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  • 7/29/2019 Thesis Draft Improved


    Gonzalez 1

    Botched Immigration System Spawns Alien Menace

    The idea of Sanctuary City is very complex for the fact that people

    have such strong opinions concerning it. While some are accepting of

    Chicago being a Sanctuary City, others tend to believe undocumented

    immigrants should be deported for causing such negativity in our society. For

    instance, in the article Botched Immigration System Spawns Alien Menace,

    Bill O Reilly harshly criticizes the American government for having such

    lenient laws concerning immigration. He suggests that such lenience towards

    the issue is apparently threatening the safety and rights of the American

    citizens (OReilly). Although the situation in which five immigrants in New

    York raped a mother was devastating, OReilly portrayed himself as

    unreliable for committing a logical fallacy. Based on the situation and

    OReillys interpretation, the belief that most immigrants are criminals was

    implied. While others have argued that undocumented immigrants have done

    nothing but negatively affect our country, many cases have shown that the

    majority of undocumented immigrants are solely trying to make a better life

    and find opportunities to support their family.

  • 7/29/2019 Thesis Draft Improved


    Gonzalez 2

    The fact that immigrants come to the United States to cause harm has

    become a stereotype in the most recent years. However, that stereotype has

    proven to be untrue. The majority of undocumented immigrants come to the

    United States to fulfill their dreams and to be opened to new opportunities.

    Undocumented immigrants risk their lives, their families lives and

    everything they have worked for in their home country to come to the United

    States. This suggests that because so much is at stake, undocumented

    immigrants would not risk or ruin their opportunities in America by

    committing senseless crimes. For instance, Harvard sociologist Robert J.

    Sampson, claims that there has been a correlation between immigrants and

    the amount of crime in a city. He ultimately suggests that in certain

    neighborhoods where immigrant populations have increased, homicide rates

    have decreased (Sampson 1).

    For some time, undocumented immigrants have held a negative

    reputation. For instance, many suggest that undocumented immigrants are

    taking the jobs of American citizens. Although it might be true that

    undocumented immigrants will work for a lower pay, the fact that they are

    actually taking the jobs of citizens is untrue. Because the majority of

    undocumented immigrants come to the United States for a better life, they

  • 7/29/2019 Thesis Draft Improved


    Gonzalez 3

    work extremely hard. Undocumented immigrants earn their jobs.

    Additionally, several undocumented immigrants take jobs that others would

    not. For instance, many immigrants work tough, long hours in factories, do

    yard work, are janitors, housekeepers and so on. In many instances, the

    statement that undocumented immigrants take the jobs of American citizens

    is false. Instead, undocumented immigrants often times have jobs that many

    do not want.

    Furthermore, many undocumented immigrants are hard workers. As

    previously mentioned, they settle for extremely difficult jobs, less pay and

    not the best conditions in the workplace. They deal with such difficult jobs in

    order to provide for themselves and their families. Aside from that,

    undocumented immigrants have to work harder in terms of school in order to

    maintain high grades. Because undocumented immigrants arrive to the

    United States for better opportunities, their dreams are to go to college.

    However, most of the time money is tight and therefore they must maintain a

    high grade point average, be involved with the community and have several

    extra curricular activities in order to receive scholarship money. Scholarship

    money, in many instances, is the only was undocumented students can afford

    to go to college.

  • 7/29/2019 Thesis Draft Improved


    Gonzalez 4

    Overall, Bill OReillys statement about undocumented immigrants is

    unfair. Suggesting that stricter immigration laws are needed ultimately puts

    undocumented immigrants in such a negative light when in actuality they are

    aiming for a better life. Furthermore, undocumented immigrants have the

    right to the city. They hold the right to be treated as any other citizen

    because they are productive members of our society.

  • 7/29/2019 Thesis Draft Improved


    Gonzalez 5

    Works Citied

    O'Reilly, Bill. "Botched Immigration System Spawns Alien Menace."Human

    Events 20 Jan. 2003: 21. Print.

    Sampson, Robert J. "Rethinking Crime and Immigration." (n.d.): 28-33.