thevision - velda  · to the...

The Vision “For the VISION is for the days yet to come.” Daniel 10:14 Volume 12, Issue 06 June 2019 To The Wind of God’s Spirit! Pastor Larry As we anticipate the Sea- son of Pentecost, we take time to reflect on the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. It is inconceivable to imagine our Judeo-Christian tradition with- out the inspiration of God's Spirit. The Spirit of God was pre- sent at the creation, empowered the lives of patriarchs, priests, and prophets, came upon Jesus in the form of a dove, and filled the disci- ples and followers of Jesus with new -found power at the Feast of Pente- cost. We celebrate the giving of the Holy Spirit as a life- giving and life- changing presence. It is the blowing of the fresh Winds of the Spirit of God that guides and transforms our lives. The poem, "To The Wind of God's Spirit" (A Procession of Prayers: Meditations and Prayers from Around the World; John Carden, Morehouse Publishing, pp.322-323), reveals the excitement I feel when I take time and think about the love, beauty, and wisdom of the Holy Spirit. Let us remember and cele- brate Pentecost, this breath of God that blows on all God's children and the universal community of faith. Let our imaginations and passions be stirred as God invites us out of our "boxes" into a world waiting to be renewed. To the Wind of God’s Spirit that blows where it wills free, freedom-bringing, victory over law, over sin, over death. To the Wind of God’s Spirit locked in the heart and the womb of a woman of Nazareth village. To the Wind of God’s Spirit that took hold of Jesus to send him to preach good news to the poor and release to the captives. To the Wind of God’s Spirit that at Pentecost freed the apostles from bias, self-centeredness, fear, opening wide the doors of the Upper Room, that followers of Jesus might ever be a fellowship open to the world, free in the Word they speak, crystal clear in their witness, unconquerable in their hope. To the Wind of God’s Spirit that constantly banishes new fears of the Church and consumes in flames all the authority that serves not the needs of our brothers and sisters, and through poverty and martyrdom thoroughly cleanses her. To the Wind of God’s Spirit that reduces to ashes presumption, pretence and pursuit of profit, feeding the flames of justice and liberation - the fiery hearth of the kingdom. So that we may blow strong in the Wind, my friends. This anthology of the Spirit has as much burning passion for the God of Jesus and the kingdom of God as it has ashes of frailty and sorrow. - Brazil: dedicatory poem ‘The fiery hearth of the kingdom’ based on Luke 12:49 My friends, may Velda Rose UMC blow strong in the Spirit of God. See you in church! Pastor Larry

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Page 1: TheVision - Velda  · To the Wind of Gods Spirit that blows where it wills free, freedom-bringing, victory over

The Vision “For the VISION is for the days yet to come.” Daniel 10:14 Volume 12, Issue 06 June 2019

To The Wind of God’s Spirit! Pastor Larry

As we anticipate the Sea-son of Pentecost, we take time to reflect on the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. It is inconceivable to imagine our Judeo-Christian tradition with-out the inspiration of God's Spirit. The Spirit of God was pre-sent at the creation, empowered the lives of patriarchs, priests, and prophets, came upon Jesus in the form of a dove, and filled the disci-ples and followers of Jesus with new-found power at the Feast of Pente-cost. We celebrate the giving of the Holy Spirit as a life- giving and life-changing presence. It is the blowing of the fresh Winds of the Spirit of God that guides and transforms our lives. The poem, "To The Wind of God's Spirit" (A Procession of Prayers: Meditations and Prayers from Around the World; John Carden, Morehouse Publishing, pp.322-323), reveals the excitement I feel when I take time and think about the love, beauty, and wisdom of the Holy Spirit. Let us remember and cele-brate Pentecost, this breath of God that blows on all God's children and the universal community of faith. Let our imaginations and passions be stirred as God invites us out of our "boxes" into a world waiting to be renewed.

To the Wind of God’s Spirit that blows where it wills free, freedom-bringing, victory over law, over sin, over death. To the Wind of God’s Spirit locked in the heart and the womb of a woman of Nazareth village. To the Wind of God’s Spirit that took hold of Jesus to send him to preach good news to the poor and release to the captives. To the Wind of God’s Spirit that at Pentecost freed the apostles from bias, self-centeredness, fear, opening wide the doors of the Upper Room, that followers of Jesus might ever be a fellowship open to the world, free in the Word they speak, crystal clear in their witness, unconquerable in their hope.

To the Wind of God’s Spirit that constantly banishes new fears of the Church and consumes in flames all the authority that serves not the needs of our brothers and sisters, and through poverty and martyrdom thoroughly cleanses her. To the Wind of God’s Spirit that reduces to ashes presumption, pretence and pursuit of profit, feeding the flames of justice and liberation - the fiery hearth of the kingdom. So that we may blow strong in the Wind, my friends. This anthology of the Spirit – has as much burning passion for the God of Jesus and the kingdom of God as it has ashes of frailty and sorrow.

- Brazil: dedicatory poem ‘The fiery hearth of the kingdom’ based on Luke 12:49 My friends, may Velda Rose UMC blow strong in the Spirit of God.

See you in church!

Pastor Larry

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Spirit Pastor Daniel

Today, most Christians are reasonably comfortable to share their beliefs about God and what they understand about Jesus. Most would agree that God is referred to as the Father, Jesus is known as the Son, and the Holy Spirit is referred to as our Advocate. However, the confidence level seems to waiver when attempting to articulate what they believe about the Holy Spirit. The United Methodist Member's Handbook says that the Holy Spirit is God’s present activity in our midst. Pentecost (see graphic) is the day we have set aside for the church to celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit. Is it because we can identify with the humanity of Jesus and perhaps are able to apply the imagery of “heavenly Father” to God? On the other hand, the symbols we use to talk about the Holy Spirit, are far less human. In the book of Acts Ch. 2, Jews from all over the world were gathered to celebrate the Jewish festivities. Some were gathered in an upper room and suddenly, a sound from heaven like the howling of a fierce wind filled the entire place, and flames of fire fell upon each person. Acts 2:4 says, All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability. Now there were devout Jews from every nation under heaven living in Jerusalem. And at this sound the crowd gathered and was bewildered, because each one heard them speaking in the native language of each. Amazed and astonished, they asked, “Are not all these who are speaking Galileans? And how is it that we hear, each of us, in our own native language? our own languages we hear them speaking about God’s deeds of power.” All were amazed and perplexed, saying to one another, “What does this mean?” The words for Spirit, wind, and breath are almost the same in the Hebrew and in Greek. In their attempts to try and describe the power (activity) of God among them, the early Christians would describe it as God’s breath being similar to a powerful and sacred wind. It could not be seen or held: "The wind blows where it chooses, and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes" (John 3:8). But the effect of God's Spirit, like the wind, could be felt and known.

In the spring of 2015, as a member of the board of trustees of The Foundation for Evangelism, we visited three of the 13 United Methodist Seminaries. In conversation with a New Testament professor about the Holy Spirit … he shared the following “my academic work has become a cognitive faith—a Christianity from the neck up. As long as I could control the text, I was happy. I lived in the half-reality that theological articulation is valid only if it is based on sound exegesis and nothing else. Like the proverbial frog in the slowly simmering pot of water, I did not sense that I was on the way to self-destruction.” Perhaps, throughout our journey of faith, you and I can relate with those seasons or moments when we have also had a “cognitive faith, a Christianity from the neck up.” Having an intellectual concept of the Holy but not quite knowing of an experience with the Holy Spirit. Perhaps during those seasons, the bible alone has not been adequate… as Will Willimon wrote “we needed some of the ‘more’.” We needed God in a personal and relational way, not just as an object of study but as a real person, a comforter, a guide, a friend. Have we depersonalized God to the degree that we can no longer relate to him?

John 3:8 says that the effects of God’s Spirit can be felt and known. The gift of the Holy Spirit has already been given to all. While it may be challenging to gather our thoughts and rekindle our relationship with one described as fire, water, wind or a dove, let’s not be easily discouraged and forfeit an opportunity to learn more about the Holy Spirit. May our hearts, minds and souls… long after an experience with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the presence of the Holy in and around us every day, enabling us to live as the people of God.

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What Do We Do At Annual Conference? Pastor Pam

We… Eat, sleep, worship, pray, share, listen, learn, vote, debate, argue, debate, argue, debate, eat some more.

We… Talk, visit, write, read, listen and learn some more, cele-brate, remember, have communion, worship, sing, pray, and eat some more. We… Help, meander, learn, buy books, support causes, hear about our churches, support one another, ordain new pas-tors, retire older pastors, celebrate, and eat some more.

Every year members of the United Methodist Churches of the Desert Southwest Annual Conference converge to do the business of the conference. Some of it is enlightening and exciting, some of it is boring, all of it is necessary and important. In a conference that is so spread out it is a good thing to come together and learn about the best (and the worst) we have to offer in the name of Christ. We learn from each other, support each other, and yes, argue with each other. Just like family. Because we ARE family, united by Christ.

This year is an important year. First, the repercussions of

the decisions made by General Conference that was held this winter will be front and center of our conversations. Some mem-bers are delighted with the new tightening of rules around our LBGTQIA brothers and sisters. Many others are devastated. The question of what to do now will no doubt permeate our discussions.

Interestingly, it is also the year of preparation as we nomi-nate representatives, both lay and clergy, to send to the regular General Conference of the UMC that happens every four years. We will also be voting on resolutions to send to the General Conference next April. Third, we will be having a dynamic teaching day on the Saturday of Annual Confer-ence, led by Gil Rendle.

Our Annual Conference is June 13-16 at the Mesa Conven-tion Center in downtown Mesa. Anyone is welcome to come and watch the proceedings at any time, as the UMC is an open church. I would encourage those of you who have a heart for the future of our church to attend.

If you would, please pray for our conference as we prepare for this year’s important meetings!

Blessings, Pastor Pam

June 2: Holy Communion

Scriptures: *John 3:1-17

Sermon: How About a New Beginning?

Rev. Dr. Larry R. Norris

June 9: Pentecost Sunday

Scriptures: *Ezekiel 37:1-14; Acts 2:1-21; John 15:26-27

Sermon: Can the Dead Come Back to Life?

Rev. Dr. Larry R. Norris

June 16: Father’s Day / Annual Conf.

All Church Hymn Sing Worship Leader: Dr. James Yancey

The 9:30 AM Traditional service will be the ONLY SERVICE this Sunday.

June 23:

Scriptures: 2 Kings 5:1-14

Sermon: Small Things

Rev. Pamela Wagner

June 30:

Scriptures: Jeremiah 20:1-6, Psalm 71:1-9 & 17-18, Luke 9:51-62

Sermon: Yes, count me in! But first...

Rev. Daniel Gómez

* asterisk refers to primary preaching text

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A morning summer study starting Wednesday, June 5 at 10:00 AM in Martin Hall

A Covenant in Christ Jesus Ruth | 1 Samuel | Matthew | Luke | Ephesians

This summer, our lessons focus on how Jesus fulfilled the Law in the sense that it was given full meaning. Jesus emphasized the deep, underlying messages of the gospel; and this same message is continued through the apos-tle Paul and the writer of Hebrews. Relationships of faith empower us to live the covenant and spread the gospel message. The writer of the student book lessons is Kevin Baker; the teacher book writer is Timothy Bryan.

A Fulfilled Covenant The first unit, in four lessons, reveals a new sign of the covenant for Jewish and Gentile believers, as recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke, Hebrews, and Colossians. During the celebration of the Passover, Jesus explained to the disciples that he would initiate a new covenant through his death. Paul explains that the sign of the covenant is now a relationship of the heart between God and God's people, not circumcision.

A Heartfelt Covenant The four lessons in this unit give new meaning and purpose to the Law. According to Matthew, Jesus began teach-ing the Law in a way that gave life to the hearer and the doer. Unlike other teachers of the Law, Jesus preached the transforming righteousness of the Kingdom. Jesus challenged the mere external observance of God's law without internal transformation.

Covenant: A Personal Perspective The four lessons in this unit focus on personal relationships between people in 1 Samuel, Ruth, and Ephesians. Ultimately, those relationships pave the way for the Messiah. After Christ established the New Testament church, relationships between people have been based on relationship with Christ Jesus. These relationships continue the work of Christ Jesus by spreading the gospel message.

Books are $10 and are available during study sessions, or at the church office.

New Summer Bible Study: A Covenant in Christ Jesus

Calling All Current or Former Educators!

Velda Rose is establishing a Scholarship Committee to oversee the awarding of educational assistance to the youth of Velda Rose. This includes aid for college, special charter school programs, and church camp or religious studies. The commit-tee is to be made up of representatives from the Pastoral staff, the Religious Ed staff, the Finance Committee, and three members at large, preferably current or former educators.

The committee’s first charge is to formulate criteria for eligibility, qualifications, and process. A source of regular funding will also need to be established. There is currently just over $20,000 in the restricted fund. Please con-tact the Office or email [email protected] if you are interested.

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Summer Library Hours: The Library will be open from 9 to 11 AM on 6/5, 7/3, and 8/7.

Sunday, June 16 (Father’s Day) will be a Hymn Sing Sunday featuring many favorite hymns with interesting history behind them, led by Dr. James Yancey. The 9:30 AM Hymn Sing will be the only Sunday service.

CIRCLE 2—Circle 2 will be meeting on June 19 at the Black Angus Restaurant on Hampton Ave at noon. If you would like to join us, please contact Arlene Oisten. Hope to see you there.

BROWN BAG & A BOOK: Brown Bag & A Book is a Reading Program sponsored yearly by UMW that meets the first Tuesday of every month from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM (they are currently meeting at Myrna Bowman’s house). Readers who complete 5-20 books in one year receive Reading Certificates.

All women are welcome to attend.

Life Line Screening, a leading provider of community-based preventive health screenings will be in our com-munity on Thursday, June 13, 2019 at Velda Rose United Methodist Church.

Ultrasound screenings to identify risk factors for car-diovascular disease include; Carotid Artery (plaque buildup-a leading cause of stroke), Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (an enlargement or weak area in the main blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the rest of the body), Peripheral Arterial Disease (hardening of the arteries in the legs), a Heart Rhythm Screening (an EKG to detect Atrial Fibrillation-irregular heartbeat) and an Osteoporosis Risk Assessment for men and women.

Register online TODAY at and receive your “Community Circle” discount and your Preferred Appointment!

Graduation Sunday is June 9th

Velda Rose UMC wants to recognize those students who are graduating from High School or College in 2019. Please provide information to the church office before Friday, May 29 for recognition on Graduation Sunday. Please submit the following information to the office: * Graduate's Full Name * 2 to 3 pictures (electronic submissions, please scan photos as jpegs) * Graduate's school name * Bio (including extracurricular school activities, honors/awards, and plans for next fall).

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MISSION u East/West District UMW Mission u will be held August 2 @

2:30 pm–August 3 @ 5:00 pm. The place is Lakeview UMC in Sun City, Arizona. The registration fee is $65.00 /person. Mission u brings together men, women and youth for dynamic worship, com-munity building, and engaging study that explores the implica-tions of our Christian faith in to-day’s world. The 2019 studies are: 1. Practicing Discipleship: The

Gospel of Mark and Radical Dis-cipleship.

2. Women United for Change: 150 years in Mission.

3. What about our Money?

These books are available from the UMW shelves in the Fitch Li-brary for checkout this summer. Notify Billie Larime for registration forms and further information by June 30th. BOOK REVIEW UMW READING PROGRAM Eleanor: A Spiritual Biography by Harold Ivan Smith is currently available in the Fitch Library with the UMW books. The Brown Bag and a Book club is happy to rec-ommend this book as an easy and informative biography. Many of us are not old enough to remem-ber Eleanor Roosevelt when she was alive. We know of her only as the outspoken First Lady and wife

of Franklin Roosevelt from reading our History Books in school. Born into a time in America when women did not have the vote, El-eanor became a social activist that we women can look up to. She had a fascinating background in politics and was able to use her upper class connections to better the world. She was a spiritual woman that acknowledged God, equality of the races, equality of religion, equality of the sexes and even of sexual orientation. You will enjoy this biography! RESPONSE (MAGAZINE OF WOMEN IN MISSION) May/June 2019 issue pp. 17-20. The article “Working to End Ma-ternal Mortality” raises awareness of inadequate health care and suggests ways to work with policy makers to enact change in Vir-ginia. More American women die from childbirth-related causes every year. Twice as many preg-nancy-related deaths are recorded today as in 1987. The author of this article, Richard Lord, gives us many statistics to help us recog-nize the problem so it can be cor-rected. This is a social action arti-cle that UMW takes seriously. Find out how to take action. Find the Response magazine in the Fitch Library. Drop by on Sunday mornings to check out books and the Response. Currently the Velda Rose Unit of the UMW is in need of new volun-teers that love books and wish to volunteer in the Fitch Library. The library is generally open on Tues-

day and Wednesday mornings from 9:00-11:00. We help to re-shelf books and prepare new books for the shelves. Please con-tact Billie Larime for more infor-mation. Please consider if you could help once a week when needed. Would you like to work with the UMW on ordering new books for the library? Do you have library experience and can help train vol-unteers? Women of Velda Rose remember this: “Let us pick up our books and pencils. They are our most powerful weapon.” Malala Yousafza: (1997--). Pakistani ac-tivist for educating girls. United Methodist Women is Love in Action. Billie Larime, President UMW Velda Rose

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The Environmental Concerns Committee AKA "The Green Team" would like to thank all those who helped us set up and take down the displays for our Earth Day Celebration on Sunday April 28th. Everyone just pitched in and gave us a helping hand without even being asked. And an extra special thanks to Lisa Crown. She is awesome.

Thank you also to all those who attended. We hope you enjoyed it and learned as much about "Saving God's Beautiful Earth" as we did in preparation for our 3rd Annual Event.

We would love to have you join our group if anyone is interested. Next year will be the 50th anniversary of Earth Day and our 4th annual event will be something very special.

We meet the second Thursday of every month in Fitch Library at 1:00 PM. However, meetings are suspended for the months of June and July.

Green Team Updates

The Red Hat Ladies will be meeting Friday, June 14 at 10:00 AM at the Henhouse, located at 3244 East Guadalupe Road, Gilbert, AZ 85234 (northeast corner of Higley and Guadalupe).


All ladies are welcome to join us. Please contact Mitzi Pearce for reservations or for more information.

Red Hat Ladies

Make a Difference This Summer… at the Food Pantry!

This summer, you can make a difference! Help us provide food boxes to families within our community who need it the most.

Spending a few hours in sorting, packing or distributing food boxes can make an

enormous difference for our food pantry and the families we serve.

Volunteers are needed Mondays & Thursdays from 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon. Contact Zella Scheidler for more info.

Coming Soon...

Those who have attended worship in the Sanctuary the latter part of May have witnessed our new High Definition Video system. Coming Soon, 5 Words Media will perform a similar miracle to improve the audio and theater like lighting in the Sanctuary. There will also be digital sound capability added to the sound system

in Moore Hall. Stay tuned for updates!

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Sign up for either/both Family Movie Nights on our new video

system in the Sanctuary at the Welcome kiosk, or in the church office.

Friday, June 21 at 5:30 PM

Celebrate the Strawberry Solstice with Strawberry Shortcake and a movie!

On the Screen: WONDER

Summary: Based on the best-selling book of the same name and written by R. J. Palacio, WONDER stars Julia Rob-erts, Owen Wilson, and Jacob Tremblay, and is an inspiring

story of a loving family whose son, born with facial differences, enters a mainstream school for the first time.

Run Time: 117 minutes

Rating: PG


Friday, July 26 at 5:30 PM

Celebrate Back to School with popcorn and a movie!

On the Screen: GOD’S NOT DEAD 2

Summary: When a teacher is asked about Jesus in class, her response lands her in deep trouble and could expel God from the

public square forever.

Run Time: 121 minutes

Rating: PG

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May Board of Trustees Update: Landscaping

We are currently looking for more volunteers to help with Landscap-ing, due to staff reductions. We now have only one Custodian /Maintenance Person for the entire campus, and she is currently on Medical leave due to an injury. A meeting is scheduled with the Ton-gans today to coordinate their on-going volunteer landscaping work. We are also looking for good, reli-able, reasonable cost Landscaping contractors to help as needed. Heat Pumps / Air Conditioners

5 of the 6 Sanctuary Heat Pumps are now working quite well and providing good cooling. Sanctuary Temperatures remain on Auto-control – 75F on Saturday through Sunday Noon, then 85F during the week, except for planned events. We are getting 3 estimates to replace one, two or all six old Sanc-tuary Heat Pump units. Bus Repair and Maintenance

New bus maintenance and safety inspection plan has started. Both busses have had a professional me-chanical and safety inspection. The 1996 Bus needed $1,000 of de-ferred maintenance – including a new radiator and several other things. The 2001 Bus needed brake work and an oil change — $345. Both are now in quite good, safe usable condition. There is a small checklist of ongoing minor

repair items being worked on. Maintenance records and log books are now being main-tained. Thanks Nado! Water Leaks

Several minor plumbing issues have been found and corrected this month, including a new pump in-stalled to replace the failed water fountain pump. Cost Savings

Proposal for installation of Solar Electric for the entire Campus, in-cluding 6 new all-electric AC/Heat Pumps is still being evalu-ated. Some details of this were in-cluded in the last newsletter and were available at a table during Green Week. It is important to review this cost savings project ASAP. We need to invest in the neighborhood of $40,000 to $120,000 this year on replacing Sanctuary Heat Pumps. If this can be included in the Solar / AC Project, we will save much of this cost through Federal energy savings incentives – if it is done this year. Volunteers are needed ASAP to help with continuing investigation and review. Please contact the Church Office or any of the Trustees if you are interested in helping the Church to implement this very important cost saving project to help reduce and control Church expenses for the next 20 to 30 years.

Parking Lot Pavement Mainte-nance

The pavement in all areas of our parking lots is showing consider-able degradation. Resealing and other maintenance will be needed soon. This will be a major expense – which gets higher the longer we put it off. Trustees will be getting estimates on this for review and consideration. ISA

…is renewing their lease agree-ment for use of our facilities for two more years at the same monthly rate of $400.00. The next monthly Board of Trus-tees Meeting is Thursday, 6/6/2019 at 6:30 PM in Martin Hall. Board of Trustees members: Duane Clark, President; Howard Orr, Vice President and Secretary; Jill Prather, Treasurer; Peg Snowdall; Tim Most; Nado Perez; Ben Due-land; Larry Jackson; Tom Chaney; Rev. Larry Norris and Rev. Daniel Gomez Staff Representa-tives.


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Prayer Requests The Prayer Request Book is on the podium outside the Sanctuary doors on Sunday. The book is open to everyone who has a loved one or friend they would like to have

remembered in prayer. Contact the office with prayers during the week.

Church office: (480) 832-2111 UMW Prayer Chain: Ruth Mogen

Brenda Monks

Bruce Williams

Carol Ball

Carl Anderson & Family

Carlyel Wermager

Charles Bechtel

Chuck Harwood


David Soldinger

Del Carvell

Dolores Denny

Donna Vangen

The Family of Elaine Schwendener

Ginger Sandfort

Irene Baker

Jane Gerrard


Jean Sakshaug

Jim & Betty White

Kit Muellner

Kristi Ann Anderson

The Krolick Family

Lance Paulsen

Leslie Cama

Liz Deyo

Lyle & Marylou Wermager

Lynda Boysen

The Family of Marion Parks

Martha Belle Wensel

Martha King

Meria Gagne


Pat Hubbard

Penny Ponte & Family

Randy Gorman

Raymond Monks

Rhiannon Ross & Family

Ron Boysen

The Roswell Family

Sam Loose

Shannon Boysen

Sherry Twitchell

Shirley Krolick

Tish Roberts

Tom Poole

Tom Roche

Velarde Family

Vince Olstad

Zella Scheidler

Our Troops

Our Church

Our Country

Unhooked Recovery

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Charles & Donna Foust 6/7 56 Robert & Dorothy Lane 6/7 73 Roger & Doris Christiansen 6/8 56 Ted & Imogene Hulett 6/8 61 Larry & Beverly Jackson 6/11 58 Boyd & Sheila Arnold 6/13 55 Roger & Karen Torkelson 6/17 58 Gene & June Osborne 6/18 69 Bob & Maxine Bormuth 6/21 60 John & Janet Armold 6/24 68 Bill & Barbara Irving 6/29 56

Also Celebrating 50+ Years

Yvette Amador June 01 Barbara Tucker June 01 Dorothy Francis June 02

Everna Vermaat June 02 Andrew Walsh June 02 Ben Clover June 03

Bruce Collier June 03 Bill Irving June 03 Carl Anderson June 04

Bob Burwell June 04 Kathy Glidden June 04

Tish Roberts June 04 Lester Taylor June 05 Richard Poyer June 06 Lynde Tenold June 06

Lorrie Roberts June 08 Janet Durnal June 09

Pauline Benway June 10 Jean DiCosimo June 10 Paul Borneman June 12 Susan Kenyon June 12

Bruce & Carmen Williams 6/1 28

Lynde & Lynn Tenold 6/7 22

Phil & Eleanor Garrison 6/9 29

Bob & Jean DiCosimo 6/13 38

Jack & Phyllis Good 6/24 7

Larry & Deb Norris 6/24 30

Jerry & Jane Gerrard 6/27 49

Karl & Beverly Wilhelm 6/27 38

Alan & Pauline Bergman 6/28 49

Bill & Dorothy Coble 6/30 44

Marilyn Kunde June 12 Linda R. McGuire June 12

Helen Pierce June 12 Tobby Baca June 13 Alfred Beck June 13 Tom Chaney June 15

Elizabeth Hallowell June 16 Judy Melling June 16

Jean Corkill June 17 Joy Moses June 17 Carol Mae June 18 Carolyn Marrow June 18 Tangesi Maumatapule June 21 Karen Plumm June 23 Bruce Williams June 23 Jerry Gerrard June 24

Beverly Jackson June 24 Faye Peerbolt June 24

Ruth Eldred June 26 Marilou Welch June 26 Doris Christiansen June 27

Mary Killgrove June 28 Zella Scheidler June 28 Duane Clark June 29 Marlice Fenske June 29

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5540 E. Main Street Mesa, Arizona 85205-8720 (480) 832-2111

To ensure you continue to receive your copy of The Vision, please update your mailing address with the Church Office. Thank you!


PAID Mesa, Arizona Permit No. 63


Items considered must be submitted

no later than

Tuesday, June 11, 2019.

Please e-mail Jessica at [email protected]

with your newsletter articles.

STAFF LEADERSHIP Rev. Robert T. Hoshibata, Resident Bishop Rev. N. Susan Brims, East District Superintendent Rev. Dr. Larry R. Norris, Senior Pastor Rev. Daniel Gómez, Associate Pastor Rev. Pam Wagner, Minister of Visitation Ministers, Every Member of the Congregation


7:15 a.m. SonRise Worship

8:00 a.m. Holy Grounds Worship

9:30 a.m. Traditional Worship &

Children's Deep Blue Sunday School