thinking hats review

Thinking Hats Review

Upload: suzie-vesper

Post on 06-May-2015




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A powerpoint to act as a prompt in the cluster review process


Page 1: Thinking Hats Review

Thinking Hats Review

Thinking Hats Review

Page 2: Thinking Hats Review

White hat: pure facts about the situation.

Describe the state of the cluster program as you

currently see it. All contributions accepted!

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Red hat: your feelings about the experienceHow do you feel about being part of the cluster

programme? What are your emotional reactions to the different aspects of the


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Grey hat: negative aspectsWhat are all the aspects of the cluster programme

that you don’t feel work well? Which systems are not functioning as you would like? What is missing from our cluster model the way it is


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Yellow hat: right and constructive aspects - these can exist even in a very difficult or stressful situation,

e.g. learning will have taken place

What are all the most positive aspects of the cluster programme? What aspects do you think it is important that we continue with next year? What has been the most beneficial in terms of

teacher and student outcomes?

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Green: creative thinking - what could have been changed in this situation, if anything

If you had the power to completely redesignthe cluster programme, what would it look like?(be as creative and ‘out of the box’ as you like)

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Blue hat: summary - the learning gained and the conclusions reached which can be put into practice in the future

How has the cluster shaped your idea of how ICTsits in an educational context? What lessons

about our experience as a cluster so far can we take with us into our final year? How will you

continue to maximise this learning past the three years of the cluster?