theories of i.r-2


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Lecture 2


Page 1: Theories of I.R-2
Page 2: Theories of I.R-2
Page 3: Theories of I.R-2

Meanings of IRMeanings of IR

The term ‘international’ was first used by The term ‘international’ was first used by

Jeromy Bentham Jeromy Bentham in the later part of eighteenth in the later part of eighteenth

century, with regards the law of nations. century, with regards the law of nations.

Consequently, the term international relations Consequently, the term international relations

was used to define the official relations between was used to define the official relations between

the nation-statesthe nation-states

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Two views regarding the meaning of IRTwo views regarding the meaning of IR

Narrow view:Narrow view: international relations are “the international relations are “the

official relations conducted by the official relations conducted by the

authorized leaders of the stateauthorized leaders of the state

Broader viewBroader view: official and unofficial relations : official and unofficial relations

by official and unofficial organizations fall by official and unofficial organizations fall

within the domains of international relations within the domains of international relations

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Other ViewsOther Views

K.JK.J Holsti Holsti “It is not only the nations “It is not only the nations

which international relations may which international relations may

refer to all forms of interactions refer to all forms of interactions

between the members of separate between the members of separate

societies, whether government societies, whether government

sponsored or notsponsored or not

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Quincy Wright, “It is not only the nations which

international relations seek to regulate -----

Varied types of groups--- nations, states, governments,

people, regions, alliances, confederations, international

organizations, cultural organizations, religious

organizations must be dealt with in the study of

international relations, if the treatment is made realistic

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“International relations is the discipline,

which tries to explain political activities

across states boundaries and, to date,

it has been chiefly concerned with the

political relations between government

the official representatives of states

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Stanley Hoffmann, the discipline of

international relations is concerned with

the factors and activities, which affect

the external policies and the power of

basic units into which the world is divided

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Trygue Mathiesen says, “it embraces all

kinds of relations traversing state

boundaries, no matter whether they are

of an economic, legal, political or any other

character, whether they be private or

official, and all human behavior originating

on one side of a state boundary and

affecting human behavior on the other side

of boundary

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According to Theodore A. Couloumbis &

James H. Wolfe “It is not only a distant field of

study, but it also include international theory,

comparative foreign policy analysis,

international organizations comparative politics

and regional studies strategic studies,

international development, international

communications, peace studies and conflict

resolutions including arms control and


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In summary; the IR, includes;

a wide variety of

transnational relation,

official and unofficial, formal

& informal

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Historical phaseHistorical phase; how the ; how the present had been present had been

formed from the past. Legalistic phase, nation states formed from the past. Legalistic phase, nation states

increasingly implicated in a complex set of rulesincreasingly implicated in a complex set of rules

Organizational PhaseOrganizational Phase; foundation of IR & ordering the ; foundation of IR & ordering the

world through international institutions like; League of world through international institutions like; League of

Nations after WW-INations after WW-I

Great Power Interplay PhaseGreat Power Interplay Phase; Military strategy came ; Military strategy came

into being –disastrous stage birth of UNO after WW-IIinto being –disastrous stage birth of UNO after WW-II

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Cold War PhaseCold War Phase; ; Controversies over the Controversies over the

Ideologies in world politics & appearance of bi-Ideologies in world politics & appearance of bi-

polarism; idealism & realism of nation- state’s polarism; idealism & realism of nation- state’s

power dominated power dominated

Sanitized Realism phaseSanitized Realism phase; autonomy of state ; autonomy of state

actors & their max role in the name of National actors & their max role in the name of National

interest. Traditionalism prevailed in academic IRinterest. Traditionalism prevailed in academic IR

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Scientific Thinking PhaseScientific Thinking Phase; Replaced both ; Replaced both

classical & traditional orientation by scientific classical & traditional orientation by scientific

method, behaviouralists playedmethod, behaviouralists played

Post-behavioural PhasePost-behavioural Phase; Peace & world order ; Peace & world order

got central position. Institutionalization of new got central position. Institutionalization of new

field of IR; International Political Economyfield of IR; International Political Economy

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International Relations & International Politics

An interchangeable Term; EH carr & Quincy Wright

IR has wider scope than intl Politics; John Hanessian, Spiro etc

IR is Primarily used to describe official Political relations between govts on behalf of states

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Intl Politics is not conducted between

or among nations

Padefold & Lincoln: IR & intl politics

are two different aspects

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Scope of IRScope of IR

Pre WW-IPre WW-I; Study of Diplomatic History & ; Study of Diplomatic History &

Contemporary International AffairsContemporary International Affairs

Post WW-IIPost WW-II; International Law, ; International Law,

International Institutions & OrganizationsInternational Institutions & Organizations

Pre WW-II Pre WW-II – War as an instrument of state – War as an instrument of state

craft & Global system of collective securitycraft & Global system of collective security

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Post WW-II; Post WW-II; Enhancement in the Political & Enhancement in the Political & economic aspects of IReconomic aspects of IR

Current Scope of IR; Diplomatic Theory,

International Principles, National Interest,

Foreign Policy, International Affairs,

International Law, International Institutions,


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Five Ingredients of IRFive Ingredients of IR Nature and operations of state systemNature and operations of state system

Factors which effect the power of the Factors which effect the power of the statestate

International positions and foreign & International positions and foreign & foreign policies of the great powersforeign policies of the great powers

The history of recent international The history of recent international relationsrelations

The buildings of a more stable world orderThe buildings of a more stable world order

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Seven Ingredients by Vencent Baker

The Nature & Principle forces of International Politics

The Political, Social & Economic organization of social life

The element of National Power

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The instrument available for promotion of the National interest

The limitation & control of national Power

The foreign Policy of one or more major powers & occasionally of small state

The historical ingredient as a background for other factors & as a history of recent international events

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Why Study IR Studying the International Political


Study of Human’s behavior & its effects on International Politics

Contribution to the formulation of Foreign Policy

Study of IR for awareness of Concepts, hypothesis & Model of disciplines to develop views

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Approaches to study IR

Traditional Approach

Scientific Approach

Behavioural Approach

Post- Behavioural Approach

System Approach

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Traditional Approach (TA) Derived from Philosophy, history & Law Have tentative & inconclusive status As per TA: “IR is Study of patterns of

actions & reactions among sovereign states – covers range of relationships spanning from cooperation to conflict & from Peace to War”

Variables affect the behavior of diplomats & administrators, who implement the state Policy

Factors are; climatic, geographic, population, interest, religion ideology etc.

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Leading exponents of TA; Raymond Aron, Stanley Hoff mann, Hans Morgenthau etc

Morgenthau advanced the theory of Political Realism

Basic Concepts of TA; Balance of Power, world order & National interest

IR is a sub Division of Political Science & History with a unique identity

Minor variants of TA; Historical, philosophical, legal & institutional

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REALIST THEORY Leading exponents: Geoge Kennon,

Henry Kissinger & Hans J Morgenthau International Politics like other Politics is

a struggle for Power Whatever the ultimate aims of

International politics; power is always immediate aims

Statesmen and people may ultimately, seek freedom, security prosperity or prosperity or power itself, they may define their goals power itself, they may define their goals in terms of religious, philosophy, in terms of religious, philosophy, economic or social idealseconomic or social ideals

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They may hope that this ideals will materialize through its own inner force, through divine intervention or through the natural development of human affairs

They may also try to further its realization through non-political means, such as technical cooperation, but whenever they strive to realize their goal by means of international politics, they do so by striving for power”

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Morgenthau’s six Morgenthau’s six principles of Realist theoryprinciples of Realist theory

Politics isPolitics is governed by objective governed by objective

laws, which are based on human laws, which are based on human

nature and psychologynature and psychology

The facts can be ascertained The facts can be ascertained

through reasons, thus political through reasons, thus political

theory is based on human theory is based on human

psychology and reasonpsychology and reason

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The concept of the national interests The concept of the national interests

can be defined in the terms of can be defined in the terms of

power. Politics can be understood on power. Politics can be understood on

rational basis rather than moral or rational basis rather than moral or

religious onesreligious ones

National interests is not fixed & is National interests is not fixed & is

molded by the environments, thus molded by the environments, thus

the environment determines the the environment determines the

political actionpolitical action

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Universal moral principles can not Universal moral principles can not

be applied to states actions and be applied to states actions and

these must be molded to the these must be molded to the

circumstances of time and placecircumstances of time and place

State can not observe the same State can not observe the same

standard of standard of morality, as are morality, as are

observed by individual. Individual observed by individual. Individual

can scarify his liberty for moral can scarify his liberty for moral

principle, but sate can notprinciple, but sate can not

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There are no identity between moral There are no identity between moral

aspiration of a nation and moral law, which aspiration of a nation and moral law, which

govern the universe and asserts that all govern the universe and asserts that all

political actors pursue their national interestspolitical actors pursue their national interests

Political sphere is an autonomous as the Political sphere is an autonomous as the

spheres of economists or the lawyers or the spheres of economists or the lawyers or the

moralist. The political actors think in the term moralist. The political actors think in the term

of national interests, as the economist think in of national interests, as the economist think in

term of utility and lawyer in the term of term of utility and lawyer in the term of

conformity of action with moral principlesconformity of action with moral principles

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Theory is ambiguous & inconsistent No universally accepted definition Wrongly assumed that all individual

& states seek their national interests in term of Power

Wrong assumption that Power is the most

important goal which Nations Pursue


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Is defective; treats the World as a

static unit

Wrong in claiming that national

Interest carries its own morality

Defective in a sense that hardly

there is any relationship or activity

which does not involve Power

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Advantage of Realist Theory

Persuasive & supported by historical experience

Compels scholars to re-evaluate their own assumption

Relied by Scholars due to its validity

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Leading exponents : Rousseau, Kant, Woodrow Wilson & Condorcet

Power Politics as passing Phase of history

Future international society based on notion of reformed Intl system

free from, Power Politics ; immorality & violence

Aims at bringing about a better world with help of education & Intl


The Idealist Theory

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Rousseau says “ let us not search for what has been done, but rather what should be done & lets dismiss evil & mercenary authority….”

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The system asks for high morale Principles in Place of Power – generally not Possible in Practice

Need to defeat totalitarian forces through democratic methods – difficult to attain

Theory is also short of factual position – Nations do not behaves as expected


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Salient of Traditional Approach

Adoption of middle course –

Ecliptics; a synthesis of Realist &

Idealist Theories TA is too Vague as a whole Traditionalists do not analyze

the international issues but remain in Past

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Main exponents : Harold Guetzkow, Morton

A. Kaplon, Kelmon, Rosenau etc

The approach advanced tentative hypothesis

Based on logical & mathematical Proofs or

strict empirical Procedures of verifications

Collections of data & relevant material to verify or

discord original hypothesis to includes; collection;

classification, arrangement & appraisal leads to;

explanation; predictions & prescription

Scientific Approach

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Produced more promises than

performance & more process analysis then

substantive experimentation

Scientific facts can be acquired through:

data collection; data classification;

arrangements of data & setting up of


Difficulties of scientific approach: Personal

involvements; Characteristic of data &

Process of Acquiring Knowledge

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Originated in 1960s/1970s

Leading exponents; Karl W. Deutsch

Politics can not be studied scientifically

Scientific analysis concerned with facts

not values & IR is not free from Values

Focused on methodology rather on facts

or ideas , thus called behavioral approach


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Study IR, FP by concentrating on

actions & behavior of individuals &


Main contributors are behavioural

sciences like: Sociology, Psychology &


Approach can not be relived upon

because; behavior of state being an

aggregate can’t be determined

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Promoter; Rudolph Rummel Originated in 1980s Eclectic trend in study of approaches Two findings for the courses of Wars

by Rummel : democratic states less involve in wars; then authoritarian & libertarian states do not engage in War for economic progress & prosperity

IR is in transition ever since

Post Behavioral Approach

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Dependency Theorists

Class is much better unit of

analysis than state & IR divides

World horizontally or into nation

states whereas,

Reality of Political or economical

life can be better understood in

vertical Terms

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World order Theorists: represents the latest stand in idealist though, they believe that the human kind is being threatened by nuclear war, environmental pollution, over –population & recourse-exhaustion

They call for the peaceful transition from the present anarchic international system to new World order based on legitimate representative international institutions

The failure will result in the destruction of world through any of above mentioned devices

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Independent Theorsts: represent a

synthesis of idealist & realist approaches

They employ the idealist traditions in

forecasting the gradual development of

an international system of complex

interdependence, in which economic,

technological & cultural interdependence

will render classical warfare over

territorial issues

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They also turn to the realistic

approach & focus on international

clusters of specialized activity, such

as international trade, international

debt, arms control disarmament &

war disbandment,

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Regime studies employ realist

hypothesis in the sense that they

relate regime stability to the

existence of a single hegemonic

power or a nuclear of great power

that together establish the basic

rules of the game

Practicability: post behavioural approach

is more practicable than behavioural

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Leading exponents: Jorden, Gunner, Mydal, Stanely Mortan A. Kaplan etc

Originated in 1950s ; aimed to consider IR from the Perspective of Intl system in the Post WW II scenario

An attempt to re-focus attention on the complex interaction between states while retaining the scientific orientation Propounded by behaviourlism

System Approach

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Provides only possible method, which can

ensure the development of scientific Politics

System is a set of parts which is interrelated

& independent. It is a complex whole broken

into component Parts, being interconnected

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Larger SystemLarger System

Nation State GeographicNation State Geographic Multi- International Multi- International TransnationTransnation

regionsregions National Organizations National Organizations ReligiousReligious

CooperationCooperation Movements Movements



VillagesVillages SocialSocial PoliticalPolitical LabourLabour CorporationCorporationEthnicEthnic

& cities& cities ClassesClasses PartiesParties UnionsUnions groupsgroups



House holdingHouse holding Family Family

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Intl system is classified into: Social;

Economic & Political system

Social system focus on Primary units like;

individuals, families, social & ethnic groups &

other entities

Economic system study: National economic

system & function of individuals, forms,

corporation, labour union, economic classes/

activities & govt Jurisdiction

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Political system focus on; national

Political system, roles of Political

Parties, individuals & Pressure &

interest groups

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Morton Kaplan’s Six Models Morton Kaplan’s Six Models of International Systemof International System

Balance of PowerBalance of Power

The Loose Bipolar ModelThe Loose Bipolar Model

The Tight Bipolar ModelThe Tight Bipolar Model

The Unit Veto ModelThe Unit Veto Model

The Collective Security ModelThe Collective Security Model

The Multi-block ModelThe Multi-block Model

The Multi-polar ModelThe Multi-polar Model

The Mono-polar ModelThe Mono-polar Model

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Balance of PowerBalance of Power Precedence: 1815-1914; five major

powers Specific alliance system-limited wars

between major powers-minor powers not allowed to escalate

Intl law remained operative Would it happen again-WMD & UNO Critic: Limited Nuclear powers & its use

as per their wish; Regional organizations & their domination by major powers

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The Loose Bipolar ModelThe Loose Bipolar Model

Cold war model; existed from 1947-1971 Two super powers in intl system Controller & protectors of weaker states Strict abidance of respective ideologies &

credible Nuc arsenals by US & USSR Change from Nuc to Economic, industrial

& conventional military capabilities Long term alliance, readiness for

destruction, but avoided confrontations

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The Tight Bipolar ModelThe Tight Bipolar Model Non Aligned nations absorbed into one or the

other block Uncompressing hostility on ideology & security

remained like LBM Each super power maintained tight control over its

allies Duopoly; assurance of less conflictive system by

each super power by playing down their ideological differences

B. C.

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The Unit Veto ModelThe Unit Veto Model

Depicts highly unstable model, mainly because of Nuc weapon by max states

Increases mistrust & doubts, leading to destruction of the world

No conventional wars Crux of model: ask for a single global

authority; controlling all nuclear weapons Any Nuc accident would destroy the world

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The Collective Security The Collective Security ModelModel

Ask for a voluntary system for global security without military power

No aggressions, no alliances Violators to be punished by economic &

military sanctions by all states UNO to resolve all outstanding issues Critic: Not practical; like balance of power,

national interests & volunteer submissions

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The Multi-block ModelThe Multi-block Model

Division of world into 5/7 blocks; each to be controlled by one of world super power

Maintaining influence through institutionalization of security pacts like; NATO etc.

Economic & political integration at block level like; ASEAN, EU etc

Will affect balance of power & No trans- continental power will exist

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The Multi-polar ModelThe Multi-polar Model

Nation states face fragmentation & disintegration by regional, racial, multi-lingual /multi-religious tendencies

Separatists movements are likely to increase

A dangerous model for existence of nation state system

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The Mono-polar ModelThe Mono-polar Model

Hierarchical model; opposite to the balance of power system

Can be achieved from conquest or control of globe by a single power

US as single power dictates the world today

May be democratic or authoritarian; would not be very stable

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