theory of queues

Module 4 Queuing Theory MBA SEMESTER 2 Quantitative Analysis (QA)-II PREPAREDBY : JIGNESH J KARIYA 1

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Page 1: Theory of queues

Module 4

Queuing Theory

MBA SEMESTER 2Quantitative Analysis (QA)-II



Page 2: Theory of queues

By: Jignesh Kariya 2

Theory of Queues

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By: Jignesh Kariya

A common situation that occurs in everyday life is that of waiting in a line either at bus stops, petrol pumps, restaurants, ticket booths, bank, hospital and so on.

Queues (waiting Lines) are also found in workshops where the machines wait to be repaired ; at a tool crib(cheat) where the mechanics wait to receive tools; in a warehouse where items wait to be used . Incoming calls wait to mature in the telephone exchange, trucks wait to be unloaded, airplanes wait either to take off or land and so on.

Queuing theory can be applied to a variety of situations where it is not possible to accurately predict the arrival rate (or time) of customers and service rate (or time) of service facility or facilities.

Queuing theory can be used to determine the level of services that balances the following two conflicting costs :

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By: Jignesh Kariya

1. Cost of offering the service 2. Cost incurred due to delay in offering service.

The first cost is associated with the service facilities and their operation, and the second represents the cost of customers waiting for service.

Obviously an increase in the existing service facilities would reduce the customer’s waiting time and decreasing the level of service would result in long queue. This means in the level of service increases the cost of operating service facilities but the decreases the cost of customers waiting for service.

Since customer waiting cost for service is difficult to estimate, it is usually measured in terms of loss of sales or goodwill when the customer is a human being and has no sympathy with the service system. But if the customer is machine waiting for repair then cost of waiting is measured in terms of cost production.

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By: Jignesh Kariya

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The Structure Of A Queuing System

By: Jignesh Kariya

The major components of any waiting line(queuing) system are :

1. Calling population (or input score)2. Queuing Process3. Queue discipline4. Service Process (or Mechanism)

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The Structure Of A Queuing System

By: Jignesh Kariya

Potential customers who arrive to the queuing system is referred as ‘Calling Population’ also known as ‘customer (input) source’.

The manner in which customers arrive at the service facility, individually, or in batches, at scheduled or unscheduled time is called the arrival process. The customer's entry into the queuing system depends upon the queue conditions.

Customers, from a queue, are selected for service according to certain rules known as queue discipline.

A service facility may be without server (self service), or may include one or more servers operating either in a series (as a team) or in parallel (multiple service channels). The rate (constant or random) at which service is rendered is known as the service process. After the service is rendered, the customer leaves the system.

If the server is idle at the time of the customer's arrival, then the customer is served immediately, otherwise the customer is asked to join a queue or wailing line, which may have single, multiple or even priority lines.

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The Structure Of A Queuing System

By: Jignesh Kariya

Calling population Characteristics The arrivals or inputs to the system are characterized by:

• Size of calling population• behavior of the arrivals• Pattern of arrivals at the system

The calling population need not be homogeneous and may consist of several subpopulations. For example, patients arriving at the OPD of a hospital are usually of three categories: walk-in patients, patients with appointments and emergency patients. Each patient class places different demands on service facility, but the waiting expectations of each category differ significantly.

Size of calling populationThe size of calling population, whether it is homogeneous or consists of several subpopulations, is considered to be either finite (limited) or infinite (unlimited).

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The Structure Of A Queuing System

By: Jignesh Kariya

Calling population Characteristics cont.. If customer's arrival depends on the number of customers already in the system (in service plus in queue), the calling population is called limited or finite.

An example of a finite calling population is a factory only has four machines, which often require repair/service and two of them (say) are in working condition. Then at any point in time, there are only two machines that could possibly require service.

Alternately, if new customer's arrival is independent of the number of customers already in the system, the calling population is called unlimited or infinite. Examples of infinite population include customers arriving at a bank or super market, students arriving to get admission at a university, cars arriving at a highway petrol pump, etc.

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The Structure Of A Queuing System

By: Jignesh Kariya

Calling population Characteristics cont.. • behavior of the arrivals If a customer, on arriving at the service system waits in the queue until served and docs not switch between waiting lines. He is called a patient customer. Ex: Machines arrived at the maintenance shop are examples of patient customers.

Whereas the customer, who waits for a certain time in the queue and leaves the service system without getting service due to certain reasons is called an impatient customer.EX : a customer who has just arrived at a grocery store and finds that the salesmen arc busy in serving the customers already in the system, will either wait for service till his patience is exhausted or estimates that his waiting time may be excessive and so leaves immediately to seek service elsewhere.

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The Structure Of A Queuing System

By: Jignesh Kariya

Calling population Characteristics cont..

The behavior of the arrivals at any queuing system is categorized as :

• Balking Customers do not join the queue either by seeing the number of customer already in service system or by estimating the excessive waiting time for the desired service.

• Reneging Customers, after joining the queue, wait for sometime in the queue but leave before being served on account of certain reasons.

• Jockeying Customers move from one queue to another hoping to receive service more quickly(a common scene at a railway booking window).

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The Structure Of A Queuing System

By: Jignesh Kariya

Calling population Characteristics cont..

• Pattern of arrivals at the systemCustomers may arrive in batches or individually. These customers may arrive at a service facility either on scheduled time or on unscheduled time.

The arrival process of customers to the service system is classified into two categories : Static and Dynamic

In static arrival pattern, the control depends on the nature of arrival rate (random or constant): In random (or unscheduled) arrivals the times are random variable and therefore we need to understand the average and frequency distribution of the times.

In both the cases, the arrival process can be described either by the average arrival time or by the average inter-arrival time(average time between two consecutives arrival).

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The Structure Of A Queuing System

By: Jignesh Kariya

Calling population Characteristics cont..

The number of unscheduled arrivals to a service facility, in some fixed period of time, can be studied by a statistical probability distribution such a Poisson Distribution.

The dynamic arrival process is controlled by both the service facility and the customers. The service facility adjusts its capacity to match changes in the service intensity.

The arrival time distribution can be approximated by one of the following probability distribution.

Poisson Distribution Exponential Distribution Erlang Distribution

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The Structure Of A Queuing System

By: Jignesh Kariya

Calling population Characteristics cont..

The poisson distribution, a discrete probability distribution, describes the arrival rate variability i.e. number of random arrivals at a service facility in a fixed period of time.

Another probability distribution that describes the average time between arrivals (inter-arrival time) when arrival rate is poisson is called Exponential Probability distribution.

Let n customers arrive in a time 0 to t. If λ is the expected number of arrivals in a given time interval 0 to t will be λ *t

P(x=n) = ((λt)n e- λt) / n! For n=0,1,2..

P(x=0) = ((λt)0 e- λt) / 0! = e- λt

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The Structure Of A Queuing System

By: Jignesh Kariya

2. Queuing Process

The queuing process refers to the number of queues and their respective lengths. The number of queues single, multiple or priority queues depend upon the layout of a service system.

The length (or size) of a queue depends upon operational situations such as physical space, legal restrictions, and attitude of the customers.

In certain cases, a service system is unable to accommodate more than the required number of customers at a time. No further customers are allowed to enter until more space is made available to accommodate new customers. Such type of situations are referred to as finite (or limited) source queue.

Examples of finite source queues are cinema halls, restaurants, etc.

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The Structure Of A Queuing System

By: Jignesh Kariya

Queuing Process cont..

On the other hand, if a service system is able to accommodate any number of customers at a time, then it is referred to as infinite (or unlimited) source queue. For example, in a sales department where the customer orders are received, there is no restriction on the number of orders that can come in, a queue of any size can be formed.

In many other situations, when arriving customers find long queue(s) in front of a service facility, they often do not enter the service system even though additional waiting space is available. The queue length in such cases depends upon the attitude of the customers.

For example, when a motorist finds that there are many vehicles waiting at the petrol station, in most of the cases, he does not stop at this station and seeks service elsewhere.

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The Structure Of A Queuing System

By: Jignesh Kariya

Queuing Process cont..

In some finite source queuing systems, the maximum permissible queue is of zero length, i.e. no queue is allowed to form. For example, when a parking space (service facility) cannot accommodate additional incoming vehicles (customers), the motorists are diverted elsewhere.

Multiple queues at a service facility can also be finite or infinite. But this has certain advantages such as

• Division of manpower is possible.• Customer has the option of joining any queue and can also switch to the end of any other queue.• Balking behavior of the customers can be controlled.

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The Structure Of A Queuing System

By: Jignesh Kariya

3. Queue DisciplineQueue discipline refers to the selections of customers from a queue for service.

The queue discipline is the order or manner in which customers from the queue are selected for service.

There are number of ways in which customers in the queue are served. Some of these are :

a. Static Queue Discipline :These are based on the individual customer’s status in the queue. Few of such discipline are : FCFS : If the customers are served in the order of their arrival, then this

is known as the ‘First Come First Serve’ service discipline. LCFS : ‘Last Come First Serve’

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The Structure Of A Queuing System

By: Jignesh Kariya

Queue Discipline Cont..b. Dynamic Queue Discipline :These are based on the individual customer’s attributes in the queue. Few of such discipline are :

Service In Random Order (SIRO) : under this rule customers are selected for service at random, irrespective of their arrivals in the service system.

Priority Service : Under this rule customers are grouped in priority classes on the basis of some attributes such as service time or urgency. The FCFS rule is used within each class to provide service. The payment of telephone or electricity bills by cheque or cash are examples of this discipline.

Pre-emptive priority (Emergency) : Under this rule, an important customer is allowed to enter into the service immediately after entering into the system, even if a customer with a lower priority is already in service.

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The Structure Of A Queuing System

By: Jignesh Kariya

Queue Discipline Cont.. That is lower priority customer’s service is interrupted to start the service for such a customer. This interrupted service is resumed after the priority customer is served.

Non- pre-emptive priority : In this case an important customer is allowed to go ahead in the queue but the service his started immediately on completion of the current service.

4. Service Process (or Mechanism) The Service process is concerned with the manner in which customers are serviced and leave the system.It is characterized by:

The arrangement of service facilities The distribution of service time Server’s behavior Management Policies

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The Structure Of A Queuing System

By: Jignesh Kariya

Service Process Cont.. The arrangement of service facilitiesThe capacity of the service facility is measured in terms of customers who can be served simultaneously and/or effectively.

The service facilities (or servers) commonly known as Service channels may be in series, in parallel or mixed.

Single Queue, Single Service Facility

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The Structure Of A Queuing System

By: Jignesh Kariya

Service Process Cont..Single Queue, Multiple Service

facilities in Parallel

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The Structure Of A Queuing System

By: Jignesh Kariya

Service Process Cont..Multiple Queues, Multiple Service

facilities in Parallel

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The Structure Of A Queuing System

By: Jignesh Kariya

Service Process cont.. The distribution of service timesService time is the elapsed time from the beginning to the end of a customer’s service.

The time taken by the server from the commencement of service to the completion of service for a customer is known as the “service time”.

A random service time may be described in two ways :

a. Average Service Rate : µ * t

b. Average Length of Service Time : E(T) = 1 / µ

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Performance Measure of a Queuing System

By: Jignesh Kariya

The performance measure of any queuing system, which are of a general interest, for the evaluation of the performance of an existing queuing system, and for designing a new system in terms of level of service a customer receives as well as proper utilization of the service facilities are listed as follows:

1. Time-related questions for the customers(average (or expected) time spent by a customer in the queue and system)

2. Quantitative questions related to the number of customersaverage (or expected) number of customers in the queue and system)

3. Questions Involving value of time both for customers and serversValue of time both for customers and servers

4. Cost- related questionsAverage cost required to operate the queuing system

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Performance Measure of a Queuing System

By: Jignesh Kariya

1. Time-related questions for the customers

(a) Wq : What is the average (or expected) time an arriving customer has to wait in a queue (denoted by (Wq) before being served.

(b) Ws: What is the average (or expected) time an arriving customer spends in the system (denoted by Ws), including waiting and service. This data can be used to make economic comparison of alternative queuing systems.

2. Quantitative questions related to the number of customers

(a) Lq : The expected number of customers who are in the queue (queue length) for service. This is denoted by Lq

(b)Ls : The expected number of customers who are in the system either waiting in the queue or being serviced (denoted by Ls,). This data can be used for finding the mean customer time spent in the system.

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Performance Measure of a Queuing System

By: Jignesh Kariya

3. Questions Involving value of time both for customers and servers

(a) Pw : What is the probability that an arriving customer has to wait before being served (denoted by Pw)? This is also called blocking probability.

(b) p = λ / μ : What is the probability that a server is busy at any particular point in time (denoted by p )? This is the proportion of the time that a server actually spends with the customer, i.e. the fraction of the time a server is busy. p = λ / μ

(c)Pn : What is the probability of n customers being in the queuing system when it is in steady state condition? This is denoted by Pn, n = 0, 1....

(d) Pd : What is the probability of service denial when an arriving customer cannot enter the system because the queue is full? This is denoted by Pd

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Performance Measure of a Queuing System

By: Jignesh Kariya

4. Cost-related questions(a) What is the average cost needed to operate the system per unit of time?(b) How many servers (service centers) are needed to achieve cost effectiveness?

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Performance Measure of a Queuing System

By: Jignesh Kariya

Transient State and Steady States

At the beginning of service operations, a queuing system is influenced by the initial conditions, such as number of customers in the system for service and percentage of time servers are busy serving customers.

This period of transition is termed as transient-state. However, after sufficient time has passed. the system becomes independent ofthe initial conditions and and enters a steady state condition.

In the development of queuing theory models it is assumed that the system has entered a steady-state.

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30By: Jignesh Kariya

Transient State and Steady States cont..

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Performance Measure of a Queuing System

By: Jignesh Kariya

Relationship among Performance Measure

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Performance Measure of a Queuing System

By: Jignesh Kariya

Relationship among Performance Measure cont..

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Classification of Queuing Models

By: Jignesh Kariya

Different models in queuing theory are classified by using special notations described initially by D.G.Kendall in 1953 in the form (a/b/c).

Later A.M. lee in 1966 added the symbols d and c to the kendallb notation.

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Classification of Queuing Models

By: Jignesh Kariya

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Performance Measure of a Queuing System

By: Jignesh Kariya

Example - 1

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Performance Measure of a Queuing System

By: Jignesh Kariya

Example – 2Customers arrive at a box office window, being manned by a single individual, according to a Poisson input process with a mean rate of 30 per hour. The time required to serve a customer has an exponential distribution with a mean of 90 seconds. Find the average waiting time of a customer. Also, determine the average number of customers in the system and the average queue length.

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Performance Measure of a Queuing System

By: Jignesh Kariya

Example – 3 A self service store employs one cashier at its counter. Nine customers arrive on an average every five minutes but the cashier can serve 10 customers in 5 minutes. Assuming Poisson distribution for arrival rate and exponential distribution for service time, find i. Average number of customers in the system.ii. Average number of customers in the queue or average queue length.iii. Average time a customer spends in the system.iv. Average time a customer waits before being served.

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Performance Measure of a Queuing System

By: Jignesh Kariya

Example - 4

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Performance Measure of a Queuing System

By: Jignesh Kariya

Example – 5

Customers arrive at a clinic at the rate of 8 per hour (Poisson arrival) and the doctor can serve at the rate of 9 per hour (exponential).

(1) What is the probability that a customer does not join the queue and walks into the doctor’s room?(2) What is the probability that there is no queue?(3) What is the probability that there are 10 customers in the system?(4) What is the expected number in the system?(5) What is the expected waiting time in the queue?

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Performance Measure of a Queuing System

By: Jignesh Kariya

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41By: Jignesh Kariya

Questions ???