thiruvalluvar university financial accounting may/june 2015 answer key

THIRUVALLUVAR UNIVERSITY – VELLORE FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING – UBA21/SBA32 – (KEY) SECTION – A (10X2=20) 1. A subsidiary account is an account that is kept within a subsidiary ledger, which in turn summarizes into a control account in the general ledger. A subsidiary account is used to track information at a very detailed level for certain types of transactions, such as accounts receivable and accounts payable. 2. Business entity concept, money measurement concept, accounting period concept, accounting cost concept, accrual concept, matching concept, realisation concept. 3. The trial balance is a report listing the ending debit and credit balances in all accounts at the end of a reporting period. 4. A method of allocating the cost of a tangible asset over its useful life. Businesses depreciate long-term assets for both tax and accounting purposes. 2. A decrease in an asset's value caused by unfavourable market conditions. 5. Expenses which have been incurred during the year and whose benefit has been derived during the year, but not paid for yet are called outstanding expenses. At the end of the accounting year, all such expenses must be brought into the books; otherwise the profit will be overstated. 6. an account in the books of an organization to which incomes and gains are credited and expenses and losses debited, so as to show the net profit or loss over a given period, a financial statement showing a company's net profit or loss in a given period. 7. A single-entry bookkeeping system or single-entry account ingsystem is a method of bookkeeping relying on a one sided accountingentry to maintain financial information. 8. No fixed rules, incomplete system, cash book, personal account, variation in application. 9. With a share allotment , the shares are created and issued by the company to the people who become the company's shareholders. Shares will generally be issued by the company at the start of its life and some companies will issue more shares later on. 10. If debentures are issued at a price more than its nominal value (face value) such an issue is called issue at a premium. For example, if a debenture of Rs. 1000 is offered at 1,050, it is a case of issue of debentures at premium. The excess of issue price over face value is premium.

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Post on 08-Nov-2015




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SECTION A (10X2=20)

1. A subsidiary account is an account that is kept within a subsidiary ledger, which in turn summarizes into a control account in the general ledger. A subsidiary account is used to track information at a very detailed level for certain types of transactions, such as accounts receivable and accounts payable.2. Business entity concept, money measurement concept, accounting period concept, accounting cost concept, accrual concept, matching concept, realisation concept.3. Thetrial balanceis a report listing the ending debit and credit balances in all accounts at the end of a reporting period.4. A method of allocating the cost of a tangible asset over its useful life. Businessesdepreciatelong-term assets for both tax andaccounting purposes. 2. A decrease in an asset's value caused by unfavourable market conditions.5. Expenseswhich have been incurred during the year and whose benefit has been derived during the year, but not paid for yet are called outstanding expenses. At the end of the accounting year, all such expensesmust be brought into the books; otherwise the profit will be overstated.6. an account in the books of an organization to which incomes and gains are credited and expenses and losses debited, so as to show the net profit or loss over a given period, a financial statement showing a company's net profit or loss in a given period.7. Asingle-entrybookkeepingsystemorsingle-entryaccountingsystemis a method of bookkeeping relying on a one sided accountingentryto maintain financial information.

8. No fixed rules, incomplete system, cash book, personal account, variation in application.9. With ashare allotment, thesharesare created and issued by the company to the people who become the company's shareholders.Shareswill generally be issued by the company at the start of its life and some companies will issue moreshareslater on.10. If debentures are issued at a price more than its nominal value (face value) such an issue is called issue at a premium. For example, if a debenture of Rs. 1000 is offered at 1,050, it is a case of issue of debentures at premium. The excess of issue price over face value is premium.

Section B (5x5=25)

11. A) 1. Cash A/c Dr9500 To Sales A/c 9500 ( Being goods sold by cash) 2. Mugunthan A/c Dr7000 To Sales A/c 7000 ( Being goods sold on credit )

3. Cash A/c Dr12000 To Sales A/c 12000 (Being cash sales made)4. Purchase A/c Dr3500 To Murthy A/c 3500 (Being purchased goods from murthy on credit)5. CashA/c Dr14000 To Machinery A/c 14000 (Being purchased goods from murthy on credit)


20. Share Capital A/c Dr. [ No. of shares forfeited x Amount called up per share]To Forfeited Share A/c [Amount already received]To Share Allotment A/c [Amount due but was not Or/and received]To Share (first / second/ third) Call A/c

Forfeited Shares A/c DrTo Capital Reserve A/c (Profit on reissue of forfeited shares transferred to capital reserve)