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© Prentice Hall, 200 8 Excellence in Business Communication , 8e Chapter 3 - 1 Communicating Communicating in a World of in a World of Diversity Diversity

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© Prentice Hall, 2008 Excellence in Business Communication, 8e Chapter 3 - 1

Communicating Communicating in a World of in a World of


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© Prentice Hall, 2008 Excellence in Business Communication, 8e Chapter 3 - 2

Communication Communication in a Diverse Worldin a Diverse World


Intercultural Communication

Individual CharacteristicsIndividual Characteristics

Individual ExperiencesIndividual Experiences

Cultural BackgroundsCultural Backgrounds

Cultural DifferencesCultural Differences

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Opportunities in a Global Opportunities in a Global MarketplaceMarketplace


Labor SourcesLabor SourcesLabor SourcesLabor Sources

Job PossibilitiesJob PossibilitiesJob PossibilitiesJob Possibilities

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Advantages of a Diverse Advantages of a Diverse WorkforceWorkforce

Connectingwith Customers

Connectingwith Customers

Expanding theTalent Pool

Expanding theTalent Pool

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Challenges of Challenges of Intercultural Intercultural


Values andBeliefs

NonverbalSignalsEmployee MotivationEmployee Motivation

Employee CommunicationEmployee Communication

Harmony and CooperationHarmony and CooperationPerceptionPatterns


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Enhancing Sensitivity to Enhancing Sensitivity to Culture and DiversityCulture and Diversity

The U.S. Business CultureThe U.S. Business Culture

Variations in a Diverse WorldVariations in a Diverse World

Ethnocentrism & StereotypingEthnocentrism & Stereotyping

The Concept of CultureThe Concept of Culture

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The Concept of CultureThe Concept of Culture

Symbols Attitudes

Beliefs Expectations

Values Norms

Shared SystemShared System




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Characteristics of Characteristics of CulturesCultures







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AutomaticAutomaticAutomaticAutomatic CoherentCoherentCoherentCoherent CompleteCompleteCompleteComplete

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Negative Cultural Negative Cultural AttitudesAttitudes




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Cultural PluralismCultural Pluralism

Accept DistinctionsAccept Distinctions

Avoid AssumptionsAvoid Assumptions

Avoid JudgmentsAvoid Judgments

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Recognizing Variations Recognizing Variations in a Diverse Worldin a Diverse World

ContextualContextual Legal andEthical

Legal andEthical SocialSocial NonverbalNonverbal

AgeAge GenderGender ReligionReligion AbilityAbility

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Cultural ContextCultural Context

Decision Making PracticesDecision Making PracticesDecision Making PracticesDecision Making Practices

Problem Solving TechniquesProblem Solving TechniquesProblem Solving TechniquesProblem Solving Techniques

Negotiating StylesNegotiating StylesNegotiating StylesNegotiating Styles





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Legal and Ethical Legal and Ethical BehaviorBehavior

Seek Mutual GroundSeek Mutual Ground

Withhold JudgmentWithhold Judgment

Respect DifferencesRespect Differences

Send Honest MessagesSend Honest Messages

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Social Behavior Social Behavior DifferencesDifferences

Work and SuccessWork and SuccessWork and SuccessWork and Success Roles and StatusRoles and StatusRoles and StatusRoles and Status

Use of MannersUse of MannersUse of MannersUse of Manners Concepts of timeConcepts of timeConcepts of timeConcepts of time

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Nonverbal DifferencesNonverbal Differences

Greetingsand Touching

Greetingsand Touching

Eye ContactEye Contact







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Age DifferencesAge Differences

Youth OrientedYouth Oriented Senior OrientedSenior Oriented






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Gender DifferencesGender Differences

Existing WorkplaceCultures

Existing WorkplaceCultures

Styles ofCommunication

Styles ofCommunication

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Religious Religious DifferencesDifferences

Personal BeliefsPersonal Beliefs Workplace IssuesWorkplace Issues

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Ability DifferencesAbility Differences

Assistive Technologies




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Adapting to Adapting to U.S. Business CultureU.S. Business Culture

IndividualismIndividualismIndividualismIndividualism EqualityEqualityEqualityEquality

Time andTime andSchedulesSchedules

Time andTime andSchedulesSchedules



Privacy andPrivacy andPersonal SpacePersonal Space

Privacy andPrivacy andPersonal SpacePersonal Space



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Improving Intercultural Improving Intercultural Communication SkillsCommunication Skills

• Studying cultures and languages

• Respecting communication styles

• Speaking and writing clearly

• Listening carefully to others

• Using interpreters or translators

• Helping others adapt to your culture

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Studying Other Studying Other CulturesCultures

Social CustomsSocial Customs

Clothing and FoodClothing and Food

Political PatternsPolitical Patterns

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Studying Other Studying Other CulturesCultures

Religion Religion and Folk Beliefsand Folk Beliefs

Business andBusiness andEconomicsEconomics

Ethics, Values,Ethics, Values,and Lawsand Laws

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Learning LanguagesLearning Languages


Promote BusinessPromote BusinessRelationshipsRelationships

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Respecting Respecting Communication Communication

PreferencesPreferencesDegree of Formality

Level of Directness

Writing or Speaking

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Writing ClearlyWriting Clearly

Plain EnglishPlain EnglishPlain EnglishPlain English


International AddressesInternational AddressesInternational AddressesInternational Addresses

Slang, Jargon, and IdiomsSlang, Jargon, and IdiomsSlang, Jargon, and IdiomsSlang, Jargon, and Idioms

Clear LanguageClear LanguageClear LanguageClear Language

Transitional ElementsTransitional ElementsTransitional ElementsTransitional Elements

Numbers and DatesNumbers and DatesNumbers and DatesNumbers and Dates

References to CultureReferences to CultureReferences to CultureReferences to Culture

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Intercultural Intercultural ConversationsConversations

Speak clearly

Rephrase if needed

Seek feedback

Don’t patronize

Check understanding

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Listening CarefullyListening Carefully

Vocal PatternsVocal PatternsVocal PatternsVocal PatternsAsk Ask



PitchPitchPitchPitch ToneToneToneTone SpeedSpeedSpeedSpeed VolumeVolumeVolumeVolume

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Translators or Translators or


SoftwareSoftwareSoftwareSoftwareHuman BeingsHuman BeingsHuman BeingsHuman Beings

Cultural ContextCultural ContextCultural ContextCultural Context

Non-Verbal CuesNon-Verbal CuesNon-Verbal CuesNon-Verbal Cues

Words and PhrasesWords and PhrasesWords and PhrasesWords and Phrases

Gist of the MessageGist of the MessageGist of the MessageGist of the Message

InterpretationInterpretationInterpretationInterpretation TranslationTranslationTranslationTranslation

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ReadingReadingand Writingand WritingReadingReading

and Writingand WritingSpeaking Speaking

and Listeningand ListeningSpeaking Speaking

and Listeningand Listening

Helping Others AdaptHelping Others Adapt

Conference CallsConference CallsConference CallsConference Calls



Intranet SitesIntranet SitesIntranet SitesIntranet Sites

Email andEmail andInstant MessagingInstant Messaging

Email andEmail andInstant MessagingInstant Messaging