thirtieth sunday in ordinary time · 10/10/2018  ·...

Daily Readings October November 28 SUN THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Jer 31:7-9/Heb 5:1-6/Mk 10:46-52 29 Mon Weekday Eph 4:32—5:8/Lk 13:10-17 30 Tue Weekday Eph 5:21-33/Lk 13:18-21 31 Wed Weekday Eph 6:1-9/Lk 13:22-30 NOVEMBER 2018 1 Thu ALL SAINTS Holyday of Obligation Rv 7:2-4, 9-14/1 Jn 3:1-3/Mt 5:1-12a 2 Fri All Souls’ Day Wis 3:1-9/Jn 6:37-40 3 Sat Weekday Phil 1:18b-26/Lk 14:1, 7-11 NOTE: These are the sequential readings for Lectionary Cycle Year A and I only. The actual readings used at Mass may differ depending on the particular celebration that day, for example;, First Fridays or Requiem Masses. Sacred Heart, Ronan Immaculate Conception, Polson Saint Joseph Mission, Charlo Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 28 th , 2018 A NOTE FROM THE PASTOR It has been just over two years since the Diocese of Helena published a set of guidelines for the planning and the celebration of the Order of Christian Funerals to be observed in all of the parishes of the diocese. These guidelines are not unique to our diocese as if they represent any kind of local custom or novelty but rather a pastoral reminder regarding universal norms with a special emphasis on local issues and difficulties. The month of November is traditionally a month of holy remembrance of the faithful departed and so I think it might be a good idea during that month to review and clarify certain questions regarding the way the Church bids farewell and buries Her dead. By way of introduction I probably should say that the focus of the Order of Christian Funerals is not the life of the deceased and the remembrance of their accomplishments but rather the Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. In other words a “Catholic” funeral is an expression of our faith and of a hope firmly grounded in the expectation of receiving the good things that God has prepared for us. In my Father's house there are many dwelling places. If there were not, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? John 14:2 I am not trying to suggest that there is no room for a very human way of remembering our loved ones who have died, I am speaking specifically about the Mass and the liturgical rites of the Church which call to mind the more profound mysteries of our faith and the reason why we make use of these rites, because quite frankly there is nothing more consoling during our times of trial and grief than the eternal truths of our faith. On another note, these past couple of years I tried to encourage the ageold custom of gathering envelopes with your list of deceased relatives and friends so that I could say Mass for them on All Souls Day, but that ship just never sailed. On Friday, rest assured I will offer Mass for all the faithful departed of the parish and for your family and friends. God bless, Fr. Kevin Christofferson FIRST WEEKEND OF NOVEMBER Immaculate Conception, Polson Holy Hour of Reparation Thursday, November 1 st 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm A Holy Hour of Reparation with the Blessed Sacrament exposed will be offered for the grotesque crimes and sacrileges committed by the ordained ministers of the Church and to implore the grace of holiness and healing for the Body of Christ. Confession will be heard during the Hour. First Friday Friday, November 2 nd Mass at 12:10 pm First Saturday Saturday, November 3 rd Mass and Confession times as normal for the weekend. BE SAFE THIS COMING WEDNESDAY! FIRST FRIDAY COMMUNITY DINNER This Friday, November 2 nd , Immaculate Conception is hosting the Community Dinner from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm. On the menu this month is fried chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy, buttered corn and a biscuit! Pumpkin pie will be served for dessert. All are welcome and invited to attend.

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Page 1: Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time · 10/10/2018  · Daily&Readings&October&3&November& & 28 SUN THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Jer 31:7-9/Heb 5:1-6/Mk 10:46-52 29 Mon Weekday


Daily  Readings  October  -­‐  November    

28 SUN THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Jer 31:7-9/Heb 5:1-6/Mk 10:46-52

29 Mon Weekday Eph 4:32—5:8/Lk 13:10-17

30 Tue Weekday Eph 5:21-33/Lk 13:18-21

31 Wed Weekday Eph 6:1-9/Lk 13:22-30

NOVEMBER 2018 1 Thu ALL SAINTS Holyday of Obligation

Rv 7:2-4, 9-14/1 Jn 3:1-3/Mt 5:1-12a 2 Fri All Souls’ Day

Wis 3:1-9/Jn 6:37-40 3 Sat Weekday

Phil 1:18b-26/Lk 14:1, 7-11  NOTE:    These  are  the  sequential  readings  for  Lectionary  Cycle  Year   A   and   I   only.     The   actual   readings   used   at   Mass   may  differ  depending   on   the   particular   celebration   that   day,   for  example;,  First  Fridays  or  Requiem  Masses.  

Sacred  Heart,  Ronan          Immaculate  Conception,  Polson          Saint  Joseph  Mission,  Charlo  

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

October  28th,  2018  


  It  has  been  just  over  two  years  since  the  Diocese  of  Helena  published  a  set  of  guidelines  for  the  planning  and  the  celebration  of  the  Order  of  Christian  Funerals  to  be  observed  in  all  of  the  parishes  of  the  diocese.    These  guidelines  are  not  unique  to   our  diocese   as   if   they   represent   any  kind  of   local  custom  or  novelty  but  rather  a  pastoral  reminder  regarding  universal  norms  with  a  special  emphasis  on   local   issues  and  difficulties.     The  month  of  November  is  traditionally  a  month  of  holy  remembrance  of   the   faithful   departed   and   so   I   think   it  might  be  a  good  idea  during  that  month  to  review  and  clarify  certain  questions  regarding  the  way  the  Church  bids  farewell  and  buries  Her  dead.         By  way  of   introduction   I   probably   should   say   that  the  focus  of   the  Order  of  Christian  Funerals   is  not  the  life  of  the   deceased   and   the   remembrance   of   their  accomplishments  but  rather  the  Life,  Death  and  Resurrection  of   Jesus   Christ.     In   other   words   a   “Catholic”   funeral   is   an  expression  of  our  faith  and  of  a  hope  firmly  grounded  in  the  expectation   of   receiving   the   good   things   that   God   has  prepared   for   us.     In   my   Father's   house   there   are   many  dwelling  places.  If  there  were  not,  would  I  have  told  you  that  I  am  going  to  prepare  a  place  for  you?  John  14:2     I  am  not  trying  to  suggest  that  there  is  no  room  for  a  very  human  way  of  remembering  our  loved  ones  who  have  died,   I   am   speaking   specifically   about   the   Mass   and   the  liturgical   rites   of   the   Church   which   call   to   mind   the   more  profound  mysteries  of  our  faith  and  the  reason  why  we  make  use   of   these   rites,   because   quite   frankly   there   is   nothing  more   consoling  during   our   times   of   trial   and   grief   than   the  eternal  truths  of  our  faith.     On   another  note,   these  past  couple  of  years   I   tried  to  encourage  the  age-­‐old  custom  of  gathering  envelopes  with  your  list  of  deceased  relatives  and  friends  so  that  I  could  say  Mass   for   them   on   All   Souls   Day,   but   that   ship   just   never  sailed.     On   Friday,   rest   assured   I  will   offer  Mass   for   all   the  faithful   departed   of   the   parish   and   for   your   family   and  friends.    God  bless,  Fr.  Kevin  Christofferson  

FIRST  WEEKEND  OF  NOVEMBER  Immaculate  Conception,  Polson  Holy  Hour  of  Reparation  Thursday,  November  1st    7:00  pm  –  8:00  pm  

A  Holy  Hour  of  Reparation  with  the  Blessed  Sacrament  exposed  will  be  offered  for  the  grotesque  crimes  and  sacrileges  committed  by  the  ordained  ministers  of  the  Church  and  to  implore  the  grace  of  holiness  and  healing  for  the  Body  of  Christ.    Confession  will  be  

heard  during  the  Hour.  First  Friday  

Friday,  November  2nd      Mass  at  12:10  pm  First  Saturday  

Saturday,  November  3rd        Mass  and  Confession  times  as  normal  for  the  weekend.  

LIFE CHAIN Saturday,  October  27,  2018,  please  plan  on  attending  the  Life  Chain  for  one  hour  of  prayer  for  respect  for  life,  for  forgiveness  and   healing   for   all   affected   by   the   tragedy   of  abortion.      Together,   by   Our   Lord’s   grace,   may   we   be  instruments   in   reestablishing  a   culture   of   respect   for   life   at   all  stages,  from  conception  until  natural  death.    All  participants  will  be   meet   at   Immaculate   Conception   Catholic   Church   at   12:45  p.m.  and  then  proceed  to  Highway  93  for  one  hour  of  prayer        



FIRST  FRIDAY  COMMUNITY  DINNER  This   Friday,   November   2nd,   Immaculate   Conception   is   hosting  the  Community  Dinner  from  5:00  pm  to  6:00  pm.    On  the  menu  this   month   is   fried   chicken   with   mashed   potatoes   and   gravy,  buttered   corn   and   a   biscuit!     Pumpkin   pie   will   be   served   for  dessert.    All  are  welcome  and  invited  to  attend.  

Page 2: Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time · 10/10/2018  · Daily&Readings&October&3&November& & 28 SUN THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Jer 31:7-9/Heb 5:1-6/Mk 10:46-52 29 Mon Weekday

Jessica  Anderson,  Sherry  Becker,  Marcy  Bishop,  Linda  Bowman,  Joann  Bright,  Lorie  Chase,  Cody  Cordis,  Kelly  Dolezal-­‐Esheen,  Patty  Ferdinand,  Mary  Foot,  Paula  Graham,  Deb  &  Jeremy  Basler,  Scott  Johnson,    Marvel  Marrinan,  Rebecca  Martin,  Jim  McDevitt,  Shirley  McDevitt,  Pauline  Mistrille,  Mandy  Moran,  Frank  Nelson,  Katy  Nissen  Austin  Reese,  Rory  Reyonds,  Larry  Ricard,  Patricia  Ricard,  Bev  Robison,  Donna  Roth,  James  Shrider,  Ron  Shrider,  Floyd  Smith,  Gabriel  Smith,  Mary  Szablewski,  Todd  Skalsky,  Amelinda  Tejero,  Carl  Nissen   (and   Jack),  Maryalice   Rousselle,  Clay  Family,  Adam  Morrelli,  Phylis  Hocker,  Sarah  Bartel,  Ted  and  Mary  Lou  Nelson,  Paul  Venters,  Virginia  Rubel,  Marge  Fay,  Lou  Marchello.    Grace  be  to  you  and  peace.  We  give  thanks  to  God  always  for  you  all;  making  a  remembrance  of  you  in  our  prayers  without  

ceasing.  –  1  Thessolonians  1:2  

 The  Holy  Father’s  prayer  intention  for  the  month  of  October  

 Evangelization  –  The  Mission  of  Religious    That  consecrated  religious  men  and  women  may  bestir  themselves,  and  be  present  

among  the  poor,  the  marginalized,  and  those  who  have  no  voice.    

Weekly  Offertory  Collection    

October  21st    2018    

Sacred  Heart/St.  Joseph                                $783.00  Immaculate  Conception                                $2,063.00  

     Consider  this:  whoever  sows  sparingly  will  also  reap  sparingly,  and  whoever  sows  bountifully  will  also  reap  bountifully.  Each  must  do  as  already  determined,  without  sadness  or  compulsion,  

for  God  loves  a  cheerful  giver.    -­‐2  Corinthians  9:7    

Thank  you  for  your  generosity!  

THE  COUNTRY   STORE  Located   on  Main   St.,   Polson,   The  Country  Store  is  an  ecumenically  run  thrift  store  that  accepts  donations   of   clothing   and   small   household   items   (no  

furniture   please).     Proceeds   from   the   sale   of  donated   items   go   back   to   the   community.     Your  


That  Man  Is  You!    First  meeting  is  Thursday,  September  20th  at  6:00  am.    Hot  protein  breakfast  is  served  with  fresh  ground  

Starbucks  coffee!    Call  Mike  Lebrun  at  208-­‐5788    

Religious  Education/Family  Night.    Registration  forms  for  RE  can  be  found  at  the  entrance  of  the  church.    Orientation  and  first  meal  on  Wednesday,  September  19th  at  6:00  pm.    Family  Night  includes  RE,  sacramental  prep,  adult  ed  (continuing  our  study  of  the  Book  of  Genesis),  RCIA  and  youth  group.    ALL  are  welcome  to  come  and  enjoy  the  evening.    Good  food  too!  

 Endow  (Faith  formation  for  

women)  begins  on  Thursday,  September  

Polson  Council:    Next  meeting  Thursday,  November  8th  at  7:00  pm  and  breakfast  will  be  served  after  the  11:00  am  Mass  

on  Sunday,  October  28th  (TODAY!)  Ronan  Council:  Next  meeting  Sunday,  November  18th  after  

the  9:00  am  Mass.  

FAMILY NIGHT Wednesday,  October  24th      

All  are  welcome  and  invited  and  encouraged  to  attend.    There  is  a  little  something  for  everyone  from  age  toddle  to  senior  adults.    

Classes  start  at  6:00  pm  (pre-­‐school,  RE,  Sacramental  preparation,  RCIA,  Jr.  High  and  High  School  groups).    Fr.  Kevin’s  

study  of  the  Book  of  Genesis  resumes  this  week.  Dinner  is  served  at  7:00  pm  and  this  week  is  Hot  Dogs  and  Mac  ‘n  Cheese!    Your  salads,  side  dishes,  desserts  and  appetite  are  

always  welcome.  Dates  for  November:  7th,  14th,  &  28th.    

That  Man  Is  You!  Thursdays  6:00   am  to  7:30   am.    Hot  protein  breakfast   to  start    your  day!    All  men  are  invited  and  welcome  to  attend.    No  sign  up  required.  

Endow    Ladies   faith   formation   group  meeting   each   Thursday   at   10:30  am.  This  year’s  study  will  focus  on  the  spirituality  of  St.  Teresa  of  Avila.  

Immaculate  Conception  $00,000.00  of  $33,200.00  (0%)  

Sacred  Heart  and  St.  Joseph  Mission  $00,000.00  of  $12,400.00  (0$)  

Coffee  &  Doughnuts!  Every  second  Sunday,  coffee  and  doughnuts  are  served  after  

the  11:00  am  Mass  (November  11th)  and  on  most  Sundays  join  Deacon  Andy  Dorrington  for  the  same  along  with  a  lively  

conversation  about  the  Sunday  readings  and  homily  after  the  9:00  am  Mass  (look  for  signage  at  the  entrance  of  the  church.)  

A  reminder  to  the  ladies  in  Polson  that  there  is  a  sign  up  sheet  for  making  pies  at  the  entrance  of  the  church.    Pies  are  being  

made  for  a  harvest  dinner  that  will  be  hosted  by  

Sacred  Heart  in  Ronan  on  Saturday,  November  

Looking  ahead  to  the  month  of  November  

Sacred  Heart  is  hosting  a  Harvest  Dinner  prepared  by  

Eddy  and  his  crew  on  Saturday,  November  10th  

from  4:00pm  to  7:00  pm.    All  are  invited  and  welcome  to  attend  (and  the  cost  of  the  

meal  is  your  generous  free  will  offering.)    Mark  your  calendar!  

Many  thanks  to  the  Polson  council  of  Knights  for  installing  Our  Lady  of  Grace  at  the  entrance  of  

the  parish  office.      

Pictured  L  to  R:    John  Winegart,  Luke  Venters  and  Michael  Rice  

There  is  no  FAMILY  NIGHT  this  Wednesday,  October  31st,  due  to  the  observance  of  All  Hallows  Eve.    FAMILY  NIGHT  

and  all  classes  and  activities  will  resume  next  Wednesday,  Novembeer  7th.    

Just  a  reminder  that  the  participants  in  this  year’s  Life  Chain  will  meet  at  Immaculate  Conception  at  12:45  pm  

then  proceed  to  Hwy  93  for  an  hour  of  prayer.  

Page 3: Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time · 10/10/2018  · Daily&Readings&October&3&November& & 28 SUN THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Jer 31:7-9/Heb 5:1-6/Mk 10:46-52 29 Mon Weekday

 Mass  Intentions  

 Saturday,  October  27th                                              

Charlo:    Polson:  The  Poor  Souls  rb  Margit  Groessler  

Sunday,  October  28th                                                                                                 Ronan:  Intentions  of  the  Parish  Faithful     Polson:  Intentions  of  the  Parish  Faithful  Tuesday,  October  30th                                       Polson:  Gary  Marquardt  &  Ron  Marquardt  rb  Sheila  M.  Wednesday,  October  31st                               Polson:    Marvel  &  Jack  Marrinen  rb  JoAnn  Bowers  Thursday,  November  1st             SOLEMNITY  OF  ALL  SAINTS  –  Holy  Day  of  Obligation                       Polson:  Intentions  of  the  Parish  Faithful  Friday,  November  2nd                                   Polson:  All  Souls            Masses  may  be  offered   for   the   repose  of   the   souls   of   the   faithful  departed  or  for  the  special  intentions  of  the  living.    Please  call  the  parish   office   to   request   a   Mass   intention,   or   use   the   envelopes  provided   at   the   entrances   of   the   churches   and   give   them   to   Fr.  

How can I repay the LORD for all the great good done for me? I will raise the cup of salvation and call on the name of the LORD.

–Psalm 116:12-13

Parish  announcements  should  be  submitted  to:  [email protected]  

SPECIAL  NOTE!    On  weekdays   that  do  not  have  their  own  obligatory  memorial  or  feast  in  commemoration   of  one  of   the  saints,  a  commemoration   for  a  member  of  the   faithful   departed  may  be  offered.    The   texts   and  prayers  of   the  Mass  are  taken  from  one  of  the  Masses  for  the  Dead  that  offer  the  possibility  of  including   the   name  of   the   deceased   for  whom   the  Mass   is   being   offered.    Each   month   a   list   of   qualifying   days   will   be   offered   so   that   you   may  intention   a   particular   commemoration   if   you   so   desire.     However,   any  Mass   may   be   offered   for   the   faithful   departed   even   if   that   Mass   if   a  memorial  or   feast  of  a  particular  saint.    This   is   just  an  additional  option  that  will  be  made  available.    You  may  remember  these  Masses  being  called  “requiem  Masses”  or  “missa  defunctorum.”  

Catholic  Gifts  and  Articles  Catholic  articles  are  for  sale  each  week  during  normal  office  hours  at  Immaculate  Conception.    Special  orders  may  be  

placed  with  Ruth  Fischer  883-­‐5025.   DIVINE  MERCY  RADIO  –  90.7  FM          

Divine   Mercy   Radio   is   a   locally  owed  and  operated  volunteer  run  affiliate   of   EWTN.       Your  prayers  and   support   are   greatly  appreciated.    Your   tax-­‐deductible  donation  may   be   sent   to   PO   Box  568   Polson,   MT   59860.                      (406)  261-­‐3819.    


Mondays  St.  Joseph  Hospital  Chapel  6:00  pm  


St.  Joseph  Hospital  Chapel  9:00  am  



Saturday  4:00  pm  St.  Joseph  Mission,  Charlo  

6:00pm  Immaculate  Conception,  Polson    

Sunday    9:00  am  Sacred  Heart,  Ronan  

11:00am  Immaculate  Conception,  Polson    

Tuesday,  Wednesday,  Thursday  and  Friday  12:10  pm  Immaculate  Conception,  Polson  

Confessions  are  heard  after  the  Wednesday  12:10  pm  Mass  during  a  period  of  Eucharistic  Adoration.  Benediction  is  celebrated  at  1:30  


Confessions   are   ordinarily   heard   each   week   after   the  Wednesday   12:10   pm   Mass   at   Immaculate   Conception  Church  and   on  Saturday  at  2:00  pm.    Appointments  may  be  made  for  anonymous  confession  at  other  times,  or  confession  with  spiritual  direction.    Confessions  are  also  heard  on  the  1st   Saturday   of   each   month   at   St.   Joseph   Mission   in  Charlo  at  3:30  pm.    Please  consult  each  week’s  bulletin   for  changes  and  updates.    Confessions  will  be  available  at  Sacred  Heart   in   Ronan   on   Sunday   before   Mass   as   soon   as   some  necessary  organizing  and  renovating  are  completed  first.  


 Thirtieth  Sunday  in  Ordinary  Time  

 Collect  Almighty  ever-­‐living  God,  increase  our  faith,  hope  and  charity,  and  make  us  love  what  you  command,  so  that  we  may  merit  what  you  promise.  Through  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ,  your  Son,  who  lives  and  reigns  with  you  in  the  unity  of  the  Holy  Spirit,  one  God,  for  ever  and  ever.      Prayer  over  the  Offerings  Look,  we  pray,  O  Lord,  on  the  offerings  we  make  to  your  majesty,  that  whatever  is  done  by  us  in  your  service  may  be  directed  above  all  to  your  glory.  Through  Christ  our  Lord.    Prayer  after  Communion  May  your  Sacraments,  O  Lord,  we  pray,  perfect  in  us  what  lies  within  them,  that  what  we  now  celebrate  in  signs  we  may  one  day  possess  in  truth.  Through  Christ  our  Lord.    

Please  pray  for  our  seminarians!  Deacon  Nathan  Scheidecker,  Dillon  Armstrong,  Tyler  Frohlich,  Matthew  Christians,  Kyle  Tannehill,  Shannon  


Page 4: Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time · 10/10/2018  · Daily&Readings&October&3&November& & 28 SUN THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Jer 31:7-9/Heb 5:1-6/Mk 10:46-52 29 Mon Weekday


 Catholic  World  News  The  Catholic  Herald  The  Catholic  Thing  

A  Brief  History  of  Coffee  If  you  enjoy  a  good  strong  cup  of  brew,  especially  in  the  morning,  then  you  can  thank   Pope   Clement   VIII.   In   the   17th  century,   Venice   was   an   important  commercial   hub  where   trade   between  Europe   and   the   Arab   countries   to   the  east   took   place.     This   is   where   coffee  made   its   first  appearance   in   the  West.    Because   it   was   a   beverage   consumed  by  the  Muslims  it  was  considered  to  be  a   “bitter   invention   of   the   devil”   and  many   concerned   Catholics   petitioned  the   Holy   See   to   ban   its   sale   and  consumption.     After   taking   a   sip,   the  story   goes   that   Pope   Clement   VIII  declared   that,   “this   devil’s   drink   is   so  delicious  we  should  cheat   the  devil  by  baptizing  it.”    After  giving  the  drink  his  blessing   the   consumption   of   coffee  began   to   spread   throughout   Europe.  Another   pious   legend   suggests   that  after   drinking   a   cup   the   Holy   Father  was   able   to   pray   without   becoming  drowsy   and   so   gave   the   brew   his  blessing.     In   either   case,   when   you  enjoy   your   next   cup,   offer   a   little  prayer  of  thanks  to  Pope  Clement  VIII.  

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