thinking outside the app: how real world forces inform kids media development

Think Outside the App: A Look at Real World Forces Informing Kids Media Development

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Post on 21-Jan-2018




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Think Outside the App: A Look at Real World Forces

Informing Kids Media Development

Artificial Intelligence

By 2020 algorithms will effect the lives of millions of people globally

What is a true thinking machine?. Predictive analysis based on what it’s learned in the past. Natural language processing . Image Processing

Disease diagnosisLikelihood of success in schoolInsurance RatesFinance– Robo ChatsCybersecurity – biometric algorithms

If the child likes pizza, pizza shows up in math problems

A Few Examples

• THE ROLL: scans your photo albums for face recognition, place –iOS

• Cornell AI

• Hanson Robotics “shelling” AI

AI through APIs

Does IBM Watson Know Me?

Organizing Principles of the Old World

The New World

Augmented RealityBy 2020 100 million consumers will shop in augmented reality.

Sephora, Modiface, Neiman Marcus Lego: like Esquire have AR editions with runway models

Adding Proximity and Mapping

What happens when you add mapping and geo-location to AR apps?What can you imagine when you map real areas and transfer them to a virtual world?

Adding Interaction: Metaverse:

Make your own PokemonGo Game

letting kids “tag” their world - I’ve been

referring to it as “narrative geotagging” -


Virtual Reality

• At what age do kids distinguish VR from reality

• Can they be made to feel empathy

• Gender Difference – girls drop out faster

• Steep ramp up to quick mastery

• Focus and Meditation rather than twitch?

• Mixed Media worlds/CoPlay-• --David Kleeman

Voice Activation

By 2020 30% of people will browse the web without a browser

Siri, Google and Cortana didn’t see it coming

Voice recognition for kid’s voices and languages improves

Simultaneous translations?

Voice is intergenerational


Monitoring Daily Routines and providing feedback


Digital Currency

According to a survey of 2,000 U.K. parents commissioned by financial technology firm Intelligent Environments, more than 1/4 of parents pay their children in digital currency to make purchases in games like Minecraft or Moshi Monsters or for online services like iTunes. Another 1/3 of parents transfer a weekly allowance into their children's digital bank accounts, and nearly four in 10 parents don't give their kids any pocket money, instead putting the cash into savings accounts in their children's names.

Video Trumps Text: The New

Wikipedia• "Unboxing" videos • Minecraft videos• "challenges" (such as trying hot peppers),• "morning routines" (which show how

• YouTubers get ready for the day)• Weird factoids

• silly skits,unscripted, unpolished, authentic content

YouTube Kids is a response to many things: children’s distaste for

“walled gardens,” since they have interests at least as diverse as adults’;

parents’ desire for safe spaces for their kids; and Google’s interest in not

having to sanitize its adult-oriented platform

Internet of Kids Things (IoKT)

What could go wrong? Everything has an IP address in capable of communication with you and each otherCybersecurity issuesEarly hardware/apps had mixed successWhat are the app opportunities? bracelet

Mobile Apps

Brands are giving up mobile apps in favor of loyalty points and programs

More and more people using fewer and fewer appsApps most appreciated are proximity and context aware

The Sharing Economy• Will they own cars,

houses or just share them?

• What is the kids media equivalent of an uber or Airbnb where you don’t own anything but the match needs to fulfillment?

Coding as CurriculmReplacing foreign language as the “skill of the future”?

What do all of these technologies have in


• They require Pii = personally identifiable information

• The more you know the better services you can provide and the better products you can make

How Should Kids Be Treated in a PiiWorld

• COPPA: Not effective for its original purpose -avoiding predators and protecting kids from data collection.

• Compliance costs are high

• Social media and mobile apps rely on a fiction - anyone with a mobile must have parents involved

COPPA Amended in 2015

• If you have collected geolocation information and have not obtained parental consent, you must do so immediately.If you have collected photos or videos containing a child’s image or audio files with a child’s voice from a child prior to the effective date of the amended Rule, you do not need to obtain parental consent. Best practices: Don’t collect photos. Under the original Rule, a screen or user name was only considered personal information if it revealed an individual’s email address. Under the amended Rule, a screen or user name is personal information where it functions in the same manner as online contact information including email and screen names. Persistent identifiers were covered by the original Rule only where they were combined with individually identifiable information. Under the amended Rule, a persistent identifier is covered where it can be used to recognize a user over time and across different websites or online services.

What to Do?

Laws for kids online usuage are

• Long in the tooth (25 years)

• Caused many kids’ business to fail

• Every new technology demands a personal interaction

Kids apps are

• Less effective when they know so little about their customer

• Good content demands an interaction and personalization

• Putting your app out there once and 4ever is antiquated