there is more to sugar than dental decay

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  • 7/25/2019 There is More to Sugar Than Dental Decay


    There Is More To Sugar Than Tooth Decay

    By John Utama

    We all know the harmful effects of sugar on teeth, the bacteria metabolizethe carbohydrates

    releasing acid by- products, and in a short period of

    time, combined with poor oral hygiene, holes develop in the enamel.

    Spoiled by numerous campaigns,

    the Australian public and other devel-

    oped countries have been

    educated over the last 4 to 5 decades, dental de-

    cay is now largely under control(1), but by no means eliminated. Dentists

    are still being kept busy managing dental decay in their practices and will

    not be out of a job for a while yet.

    However, a more insidious and less known consequences of sugar is its ef-

    fects on facial growth and airway.

    Carbohydrates are essentially made up of multiple

    chains of sugar mole-

    cules. Once ingested, all carbohydrates are

    broken down

    into these sim-

    ple sugar molecules. Carbohydrates are mostly found in processed foods

    and they are not necessarily sweet, such as bread, potatoes, pastas. Some

    foods such as tomato sauce is laden with sugar, but the sweetness ismasked by salt. Many people still believe only sweets cause dental decay.

    The bottom line is that, whenever carbohydrates are consumed, sugar is

    pumped into the body.

    Before we discuss the other effects of carbohydrates and therefore sugar,

    let me share with you the studies done by Weston Price.

    Dr Price was a dentist from Cleveland, USA, in the 1930s, he observed at

    his own practice that increasing number of his patients were suffering fromchronic diseases and the younger children in particular had high incidence

    of deformed arches, crowded teeth and dental decay. He pondered why this

    was happening, as he did not see cases like these 15 years ago.

    He has also heard reports that native people who lived in isolated areas did

    not have any of these chronic conditions. He then travelled to some of

    these isolated villages to satisfy his own curiosity, why are these people so

    healthy? And why are so many people back home so unhealthy?

  • 7/25/2019 There is More to Sugar Than Dental Decay


    Dr Price visited isolated places in the Swiss Alps, cold and blustery islands


    the coast of Scotland, to the Andes mountains in Peru. In total he visit-

    ed 14 groups of native people.

    He also found that

    less than 1% of the population had dental decay and

    the majority had well formed dental arches and

    facial features. These na-tive people ate what mother nature has provided for them, they ate food

    from the ocean and from the ground, absolutely zero refined sugar and

    only whole-grain and other unrefined foods.

    Fast forward to today, I am seeing

    not too dissimilar cases

    at my own

    practices from those Dr Price observed in the 1930s.

    I dare say

    I am see-

    ing more than he did then.

  • 7/25/2019 There is More to Sugar Than Dental Decay


    Here is a typical consultation at my office for young children.

    A 10 year old sits in the dental chair. Mum is concerned

    about the childs

    crooked teeth, if and when he/she

    needs to wear braces.

    With these patients, almost without exceptions, I see a small and narrow

    jaws, crowded teeth, and there is always a certain degree of mouth breath-ing.

    Note that some parents may not be aware that their child has been

    mouth breathing (nor themselves). A healthy person breathes through the

    nose 100% at rest, the lips are closed together and should only be apart

    when eating, talking or while taking breathes after an episode of heavy ex-


    The picture above shows a chronic mouth breather, typically, the chin

    tends to be positioned too far back.

    The mouth breathing varies from a subtle opening between the upper and

    lower lips to an opened mouth large enough for a Coke can to pass


    At rest, the nose is designed for breathing, its tiny hairs inside tend to filtermicrobes, furthermore, it warms and humidifies the air. Chronic mouth

    breathing tends to bypass the natural protection and consequently the

    bodys immune system has to work harder.

  • 7/25/2019 There is More to Sugar Than Dental Decay


    In many cases, I am also seeing the glazed eyes, dark circles under the

    eyes and the creased tip of the nose as illustrated in the photo above. The

    picture shows the typical allergic salute, due to chronic irritation of mu-

    cus build up in the nasal passages, the child repeatedly rubs the nose ac-companied by the sniffing.

    The tonsils and adenoids, as parts of the immune system become enlarged

    and therefore constricting the airway further.

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    Left untreated, the

    airway progressively narrows, reducing the amount of


    passing through the nasal passages, compromising the growth of the

    upper jaw and midface (nasal bones, cheek bones and other bones support-

    ing the face), its the use it or lose it principle at work.Mouth breathing also causes the tongue to drop down, unfavourably modi-

    fying the ideal horizontal growth to a less favourable vertical growth of the

    face, affecting the balance and beauty of the childs face. As discussed in

    The hidden dangers behind snoring, the effects of mouth breathing are

    still being felt much later on in life. In essence, as shown by the native vil-

    lagers in the Dr Price

    study, the oral muscles such as the lips and cheeks

    on the outside and the tongue in the inside, are our very own orthodontic

    appliances, IF they function properly.For proper jaw and facial development the child must develop these


    important habits:

    Breathe through the nose

    Lips closed together

    Proper swallowing

    Whats happening?

    In 2014 Grimshaw(2) and associates collected food diaries from the par-

    ents of 1,140 babies to see if different types of foods have any influence on

    food allergies,

    They found that babies without food allergies had a diet that was rich in

    healthy, often homemade, foods including fruits, vegetables, poultry and

    fish, and

    low on processed foods such as pre-made meals, potato chips,

    sauces and bacon.

    The analysis showed that the infants who were having more fruits and

    vegetables and less commercially produced baby foods and also less adult

    foods were the ones who were less likely to develop an allergy by the time

    they were two, Grimshaw said.

    A landmark study in 1973(3) by The American Society for Clinical Nutri-

    tion showed the effects of sugar on the immune system. When

    100 grams

    of sugar is ingested,

    (amount equivalent to 1 litre bottle of a soft drink),the white blood cells are 40 percent less effective at killing germs for at

    least 5 hours after

    sugar consumption! Conversely, they found that fasting
  • 7/25/2019 There is More to Sugar Than Dental Decay


    for 36 hours significantly boosted the immune system, when the sugar lev-

    els are at their lowest.

    The results of these studies are consistent with Dr Prices findings, pro-

    cessed foods tend to cause havoc on the immune system. Allergies causemucus build up in the nasal cavities, hindering nasal breathing. The soft

    tissues lining the airway have the tendency to swell up, constricting the

    airway further, which leads to mouth breathing. The more severe the air-

    way obstruction, the wider the mouth opens.

    A recent study(4) also shows some babies are born with heightened re-

    sponse to certain types of foods such as peanuts and even pizza. The au-

    thors could only speculate the reasons behind this allergic predisposition,but they did consider the possibility of

    environmental causation.

    It is therefore feasible to conclude


    consuming diet high in processed

    foods, contribute to increasing incidence of allergies in the developed


    Allergies are most complex

    human conditions, there

    are still a

    lot of unanswered questions, however, I believe its combination with stress

    and environmental

    (chemical) toxins

    plays a major part.

    How do you suspect if your child has compromised airway?

    Mouth Breathing Lips apart. Observe if the lips are apart while at rest, or

    while asleep. The further the lips are apart, the narrower is the upper jaw.

    Chapped Lips dry lips

    Dry mouth

    Gingivitis- bleeding gums

    Orthodontic issues Crooked teeth, cross bite, overbite, bucked teeth.

    Loud grinding of teeth during sleep

    Dark circles under the eyes

    Change in Head Posture Posturing the head forward and/or tipping the

    forehead backwards

    Enlarged Tonsil and Adenoid

    Chronic sinus problems, throat problems

    Snoring Children do not usually snore

    Chronic allergies, nasal passages are continuously blocked.

    Bed wettingReflux in the Eustachian Tube Leads to inner ear infections

  • 7/25/2019 There is More to Sugar Than Dental Decay



    Now we see the signs of allergies and their effects, what can we do?

    The objective is to create the ideal environment for the child to grow opti-


    When the environment is right,

    nature will do

    its magic in devel-

    oping the human body; things start to go wrong when we eat processedfoods

    from birth. The good news is that its never too late to treat prob-

    lems later in life, once the problems are recognised and identified, we can

    facilitate nature to carry on with its work.

    At the dentist

    Medical History

    Asthma, allergies to foods and medications, medications taken, sleep pat-

    tern, snoring, bedwetting, headaches.

    Examination(outside and inside mouth)

    Check facial features retruded lower jaw (weak chin), black rings under

    eyes, flat or concave mid and lower face, facial asymmetries, enlarged

    adenoids, crowded teeth.

    RecordsPhotographs to check profile


    study models

    Xrays to check dental development

    3D scans to check airway

    Referrals to Specialists

    ENT (Ear Nose and Throat) surgeons





  • 7/25/2019 There is More to Sugar Than Dental Decay


    Extraoral aids

    Sleep Angels and Breathe Right strips are two of several extraoral aids that

    can be helpful in facilitating nasal breathing while asleep.

    Sleep angels

    Breathe Right Strips

  • 7/25/2019 There is More to Sugar Than Dental Decay


    Orthodontic treatment

    Myotrainer to train the oral muscles to function optimally and to facili-

    tate nasal breathing

    Tongue exercises recommended by Myologists can also be useful in de-

    veloping a correct swallowing habit.

    Full tongue training movie

    Functional appliances

    Functional appliances are designed to expand the jaws both anterio-poste-

    riorly (forward) and laterally (side ways). Expanded jaws allow more

    space for the tongue and improve the bite.
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    Braces can either be done in conjunction with the functional appliances or

    after, depending on the age of the patient.


    Everyone knows

    sugar causes dental decay, but its effects on the devel-

    opment of the face, jaws and teeth are much less known. Anthropological

    findings by Dr Weston Price and recent studies indicate that sugar and pro-

    cessed foods may play a big part in the increasing incidence of allergies in

    the modern society, which in turn cause many dental problems that dentists

    are seeing today at their office.This

    information is most useful for parents, it motivates them to give their

    children healthy whole foods, to

    recognize early signs of problems and to

  • 7/25/2019 There is More to Sugar Than Dental Decay


    be aware of the relevant

    treatments available so that the conditions can be

    managed accordingly at any age. Early management can prevent more dif-

    ficult or unnecessary treatments later in life such extractions and jaw


    This article may be used with permission by Dr. John Utama,

    (1) Produced by the AIHW and the Dental Statistics and Research


    Australian Research Centre for Population Oral Health, University of


    (2) Diet and food allergy development during infancy: Birth cohort studyfindings using prospective food diary data

    February 2014Volume 133, Issue 2, Pages


    Kate E.C. Grimshaw, PhD, RD Joe Maskell, MSc Erin M. Oliver, MSc

    Ruth C.G. Morris, Dip HE, RN(Child) Keith D. Foote, MBBS, FRCPCH

    E.N. Clare Mills, PhD Barrie M. Margetts, PhD, FFPH Graham Roberts,


    (3) Am J Clin Nutr





    26/11/1180.full.pdf+htmlRole of sugars in human neutrophilic phagocytosis Albert Sanchez,

    J. L.


    H. S. Lau,

    P. Y. Yahiku,

    R. E. Willard,

    P. J. McMillan,

    SY. Cho,


    R. Magie, and

    U. D. Register

    (4) Cord blood monocytederived inflammatory cytokines suppress IL-2

    and induce nonclassic TH2-type immunity associated with development

    of food allergy Yuxia Zhang1,2,3,*,

    Fiona Collier4,5,



    Richard Saffery2,6,

    Mimi LK. Tang2,6,

    KatrinJ. Allen2,6,


    Louise Ponsonby2,6,

    Leonard C. Harrison1,2,*,,



    on behalf of the BIS Investigator Group
  • 7/25/2019 There is More to Sugar Than Dental Decay


    John Utama BDS MBA

    Robina Town Dental

    Dentists @Capri

    Gold Coast Australia

    [email protected]