thesis template 2

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  • 8/13/2019 Thesis Template 2




    A Thesis/A Dissertation



    Department of

    Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

    for the degree of

    Master of Science

    Doctor of !hilosophy


    Accepted by the "raduate School

    ########### #######################

    Date Dean of the "raduate School

  • 8/13/2019 Thesis Template 2


    The undersigned ha$e e%amined the thesis entitled &Write Thesis Title' presented by

    WRITENAME HERE a candidate for the degree of Master of Sciece !Write f"ll

    #e$ree here%and hereby certify that it is (orthy of acceptance)

    Date Ad$isors name

    Date committee member name

    Date committee member name


  • 8/13/2019 Thesis Template 2



    All the pages ha$e been formatted in the accepted font and margin alignment) This is a

    simple MS thesis template that can be used for directly typing in your content) *o(e$er

    if you paste your te%t into the document do so (ith caution as pasting could produce

    $arying results) +hen directly typing into the title page and signature page the

    appropriate information should be filled in the required fonts) ,f one chooses to include a

    copyright notice it should appear before the signature page and after the title page -page

    ii.) This can be achie$ed by clicing ,nsert > brea > page brea >o) Additionally the

    page number should not appear on the copyright notice page) This can be achie$ed by

    clicing ,nsert > page numbers > format > start numbering at) , ha$e used this thesis

    template to ans(er typical questions that grad students need addressed before they begin

    (riting their theses) +hen (riting an abstract bare in mind an abstract is a short

    descripti$e summary of your thesis) The number of (ords accepted might $ary e)g) 0112

    031 (ords) An MS thesis abstract need not e%ceed t(o pages) Abstracts are typically

    (ritten last although they are the most important part of the thesis) They should ha$e a

    little bit of e$erything4 the bacground the scope of your pro5ect the purpose findings

    and conclusions) An abstract is neither paragraphed nor cited) ,t should not be (ritten as

    a literature re$ie( or a discussion of results) ,n a simplistic manner your abstract in a

    fe( (ords should ans(er the questions4 (hy should (e care about your research6 ho(

    did you get your results6 (hat did you learn find create in$ent6 and finally (hat do your

    results imply7


  • 8/13/2019 Thesis Template 2


    &&''there is te(t a# istr"ctios thro"$ho"t that ee# to )e #elete# as *o" a## *o"r

    o+ te(t ''&&


  • 8/13/2019 Thesis Template 2



    "ratitude is a great $irtue Though re$enge is profitable

    ,ts customary and good manners to say than you ho(e$er (here do you dra( the line7

    ,n some of the theses that ,'$e read and , (rite this after ha$ing read thousands literally

    the follo(ing and more ha$e been acno(ledged4 "od one's ad$isor one's better half

    parents children friends classmates lab2mates lab technicians lab assistants pets fa$)

    !rof neighbors physicians e%ercise trainer-s. (ii the maintenance guy landlord the

    school hocey team secretary department head dri$er dentist chauffer the police fa$)

    presidential candidate one's chef 8ed 9eppelin the pastor one's biggest crash the cable

    man the mani/pedi girl hair stylist the best/(orst/fa$ bar tender-s. the 5anitor one's

    obs/gyn one's mentor and in a more recent thesis Michael !helps -: gold medals at the

    011: ;lympic games in Bei5ing hina (ay to go=.

    Than you to the larson ni$ersity "raduate Student Association -"SA. for initiating

    the idea that a thesis template (ould be a useful tool for graduate students and in

    particular to Sheila ?alenge (ho in August 011: completed her MS degree in

    @n$ironmental Science and @ngineering and began the process of getting this template


    ?eep in mind that one has to use one's o(n (ords (hen (riting an acno(ledgement)

    !lagiarism is unauthoried)


  • 8/13/2019 Thesis Template 2



    hapter !age

    The table of contents is most easily created automatically -. (ith C@@C@E@ tools(ithin +;CD) lic on the follo(ing sequence4 insert reference inde% and tables table

    of contents oay) The chapter titles and section headers should ha$e been set to create atable of contents) ,t is important that the styles laid out in this template are used to

    ma%imie the benefits of the template and MS +;CD options) The table of contents can

    be updated as you re$ise your thesis by using right mouse button and clicing on Fupdatefield)G +ith this approach there is no need to copy and paste or retype your chapter and

    section titles)

    Table of ContentsABSTCAT)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))iiiA?E;+8@D"M@ETS)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))$

    TAB8@ ; ;ET@ETS))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))$i

    Table of ontents))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))$i

    8,ST ; TAB8@S)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))$ii8,ST ; ,"C@S))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))$iii

    Section header))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))H



    C@@C@E@S))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))KKAppendi% A))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))K0


  • 8/13/2019 Thesis Template 2



    The list of tables is also easily created automatically -. (ith C@@C@E@ tools (ithin

    +;CD) lic on the follo(ing sequence4 Finsert reference inde% and tables table of

    figures -find Fcaption labelG bo% set as L tables. oay)G This can be updated as youre$ise your thesis by using right mouse button and clicing on Fupdate field)G +ith this

    approach there is no need to copy and paste or retype your chapter and section titles) ouneed to also use the table captions (ithin the body of your thesis -see e%amples belo(.)

    The insertion of table captions in this manner also helps because (ord automatically

    renumbers the tables (ithin the te%t (hen you insert another table in the middle) There isno need for you to renumber the tables manually

    Table !age

    Table K4 Steps in creating a table)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))I

    Table 04 Styles used in this template))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))N


  • 8/13/2019 Thesis Template 2



    The 8ist of igures is most easily created automatically -. (ith C@@C@E@ tools

    (ithin +;CD) lic on the follo(ing sequence4 insert reference inde% and tables table

    of figures -find Fcaption labelG bo% set as L igures. oay) This can be updated as youre$ise your thesis by using right mouse button and clicing on Fupdate field)G +ith this

    approach there is no need to copy and paste or retype your chapter and section titles) ouneed to also use the figure captions (ithin the body of your thesis -see e%amples belo(.)

    The insertion of figure captions in this manner also helps because (ord automatically

    renumbers the tables (ithin the te%t (hen you insert another table in the middle) There isno need for you to renumber the figures manually

    igure !age

    igure K4 @%ample photo (ith high resolution) aption created (ith Finsert reference

    caption figureG and the style changed to Fthesis2figure caption)G)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))):

    igure 0igure O4 @%ample of high resolution graphic inserted (ith Fpaste special asenhanced metafileG))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))):

    igure 0igure O4 @%ample of high resolution graphic inserted (ith Fpaste special as

    enhanced metafileG))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))):


  • 8/13/2019 Thesis Template 2


    CHAPTER I: Introduction

    The main goal of your introduction is to identify a problem that is (orthy of

    in$estigation) ,t must also pro$ide some idea of your research goals and approach to

    research) Specific ob5ecti$es can be introduced in the introduction chapter or they can be

    sa$ed for later after you'$e pro$ided additional bacground on the topic and state of the

    current research and its gaps) The ,ntroductory chapter often concludes (ith a summary

    of the organiation of the thesis including identification of the general content of specific

    chapters and appendices)

    ,deally chapter one defines the o$erall importance of the problem areas and pro$ides an

    introduction into (hat you did chapter t(o is (hy you did it in the conte%t of (hat (as

    pre$iously no(n three is ho( you did it four is (hat you found and fi$e is (hat it all

    means L putting the pieces together -(hat's your contribution to the research field.)

    ,t should be noted that the ob5ecti$es of your research define the ;T;M@ i)e) (hat

    (ill be learned) They are not a statement of the approach or tass that are required to

    meet these ob5ecti$es) Some e%amples of reasonable research ob5ecti$es4

    Determine the effect of Marangoni con$ection on mi%ing of molten glasses

    !redict the e%tent of mechanical degradation of polymers

    These both define the resulting outcome -prediction effect on=. so they are ob5ecti$es)

    The related tass or research approach could be4

    Sol$e a set of coupled non2linear !D@s=

    !erform e%periments on=


  • 8/13/2019 Thesis Template 2


    These define the required steps6 they do not define the outcome so they are E;T


    Some theses and dissertations can ha$e some chapters (ritten as manuscripts that can be

    submitted to peer2re$ie(ed scientific research 5ournals) ,n that scenario the grad student

    should be the principal author of the pending articles) The thesis or dissertation that

    includes manuscripts as chapters are not e%empt from (riting an introduction

    bacground/ literature re$ie( and o$erall conclusions and recommendations)

    This template uses the MS +;CD ST8@S e%tensi$ely to help eep your (or in the

    proper format) These paragraphs use the Fthesis2body te%tG style that is set for Times

    Ee( Coman K0 point font (ith double spaced lines and e%tra spacing bet(een

    paragraphs -no need for hard carriage returns.) There are also styles for headers

    equations captions and bulleted lists that you can choose to use) See e%amples

    throughout this template)

    Begin typing or pasting the rest of your chapter K te%t here) -and then deleting abo$e te%t.

    CHAPTER II: Background and Literature Review

    The bacground and literature re$ie( section needs to pro$ide sufficient fundamental

    bacground information about the sub5ect to support your ob5ecti$es hypothesis -or

    research questions. and methods and re$ie( the pertinent literature related to the specific

    problem / hypothesis you are addressing) ,n Pohnson -KNNK. some of the questions that

    he listed that the literature re$ie( should be to ans(er include4


  • 8/13/2019 Thesis Template 2


    (hat are the fundamental science math engineering concepts related to your

    research -scope.

    (hat part of your research (or has e$er been in$estigated before and (hat has

    not -some of this may ha$e been included in the introduction.

    ho( does your research (or relate to that done by others

    ho( ha$e others defined/measured/identified the ey concepts of your research

    (hat data sources ha$e you used or ha$e other researchers used in de$eloping

    general e%planations for obser$ed $ariations in a beha$ior or phenomenon in a

    concept in your thesis etc)

    The lit re$ie( -Q01 pages or more. should not be limited to the abo$e questions only)

    ,ngeniousness and creati$ity is e%pected of a grad student)

    Bullets can be single spaced) The abo$e bullets are in the style Fthesis2bullets)G +hen

    you type bulleted te%t highlight the bulleted te%t and then select Fthesis2bulletsG from

    under the format style menu to automatically change their formatting as abo$e)


  • 8/13/2019 Thesis Template 2


    Section header

    "i$en the length of each chapter it is required to use headers and sub headers -possibly

    sub2sub headers.) These can be numbered or one can 5ust rely on different formats) The

    section headers in this document are labeled Fheading 0G -Fheading KG (as used for

    chapter titles.) The heading styles formats should be consistent throughout the document

    as it helps significantly in creating the automatic table of contents)

    Sub headin !headin "#

    The subheadings here ha$e a different format -Fheading OG. than the section headers)

    Sub-sub heading (heading 4)

    ou can e$en get to another le$el of headers defined here as Fheading H)G The table of

    contents ho(e$er is currently set up to 5ust include three le$els of headers)


  • 8/13/2019 Thesis Template 2



    @quations can be created in MS +;CD equation editor or they can be created (ith other

    soft(are) @quations should be numbered) They can be numbered (ithin each chapter

    -e)g) 0)K 0)0. or they can be numbered sequentially throughout the entire thesis)

    @quations should be indented or centered (ith the equation number to the right) The

    e%ample belo( and associated Fthesis2eqnG style can be used for all your equations)





    E,"atio -


    This equation (as (ritten (ith the equation editor) ound through Finsert ob5ect

    equation editor O)1) The equation editor can also be found through Ftools customie

    commandsG and in categories loo for insert and in the commands section loo for

    equation editor drag and drop the icon onto the toolbar) This editor is fine for relati$ely

    simple equations other options are a$ailable for more comple% equations)


  • 8/13/2019 Thesis Template 2


  • 8/13/2019 Thesis Template 2



    igures and illustrations are a necessary means of communicating technical information)

    ;ften times figures included in the bacground/lit re$ie( section are copied from

    e%isting copyrighted information) ,n all cases this is technically inappropriate (ithout

    also recei$ing permission from the copyright o(ner) iting the source of the figure is not

    sufficient) This rule is enforced for !hD dissertations because they are submitted to

    !rouest for electronic access by others) The enforcement of this rule for MS theses is

    dependent on the specific committee members)

    Cesolution of figures is often a problem in theses) Cesolution should be >O11 dpi

    preferably I11dpi -@rror4 Ceference source not found.) ou should note that sa$ing

    images as 5peg files is a sure (ay to lo(er the resolution to an unacceptable e%tent) rom

    e%perience a good (ay is to copy your graphic -for e%ample from !o(er!oint or e%cel.

    and (hen pasting it into (ord use the Fpaste specialG Fas an Fenhanced metafileG -igure

    0igure O.) This also substantially reduces the resulting file sie in comparison (ith

    pasting graphs in as e%cel graphics)


  • 8/13/2019 Thesis Template 2


    1i$"re -. E(am/le /hoto +ith hi$h resol"tio2 Ca/tio create# +ith 3isert4 referece4 ca/tio4

    fi$"re5 a# the st*le cha$e# to 3thesis'fi$"re ca/tio25












    LOG o' a( )artic&e dia*eter




    080108D1E 2

    080108D1E 3

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    080108D1E 4

    080108D1E 5

    1i$"re 61i$"re 7. E(am/le of hi$h resol"tio $ra/hic iserte# +ith 3/aste s/ecial4 as ehace#



  • 8/13/2019 Thesis Template 2



    ,n addition to the detailed methods you need to describe in this section you need to

    pro$ide specific ob5ecti$es and an o$er$ie( of your approach if they ha$e not already

    been presented in the introductory chapters) The best place to put those items can $ary

    among theses) Sometimes the bacground and lit re$ie( is really necessary to 5ustify and

    substantiate the specific ob5ecti$es and approach and therefore it is best to sa$e those

    details for the beginning of this chapter)

    These paragraphs are in Fthesis2body te%t)G ;ther styles including captions headers etc)

    can be used as presented in the pre$ious chapter) @rror4 Ceference source not found

    summaries all of the styles that can be used (ith this template)

    Ta)le 6. St*les "se# i this tem/late

    Style name +hen used

    *eading K hapter titles*eading 0 !rimary headers

    *eading O Sub headers

    *eadingH Sub2sub headersThesis2body te%t All paragraphs

    Thesis2bullets Bullets

    Thesis igure caption All figure captions)Thesis table caption All table captions

    Thesis2eqn equations

    Thesis2reference Ceference list at end of thesis


    Cesults findings discussion of results ;C manuscripts) ,t is best to also reiterate

    information in your literature re$ie( to help substantiate the findings of your research)

    This template is best used for directly typing in your content)


  • 8/13/2019 Thesis Template 2



    This chapter could also be called Fonclusions and CecommendationsG or Fonclusions

    and ,mplications)G ,n general there should be no ne( information presented here) ,t

    should be a synthesis of information that you'$e already discussed)


  • 8/13/2019 Thesis Template 2



    ,ncludes all references4 articles media facts boos reports regulations internet articles

    papers that you referenced from the te%t) ,n the te%t citations can be -Smith and Pones

    011J. or Smith et al) 011J. -if more than t(o authors. if you (ish to present your

    references alphabetically) Alternati$ely you can include the citations in the te%t as a

    number RK or K if you (ish to present your references numerically) The computer

    soft(are F@nd EotesG -larson has a site license. or the MS +;CD tools L Finsert

    reference footnote endnoteG -or Fcross referenceG if you refer to the same reference

    more than once. should be used to help you organie and manage your references)

    Ceferences can be (ritten in single space (ith e%tra space bet(een references as in the

    format belo() There are many different (ays to arrange the information and punctuation

    in a reference listing) The most important thing is to mae sure all references are

    complete and that the format of your references is consistent throughout) See additional

    suggestions and possible formatting options at the larson 8ibrary (eb site4


    @%ample S)9) -011:.) *o( to cite a complete 5ournal reference) P) omplete Thesis)

    K-0.4 HJ230)@%ample S)9) Second +)S) -011J.) *o( to cite a complete conference proceedings

    paper) ,n4 !roceedings 0nd ,nternational meeting of Masters Students !aper U X+K3

    -!otsdam E Eo$ember 011J.),f you use the FthesisG referenceG style you (ill get the proper line spacing and indent

    style (ithout further changes) Abo$e are e%amples to sho( complete citation otherformats also acceptable)

  • 8/13/2019 Thesis Template 2


    A))endi- A

    Type or paste your appendices here) Appendices are a place to organie and include all of

    the Fe%traG material that is important to your research (or but that is too detailed for the

    main te%t) @%amples can include4 specific analytical methods computer code

    spreadsheets of data details of statistical analyses etc) But these materials do not spea

    for themsel$es) There should be a reference to these materials from the main chapters

    -complete details included in Appendi% A. and there should be some te%t at the beginning

    of each appendi% to briefly e%plain (hat the information is and means that is included in

    that appendi%)


    ull Eame *ere

    andidate for the Degree of

    Master of Science

    Thesis4 T!@ 88 T,T8@ *@C@ ,E A88 A!S

    Ma5or ield4 Type ield *ere


    !ersonal Data4

    K, E@@SSAC -should not e%ceed one page e%cept for !hDs.


  • 8/13/2019 Thesis Template 2


    @ducation4 -prior degrees.

    ill in your o(n (ords though ompleted the requirements for the Master of Science in

    @n$ironmental hemistry at larson ni$ersity !otsdam Ee( or in September


    ADV,S@C'S A!!C;VA84 Type Ad$iser's Eame *ere
