thepigmanvocabchapters12 141010183124-conversion-gate02

Vocabulary Slide A Porcelain (noun) - a white vitrified translucent ceramic; china. Gestapo (noun) - a secret-police organization employing underhanded and terrorist methods against persons suspected of disloyalty. Symptom (noun) - a physical or mental feature that is regarded as indicating a condition of disease, particularly such a feature that is apparent to the patient. Hazardous (adj) –risky; dangerous. Recessed (verb) – 1) to suspend for a break ; 2) To create a secret or secluded space Philanthropy (noun) - the desire to promote the welfare of others, expressed especially by the generous donation of money to good causes. Aleck (noun) – a stupid person; smart alec - someone who always says clever things or always has the right answer, in a way that is annoying

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Page 1: Thepigmanvocabchapters12 141010183124-conversion-gate02

Vocabulary Slide A

Porcelain (noun) - a white vitrified translucent ceramic; china.

Gestapo (noun) - a secret-police organization employing underhanded and terrorist methods against persons suspected of disloyalty.

Symptom (noun) - a physical or mental feature that is regarded as indicating a condition of disease, particularly such a feature that is apparent to the patient.

Hazardous (adj) –risky; dangerous.

Recessed (verb) – 1) to suspend for a break ; 2) To create a secret or secluded space

Philanthropy (noun) - the desire to promote the welfare of others, expressed especially by the generous donation of money to good causes.

Aleck (noun) – a stupid person; smart alec - someone who always says clever things or always has the right answer, in a way that is annoying

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Vocabulary Slide BAvocation (noun) – a hobby or minor occupation

Colossal (adj) – extremely large

Lunatic (noun) – a mentally ill person

(adj) - mentally ill

Scrawny (adj) – (of a person or animal) unattractively thin and bony

Mortified (verb) – cause (someone) to feel embarrassed, ashamed, or humiliated

Incandescent (adj) – 1. emitting light as a result of being heated

2. passionate or brilliant

Commemorative (adj) – acting as a memorial or mark of an event or person

(noun) – an object such as a stamp or coin to mark an event or honor a person

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Vocabulary Slide C

Enthusiastic (adj) - feeling or showing a lot of interest and excitement about something

Sophomore (noun) - a second-year college or high school student

Dimwit (noun) – a slow-thinking person

Livelier (comparative adj) - full of life and energy; active and outgoing.

Opinionated (adj) - expressing very strong opinions about things

Memorial (adj) - done or made in order to remind people of someone who has died

(noun) - something, especially a stone with writing on it, that reminds people of someone who has died

Epic (noun) - a book, poem, or film that tells a long story about brave actions and exciting events

(adj) - very large and impressive

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Vocabulary Slide D

Excruciatingly (adverb) – extremely painful

Revolting (adj) – causing intense disgust; disgusting

Subliminally (adverb) – affecting your mind in a way that you are not conscious of

Thrombosis (noun) - a serious medical problem caused by a clot forming in your blood that prevents the blood from flowing normally

Archeologist (noun) - the scientific study of material remains (as fossil relics, artifacts, and monuments) of past human life and activities.

Repress (verb) - to stop yourself from doing something you want to do

Paranoia (noun) - an unreasonable belief that you cannot trust other people, or that they are trying to harm you or have a bad opinion of you

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Vocabulary Slide E

Assert (verb) - to state firmly that something is true

Distort (verb) - to change the appearance, sound, or shape of something so that it is strange or unclear:

Compassion (noun) - a strong feeling of sympathy for someone who is suffering, and a desire to help them

Abominable (adj) - extremely unpleasant or of very bad quality

Monstrosity (noun) - something large and ugly, especially a building

Compulsive (adj) -compulsive behavior is very difficult to stop or control, and is often a result of or a sign of a mental problem

Sclerosis (noun) - a disease that causes an organ or soft part of your body to become hard