this disease kills more men than cancer

This Disease Kills More Men Than Cancer

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Post on 07-Aug-2015



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Page 1: This Disease Kills More Men Than Cancer

This DiseaseKills More Men

Than Cancer

Page 2: This Disease Kills More Men Than Cancer

If you’re setting out on trip, and one routeleads to the death of 25% of American men,wouldn’t you take a di�erent road?

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If you’re setting out on trip, and one routeleads to the death of 25% of American men,wouldn’t you take a di�erent road?

Every day, we are hit with the message:

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If you’re setting out on trip, and one routeleads to the death of 25% of American men,wouldn’t you take a di�erent road?

Something is trying to kill us.

Every day, we are hit with the message:

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If you’re setting out on trip, and one routeleads to the death of 25% of American men,wouldn’t you take a di�erent road?

Something is trying to kill us.

Cancer, diabetes, power tools...

Every day, we are hit with the message:

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If you’re setting out on trip, and one routeleads to the death of 25% of American men,wouldn’t you take a di�erent road?

Something is trying to kill us.

Cancer, diabetes, power tools...Viruses from West Africa or East Asia...

Every day, we are hit with the message:

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Here are some facts:

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Here are some facts:

As of October 2014, ebola has killedexactly 1 person in the United States.

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Here are some facts:

As of October 2014, ebola has killedexactly 1 person in the United States.

Of course, all reasonable precautions must be made.But in terms of pandemics, how about this:

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Here are some facts:

As of October 2014, ebola has killedexactly 1 person in the United States.

Of course, all reasonable precautions must be made.But in terms of pandemics, how about this:

What if someone told you a disease is ravaging American men?

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What if someone told you that this disease kills nearly

one quarterof all American men every year?

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What if someone told you that this disease kills nearly

one quarterof all American men every year?

You would probably be alarmed – and rightfully so.

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The disease that is killing more American men than any other is:

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The disease that is killing more American men than any other is:

Heart Disease

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No, heart disease doesn’t only killmore men than prostate cancer…

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No, heart disease doesn’t only killmore men than prostate cancer…

Heart disease kills more men than ALL cancers combined!

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While cancer is in second place,the third leading cause of death is...

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While cancer is in second place,the third leading cause of death is...

Do we have any guesses?

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While cancer is in second place,the third leading cause of death is...

Do we have any guesses?

Unintentional injury. At 6.2%

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Diabetes kills men at a slightly lowerrate than unintentional injury.

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Diabetes kills men at a slightly lowerrate than unintentional injury.

But bird flu and ebola? Well, they don’t even make the list.

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Diabetes kills men at a slightly lowerrate than unintentional injury.

But bird flu and ebola? Well, they don’t even make the list.

So let’s get back to heart disease and cancer.

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The big di�erence between heart disease and cancer is this:

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The big di�erence between heart disease and cancer is this:

Most cancers are unavoidable.Or, to be more precise, the exact causes ofmost cancers are not known at this time.

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The big di�erence between heart disease and cancer is this:

Most cancers are unavoidable.Or, to be more precise, the exact causes ofmost cancers are not known at this time.

Most heart disease, on the other hand, is known to be

highly avoidable.

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The type of heart disease that is not avoidable isCongenital Heart Disease (CHD),

which is the most common birth defect.

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The type of heart disease that is not avoidable isCongenital Heart Disease (CHD),

which is the most common birth defect.

The rate of occurrence of CHD is 0.8% of the population.That’s 8 in 1,000 people.

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The type of heart disease that is not avoidable isCongenital Heart Disease (CHD),

which is the most common birth defect.

The rate of occurrence of CHD is 0.8% of the population.That’s 8 in 1,000 people.

Cardiomyopathy—or Enlarged Heart Syndrome—is alsounavoidable for the most part, but its numbers are small.

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So, if less than 1% of fatal cases of heart diseaseare entirely unavoidable, that means more than99% of heart disease cases are mostly avoidable.

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So, if less than 1% of fatal cases of heart diseaseare entirely unavoidable, that means more than99% of heart disease cases are mostly avoidable.

And that means most heart disease hasat least something to do with behavior.

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So, if less than 1% of fatal cases of heart diseaseare entirely unavoidable, that means more than99% of heart disease cases are mostly avoidable.

And that means most heart disease hasat least something to do with behavior.

This should be very good news!

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With threats like ebola in the news, a spotlight has been thrownonto the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the

governmental body that monitors and tries to fight illnessesthat plague Americans.

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With threats like ebola in the news, a spotlight has been thrownonto the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the

governmental body that monitors and tries to fight illnessesthat plague Americans.

Regarding ebola, critics are crying to the CDC,“Why aren’t you doing everything possible to stop it?”

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So where is the public outcry about heart disease?

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So where is the public outcry about heart disease?

Short of locking every middle-aged man in a room withnothing but fruits, vegetables, lean meat, water and an

exercise bike, public agencies are doing everything they can!

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So where is the public outcry about heart disease?

Short of locking every middle-aged man in a room withnothing but fruits, vegetables, lean meat, water and an

exercise bike, public agencies are doing everything they can!

Public service announcements, municipal ordinanceslimiting the amount of trans fat restaurants can use, requiringfast food chains to post the number of calories in their meals...

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These are actual public attempts to combat heart disease.

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These are actual public attempts to combat heart disease.

But the rest is up to us.

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These are actual public attempts to combat heart disease.

But the rest is up to us.

So what can we do to prevent heart disease?Hopefully this information is already familiar to you,

but it never hurts to have a reminder.

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Physical Exercise

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Physical Exercise

Be active 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week.

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Physical Exercise

Be active 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week.

Aerobic exercise—which elevates the heart rate for asustained period—is the best, but even a nice walk

can do wonders for your ticker.

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Healthy Eating

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Healthy Eating

Lean meat, fruits and vegetables.Cut back on foods that are high in cholesterol,

sugar and saturated fats.

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Healthy Eating

Lean meat, fruits and vegetables.Cut back on foods that are high in cholesterol,

sugar and saturated fats.

Remember how your tastes in foodchanged when you became an adult?

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Healthy Eating

If you are a fried food and dessert junkie,it’s time for another change in taste.

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Healthy Eating

If you are a fried food and dessert junkie,it’s time for another change in taste.

Thinking about having a soda?Guess how long you’ll have to jog to burn o� those

250 empty calories?

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Healthy Eating

50 minutes.Isn’t it easier not to drink the soda?

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Nutrition is not the same as avoiding bad foods.Nutrition also means embracing good foods,

vitamins and minerals.

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Nutrition is not the same as avoiding bad foods.Nutrition also means embracing good foods,

vitamins and minerals.

Good for you if you avoid that Big Mac.But what do you put in its place?

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That is the key question of nutrition.

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That is the key question of nutrition.

For men at risk of heart disease, how about some grilledchicken or fish? Vegetables and fruits are also essential.

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Heart-healthy diets abound online, and you are encouraged tocheck them out. Most of them will say some version of this:

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Heart-healthy diets abound online, and you are encouraged tocheck them out. Most of them will say some version of this:

Substitute grilled chicken for the cheeseburger.Substitute some broccoli or leafy greens for the fries.

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If you don’t love it at first, you will come to enjoy it.

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If you don’t love it at first, you will come to enjoy it.

You have to.

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Nutrition also refers to nutrients:vitamins, minerals and the other good stu� your

body needs to thrive.

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Nutrition also refers to nutrients:vitamins, minerals and the other good stu� your

body needs to thrive.

Men’s multivitamins can help you get all the vitamins andminerals you need to keep your bones and muscles strong.

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Other nutrients—like omega-3 fatty acids(found in nuts, seeds and fish oil), CoQ10 and

ubiquinol— are good for your heart.

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Other nutrients—like omega-3 fatty acids(found in nuts, seeds and fish oil), CoQ10 and

ubiquinol— are good for your heart.

Antioxidants, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-caroteneand ubiquinol (the active, antioxidant form of CoQ10), help

prevent cellular damage from free radicals and oxidative stress.

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You may not be able to get all of these nutrients fromdiet alone, but most are available in supplement form.

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You may not be able to get all of these nutrients fromdiet alone, but most are available in supplement form.

It’s wise to remember the eloquent words of Dr. Richard Stein,a cardiologist at the New York University School of Medicine,

who said:

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“There’s no one I know who said:‘I felt better being sedentary. I felt better eating a terrible diet...’”

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“There’s no one I know who said:‘I felt better being sedentary. I felt better eating a terrible diet...’”

His point is that once you get past the hump of change,you will feel better while you ward o� disease.

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“There’s no one I know who said:‘I felt better being sedentary. I felt better eating a terrible diet...’”

His point is that once you get past the hump of change,you will feel better while you ward o� disease.

It’s a win-win.

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No disrespect to diabetes, cancer, ebola,car accidents or faulty ladders...

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No disrespect to diabetes, cancer, ebola,car accidents or faulty ladders...

But heart disease is the true pandemic of our time.

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No disrespect to diabetes, cancer, ebola,car accidents or faulty ladders...

But heart disease is the true pandemic of our time.

And it can be stopped.

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It begins with learning more aboutheart health and heart-healthy nutrients.

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You can start making

changes today.

Some information was reprinted with permission, which has additional resources about senior

health, heart health and important information about overallnutrition, diet and exercise. also provides

clinical studies, a buyer's guide and a product finder to choosethe supplement that is best for you.