theodor bilharz research institute (tbri) · 2012-02-08 · supervised by prof. dr. maha mahmoud...


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Page 1: Theodor Bilharz Research Institute (TBRI) · 2012-02-08 · Supervised by Prof. Dr. Maha Mahmoud Mohamed Akl. Position: Professor of Pathology and Head of Clinical Laboratories Research
Page 2: Theodor Bilharz Research Institute (TBRI) · 2012-02-08 · Supervised by Prof. Dr. Maha Mahmoud Mohamed Akl. Position: Professor of Pathology and Head of Clinical Laboratories Research

Theodor Bilharz Research Institute (TBRI)

nonprofit governmental medical research organization affiliated to the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

The presidential Decree No 58 in 1983 was issued to recognize TBRI as a separate entity affiliated to the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

Official representatives of the institution:

President: Prof. Moataz Hassan Hassanein

Address (institution): El-Nile Street Warrak El-Hader,Imbaba,Cairo,Egypt

City: Cairo

Governorate: Cairo

Country: EGYPT

Telephone(s) (institution): +202 35407276 – +202 35401019

Fax (institution): +202 35408125

Email (institution): [email protected]

Website (institution):

Geographical Location(s)

Theodor Bilharz Research Institute, El-Nile Street Warrak El-Hader, Imbaba, Giza, P.O. Box:30 Imbaba, 12411 Egypt.

Two field research stations are affiliated to TBRI:

a- Snail Research Station: It is on 4000 m2 located 25 kilometers far from Cairo.

b- Field Research Unit: It is at Gezerat Mohamed village, Imbaba, Giza three km to the north of TBRI for conducting field work.


Total number of Research Staff Members: 388

• 124 Professors.• 53 Associate Professors.• 62 Researchers.• 149 Associate Researchers.

Total number of Students: 216


TBRI is a medical research and training institution affiliated to the Ministry of Higher

Education and Scientific Research. TBRI is involved in the control, diagnosis and treatment of

endemic tropical diseases and their complications especially those affecting the liver, the

gastrointestinal and the urinary tracts, mainly as result of schistosomiasis and viral hepatitis.

TBRI collaborates with the WHO in the control of schistosomiasis in the Middle East.

Page 3: Theodor Bilharz Research Institute (TBRI) · 2012-02-08 · Supervised by Prof. Dr. Maha Mahmoud Mohamed Akl. Position: Professor of Pathology and Head of Clinical Laboratories Research


47 MDs and PhDs/ year

Rewards / Prizes


• Prof. from Pharmacology department was awarded the Arab Women Organization Award for science and technology in biological sciences, 2008 and The African Union Woman Scientists Award 2009.

• Twenty Professors were awarded Prof.Dr. Swasan Omran Awards for the best scientific article along the past 10 years.

• Five Professors were awarded The State Award, in Anesthesia , urology, nephrology, haematology, and pharmacology.

• Two Professors from the Anesthesia department got an award from the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology for their invention that ranked the 2nd among all the applicants of the contest who participated in the Euro-Mediterranean Innovation Market, 2009.


• Detection of anti-fasciola IgG4 as a specific diagnostic marker for fascioliasis.

• Invention of a new device used in anesthesia called” Tracheal tube – bronchial tree”.

• Invention of a new device for epidural infusion

Participation in EU funded Research / Education programs

Type Projects name Code Starting

year Period partners Funding

FP7 Thebera 26658


2010 2 Years

-Academy Of Scientific Research And Technology Asrt

-Europe For Business Ltd

-Universita Di Pisa



Project in the frame of bilateral agreement

Type Projects name Starting year partners Funding




compounds with

potential antischistosomal



Academy of

Sciences of the



60.000 LE



Development of

new compounds

with effect on









64.000 EUROS



Efficacy and safety

of Artemether in

the treatment of


Fascioliasis in



Swiss Academy

for Medical

Sciences and



frame of the

Egyptian French

Scientific and





Detection and


Characterization of

Novel Blactometers

Responsible for


Resistance in


Resistant Gram-

Negative Bacterial

Clinical Isolates

From Egypt





95.000 LE


Analysis of


associated with

progression of

fibrosis, cirrhosis

and hepatocellular

carcinoma in

untreated Egyptian

patients affected

by chronic hep-atitisc





70.000 LE

Frame of the

Egyptian Polish

Scientific and




Experimental and


transplantation of


Induction and

problems from an




The Polish

Academy for

Science and


Page 4: Theodor Bilharz Research Institute (TBRI) · 2012-02-08 · Supervised by Prof. Dr. Maha Mahmoud Mohamed Akl. Position: Professor of Pathology and Head of Clinical Laboratories Research

Involvement in other Research / Education ProjectsTheodor Bilharz Research Institute (TBRI) has been involved in a long list of projects receiving funding from local agencies such as Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, the Scientific and Technology Development Fund (STDF) and Theodor Bilharz Research Institute International Funding Agencies such as WHOMajor research Equipment & PublicationsLaboratory Facilities• Equipment for life cycle of schistosomes and biological

and chemical control of mollusks.• Equipment for plant extraction and testing as

molluscicides.• Atomic absorption to detect elements in water, soil,..

etc• Equipment for parasitological studies of excreta and

experimental parasitology.• Equipment for pharmacokinetic studies of drugs

and trials for newer approaches of treatment ofschistosomiasis, using experimental models.

• Equipment for preparation of antigens and antisera and diagnostic humoral immunology

• (utilizing column chromatography, ultrafiltration, lyophilyzation, gel techniques, ELISA, IFA, IEP, EITB, …etc).

• Tissue culture unit for cellular immunology studies including tissue typing and monoclonal antibody production.

• Molecular hybridization and PCR technology.• Equipment for clinico-chemical investigations

utilizing an autoanalyzer and including kinetic enzyme studies.

• Radio-isotope unit (Lab C).• Equipment for haematological investigations (blood

picture, red and white cells and platelets• studies, coagulation, bleeding and haemostatic

alterations).• Equipment for blood banking.• Equipment for aerobic and anaerobic culture and study

of microbiology.• Equipment for histopathology studies including

immunohistochemistry, genetic and molecular• studies aided by cell image analysis.• Equipment for electron microscopic studies including

immuno labeling, molecular procedures and image analysis of electronmicrographs.

• Field station for epidemiological studies and community participation of targeted population.

Hospital Facilities

• Three surgical theatres.• Endoscopic facilities (gastroduodenoscopy,

colonoscopy and ERCP) with ultrasonography and Doppler-electrocardiography.

• Laparoscopic facilities for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.

• Minimal invasive urosurgery utilizing ureterorendoscopy; nephroscopy and cystoscopy, under fluoroscopic and endo-camera guidance.

• Blood gas monitoring with estimation of serum electrolytes.

• Fluoroscopy guided angio-table.• Twenty machines for haemodialysis.

External Relations Office of External / international Relations

Scientific Relations Office:

Supervised by Prof. Dr. Maha Mahmoud Mohamed Akl.Position: Professor of Pathology and Head of Clinical Laboratories Research Divisions, TBRI.Contacts: Tel: 35408277-35401019. Email: [email protected]

Technical Scientific Office:

Headed by Prof. Dr. Soheir Mansy.Position: Professor of Pathology and Deputy of Clinical Laboratories Research Divisions, TBRI.Contacts: Tel: 35427640. Email: [email protected] [email protected]

RDIN Focal Point Office:

Prof. Dr. Azza Salah.Position: Professor of Clinical and Chemical Pathology.Contacts: Tel: 002 0101408780. Email: [email protected]

Page 5: Theodor Bilharz Research Institute (TBRI) · 2012-02-08 · Supervised by Prof. Dr. Maha Mahmoud Mohamed Akl. Position: Professor of Pathology and Head of Clinical Laboratories Research

Events: Ainshams International Medical Students Congress (AIMSC) 25 - 28 February 2012 Cairo, Egypt

AIMSC is a congress for medical students & young doctors to present their research work in all fields in medicine attend the workshops & enjoy our Post Congress trip in the red seaOrganized by: Ainshams University Students Scientific Society (AUSSS)Deadline for abstracts/proposals: 25 January 2012Registration fees for the Congress:

Early Registration is 160 euros Deadline for the early registration is on the 25th of January 2012

The Late registration is 180 euros to be paid upon arrival on the registration desk.Deadline for filling the application is 25th of January 2012

The congress fee covers your:Participation-Accommodation in a 5 stars Resort (half board),-Transportation during congress (including airport pick up) -A Vodafone Egyptian SIM card for your phone calls in Egypt

Check the event website for latest details:


The Fifth Call for Proposals under Tempus IV has been published on 4 November 2011, with a deadline for submission of applications of 23 February 2012.The following link provides access to all the documentation needed to make an application under the Tempus IV – 5th Call for proposals:

Element: Egypt – Lebanon – EU Mobility Exchange NeTwork Call is now OPEN The ELEMENT Programme offers scholarships for undergraduate, master, doctoral and post-doctoral students and staff. These scholarships are financed by the European Commission under the Erasmus Mundus Programme and will cover travel, insurance, participation costs and subsistence allowance.

The ELEMENT Scholarships are designed for:1. Students and staff members and graduates from Egypt

or Lebanon wanting to study at an EU University.2. Students and staff members from EU Partner

Universities wanting to study at an Egyptian or Lebanese Partner University.

Deadline to submit your application is 23:59 GMT on Monday 9th January 2012For further information on how to apply, please visit the website:

Seminar on Public Engagement in Science and Technology 15th of January 2012 at Semiramis InterContinental, Cairo - Teeba Room from 12:00 h - 15:00 hAlong the activities of the EU-Egypt Year of Science and Innovation, ShERACA (FP7) project and the Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) Programme have organized a seminar tackling Public Engagement in Science and Technology. The Seminar titled “ Public Engagement in Designing and Implementing Effective Science Policy “ held on 15th of January 2012 at Semiramis InterContinental, Cairo - Teeba Room from 12:00 h - 15:00 h aims at shedding light on the role of public engagement in implementing an effective Science Policy by demonstrating 3 different experiences:• The Science Communication activities of the RDI

Programme (Egypt)• The experience of the French Association ‘Les Petits

Debroiullards’ in communicating science to the public through science festivals & other activities (France)

• The role of public engagement in steering science policy by an eminent science journalist (Greece)

Egypt Minister of Scientific Research will address the opening speech at the seminar which will be attended by the EU Science Counselors to Egypt, Science Journalists, various representatives from public and private Universities and Research Centers in Egypt as well as representatives of NGOs that work in the field of Science Communication. The event is an excellent networking event and a good opportunity to exchange knowledge among participating experts from Egypt and EU in the field of Science in Society. Two EU experts in the field of Science in Society from France and Greece, have been invited by ShERACA project to participate in the event and meet Egyptian researchers in the field to study future cooperation within the framework of FP7 being Capacities (SiS), People programme and Cooperation (SSH).