thesis - chapter 3

Chapter III TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS In this chapter, is divided into five parts: (1) Product/ Service, (2) Market for the Product/Service, (3) Processes Involved, (4) Materials, Equipment, and Facilities, and, (5) Personnel - Qualification and Job Description. Product/ Service MyFAVE Company meets the need today with a comprehensive and in order list of professional services covering all aspects of product selection, commissioning which prefers to the client’s payment, installation in terms of the equipments being used, integration in a way of putting up what the clients want, upgrading to promote the improvement of video quality, and daily operation. By tapping into the collective industry and technology expertise for the company’s competency, wherein the company 9

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Robe Jan Ivan Pagulong, Maika Palma, Ma. Jesabelle Cabangbang, Christine Joy Flandez, University of San Agustin, Project Prosal, Thesis Mrs. Josephine De Asis, robeonline


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Chapter III


In this chapter, is divided into five parts: (1) Product/ Service, (2) Market for the

Product/Service, (3) Processes Involved, (4) Materials, Equipment, and Facilities, and,

(5) Personnel - Qualification and Job Description.

Product/ Service

MyFAVE Company meets the need today with a comprehensive and in order list

of professional services covering all aspects of product selection, commissioning which

prefers to the client’s payment, installation in terms of the equipments being used,

integration in a way of putting up what the clients want, upgrading to promote the

improvement of video quality, and daily operation. By tapping into the collective industry

and technology expertise for the company’s competency, wherein the company can

maximize the every aspect of its workflow and every peso in the client’s budget.

Market for the Product/Service

A. Existing Video Production Companies

● MediaWorx International, Inc. ● Mayad Studio

● Pacific Lights Studios ● Studio production

● Blue Tuna Limited


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B. Business and Services

MediaWorx International, Inc is a full-service production company and

advertising agency that caters the client’s multimedia requirements. Also this company

provides variety of services in the field of events advertising and video production.

Mayad Studio is a contemporary premier company who has gone full trust in the

construction and enhancement of multimedia production as well as web designing and


Pacific Light Studio is a commercial digital photography that offers affordable

wedding video, photo coverage service.

Studio Production a studio that offers lower priced but good quality video


Blue Tuna Limited is an award-winning British television, Corporate Video &

multi-media production company that provide production services for corporate video,

broadcast television, and live webcasting and TV commercial production.

C. Difference and Comparison

All of these companies are the same in the field of its business, but of course each

company has its individual uniqueness that makes the company different from each other.

Like in MediaWorx International, the company’s mission is to efficiently and

effectively help the clients achieve its advertising and market goals. The company also

caters all types of business from service oriented companies.


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The Mayad studio and Pacific Lights Studio, the companies focus on a digital

element for more advanced multimedia outputs. In short, this company only concentrates

on one aspect of an IT Business.

Studio Production differs from all of these said companies because it offers lower

priced services.

D. The Company Identity

As a young company, services to be offered to the clients must something that is

unique. Unique in the sense that the company will uphold the Filipino values and

promote Filipino culture and more appropriate and helpful to the society not only the

company can gain but also the whole society or Filipino culture as well. The My FAVE

will have also trainings and workshops every summer that can be attended by all ages.

With this, the company can also share the skills and talents in video production.


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Processes Involved

The Process Flowchart

Figure 1. The MyFAVE Production Company Process Flowchart.

The flowchart shows the processes to be accomplished by the team or the

company to produce a video output for a certain clientele or clienteles. This also shows

how the team makes the company work.

Reproduction Stage





Planning/Conceptualization Stage

Shooting Stage

Preparing for the Shoot Stage

Editing Stage




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A. Planning/ Conceptualization Stage

In every successful shoot starts with a good plan, the MyFAVE Company, as a

Video and Film Production Company, it expands the clients creative horizons and add

new and exciting production elements to the videos. The company starts by developing a

plan for the production, selecting the appropriate format, style and production elements

that will set the clients up for success.

In order to make sure that the right creative elements are contained in each

premise, the company starts with a talk. This is a day long meeting with the client that

allows the company to gather as much information as possible about the product. There

are no bad ideas at this point as any idea helps the creative flow. Client’s videos can

benefit from a similar process.

B. Preparing for the Shoot

After planning is the preparation for the shoot and selecting a style. In selecting

the style the company uses essentially identifying the personality of the project. And add

appropriate elements once the MyFAVE Company determined the format and style; the

company decide which elements are appropriate for the project.

The preparation involves the preparedness and availability of all the elements to

be used, the settings, the time, props, and characters.


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C. Shooting Stage

Shooting involves the taking of video clips that are useful in the formation of a

good video output. Shooting is the implementation of the planning or conceptualization.

This is the realization of plans.

Shooting is done by the production staff. The director directs and make sure that

the plan is done. The cameramen get the video. The staff works as the support people

during the shootings.

D. Editing Stage

Since the development of pop-up video interesting or pertinent information that

overlays the video, the use of factoids has become popular. A factoid is simply an

element related to the subject that is popped on in text or portrayed in both a voiceover

and text.

Editing involves the arranging of all the videos taken from the shoot. This will

summarize all the time-lines and works. This will be the key for a powerful video output

that could attract people. This will stage the inserting of texts or titles to the video and

adding sounds or audio effects.

This will be the finalization of the outcome of the product or the video. This will

be the part that the client will approve the video output. If it is disapproved, the process

will return to the editing stage for re-editing or revising the previous output to a better

outcome that the client wants.


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E. Reproduction Stage

In this stage, the product made from the editing stage is reproduced to the

customers or to the clients. This will showcase the turning over of the final output to

client and the payment stage. Final output is in the form of Compact Disk (CD) or in a

Digital Video Disk (DVD) formats.

Project Gantt Chart

Table 1. The MyFAVE Company Project Works Gantt Chart.

The Figure 2 shows the activities to be done in every project. It shows the stages

of the production and number of days that should be followed or accomplished.

Materials, Equipment, and Facilities

Digital video editing is an intensive process that requires a computer capable of

handling this memory-busting workload. It has to be fast, with sufficient memory, with

the latest graphics and audio cards to support the real-time media work you are about to

Planning/ Conceptualization StagePreparing for the Shoot Stage

Shooting Stage

Editing Stage

Reproduction Stage


1 32 54 76 8


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do. There are specific elements that must be considered if you want an optimal home

editing studio.

Video editing is one of the most demanding tasks for modern computer systems.

Whether you're compiling your home videos, creating professional short films or editing

high quality photos, it's important to consider specialized hardware when customizing

one’s computer.

A. Facilities:

1. Office

Rental Cost: P 4, 000.00

Electricity Usage: P 2, 000.00

Water Supply: P 1, 000.00

Communications: P 3, 000.00

Supplies P 5, 000.00

B. Hardware:

1. Computer:

Brand Name: Hewlett Packard

Model: Pavillion p6055d

Type: Desktop PC

Base processor: Core 2 Quad Q8200 (Y) 2.33 GHz (95W)

Chipset: NVIDIA nForce 630i / NVIDIA GeForce 7100

Memory: 2 GB DDR2 SDRAM


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Hard drive: 500 GB SATA 3G (3.0 Gb/sec)

Video Graphics: nVidia GeForce GT120 (1 GB GDDR2 memory)

Sound/Audio: High Definition 8-channel audio (ALC 888S chipset)

Estimated Cost: P 30, 000.00

2. Keyboard

Brand Name: Hewlett Packard

Type: USB keyboard

Estimated Cost: P 600.00

3. Mouse

Brand Name: Hewlett Packard

Type: USB optical mouse

Estimated Cost: P 400.00

4. Monitor

Brand Name: Hewlett Packard

Monitor Screen: 20"

Model: 2009f LCD Monitor with Built-in Speaker

Estimated Cost: P 7, 000.00


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5. Video Camera

Brand: Sony

Model: HDR-CX7K Memory Stick HD Handycam®

Type: Camcorder

Media Storage Type: Memory Stick Micro / Memory Stick Pro Duo

Digital Zoom: 10x / 20x, 2.7" LCD (Wide 16:9) / 211K Pixels

Estimated Cost: P 40, 000.00

6. Printer

Brand: Hewlett Packard

Model: DeskJet F300

Type: DeskJet (Continuous)

Estimated Cost: P 3, 000.00


1. Video Editing Software

Software Name: Ulead Video Studio

Developer: Ulead Development Systems

Version: 10 or 11

Estimated Cost: P 1, 500.00

D. Total Investment Cost

The total investment cost that the company will acquire will reached Fifteen

Thousand Pesos (P 15, 000.00) per month in expenditures for the office operation alone.

For the equipments and materials, the company will spend Eighty-Two Thousand, Five


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Hundred (P 82,500.00), but this will be acquire in a One-year term or Twelve-month

term, making the cost for the equipments divide by Twelve (12) months, it will give Six

Thousand, Eight Hundred Seventy-Five Pesos (P 6,875.00) per month.

Total Investment Cost in a Pie Chart

Hardware, 81,000, 83%

Office, 15,000, 15%


1,500, 2%

Figure 2. The total investment cost in a pie chart.

It is reflected in the pie chart that the biggest cost would come from the hardware

next is the Office and the least is from the Software.


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Personnel - Qualification and Job Description

The Organizational Chart

Organizational chart shows the formal authority relationship priors and

subordinates at various levels, as well as formal channels of communication within the


Figure 3. The MyFAVE Company Organizational Chart.

The chart aids employees perceive more clearly their positions in the organization

in relation to others and how and where managers and workers fit into the overall

organizational structure. In the MyFAVE Company, the highest rank is the Creative

Director. Under the Creative Director are the people from the Production and Post-

Production Crews. The Production Crews were the Cameramen and Lightsmen. While on

the Post-Production Crews, only the Video Editors is the only position under it.

Creative Director


Organizational Chart


Production CrewsPost- Production



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A. The Personnel

1. Creative Director:

A Creative Director is a position useful in other creative organizations such as the

MyFAVE Company.

Qualifications of a Creative Director :

A Creative Director must ideally need to have domain knowledge of the business

& industry, understand modern management theories employ process/quality

improvement techniques and sometimes quality process standards if required by

customers or desired by the company.

Have a strong command of the technical aspects of their business.

Have creative direction which is varied. With creative skills in videography and


Functions of a Creative Director :

He or She interprets a client's communications strategy and then develop

proposed creative approaches and treatments that align with that strategy.

He or She must initiate and stimulate creative ideas for and from everyone

involved in the creative process.

He or She is the ultimately responsible for the quality of the final creative


Plan by prioritizing customer, employee and organizational requirements.

Maintaining and monitoring staffing, levels, expectations and motivation

to fulfill organizational requirements.


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2. Cameraman:

Cameraman is one of the vital positions in the production of the product.

Qualifications of a Cameraman:

Have a creative skills in taking video.

Most probably with job experience in video production. Skills in camera angling

and techniques.

Have a pleasing personality and hard working.

Functions of a Cameraman:

He or She must produce best angles in taking videos.

He or She must provide video clips that were taken on the shooting.

3. Lightsman:

Lightsman is also one of the important job in the production of the product in

terms of lightings. Lightings is a big factor in enhancing the scenes.

Qualifications of a Lightsman:

Have a creative skills in lightings. Most probably with job experience in video

production and has took seminars in lights maneuveration.

Have a pleasing personality and hard working.

Functions of a Lightsman:

He or She must assist cameramen in taking videos.

Responsible of the lightings of the set and lights effects.


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4. Video Editors:

Video Editors is the most vital job in the production of the product. They are

incharge for the final output, the video.

Qualifications of a Video Editors:

Have a creative skills in digital video, audio and photo editing. With job

experience in digital video production and has took workshops in video editing.

Have a pleasing personality and hard working.

Functions of a Video Editors:

Editors must edit videos that were taken by the cameraman etc.

Responsible for a quality video results.

Responsible for adding audios and graphics on the video.

Accountable for the implementation of the clients’ requirements.

B. Salaries

Creative Director will receive the highest salary which is Eight Thousand Pesos P

8, 000.00 every project. The next highest would the Video Editors which is Six Thousand

Pesos P 6, 000.00 per project. Then followed by Cameraman and Lightsman who will

receive Four Thousand Pesos P 4, 000.00 and Two Thousand Pesos P 2, 000.00 per

project, respectively.

The Company will spend Tweenty Thousand Pesos (P 20, 000.00) for the

personnel’s salaries per project or Eighty Thousand Pesos(P 80, 000.00) per month,

provided the project per month will reach four as per project will consume Seven Days or

One Week.