theodore kisiel - the genesis of heidegger's being and time

Download Theodore Kisiel - The Genesis of Heidegger's Being and Time

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Post on 23-Oct-2015




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In Germany as well as in the United States Theodore Kisiel is considered to be the most prominent and important critic of Martin Heidegger's Gesamtausgabe. In what can be seen as a positive counterpart to his scathing criticism, Kisiel has spent more than a decade investigating Heidegger's early development. Having extended his research over a period of time comparable to the period covered, he has finally brought out its results in a voluminous book, which claims to tell a "full and reliable story of Heidegger's development from 1915 to 1927, on the basis of the most complete documentation that can be mustered". The results of Kisiel's painstaking investigations, collecting and interpreting notes, letters, manuscripts and student's transcripts, are impressive. With them it is possible for the first time to understand Heidegger's Being and Time genealogically, to trace all the conceptual innovations of this book back to their roots. Kisiel's opus magnum is a major step forward for both the philological and philosophical reconstruction of Heidegger's thought.