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The Official Beginners Guide To Making Money On The Internet As A Blogger And Internet Marketer? Copyright: 2012 By:

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The Official Beginners Guide To Making Money On The Internet As A Blogger And Internet Marketer?

Copyright: 2012 By:

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Learn Affiliate @ Internet Marketing Tips,Training, Lessons, Making Your Online Work At Home Dreams A Reality!

Grab my 18 free internet marketing training guides here:

Grab all my how to tutorial video’s on Internet marketing @ making money online here:

Feel Free To Use This Ebook As A Learning Tool,Share It With A Friend, Sell It For A Profit, Or Use ItAs A Free Gift To Build Your E-Mail List By Giving ItAway. P.S. Just Leave Links Intact And Feel FreeTo Use It Anyway You Wish.

Table Of Contents: Posts @ Brief Intro. FullChapters Below

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1. Learn How To Make Money On The Internet For Dummies What Works?There is so much information floating around out there, if your a beginner to making money on the internet it can baffle your mind, or down right confuse the hell out of you. You wantanswers on what works?

2. Affiliate Marketing And Clickbank For Dummies ( Take Dummy Comments All In Good Fun I Know Your Smart) Your probably strolling along the Internet looking for a legitimate way to earn some extra money from home. You have also probably heard about the affiliate marketing business model, and how it could make you a few …...

3. Seo Tutorial For Beginners @ Newbies I am gonna run all you beginners out there through a brief tutorial on seo so at least you will have some idea of what search engine optimization is all about so you can get your new websites, or blogs to rankhighly in the major search engines like […]

4. SEO Need Help? A Must Read SEO Steps For Newbies! Get To The Top Pages Of Google Proven SEO Strategies Instant Traffic Shortcuts – Get Free Traffic Forever! Easily generate free traffic to any website. New Unreleased step-by-step video trainingshows everything you need to know to get traffic FAST. Check out the salespage for results of students getting Google 1st Page Rankings […]

5. Basic Search Engine Optimization Training For Beginners And Newbie Affiliates. So you just started your first website, or blog and know you want to know how to drive targeted search engine traffic to your new piece of Internet real estate. After all with nofree targeted traffic to your website how are you supposed to [...]

6. Earn Money Online – Passive Income – How To Make Money full

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time On The Internet? After 5 years of affiliate marketing, blogging, and internet marketing. I can safely tell you what works? And what does not work? If your trying to earn a nice passive income online that may someday turn into a full […]

7. Increase Website Traffic ( visitors ) 50 Free Proven Strategies That Work Must Read! Increasing your website traffic is an essential strategy that every internet marketer must follow if they want to earn a nice income from their blogs, or websites. Hell it is a necessity. You need traffic to make your internet business a […]

8. Learn Affiliate Internet Marketing Training For A Beginner. How To Get Started With Your Own Profitable Online Business? First off let me be the first to congratulate you on taking the initial steps towards a brighter, more rewarding financial future by taking the initiative to start your own online business from home. Again, congratulations […]

9. Rapbank Affiliate Program Review. I am gonna start this blog post off right and get straight to the point. I love the Rapbank marketplace. No beating around the bush for me. They are officially my favorite place to find all kinds of good material to buy, andreview. And if I find the product helpful, and of value, I […]

10. Blogging For Beginners And Dummies. Blogging can be fun, and lucrative, but also very challenging. What are the challenges facing todays bloggers? If your just starting out picking a lucrative evergreen niche that will be around for years to come can beyour meal ticket for long term blogging success. You do not want to […]

11. Cheap Low Cost Traffic Sources If you want to earn money online as an affiliate marketer then your gonna need some cheap low cost traffic sources. Because like it or not traffic equals money in the increasingly competitive online World. I am sure you canrespectively agree without low cost targeted traffic your blog, or […]

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12. My Newest Internet Marketing Strategies For 2012? Find out what I am doing now in my Internet marketing campaigns, and what the future holds?

13.How to blog for a second income that can potentially turn into a full time income steps to take?

14. My favorite traffic strategies and techniques for 2012 – If your struggling with your blog, or website traffic, you are definitely going to want to read this post!

Let's Get Started Shall We?

How To Blog For A 2nd Income That Can Lead Into A Full Time Income ( Steps To Take! )

With the economy slowly slugging along at a snails pace, and millions of people still out of work, many people are looking for viable ways to make an extra side income from home.Enter the Internet @ Blogging! The Internet has created more millionaires since the dot com boom then the past 40 years combined. That is the power of having the World at your fingertips from your spare bedroom, or office. Are you going to be the next Internet millionaire? Chances are probably not,

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but one thing is for sure there are tons of proven ways to make money online nowadays. This is not your grandfathers era! The Internet has opened up so many opportunities for people that take advantage of it’s huge potential it is almost scary. The Internet ship has just docked, the question is are you going to board this very profitable money machine?Think about this for a second. Where else can you potentially sell a product, or service to people from all around The World in your pajamas for little, to no investment whatsoever? How powerful is that? How about having your very own money machine, that requires no employees but yourself to get going, and potentially have it making you money 24 hours a day 7 days a week!All this can be accomplished through internet marketing, and blogging. Let me take you through some proven strategies to make you a nice 2nd income in the near future, if you follow these simple strategies.Let’s get started shall we!

How To Blog For a 2nd income and turn your blog into a high powered authority site that can make you money 24/7 days a week while your sound asleep

See how comfortable being a blogger can be? Photo from Flickr by Netdiva all rights reserved.

Picking A Profitable Niche – What are you passionate about? What topics could you base a blog around that would motivate you to stick with your blog? Is the niche your passionate about also profitable? By answering these questions, and creating a blog around your chosen topic, could make all the difference from you being broke blogging, to making thousands of dollars monthly one day. Why? It is a whole lot easier to succeed online, or off in a niche that actually peaks your interest. You are 10x more likely to actually put the work in to make your blog a success, because you are actually enjoying what you are doing, it does not feel like work to you at all. You are feeling like Mcdonald’s and loving it! ( This whole blogging and making

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money online thing. ) There is a ton of profitable niche’s out there – pick one that meets these criteria, and you can set yourself up for blogging success before you even get started.Blogging Tip: Make sure you choose a good domain name that is easy to remember, and related to your chosen niche. If your looking to turn your blog into a potentially full time income one day, I would strongly suggest that you invest in a self hosted WordPress blog, and do not go the free route. Why? If you go the free blogger blog route you are building your business on quicksand, and not a solid foundation for a profitable business to bloom. Remember: Google owns blogger that is why it is free, they can delete your blog for any reason they deem fit, and you cannot do anything about it! Trust me, I have been there and done that!Create Unique High Quality Content – With all of Google’s crazy seo updates to their search engine algorithms. Panda, Penguin, and coming soon to a search engine near you the Tiger @ Polar bear updates, guaranteed to stir things up, and bring the animal out of you. ( Animal planet anyone lol. ) Ok you caught me I made the last part up, but in all honesty you never know what 95 mph curve ball Google is going to throw at us Internet entrepreneurs next. If your trying to crack a big part of the seo code, keep it simple by producing very high quality content that is not found anywhere else on the Internet. Why? Because high quality content that is written by you is Google’s favorite snack, they eat it up! High quality content will be rewarded now, and forever in the search engines! In this modern day and age of the Internet producing high quality content that can be shared by visitors of your blog VIA social networks, that produces backlinks pointing at your blog, and drives targeted traffic, is more important than ever. There is an old saying. If you want something done right do it yourself! Think of this saying when coming up with high quality content for your blog.Take the time to produce blog content that is worthy of sharing!Blogging Tip: Do not copy and paste other people’s content and claim it as your own. Stealing content is not only unethical, but your blog post, and all of it’s content will not be indexed by Google rendering it useless! Write the content yourself for maximum traffic, and seo benefits.

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Update Your Blog Regularly - Nothing is worse than a dead blog that lays stagnant for months on end without a blog update of some sort. Not only will your blogs traffic slowly deteriorate from a lack of fresh unique content, your blog followers will be looking for some cool new blog posts from you. So to make the search engines, your blogs traffic, and your blog followers happy, you should update your blogs content at least 2 – 3 times a week if your looking to turn your blog into a potential money making machine down the road with some effort on your part.Monetize Your Blog – If your looking to monetize your blog to it’s fullest potential as a new Internet entrepreneur, you can accomplish this by adding relevant affiliate programs to your blog posts, Google adsense ads, selling ad space, adding cost per action programs to your blog, and most importantly you should be capturing leads from your blogs visitors by building an email list, so you can turn them into paying customers now, or down the road. The majority of the money you will earn as a blogger – internet marketer will be made by building a list, so this step is vitally important!

A few cool ways to monetize your blog, and the free affiliate programs that can make you money you should sign up for.

• Maxbounty – Awesome C.P.A. program this one is my personal favorite.

• Peerfly – Popular C.P.A. program that you should look into • Clickbank – This affiliate network has been around since 1997 and has

paid out over 2 billion dollars in affiliate commissions to affiliates Worldwide since their introduction.

• Rapbank – The instant affiliate commission network. I only promote the 100% commission products – read how there payments work after signing up.

• J.V.Zoo – This is a rapidly growing affiliate network that is getting pretty popular. ( J.V.zoo also offers instant commissions )

• Amazon – If you have not heard of Amazon by now you must be living under a rock like the caveman in the Geico commercials.

• Warriorplus – Promote the hottest selling warrior special offers from the #1 internet marketing forum and earn some instant commissions

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from your efforts. • Google Adsense – Add relevant Google ads to your blog and Google

will gladly pay you each time one of their ads is clicked. • Commission Junction – There are some big fortune 500 companies

that will pay you handsomely for successfully referring a paying customer VIA your affiliate link, or banner ad promoting a particular product, or service.

• Revenue Wire – This is a newer affiliate program that is starting to get pretty popular. There is a lot of top selling software that you can promote on this site and earn up to a 75% commission.

Clickbank marketplace affiliate program. Top affiliate programs for bloggers

Social Networking – Add the popular social networking icons to your blog posts ( See my blog for an example. ) Your social icons should include the most popular social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, GooglePlus, Myspace, for maximun benefits so your blog visitors can easily share your blogs content. If you are using a self hosted WordPress blogging platform, there are free plugins that you can easily install, and activate on your blog posts to make social sharing a breeze.Blogging Tip: Make sure you have your social icons prominently displayed above your blog posts, and if possible below your blog posts for maximum sharing value.Listbuilding – Like I stated earlier in this blog post, building a high quality email list from your blogs visitors should be #1 on your to – do list if your looking to earn some extra money from your blog. The bigger @ more responsive your email list is, the more money your going to make from sending a simple email to your list of subscribers. There are some inexpensive WordPress plugins that can make building a profitable email list a lot easier by giving you the option to place lightbox popup forms on your blog, footer ads, placing your email form inside your blog posts, one click opt – ins where your blog visitors name and email is already filled out automatically all they have to do is verify their subscription, and tons of other cool features to help build you a profitable email list by installing the right

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plugin.***** Free Items To Giveaway To Build Your List - If your looking for something free to giveaway on your blog to entice a subscriber to opt -in to your email list you can create a free ebook by converting your blog posts into a PDF by using a free software called open office. You can write your ebook on any platform of your choosing such as microsoft word, or even make it a blog post, and copy and paste the contents to your open office software and hit P.D.F. when the book is exactly like you want it ( Voila instant Ebook! ). You can also create a free video, or video series to give away using a software called ashampoo which works great, and is very cheap.You can also Google free ebooks with PLR to giveaway for free to your opt – ins. ( The choice is yours! ) *****

Try AWeber’s Email Marketing Tool Risk-FreeLinkbuilding – If you want your blog to grab a ton of free traffic from the search engines, see an increase in Google page rank, then only link your blog to other high quality, high traffic blogs and websites.***** Linkbuilding Tip For New Bloggers: Do not try and game the search engines by using software that spams 1,000 sites with your blogs link, or hiring someone on sites like Fiverr to build you hundreds of low quality links to your blog. This does not work at all, and it can actually have the opposite effect by hurting your blogs ranking in the search engines if Google discovers some shady unnatural link building is going on. Worst case scenario is your blog gets de-indexed completely by Google. Play it safe, build your links manually, and watch your blogs traffic move up the rankings for various keyword terms in the search engines, and watch your new business grow like a Chia pet. *****Conclusion: Developing an authority blog takes time and effort on your part, but the fruit a blog can bare can be very plentiful, if you put the work in that is necessary to make your blog a success. Follow these tips in this blog post and be on your way to a nice 2nd income from your efforts, that may one day turn into a lucrative full time job, if you stick with a solid business strategy.I have layed it out for you on a silver platter, now it is your job to get out there and start taking massive action. Will you be the next profitable blogger

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making thousands weekly? Only time will tell, but one thing is for certain! You cannot accomplish this by not taking action! Go out there and start making your blogging dreams a reality, and do not forget to share this blog post with a friend if you found it helpful!

To accomplish great things, wemust not only act, but also dream,

not only plan, but also believe.- Anatole France

List Of Useful Sites To Drive More Blog, Or Website Traffic ( Updated For 2012 )Traffic equals money online. The more targeted traffic you send to your website, or blog the more money you are going to make for your online business period!I am not going to rattle on about how important traffic is to any online business. I am just going to make you a very useful list for you to share with your friends on Facebook or keep it all to yourself lol.Enjoy!

List High Traffic Internet Marketing Forums1. Warriorforum -If you are an internet marketer and you are not a

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registered member what are you hiding under a rock like the guy on the Geico commercials?

2. - This is another one of my favorite online forums and the owner Paul Lynch runs a great forum where you can even promote your affiliate products for free, or add a freebie you may be giving away to build up your email list. Highly recommended internet marketing forum.

3. - Lisa Irby runs a very well respected forum which specializes in pretty much everything from creating a website, to internet marketing tips, traffic strategies, and affiliate marketing. She is very helpful to beginners also.

4. Wickedfire – I do not personally frequent this internet marketing forum much but it does get a lot of traffic and a lot of people like it. My point: Sign up it is free!

5. Digitalpointforums – This forum has a lot of traffic so sign up. 6. Blackhatteam – This forum has a ton of traffic and if you use it

correctly it can deliver a ton of traffic to you in return. 7. Blackhatworld – Same thing as stated right above but this forum even

has higher traffic levels. Signup and be active, and take advantage of all the free traffic this forum can bring you.

8. Hubpages Forum – This forum can bring you a lot of free traffic to your blog if you stop in once in a while and help out the community.

List Of High Traffic Social Networking Sites1. Facebook - Duh! Start a Facebook fanpage and build up your followers

who are interested in what your website, or blog has to offer. This is a great traffic strategy!

2. Twitter – Another Duh lol have you tweeted lately? You should! Build up your twitter followers that are interested in your niche, and tweet about your updated blog posts, or website.

3. Google Plus - Obviously Google owns Googleplus but it is a great website to get some nice traffic if used correctly. Add people in your circle who would be interested in what your business has to offer. Send them a thank you if they add you to there circles remember some of them may be potential customers.

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4. Pinterest – Have you received your Pinterest invite yet? If you have not sign up for your free internet marketing training course here and I will send you a Pinterest invite. Just send me an email with the title Pinterest invite and I will send it over to you a.s.a.p. Pinterest is the 3rd largest social networking site in the World now and most people have not even heard of it. Basically you share interesting things that you find on the internet. Your business, your blog posts, video’s, etc… You can then categorize your pins in relevant categories so people can find them and check out what your pinning.( Can you see the potential traffic Pinterest can bring you and your online business? )

5. Myspace – many people think myspace died years ago but it is slowly making a comeback. You can still get a lot of traffic to your website, or blog by sharing your blog posts to your Myspace friends etc…. Believe it or not when I check my website analytics I always see Myspace sending me a good amount of clicks fromthe blog posts that I share.

6. Tumblr - I always share my blog posts on Tumblr everytime I update my blog. Tumblr is one of the most popular social sites on the internet so be sure to add it to your arsenal.

7. Orkut – This is another popular social networking site that is very popular in south america that gets a lot of traffic make sure you share your blog posts on Orkut for an increase in traffic.

8. Linkedin – This website is a traffic powerhouse and business professionals from around the World congregate in one place for networking. Tip: Most people on this website have money to spend so I would recommend you spend a little more time than usual marketing on this website.

9. Stumbleupon – I always stumble all my blog posts for a nice backlink and some extra traffic to my blog, or website.

10.Reddit – Reditt is another popular social bookmarking site definitely worth submitting too.

*****Sexy bookmarks***** – I use this plugin to easily share all of my blog posts after I am done publishing them easily. You can see it for yourself directly below this post. Tip: If you are reading this post outside of my blog there is the link. Sexy bookmarks is very attrative on a WordPress blog I guess that is why it is called sexy bookmarks

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List Of Some Great Paid Courses I Have Bought Previously In 2012 ( Pretty Cheap And Pack A Lot Of Bang For Your Buck )

1. Traffic blackbook - This was just released recently and it has a whole lot of bang for your buck. It costs $47 dollars but he should be charging $500 for it seriously. It has 11 hours of traffic strategies super affiliate is sharing that make him a lot of month every year. P.S. You do not need Google for this. You can watch the free video here if your interested.

2. Trafficdashboard – This course covers every free traffic strategy that the traffic queen herself uses. She shows you how she generates thousands of visitors to her blog, and affiliate offers daily in easy to understand step by step video’s. ( Very high quality hours in video’s one of my best buys ever ) You can check it out here

List Of My Favorite Internet Marketing Blogs1. - Great blog from super affiliate marketer zac Johnson.

Zac get’s a lot of traffic and he also has some good information that covers a wide array of topics. Stop in and comment on a few of his posts.

2. - This is a top make money online blog ( Only mines better lol just kidding John they both are awesome ) In all seriousness Johnchow gets a lot of traffic on a daily basis he also has some great make money online tips so stop in and comment on a few of his posts.

3. Shoemoney – This is another blog that gets a lot of traffic so stop in and check it out.

4. - Chad has a blog in a niche similar to mine the internet marketing @ make money online niche. He has a ton of good posts and his blog is very well put together. By th way Chad if you happen to read this I like your new blog header it looks great.

5. - The top internet marketing, seo, and make money online blog on the internet. Why? Because it is mine lol. In all seriousness I have hundreds of posts on seo, traffic tips, how to make money blogging, email marketing, affiliate marketing, and product

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reviews. If you cannot find it on my blog it probably does not exist! 6. - James is a great internet marketer, and product

creator. His blog is packed with tons of useful information on internet marketing, traffic strategies, and making money online. I bought a few of his point and click squeeze page templates a while back and they convert like crazy so thanks James for making the great products that you do. Stop in and learn a thing or two and say jay sent you.

7. Potpiegirl – This is another great internet marketing blog you may want to check out.

8. – This is another great blog that is all about traffic and helping you get more of it. Kim does a good job, and writes some excellent blog posts on her top traffic strategies that she shares with her readers. They do not call her the traffic queen for nothing! Check her out!

9. – Highly popular blog with some great internet marketing tips.

10.Problogger – Very popular blog that covers all aspects of internet marketing

Blog Commenting Strategies For BacklinksMy Tips: Only comment on blogs that have high traffic, and blogs that are in your niche. For even more traffic be the first 5 to comment on a new blog post so you can get the most traffic possible from your blog comments. Commenting on popular blogs will give you a nice backlink for seo benefits, and some extra traffic at the same time. I still use blog commenting to this day because it is free, and it works!

Blogging Communities That Will Give You Extra Traffic1. Bloglog – Pick a category and add their widget and you are off to the

races. The more traffic your blog gets on a daily basis the higher your blog will rank in whatever category you submit your blog to on bloglog.

2. Blogtopsites – Same principle as above. Submit your blog and add their

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widget and the more traffic your blog gets on a daily basis the higher you rank in your category.

3. Blogfrog – This is a cool blogging community with a lot of traffic definitely worth signing up.

4. Blogtrottr – This blogging community has a lot of traffic, and the best part is when you publish a new blog post on your blog it is automatically shared with the blogging community once it is setup.

Worthwhile Video Sharing Sites1. Youtube – Sad but true so this list is going to be short really the only

video sharing site worth submitting too for traffic in my opinion because they control the majority of the video traffic online. Fun Fact: Youtube gets more search engine traffic than Yahoo, and Bing combined and it is really not even a search engine. People are typing into the search bar looking for their favorite video’s ( massive traffic on Youtube )

Worthwhile Free Press Release Site• - This is the only press release site I use and they rank real

well in the search engines too.

Fiverr What Would You Do For $5 Dollars?Fiverr – This website deserves a category all of it’s own just because of how popular it is. To drive traffic, and make money from Fiverr all at the same time, sign up for free, and start posting some gigs. Ask yourself what can I do for $5 dollars? You can also look into buying some Fiverr gigs that have a lot of good rating that can drive some good traffic to your blog, or website. I use Fiverr to drive traffic to my squeeze pages, and my blogs. Fiverr is also great for linkbuilding. There are some great gigs if you know where to look – just look for the one’s with a lot of positive reviews, and the gigs that are Panda proof ( High pagerank backlinks from trusted authority sites )

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Free Web 2.0 Websites For Free Targeted Traffic1. - I really used to like this site they suffered a lot in the

last google Panda update but their traffic levels have been climbing ever since. It is a great site to use to grab some extra unique visitors to your website, or blog. See my review of this site and you decide if hubpages is worthwhile for you.

2. Squidoo – they still get a lot of traffic even though I never really got too into this site. But definitely worth submitting too.

Search Engine Optimization1. This is the best free way to get laser targeted buying customers to your

website, or blog. The higher you rank in the search engines for lucrative keyword phrases the more money your internet business will make. Learn seo once and get good at it and reap the rewards for years to come. If you need help with your seo this course covers it all and then some ( Highly Recommended ). Click here for your seo training

List Of My Favorite Document Sharing Sites For A Real Boost In Your Traffic

1. Docstoc – Top document sharing site worth submitting too 2. Slideshare – I really get a lot of targeted traffic from slideshare. Tip:

Turn your content into P.D.F. ‘s and submit them to the top document sharing sites for free ( You will get a ton of traffic for free ).

3. Scribd – This document sharing site is suppoused to be the biggest on the internet in terms of traffic. Use the same principle above and turn your old or new content into P.D.F.’s and submit them in a relevant category on Scribd. ( I use a free program called open office 3.3 to turn my content into P.D.F.’s also great for listbuilding )

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List Of Classified Sites Worth Submitting Too1. Craigslist – This is the king of all classifieds but it is hard to submit

multiple classified ads without your ads being ghosted. I would play by the rules and only submit one ad weekly promoting your website, or blog for some extra traffic.

2. Backpage – This classified gets a lot of traffic I like to post paid sponsored ads in relevant categories, and in multiple cities to build an email list, or promote a hot selling affiliate program.

3. Kijiji - Ebay owns this one worth submitting too. 4. U.SFREEADS - This is a pretty good website tp place classified ads.

Still pretty effective but not as good as backpage, or Craigslist. To get the most traffic out of this website I would recommend you go with the $9.99 a month where you can post unlimited classified ads.

5. Gumtree – This is Great Britains largest classified ( Englands version of Craigslist )so it has some great traffic from our English speaking brothers and sisters in England.

6. Webleegs – This is a cool classified site where you can post ads that last up to a year and basically never expire. They also offer some pretty cool featured ads that appear on their homepage for pretty cheap.

Last But Not Least Only Post 100% Unique Content To Your Blog That Is High Quality Like This Blog Post For Even More Traffic, And Backlinks.

Blogger Or WordPress For New Bloggers Who Is Better?Do not make the same mistake I made and put a lot of time into a blogger blog, if you plan on earning a lot of online money from that particular blog. Especially if your a new affiliate marketer Google is deleting a lot of blogs that do not comply with their terms of service. But the problem is their terms

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of service can change at the drop of a dime – and if you are not prepared your blogger blog will be deleted with the push of a button. Are you prepared for all your hard work to go down the virtual toilet? I did not think so! Here is what happened to my blogger blog.

Are You Willing To Put Your Online Income In Bloggers Hands?If you answered no to that question you are a smart marketer congratulations! My blogger blog was deleted for no real good reason about a month ago and it was getting some great traffic. Alexa ranking 600,000 and shooting down the rankings fast. My blogger blog was a page rank 2 not real impressive, but it would of prob been a 3 or 4 had it not been deleted.

Why Was My Blogger Blog Deleted My Thoughts?I believe that Google is trying to get rid of affiliate marketers by weeding out a lot of the make money online blogs, as well as the Internet marketing blogs for starters. Is it right? No its pretty unfair, but that is the risk you take when you put all your eggs in one basket so to speak. Why put your online money in someone elses hands? Is that smart Internet marketing? Hell no its not! So any newbies reading this blog post take it seriously because I wrote this post for you. At the time I started my blog I was not aware of the risks involved with using a free hosting platform.Yeah it is free which is great. But if your planning on earning a considerable amount of money online with this blog it is pretty stupid to use Blogger as your main bread winner. One violation and see ya later to all that hard work. Now we have to start all over. You can probably see how this big blow can make you as an affiliate or Internet marketer want to throw in the towel ouch!!!!! TKO’D before I even went the distance.But thank god I had my blog backed up and was actually anticipating this move due to my friends on the Warrior forum. I was prepared thankfully. I made the mistake of using blogger because I was new to blogging, not Internet marketing. I had my own website but I wanted to give blogger a go, dumb mistake and one I will not make again, trust me!

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Why Start A WordPress Self Hosted Blog?The answer to that question is simple you control your own content point blank. How powerful is that? Now is that smart Internet marketing? You betcha! Now we are all on the same money making page. It will only cost you about $5.00 a month for web hosting I use Hostgator you can check them out here if you want to get your online business up and running today! Is $5.00 measly bucks a month gonna kill you? If it is you have no business trying to start an online home based business. $5.00 is nothing to have a legitimate income coming in from your WordPress blog on a monthly basis. Would you agree with that statement? If you answered yes congratulations you have the brains needed to start building a residual income from the comfort of your own home with your WordPress blog. Here are a few benefits of hosting your own self hosted WordPress blog.1. You control your content no one else2. No – One can tell you to follow their terms of service hint hint. You are your own terms of service, you are essentially your own Google. Post what you want, when you want, where you want, you own it. Now that is freedom!3. If your an affiliate marketer you can post all the affiliate links you want without the fear of your blog getting deleted. Your own self hosted WordPress blog is your own online real estate you hold the title to that property no one else!4. WordPress has tons of cool widgets, and plugins for you to use to make your blog look like a million bucks! Huge online community with a ton of support.5.Nothing says professional like your own domain name on a self hosted WordPress blog. If you at least look professional – you are way more likely for your visitors to trust you, and you will make more money. If your an affiliate this means more commissions for you the smart Internet marketer.

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In Conclusion:I bounced back fairly quickly from my deleted blogger blog – but I was one of the lucky ones who was prepared. Are you prepared? Blogger is a good free platform if your just using it casually just for fun. But if your serious about earning an online income, you would be a fool not to get some cheap webhosting, and start up your own WordPress blog. Trust me you will thank me later. I am actually glad my blogger blog was deleted in a weird way. I am sitting way prettier now concentrating on what really matters and that is building my online business. Can you see the power in that? I hope this post taught you a lesson newbies. If your in this business for the long haul do it right and start your own self hosted WordPress blog today!To Your Online Success Entrepreneurs, Jay!Feel free to comment below

Learn How To Rank Blogs Highly In Google And Make Money On Autopilot. Watch This Free Webinar And See How George

Does It!

Newbies Want To Make The Really Big Money Online NO B.S Here Is What To Do? Your Step By Step Guide To Speed Up Your Learning Curve.

I am seeing people asking this question over, and over again, from Newbies who are trying to make it in the internet marketing field. After all you want to make money online as a nice side income, or even a full time income one day right?But you do not want to go around chasing pipe dreams buying course, after

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course, that promises the stars and only delivers on setting you back even more money.I am gonna make a list of what I do personally and what I am going to be doing more of that I know from personal experience will make you money if you stick with it.I am going to be recommending a few courses that I have bought, and reviewed, that I know will help you out considerably if you have the money. If you do not no big deal. I know the economy is tough these days you can do all of this on your own it will just take you a little longer.But a few of these recommendations you absolutely need and they will not set you back much at all trust me. If you want to make it in the internet marketing field you have to spend a little bit of money to get a legitimate online business off the ground and running.If you cannot perhaps you are in the wrong line of work, and you need to consider if having your own Internet business is right for you?Sometimes you need to spend a little bit of money online to make a lot of money online. Internet marketing is a business treat it as such to reap the financial rewards one day.Be prepared to work, and work hard. Especially at first to build your business. You put the effort into your online business now your online business will pay you back ten folds down the line. Lazy people internet marketing @ earning money online is not right for you if your not prepared to work stop reading here and go play on your Facebook page.Internet marketing and making money online is not easy it does take work. If your prepared for a fun challenge keep reading you might learn a thing or two.I am also going to link to a great post I read on the Warriorforum at the end of this blog post that will expand on the ideas that I am going to cover here.

Let’s Get Started Newbies Do This If You Want To Make The Really Big Money Online Someday – Hopefully Soon!

• Find a niche that has the potential to make you a lot of money, and one

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that interests you. Tip: If you see a lot of active forums about a particular niche it’s more than likely a profitable niche

• Buy a keyword rich domain name targeting a phrase that is highly searched with low competition in the search engines. Use the free Google adwords keyword tool to do your keyword research.

• Start a self hosted WordPress blog, or even a regular website. It is your choice it is your online business. I prefer blogs because they rank better in the search engines P.S. Google loves blogs. But if your niche requires a regular website that will work just as fine. I use Hostgator and I like them but go without whoever you want.

• Monetize your blog, or website, with your own products if you have any. Or affiliate offers, Google adsense ads, or maybe even Kontera like ads for your content. There are tons of great ways to make money with a blog, or website. I personally like Clickbank, Rapbank, Payspree, Digiresults, Commission Junction, or even Amazon if your state is not banned yet lol. Proceed with caution with them these days.

• Only post 100% unique content to your blog. If you post unoriginal copied content from other websites, or blogs, and pawn it off as your own Google will slap your site big time and you will not rank highly for any keywords in the search engines. P.S. This means less money in your pockets. Do it right or do not do it at all. If you want to learn more about ranking highly in the search engines this course will help you out a lot. If not you can always learn seo on your own it will just take you a lot longer.

• P.S. Your going to have to build some backlinks to your blog too so your site ranks well in the search engines and potentially makes you some really big money one day. The higher the competition of your niche the more backlinks you are gonna need to rank well in the serps.

• Once you get some 100% unique content added to your blog and you have a good base to work with now it is time to drive traffic to this bad boy and hopefully make some money. You can drive free traffic a number of ways article marketing, seo, blogging, forum posting, press releases, video marketing, blog commenting, social networking, the list

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goes on and on. Congratulations you have a solid online business going now lets make the really big money online by ramping things up a bit – continued below.

Ramping Up Your New Online Business – This Is How To Potentially Make The Big Money Online

• Once you have built up a steady stream of traffic to your new blog, or website you need to start an email list a.s.a.p. if you do not its your loss I have mine do you have yours? The majority of the money you will probably make online will be through your email list. I am going to give you a few pointers and make starting your own email list as painless, and cheap as possible.

Start an email list for a $1.00 through this link this is how I got started• Once you have your own email list up and running you are going to

need to collect email addresses on your blog, or website, to earn money online. I would start by placing an opt-in form prominently on your blog. I would recommend the upper right hand corner of your blog.

• Your next step is too add an aweber lightbox on your site. This works awesome! The Aweber opt-in form will appear on your blog and darken the rest of your page you will get a lot of opt- ins if you have a good freebie you are giving away that has some value.

P.S. Set your lightbox form between 5 -10 seconds to appear on your site this works the best if you are concentrating on building an email list which you definitely should be.

• Next I would recommend you make your very own squeeze page telling people about your freebies. I have one set up at

Page 25: Theofficialbeginnersguidetomakingmoneyontheinternet 121008192339-phpapp01 that you can take a look at it converts at over 50% I bought the template here for a mere $7.00 and it has made me a lot of money through my opt-ins.

• I almost forgot if you need a great free ebook to promote and build that list I recommend giving away my ebook the beginners guide to affiliate marketing @ making money online. I give you full permission to give it away or even resell it for a 100% commission. Here is the link to your free ebook to build up your email list. Click here to grab it!

• After you have built up a list of at least 500 active double opt – in subscribers I would recommend you sign up to a site called safeswaps this adswap site can really bring your listbuilding to the next level. Adswaps are sending a free offer from another internet marketer to your email list in the form of a one time broadcast message. In exchange they send your free offer to their list. Everyone benefits you get more subscribers and they get more subscribers it is a win,win, situation for everyone involved.

Tip For adswaps:Newbies: Make sure you have a good affiliate program that converts well on your thank you page related to what they signed for. Some of these opt-in subscribers will take you up on this offer and buy through your affiliate link making you some good money in the process.

Take Your Online Earning To The Next Level And Sit Back And Relax And Watch The Money Roll In!Product Creation: I am just starting to get into product creation besides my free ebooks etc… This is where the really big money is made online. Create your own information product ebook, software, etc… Think of a skill that you have that can benefit people and write a how – to- guide.

• Submit your free ebook to places like Rapbank, Clickbank, Payspree, or Digiresults. Offer a 100% commission to your affiliates and build a list of buyers from the sales that your affiliates are generating promoting your ebook. You can collect these buying customers email addresses once they purchase your product, and build a list of buyers that can make you money for years to come. This is much better than a freebie

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seeker list, and much more profitable for you the online entrepreneur. Just sit back, relax, and let all the affiliates promote your product. This will earn you money even while your sleeping. Now that is the life!This great post I found on the Warriorforum explains this in more detail. Here is the link have a whole game plan laid out for you to make money online so start taking action!keep learning, and building your internet business newbies. You will be shocked at what you can really acheive when you put your mind to it! Success is at your fingertips now go out there and grab it!Please comment below if you enjoyed this post it took me a long time to write it.I want to make sure my hard work is not in vain. I look forward to all of your comments.To Your Online Success. And You Finally Starting To Make Money Online. Jay!

Ways To Earn Extra Income Online What To Do? What Not To Do?Here are a some simple ideas geared towards beginners, of ways you can start making some money from home in no particular order.

Successful Strategies To Earn Money Online

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1. Start a websiteVery easy to do nowadays. Most webhosting companies out there in this day and age have built in site builders as an option that include a huge selection of templates – that you can use to have a professional looking website up and running very quickly. Trust me when I say this when I first started out I had no idea about Microsoft Word, or any other platform webdesigners use to upload their websites from. Having a built in site builder geared towards people who do not have experience building websites makes the task almost effortless a huge time saver. I use Hostgator as my webhost of choice. They have been pretty good to me throughout the years, and whenever I have a problem their customer service staff is available 24/7 which comes in extremely handy when you run into a problem.

2. Start A Self Hosted WordPress Blog -Do you like this blog you are reading this post on? If you do thank you – and also tell you that this blog is a self hosted WordPress blog hosted by Hostgator for only $5.oo a month not too bad huh? Having your own self hosted blog is the only way to go if your gonna be in business online for the long run. WordPress has tons of widgets, and plugins, you can implement into your blog very easily. WordPress blogs are very search engine friendly, and very easy to use even if you are a beginner. I highly recommend WordPress self hosted blogs over free blogging platforms like Googles keep reading to find out why!

Do Not Start A Blogger Blog And Invest A Lot Of Time On It If Your An Affiliate. Do Not Make The Same Mistake I Made!Blogger – I am not gonna go into huge details about blogger lets just say I lost a blog with a page rank 3, a 600,000 Alexa rating, and I was ranking

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highly for some pretty competitive keyword terms. They claimed it was spam and I violated their terms of service. Google is making up as they go their definition of spam which is basically any blog that has affiliate links. So if your new to affiliate, or Internet marketing in general heed my warning play at your own risk with Blogger blogs these days they are on a rampage and your blog, and hard work could be deleted with the push of a button next!Thankfully I was smart enough to backup my blog – and I bounced back fairly quickly. Warning: Go with a self hosted WordPress blog if you plan on basing your business around your blog! I posted a forum post on the Warriorforum which is the largest Internet marketing forum online if you want to read more about what is going on with Blogger. Here is the link!

How To Monetize Your Blog, Or Website?1. Google Adsense – You can place text ads or visual ads right on your website, or blog and get paid for every unique click that is generated by visitors to your site. Adsense is one great way to earn some extra income online. Once you have your blog, or website up and running go over to Google create an account if you do not have one and setup an Adsense account. Their should be directions on how to setup adsense on your website if you run into problems. Here are a few helpful links I found that will guide you through the setup process on WordPress. Click here! This is a helpful video I found on how to set up Adsense on a WordPress blog. Click Here!Affiliate Marketing – This is what this blog is based around so this is my absolute favorite way to earn some extra income online. Sign up for a few affiliate programs – Here are a few of my favorites for you to get started.1. Clickbank – Largest digital product marketplace online over 10,000 digital products for you to promote. Tip: Go with products with a higher gravity they are proven sellers. Another great tip is to find products with very low competition a specific niche, and market them. It will be easier to rank higher in the search engines for your articles, blog posts, or classified ads that you post. You will have a better chance of earning a better income from your affiliate ads especially if you are a beginner.2. Commission Junction – This is the largest physical product affiliate network outside of Amazon. They are very well respected in the affiliate

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marketing industry. Huge fortune 500 companies you can choose from to promote3. Amazon – Need I say more their name speaks for itself. You can throw up some related Amazon ads on your website to monetize it.4. – This one is fairly new but I love the fact that if you do make a sale you get instant commissions sent directly to your Paypal account. How cool is that? No waiting 2 weeks to get paid its instant income. You can sign up for a free account to Rapbank here if your interested.5. Linkshare – Another fairly large affiliate network with a ton of quality vendors to work with. Some big name companies on this network.6. Pepperjam Network - This company is getting pretty big and is one of the fastest growing affiliate networks in the U.S. It is based out of Chicago,IL. They also have some very good companies for you to choose from to market for.

Here Are Some Proven Ways For You To Promote Your Blog, Or Website.1. Article marketing- Here are my 5 favorites below:a. Articlesbase.comb. Ezinearticles.comc. Goarticles.comd. Ideamarketers.come.

2. Blog Commenting – You can start by posting a comment on this blog I use comment luv so make sure you put a relevant comment. Comment on blogs that are related to your niche. This will give you backlinks, traffic, and an increased Google pagerank down the road.

3. Forum posting- Use a signature link and contribute to forums that are similar to whatever your blog, or website is based around. There are tons of online forums out there so you should not have trouble finding one. You can start off by signing up at the biggest one the

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Warriorforum. The Workathomeforum is another good one. I also recommend

4. There are also a lot of other ways to promote your new site you can use social marketing like Twitter, Myspace, Facebook, and Tagged. Social bookmarking, classified ads, free press releases, add more and more content to your website, or blog regularly. Hint: The search engines love content.

5. Learn the basics of SEO so you can get your new site to rank highly in the search engines for your chosen keyword phrases. The list goes on and on, but these are proven free methods that actually work.

What Not To Do? Listen Up Newbies!1. Traffic Exchanges – Do not waste your time on Traffic exchanges they will not earn you any extra income. They will only waste your time, and money. Regardless of what you hear stay away from them! I have been there and done that – so I am passing on my wisdom to you. They do not work so do not spend countless hours in front of your computer clicking on various websites. Take your girlfriend, or boyfriend out to dinner, or the movies. Spend your time on techniques that will actually make you extra money. And believe me when I say Traffic exchanges are not one of these ways to earn an extra income online.

What Works Like Gold For Residual Income?1. Start An Email List A.S.A.P – I have been talking a lot about the importance of starting an Email list a lot lately, and for good reason! I waited way too long to start mine, and I do not want you to make the same mistake I

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did if you want to make the real big money online one day then set up an Email list pronto. The money is in the list – and the sooner you get one up and running, the faster you will be on your way to a great income. It took me a long time to realize that fact, once I had my Email list set up I realized how true that statement truly is. I would not ever want to be without my list now that I realize its true potential. If your ready to get started, and I highly suggest you do here is a link to get started for a lousy $1.00. Take advantage of it!I will leave you with this inspirational quote: This post is getting fairly long. There is nothing like a dream to create the future. Start making your online dreams a reality by taking action today Entrepreneurs!

Fiverr Review What Would You Do To Earn $5.00 Dollars?I was browsing the Internet and looking for some cool websites for my blog viewers when I stumbled across Fiverr. Weird name, Don’t ask me how they came up with it because I have no clue lol. Cool concept for a very cool website. It lets people sign up with them all you need is a Paypal account, and a few good ideas to earn a little extra money.From the straight up funny, to the serious entrepreneur trying to earn a few extra dollars online, Fiverr has it all. From the funny such as I will sing happy birthday in Chinese to the person of your choice for $5.00. To the serious Entrepreneurs such as I will offer start up business advice by phone for 10 minutes for $5.00 dollars . The possibilities are endless, and fun!I was on this website for a few hours it is pretty addicting to say the least. Some of the things people will do for $5.oo bucks are pretty hysterical. You can also use Fivver to earn some extra cash. What would you do for $5.00 dollars? All you need is a Paypal account and a few good ideas to post and your in business right away.

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Fivver is also a great source for us Internet marketers who are reading this post. Do you need cheap advertising for your website, or blog? There are tons of marketers on Fiverr who are offering great servives for only $5.00 dollars. You can really find some diamonds in the rough on this website just by browsing around. Here are a few examples I found.1. I will tweet about your product or service to 3800 followers 5 times a dayfor 4 weeks for only $5.00 dollars.2. I will submit your website, or blog to 1,000 search engines for $5.00 dollars.3. I will invite my 19,000 Facebook friends to your website, or blog for $5.00 dollars.4. How about I will tell all my 33,00 Twitter followers about your blog, or website for $5.00 dollars.Talk about some cheap effective marketing techniques. I actually spent $10 bucks on this site yesterday just to see what kind of results I would get. I will update you on my results in the next couple of days. Whether you are looking to earn some extra cash, or you are looking to hire someone for whatever reason, Fivver is the website that has it all. It is bookmarked on my computer, and I will be a frequent visitor on Fivver. Now the question still remains what will you do for $5 dollars? Visit here and sign up for your free account it is a blast!Here are a few categories for you to place your ad, or browse through on Fivver. Warning: Have some free time on your hands, Fivver is really a fun site to look through, and post on!

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Basic Search Engine Optimization Training For Beginners And Newbie AffiliatesSo you just started your first website, or blog and know you want to know how to drive targeted search engine traffic to your new piece of Internet real estate. After all with no free targeted traffic to your website how are you supposed to earn any money? And who wants to pay for traffic if they can help it? Not me! And I am sure you would answer the same way.Paying for traffic is a suckers game at least when you are first starting out and are limited on funds right? You probably want to make some money with your online business before you go handing it over to the multi – billion dollar Google pay per click empire. But your problem is you do not know anything about basic search engine optimization so you can drive this free targeted traffic to your new website, or blog so customers can buy your affiliate merchandise – whether it be digital (information) or actual physical products like Amazon for example. Either way you need traffic to make money online there is no way around it. The more traffic you can bring to your site the more money you will earn. Pretty cut and dry. The Internet can be brutal especially in a competitive niche like the affiliate marketing, make money online, weight loss, Internet marketing niche, and the beauty niche just too name a few of the many competitive online niches out there in the Internet marketing World.Learning and training in at least basic search engine optimization tactics is more important know than it has ever been. Unless your blog, or website is based around underwater basket weaving with little to no competition. Your gonna need to know a few pointers so you can compete in the new SEO game, and turn your personal online real estate into a money making machine.

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Your gonna need to know how to get your blog posts to the top of the major search engines for you to drive targeted cash in hand visitors. Proper search engine optimization is an essential skill that can pay off big time for years and years to come. Free traffic is the best kind of traffic and that’s what SEO brings to the table.Here are a few SEO tips geared towards newbies that will at least give you a basic understanding of what’s going on and how you can get the most out of your new website, or blog.

Basic Search Engine Optimization Training Tips For Beginners And Newbie Affiliates.1. Research keyword phrases related to your website, or blog that potential visitors will be looking for related to your site. I use the Google adwords keyword research tool it is free and it is the best online in my opinion.2. Think highly searched keyword phrases with low competition. This may require some research on your part but it will pay off big time when done correctly. Your goal is to find lucrative phrases that people will type into the major search engines that will lead them to your site. Make sure the competition is low 500,000 listings or under should be your goal.* You do not want to go after phrases like make money online if that is your niche that will take years for you to climb up the rankings for example. Be smart and go after phrases that you can rank on the first pages for with little effort.3. Make a list of 4-5 phrases that fit this criteria and optimize your website, or blog with these keywords. This does not mean stuffing your content with all your keywords so that your content doesn’t even read properly.* Sprinkle your keywords into your text moderately, and make sure your text is readable for your visitors. Readers first, search engines second should be your main goal.

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4. Meta Tags – These are the tags that are at the top of your blog or website in the header section. My meta tags are An Entrepreneurs Journey To Earn You More Money Online – Affiliate Marketing Lessons, Product Reviews, Traffic TipsThis is the title of my blog, and these keywords are also my meta tags. These are a few of the keywords I am going after in the search engines. Meta tags are absolutely essential so make sure you have them added and your keywords are in your meta tags prominently. Meta tags alone can do wonders, but don’t expect no miracles. Especially if you are in a very competitive niche. But they do help out a great deal so use them wisely!5. If you have not started your own blog, or website yet than make sure you pick a short domain name with the keywords that you are targeting in your domain name. This will make it easier for people to remember your site, and it will give you a nice boost in the search engines rankings. Having your keywords in your domain name is a great search engine optimization tip that all beginners should take advantage of if they have not picked a domain name for their new site yet.6. Build relevant backlinks for proper SEO. This is even more important if your niche is extremely competitive like mine is. You want to link to sites with high page rank if possible that are directly related to your blog, or website for proper search engine optimization. He or she with the most quality relevant backlinks usually wins the SEO wars.Are you prepared to go to combat for your first page rankings on Google? You should be it can pay off big time for years to come without an adverse effect on your pocketbook.I hope you enjoyed this training tutorial on SEO. There is a lot more to SEO but this will at least get you started. For more in depth training see my link below.As Always To Your Online Success Affiliates, Jay!Good Course that goes more in depth with search engine optimization. Highly recommended for beginner affiliates and Internet marketers alike. Click link to check it out. Discover the automatic way to boost your SEO on every single page with these secret strategies that even the search engines don’t want you to know about. This video course is packed with

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incredible information about how to create instant backlinks, optimizing your site or blog and how to set up an automated SEO system that is 100% self-promoting!

Learn How To Make Money On The Internet ForDummies What Works?There is so much information floating around out there, if your a beginner to making money on the internet it can baffle your mind, or down right confuse the hell out of you. You want answers on what works? And what the hell is just downright wasting your time? These are scams, or time wasters as I like to call them.

Well, I have put together a list of what to do if you want to cut out all the bullshit and start putting together a profitable money making machine that can earn you money on autopilot even while you sleep.

Owning a blog, or website, is like having internet real estate. With a little hard work you can own your own park place. If you decide to just leave it there and put no time @ effort into your online real estate such as blog, or website maintenance which involves building backlinks,and adding unique content on a semi regular basis. You also must remember the internet marketing aspect of making money with your blog, or website, such as social networking sites like Twitter, and Facebook. Create a Facebook fanpage, participate in online forums related to your niche, video marketing, comment on blogs related to your website, or blogs niche for starters. If you do not market your blog, or website you may as well throw in the towel. Instead of parkplace you will have the equivalent of mediterranean avenue or

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baltic avenue in monopoly. Not the kind of internet real estate that you want to have to pull in the big money online. The online moneywill not magically appear by the website fairy. It’s gonna take some hard work, and effort on your part to make a good income on the internet.Don’t Be A Dummy Follow These Proven Steps To Start Cashing In On The Internet On ARegular Basis

1. Don’t Be A Dummy – Start a real internet business by researching a niche you have some interest in @ at the same time can potentially earn you a nice amount of cash at the same time. It is far easier to succeed if you have an actual interest , or a passion, in your website,or blogs main area of focus. P.S. Do not forget to update your website often with unique original content. The latest Google farmer update penalized 1,000 s of sites on the internet with unoriginal copied′ content. Be original and write your own blog posts Google will rewardyou with higher search engine rankings.

2. Don’t Be A Dummy – Start a self hosted wordpress blog. Let me sink this point into your head or your internet business will sink faster than the Titanic. Pay for website hosting and buy your own domain name. A dummy will invest all his or her time and energy into a blogthat is essentially owned by someone else. If you are using a free hosted blogging platform like blogger, or you are setting yourself up for internet failure right off the bat. Don’t come crying to me when one day your blog gets deleted because you violated one of their ever changing terms of service. ( Which can happen for pretty much anything trust me I am speaking from experience when I myself was just a beginner to the internet and earning money online). Smart affiliate marketers and internet marketers in general only use free hosted blogging platforms to mess around with or for backlinks to their main money blogs.

3. Don’t Be A Dummy – Learn as much as you can about search

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engine optimization. Smart internet @ affiliate marketers know that the best kind of traffic that you can possibly have to your website, or blog is free targeted search engine traffic. These are actual people coming directly from the major search engines that are looking for what you have to offer. This traffic converts into you making more money from your internet business. Keyword tip: Target keywords that are buying keywords and try to rank highly for them to get the most money from your website, or blogs traffic.

4. Don’t Be A Dummy – Start an email list a.s.a.p. I waited a couple years to get mine started which was a big mistake when I finally realized half the battle of making money on the internet is building a responsive email list from your blog, or websites traffic. The bigger and better your email list is the more money you will earn online from your internet marketing efforts period! Internet Marketing Tip: Once you reach about 500 email subscribers starting doing adswaps with other internet marketers to grow your list a lot faster this will also make you some great extra cash in the process.

5. Don’t Be A Dummy – If your trying to make money online from affiliate marketing. Which in a nutshell is making money from recommending a product, or service to anyone on the internet in exchange for a commission. If they buy that particular product, or service through your affiliate link you will earn a commission and make money. But, to be successful you need to learn all you can about affiliate marketing. Be a student of the trade. The more you learn, the more your gonna earn period! The best Dr’s do not become the best overnight. It takes years and years of training for them to master their chosen trade. Think the same way with your affiliate marketing career – only the learning curve is a lot shorter. Learn while your earning on the internet. Always brushen up on your internet marketing skills so you can put yourself in the best position possible to make the most amount of money from your online business as possible.

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Here Are A Few Of The Top Affiliate Programs You Can Make Money With On The Internet:

1. Commission Junction – Linkshare – http://www.linkshare.com3. Clickbank – http://www.clickbank.com4. Share-A-Sale http://www.shareasale.com5. Amazon -

Congratulations, you are on your way graduating from a dummy into a full pledged internet marketing machine.

P.S Your not a dummy anymore either…… Dummy comments are all in good fun!

Affiliate Marketing And Clickbank For Dummies( Take Dummy Comments All In Good Fun I Know Your Smart)

Your probably strolling along the Internet looking for a legitimate way to earn some extra money from home. You have also probably heard about the affiliate marketing business model, and how it could make you a few bucks to pay off some bills? All this is true and more.

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Online affiliate marketing is a multi – billion dollar yearly business. Want to get in on the action? Let me walk you through the basics of affiliate marketing, Clickbank, and how to turn your free time into some cold hard cash. Buckle up, sit tight, and prepare for the coolest rideof your life.

What is affiliate marketing exactly? A form of marketing where individuals promote a business in exchange for either a percentage of the sales they generate or a specifiedamount for each lead generated.

In Dummy Terms Translation: Promote an affiliate product. Customer buys that product through your affiliate link, or banner. You earn a commission. You can also get paid just for directing traffic to a vendors website if you choose this option this is called cost per lead. Its your life the choice is yours! You can generate affiliate sales in any number of ways.

Through Classified Ads You Place. Think Craigslist, and Backpage these are 2 great places for dummies to start. If you have not read the bum marketing method by Travis Sago Googleit fast. The bum marketing method is free and its a great place for dummies to start learning the basics of affiliate marketing.

Through Your Blog, Or Website: Once you get past the initial dummy phase of affiliate marketing you are definitely gonna want to start your own affiliate marketing blog, or website. It is not mandatory but highly recommended. This way you can control your content and your affiliate income will increase with proper ground work on your part.I recommend a self hosted WordPress blog for various reasons for affiliates if you are planning on making this your one and only money site. If your a dummy you use free hosted platforms like Blogger for your money site. Why wouldn’t you? Only a dummy would

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let Google control there blog, all there hard work, and can delete your blog for any reason they seem fit. A smart affiliate wouldn’t do that would they? I think not!

( Authors Note ) Affiliate marketing is not a get rich quick scheme it is a proven business model that is gonna take some work on your part. If your lazy and think that money grows on tree’s go back to playing your Xbox and stop reading this blog post. Affiliate marketing is not for you! Only the strong survive, if your lazy and weak minded you will get chewed up and spit out in the long run. That Xbox is probably sounding better and better to you ha? Lol…Affiliate marketing is not that hard in fact it is one of the cheapest start up businesses you can run from home. In fact you can actually run it for free in the beginning if you choose to. Once you get better at it and start making a few sales then you can pay for webhosting etc… verycheap only $5 to $10 dollars a month for you dummies, and cheapskates out there. Remember affiliate marketing is a legitimate online business treat it as such. There will be some costs down the road if you want to make the real big money one day, be prepared.

Ok So What The Heck Is Clickbank? And How Can Clickbank Make A Dummy Like Me

Some Big Fat Affiliate Commission Checks?

Clickbank is an online affiliate marketplace where you can sign up for

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free to be an affiliate. Clickbank has over 10,000 digital products for you to find something to promote and earn some money. They have so many products even a dummy like you should be able to find something to put your new found Internet marketing skills to the test. If you sign up for a free Clickbank account your no dummy your a smart affiliate.

Why Should I Sign Up For A Free Clickbank Account?

Its simple, Clickbank can fill your affiliate account with some big money. But you must be motivated, willing to learn affiliate marketing, and willing to work hard to get your share of the big Clickbank pie. Clickbank only deals with digital products. Did I mention you can make up to 75% commissions on a ton of products in the Clickbank marketplace?

What Are Digital Products For Dummies? What is the Internet based around? If you guessed information, than give yourself a big fat pat on the back, you earned it your no dummy. People are willing to pay big money for quality information that solves a problem.Content is king online and quality information is what people want. Maybe they are looking for some information on how to earn money online? How to get an ex girlfriend back? How to drive more traffic to your website, or blog? Self help information, Software, Languagesoftware or info, Green energy products, Sports. You name it Clickbank has it. Digital products can be instantly delivered over the Internet after payment is successfully made. This is great for your customer. No waiting on shipment by mail, they get a quick fixinstantly. After the product is ordered its delivered in literally nano seconds to your customer.

Everyones happy!

How Does This Benefit You As A Clickbank Affiliate

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Marketer? You get your affiliate commission instantly and the vendor or owner of that product can pay his or her affiliates a lotmore money. In fact up to an astounding 75% commission on the successful sale of an affiliate program. Why? After the initial program is created most of the revenue, or affiliate income generated by successful sales is pure profit. No shipping costs, overhead etc…. With digital products you can earn a lot more cash on each sale over physical products like Amazon for example. This savings is then passed on to you the online affiliate marketer. Now You Dummies know the basics of affiliate marketing and Clickbank. Your next step is to go sign up for your free Clickbank account and start making some cash. After you do this I promise to stop calling you a dummy! Just kidding everyone, good luck with your new foundaffiliate marketing career.

SEO Tutorial For Beginners How To Rank Highly In Google?Seo Tutorial For Beginners @ Newbies

I am gonna run all you beginners out there through a brief tutorial on seo so at least you will have some idea of what search engine optimization is all about so you can get your new websites, or blogs to rank highly in the major search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. If no one can find your new site than how are you gonna earn a lot of cash from your new business? You can have the best online business in the World but if no-one can find it it is rendered virtually useless.

This is where learning how to rank highly in the search enginescomes into play and this little seo tutorial for beginners will get you started in the right direction.

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Seo Tutorial For Beginners Tips And Steps To Take

SEO Tutorial Tip 1. Put your keywords in your domain name.

Some marketers are saying Google is putting less importance on domains with the keywords in them, but that is not what I am seeing. Just do a quick search on Google for some keywords you want to go after that are related to your blog, or website. For example: I just did a search for earn cash make moneyonline do you see who is number 1 for that keyword phrase? Here is number 1: Here is number 2: about the keyword learn affiliate marketing? The number 2 result about the keyword phrase affiliate lessons? The number 1 listing about the highly competitive keyword phrase earn money online? The number 3 listing when doing a search on Google is us try one last one the keyword phrases SEO Tutorial? Results number 5 and 6 on Googles first page are and

Page 45: Theofficialbeginnersguidetomakingmoneyontheinternet 121008192339-phpapp01 you starting to see a pattern here? Go ahead and try it yourself….. I bet you come up with similar findings. Now do you see how important having your keywords in your domain name isfor you to build a solid seo foundation and to get free targeted traffic to your blog, or website, from the search engines? Choose a keyword phrase with low competition, and high searches, so your domain name can dominate Googles first page for that particular keyword phrase.SEO Tutorial Tip 2. If you have a blog, or website make sure your site title or meta tags have your keyword phrases that you are trying to rank for in them. Pick 3-5 keyword phrases and use them for your sites title, and the description of your site for optimal seo performance.SEO Tutorial Tip 3. Make sure your sites content has your keyword phrases in it. Google loves content that is what the internet is based around so give Google what they want. Highly optimized, great content, and they will give you what you want. higher rankings in the search engines, and better seo for your website, or blog.

Quick seo tip for beginners - Do not stuffyour keywords everywhere in your sites text use them moderately. Remember: Your site is for people first, and the search engines second.SEO Tutorial Tip 4: Build high quality backlinks to your blog, or website. You can comment on forums by making a signature link with a link to your website, or blog. Every post you make in that particular forum will be free advertising for your website, and a high quality backlink. Join some of the major sites like,,, etc…etc….. When you set up your free profile on these sites make sure you have a link to your blog, or website, in your forum profile for a free, high quality backlink from the search engines. You can comment on blogs related to your niche, this is a great seo strategy. Comment on popular blogs with a link to your website in the url box. There is no limit on the number of backlinks you

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can have pointing at your website. The sky is the limit. There is anold saying in the internet marketing community. He, or she, with the most backlinks usually wins the seo war. So keep building quality backlinks to your site at a steady pace, Google will reward you for it. These seo tips will get you headed in the right direction beginners. Good luck with your new blog, or website. I hope you start earning some good cash from your seo efforts down the road.

I hope you enjoyed my quick seo tutorial for beginners. As always cheers to your online success, and putting more cold hard cash in your pockets, and purses.

SEO Need Help? A Must Read SEO Steps ForNewbies!So you have probably just started your new Website, or blog and do not know the first thing about getting targeted traffic through proper search engine optimization. Having a website, or blog online is your little piece of Internet real estate that no-one can control but you. If you are in it for the long haul and you are looking into blogging I would highly suggest a self hosted blog. The free blogging platforms like blogger can be deleted by Google and all your hard work will be flushed down the virtual toilet. Trust me when I say this I have been there, and done that, and it is definitely no fun!

Enough of the small talk let’s get down to business! Here is how to drive free targeted traffic to Google, Yahoo, and Bing from the search engines using some

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simple search engine optimization techniques!

If your website, or blog is not getting any free targeted traffic from proper search engine optimization then how in the World are you supposed to make any money from your new Internet business? And who wants to pay for traffic if they can help it? Not me! And I am sureyou would answer the same way.

Paying for traffic via pay per click methods is a temporary fix to running an online business. Search engine optimization is a free strategy that can have targeted visitors to your site in minutes with proper keyword research. At least when you are first starting out online and you do not have hundreds if not thousands of dollars to hand over to Google? Google has enough money why make their pockets even fatter if you do not have to? They do not want your siteto be getting a bunch of free traffic from their search engines. Why? Because they want youto be dumb and run pay per click campaigns to make their pockets even fatter.

Google is only worth billions and billions of dollars are you? It is time the small business owner gets a break and that is why learning proper search engine optimization techniques is crucial if you want to make a lot of money from your online business.

But you have a little problem. You do not know anything about basic search engineoptimization so you can drive this free targeted traffic to your new website, or blog so customers can buy your merchandise – whether it be digital (information) or actual physical products like Amazon for example. Or you may produce your own goods, or services, that you are selling for yourself for example.

Either way you cut it you need laser targeted seo traffic to make a considerable amount of money online. The Internet is a numbers game. The people that are doing well online, or online businesses for example know how to drive targeted traffic to their sites that will crash

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some servers.

The Internet can be brutal especially in a competitive niche like the affiliate marketing, make money online, or the Internet marketing niches. just to name a few of the many competitive niches out there in the Internet marketing World. Traffic is the lifeblood of any online business and it will determine if a business is a success or not. If you are able to bring targeted traffic to your website, or blog than you will make a lot of money. If you cannot than you might as well pack it up and put in more hours at your stable 9 to 5 job. I cannot even stress enough how crucial search engine optimization really is for a long lasting viable business.

Learning and training in at least basic search engine optimization tactics is more important know than it has ever been. Unless your blog, or website is based around underwater basket weaving with little to no competition. Your gonna need to know a few pointers so you cancompete in the new SEO game, and turn your personal online real estate into a money making machine or your personal ATM machine.

Your gonna need to know how to get your blog posts, or your websites content to the top of the major search engines (meaning page 1 for your keyword terms) for you to drive targeted cash in hand seo visitors who are actively searching for what you have to offer. Free traffic is the best kind of traffic and that’s what search engine optimization can bring to the table very quickly.

Cool Fact: 90% of all online searchers click on the natural organic free listings when performing a search online. Only 10% click on the paid listings (For beginners these are on the right hand side of the Google search engine)

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Here are a few SEO tips that are aimed more towards beginners that will at least give you a basic understanding of what’s going on with search engine optimization and how you can getthe most out of it to rise up the rankings in the search engines fast!

Earn Money Online – Generate Passive Income –Steps To Make Money full time On The Internet?Earn Money Online – Passive Income – How To Make Money full time On The Internet?

After 5 years of affiliate marketing, blogging, and internet marketing. I can safely tell you what works? And what does not work? If your trying to earn a nice passive income online that may someday turn into a full time income online. With a little determination, ability to learn, and astrong work ethic. You can start to generate a lot of money online that can turn into a great passive income for years to come.

What I Know Works In Building Your Online Business, Generating Traffic, And Makes Me Money?

1. Building an email list – This is the single most important activity you can be engaged in ( Listbuilding ) The money is in the list. Once you build up an email list of about 500 then you can start swapping with other internet marketers. The first 500 – 1, 000 is always the hardestafter that your list will grow a lot faster. A couple cool adswap sites to build up your list faster are and which is the new kid on the block,but it is

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looking very top notch you can do everything on this site from Facebook swaps, to Twitter swaps, to adswaps, and more.

2. Traffic equals more money online, and more ways to generate a passive income online. If your selling residual income type products. What I mean by residual income products is if your an affiliate marketer promoting products that pay you on a monthly basis – as long as that customer stays a member of that particular product or service. Examples are email memberships this is my best investment my email list and I will keep paying on a monthly basis with no questions asked. Why? Because it generates me a nice passive income.

• Webhosting companies not all but some will pay you on a monthly basis for referring paying members to their site.• Most major email marketing sites will pay you if you sign up as an affiliate of theirs on a monthly basis for referring members to their service. Examples are Aweber, and Getresponse for starters.• Make money online clubs - these clubs teach beginners basically how to start and run a profitable online business. There is a lot of garbage out there so be on guard before jumping on the first make money online program that promises you the stars and delivers garbage.• Any kind of paid Membership sites where the customer gets charged on a monthly basis to be a member. You can promote these type of membership sites as an affiliate by referring customers to the membership site of your choice and they will pay you a commission monthly as long as that customer stays a member. The more customers you refer, the more passive income you generate. It is really that simple.

How Do I Generate Visitors

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To My Blog, And Websites?

1. Video marketing – Youtube for example as well as the other various video submission websites.2. Twitter @ Facebook – Social marketing is gaining a lot of steam if you do not have a Facebook fanpage why not start one about your new blog, or website? Start a Twitter account and start following people in your blog, or websites niche. The majority of these people will follow you back increasing your Twitter followers. Once you get a few followers start tweeting about your newest blog posts or affiliate offers for some free targeted traffic.3. Internet marketing forums - http://www. for example and are two of my favorite forums that I am active in. Your first step would be too make a signature link in your control panel that links to your website, or blog. The more active you are in the forum the more publicity, and clicks you will get to your website, or blog. This can translate into more money in your pockets.4. Blog Commenting - I make intelligent comments on other blogs in my niche with a link back to my site. This accomplishes two things. Blog commenting will give you a backlink which is good for SEO, and it will give you some nice traffic to your blog, or website. It is a very effective free technique. For more money, and more traffic, comment on blogs that are very popular, and have a lot of traffic.

* * * * * * * * * * * Make sure you are building an email list on your blog, or website so you can start turning your casual visitors into paying customers at some point. Building an email list is crucial if you want to generate a steady passive income from your internetmarketing efforts * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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5. SEO – It is crucial you learn at least basic seo skills so you can start getting free traffic from the major search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Free targeted traffic from the search engines is the best kind of traffic their is online. Think of it like this. Internet marketers spend billions of dollars yearly for paid sponsored ads on Google. Why spend the big bucks to advertise your website, or blog when you can get it for free from Google, Yahoo, and Bing? This is kind of a no- brainer why you need to learn how to rank highly in the search engines.

6. Adswaps - This is a great way to build up your email list as I mentioned earlier. Adswaps can make you a lot of money trust me. They will bring you tons of free visitors to your landing page, website, or blog. Wherever you decide to send them to sign up for your free offer so you can start building subscribers who are interested in what you have to offer them. This is some of the best kind of traffic that you can get online period! Remember some of your signups will buy from you, and you will see some money going into your affiliate accounts, or paypal account. Adswaps are a great way to build up your email list and generate you a nice passive income. The bigger your list the more money you will make. These Are The Ways I Earn Money Online – How I Am Generating A Passive Income Online – And The Steps I Take To Make Money full time On The Internet?

Increase Website Traffic ( Visitors ) 50 Free Proven Strategies That Work Must

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Increase Website Traffic ( visitors ) 50 Free Proven Strategies That Work Must Read!

Increasing your website traffic is an essential strategy that every internet marketer must follow if they want to earn a nice income from their blogs, or websites. Hell it is a necessity. You need traffic to make your internet business a success. You can’t make money without it!

Here is a list of my favorite high traffic websites enjoy!

My Favorite Internet Marketing Forums:

1. – The biggest internet marketing forum in the World use it to your advantage.2. - Awesome forum with good traffic levels. Run by internet marketer Paul Lynch he is a good guy and runs a great internet marketing forum.3. – Lisa Irby is the webmaster of this forum that focuses on all kinds of topics from website creation, affiliate marketing, internet marketing, sitebuilder, reviews, and much, much, more. Go check it out!

My favorite random websites to increase your website traffic.

4. Facebook – Need I say more? Did you guys see the social network? Awesome movie, and awesome site. Internet marketing tip: Increase your website traffic ( visitors ) By building a

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Facebook fanpage.5. – Huge social networking site. Internet

marketing tip: After creating your Tagged account go to the match app and click yes on everybody. A lot of these people will request you to be their friend. You will add a lot of friends this way

5. - The original high powered social networking site.

6. - Started by a few high school kids now worth millions.

7. – Build up your Twitter followers and tweet about your website to increase your website traffic.

8. Craigslist Forum – Secret way to increase your website traffic. Most people do not even know that Craigslist has a forum. Works real well!

9. Craigslist Classifieds – Post a few classifieds now and then advertising your website, or blog.

10. U.S.freeads – If you have a premium membership which is $9.99 month you can write unlimited, attractive classified ads that rank well in the search engines. Definitely worth the money.

11. – Write articles related to your website, or blog to increase your websites visitors. This directory is the biggest in the article marketing World.

12. – Hot on the heels of is they get a lot of traffic also. Quick Note: Be sure to write 100% original content when submitting an article nowadays. Due to the changes in Googles search algorithm they are deleting duplicate content from their systems. You can read more about it in my blog post below.

13. – Another high powered article directory for you to submit some articles to.

14. – Another decent article directory but the top 3 above are the best 3 if your looking for

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popular article directories to submit your articles to.15. – My favorite press release site to advertise

your website, or blog for a nice increase in traffic. Internet marketing tip: You can blatantly advertise your website, or blog

choose your keywords wisely they rank well in the search engines.

16. – Business directory and classified site that gets a lot of traffic from business professionals. Definitely grab a free account here.17. – Good site that gets a lot of traffic geared towards business professionals, internet marketers, and affiliate marketers. I get a good amount of website visitors from better networker by submitting articles, and participating in their online forum.18. – Secret seo strategies some may disagree with but they do get a lot of traffic and it is worth joining and looking around this forum. At the very least you willlearn a few new things.20. – Awesome traffic source! You can monetize your hubs 4 different ways to make money. Through affiliate programs, adsense, kontera, and amazon ads. You are allowed up too 2 different affiliate links on each hub that you write but they must not lead tothe same site. Easy enough right? They rank extremely high in the search engines. I have earned quite a bit of money online through Hubpages alone. Check them out! This is a must have tool to increase your website, or blogs traffic levels.21. – A good blog for you to comment on various posts for a backlink and an increase in your websites traffic levels. Do not spam make intelligent, relevant comments and your website will be rewarded properly.22. – Very high trafficed blog and he updates it quite often. Same applies here. Make relevant intelligent comments on John’s blog with a backlink to your website in your comments and

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you will be rewarded with an increase in traffic.23. – Very high traffic blog this guy has made millions online so his blog is a great place to learn about internet marketing, affiliate marketing, and tons of other cool stuff.Make a comment for a backlink pointing to your website, or blog for some extra website visitors.24. – Affiliate marketing tips from super affiliate zac Johnson. This is one of my favorite blogs his blogs design is top notch, and the information he provided to his blogs visitors is even better. is a must visit if your gonna be serious about learning internet marketing.25. – You didn’t think I was gonna forget about my blog did you? My blog is a great blog to learn all about affiliate marketing, internet marketing, product reviews,affiliate programs, and ways to earn more money online. I update it at least 3 times a week with fresh unique content. So stop in and comment on one of my posts for a nice increase in traffic to your website, or blog.26. – She has a nice blog with some good information related to internet marketing.27. - Kim Roach is the webmaster of this blog and she has good traffic levels along with some great website traffic tips. 28. - Down-To-Earth Advice For Bloggers and Internet Marketers. Run by top internet marketer Yaro Starak another great internet marketing blogwith some useful information.29. Blogging and making money online tips for more success. Another good blog with some good blog posts for you to comment on for an increase in traffic to yourwebsite, or blog.30. - Good traffic source that teaches you how to get started with your small business.

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31. - The name says it all. A good traffic source and backlink for your blog, or website.32. – The internet marketing eggspert. Work at home resource for internet marketing home based business entrepreneurs.33. - Work at home moms – they get a lot of traffic so take advantage of it they have a work at home forum for moms, a blog, and an online directory. Very cool website.34. - Great traffic source a question and answer site that can bring your website,or blog a lot of visitors. Take advantage of it!35. - The most popular question and answer site online and it is a great traffic source if you play by the rules. Answer questions related to your website, or blogs niche for some targeted traffic. You can make a profile on Yahoo answers and include a bio about your website. When you get up to level 2 after answering a cetain amount of questions. All the links to your website become active and clickable. They can also visit your Yahoo answersprofile where you will have a backlink to your website, or blog. This is a great way to increase your sites visitors.36. - A cool site where you can make money by reviewing, and promoting products, and drive buzz, and traffic to your site.37. - made for entrepreneurs by internet marketing entrepreneurs. Some good online business tips. They also have a forum, and a blog, so you can participate anddrive targeted traffic to your own website, or blog. Plus many more options you will have tocheck it out to find out more info.38. - breaking news and opinions on this major website. They get tons of traffic so make a profile and start commenting on some posts and see your websites visitors rise.39. - Lisa Irby runs this website. She is

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also the forum owner of which I mentioned above. Her website gets a lot of traffic so make sure to stop in and comment on a few of her posts on this blog. She also has very goodinformation on this blog that has a lot to do with website creation etc… - Free website advertising. You rate other peoples blogs and websites with this website. In return you earn credits for them to review and check out your website, or blog. Sort of like a traffic exchange but it does produce a little better results. Worth it to check out!41. Youtube - One of my favorite ways to drive targeted traffic to my blogs, and websites. Youtube gets more traffic than Yahoo, and Bing combined. I bet you didn’t know that? So take advantage of it and submit some videos promoting your website, or blog.Internet marketingtip: Videos go viral, and can be shared the same way articles can. Whenever you submit a video to youtube when you are writing your videos description in the box provided make sure to include a link to your website first. For example my blog is about earning money online, and internet marketing. If I am submitting a video promoting my blog in the description box. I would leave first. Visit: make money online, greatinternet marketing strategies, etc… etc… You get the point the link is then clickable when put in this format. And if the video is shared somewhere else you still have that link to your website, or blog. This is a great traffic strategy for targeted traffic to your website use it!42. – Another good website this guy knows his stuff. He also runs a membership site teaching people all about internet marketing, and affiliate marketing. This website also gets a lot of traffic.43. - This is one of my personal favorite traffic sources online. If you are trying to build up your email list this is a must join. The cost of a safeswaps membership is $15.00 a month

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which is chump change compared to the money I make by being a member.Not to mention all the free website traffic that I can handle.44. Digitalpointforums - This is a very high traffic forum for you to participate in – where you will see a nice increase in your websites traffic through your forum signature link. You make a forum signature link for all forums that you join online that will be a link to your website, or blog for all you beginners reading this!45. RSS Feeds - If your a blogger just submitting your blogs rss feed to the major rss directories will increase your website traffic.46. – Create a squidoo lens promoting your website, or blog. Many internet marketers swear by Squidoo. I swear by Hubpages. But too each their own, we all have our own opinions. But one thing we can both agree on is that Squidoo is a great traffic source.47. - Run by super affiliate marketer Rosalind Gardner. She has made millions online throughout her internet marketing career and she runs a blog that can pointyou in that same direction. Rosalind Gardner is a very well respected marketer in the IM community. Her blog is top notch so check it out!48. - Everything you would do to make $5 bucks. You can set up gigs for yourself, or buy gigs. It is also very useful for increasing your websites traffic levels. Fivver is used by alot of top internet marketers -myself included.49. Social Bookmarking Sites - Make sure you submit your blog, or website to the top social bookmarking sites., Google bookmarks, Yahoo bookmarks, Msn Bookmarks,Stumbleupon, Delicious, Furl, Reddit, etc… etc…50. Search Engine Optimization Most Important Of Them All - If you do not know anything about it at least learn the basics. I offer a few recommended courses on my blog that cover SEO in great detail. This is long lasting free traffic from the search engines which is the best kind of traffic that your website, or blog can get. If your website is

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optimized well you will make a lot of money assuming you are sellingsome decent products. Your website will see a major increase in targeted visitors all on autopilot – just by taking the time to learn how to optimize your website for the search engines. Internet marketing seo tip -Find some keywords related to whatever you are selling, use Googles free keyword research tool, and look for keywords with low competition, that are highly searched. Sprinkle these keywords into your website, or blogs content. This is just a starting point there is a lot more to learn with seo so start doing yourresearch. But there is nothing better than free targeted buyers visiting your website because they found your website through the search engines.

* * * * * Cool website you guys have to check out* * * * * it is called milking the web they have all kinds of free cool widgets for your websites, or blogs that I love. A must see site with some very useful widgets for all internet marketers.

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