of North Takl- man, Washington, according to the of- ficial plat of said city, which Is now on file and of record In the office of the auditor of Taklma county, Washington. That the city clerk give due and legal notice of said proposed Improve- ment by causing thla resolution of In- tention to be published In two consecu- tive Issues of the official newspaper of this city prior to the 4th day of De- cember. 1»05, the same being the date of the next regular meeting of this council, and all protests against said proposed Improvement may be filed In the office of the city clerk of the olty of North Yakima at any time prior to the 4th day of December. 1»05, at 7:30 p. m.. the date of snld next regular meeting of the city council. Passed by the city council November 20th. 1»or,. Approved November 21st. 12015. O. A. FECHTER, Attest: Mayor. J. C. HROOKER. City Clerk. 47-2t HKSOI.t'TION OF INTENTION to CONSTRUCT Oement Sidewalk on the South Side or Yakima Avenue, between First and Front Streets. i BE IT RESOLVED By the city coun- iili of the city of North Yakima, Wash- i Ington. that the said city of North Yak- -1 Ima intenda and hereby declares Its In- tention to Improve the south side of Yakima avenVie in said city between tbe east line of lot Number one (1) and the west line of lot Number eleven (11), In blink Number eleven (11), by the const ruction of a cement side- walk, on the south side of snld Yakima avenue between said limits and In front of lois Numbered two (2), three (2), four i,i. live (5), six («). seven (7), eight to), nine (9) nnd ten (10), In said block Number eleven (11), according to the official pint thereof now on file and of record in the office of the audi- tor of Yakima county, Washington. Said sidewalk shall he fourteen (14) feet In width, nnd shall be constructed and laid In all particulars In accord- ance with "Standard Specifications No. 2 for Cement Sidewalks In the City of North Yakima. Washington.' hereto- fore and on May 2, 1204, duly approved by resolution of this council as a stand- and specifications for nil cement side-, walks thereafter to be laid by order of said council, and also In accordance with the pluns and detail drawings therefor heretofore filed with the city clerk by the city engineer, nnd shall be laid to the grade Heretofore established by said city engineer, as the same ap- pears from the notes of his survey shown by spild pluns and detail draw- ings. That the estimated cost of said im- provement is 1671.00, and that the cost and expense of constructing the same. Including the expenses for engineer's services nnd for the publication of this resolution of intention and all other publications required by Inw, and all other expenses Incidental and necessary to tin' doing of said work nnd legalis- ing the special assessments therefor. Is to be SSSeSSd to and tevled upon ths property Included within the following assessment district and within the fol- lowing boundaries, towlt p Reglnnlng ill the point of intersection of tne east- erly line of lot Number one (I) In block eleven (11), with the southerly line of Ynklnia avenue: running thence south- erly along snld easterly line of lot Num- ber one (1). one hundred twenty '120) feel: thence easterly and parallel with Ypikin.u avenue to tne westerly line of lot Number eleven (111 In snld block: thence northerly along the westerly line of said lot Number eleven (11), one hundred twenty 1120) feet to the south- erly line of Yakima Avenue; thence westerly along the southerly line of Yakima Avenue to the point of begin- ning, and comprising the following de- scribed parcels of land, towltp Ths northerly one hundred twenty il20) of the following lots In snld block Number eleven (111. towlt- Lots two ill, three (I), four (4), five IB), six id), seven (7). eight (8), nine (»> and ten (10), nccordlng to the nrltrlrinl plat of said dly on tile In said auditor's of- llce as nforesald. That the cltv dcrk give due and legal notice of said proposed Improvement by causiriK this resolution of Intention to he published In two consecutive Issues of the official newspaper of this city nrlor to the 4th day of December, 1202, the same being tbe date of the nest regular meeting of this council, and that protests against said proposed Im- provement may be died In the o.ilce of the city clerk of the city of North Tak- lma at nny time prior to December 4th. ison. Nt 7:30 o'clock p. m.. the date of snld next regular meeting of the city council. Passed by the city council November 20th, i»or, Approved November 21st, 1208. O. A. FECHTER. Attestp Mayor. J. C. RROOKER. City Clerk. , 47-2t ELECTION NOTICE. notice IS HEREBT OIVEN That en the r.tli day of December. 120S. a general municipal election will be held In and for the city of North Yakima. State of Washington, for ths following officers, towlt- Mayor, Councilman at Large, councilman for Second ward. Councilman for Fourth Ward. Council- man for Sixth Ward, City Treasurer. Health Officer, City Clerk and City At- torney, which election will he opened at nine o'clock In ths morning and con- tinue until seven o'clock In the after- noon of said day. Ths polling places for the several ward precincts will be as follows: First Ward Precinct, Odd Fellows Hall. Second Ward Precinct, City Hall. Third Ward Precinct, No. 10» West Yakima avenue. Fourth Ward Precinct, No. S West Yakima avenue. Fifth Ward Precinct, Miller Building, Corner First and Chestnut streets. Sixth Ward Precinct, No. 5 South Third street. Dated November 21st, 1205. _ J. C. BROOKER. 47-2t City Clerk. ORDINANCE! NO. 404. AN ORDINANCE Fixing the Salary of City Health Officer of the City of North Yakima. The City Council of the City of North l.iklp-ia do ordain as follows: Section 1 That from and after the first day of January. 1202. the salary of the health officer of said city shall be the sum of One Dollar per annum, payable at the end of each year. Sec 2 All ordinances nnd parts of ordlnpinees In conflict with this ordi- nance are hereby repealed. Sec 3 This ordinance shall take ef- fect and he In force from and after Aye days after Its publication. l*p,ssed by tho city council November 201 h. idop; Approved November 21st, 1903 O. A. FECHTER, Attest: Mayor. J. C. BROOKER City Clerk. \

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Page 1: THE YAKIMAHERALD J. L. COATES A CHRISTMAS GIFT?€¦ · Torreador'a Song (Carmen) Bizet b. Wretched Man (Brnanl).. Rosalni Dr. Heritage Organ:— a. Andante Smart L b. allegro Tours


V*_aItaai MM-tC*.\u25a0 i m


WEDNESDAY. NOV. 22, 1906.


Prof. Franz Mueller and Dr. K. A.

Heritage of Spokane will En-tertain Music liOvers.

The first attraction to be held Inthe new Methodist church will be thegrand organ recital on next Fridayevening, November 24th, by two ofthe most prominent musical artists

Prof. Franz Mueller.

In the Pacific northwest. Prof. FranzMueller as an organist ranks amongthe very beat tn the profession. Heis a composer of note, and Is directorof the Spokane Conservatory of Mu-sic. Dr. Heritage, who will assist


Not a Church Member.

Dr. R. A. Heritage.

Prof. Mueller Is an equally famousmusician, widely known as a bari-tone singer. He la president of theSpokane Muaical College. Tbe pro-gram wil be a very pleasing one, andon thla occasion tbe new pipe organ,of the church will receive its chris-tening. The program:

PART I.Processional March Whitney

Prof. MuellerSongs: —a. Torreador'a Song (Carmen) Bizet

b. Wretched Man (Brnanl).. RosalniDr. Heritage

Organ:—a. Andante Smart

L b. allegro Tours\ Prof. Mueller

Songs:—lerafel KingThe Prodigal SpenceThe Wolf Shields

Dr. HeritagePART 11.

Andante No. 1 DunhamMonastery Bella Wely

Prof. MuellerThe Erl King SchubertTwo Orenadlers SchumannSpring Song MendelssohnPisslcatl DelibeaRolling In Foaming Billows (Cre-

ation) HaydnThus Salth the Lord (Messiah)..


St. Michael's Church.St. Michael's Episcopal church, cor-

ner of Taklma and Natchez avenues;Rev. Mauricea J. Bywater, rector.Sunday services: 7:30 a. m„ Holy

Communion; 9:45, Sunday school; 11a. m , morning prayer, litany andsermon; 7:30 p. m., choral vespersand address. Program for Sundaybefore Advent, Nov. 26th: Proces-sional Hymn N. 4 48, "Come, Let Us

m Sing the Song of Songs," J. B. Pow-mWoU; Litany Hymn, 89, "Saviour, when* J&^-ust to Thee;" Te Deum, Simper

In i; offertory, "No Shadows Yonder"from A. R. Gaul's "Holy City;" Ser-

mon hymn, 504, Schumann; Reces-sional hymn, No. 414, "Guide Me, Oh,Thou Great Jehovah," (Barthelman).Evening at 7: SO, processional, BO7,"The Bon of God Goes Forth," (by8. B. Whitney, In b flat; Dr. Oewers'schoral responses, magnificat and nuncdlmmlttls, (Garrett, in D); Sermonhymn. 618. "Revive Thy Work. Oh,•Lord." Address, "How Can We Singthe Lord's Songs?" Recessionalhymn, No. 32, "Saviour Again."

Kllensburg Normal and the YakimaHigh School Battle Friday.

The EllensbUrg Normal and theYakima High School foot ball teamswill meet on the gridiron In thla citynext Friday afternoon, at the ballpark, west of town. The Ellensburgteam will come down prepared to putup the fight of their lives, and If theYakima boys expect to win over theiropponents, they must play ball fromthe whistle's first shrill shriek untilit sounds the signal for quits. TheEllensburg team Is composed of thebest material to be found In the highschool of that place, as well as In theNormal. They are a hard bunch ofyounsters. and are credited with hav-ing one of the best teams In the east-ern part of the state. On the otherhand, the Yakima boys have beenplaying great ball since 'heir last en-counter with the farmers from Sun-nyside, and they do not propose tohave a team from Ellensburg comedown here and beat them. The Indi-cations are that the game will behotly contested from start to finish,as both teams are Inclined to be an-tagonlstslc. It will certadnly be worthanybody's money to go out and spenda quarter to see the boys play.

On Thanksgiving day, the localteam will go to Ellenburg to play theteam of that city. A good crowd willaccompany the boys from here to thescene of carnage.

The good citizens of Yakima Citytake exceptions to the report thatWm. Cowles, who was arrested lastweek on the charge of embezzlingschool funds, is a member of anychurch organization. On the con-trary, it is said, he is a skeptic, andnever has affiliated with any churchorganization since he has resided inthat locality.

The editor of a Kansas paperslates that he picked up a Winchesterrifle one day recently and started upthe street to deliver the weapon toIts owner. The delinquent subscrib-ers got it into their head that hewaaon the warpath, and every one hemet insisted on paying what he owedblm. One man wipe"d out a debt often years, standing. On his returnto his office he found a load of hay,fifteen bushels of corn, ten bushels ofpotatoes, a load of wood and a barrelof turnips that had been brought In.

"So sorry not to have heard yourlecture laat night," said the loqua-cious lady. Iknow I missed a treat;everybody says It was great."

"How did they find It out?" askedMr. Frockcoat. "The lecture, youknow, was postponed."

"He's so confoundedly small thatwhen Judgment day comes, he'll beable to slip In throug the crack."

"What crack?""The crack o" doom, of course.—


Whate'er befall man thinks his pluckAnd wisdom qualities immense;

When he has lost, he thinks it's luck,And when he wins, he's sure it's

sense. —Washington Star.

Woman —If you'll wash your faceI'll give you a meal.

Tramp—But how'll you know It'sme when I get It washed?

Eve—Why do you carry that dis-graceful umbrella?

Adam —I sympathize with It.Eve—Why?Adam —It's never been the same

since It lost a rib.

Franchise Applied For.

"Has franker decided to try thatraw food diet for his health T"

"No; he says he Is going to com-promise and eat half raw food."

"You don't say?""Yes; he Is going to marry a col-

lege girl and let her do his cooking."


VIOLIN MAKER AND REPAIREREspecial attention given to

aestoriag old Violins, Repairing Bows, Mando-line, Culler*. Cello or On..

Nur violins are weak on tome strings. 1canlengthen them end equalise the tone. Satis-faction guaranteed.

ITaEwen Bldg., opp. Pacific Hotel.


Places Where Voters Will Cast Their

Ballots—Election Officials InEach Precinct.

There will be six voting places Inthe city on election day—Decembersth. The council at Monday night'ssession designated each voting place,and named the inspectors and Judges,of election. The following Informa-tion covers these points, the votingplace and election officials being giv-en:

First ward, at I. O. O. F. hall; F.M. Spain inspector, W. A. Erwln andGeorge Welkel judges.

Second ward, at the city hall; C. B.McConnell inspector, E. E. Cleaverand H. D. Winchester judges.

Third ward, at 109 West Yakimaavenue; G. E. Wise inspector, B. B.Conndo and A. E. Kneer judges.

Fourth ward, No. 8 West Yakimaavenue; A. Swartz inspector, Dr. Halland M. French judges.

Fifth ward. In the Miller block,corner First and Chestnut street; J.E. Ueach Inspector, D. !_. Thacker andF. Curry Judges.

Sixth Ward, No. 5 South Thirdstreet; l_. Brooker Inspector, H. P..Tames and B. F. Barge judges.


City Fathers In Regular Session Mon-

day Evening—New Telephone

All councilmen were present at theMonday night meeting except W. M.Thompson. The minutes were readand approved, and a few bills allowedand warrants ordered drawn in pay-ment of the same. There were noremonstrances.

The bid of N. W. Halsey & Co.,bankers of Chicago and New York,for $48,000 of North Yakima bondsat 97.53 per cent was declined.

Resolutions of intention for awooden sidewalk on South Seventhstreet, and also for a cement sidewalkon the south side of the first block onEast Yakima avenue were adopted.These will be found in full In anothercolumn.

An ordinance was passed calling!for the vacation of certain streets and ,alleys In blocks 143-163, In order topermit the Cascade Lumber Co. to'extend Its yard. The ordinance pro- jvides that in case the company shall ,at any time cease to use the streets jand alleys thus vacated for the pur-'poses set. forth, the same will revert jto the city. The city is also given theprivilege, by the terms of the ordtn-ance, to extend sewer lines or other!public Improvements through thisproperty.

A resolution was adopted award-,Ir.g the entire contract for the build-ing of the city sewer system to Pat!Mullln. It was the original inten-'lion of the council to have the cityengineer purchase the piping for tbemain trunk line, but after furtherconsideration the committee on pub-lic improvements decided that thebest Interests of the city would beserved by giving the entire contractto Mr. Mullln. The contract as Itnow reads, calls for over $49,000.

W. P. Freleigh and A. H. Green-burg of Seattle, made application tothe council for a fifty-year franchiseto put In a telephone and telegraphsystem. They agree to furnish thecity with five telephones a year freeof cost to the city. The franchisewas turned over to the city attorneyfor examination.

The attorney waa Instructed to pre-pare an ordinance fixing tbe salaryof the city health officer, beginningJanuary 1, 1906. at $1 per year, pay-

For ThanksgivingDinner J

We have Cranberries, Pumpkin, jSquash, Mince Meat, Plum Pud- \ding, Celery, Sweet Potatoes, |

Raisins, Currants, Jams, SHeinze Pickles (plain, gmixed, aweet, sour, dill Sand chow-chow), Nuts g

Oysters, Figs, and Smany other good g

things. g

If yon want COFFEE THAT ICANNOT BE BEATEN, here is !the place to get it.

IPhone 2251. 106 S. Second St.

able at the end of each year. Thisstep has been taken with the Inten-tion of Introducing later the office ofcity Inspector, who will not neces-sarily be a physician, and who, It Isexpected, will give moat of his timeto the sanitation of the city.

In the matter of obtaining a rightof way through the property of C. H.Stein, the committee appointed to ad-lust the claim reported that they hadagreed upon $400 for the privilegeof running the sewer through theproperty. The report of the commit-tee was adopted.

A committee was appointed to se-lect twenty-live places In the city forthe purpose of placing as many in-candescent electric lights, of fiftycan-dle power each. They will make areport at the next regular meeting ofthe council.


Itemalnlng Uncalled for In the Post-office at North Yakima, Wash.

Parties calling for these letters willplease state that they were adertlsedon November IS. On cent Is due on

Ieach:Armstrong, Mr. W. B.

[ Anderson, RichardBuck, Dalbsrt A.Brown, Mrs. Anna R.Breery Vaudeville Co.Bock, Mr. WarrenBpiker, Mm. Geo. W.Craln, Jack.Carney, Mrs. F.Cook, Mr. JohnChase, Mr. VernonBradford, Mrs. llolleyDaily. Mr. FrankIMx. Mr. J, IIlaement, Mr. Win.Frnncls. Mrs. C. M.Farls, Mr. Thomp.Kilger, Mr W. W.Oulthner. Mr. Chas, J.Oeorae, Mrs. AmeliaHuard, Mr. LouisBlChsna, Miss BernloeHarrlng. Mr. FrankHawthorn. RobertHnln, Miss NellieHnmblln. B. J.Headershotr, Mrs.Jackson. Miss RehaKnnpp. Mr. TomMitchell, Mr. J. F.Muiigia. H M. Chas.McKay. Mr. S. E.Marlow. Niiss EstherMiller. Mrs HarveyOdell. Mr. O. J.Peed. Miss MaryPalmer. Mr. I.yndePrlre. Miss AlhertlneQunrenhiirg, Mr. ElmerRichmond. Mrs. PearlSelhert, Mrs. Maaale GrldllngSaunders, Jpunes K.Khuler. Miss BessieSimmons. Miss MnhelTnundell. Mrs.Vaughn. OrenVessev. W. H.Whlttock, Mr. John H.Walker, Miss A.Wright. T,. A.Wright, I_. ArthurWlelman, Mr. Gus

"How did the milkman get hurt?"inquired the washing machine agent,In an eager tone.

"Why, while he was driving hiswagon near the edge of town, he felloff," calmly replied the landlaord ofthe Whlllersville tavern.—-Judy.

"Senator, how did you get yourstart In life?" asked the reporter.

"I was born on a hillside farm InI Vermont." replied the eminent states-man, "and at an early age I rolleddown."—Chicago Tribune. !

Crawford- -What, makes the Sena-tor so dishonest?

Crabshaw—Says he Is merely get-

jtlng back the money It cost him top be elected.—Tom Watson's Magazine.

"Maggie, our gas bill has gone upI outrageously this month. Now youi must be dreadfully extravagant, andjI want to Investigate matters."i Maggie—Sure an' I'm that carefuli and economical, mum, that I neverjturns off them burners all the way,i fer the sake o' savin' the matches.

"Well, my son has agreed not to

I try for the football team at college.""I suppose you feel very greatly

relieved."Only partially. He joins a fraten-

nlty organization next week."—Lou-isville Courier-Journal.


AN ORDINANCE vaenting certain por-tions of certain streets and alleys

| running by and through, and beingIn blocks 142 and 1(3 in the City ofNorth Yakima, Yakima county, Wash-ington, upon the petition of the Cas-cade Lumber Company, a corporation.WHEREAS. The Cascade Lumber

Company, a corporation, heretofore dulyfiled Its petition with the Clerk of theCity Council of the city of North Tak-lma. Yakima county. Washington, ask-ing to vacate certain streets and alleysIn, over and along blocks 143 and 142of the city of North Taklma, Taklmacounty, Washington, snd

Whereas, Said City Clerk has hereto-fore given due and legal notice of thehearing of said petition, and said peti-tion has been duly presented and heardby the City Council of North Taklma,Yakima county, Washington, and

Whereas. Said City Council of NorthTaklma, Yakima county, Washington,has determined to grant said petitionof said Cascade Lumber Company, acorporation, and has determined to va-cate certain streets and alleys andparts of streets and alleys described Insaid petition,

NOW THEREFORE. Ths City Coun-cil of North Taklma do ordain as fol-lows.'

Section 1. That those certain streetsand alleys and parts of streets and al-leys In the city of North Taklma, Tak-lma county, Washington, and more fullydescribed as follows, towlt:

All that part of the alley runningthrough the center of block 143. andbeing north and northwest of the cen-ter line of lots S and 11 of said block143, which said center line runs throughthe center of said lots in a generalnortheasterly and southwesterly direc-tion.

Also all that part of Eighth streetlying and being north and northwest-erly of the north and northwesterlyline of lot 3 In block 143, nnd lot 14 Inblock 163: also all that part of the alleyin the rear of the lots In fractionalblock 143, lying and being north andnorthwest of the north and northwestline of lot ]«. block U3. All of saidlots, blocks, streets and alleys being Inthe city of North Taklma. Taklmacounty. Washington, as Is shown by theplats and maps of said city now on file .and being In the office of the countyauditor of Yakima county, Washington,be and they are hereby vacated.

Provided, however, that said city re-serve the right to use the same for thepurposes of laying sewer, water or gas]pipes therein, or placing telegraph, tel- ',ephone or electric light poles therein;!and if at any time the said Cascade]Lumber Company fall to use the said iland for the purposes of a lumber yardor manufacturing plant, then said land


PIANOSIn our representation of FACTORIES, we canmention such HIGH GRAPE INSTRUMENTS as the KNAHE,KVKRETT. BTECK, HARDMAN, PACKARD, FISCHER, LUO-WEG, VOSE A SONS and HI other makes. We are offering EX-CEPTIONAL BARGAINS, of which you will do well to take advan-tage. Why not SEI.FCT YOUR INSTRUMENT NOW, make aSMALL PAYMENT down and let us store it for yon ? We inviteyou to examine our line.

11 _ ililiI101 S. Second St. Opp. Postoffice

Rbove described shall revert to saidcity.

Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take ef-fect and be in fores from and afterfive days after Its pasta gt. approvaland publication.

Passed by the City Council November10th, innr>.

Approved November 21st, 1905.Attest: Mayor.


City Clerk.


TO CONSTRICT wooden sidewalk onthe went side of South Seventh Street,between south line of lot 3, block132, and north line of Race Street.BE IT RESOLVED by the City Coun-

cil of tne City of North Yakima. WashIngton, that the said city of North Yak-ima Intends, and hereby declares its In-tention to improve South SeventhStreet iii anid city between the southline of lot three (3), in block one hun-dred thirty-two (132), and the northline of Race street, by the constructionof n wooden sidewalk on the west sldoof South Seventh street within said lim-its and In front of blocks numbered onehundred thirty-three (133), one hun-dred thirty-four (134). one hundredthirty-five (13..). one hundred thirty-six (136) and one hunderd thlrtv-seven(137). and lots four (4), five (6), six(«). seven (7) and eight (S), In blockone hundred thirty-two (132). In saidcity, according to the official platthereof, which said plat is now on fileand of record In the office of the nnd-itor of Yuklmn. county, Said sidewalkshall he eight (S) feet in width, nndshall be constructed anil laid In oil par-ticulars In accordance with "StandardSpecifications No. 1 for Wooden Side-walks In the city of North Yakima,Washington.'' and "Standard Plan forWooden Sidewalks," each heretoforeand on May 2, 11)01. duly approved byresolution of this council as a stand-ard Specification to cover all woodensidewalks thereafter laid by order ofsaid council, and In accordance withthe plans and detnl drawings thereforheretofore filed wiih the city atari, bythe city engineer, and shall be laid tothe grade heretofore established bysaid city engineer, us the same appearsfrom the notes of his survey shown onsaid plans and detail drawings. Thatthe estimated cost of said ImprovementIs $onn.on. and that the costs and ex-penses of constructing the same. In-cluding the expenses for engineer's ser-vices, nnd for the publication of thisresolution of Intention, nnd all otherpublications required by law. and nilother expenses Ini'idental and necessaryto the doing of the said work and legal-ising the special assessments thereforto be assessed to and levied upon theproperty Included within the followingboundaries, towlt: Beginning at thepoint of Intersection of the westerlyline of South Seventh street wit,, thesoutherly line of lot three (3), In blockone hundred thirty-two (132): runningthence westerly nlong snld southerlyline of lot three (3) one hundred twen-ty (120) feet; thence southerly nndparallel with snld line of South Sev-enth street to the northerly line of Racestreet; thence easterly along the north-erly line of Rare street one hundredtwenty (120) feet to the westerly Unaof South Eleventh street: thence north-erly along said line of South Seventhstreet to the place of beginning andcomprising the following described par-cels of land, towlt: The easterly onehundred twenty (120) feet of lots four(4). five (5). six («). seven (7) andeight (8). In block one hundred thirty-two <1a J>. lota one (1), two (2). three(S), four (4), five (Hi, six (•). seven(7) and eight (8), In block one hundredthirty-three (ISS): lots one (1), two(2). three (2). four (4). five (&). sis(«). seven (7) and eight (I), In blockone hundred thirty-four (124); lots one(1), two (2). three (2), four (4), five(I), six ((), seven (7) and eight (»> Inblock one hundred thirty-five (115);lots one (1), two (2). three (2), four(4), five it,), six («), seven (7) endeight (8) In block one hundred thirty-six (134); lota one (1), two (2), three(3), four (4). five (5). six ((), seven (7)and eight It), In block one budred thlr-tv-seven (127). all of said lots andblocks being In the city of North Takl-man, Washington, according to the of-ficial plat of said city, which Is now onfile and of record In the office of theauditor of Taklma county, Washington.

That the city clerk give due andlegal notice of said proposed Improve-ment by causing thla resolution of In-tention to be published In two consecu-tive Issues of the official newspaper ofthis city prior to the 4th day of De-cember. 1»05, the same being the dateof the next regular meeting of thiscouncil, and all protests against saidproposed Improvement may be filed Inthe office of the city clerk of the oltyof North Yakima at any time prior tothe 4th day of December. 1»05, at 7:30p. m.. the date of snld next regularmeeting of the city council.

Passed by the city council November20th. 1»or,.

Approved November 21st. 12015.O. A. FECHTER,

Attest: Mayor.J. C. HROOKER.

City Clerk. 47-2t


to CONSTRUCT Oement Sidewalk onthe South Side or Yakima Avenue,between First and Front Streets.

i BE IT RESOLVED By the city coun-iili of the city of North Yakima, Wash-i Ington. that the said city of North Yak--1 Ima intenda and hereby declares Its In-tention to Improve the south side ofYakima avenVie in said city between

tbe east line of lot Number one (1) andthe west line of lot Number eleven (11),In blink Number eleven (11), bythe const ruction of a cement side-walk, on the south side of snld Yakimaavenue between said limits and In frontof lois Numbered two (2), three (2),four i,i. live (5), six («). seven (7),eight to), nine (9) nnd ten (10), In saidblock Number eleven (11), accordingto the official pint thereof now on fileand of record in the office of the audi-tor of Yakima county, Washington.Said sidewalk shall he fourteen (14)feet In width, nnd shall be constructedand laid In all particulars In accord-ance with "Standard Specifications No.2 for Cement Sidewalks In the City ofNorth Yakima. Washington.' hereto-fore and on May 2, 1204, duly approvedby resolution of this council as a stand-and specifications for nil cement side-,walks thereafter to be laid by order ofsaid council, and also In accordancewith the pluns and detail drawingstherefor heretofore filed with the cityclerk by the city engineer, nnd shall belaid to the grade Heretofore establishedby said city engineer, as the same ap-pears from the notes of his surveyshown by spild pluns and detail draw-ings.

That the estimated cost of said im-provement is 1671.00, and that the costand expense of constructing the same.Including the expenses for engineer'sservices nnd for the publication of thisresolution of intention and all otherpublications required by Inw, and allother expenses Incidental and necessaryto tin' doing of said work nnd legalis-ing the special assessments therefor. Isto be SSSeSSd to and tevled upon thsproperty Included within the followingassessment district and within the fol-lowing boundaries, towlt p Reglnnlngill the point of intersection of tne east-erly line of lot Number one (I) In blockeleven (11), with the southerly line ofYnklnia avenue: running thence south-erly along snld easterly line of lot Num-ber one (1). one hundred twenty '120)feel: thence easterly and parallel withYpikin.u avenue to tne westerly line oflot Number eleven (111 In snld block:thence northerly along the westerlyline of said lot Number eleven (11), onehundred twenty 1120) feet to the south-erly line of Yakima Avenue; thencewesterly along the southerly line ofYakima Avenue to the point of begin-ning, and comprising the following de-scribed parcels of land, towltp Thsnortherly one hundred twenty il20) of the following lots In snld blockNumber eleven (111. towlt- Lots twoill, three (I), four (4), five IB), sixid), seven (7). eight (8), nine (»> andten (10), nccordlng to the nrltrlrinl platof said dly on tile In said auditor's of-llce as nforesald.

That the cltv dcrk give due and legalnotice of said proposed Improvement bycausiriK this resolution of Intention tohe published In two consecutive Issuesof the official newspaper of this citynrlor to the 4th day of December, 1202,the same being tbe date of the nestregular meeting of this council, andthat protests against said proposed Im-provement may be died In the o.ilce ofthe city clerk of the city of North Tak-lma at nny time prior to December 4th.ison. Nt 7:30 o'clock p. m.. the date ofsnld next regular meeting of the citycouncil.

Passed by the city council November20th, i»or,

Approved November 21st, 1208.O. A. FECHTER.

Attestp Mayor.J. C. RROOKER.

City Clerk. , 47-2t


notice IS HEREBT OIVEN That enthe r.tli day of December. 120S. a

general municipal election will be heldIn and for the city of North Yakima.State of Washington, for ths followingofficers, towlt- Mayor, Councilman atLarge, councilman for Second ward.Councilman for Fourth Ward. Council-man for Sixth Ward, City Treasurer.Health Officer, City Clerk and City At-torney, which election will he openedat nine o'clock In ths morning and con-tinue until seven o'clock In the after-noon of said day. Ths polling placesfor the several ward precincts will beas follows:

First Ward Precinct, Odd FellowsHall.

Second Ward Precinct, City Hall.Third Ward Precinct, No. 10» West

Yakima avenue.Fourth Ward Precinct, No. S West

Yakima avenue.Fifth Ward Precinct, Miller Building,

Corner First and Chestnut streets.Sixth Ward Precinct, No. 5 South

Third street.Dated November 21st, 1205.


47-2t City Clerk.


AN ORDINANCE Fixing the Salary ofCity Health Officer of the City ofNorth Yakima.The City Council of the City of North

l.iklp-ia do ordain as follows:Section 1 That from and after the

first day of January. 1202. the salaryof the health officer of said city shallbe the sum of One Dollar per annum,payable at the end of each year.

Sec 2 All ordinances nnd parts ofordlnpinees In conflict with this ordi-nance are hereby repealed.

Sec 3 This ordinance shall take ef-fect and he In force from and after Ayedays after Its publication.

l*p,ssed by tho city council November201 h. idop;

Approved November 21st, 1903O. A. FECHTER,

Attest: Mayor.J. C. BROOKER

City Clerk. \