"third circle" thriller power point

Artemis Prime Polemis THIRD CIRCLE

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Post on 27-Oct-2015




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Power point on thriller "third circle"


Artemis Prime Polemis


CAMERA• Starts with BCU of the strings and cans making audiences main focus is on the props

Stable shots in the beginning but as the thriller unfolds, the camera begins to move

• Focus moves in and out from different strings indicating that there is more than one string and have been put there for a reason.

• Camera begins to pan across to the right, along lines of string motion picks up andaudience moves with camera along string.

• More and more props are shown more frequently

• Composition: been arranged in a way to show the character’s careless, yet aware side. -cans hanging on strings a plan to make noise and alert the character-food, cans and items of clothing on the floor shows that the character has been sleeping and supposedly living in that area.

• Different range of distance shots.. CU of man sleeping in bed from birds eyes view angles of camera makes him look inferior...BCU of man when woken up at his level scares audience + makes scene more intense

• Next clip is CU of mans face, side view shows he’s been sleeping in tent and its connected to strings…side view highlights his search + curiosity for the unrevealed reason of the sound

Next clip is a long shot at low height shows where he is and makes him look bigger

Towards end of thriller we go back into closer distances:-MCU as camera pans to the left, mid-height follows the man towards the area where the sounds appear to be coming from. Audience moving with him…together afraid of what is yet to be revealed.

• Towards end of thriller we go back into closer distances:-MCU as camera pans to the left, mid-height follows the man towards the area where the sounds appear to be coming from. Audience moving with him…together afraid of what is yet to be revealed.

• Movement of camera stops as the character has approached the door

Immediately move into CU of door nob and hand builds up more tension and suspense since only movement shown is the hand approaching the nob. Also the closedistance reveals that the strings at the nob, making audience focuson that.

EDITING• The pace of the clips is slow in the beginning and begins to increase as the high pitched

sounds become more frequent as the man gets woken up. -creates tension -more suspense this part edited with a fast pace to show that he’swoken up by mysterious sound from somewhere on the string

The text is white to make the titles stand out. Different titles move in and out of focus with the different lines of string.

The video ends with a black background and the title of the thriller flashed in the centre.

MISE EN SCENE• The costume worn by the actor is a bright yellow rain coat and black trousers bright

colours emphasises character’s carelessness and prevents audience from being scared of him

Lighting is dark throughout whole video

night time…makes set look more daunting and creates mysterious atmosphere

dark lighting draws audience to string. Strings are white so stand out

• There are sections where streams of lights are shun on props to catch the audiences eye and create further suspense

a light is lit up from behind milk carton

• The actor is around a 39 year old male jumpy, scared and awareThere is no sign of use of make-up

• A variety of different props are used in video: cans, tent, strings, clothes, axe and cartons revealed atdifferent points of thriller withuse of camera and lighting effects.

Set damp, abandoned building.

Walls made out of wood and have holes makes it look old + eerie

Spacious and has a high ceiling adds a daunting effect to it

SOUND• There is no use of dialogue

Thriller begins with no music, just unrecognisable, muffled sounds. highlights the fact that it’s an abandoned building and that the only person that seems to be there is the male character.

• Synchronous high pitched sounds come in as suspense increase sounds of cans / cutlery hitting one another… Also the unzipping of the tent and the ringing of the bell (echoes). High pitched sounds stop towards the end of video, except for the last few seconds in the sudden movement of the door nob shot. Lastly, non diegetic music comes in and continues through the transition onto the last clip; fading away with the title.