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    Home  > Open Source Projects  > The Zerynth Framework: programming IoT with Python


    ZERYNTH, formerly known as VIPER, is a software suite used for the programming of 

    interactive items, that are ready for the cloud and the Internet of Things. ZERYNTH

    enables the development in Python, on the most widespread prototyping platforms,

    and by using paradigms and features that are typical of a high level programming.

    Nowadays, everyone is connected to the Internet. It’s not just persons, everything is connected or

    may be connected: that’s the IoT revolution. Televisions, lamps and “smart” thermostats are starting

    o appear peremptorily in our houses, and it is already possible today to have alarm clocks that are

    synchronized to the city traffic service, and washing machines that decide the best washing function

    in our place, depending on the atmospheric conditions.

    If there are only a few million items of this kind, today, in a few years they will be billions. All the

    major manufacturers of consumer goods are thinking at how to acquire useful information and at

    how to analyze the great amounts of data that these items will exchange in order to offer new

    services. The greatest part of these devices have a microcontroller inside, which enables its

    functioning, and also its connection to the Internet. However, in order to have this “Internet of

    Things” to be able to achieve its potential, some practical projects are needed, so to make even the

    simplest items of everyday life “smart”.

    For example, is it possible to connect the toaster to the Internet? And what about the dog bowl? And

    he baby cradle?

    From a technical point of view, all of this can surely be done.

    Surely, the prototyping platforms (such as Arduino, ST Nucleo, Core and Particle’s Photon) are not

    lacking. Moreover, in order to have each item of everyday life becoming smart, it is needed to

    supply it with both sensors and actuators, that are capable of making it interactive.

    Thanks to the ZERYNTH Shield, each item of everyday usage will be able to exchange information

     with the environment and, obviously, with the people. We will see the ZERYNTH Shield in detail, in

    he following paragraphs.


    The Zerynth Framework: programming IoT withPythonBy Boris Landoni   on March 3, 2016


  • 8/19/2019 The Zerynth Framework_ Programming IoT With Python _ Open Electronics



    Break down the barriers between Hardware andSoftwareA part of the difficulties hindering the development of the IoT lies in the “linguistic” barriers between

    man (who wants to prototype his ideas in a simple and flexible way) and hardware (that requires

    specific instructions). The real problem is that it would require “advanced” information technology

    competences, far too advanced for the market these electronic boards refer to. On the other hand, if

     we want interactive items, we have to try hard to create devices that are capable of executing many

    activities at the same time. This requires the learning of paradigms such as the real-time, the

    interrupts, the callbacks, that are not very simple to learn and manage. But if on one hand the

    prototyping boards are now available to everyone, on the other one many people encounter quite

    some difficulties when approaching such boards: first of all, they have to know how to program well

    in C, or in the other programming languages that each board requires. This would already exclude agood part of the people that could see a renewal and an evolution of their professionalisms in the

    IoT: artisans, web designers, and also artists and window dressers.

    From the opposite side, the current situation often turns out to be a not very flexible one, even for

    he most expert programmers, since it suffices that the need to change the board for their project

    arises, that they have to restart writing code from the beginning, and in the programming language

    required by the new board.


  • 8/19/2019 The Zerynth Framework_ Programming IoT With Python _ Open Electronics


    To do so that each user may program his interactive items, the approach to their programming

    needs to be changed.

    In the hope to simplify the way with which these “things” are programmed and connected to the

    Internet, ZERYNTH gathers a series of software components to better automatize the development

    process of interactive items.

    ZERYNTH, available for the download as open source: is a multiplatform (Linux, Windows and Mac)

     work suite that enables the programming of the greatest part of the 32-bit boards actually available

    on the market: from the professional boards used in the industrial field to the most well-known

    prototyping boards for hobbyists, such as Arduino DUE, UDOO, Particle and ST Nucleo.

    Moreover, ZERYNTH is programmed in Python, that is one of the easiest and most intuitive

    programming languages among the existing ones. Python is in fact used in both schools and

    universities, and in the professional world.

    Thanks to its slender and powerful syntax and to the multiplatform support, it is used for many kinds

    of applications: from the networking, to the web, to the graphics.

    ZERYNTH’s peculiarity lies in the fact that it manages to combine the ease of use with professional

    performances. That’s precisely what occurred with Photoshop, the most well-known photo editing

    software, now indiscriminately used by students, amateur and professional photographers alike.

    ZERYNTH guarantees a rapid development and an effective integration with sensors, actuators and

    cloud services, thus reducing times and energies used for the development.

    The code used in the prototyping phase, in fact, may be used again for both the electronics selectedfor the production in series, and for the future project updates, or even on another board among

    hose that are supported.

    ZERYNTH’s idea is born out of the need to optimize such processes, by means of a web interface

    used to manage and program the boards, of a virtual machine operating in “real time” and of an

    extended library of ready-to-use functions.

    Moreover, the suite includes a mobile App that enables the control of the ZERYNTH items by

    means of smartphones, thus without having to develop specific Apps for each project. All of this is

    already “natively connected to the cloud”. Such a configuration allows to reduce times and the

    energies used for the development.


    In detail, ZERYNTH is composed of:

    • ZERYNTH STUDIO: a multiplatform and browser-based development environment, with cloud

    synchronization and storage of the projects;

    • ZERYNTH VM: a Virtual Real-Time Machine for 32-bit microcontrollers, written in Python 3, with

    multi-threading support.

    It is compatible with all the boards upon the 32-bit ARM chip, such as Arduino Due, UDOO, Particle,


    • the ZERYNTH Library: a set of modules including the CC3000 of Spark Core’s Wi-Fi and Adafruit’s

    Wi-Fi shield, the Adafruit/Sparkfun thermal printer, the NeoPixel LED ring, the RTTL smart melody

    player, a signals library of the Streams kind, as well as the TCP and UDP protocols.

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  • 8/19/2019 The Zerynth Framework_ Programming IoT With Python _ Open Electronics


    • the ZERYNTH APP: an app, available for both iOS and Android, that acts as an interface to drive

    he boards that have been programmed by means of ZERYNTH, without having to use switches or

    potentiometers. The command interface can be customized for each single project, since technically

    he app is a HTML client that displays the templates defined by the Python scripts inside the

    ZERYNTH Objects’ memory.

    In respect to other solutions, ZERYNTH is natively cross-platform and compatible with all the 32-bit

    boards that are based on ARM32, and has a great number of sensors and kits for a rapid


    Moreover, it integrates a real-time operating system, and enables the data analytics concerning the

    board and the components.

    Differently from those who carry out the product prototyping by means of Arduino or Raspberry Pi

    development suites, ZERYNTH makes it easier to use the industrial components, in order to create

    commercial products that are ready for the market. With a few lines of code, the users may develop

    a wide selection of IoT applications, ranging from home automation to fitness, from robotics to

    seamanship, from the industrial applications to the remote maintenance controls, and up to smart



    How ZERYNTH worksVery briefly, ZERYNTH works by deleting the standard firmware of the boards on which it is

    installed, and by substituting it with an embedded operating system (ChibiOS) that features

    multithreading, and on which a Python 3 virtual machine relies on.

    The “flashing” operation for the board’s firmware, that thus becomes “Virtualized”, is directly

    executed from the interface of the ZERYNTH’s programming environment.

    The development environment includes the libraries needed in order to natively manage the most

    useful hardware and software components: from the Wi-Fi shields to the network protocols, from the

    sensors in general to the cloud services for the Internet of Things (such as, for example, Cometa ). ZERYNTH is capable of connecting the items to the network, via TCP and UDP,

    hus enabling the usage of HTTP and – on the boards on which cryptography is allowed – even of


    Thus the data passing between the items and the network is safe! To this day, ZERYNTH runs on

    Arduino Due, Spark Core, Spark Photon, UDOO, ST Nucleo, Mikroelektronica Flip & Click, but

    potentially on countless other boards: that is, all of those that are based on the ARM architecture. Infact, regardless of the board, you are going to write in Python, and then ZERYNTH will adapt your

    program to the board of your choice.

    It is very easy to use ZERYNTH:

    1. you will have to download the Windows, Linux or iOS installer, from ZERYNTH STUDIO

    download page;

    2. you will have to install it and to launch the application, by means of the icon now appeared on the


    3. you will have to create a ZERYNTH user account, by means of the dedicated button, found up

    and on the right. Please check your e-mail and verify your new account, by clicking on the

    appropriate link (registering allows to participate to ZERYNTH’s community, to save your own

    project online in ZERYNTH’s Cloud, and to automatically receive updates);

    4. you will have to connect the board and, possibly it may be renamed at leisure, so to easily

    recognize it in the future;

    5. in order to make the board an usable one, you will have to “virtualize” it, that is to say, to install

    he ZERYNTH VM (Virtual Machine) on it, by means of the dedicated button in ZERYNTH

    STUDIO’s topbar;

    6. you will have to create a new project or to clone an example, then to compile the script and to

    load it into the board.


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    A very simple example, in which it is possible to glimpse ZERYNTH potentialities, is given by the

    “Multiple LED Blink” (Listing 1).



    Among the experts, to make a LED flash corresponds to the “Hello world” of the embedded

    devices… But with ZERYNTH it is possible to make it in a much more complex and entertaining

     way, and with even less toil. We are in fact able to make many LEDs flash at different frequencies,

    by using different separated threads, in a few lines of code.

    Yes, you read it right: we may use the threads on boards of the Arduino kind! We will no longer

    have to write all of our code in a single logic loop, as it is typical of the imperative programming.

    With ZERYNTH , it is possible to proceed with a real multithread implementation! This example

    shows how to use ZERYNTH ’s thread in order to guide three LEDs with asymmetric flashing

    frequencies, that differ from one another.

    Once the script has been executed, three threads are created (in addition to the main thread, that is

    always available), each one of them executes a specific instance of the “blink” function, with

    different parameters.




    # Initialize the digital pins where the LEDs are connected as outpupinMode(D2,OUTPUT)pinMode(D3,OUTPUT)pinMode(D4,OUTPUT)# Define the ‘blink’ function to be used by the threads# delayON and delayOFF are optional parameters, used as default ifdef blink(pin,timeON=100,timeOFF=100):

    while True:digitalWrite(pin,HIGH) # turn the LED ON by making the voltage HIGHsleep(timeON) # wait for timeONdigitalWrite(pin,LOW) # turn the LED OFF by making the voltage LOWsleep(timeOFF) # wait for timeOFF# Create three threads that execute instances of the ‘blink’ functithread(blink,D2) # D2 is ON for 100 ms and OFF for 100 ms, the defathread(blink,D3,200) # D3 is ON for 200 ms and OFF for 100 ms, thethread(blink,D4,500,200) # D4 is ON for 500 ms and OFF for 200 ms


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    Each thread in ZERYNTH is a sort of separated and parallel process that operates autonomously

    on your board. A thread requires to execute a function as an input for the definition. The same

    function may be instanced by the various threads, by giving the possibility to write some very brief

    and readable code. With the threads it is possible to design your algorithm’s architecture, by taking

    advantage of the parallelism that is typical of high level systems.

    Moreover, thanks to the passing parameters in Python, the default values may be defined by the

    inputs for each function. In this way it is possible to start the threads, without having to specify all

    he inputs required by the function. In the absence of the explicit value, the default values will serve

    o “fill the spaces”. In this case, all the “blink” function’s parameters will be passed as arguments to

    he functions.

    ZERYNTH ShieldThe ZERYNTH Shield is a shield that is compatible with Arduino and Particle’s pin-outs and natively

    supported by ZERYNTH’s development environment.


    It shows a set of commonly used sensors and actuators, among them there are touch detection

    sensors, infrared LEDs, a microphone, a luminosity sensor and a temperature sensor.


    Moreover, there are the “Aux” ports, that enable the usage of other sensors, such as those of

    Grove, ThinkerKit, Phidgets, and Adafruit’s Neopixel LED strips.

    The fact of having a series of sensors aboard, and all the most used communication ports ready to

    be connected, allows makers, artisans and designers to easily develop their smart objects, thus

     without having to deal with the electric circuit, and with the welding or the loose cables in thebreadboard. It is enough to connect an Arduino Due or a Photon or a ST Nucleo to the shield, and

    o start to work with one of the ZERYNTH examples found in its library. The routing guarantees the

    compatibility of the ZERYNTH Shield with the greatest part of Arduino shields, such as the Ethernet,

    Wi-Fi and BLE shields. This means that the ZERYNTH shield can be easily docked on the top of

    your “shields’ heap”, without having any pin compatibility problem. The board has temperature,

    sound, light sensors available, and also a capacitive touch sensor and an IR receiver. Aboard it also

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    has a piezoelectric buzzer and an IR LED emitter (actuator). The communication ports aboard are

    SPI and I²C-Bus; the board is completed by an Analog and a Digital Aux line, in addition to a PWM

    output and a port for Adafruit’s Neopixel LED strips.

    IR Receiver 

    The IR receiver is based on the TSOP34838 component, that may be used in order to read signals

    from the common 38 kHz IR devices, such as air conditioning and home theatre ones, and

    elevisions. The IR receiver requires a digital input pin and is connected to the D2 pin on Arduino

    and to the A4 pin on Particle’s layout.


    The temperature sensor belongs to the MCP9700/9701 series and converts the temperature into

    analog voltage. A key advantage of this thermistors’ series is the resistance to parasitic

    capacitance, and the ability to activate great capacitive loads. The integrated circuit’s output pin is

    connected to Arduino’s A4 pin and to the A1 pin on Particle formats.

    Light Sensor 

    The ZERYNTH Shield integrates a photoresistor, also known as light-dependant resistor (LDR).

    LDRs are variable low cost resistances in which the resistance changes, depending on the quantity

    of light hitting its surface. In dark environments the resistance is high; in lighted environments the

    resistance is low.

    They may be used in order to answer to events such as the transition from day to night (and vice

    versa), for home automation applications and gardening, and are often used in order to control thestreet lighting.

    The circuit is a simple voltage divider, that allows a quite accurate reading of the photoresistor’s

    resistance. The resistance that is an opposite to the LDR has been set to 20k, since the chosen

    LDR has a resistance varying from 12k to 36 k ohm. The sensor is connected to Arduino’s A5 pin

    and to the A0 pin on Particle formats.

     Acoustic Transducer 

    A small amplified electret microphone with a gain of about 200 times is used in order to enable the

    detection of voices, environmental sounds and similar noises. The implemented circuit is based on

    a simple amplification stage, followed by a buffer. The microphone’s amplifier output is connected to

    Arduino’s A3 pin and to Particle’s A2 pin.


    Capacitive Touch sensor 

    The ZERYNTH Shield integrates a capacitive touch sensor, based on the AT42QT1010 chip, an

    integrated component that is used in order to convert any capacitive surface in a button. The chip

    manages the monitoring of a conductive zone and is activated when the zone is touched. As long as

    a touch is detected (for example, a finger) the AT42QT1010 keeps the output signal at a high level.

    When the touch is interrupted, the signal is brough to the low level.

    The AT42QT1010 sensor’s output is connected to the D7 pin on both Arduino and Particle. The

    ouch’s pin can be connected to a metal surface, to be supplied with sensors by means of the

    expansion connector (P1).

    Piezoelectric Buzzer 

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    This transducer, built upon the ZERYNTH shield, is needed in order to generate acoustic signals,

    ones and alarms. The buzzer is powered by means of the 5V line, in order to avoid interferences

     with the sensors. The buzzer is guided via the pins connected to Arduino’s D8 pin and to Particle’s

    A6 pin.

    IR LED emitter 

    An IR LED, guided by a BJT, is connected to the D6 pin on Arduino, and to the A5 pin on Particle. A

    PWM wave is used in order to create infrared pulses, that may be received and decoded by

    common IR receivers.

     Adafruit Neopixel LED

    In the ZERYNTH Shield, a dedicated port for the connection of Adafruit’s Neopixel LED strips has

    been included. The power supply pin is connected to Particle’s Vin and to Arduino’s 5V pin. The

    pins to be used are the GND, the Vin, and the LED control pin. The command pin for the LED’s

    digital control is connected to the D9 pin on Arduino, and to the D6 pin on Particle. If the

    configuration includes more than 24 LEDs, in order to avoid possible damages to your board, it is

    needed to use an external 5V power supply, in order to power the LEDs.

    Expansion Connector 

    It is a 8X2 male connector on which all the Aux pins are availablein table, in a configuration that is a

    compatible one with Seedstudio Grove modules’ analog and digital outputs. The expansion

    connector also allows an easy usage of the Phidgets and Thinkerkit modules, and also makes the

    3.3V, 5V and GND power supply lines available. The expansion connector also allows to expose the

    SPI pins, but unfortunately this function, available with Arduino and Nucleo, is not available onParticle’s Photon, due to hardware limitations.


    The ZERYNTH shield also includes a port on which to use the I²C. The port has a pin order that is

    compatible with the I²C Grove sensors and actuators (3,3, SCL, SDA, GND), and that enables the

     plug and play  usage of these modules. Other manufacturer’s I²C devices may be used, but please

    pay attention to execute appropriate connections.


    ZERYNTH Shield’s Library The ZERYNTH shield has been developed so to make the life easier for smart objects developers.

    For this reason, ZERYNTH’s team has developed a control library that is dedicated to the

    ZERYNTH shield.

    ZERYNTH Shield’s control library is released along with ZERYNTH ’s suite and includes various

    high level functions, that are ready to be used.

    Some examples come from the average of the sensors’ signals and the filtering systems of the data

    coming from it.

  • 8/19/2019 The Zerynth Framework_ Programming IoT With Python _ Open Electronics


    There is also a series of smart functions, such as the “smart motion detection” that allows the usage

    of the luminosity sensor as a presence sensor, or the “double click”, that allows the detection of two

    close touches on a button, by means of the capacitive sensor. Let’s see a simple usage example of

    ZERYNTH Shield’s library on ZERYNTH STUDIO, as shown in Listing 2.



    Finally, let’s analyze some possible usage scenarios: the union between ZERYNTH software tools

    and the ZERYNTH Shield may help people to monitor their home, by means of the wireless

    communication and without having to create tracks in the walls. Thus it will allow them to know, as

    an example, if the children have returned from school, or to turn off the heating if it has been

    accidentally left on, or to check from their workplace if the gas has been turned off. All of this can be

    carried out by means of their PC or smartphone.


    Soon we will propose some simple, practical projects, that have been developed by means of

    firmware that has been written in ZERYNTH.





    #################################################################### TOI Shield basics## Created by VIPER Team 2015 CC

    # Authors: L. Rizzello, G. Baldi, D. Mazzei###################################################################import streamsimport adcfrom drivers.toishield import toishieldstreams.serial()# toishield defines pin names in a board indipendent manner# let’s use them to read raw sensors valueswhile True:print(“ Microphone:”,“ Light:”,“Temperature:”,“ Touch:”,digitalRead(toishield.touch_pin))# aux pins are also accessible!print(“ AUX1:”,“-”*40)sleep(500)# this scripts runs on every supported board, without a single chan


  • 8/19/2019 The Zerynth Framework_ Programming IoT With Python _ Open Electronics



    From OpenstoreNucleo Development Board,NUCLEO-F401RE

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    About Boris Landoni

    Boris Landoni is the technical manager of Skilled in the GSM field,

    embraces the Open Source philosophy and its projects are available to the community.


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