thesouthwest indiansthesouthwest indians. i am going to tell you a little bit about the southwest...

The Southwest Indians

Upload: mark-smith

Post on 24-Dec-2015




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The Southwest Indians

I am going to tell you a little bit about the Southwest Indians and their lives.

First I’m going to tell you about what they eat, their main foods were corn, beans, peas, melons, peaches, birds, rabbits, and finally turkeys.


Green Beans


Southwest Indians Transportation

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The transportation of the Southwest Indians was by

dugout canoes, horses, and by foot.


The houses the Southwest Indians

stayed in were variable from longhouses, to

tepees, to igloos, or in my opinion the coolest houses that they had which are wigwams, they are houses for

people who stay in the same place for months

at a time. Most Algonquain lived

together in settled villages during the

farming season, but during the winter, each

family group would move to their own

hunting camps.




The weapons of the Southwest Indians were

bows and arrows, spears, and war clubs. They made bows out of wood such as ash, they made the string

out of buffalo or other animals intestines dried out,

the fletching out of eagle and hawk feathers, they used metal if they could

find it for the arrowheads, but they mainly used flint or


War Clubs

Bows + Arrows


The customs and beliefs of the Southwest Indians is a thing called anism or shamism , anism means

perceive the world as filled with living enities, spirit beings that animate the sun, moon, rain, thunder,

animals, plants, tolographic features and many other natural phenomena.

Customs Beliefs