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  • 8/10/2019 The Zodiac Case Files340 Character Cipher.pdf











    The Zodiac Case Files340 Character Cipher


    By: Joao

  • 8/10/2019 The Zodiac Case Files340 Character Cipher.pdf


    Dimidium Facti Qui Coepit Habet

    The Roman poet Quintus Horatius Flaccus (Horace) could never, in his wildest dreams,

    have imagined that his Epistles would play such a major part in the life of so many

    people who were to grow up in both the 20thand 21stcenturies.

    He who has begun has the work half done

    I say to you, myself included, we fool ourselves if we believe that our Zodiac work is


    Who was he

    Who was the man that had begun his murderous activities in Riverside, California, in

    the years 1966 - 67?

    Who was the man that terrorised the entire city of San Francisco, and surrounding Bay

    area, during the period 1968 -74?

    Murders, letters, cards, and phone calls, all played a major part in the murderous game

    that besieged these entire cities, and residents alike.

    The Zodiac mailed his 340 character cipher on November 8, 1969. It has since remained


    For years the Zodiac sleuthing community has been bombarded with solutions to this

    code (yes, I say code because that is exactly what it is); however, none of the solutions

    brought forth have been correct. There are websites, forums, and blogs, dedicated to this

    enigmatic 340 code, and yet not a single individual who is involved in these

    communities, has picked up on a very important clue.

    There is no denying the enthusiasm and/or fervour folks have shown in trying to solve

    the code however, this same enthusiasm/fervour has been the factor, the blinding light,which has denied them the opportunity to see the most important clue of them all.

    It is a blatant Zodiac clue, one that has remained undetected for over forty years, and

    one that will show the true significance of the 340 code.

    The Zodiac literature is filled with clues and/or keys. These clues/keys were given in an

    obscure way, yet they are right there in plain sight for all to see. Those who would find

    them would go on and use them in their work.

    With this fact in mind, I find myself in a very good place. I believe I will present you

    with the best solution possible to this Zodiac 340 code that has remained unsolved for somany years.

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    To understand the 340 code, you will need to go all the way back to November 29, 1966.

    When the Zodiac began his November 29, 1966 letter, he used the term sheand titled

    the letter THE CONFESSION.

    The answer, and key, to the 340 code is found in his term THE CONFESSION.

    The words sheand her are in fact the same thing, in other words her is the objective

    form of the pronoun she in Modern English. In laymen terms, we use these terms when

    addressing a female person.

    When the Zodiac began the 340 code with her he only had one thing in mind. He needed

    to CONFESSanother crime that had remained unknown, and unsolved (one that only

    he knew about), to LEAs and the general public alike. This murder was so upsetting to

    the Zodiac, that he felt this compunction deep within his fibre. He needed to get this

    murder off his chest as it really troubled him, but could not incriminate himself. He

    therefore presented his murderous activity in the form of a 340 code. He was hoping thiscrime would remain unsolved, and unknown, for years to come.

    It has been his big secret for almost fifty years, and one that he hopes will never be


    This murder was so heinous (due to the age of the victim), that even he, the Zodiac, got

    deeply disturbed by what he had done. There is a strong possibility the Zodiac was

    ashamed of himself.

    The 340 code was the Zodiacsway of getting his THE NUMBER TW O CONFESSION

    off his chest.

    The term she, that he had used in THE CONFESSION LETTERof November 29, 1966,

    was directed at a female (Cheri Jo Bates). Likewise, when he used herin THE

    CONFESSION CODE of November 8, 1969, he was giving us a clue to a second female.

    But who was the her(the second female) the Zodiac was confessing to have murdered?

    I will get to that shortly.

    Could the trick to solving the code be a mathematical one and involve a two layer


    Maybe a mathematical theme which encompasses a variety of events, then a literary


    Since I have touched upon literary, I will digress ever so slightly and tell everyone

    another facet that has probably remained unnoticed by a large percentage of the Zodiac

    sleuthing community.

    Not a single Zodiac letter/card contains abbreviations. Not a single Ill, Im, Ive,

    didnt, youll,or any other abbreviated term we use daily in our writing.

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    This feature alone proves that the individual behind the Zodiac halo was an intelligent

    being, and not the moronic illiterate pest most claim him to be. But, like with

    everything, the blind lead the blind, and without a guide dog, they keep walking into

    walls. They cannot see and/or understand that these subtle clues point to a highly

    educated person, one who is phenomenally proficient in the art of languages, and one

    that carried out that proficiency in his Zodiac game.

    Damnant quod non intellegunt

    Individuals have different opinions and/or theories in regards to the 340, and that is

    perfectly fine, however, we need to work with the clues the Zodiac has given us, and not

    on some Hocus Pocus we might have concocted after having drowned ourselves in vast

    amounts of BudLite and/or large quantities of Wacky Tabacky.

    My analysis is not designed to find fault in otherswork. It is unethical and something I

    will not do.

    I feel that much of the work that has been carried out by the Zodiac sleuthing

    communities, has been accomplished without paying much attention to the critical clues

    the Zodiac has provided us in his communications. However, there is a vast amount of

    work (carried out by these same communities), that has merit, and proves to be spot on

    in its analysis.

    A vast amount of people have dedicated countless hours to the Zodiac case. Collectively,

    I assume the number of hours would be of astronomical proportions. Somewhere in thathour void, there has to be work that has been carried out correctly, contains solid

    reasoning, has been backed up with proof, and shows the rest of the world how

    ingenious the individual behind the Zodiac mask truly is.

    Im positive that when the Zodiac scans the work that individuals present throughout all

    the different websites, forums, and blogs, he knows exactly who has presented work that

    is correct, and work that correctly point to the game he had assembled all those years


    When I began my analogy of the 340 code, the first thing I did was count the differenttypes of symbols, characters, and letters found in the cipher. It came as no surprise that

    I found the Zodiac had used 63 different types of figures which encompass a vast array

    of fields.

    Immediately, I found the presence of PI.

    63 2 = 315 or,

    PI 3.1 4 +1.

    The Zodiac had to use the number 63 otherwise he would not have been able to achievehis desired effect. When divided by two, sixty two and sixty four do not present the effect

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    he was looking for. Remember I keep on harping on how important the 41/14 is to the


    My PI 3.1 4+1 = 5 solution, proves such. By including 63 different figures in his code, the

    Zodiac knew he would achieve his desired key. The first three fractions of PI are .141;

    otherwise know as 14/41.

    There are 26 Roman symbols, 28 characters, and 9 reversed letters. The only letters not

    used by the Zodiac in the code were the letters Q and X. More on this a bit later.

    In total there are 148 letters, 140 characters, and 52 reversed letters. This gives us a

    total of 340.

    The following three tables will bring to light all the different figures used by the Zodiac.

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    The 340 code begins with her . I believe the herthe Zodiac talks about was Cheri Jo

    Bates who was murdered in Riverside on October 30, 1966. Cheri Jo Bates was the

    Zodiacs first victim.

    But, SH IS NOT the herhes confessing aboutnow! He had already done that in his


    By starting the 340 code with her , The Zodiac was drawing parallels to his Riverside

    activities. The 340, being a code and not a written letter, had to begin with her (Cheri Jo

    Bates). In other words, the Zodiac was killing two birds with one stone. He was taking

    us back to his Riverside activities, and giving us a numerical entry point, in time, to the

    340 code.

    This numerical entry point is the catalyst that will show the series of events which had

    taken place prior to his mailing of the 340 code, and events he knew would be played out

    at a later stage.You will understand why in the forthcoming analysis.

    It has been proven that the work carried out by the Zodiac had been systematically pre-

    arranged from the start. There is no way that the Zodiac carried out his game on a day

    by day, or murder by murder process. The Zodiac carried out his murderous activities on

    sets of pre-arranged dates which included the correct number of victims he had in mind.

    You will need to track back in time, by remembering events, numbers and code. Then,

    you will understand how the Zodiac has amalgamated the 340.

    The first step you need to undertake is to think num erically and not literary.

    I dedicate this next section to those who are mathematically minded. Im certain there

    are a select few who will welcome the presentation.

    Borrowing a term from a brilliant author (if he is reading this, I hope he does not mind),

    welcome to what I call digital tapestry.

    It is an easy process. All you need to do is replace the number with its corresponding

    letter (A = 1 B = 2... Z= 26).

    Nota Bene :

    Do not attempt to decipher this next table before the end of my analysis. Like with the

    Zodiac literature, there is a process in place, so trust me on this one.

    In the end, it will all make sense.

    Also, for those who wish to print the table and have a go at deciphering the code, I have

    allowed for a black and white version (I do not wish to be blamed for excessive ink usage

    and do not want to end up receiving bills), and also introduced an extra row for easy

    letter placement.

    You will find this print friendly version at the end of this presentation.

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    8 5 18 14 1 13 5 23 1 19 14 9 11 11 9 1 14

    4 19 8 5 23 1 19 1 4 9 13 21 18 4 5 18 5

    4 8 5 18 2 9 19 20 1 2 2 9 14 7 8 5 18

    15 14 1 4 9 18 20 20 18 1 9 12 7 15 9 14 7

    5 1 19 20 15 14 1 12 1 14 5 9 14 1 19 5 3

    12 21 4 5 4 1 18 5 1 14 5 1 18 16 15 23 1

    25 18 15 1 4 9 14 16 15 23 1 25 3 1 12 9 6

    15 18 14 9 1 9 14 5 22 5 18 16 12 1 14 14 5

    4 20 15 11 9 12 12 8 5 18 9 20 9 19 20 8 9

    19 20 8 9 14 7 9 14 13 5 10 21 19 20 23 15 14

    20 12 5 20 13 5 19 20 15 16 11 9 12 12 9 14 7

    19 8 5 23 1 19 10 21 19 20 1 11 9 4 16 12 5

    1 19 5 8 5 12 19 13 5 15 18 9 19 8 1 12 12

    7 15 1 14 4 11 9 12 12 13 15 18 5 11 9 4 19

    9 1 13 14 15 20 19 1 25 9 14 7 9 1 13 19 9

    3 11 9 1 13 19 1 25 9 14 7 9 1 13 9 14 19

    1 14 5 19 8 5 3 18 9 5 4 23 8 5 14 9 8

    5 12 4 8 5 18 19 8 5 4 9 5 4 22 9 15 12

    5 14 20 12 25 20 8 9 19 9 19 20 8 5 26 15 4

    9 1 3 19 16 5 1 11 9 14 7 20 9 7 26 19 22

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    I L I K E K I L L I N G P E O P L

    9 12 9 11 5 11 9 12 12 9 14 7 19 5 15 16 12

    E B E C A U S E I T I S S O M U C5 2 5 3 1 21 19 5 9 20 9 19 19 15 13 21 3

    H F U N I T I S M O R E F U N T H

    8 6 21 14 9 20 9 19 13 15 18 5 6 21 14 20 8

    A N K I L L I N G W I L D G A M E

    1 14 11 9 12 12 9 14 7 23 9 12 4 7 1 13 5

    I N T H E F O R R E S T B E C A U

    9 14 20 8 5 6 15 18 18 5 19 20 2 5 3 1 21

    S E M A N I S T H E M O S T D A N

    19 5 13 1 14 9 19 20 8 5 13 15 19 20 4 1 14

    G E R O U E A N A M A L O F A L L

    7 5 18 15 21 5 1 14 1 13 1 12 15 6 1 12 12

    T O K I L L S O M E T H I N G G I

    20 15 11 9 12 12 19 15 13 5 20 8 9 14 7 7 9

    V E S M E T H E M O S T T H R I L

    22 5 19 13 5 20 8 5 13 15 19 20 20 8 18 9 12

    L I N G I T I S E V E N B E T T E

    12 9 14 7 9 20 9 19 5 22 5 14 2 5 20 20 5

    R T H A N G E T T I N G Y O U R R

    18 20 8 1 14 7 5 20 20 9 14 7 25 15 21 18 18

    O C K S O F F W I T H A G I R L T

    15 3 11 19 15 6 6 23 9 20 8 1 7 9 18 12 20

    H E B E S T P A R T O F I T I S T

    8 5 2 5 19 20 16 1 18 20 15 6 9 20 9 19 20

    H A E W H E N I D I E I W I L L B

    8 1 2 23 8 5 14 9 4 9 5 9 23 9 12 12 2

    E R E B O R N I N P A R A D I C E

    5 18 5 2 15 18 14 9 14 16 1 18 1 4 9 3 5

    A N D A L L T H I H A V E K I L L

    1 14 4 1 12 12 20 8 9 8 1 22 5 11 9 12 12

    E D W I L L B E C O M E M Y S L A

    5 4 23 9 12 12 2 5 3 15 13 5 13 25 19 12 1

    V E S I W I L L N O T G I V E Y O

    22 5 19 9 23 9 12 12 14 15 20 7 9 22 5 25 15

    U M Y N A M E B E C A U S E Y O U21 13 25 14 1 13 5 2 5 3 1 21 19 5 25 15 21

    W I L L T R Y T O S L O I D O W N

    23 9 12 12 20 18 25 20 15 19 12 15 9 4 15 23 14

    O R A T O P M Y C O L L E C T I O

    15 18 1 20 15 16 13 25 3 15 12 12 5 3 20 9 15

    G O F S L A V E S F O R M Y A F T

    7 15 6 19 12 1 22 5 19 6 15 18 13 25 1 6 20

    E R L I F E E B E O R I E T E M E

    5 18 12 9 6 5 5 2 5 15 18 9 5 20 5 13 5

    T H H P I T I

    20 8 8 16 9 20 9

  • 8/10/2019 The Zodiac Case Files340 Character Cipher.pdf


    The Zodiac mailed his first cipher on July 31, 1969. It was mailed in three separate

    pieces (136 character each), together with three letters, to the San Francisco Chronicle,

    San Francisco Examiner and Vallejo Times.

    When deciphered (by the Hardens), the cipher translation produced the following


    I like killing people because it is so much funit is more fun than killing wild

    game in the forrest because man is the most dangeroue anamal of all to kill

    something gives me the most thrilling experence it is even better than getting

    your rocks off with a girl the best part of it is thae when I die I will be reborn in

    paradice and all thei have killed will become my slaves I will not give you my

    name because you will try to sloi down or atop my collectiog of slaves for my

    afterlife ebeorietemethhpiti

    For now, I am only concentrating my efforts on the first 38 letters of the Zodiacs first

    cipher, and drawing a comparison to my 340 code table.

    When you begin comparing my 340 code tableto the Zodiacs first cipher, you will notice

    a few interesting similarities.

    Keep in mind that the first three digits at the start of the 340 code were given to us by

    the Zodiac.

    HER = 8, 5, 18.

    8 + 5 + 18 = 31

    Another remarkable factor is that the sum of the first three numerals in row two of my

    code, (4 + 19 + 8) also equals 31.

    In the Zodiacs first cipher (above), the sum of the first three letters, IL Iis 30. (9 + 12 +9 = 30).

    HER (8 + 5 + 18) = 31, and ILI(9 + 12 + 9) = 30

    Straightaway, you can see a pattern starting to emerge.

    As a matter of interest, I did not use the Zodiacs first cipher whilst working on my

    version of the 340 code table. I undertook the analysis, and comparison, after the

    completion of my work on the 340 code.

    The next three numbers, in my 340 code table are, 14, 1, 13, and their sum equals 28.

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    Going back to the Zodiacs first cipher, the next three numbers(after 9, 12, and 9) are

    11, 5, and 11. Their sum equals 27.

    Once again, between the Zodiacs first cipher and my version of the 340 code, there is a

    differential of 1.

    ?(14 + 1 + 13) = 28, and KEK (11 + 5 + 11) = 27.

    Could it be a coincidence?

    The sum of the 17 numerals in row one of my 340 code solution is 176 and/or 86 (1 + 7 +

    6 = 14 and 8 + 6 = 14).

    You will know that by using the alphanumeric value for E as 3, and not as 5, the 176

    refers to the exact alphanumeric number found in a persons name.

    Again, could this be a set of coincidences, or am I on the right track?

    You might also find it interesting to know that the sum of PIs first 17 fractions is 82 (8

    Times 2 = 16).

    The first 26 numerals of the table are of utmost importance. The number 26 draws a

    parallel to an individuals age, in the year 1967.It is also the last letter of the alphabet,

    the letter Z.

    After converting the first 26 numbers, to letters, youll understand its importance, and it

    might indicate that I am on the right track.

    Like with the first 38 letters from the Zodiacs first cipher, mailed July 31, 1969 (I like

    killing people because it is so much fun) the first 38 letters found in my table solution,

    show us a Zodiac trait of accomplishment. Its an assertiveness of what he had carried


    The entry point of my analysis, and the Zodiac 340 code, revolves around the word her.

    The alphanumeric values for herare: 8, 5, 18

    8 + 5 = 13.

    18 = Age.

    The date of Cheri Jos Murderwas October 30. October is the 10thcalendar month.

    10 + 3 + 0 = 13.

    Cheri Jos ageat the time of her murder was 18.

    With this in mind, I reasoned that the 340 code begins with the numeric sequence of 8,

    5, 18 (her).

    I followed the same three number patterns throughout my analysis. The Zodiac beganhis code with three letters/numbers and so did I.

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    Now, this is when things began getting a bit eerie. I did a sum of all 17 numerals found

    in each row and came up with the following results:

    Row 1: 176; Row 2: 177; Row 3: 133; Row 4: 157; Row 5: 140; Row 6: 164; Row 7: 197;

    Row 8: 192; Row 9: 171; Row 10: 204; Row 11: 165; Row 12: 185; Row 13: 181; Row 14:

    179; Row 15: 180; Row 16: 177; Row 17: 158; Row 18: 164; Row 19: 184; Row 20: 200.

    Their combined total is 3484.

    3484 2 = 1742

    1 + 7 + 4 + 2 = 14

    17 and (4 + 2 =6) = 176(see above for explanation on 176).

    The differential between rows 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6... 19 and 20 is:

    1, 24, 24, 5, 33, 20, 2, 3, 6, 16.

    1 + 24 + 24 + 5 + 33 + 20 + 2 + 3 + 6 + 16 = 134. What are PIs first three numerals?

    PI = 3.14.

    3 Times 4 = 12

    8 Times 4 = 32

    32 + 12 = 44

    44 14 = PI 3.14

    When re-arranging the sequence in order we have 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 16, 20, 24, 24.

    The sequence 1, 2, 3, 5,is the Fibonaccisequence in action. In other words, the next

    number is found by adding up the two numbers before it.

    The 6, 16, 20 (6, 1, 6 + 2 = 8), in laymen terms .618are the first three fractions of PHI(.618).

    The numbers 24, 24, are PHIsfourth fraction. Again, in laymen terms, when we

    subtract 24 from itself we are left with 0. (.6180).

    The coincidence coefficient is beginning to reach infinitesimal proportions.

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    In my 340 code table, the number sequence 8 5 18, refers to the Zodiacs firstmurder victim Cheri Jo Bates, and also her murder date and age (October 30, aged

    18, as shown above).

    2. The number sequence 14 1 13, refers to the Zodiacs secondmurder victim, Nikki

    Alexandra Benedicts, and also her age and murder date (14 and May 1, 1967).

    Furthermore, if youve been paying attention, youll notice that the cipher begins

    with 3 letters. What are the first three digits of PI? 3.14.

    I reasoned that the fourth number would be 14. Three letters = 3, and fourth

    number 14 = PI 3.14.

    May (5), day (1)

    14 = Age

    1 = Day

    1 + 3 + 1 = 5 (month)

    Nikki Alexandra Benedictis the Zodiacs THE CONFESSION NUMBER TWO.


    The number sequence 5 23 1, refers to the Zodiacs thirdmurder victim(s), David

    Arthur Faraday and Betty Lou Jensen, and their murder date December 20, 1968.

    December (12), day (20)

    1 + 2 + 2 + 0 = 5

    20 + 2 + 1 = 23

    21 = 1

    4. The number sequence 19 14 9, refers to the Zodiacs fourthmurder victim(s),

    Michael Renault Mageau and Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin, and also their murder date

    July 4, 1969.

    July (7), day (4)

    7 Times 4 = 28

    19 + 9 = 28

    28 + 11 + 3 = 42

    19 + 14 + 9 = 42

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    5. The number sequence 11 11 9, refers to the Zodiacs fifthmurder victim(s), Bryan

    Calvin Hartnell, and Cecelia Ann Shepard, and their murder date September 27,


    September (9), day (20)

    9 + 2 + 0 = 11

    209 = 11

    9 = 9

    6. The number sequence 1 14 4,refers to the Zodiacs sixthmurder victim Paul Lee

    Stines murder date October 11, 1969.

    October (10), day (11)

    10 Times 11 = 110


    4 = 110

    You need to remind yourselves that the 340 code was mailed on November 8, 1969, 28days after the Zodiacs last murder in the San Francisco Bay area.

    1. The number sequence 19 8 5, refers to the Zodiacs first letter, mailed

    November 29, 1966, titled The Confession.

    November (11), day (29)

    2 Times 9 + 1 = 19

    92 + 1 = 8

    9211 = 5

    2. The number sequence 23 1 19,refers to the Zodiacs second letter, mailed April

    30, 1967, titled Bates/She had to die.

    April (4), day (30)

    4 + 30 = 34

    23 + 1 + 1 + 9 = 34

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    3. The number 14 remains untouched. I believe the Zodiac intended the fourteen

    to remain a numeral as per the Halloween Cards 14. In fact, using our

    alphanumeric values, the letter Dcorresponds to number 4. I trust that 4 will

    replace the Dfound in the code. Since the character before the Dis a square

    with a diagonal in black, and there are only two in the entire code, I used 1 in its

    place. 1 for the square and 4 for the Dequals 14.

    4. The number sequence 9 13 21, refers to the Zodiacs third letter, mailed July

    31, 1969, which contained the 3 part ciphers and were mailed to the San

    Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco Examiner and Vallejo Times.

    July (7), day (31)

    7 + 31 = 931 flip = 13

    7 Times 3 = 21

    5. The number sequence 18 4 5, refers to the Zodiacs fourth letter, mailed August

    4, 1969.

    August (8), day (4)

    8 - 4 = 4

    18 + 5 = 23 flip328 Times 4 = 32

    3 + 2 = 5

    6. The number sequence 18 5 4, refers to the Zodiacs fifth letter, mailed October

    13, 1969. The letter included a piece of Paul Lee Stine's bloodstained shirt.

    October (10), day (13)

    3 + 1 = 4

    1 + 1 + 3 = 510 + 13 =23

    18 + 5 = 23

    7. The number sequence 8 5 18, refers to the Zodiacs sixth letter, mailed

    November 8, 1969, know as the Dripping Pen card, contained this very own 340


    November (11), day (8)

    8 = 8


    8 = 3

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    5 = 3

    1 and 8 = 18

    8. The number sequence 2 9 19, refers to the Zodiacs seventh letter, mailed

    November 9, 1969, known as the Death Machine letter.

    November (11), day (9)

    1 + 1 = 2

    9 + 11 = 9

    1 and 9 = 19

    Not wanting to bore you any longer with repetitive work, I assure you that, henceforth,

    all of the Zodiacscommunications are to be found in my 340 code table in the same


    Going back to an earlier discussion, allow me to show you a few more interesting facts

    about my 340 code solution. This will, once again, provide you with proof that I might be

    on the correct path.

    You need to keep reminding yourselves that I used the Zodiacs timeline, together with

    some good old common sense, to undertake my 340 code analysis. In no way did I

    Houdini the numbers found therein.

    By grouping the numbers in threes (except the last two numerals in each row), adding

    them together, row by row, the following solutions emerged.

    Exempli Gratia:

    Row one

    8 + 5 + 18 = 31

    14 + 1 + 13 = 28

    5 + 23 + 1 = 29

    19 + 14 + 9 = 42

    11 + 11 + 9 = 31

    1 + 14 = 15

    As mentioned before, the sum of 31 + 28 + 29 + 42 + 31 + 15 = 176.

    Now let me show it to you this way.

    3 + 1 + 2 + 8 + 2 + 9 + 4 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 5 = 41

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    Now we have 176 and 41. The 176 points directly to a name, the 41 points to a year, and

    it shows us the bookend number 14. They are the three main components of the Zodiacs

    340 Character cipher. What a funny coincidence that they were found in the first row of

    the code. Or is it?

    When I applied the same principle to all rows on my 340 code, and reached a solution, I,once again, was blown away.

    I was left with the number 166 staring straight at me! In laymen terms, for those who

    still do not understand the principle, 16 is the amount of letters in an individuals name,

    and 6 refers to Zodiac (6 letters).

    After having completed my 340 code, it was time to find out what it all meant. I had to

    apply the alphanumeric sequence to reach a literary translation.

    I am not going to give you the English version, but will leave it up to you to make use of

    the tools I have provided so you can reach the answer. You need to experience, and feel,what the Zodiac was thinking when composing his 340 Character cipher. You need to fill

    in the letters yourself so you can be taken back to the exact moment the Zodiac sat down

    and assembled the code. Its easy, A = 1, B = 2, C = 3... Z = 26. Letter by letter, step by

    step, you need to begin unravelling the mystery. What I will do, is give you a break

    down of all the letters and numbers, together with their quantities, the Zodiac used to

    compose the 340 Character cipher.

    Letters: Numbers:

    A =34 N =28 1 =1

    B =3 O = 16 4 =1

    C =5 P =7

    D = 16 Q =0

    E =37 R =17

    F = 1 S =26

    G =10 T =18

    H =17 U =4

    I =42 V =3

    J =2 W = 7

    K =9 X =0

    L =19 Y =5

    M =10 Z =2

    Sequence: 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 7, 7, 9, 10, 10, 16, 16, 17, 17, 18, 19, 26, 28, 34, 37, 42

  • 8/10/2019 The Zodiac Case Files340 Character Cipher.pdf


    It just so happens, by coincidence, that letters D and O, which are associated to the

    Zodiac Sign(D) and Circle (O), are each found 16times in the code.

    None of these numbers have been fabricated, they are found from the solution of my 340


    The combined total (sequence) of both letters and numbers is 28. There are 26 letters

    and 2 numbers.

    I apologise, but I need to back to a sequence I had discussed earlier. In my 340 code

    solution, the differential between rows 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6...19 and 20 is:

    1, 24, 24, 5, 33, 20, 2, 3, 6, 16.

    1 + 24 + 24 + 5 + 33 + 20 + 2 + 3 + 6 + 16 = 134

    I am about to show how the numbers 28and 134are one and the same.

    The first 28fractions of PIare:

    1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 5, 3, 5, 8, 9, 7, 9, 3, 2, 3, 8, 4, 6, 2, 6, 4, 3, 3, 8, 3, 2

    Their sum is 131. Now, the sum of 131and 3(PIsfirst numeral) yields 134,or in fact PI


    Since I am revealing fractions of PI, I believe it appropriate to show you PIsfirst 340

    fractions. After all, it is a 340 Character cipher.





    After a painstaking analysis which resulted in me getting crossed eyes, the sum of PIs

    first 340 fractions is 1512.

    The combined total of my 340 code table is 3484.

    The sum of the year 1941and 1512 equals 3453. The sum of her (8 + 5 + 18) at the startof the 340, equals 31.

    The sum of the year 1941, PIsfirst 340 fractions (1512 ,and her(31 , the entry to the

    340 Character cipher, equals 3484which, coincidentally, is the combined total of my 340

    code table.

    This alone proves that, mathematically speaking, all the numbers add up, my 340 code

    table is correct, my solution is valid, and when you finally decide to print my table and

    apply the alphanumeric values, You should be reading the correct solution to the

    unsolved 340 character cipher, which the Zodiac mailed November 8, 1969.

  • 8/10/2019 The Zodiac Case Files340 Character Cipher.pdf


    8 5 18 14 1 13 5 23 1 19 14 9 11 11 9 1 14

    4 19 8 5 23 1 19 1 4 9 13 21 18 4 5 18 5

    4 8 5 18 2 9 19 20 1 2 2 9 14 7 8 5 18

    15 14 1 4 9 18 20 20 18 1 9 12 7 15 9 14 7

    5 1 19 20 15 14 1 12 1 14 5 9 14 1 19 5 3

    12 21 4 5 4 1 18 5 1 14 5 1 18 16 15 23 1

    25 18 15 1 4 9 14 16 15 23 1 25 3 1 12 9 6

    15 18 14 9 1 9 14 5 22 5 18 16 12 1 14 14 5

    4 20 15 11 9 12 12 8 5 18 9 20 9 19 20 8 9

    19 20 8 9 14 7 9 14 13 5 10 21 19 20 23 15 14

    20 12 5 20 13 5 19 20 15 16 11 9 12 12 9 14 7

    19 8 5 23 1 19 10 21 19 20 1 11 9 4 16 12 5

    1 19 5 8 5 12 19 13 5 15 18 9 19 8 1 12 12

    7 15 1 14 4 11 9 12 12 13 15 18 5 11 9 4 19

    9 1 13 14 15 20 19 1 25 9 14 7 9 1 13 19 9

    3 11 9 1 13 19 1 25 9 14 7 9 1 13 9 14 19

    1 14 5 19 8 5 3 18 9 5 4 23 8 5 14 9 8

    5 12 4 8 5 18 19 8 5 4 9 5 4 22 9 15 12

    5 14 20 12 25 20 8 9 19 9 19 20 8 5 26 15 4

    9 1 3 19 16 5 1 11 9 14 7 20 9 7 26 19 22