these are the slides i used as we discussed lipids and nucleic acids. you had a lipid worksheet that...

Download These are the slides I used as we discussed lipids and nucleic acids. You had a Lipid worksheet that you completed on your own. You handed it in after

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This is the diagram from the lipid worksheet.


These are the slides I used as we discussed lipids and nucleic acids. You had a Lipid worksheet that you completed on your own. You handed it in after we discussed lipids in class. You had a Nucleic Acid handout to use as we discussed nucleic acids in class LIPIDS ENERGY STORAGE MEMBRANES SOME HORMONES INSULATES AND CUSHIONS WATER PROOFING FUNCTIONS This is the diagram from the lipid worksheet. This is the diagram from your textbook. This is the diagram from your textbook. Can you read the abbreviated structural formula? How many carbons? How many hydrogens? This is the diagram from your textbook. Why are unsaturated fats liquid at room temperature? How is this related to their shape? Natural unsaturated fats are usually cis. We can manipulate the fat to make the fatty acid chain straight like a saturated fat. Do you understand how that is done? Another representation of the conversion of unsaturated fats into saturated fats. Fats long hydrocarbon chains, saturated or unsaturated In nature unsaturated fats generally have cis configuration In food production liquid cis-unsaturated fats such as vegetable oils are hydrogenated to produce saturated fats, which have more desirable physical properties resemble animal fat Partial hydrogenation converts some of the cis double bonds into trans double bonds by an isomerization reaction with the catalyst used for the hydrogenation Trans fats have been shown to increase the risk of coronary heart disease This is the diagram from the worksheet. All membranes not just the cell membrane are composed of phospholipids. How does their structure make their function possible? This is the diagram from the textbook. Membranes are bilayers of phospholipids. Why are they oriented so that the tails are not near water? Steroids are lipids characterized by the 4 carbon rings illustrated at (a). Practice identifying steroids. The bottom two rows are hormones. MUKTUK frozen meal of whale skin and blubber, usually eaten raw Fat is important in insulating the bodies of animals as well as protecting internal organs. Very thick layers of fat blubber insulate the bodies of mammals in cold environments. Just another example of a lipid. Does it look like a lipid to you? NUCLEIC ACIDS INFORMATION STORAGE & PROTEIN PRODUCTION (DNA AND RNA) ENERGY TRANSFER (ATP) FUNCTIONS James Watson along with Francis Crick discovered the structure of DNA I cant load this ppt if I leave in the video. Look for this video on the AP video page. LEFT: Ribosome (Ribosomal RNA and protein) Ribosome is building protein by following messenger RNA instructions (orange). RIGHT: Transfer RNA delivers amino acids to the ribosome **DNA may get all the glory but RNA does the work! The flow of information in cells! THIS IS ATP THE ENERGY TRANSFER MOLECULE COMMON TO ALL CELLS. It is also a building block for nucleic acids. Can you tell which one?