“think of others”

“Think of Others” Page 1 “Think of Others” Strathfield South Public School Rule of the Week: Be an Active Learner 457 Liverpool Rd Strathfield NSW 2135 Value: Excellence, Participation, Integrity Tel: 9642 1359 Fax: 9742 5878 Term 3 Week 6 www.strathfies-p.schools.nsw.edu.au Email: [email protected] FUTURE EVENTS AUGUST 17 Musica Viva Year 6 18 Year 5 & Year 6 Author Visit 19 Primary Proms Choir Rehearsal 21 Winter PSSA Finals 24-28 Book Week 24 Year 3 & Year 4 Author Visit 25 Year 1 & Year 2 Author Visit 26 Kindergarten Author Visit 27 Home Reader Book Sale 27 Open Classroom Grandparents 28 Book Week K-2 Parade SEPTEMBER 1 Camp Quality Puppet Show 3-4 Year 5 Canberra Excursion 4 Summer PSSA Begins 4 Fathers’ Day BBQ 7 Opera House Choir Rehearsal 7-18 Intensive Swim School 9 Koomurri Aboriginal Incursion K-4 10-11 Year 6 Canberra Excursion 16 Primary Proms Choir Concert 17 Peer Support BBQ 18 Last Day Term 3 OCTOBER 5 Public Holiday 6 First day Term 4 13 K-2 Sport Day P & C MEETING DATES 17 August, 14 Sept, 19 Oct, 16 Nov SCHOOL CLUB DATES 12 Aug, 9 Sept, 11 Oct, 11 Nov PRINCIPALS REPORT THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION VISITS SSPS The Hon. Adrian Piccoli, Minister for Education, visited us recently. Our school leadership team proudly informed him about our wonderful school, discussing everything with him from the P&C funded watering system for our grass to our recently held, very successful Fete. Minister Piccoli was very interested in our school, and discussed the merit selection process in particular with Ms Cidem. He joined 10 other Principals in our staffroom for a discussion about the complex issues around staffing our schools successfully. They all enjoyed a delicious morning tea prepared by our canteen staff. The Daily Telegraph visited Mrs Tran’s classroom and interviewed Minister Piccoli in our office foyer. This was yet another opportunity to show off our incredible school. Thank you everyone who ensured that this impromptu visit was so successful. Visits such as these are so important as they give us the opportunity to share our school vision and directions with those who create educational policy.

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“Think of Others” Page 1

“Think of Others”

Strathfield South Public School Rule of the Week: Be an Active Learner

457 Liverpool Rd Strathfield NSW 2135 Value: Excellence, Participation, Integrity

Tel: 9642 1359 Fax: 9742 5878 Term 3 Week 6


Email: [email protected]



17 Musica Viva Year 6 18 Year 5 & Year 6 Author Visit 19 Primary Proms Choir Rehearsal 21 Winter PSSA Finals

24-28 Book Week 24 Year 3 & Year 4 Author Visit 25 Year 1 & Year 2 Author Visit 26 Kindergarten Author Visit 27 Home Reader Book Sale 27 Open Classroom Grandparents 28 Book Week K-2 Parade


1 Camp Quality Puppet Show 3-4 Year 5 Canberra Excursion 4 Summer PSSA Begins 4 Fathers’ Day BBQ 7 Opera House Choir Rehearsal

7-18 Intensive Swim School 9 Koomurri Aboriginal Incursion K-4

10-11 Year 6 Canberra Excursion 16 Primary Proms Choir Concert 17 Peer Support BBQ 18 Last Day Term 3


5 Public Holiday 6 First day Term 4 13 K-2 Sport Day


17 August, 14 Sept, 19 Oct, 16 Nov


12 Aug, 9 Sept, 11 Oct, 11 Nov



VISITS SSPS The Hon. Adrian Piccoli, Minister for

Education, visited us recently. Our school

leadership team proudly informed him

about our wonderful school, discussing

everything with him from the P&C funded

watering system for our grass to our

recently held, very successful Fete.

Minister Piccoli was very interested in our

school, and discussed the merit selection

process in particular with Ms Cidem. He

joined 10 other Principals in our staffroom

for a discussion about the complex issues

around staffing our schools successfully.

They all enjoyed a delicious morning tea

prepared by our canteen staff. The Daily

Telegraph visited Mrs Tran’s classroom

and interviewed Minister Piccoli in our

office foyer. This was yet another

opportunity to show off our incredible

school. Thank you everyone who ensured

that this impromptu visit was so

successful. Visits such as these are so

important as they give us the opportunity

to share our school vision and directions

with those who create educational policy.

“Think of Others” Page 2

Our School Captains, Hannah Bahng and Samuel Vickery,

greeted Minister Piccoli on arrival. Allegra El-Hakim and

and Lin Thu introduced themselves to the Minister. Mrs

Mortimer and Ms Cidem had the opportunity to discuss our

canteen facility with Minister Piccoli.

BOOK WEEK SHINES A LIGHT …and to celebrate, we are holding a

whole week of special events

for everyone.

During the entire week,

authors have been organised

to visit our students. On

Thursday, 27 August, we are offering

you the opportunity to visit our

classrooms, inviting Grandparents and

older relatives and friends into our

school for morning tea. As part of this

special week, we want to “light up our

world” by giving you the chance to

purchase a book to bolster the reading

materials offered for our students K-6. The

canteen will be offering cake and drinks to

you, and we will extend our recess on this

day to allow you time to enjoy connecting

and sharing with your children. On Friday,

28 August, we have the annual K-2 Book

Parade at 9:30am.

We look forward to seeing you at one, or

more, of these exciting events.

I do hope you can join us in celebrating

the magic of reading. Keep your eye out

for more information about this exciting

week of activities and celebration. Light

up your world everyone!



At this time of year, many of

our students and our staff, for

that matter are coming down

with the typical colds,

infections and gastro bugs that

seem to be prolific in the

colder months.

It is particularly important to

stress hygiene for this reason. Effective

hand hygiene is the single most important

strategy. Below is a reminder about the

steps of hand washing. I have also

included a YouTube video demonstration

to support conversations at home around

hand hygiene.

YouTube video link:



“Think of Others” Page 3

There are many resources you can access

on the internet – these are only two I have

found to support our students’ improved


Enjoy your week everyone. Wishing you

super ‘wellness’ in your homes and for

your families

Karen Mortimer


ENROL NOW If you have not done so already, it is time

to enrol your child for Kindergarten 2016.

We have commenced interviews for all in

area and ‘out of area’ students.

Spaces are LIMITED for ‘out of area

enrolments’ for 2016, so please let

friends, neighbours and relatives know to

complete enrolment documentation

immediately to be considered.

If you live ‘out of area’, but have siblings at

our school already, you must complete the

‘out of area’ paperwork to be accepted for

enrolment in 2016. Siblings have high

consideration but the paperwork must be

in order.

Enrolment interviews for 2016 will

commence next week and will be

conducted by Executive. Please see the

office for further details.


STUDENT WELLBEING REMINDER Please ensure that your child has parent

supervision until 8:30am. Staff members

are on duty from 8:30am. Students should

be seated under the COLA, outside the

office area, until this time and should have

parent supervision. It is also important for

your child to be at school NO LATER than

8:55am. Assembly time is very important,

and unless there are extraordinary

circumstances, it is expected that all

students are there to listen to updates and

begin their day positively.

P&C MEETING Monday 17 August 2015

Our next P&C meeting will be held tonight,

Monday 17 August at 7:30pm in the staff


We invite all interested parents and carers

to come and join us and hear from the

school executive and discuss issues

important to the school and our children.

Parking is available on school grounds.

Also a big thankyou to the school

community for making our fete such a

successful day and special thanks to the

fete committee, headed by Ruth Choong

and Kerry Vickery for leading the way.

Sharon Oliver, Secretary P&C


On Friday 14 August, the prefects of

Strathfield South attended the unveiling of

an ANZAC plaque at the Strathfield

Council Chambers.

There was a short ceremony before the

plaque was unveiled. The ceremony

included speeches from the Mayor Gulian

Vaccari, Hon Tony Burke and an RSL

Club President on the importance of the

ANZACs and the sacrifices they made.

“Think of Others” Page 4

When the short ceremony came to an end,

the sheet was lifted off and the plaque was

unveiled. The plaque is a small slab of

golden coloured metal, commemorating

100 years of ANZAC spirit so that we will

remember them. The centennial of

ANZAC Day will always be remembered.

Lest We Forget

Samuel Vickery and Hannah Bahng

STUDENT EYE CARE The school is pleased to

announce that the Student

Eyecare Program will

begin in Term 4, this year.

An optometrist will be onsite during school

hours to provide students with a free

comprehensive eye examination that is

covered through Medicare Australia. 1 in

6 students have eye conditions that go

undetected. This is due to the high level of

visual demand on their eyes from books,

laptops, tablets and smartphones. Every

attendee will receive a full report about

their eye health and a prescription will be

provided if glasses are required. The

prescription can be taken to any optical

store to get the glasses made. Don’t let

your child miss out on this worthwhile

health program! Your child will all receive

a note. Please sign and return to your

class teacher as soon as possible.

Ms M. Cidem

Deputy Principal


EARN & LEARN Woolworths Earn

and Learn is at

Strathfield South

School. Please

drop your sheet into the container in the

office. There are blank sheets provided

that you are welcome to fill in with your


BOOK WEEK 24-28 AUGUST 2015 The theme for Book Week 2015 is Books

Light up our World. As part of our

celebrations we will be having author

visits, a book character parade, a book

sale and Grandparent’s Open Day.

Tuesday 18 August – Stage 3 Morris

Gleitzman author visit

Monday 24 August – Stage 2 Moya

Simmons author visit

Tuesday 25 August – Stage 1 Ben Wood

Illustrator visit

Wednesday 26 August – Kindergarten

Gaye Chapman Illustrator visit

Thursday 27 August – Grandparent’s

Day & Book Donation Sale – An

opportunity for families to purchase and

donate K-2 home readers and 3-6 high

interest classroom texts. Books will be

inscribed with the names of donors.


11:00-11:40 – Morning tea, cake sales in

the Canteen

11:40-12:50 – Open Classrooms &

Book Sale in Hall

3:00-3:30 – Book sale in Hall

Friday 28 August – K-2 Book Character

Parade. 9:30 – 10:30am at the K-2 COLA

OPEN CLASSROOMS Thursday 27 August


As part of our Book Week

celebrations we would like to

invite all parents and

“grandfriends” to come and

enjoy an extended recess

with the children at 11:00am. Following

this the classrooms will be open for hands-

on activities with your children. Sales of

cakes in the Canteen and books in the

Library can be made at this time.

Come and join in the fun!

“Think of Others” Page 5


organising a Father's

Day breakfast at

7.30am - 8.45am on

Friday 4 September.

All dads, grandads

and families are

welcome to come. An

order form with pre payment is required.

Please fill out and return to the office if

paying by cash, or you may use your

Munch Monitor account to order by Mon

31 August.

Contact Natalie McDonald 0422 700 033

for munch monitor questions or Jo

Khodary 0409 832 966 if you can help out.

LOST PROPERTY The Lost Property

baskets in 3-6 and K-2

playground are again

full. Please ensure your child’s name is

marked clearly on their uniform so it can

be returned.

Thank you to the parents who volunteered

to take bags of lost property home to


All items that have been washed and have

names clearly marked will be returned to

students promptly. The items without

names will be given back to the uniform

shop for resale as recycled uniforms.



The uniform shop is open every

Wednesday during school terms from

8.15 to 9.30am.

Mrs B Hamilton

Deputy Principal

YEAR 6 NEWS Don't be the one to miss

out, last chance to order your

Year 6 T-shirt.

Offer extended until this Friday 21 August.

Don't be disappointed and

order now! Samples and order

forms available at the Office.

Please consider purchasing a T-

shirt as students are allowed to

wear them during Term 4.

Other important dates:

Peer Support BBQ Thursday 17


Year 6 Farewell Monday 14th December

Parents and students can start collecting

any photos of school activities from

Kindergarten to Year 6 to be included in

the Year 6 DVD to be presented on the

Farewell evening.

Please email all images to

Fiona Walshe on:

[email protected]

Any queries regarding Year 6 activities

please call Kathryn on 0400 212 416.

CODING CLUB @ SSPS This week will mark the first session of our

Stage Two and Stage Three

coding club groups. Due to the

high volume of interested

students, we will be running the

club twice a week with students

being allocated their Odd or

Even groups tomorrow. This is

an informal club where we will

be learning, creating and sharing all things

code. Not sure what coding is? Coding is

the behind the scenes mapping and

instructions used to create computer

software, apps and websites. The browser

you use, the apps on your phone, social

networking are all made with code. Soon

you'll be able to ask one of our coding club

members to show you a little more and

we'll all look forward to showing you some

of our creations by the end of the year!

Tuesdays Stage Two

Thursdays Stage Three

“Think of Others” Page 6

If your child has missed out this time there

will be further opportunities next term.


All of our Outer Space Savers from Kindy

were surprised at last week’s assembly

when they had the opportunity to meet our

furriest Dollarmites team member – Pat

the Dog. Pat’s attendance had all the

children smiling for joy whilst the bank’s

representative, Melissa Rogers spoke to

the children about the Prize Portal

Competition that is being held this term

and to educate the importance of regular

saving. Pat the Dog is really looking

forward to coming back for another visit to

meet you all again soon.

Don’t forget that all you need to do is to

simply make three or more deposits in

Term 3 and you will automatically be

entered into the Prize Portal Competition

for your chance to win. To double your

chances of winning you must complete the

Money Mission online. To complete your

Money Mission, or to find out more, visit


To assist children to learn more about

money and saving, please go online and

visit The Beanstalk activity centre via

commbank.com.au/youthsaver. This is a

one-stop resource for parents featuring

tips, advice and children’s activities. I

would highly recommend this as a great

read that will assist parents to teach pre-

school, primary and high school students

about money. Please feel welcome to go

online via




Remember Outer Space Savers that

banking day is our mission every


Lisa Kovac

SSPS Student Banking Coordinator

[email protected]

CANTEEN Special Thanks

Thank you to the following

volunteers for last week; your

time was invaluable and much

appreciated: Susan Weyland,

Joanne Khodary, Suzane Saba, Rina Akram, Meech Yoo and

Yoon Baek.

Important Note

ONE staff member serving breakfast from

8:30 to 9:00

Parents wishing to do lunch orders via

window or phone please do so between




Tues 18 Aug

Joanne Khodary Suzane Saba

10-2pm 9-2pm

Wed 19 Aug

Rina Akram Susan Weyland

9-2pm 9-2pm

Thur 20 Aug

Susan Weyland Erica Wang

10-2pm 11-2pm

Fri 21 Aug Susan Weyland Joanne Khoday



Mon 24 Aug

Yoon Baek Suzane Saba Meech Yoo




“Think of Others” Page 7


THURSDAY 27 AUGUST To accommodate Open Classroom for

Grandparents on Thursday 27 August, the

canteen will serve various delicious foods

in the morning 10:00am till 12:00pm.

Potato Wedges with sour cream $3.00

Pluto Pups $2.50

Muffins $1.50

CRUNCH&SIP BAG A variety of fruits and vegies provided by

the Canteen is available for children to buy

for their Crunch&Sip time.

EFTPOS MACHINE- MunchMonitor - Please come after 9 am if

you wish to top up with EFTPOS. Note

that credit cards will incur a 2% surcharge.

Canteen Manager

HuiChing Su


PSSA WINTER 21 AUGUST Girls Netball Junior A Team - Cintra Park

Boys Soccer - TBA

Girls Soccer – Centenary Park, Croydon

Touch Football – Blair Park

AFL – Picken Oval


Library days for 2015

Monday – 4M, 4K, 3I, 3/4T, 2R, 2W, 2B,

6C & 6W Tuesday - 3R, 2I, 1F, 1G,

5/6E, 5G, 5K, 6F, & 5M Wednesday –

4H, KE, 1H, 1M, KM, KK, KG, 5L, & 1T

Thursday – KS, KL, 3J, 3A, & 2A


The 2015/2016 Entertainment

Memberships are still available.

$14 goes towards our school fundraising.

Please encourage family and friends to

buy a book. Extra books of any edition

(Sydney & Sydney North or Greater West)

may be ordered on the same order form.

The Entertainment Digital Membership

puts the value of the book into your

iPhone or Android Smartphone. Digital

membership - purchase or make

payments for traditional books online visit:


When making any orders or payments,

please include your child’s name and

class to facilitate with the distribution of

the books.

For any further details contact Ranjini

Ganesh – Phone: 0412 267 226 or email

[email protected]


all our wonderful

students, teachers

and community

members who

supported our Jeans

for Genes Day.

We raised a massive

$500 on the day.

Mr Kim, Mrs Ibrahim and Mr Dauparis

SRC Coordinators

PARENT ONLINE PAYMENT Did you know that you can make

payments to your child’s school


This is a secure payment page hosted by


What expenses can be paid online?

Voluntary school contributions, subject

contributions, excursions, sales to

students and creative and practical arts

activities (these include band, drama and


Other can be used to make a complete

payment of a school invoice.


“Think of Others” Page 8

Log onto School site at www.strathfies-




North Sydney Boys High School

Cnr Falcon & Miller Sts


9955 4748

Tuesday 25 August, 2015

9:15 – 12:00pm

Sydney Boys High School

Moore Park


9662 9300

Thursday 3 September, 2015

9:30 - 12 noon



Thinking about Sound When we enjoy a musical performance or

recording, we often don't stop to think

about what it is that makes it so enjoyable.

What is that magic element that makes us

pause in our day to listen and enjoy? What

is it that causes those feelings of joy and

intrigue? What is it that draws musicians

to play the instrument that they have


One very important aspect of the music

that commands our attention is the

particular sound of an instrument or group

of instruments, often referred to as timbre

or tone colour. We often talk to students

about their tone quality, encouraging them

to experiment until they find a sound that

is warm and clear.

This fortnight, I encourage all students to

focus on developing and improving their

sound, as individuals and as ensemble

members. The best way to improve tone

quality and explore different possibilities is

through playing long notes. Focus on

correct posture, slow controlled breathing,

and good embouchure (lip and mouth

position). Listening to recordings or live

performances of experienced musicians is

a great way to develop an understanding

of the sound you are trying to achieve.

Practice Tip #3 Begin every practice

session with a warm up exercise. It’s just

as important to warm up your mind as

your body, so make sure you’re focussed

and ready to go BEFORE you even play a

note. Ask your teacher for some specific

warm up exercises that will be perfect just

for you.

Important Dates

Week 10 –

14th September 6.00pm

End of Term Concert

Solo performers are encouraged to come

forward now to prepare for the concert in

Week 10 of this term. Any student

intending on performing as a soloist

should discuss this with their tutor and

conductor. Due to time constraints, only a

few students can be selected to perform a

solo - so be organised, be prepared, and

be awesome!

Jane-Marie Talese

Program Manager

“Think of Others” Page 9


The Premier’s Reading Challenges closes on Friday 21 August at 11:59 pm All K-2 students have completed and their records have been entered in the

Challenge by Ms Goes.

Students from Years 3 to 6 are required to independently read 20 books, 15

books must be from the NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge 3-4 or 5-6 Booklist. They must then enter

their own records on to the PRC website using the instructions below. Students have also had some

instruction during library lessons on how to update their records.

Student Reading Record Forms can be accessed via student’s Kids Space Portal or by logging on to

the PRC website using their DEC username and passwords.

Books read can be entered using the PRC id number, title or author.

“Think of Others” Page 10


TERM 3 - WEEK 5 2015





Win /



Junior Netball As BYE

Junior Netball Bs 10 17 LOSS Madison McGrath 6F

Senior Netball As BYE

Senior Netball Bs 1 4 LOSS Vivian Yue 4K

Senior Boys Soccer BYE Solvin Kang 5M

Junior Boys Soccer BYE Nicholas Simmons 5L

Jnr Girls Soccer As 0 8 LOSS Ashmini Ganesh

Jnr Girls Soccer Bs 0 4 LOSS Aysha Abdel-Meguid

Senior Girls Soccer 0 6 LOSS Eleni Houllis

Junior Touch 11 0 WIN Jaiden Solinap 5L

Senior Touch 6 5 WIN Danny Bholm 6C

Senior AFL BYE

Junior AFL 8 48 Loss Ghassan Adra 3/4T

Other Sports Name: Class

School Sport Medha Kirigani 6C

Denise Kekatos 6F

Chloe Chiu 3/4T

Lucas Bang 3J

Mark Garcia 4H

Hannah Hardy 5G

Howie Khong 3I

Quy Huan 6W

Dimitrios Logothetis 3/4T

Elicia Katanasho 5K

Anthea Ampofo 4M