"there is no hope doing perfect research." (griffiths, 1998, p97). do you agree?

1 Test for Writers Developed by: Pamela M. Veroy RN, MAN Updated: June 20, 2012 There Is No Hope Of Doing Perfect Research (Griffiths, 1998, P97). Do You Agree? This statement made from Griffiths sounds very disappointing and uninspiring in my part. It only implies that no researchers ever succeeded in their quest for answers. Does it mean that every research works always left traces of flaws and errors? If that is the case, we just disregarded highly respected scientists who had given great contribution in the entire humanity. This, I definitely disagree! So the question is, when it will be a particular research study become perfect? How long can we find ultimate answers if we believe that every research findings are always a subject for questions of doubts and not given confidence by human race? Then, are we still into trial and error expedition? Definitely not! We already enjoyed the benefits brought about by many discoveries and inventions in the field of engineering, medicine, economics



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Page 1: "There is no hope doing perfect research." (Griffiths, 1998, P97). Do You Agree?


Test for Writers

Developed by: Pamela M. Veroy RN, MAN

Updated: June 20, 2012

There Is No Hope Of Doing Perfect Research (Griffiths, 1998, P97). Do You Agree?

This statement made from Griffiths sounds very disappointing and uninspiring in my

part. It only implies that no researchers ever succeeded in their quest for answers. Does it mean

that every research works always left traces of flaws and errors? If that is the case, we just

disregarded highly respected scientists who had given great contribution in the entire humanity.

This, I definitely disagree!

So the question is, when it will be a particular research study become perfect? How long

can we find ultimate answers if we believe that every research findings are always a subject for

questions of doubts and not given confidence by human race? Then, are we still into trial and

error expedition? Definitely not! We already enjoyed the benefits brought about by many

discoveries and inventions in the field of engineering, medicine, economics and the rest of other

field of disciplines. We use it, ride on it, eat on it, wear on it, even sleep on it in everyday living;

and that is undeniable truth.

Now let us go back to the history where many scientists done perfect research. One

example is Leonardo da Vinci whom was known as the greatest inventor and designer of

infrastructures such as buildings, bridges and even machineries use for wars (Burande, 2011).

His creation was considered advance, so unique and excellent because nobody could do such

inventions like he did at that time and therefore, his research work was perfect during his era.

Galileo on the other hand, was the first person to discover that the Earth is revolving around the

Sun and able to provide evidence or proof by using his telescope (Burande, 2011). His discovery

Page 2: "There is no hope doing perfect research." (Griffiths, 1998, P97). Do You Agree?


is factual and always will be. Now, is there anyone in this world put a doubt on his discovery?

We have already built more than a hundred times bigger and better telescope and also satellites

but nothing had change on Galileo’s discovery. His research work is perfect. Another according

to Burande (2011) is Thomas Graham, if without his ingenious technique and development by

“separating crystalloids from colloids” called “dialysis” that cleanses human blood; there will be

millions of people died until now.

Now let me diverse discussion to the famous inventors and scientist who won the Nobel

Prize due to their great contributions in research. Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen discovered X-rays

and won Nobel Prize on it (nobleprize.org, 2012). Starting from his excellent creation as

reference, follows the evolution to a much sophisticated inventions such as MRI, CT Scan,

Ultrasounds and many others that contributed a lot to healthcare services in diagnosing different

types of ailments. This will never be realized and not been possible if without Rontgen’s first X-

ray machine and it is because he perfected his research. In addition, many pathologic organisms

discovered and named such as “diphtheria, typhoid, pneumonia, gonorrhea, cerebral meningitis,

leprosy, tetanus…” and many more because of the pure culture methods developed by Robert

Koch and who founded bacteria called Mycobacterium bacilli that causes tuberculosis

(nobleprize.org, 2012). Because of his tremendous discoveries, new antibiotic drugs such as

penicillin evolved for treatment of these identified diseases.

They are just a few among the many Scientists who face great responsibility and risk

themselves from their pursuit for new knowledge. They stand-out for it by all means against all

painstaking critics they had engaged in and putting a high conviction in order to serve its good

deeds beyond their life and even beyond our generations. This is the greatest sacrifice they had

ever made. Now, do you agree that these research studies not perfect?

Page 3: "There is no hope doing perfect research." (Griffiths, 1998, P97). Do You Agree?


In research process, every committed error encountered even considered a new discovery

and a reference value; without these the study will never come-up to become perfect. But again, I

could even hardly call it an “error” but a “missing link” in the experiment. The application of

principles, theories, rulings, ethics, scientific and statistical formulas in the study and divert into

a realistic and tangible perspective resulting to new ideas and discoveries brings forth into

perfection; a “masterpiece”. Recent researchers are giving high respect and faith to the

achievements of research studies in the past. Each version of research works created a domino

effect to the next generation, in the process of doing innovations and synthesizing previous

findings. They made it as vital basis for the continuity of search of new knowledge. Therefore

every research works done are all unique and original that we could not find one to compare

with, and that made it as perfect research.

Try to consider this; every new generation coming into existence set varying criteria base

upon their subjective needs and standard. People shift their interest, due to the un-ending crave

and discontentment in life and this is why people have a tendency to disregards things no longer

applicable or needed. We tend to find flaws and criticize of the things, situation or system

because we lose reliance on it and no longer fit in our lifestyle then find other means or kind. It is

because we are continuously evolving and changing. And all these factors may sometimes lead

to the expedition imperfect in the long run.

It is unfair to mark any previous research works done as obsolete and no longer useful or

acceptable and labeled it as “not perfect”. There are hope in doing research to become perfect in

itself; when it accomplish and serve to its aim or objectives on that particular situation, place and

time. When it provides answers to its queries until when the future could foretell and change it,

but that is just a hypothetical issue.

Page 4: "There is no hope doing perfect research." (Griffiths, 1998, P97). Do You Agree?



Burande, Abhay. “List of Famous Scientists in History”. Buzzle.com. Retrieved 20 Jul 2012 from: <http://www.buzzle.com/articles/list-of-famous-scientists-in-history.html>

"Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen - Biography". Nobelprize.org. Retrieved 20 Jul 2012 from: <http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/physics/laureates/1901/rontgen-bio.html>

"Robert Koch - Biography". Nobelprize.org. Retrieved 20 Jul 2012 from: <http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/medicine/laureates/1905/koch-bio.html>