thesis prototype


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Soyeon Lim- THESIS 1 :: Prof. Jun Sassa :: Prototype Documentation








PROTECT YOUR ______________.



THESIS STATEMENTThis project will deliver an essential message that we all should embed in our lives but is often forgotten,"Protect your things". The term things refer not only to a solid property that one owns but also their identity, relationships with people, environment, moral values and such.

- THE VERY FIRST GOALS & INTENTION STATEMENT -The primary goal of this project is to deliver a thought provoking message through simplicity. One of the core ideas of the project, the strategy of building acquaintance using repetitive characters, is not to only make the message more relevant to children but is also an idea that takes the advantages of simplicity to tackle a straightforward but thought provoking message. Another goal is to build around the cause and effect plotting which is a simple yet effective strategy for a pedagogical delivery.


- TRAVELING ALONG TO THE FIRST PROTOTYPE : PLOTTING -The main pin points of this project is to use simplicity but not loose the creativity,target all age groups and have a unified concept for the entire series. The very firststep in developing this series was to mat down all three plots before getting into any sort of composition framing or creating visual assets. The first few dives were made for the drafts (at first it was four topics- the three listed above plus ‘Beliefs’). After reviews, the fourth topic, Beliefs, is dropped from the list because it did not meetthe tone, in terms of content, of the other three. So in the following rounds of reviews,it was focused on three settled topics. Some pushes and pulls were made to bestmeet the main goals of this project. With effective peer and intructor reviews, the plots began finding their forms. In addition, in between the revised drafts, some helpful stepping back and thought clearing process was done through research.




IDENTITYMon is surfing the internet for job openings.Mons sighs deeply when he can't find jobs to meet his needs. Then he receives an email from the bank.An envelope pops up on the screen. The logo on the envelope looks a tiny bit different but Mon does not even catch it and without hesitating he opens the mail by clicking on the envelope icon.When he clicks, the envelope pops open with comments such as 'It looks like you are short of money' 'Well, we can help!' And then a hand comes out of the screen.Desperate for some help, Mon grabs the hand and is drawn into the screen.He enters a peaceful forest and a friendly looking being (A being dressed in white Nigerian traditional clothing: Nigerian Prince Scam) appears.The "Nigerian Prince" at first politely asks Mon personal questions.But as Mon gives more and more answers the forest gets darker and creepier. Pop up windows with suspicious ads peek through the trees and electronic hands from the pop up windows try to grab Mon saying things like "Hey Mon, tell me a little about yourself too!"The being also become aggressive when Mon hesitates to answer and make attempts to escape.Now the prince is wearing a black Nigerian clothing and laughing at Mon. In the being's hands are Mon's credit cards. As the prince laughs his face morphs into Mon's.Mon is now running to escape the forest and at far he sees a red lit up box with a white 'X'.Mon runs and presses the red box and is spat out back into his room from a pop up screen.Mon is breathing hard still frightened.Then the message appears "Just click out of it! Protect your identity."



For the following scenes, everything is in color but Mon is seen in black and white-

Mon comes home and as he walks in his mother asks him questions like 'did you eat?' and Mon not answering or listening to a single one, walks away with his fingers plunged into his ears and his mother sighs.His dog follows him to his room with a toy and Mon's little brother talks to him 'Hey Mon guess what happened at school today?' but Mon shuts the door on them. The dog drops his toy and walks away and his brother sighs at the door.The scene of Mon shutting the door on his little brother and the dog repeats twicemore but the little brother is wearing different clothes and the dog is holding a noticeably different toy (indicating that these are different days and Mon has beenignoring them continuosly). In the third time the scene shows, the dog is not holding a toy but a letter.Once Mon’s door shuts, we close up on the dog and the dog sadly slips the letterfrom his mouth under Mon’s door.Mon falls to his bed sighing. The room is dark and the only thing we see is Mon sitting on an old bed.The letter slips under his door. Mon opens it and it's an 'Best Grocery Bagger’ certiifcate.The moment he sees the letter, Mon brightens up and is saturated to full color. Mon opens his door and happily waves it in the air to show his family. He looks at his brother and his dog but they are in black and white and don't even bat an eye on him. Mon looks at his mom in the kitchen and waves the letter at her. She looks at him for a second and without any reaction goes back to her activity, she is also desaturated to black and white.The message appears "Be there for your family and friends and they will be there for you."



Mon buys a bottle of orange juice at a newspaper stand on the street. He drinks it all right after he buys it and tosses it in the recycling bin but he misses.He stares for a second and walks away with a careless face. Mon is at a subway station. He has a roll of newspaper in his hand and in front of him is a trashcan and just a few steps away is a recycling bin. He stops for a second before he dumps the read newspaper in to the trashcan and looks at the recycling bin. The location of the recycling bin, which is only a few steps away from where Mon is standing, all of a sudden (as if a camera zooming out) looks like a mile away. Mon just drops the newspaper roll into the trashcan and makes a 'who cares' face and gesture. Now we see cuts of Mon's 'who cares' face and various trash being tossed into trash cans back and forth (face-trash-face-trash-face…).All of a sudden we see trash pouring on Mon's careless face. We from a back view, Mon's head sticking out from a pile of trash in front of his opened apartment door. We see Mon's face again and this time his expression has changed to a surprised one. The message appears "Dump your trash not your environment."



- 1ST - 3RD DRAFTS -This portion documents the previous scripts and also the research done in between to further guide and set the base of this project to reach its goals and intentions. For the remaining of the semester, this process may be recalled if necessary to builda strong floorplan for its final standing point. The next step from this process of generating full plots for all three topics, is translating the language to visuals guidence (storyboards and styleframes) before bringing them to life (animation).




The main character- Monster: aka Mon

Identity: Property/ Money/ Belongings/ Safety...Mon and Friend are surfing the internet when an unexpected window pops up. In this pop-up window is a beautiful woman seducing the two. Mon and Friend are drooling. Then the ghost appears and asks seduced Mon and Friend very personal information. As if cursed on a spell, the two answer every question.Then the two are awakened when their cloths and hair styles are changed in a flash like magic.The two stare at each other confused.Then you see the hand of the ghost pulling a casino slot machine. With the sound of "chi-ching"bills and coins fly out of Mon's pockets.The hand of the ghost then signs a contract and the walls of the house they are sitting in fall behind.The hand of the ghost then trades cash for drugs, the police siren rings and the ID the ghost is holding is Friend's. Friend is handcuffed, drawn away by random hands from the seat.Mon is left confused without a house, Friend and rag like cloths.


“Make simpler narrative”“Too many characters”“Maybe no woman”“Ghost is the internet”“Maybe not a seducing woman but a "you won a million dollars" pop-up”“Refer to Allstate ---> ID Theft”“Active role not passive role”“No slot machine: confusing”“Piling too much in one animation”“Friend is not needed”“Take it out of the computer- the virtual world becomes real world”

Sum up:The script is too heavy in terms of activities. It needs some eliminations of unnecessary components- like the character, Friend because he does not play a dominant role. The plotalso lacks transition- the characters need to have direct interference with the virtual world.



The main character- Monster: aka MonOther characters- Mon's friend: Friend, Mon's pet: Pup, The ghost (Messanger)

Friends & Family...Mon and Friend has adopted a puppy. They name him Pup and labels his house "Our Littlest Bro". The three of them spend leisure time together; they go for a drive, go fishing and eat together out of dog bowls and such...Years pass and Pup has grown. Pup begs Mon for a walk with a leash in his mouth. Mon avoids him because he is "busy".Mon goes out for a drink, buys a car, plays games and sleeps.. the whole time Pups and Friend watch Mon back and forth and wait for him to spend time with them, Pup still holds the leash in his mouth.Through the busy walking feet of Mon, we see Pup getting older and tired- indicates time passing.Pup eventually dies still holding the leash in his mouth.Friend stops busy Mon and hands him Pup's leash.


“Maybe not a dog”“Too vague”“Plot where the family is in some sort of visible problem: ‘not being there for them’ ”

Etc.-do this or do that-shallow or solve the problem-what causes us to forget this essentials??-encourage the audience not to do something or to do something

Sum up: The script, in total, is too dreary and serious in tone and also too vague. Introducing a petcharacter may not be an appropriate wayto approach all people. It may communicatebetter to be discussing a direct problem of a family and then have the main charactersee the consequences of ‘not being there for them’. Make it more literal to meet the toneof the Identity plot.



WHY? Some research was done to better improve the “cause” portion of the plots.

Your Environment - Why not recycling? (Individual scale)1. One person doing it isn't going to make a difference anyways..2. I'm not forced to, so why? - some areas fine people but for those who have no penalties they don't bother to recycle.3. I don't have time or space in my house to do so.

Your Family & Friends1. Afraid of your family issues (like fights which is something you do not want to tackle) interfering with your personal life and time - you have enough going on in your life.2. Too busy achieving personal goals so family and friend matters become secondary.3. The existence of the family and friends become so natural to you that you forget or do not imagine life without them.

Beliefs - Why do we not speak up?1. Conscious of others' judgement of you / Because you want to avoid being isolated from a group.2. Why should I be the one to stand up when eventually someone else will- not wanting to be the one to be taking the responsibilities once the belief is neglected or turned away by the majority.3. Afraid of the outcomes (often the consequence because it may cause interference with the law) or governance.

Identity - We mean to protect but we easily expose our identity to strangers, why?1. Online- we trust too much; we often expect that places like banks to have stronger surveillance but it is them that 'phishers' use the most to get us on hooks- they take advantage of our anticipations.2. It is hard to avoid tempting ads- this maybe due to curiosity or the hope that the ad will really bring advantage to you.3. And then there is the case where your identity is stolen by a theft forcefully even though you did not attempt to give it out.






Mon is surfing the internet for job openings.Mons sighs deeply when he can't find jobs to meet his needs. Then he receives an email from the bank.An envelope pops up on the screen. The logo on the envelope looks a tiny bit different but Mon does not even catch it and without hesitating he opens the mail by clicking on the envelope icon.When he clicks, the envelope pops open with comments such as 'It looks like you are short of money' 'Well, we can help!' And then a hand comes out of the screen.Desperate for some help, Mon grabs the hand and is drawn into the screen.He enters a peaceful forest and a friendly looking being appears in a white suit.The being in the white suit at first politely asks Mon personal questions.But as Mon gives more and more answers the forest gets darker and creepier. Pop up windows with suspicious ads peek through the trees and electronic hands from the pop up windows try to grab Mon saying things like "Hey Mon, tell me a little about yourself too!"The being also become aggressive when Mon hesitates to answer and make attempts to escape.Now the being is wearing a black suit and laughing at Mon. In the being's hands are Mon's credit card and car keys. As the being laughs his face morphs into Mon's.Mon is now running to escape the forest and at far he sees a red lit up box with a white 'X'.Mon runs and presses the red box and is spat out back into his room from a pop up screen.Mon is breathing hard still frightened.Then the message appears "Just click out of it! Don't let them take you."


“No car keys- make being hold bunch of cards instead”“The being can be a common metaphor. ex: Nigerian Prince“



Mon is driving home with a careless face. He sees a house on fire and firetrucks surrounding the house and does not even bat an eye at it.He comes home and as he walks in his mother asks him questions like 'did you eat?' and Mon not answering or listening to a single one, walks away with his fingers plunged into his ears and his mother sighs.His dog follows him to his room with a toy and Mon's little brother talks to him 'Hey Mon guess what happened at school today?' but Mon shuts the door on them. The dog drops his toy and walks away and his brother sighs at the door.Another day Mon is driving home happily. He holds an 'Outstanding Employee' certificate in his hand. He runs inside the house and waives the certificate at his mom, however she fades away. Mon is confused but runs to his brother's room and waives it at him but his brother also fades away with his dog.Now Mon is really confused.When zoomed out of Mon's face, we see that he is standing in a room with burnt walls.A fireman walks up to Mon and hands him his family picture.The message appears "______________________"


“Too consumptuous”“Too heavy/dramatic/grieving/shocking”“Add transitions”“Maybe happens in one day”“Letter in his room (Employment of the Month Certificate) but now he turns and all his family members shut the door on himorPull away and he is in a dingy apartment by himself”

Sum up:The storyline is too grieving. It is certainly not necessary to drive the family to death. It is crucial tointroduce a portional loss of the family to the main character- like their attention. To avoid confusion set the story to be happening in a single day. A plotfor multiple days maybe too much for the audience to understand in a short animation.



Mon buys a bottle of orange juice at a newspaper stand on the street. He drinks it all right after he buys it and looks at the trashcan. Next to the trashcan is the recycling bin. He looks at the juice bottle and sees the recycle symbol. But Mon makes a whatever face and just tosses the bottle behind him into the trashcan. The guy at the newspaper stand makes an upset face at Mon's attitude.Mon comes home (Apt 123) and turns on the faucet in the sink to brush his teeth. Whistling around the house, Mon does some other jobs with the water still running.In a pond, we see angry fishes starring at the pipe marked "Apt 123"sucking up water from their pond.Next day Mon wakes up and turns on the faucet but no water comes out. The angry fishes are blocking the pipe that is connected to his apartment. Mon is upset but puts on a tie even though he is itchy from not bathing.He looks at the calendar. Today's date says 'Stop pollution! Car pool today!'Mon drives to work by himself.He stands in line for an orange juice at the newspaper stand. The guy in front of him also buys a bottle of orange juice. When it comes to Mon's turn orange juice is poured on him and not in a bottle.Mon goes to his car and animals are urinating all over his car. When Mon approaches they go away but Mon's car is dirty and he is mad.The message appears "You are taking their's. Return most of what you can."


“Too much happenings- hard to catch and understand all the reasons why things are happening”“Don't let people hate nature but make them feel sympathy- the fishes should not take revenge”“Think of outcomes”“Landfill comes to you”“Make nature do the bad things without the audience knowing why and the last message appears”

Sum up:The script is too dense in detail and it makes it difficult for the audience to consume everything into understanding. The activities happening need to be organized in a less tricky order. Make be shorten it to one happening and the cause for it or various incidents happen then the final message tellsthe cause.



Mon is grocery shopping, when he spots a distorted being stared at suspiciously by the security. The distorted feeling timid, crouches his shoulders and walks away.At the register Mon spots that all the employees are putting up the "register closed" sign when it comes to the distorted being's turn. Again the being turns away with his back stooped due to lack of confidence.In the subway, when Mon looks out the windows all the doors are closing once the distorted being reaches it. The being hardly reaches the doors to the train limping but when he arrives at one then at another each closes at his face. Then Mon angry now, runs to the next open door the being is limping to. Right as it closes the being makes a disappointed face. But then this door opens back up and we see that Mon's arm is holding the door. The being gets on and they smile at each other.The message appears "All you need to do is take out one hand."


“Mon has a pro-active role- Does not match other plots”“No 'cause & effect' plot is seen here“

Etc.“Come up with an unifying slogan for the series”“The 'Belief' one gears toward a different direction- it's not as literal as the other 3 so this one may not fit at all”

Sum up:The topic itself seems a bit set off fromthe rest. This one is difficult to plot out in the ‘cause & effect’ format. Put on hold.




1. "Determine how you would like your message distributed. For your PSA to be effective, choose the best medium for your audience..."

2. "Write your script. Refer to the tenet of Journalism 101 and be sure you answer the five Ws: who, what, where, when and why. If the goal of your PSA is raise awareness, be sure to hit your key points: what it is, why it matters and how one can make a difference or take action..."

3. "Capture attention. Using humor or scare tactics is one way to make a PSA memorable..."

These are just some key points I pulled from the article.

Read more: How to Make a Good PSA |



QualityPeople remember a dramatic or entertaining spot that is beautifully produced...intelligence, sensitivity and imagination reflected in that 30 or 60 seconds does much to influence the public perception of the sponsoring organization, and the importance of the issue.

VarietyUse different arguments, characters, tones and bits of information... The most successful campaigns approach different parts of you, hit you in several different ways.

RepetitionAll the research indicates that the more often the audience hears the message, the more likely they are to get it.

Read more:




IDENTITYMon is surfing the internet for job openings.Mons sighs deeply when he can't find jobs to meet his needs. Then he receives an email from the bank.An envelope pops up on the screen. The logo on the envelope looks a tiny bit different but Mon does not even catch it and without hesitating he opens the mail by clicking on the envelope icon.When he clicks, the envelope pops open with comments such as 'It looks like you are short of money' 'Well, we can help!' And then a hand comes out of the screen.Desperate for some help, Mon grabs the hand and is drawn into the screen.He enters a peaceful forest and a friendly looking being (A being dressed in white Nigerian traditional clothing: Nigerian Prince Scam) appears.The "Nigerian Prince" at first politely asks Mon personal questions.But as Mon gives more and more answers the forest gets darker and creepier. Pop up windows with suspicious ads peek through the trees and electronic hands from the pop up windows try to grab Mon saying things like "Hey Mon, tell me a little about yourself too!"The being also become aggressive when Mon hesitates to answer and make attempts to escape.Now the prince is wearing a black Nigerian clothing and laughing at Mon. In the being's hands are Mon's credit cards. As the prince laughs his face morphs into Mon's.Mon is now running to escape the forest and at far he sees a red lit up box with a white 'X'.Mon runs and presses the red box and is spat out back into his room from a pop up screen.Mon is breathing hard still frightened.Then the message appears "Just click out of it! Don't let them take you."



Mon comes home and as he walks in his mother asks him questions like 'did you eat?' and Mon not answering or listening to a single one, walks away with his fingers plunged into his ears and his mother sighs.His dog follows him to his room with a toy and Mon's little brother talks to him 'Hey Mon guess what happened at school today?' but Mon shuts the door on them. The dog drops his toy and walks away and his brother sighs at the door.Mon falls to his bed sighing and dust flies in the air from his mattress. The room is dark and the only thing we see is Mon sitting on an old bed.A letter slips under his door. Mon opens it and it's an 'Outstanding Employee' certificate.Mon opens his door and happily waves it in the air to show his family. But what he sees is not his family's living room but an old and dirty hallway. Now we are viewing Mons back at the door (his is facing the hallway) from a distance.The room lits up to reveal that it is actually not Mon's room but his dingy apartment he lives by himself.The message appears "Be there for them before it's too late"


“Still too haunting”“Doesn't connect to the tones of the other two”“More positive”“The ending message does not fit the plot”“No dying of family”“Make Mon loose his family's attention instead”“Use color desaturation for Mon at first and once he tries to talk to them now they are desaturated”Idea for message- "You get what you give"

Sum up:The story is again too serious and does not meet the tone of the others. It needs a clever way of the missing family other than losing them through death. Use the advantage of the visuals to show these aspects.



Mon buys a bottle of orange juice at a newspaper stand on the street. He drinks it all right after he buys it and tosses it in the recycling bin but he misses.He stares for a second and walks away with a careless face. The missed bottle then stands up, smirks then hops to other trashcans and knocks them down to release other 'trash' in the cans. The clan of trash then follows Mon and surrounds his walking feet. They pile up on each other so Mon will trip on them. Mon dunks himself into a dirty trashcan. The trash bunch looks down at him at the rim of the trashcan like the Gulliver's Travel (now we are in worm's eye view). In an over the shoulder view of the trash clan, we see frightened Mon shrugging in the trashcan. In Mon's perspective (back to worm's eye view) we see the trash jumping down towards the camera.From a distance, we see an endless bunch of trash jumping into the trashcan and the trashcan shakes with Mon yelling.The message appears "You are taking their's. Return most of what you can."


“Last message needs revision to fit the plot better”“Creepy””Set up and pay off plot”“Have piles of trash in his apt instead”“Why just one bottle? maybe he needs to keep dumping”Idea for message- ".. your own trash... blah.." something along those lines”

Overall with the message/slogan FOR THE SERIES“Give more rhyme”

Sum up:Don’t limit to having the main character do a single bad thingg but perhaps he commits multiple wrong doings with his waste. Then along with his actions trash piles up in his property- showing the connection between his number of actions and the exact amount that he gets dumped on him.