third industrial revolution?

Third Industrial Revolution ? Peter Troxler

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FabFuse Amersfoort, 10 August 2012


  • 1. Third Industrial Revolution ?Peter Troxler

2. Peter Troxler Industrial Engineer PhD 1999 Factory Automation Knowledge Management / Research Community Fringe theater company and arts festivals (1990s; 2000s) Knowledge management researchers (2000s) Fab Lab 2008/09 Fab Lab Amsterdam 2010 Fab6 Fab Lab Luzern (Switzerland), Rotterdam (NL) International Fab Lab Association 3. Third Industrial Revolution ?Peter Troxler 4. Industrial Revolution Neil Gershenfeld, 2005:Fab. The Coming Revolution on Your Desktop Jeremy Rifkin, 2011:The Third Industrial Revolution. How LateralPower is Transforming Energy, the Economy,and the World. Chris Anderson, 2012:Makers: The New Industrial Revolution 5. Gershenfeld[P]ossession of the means for industrial production has long been thedividing line between workers and owners. But if those means are easilyacquired, and designs freely shared, then hardware is likely to follow theevolution of software. Like its software counterpart, opensourcehardware is starting with simple fabrication functions, while nipping atthe heels of complacent companies that dont believe that personalfabrication toys can do the work of their real machines. Thatboundary will recede until todays marketplace evolves into a continuumfrom creators to consumers, servicing markets ranging from one to onebillion. (FAB. The Coming Revolution on Your Desktop, 2005) 6. Gershenfeld, rights unclear 7. Gershenfeld[T]he killer app for personal fabrication in the developed world istechnology for a market of one, personal expression in technology ().And the killer app for the rest of the planet is [to overcome] theinstrumentation and the fabrication divide, people locally developingsolutions to local problems. (TED talk, 2006) 8. Gershenfeld 2 Examples from book, rights unclear 9. AndersonIn the Next Industrial Revolution, Atoms Are theNew Bits (Wired, January 25, 2010)Local Motors: Rally Fighter$50,000 off-road (but street-legal) racercrowdsourced design, BMW clean diesel engineGizmodo, January 26, 2010:Atoms Are Not Bits; Wired Is Not A BusinessMagazine 10. Rifkin[T]he conventional top-down organization of society that characterizedmuch of the economic, social, and political life of the fossil-fuel basedindustrial revolutions is giving way to distributed and collaborativerelationships in the emerging green industrial era. We are in the midst ofa profound shift in the very way society is structured, away fromhierarchical power and toward lateral power. 11. Rifkin[A] new digital manufacturing revolution now opens up the possibility of() the production of durable goods. In the new era, everyone canpotentially be their own manufacturer (). Welcome to the world ofdistributed manufacturing. 12. Rifkin1st revolution 2nd revolution3rd revolutionPrinting press Electrical com- InternetSteam-poweredmunicationRenewablestechnology Oil-powered Smart buildings combustionSmart grid engine E-mobility19th century 20th century 13. OSS = OSH ? Or: Is Fab Lab Easy? continuum from creators to consumers killer app = market of one 14. OSS = OSH ?Or: Is Fab Lab Easy?[I]t would be nave to believe that open source software practices couldbe simply copied and applied to the manufacturing domain without anyalteration or adaptation, ignoring the constraints and opportunities thatthe materiality of hardware entails.[M]ore than four in five Fab Labs are set up and run by institutionsrooted in the old world order that by their very nature struggle tounderstand polycentric structures and heterarchies, are alien to lateralpower relationships, and a fail to embrace a peer-production commons. 15. GilbrethFrank Bunker Gilbreth1868 - 1924scientific managementmotion study 16. Industrial Revolution 17. Industrial Revolution Efficiency Exploitation of Labour Command and Control Time Motion Studies content/uploads/2011/01/stakhanov_coal_face.jpg?cda6c1 18. Tavistock Institute 1951Socio-technical system1960sEric TristKen BamforthFred Emery 19. HOW TO RUN A FACTORY 20. Eric Steven RaymondThe Cathedral and the Bazaar (2000)Linux is subversive.Linus Torvaldss style of developmentrelease early and often, delegateeverything you can, be open to the point of promiscuitycame as a surprise.cathedral carefully crafted by individual wizards or small bands of magesworking in splendid isolationa great babbling bazaar of differing agendas and approaches () out ofwhich a coherent and stable system could seemingly emerge only by asuccession of miracles 21. RaymondI think the future of open-source software will increasingly belong topeople who know how to play Linuss game, people who leave behind thecathedral and embrace the bazaar. This is not to say that individualvision and brilliance will no longer matter; rather, I think that the cuttingedge of open-source software will belong to people who start fromindividual vision and brilliance, then amplify it through the effectiveconstruction of voluntary communities of interest. (p. 23) 22. Yochai Benkleron a political economy of information1. economicconcerned with the organization of production and consumption in this economy2. politicalconcerned with how we pursue autonomy, democracy, and social justice in this new condition 23. Kurt Lewin (1952), Field theory in social science: Selected theoretical papers by Kurt Lewin. London: Tavistock. p. 169THERE IS NOTHING MOREPRACTICAL THAN A GOOD THEORY 24. Practice in music piracy is the new radio(Neil Young) in journalism e.g. Huffington Post in encyclopedia Wikipedia has outgrownits printed predecessorsin volume, depth,recency and use. 25. Yochai BenklerCOMMONS-BASED peer production is a socio-economic system of productionthat is emerging in the digitally networked environment. Facilitated by thetechnical infrastructure of the Internet, the hallmark of this socio-technicalsystem is collaboration among large groups of individuals, sometimes in theorder of tens or even hundreds of thousands, who cooperate effectively toprovide information, knowledge or cultural goods without relying on eithermarket pricing or managerial hierarchies to coordinate their commonenterprise.Benkler, Y., and H. Nissenbaum. (2006) Commons-Based Peer Production and Virtue. The Journal of Political Philosophy 14, no. 4: 394419. 26. How do we organize the ecosystem Text books Industrial practice Consultants 27. Fab now Neil Gershenfeld outreach programme, started 2003 FAB, the book The future is already here its just not very evenly distributed William Gibson 28. Landscape 29. How do we organize the ecosystem How to build effective forms of collective action andself-organisation, for Fab Labs? how to break free from traditional systems andcreatively design new systems that tap into thecapabilities of distributed digital manufacturing? How to evaluate developments and monitor progress? How to achieve equity and fairness? How to protect the interests and creative freedom ofmakers while also ensuring wide access to newknowledge, processes and products? What are appropriate and effective business modelsfor distributed digital manufacturing? 30. How?Option 1 traditional knowledge of governanceOption 2 experience from OSSOption 3 trial and error, perpetual betaOption 3+ what do we know 31. WHAT DO WE KNOW? 32. Ronald H. Coase, 1937The Nature of the Firm Mancur Olson, 1965The Logic of Collective Action Oliver E. Williamson, 1981The Economics of Organization: TheTransaction Cost Approach 33. Ellinor Ostrom 1990. Governing the Commons, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press. with Charlotte Hess, 2003. Ideas, Artifacts,and Facilities: Information as a Common- PoolResource. Law and Contemporary Problems66, Winter/Spring: 111145. with Charlotte Hess, 2007. UnderstandingKnowledge as a Commons. From Theory toPractice. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 34. Yochai Benkler 2002. Coases Penguin, or Linux and the Natureof the Firm. Yale Law Journal, 112: 369446 2003. Freedom in the Commons: Towards aPolitical Economy of Information. Duke LawJournal 52: 12451276. 2004. Sharing nicely: on sharable goods and theemergence of sharing as a modality of economicproduction, Yale Law Journal, 114 , 273358. 35. Christian Siefkes 2008. From Exchange to Contributions.Generalizing Peer Production Into the PhysicalWorld. Berlin: Siefke. 36. Eric von Hippel with Jeroen P J de Jong and Stephen Flowers.2010. Comparing Business and HouseholdSector Innovation in Consumer Products:Findings From a Representative Study in theUK. Hippel, von, Eric. Open Source Projects asHorizontal Innovation Networks - by and forUsers. MIT Sloan School of ManagementWorking Paper. 37. Tineke M. Egyedi and Donna C. Mehos 2012. Inverse Infrastructures. DisruptingNetworks from Below. 38. Peter Troxler 2010. Commons-Based Peer-Production of PhysicalGoods Is There Room for a Hybrid InnovationEcology?. Free Culture Conference, Berlin. 2011. Libraries of the Peer Production Era. In: OpenDesign Now. Why Design Cannot Remain Exclusive. 2012. Making the Third Industrial Revolution. TheStruggle for Polycentric Structures a New Peer-Production Commons in the Fab Lab Community. In:Shape your world. Theoretical, empirical and practicalinsights into FabLabs. 39. Epistemologyin philosophy:in practice:the study or a theory ofKarin Knorr-Cetinathe nature and grounds of Epistemic Culturesknowledge especially with an "amalgam ofreference to its limits and arrangements andvaliditymechanisms bondedthrough affinity, necessityand historical coincidence which in a given field,make up how we knowwhat we know" 40. LETS ORGANIZE THAT 3RDINDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION 41. Organize? Really? YES banque Lenin NO be prepared to get surprised dare to fail disagree, but constructively