this is a list of mycologists.doc

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  • 8/13/2019 This is a list of mycologists.doc


    This is a list of mycologists, orscientistswith a specialisation in mycology, with their authorabbreviations.

    A Erik Acharius (175711!" # Ach.

    $ichel A%anson (17&71'" #Adans.

    )eo**rey +lough Ainsworth (1!'51!!" # Ainsw.

    )eorge rancis Atkinson (15-1!1"# G.F.Atk.

    A%am A*elius (175'1/7" # Afzel.

    +arl A%olph Agar%h (17515!" #


    0acob )eorg Agar%h (11/1!'1" #J.Agardh

    +onstantine 0ohn Aleopolous (1!'71!" # Alexop.

    2avi% Arora (1!5/" # D.Arora

    3 +hurchill 3abington (1&11!" #

    C.Bab. +harles 2avi% 3a%ham (1'5157"

    # Badham

    )iuseppe )abriel 3alsamo4+rivelli(1''17-" # Bals.Cri!.

    Anton %e 3ary (1/11" # deBary

    August 0ohann )eorg arl 3atsch

    (1711'&" # Batsch

    )aspar% 3auhin (15'1&-" #C.Ba"hin

    0ohann 3auhin (15-111/" #J.Ba"hin

    6enry +urtis 3ear%slee (151!-"# Beardslee

    $aurice 3eeli (17!1!57" # Beeli

    $iles 0oseph 3erkeley (1'/1!"

    0akob Emanuel ange# J.#.$ange

    +harles %e l89cluse (15&1'!" #Cl"s.

    )ustav in%au (11!&/" # $inda"

    0ohann 6einrich rie%rich ink (17715'" # $ink

    +arolus innaeus (17'7177" # $.

    $ :u%olph Arnol% $aas )eesteranus

    (1!11&''/" # %aas Geest. +harles $c;lvaine (1-'1!'!" #


    :en< +harles 0oseph Ernest $aire(171!-!" # %aire

    )eorge =. $artin (11!71" #G.'.%artin

    )eorge E%war% $assee (15'1!17" #

    %assee 0ohn $acoun (1/11!&'" # %aco"n


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    # Berk.

    +hristine $arie 3erkhout (1!/1!/&" # Berkh.

    6owar% E. 3igelow (1!&/1!7" #).#.Bigelow

    +arl u%wig 3lume (17!1&" #Bl"me

    0ames 3olton (17517!!" # Bolton

    $arcel 3on (1!&5 " # Bon

    0ean ouis 9mile 3ou%ier (1&1!&'" # Bo"d.

    6ubert 3our%ot (111!/7" #Bo"rdot

    )iacomo 3resa%ola (1-71!&!" #Bres.

    >athaniel or% 3ritton (15!1!/-"# Britton

    $a 3ritelmayr (1/!1!'!" #Britzelm.

    +hristopher E%mun% 3roome (11&1" # Broome

    Arthur 6enry :eginal% 3uller (17-1!--" # B"ller

    0ean 3aptiste ran@ois ?ierre 3ulliar%(17-&17!/" # B"ll.

    )ertru%e immons 3urlingham(17&1!5&" # B"rl.

    E%win 0ohn 3utler (17-1!-/" ##.J.B"tler

    + A. ?. %e +an%olle (1771-1" #

    DC. )eorge =ashington +arver (1-

    1!-/" # Car!er

    ;gnacio +hapela# Chapela

    0ohn 3urton +lelan% (171!71" #

    er%inan% von $ueller (1&51!" #F.%"ell.

    =illiam $urrill (1!1!57" # %"rrill

    > arl =ilhelm von >Bgeli (1171!1"

    # *+geli +hristian )ott*rie% 2aniel >ees von

    Esenbeck(17715" # *ees

    rank >ewhook

    $achiel >oor%eloos (1!-! " #*oordel.

    C ?. 2. Crton (1!1&''5" # ,.D.-rton

    ? re%erick ?arker4:ho%es (1!1-41!7" #

    ,ark.hodes A.A. ?earson (17-1!5-" #


    +harles 6orton ?eck (1//1!17" #,eck

    +hristiaan 6en%rik ?ersoon (1711/"# ,ers.

    Thomas ?etch (17'1!-" # ,etch

    E%uar% rie%rich ?oeppig (17!11"# ,oepp.

    ;llty% 3uller ?ole4Evans (17!1!" #,ole#!ans

    ?atricio ?once %e eDn (1!1!&'1'" #,.,once de $e/n

    arel ?resl (17!-15&" # C.,resl.

    >athanael ?ringsheim (1&/1!-" #,ringsh.

    ucien u

  • 8/13/2019 This is a list of mycologists.doc



    $elville Thurston +ook (1!1!5&"# %.(.Cook

    Crator uller +ook (171!-!" #-.F.Cook

    $or%ecai +ubitt +ooke (1&51!1-"# Cooke

    =illiam 3ri%ge +ooke (1!'1!!1"# '.B.Cooke

    August +arl 0oseph +or%a (1'!1-!" # Corda

    E%re% 0ohn 6enry +orner (1!'1!!" # Corner

    +arl ran 0oseph Erich +orrens(1-1!//" # Correns

    A.2. +otton (17!1!&" # Cotton

    +harles +rosslan% (1--1!1" #Crossl.

    )or%on 6erriott +unningham (1!&

    1!&" # G.C"nn.

    =illiam +urtis (17-17!!" # C"rtis

    2 :.=.). 2ennis (1!1'&''/" #

    Dennis )uiseppe 2e >otaris (1'5177" #

    De *ot.

    :en< ouiche 2es*ontaines (175'

    1//" # Desf. >icaise Auguste 2esvau (17-

    15" # Des!.

    0ames 2ickson (17/1&&" # Dicks.

    0ohann 0acob 2illenius (1717-7"# Dill.

    0oan 2ingley# Dingley

    Ethel $ary 2oi%ge (171!5" #Doidge

    0Grg 6. :aithelhuber# aithelh.

    0ohn :amsbottom (151!7-" #amsb.

    +arleton :ea (111!-" # ea

    6einrich :ehm (1&1!1" # ehm

    u%wig :eichenbach (17!/17!" #chb.

    2erek :ei% (1!&7&''" # D.A.eid

    6enry >icholas :i%ley (1551!5" #idl.

    6enri :omagnesi (1!1&1!!!" #omagn.

    Emil :ostrup (1/11!'7" # ostr.

    )eorg Eberhar% :umphius (1&17'&"# "mph.

    ?ier An%rea accar%o (1-51!&'" #

    2acc. Augustin aint46ilaire (17!!15/" #


    0acob +hristian chB**er (17117!'" #2chaeff.

    2ie%erich ran eonhar% vonchlechten%al(17!-1" # 2chltdl.

    ran ?aula von chrank (17-71/5"# 2chrank.

    0oseph chrGter (1/71!-" #J.2chr3t.

    ewis 2avi% von chweinit (17'1/-" # 2chwein.

    )iovanni Antonio copoli (17&/17"# 2cop.

    re% 0ay eaver (1771!7'" # 2ea!er

    ouis ecretan (1751/!" # 2ecr.

    0ohn ibthorp (17517!" # 2ibth.

  • 8/13/2019 This is a list of mycologists.doc


    $arinus Anton 2onk (1!'41!7&" #Donk


  • 8/13/2019 This is a list of mycologists.doc


    ) 0oseph )aertner (17/&17!1" #

    Gaertn. :ichar% H. )aines

    +harles )au%ichau%43eaupr< (17!15-" # Ga"dich.

  • 8/13/2019 This is a list of mycologists.doc



    0oseph 2alton 6ooker (1171!11" #)ook.f.

    0ohn =. 6otson (17' N" # )otson

    Anna $aria 6ussey (ca. 1&' 177"# )"ssey

    ; Emil 0. ;mbach (1!71!7'" #


    0 >ikolaus 0oseph von 0acFuin (17&7

    117" # Jac6. Abraham O. 0o**e (1!'!&'''" #Joffe

    Iroly alchbrenner (1'71" #

    7alchbr. )ustav arl =ilhelm 6ermann

    arsten(1171!'" # ).7arst.

    ?etter A%ol* arsten (1/-1!17" #

    ,.7arst +alvin 6enry au**man (1!1!/1"

    # 7a"ffman

    3ryce en%rick (1!//" #'.B.7endr.

    rantiPek otlaba (1!&7 " # 7otl.

    0ulius Hincen von rombhol (17&1-/" #

    0ulius )otthel* Qhn (1&51!1'" #J.G.78hn

    :obert Qhner (1!'/1!!" #78hner

    ?aul ummer (1/-1!1&" #,.7"mm.


    +arl u%wig =ill%enow (17511&" #'illd.

    =illiam =ithering (17-117!!" #'ith.

    Alec =oo% (1!// " # A.#.'ood

    0ohn $e%ley =oo% (1&71!15" #J.%.'ood

    ran Javier von =ul*en (17&1'5"# '"lfen

    R Anthony $. Roung# A.%.9o"ng

    O =an%a OabSocka (1!''1!7" #

  • 8/13/2019 This is a list of mycologists.doc


    The *ollowing is a list o*Kournalsan% magaines in the *iel% o* mycology

    Title Location/Publisher Years

    Acta Mycologia Polish Botanical Society; Cracow 1965

    Acta Mycologia SinicaThe Institute of Microbiology TheChinese !ca"e#y of Sciences; Bei$ing


    African Journal of Mycology andBiotechnology

    Cairo )gy*t199+&,,1

    Agarica -orges So**. og nytte/e0stforbun"

    L'Amateur de Champignons Paris rance19,%19&2

    Anais da Associao Micolgica "AA!#$$A"


    Annales Mycologici Berlin 3er#any19,+1922'&(

    Atas do %nstituto de Micologia&ni(ersidade do $ecife

    4ecife Brail196,196

    Australasian MycologistThe !ustralasian Mycological Society;7tago -ew 8ealan"


    Beihefte )ur *eitschrift furMy+ologie

    3er#an Mycological Society

    Belarra Socie"a" Micologica Bara0al"o 195

    he Bi,liography of SystematicMycology

    C!BI.Bioscience :aturalis historia.The $i%%le Ages saw little a%vancement in the bo%y o* knowle%ge about *ungi. :ather, theinvention o* the printing press allowe% some authors to %isseminate superstitions an%misconceptions about the *ungi that ha% been perpetuate% by the classical authors. \&]The starto* the mo%ern age o* mycology begins with ?ier Antonio $icheli8s 17/7 publication o*Nova

    plantarum genera.\-] ?ublishe% in lorence, this seminal work lai% the *oun%ations *or thesystematic classi*ication o* grasses, mosses an% *ungi. The term mycology an% thecomplimentary mycologistwere *irst use% in 1/ by $.0. 3erkeley.\5]

    Medicinal mycologyMain article Medicinal mushrooms

    or centuries, certain mushrooms have been %ocumente% as a *olk me%icine in +hina, 0apan,an%:ussia.\]Although the use o* mushrooms in *olk me%icine is largely centere% on the Asiancontinent, people in other parts o* the worl% like the $i%%le East, ?olan% an% 3elarushave

    been %ocumente% using mushrooms *or me%icinal purposes.\7]\]+ertain mushrooms, especiallypolypores like :eishiwere thought to be able to bene*it a wi%e variety o* health ailments.$e%icinal mushroom research in the Lnite% tates is currently active, with stu%ies taking placeat +ity o* 6ope >ational $e%ical +enter,\!]\1']as well as the $emorial loanettering +ancer+enter.\11]+urrent research *ocuses on mushrooms that may have hypoglycemicactivity, anti4cancer activity, anti4pathogenic activity, an% immune system enhancing activity. :ecentresearch has *oun% that the oyster mushroomnaturally contains the cholesterol4lowering %ruglovastatin,\1&]mushrooms pro%uce large amounts o* vitamin 2when epose% to LH light,\1/]

    an% that certain *ungi may be a *uture source o* taol.\1-] To %ate, penicillin, lovastatin,ciclosporin, griseo*ulvin, cephalosporin, ergometrine, an% statins are the most *amous

    pharmaceuticals which have been isolate% *rom the *ungiking%om.

    A f"ng"s (pronounce% fQRs^ pl. *ungi\/]or *unguses\-]" is a member o* a large group o*eukaryoticorganisms that inclu%es microorganisms such as yeastsan% mol%s(3ritish English

    moul%s", as well as the more *amiliar mushrooms. These organisms are classi*ie% as aking%om, F"ngi, which is separate *romplants,animals, an%bacteria. Cne maKor %i**erence is

  • 8/13/2019 This is a list of mycologists.doc


    that *ungal cells have cell walls that contain chitin, unlike the cell walls o* plants, whichcontain cellulose. These an% other %i**erences show that the *ungi *orm a single group o*relate% organisms, name% the Eumycota (true fungi or Eumycetes", that share a commonancestor (a monophyletic group". This *ungal group is %istinct *rom the structurally similarmyomycetes(slime mol%s" an% oomycetes(water mol%s". The %iscipline o* biology%evote%

    to the stu%y o* *ungi is known as mycology, which is o*ten regar%e% as a branch o* botany,even though genetic stu%ies have shown that *ungi are more closely relate% to animals than to

    plants. Abun%ant worl%wi%e, most *ungi are inconspicuous because o* the small sie o* theirstructures, an% theircryptic li*estyles in soil, on %ea% matter, an% as symbionts o* plants,animals, or other *ungi. They may become noticeable when *ruiting, either as mushrooms ormol%s. ungi per*orm an essential role in the %ecomposition o* organic matter an% have*un%amental roles in nutrient cyclingan% echange. They have long been use% as a %irectsource o* *oo%, such as mushrooms an% tru**les, as a leavening agent *or brea%, an% in*ermentation o* various *oo% pro%ucts, such as wine, beer, an% soy sauce. ince the 1!-'s,*ungi have been use% *or the pro%uction o* antibiotics, an%, more recently, various enymes

    pro%uce% by *ungi are use% in%ustriallyan% in %etergents.ungi are also use% asbiological

    pestici%es to control wee%s, plant %iseases an% insect pests. $any species pro%uce bioactivecompoun%s calle% mycotoins,such as alkaloi%s an%polyketi%es, that are toic to animalsinclu%ing humans. The *ruiting structures o* a *ew species containpsychotropic compoun%san% are consume% recreationallyor in tra%itional spiritual ceremonies. ungi can break %ownmanu*acture% materials an% buil%ings, an% become signi*icantpathogenso* humans an% otheranimals. osses o* crops %ue to *ungal %iseases (e.g. rice blast %isease" or *oo% spoilagecanhave a large impact on human *oo% suppliesan% local economies.

    The *ungus king%om encompasses an enormous %iversity o* taawith varie% ecologies, li*ecycle strategies, an% morphologies ranging *rom single4celle% aFuatic chytri%s to largemushrooms. 6owever, little is known o* the true bio%iversityo* ing%om ungi, which has

    been estimate% at aroun% 1.5 million species, with about 5_ o* these having been *ormallyclassi*ie%. Ever since the pioneering 1th an% 1!th century taonomical works o* +arlinnaeus, +hristian 6en%rik ?ersoon, an% Elias $agnus ries, *ungi have been classi*ie%accor%ing to their morphology (e.g., characteristics such as spore color or microscopic*eatures" or physiology. A%vances in molecular genetics have opene% the way *or 2>Aanalysis to be incorporate% into taonomy, which has sometimes challenge% the historicalgroupings base% on morphology an% other traits. ?hylogeneticstu%ies publishe% in the last%eca%e have helpe% reshape the classi*ication o* ing%om ungi, which is %ivi%e% into onesubking%om, sevenphyla,an% ten subphyla.

  • 8/13/2019 This is a list of mycologists.doc



    1 )ty#ology

    & Characteristics + Ei/ersity

    2 Mor*hology

    o 2K1 Microsco*ic structures

    o 2K& Macrosco*ic structures

    5 3rowth an" *hysiology

    6 4e*ro"uction

    o 6K1 !seLual re*ro"uction

    o 6K& SeLual re*ro"uction

    o 6K+ S*ore "is*ersal

    o 6K2 7ther seLual *rocesses


    % TaLono#y

    o %K1 TaLono#ic grou*s

    o %K& ungus.li0e organis#s

    9 )cology

    o 9K1 Sy#biosis

    9K1K1 Gith *lants

    9K1K& Gith algae an" cyanobacteria

    9K1K+ Gith insects

    9K1K2 !s *athogens an" *arasites

    1, Fu#an use

    o 1,K1 Erugs

    o 1,K& Culture" foo"s

    o 1,K+ Me"icinal use

    o 1,K2 )"ible an" *oisonous s*ecies

    o 1,K5 Pest control

    o 1,K6 Biore#e"iation

  • 8/13/2019 This is a list of mycologists.doc



    The English wor%fungus is %irectly a%opte% *rom the atinfungus (mushroom", use% in thewritings o* 6oracean% ?liny.\5]This in turn is %erive% *rom the )reekwor%sphongos`ddY([sponge[", which re*ers to the macroscopicstructures an% morphology o* mushrooms an%

    mol%s^ the root is also use% in other languages, such as the )erman Schwamm ([sponge[",Schimmel([mol%[", an% the rench champignonan% the panish champion(which both mean[mushroom[".\]The use o* the wor% mycology, which is %erive% *rom the )reek mykes`UVWXY(mushroom" an% logos`fdY (%iscourse",\7]to %enote the scienti*ic stu%y o* *ungi is thought tohave originate% in 1/ with English naturalist $iles 0oseph 3erkeley8s publication The

    English Flora of Sir James Edward Smith !ol" #"\]


    3e*ore the intro%uction o* molecular metho%s *or phylogenetic analysis, taonomists

    consi%ere% *ungi to be members o* the ?lant ing%ombecause o* similarities in li*estyle both*ungi an% plants are mainly immobile, an% have similarities in general morphology an% growthhabitat. ike plants, *ungi o*ten grow in soil, an% in the case o* mushrooms*orm conspicuous*ruiting bo%ies, which sometimes bear resemblance to plants such as mosses.The *ungi arenow consi%ere% a separate king%om, %istinct *rom both plants an% animals, *rom which theyappear to have %iverge% aroun% one billion years ago.\]\!]ome morphological, biochemical,an% genetic *eatures are share% with other organisms, while others are uniFue to the *ungi,clearly separating them *rom the other king%oms

    hare% *eatures

    Gith other eu0aryotesO !s other eu0aryotes fungal cells contain#e#brane.boun" nuclei with chro#oso#es that contain E-! withnonco"ing regions calle" introns an" co"ing regions calle" eLonsK Ina""ition fungi *ossess #e#brane.boun" cyto*las#ic organelles such as#itochon"ria sterol.containing #e#branes an" riboso#esof the %,Sty*eK'1,(They ha/e a characteristic range of soluble carbohy"rates an" storageco#*oun"s inclu"ing sugar alcohols eKgK #annitol

  • 8/13/2019 This is a list of mycologists.doc


    fila#entous hy*hal cellsK'19(In contrast si#ilar.loo0ing organis#s such asfila#entous green algae grow by re*eate" cell "i/ision within a chain ofcellsK'11(

    In co##on with so#e *lant an" ani#al s*ecies #ore than 6, fungals*ecies "is*lay the *heno#enon of biolu#inescenceK'&,(

    LniFue *eatures

    So#e s*ecies grow as single.celle" yeasts that re*ro"uce by bu""ing orbinary fissionK Ei#or*hic fungican switch between a yeast *hase an" ahy*hal *hase in res*onse to en/iron#ental con"itionsK'&1(The fungal cellwall is co#*ose" of glucans an" chitin; while the for#er co#*oun"s arealso foun" in *lants an" the latter in the eLos0eleton of arthro*o"s'&&('&+(

    fungi are the only organis#s that co#bine these two structural #olecules intheir cell wallK In contrast to *lants an" the oo#ycetes fungal cell walls "onot contain celluloseK'&2(

    #mphalotus nidiformis a biolu#inescent #ushroo#

    $ost *ungi lack an e**icient system *or long4%istance transport o* water an% nutrients, such asthe ylem an% phloemin many plants. To overcome these limitations, some *ungi, such as

    $rmillaria, *orm rhiomorphs,\&5] that resemble an% per*orm *unctions similar to the rootso*plants. Another characteristic share% with plants inclu%es abiosynthetic pathway*or pro%ucingterpenesthat uses mevalonic aci%an%pyrophosphateas chemical buil%ing blocks.\&]6owever,

    plants have an a%%itional terpene pathway in their chloroplasts, a structure *ungi %o notpossess.\&7] ungi pro%uce several secon%ary metabolites that are similar or i%entical instructure to those ma%e by plants.\&]$any o* the plant an% *ungal enymes that make thesecompoun%s %i**er *rom each other in seFuence an% other characteristics, which in%icatesseparate origins an% evolution o* these enymes in the *ungi an% plants.\&]\&]


    ungi have a worl%wi%e %istribution, an% grow in a wi%e range o* habitats, inclu%ing etremeenvironments such as %esertsor areas with high salt concentrations\&!]orioniing ra%iation,\/']

    as well as in %eep sease%iments.\/1] ome can survive the intense LH an% cosmic ra%iation

    encountere% %uring space travel.\/&] $ost grow in terrestrial environments, though severalspecies live partly or solely in aFuatic habitats, such as the chytri%*ungus%atrachochytrium

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    dendrobatidis, a parasite that has been responsible *or a worl%wi%e %ecline in amphibianpopulations. This organism spen%s part o* its li*e cycle as a motile oospore, enabling it topropel itsel* through water an% enter its amphibian host.\//]Cther eamples o* aFuatic *ungiinclu%e those living in hy%rothermalareas o* the ocean.\/-] Aroun% 1'',''' species o* *ungihave been *ormally %escribe% by taonomists,\/5]but the global bio%iversity o* the *ungus

    king%om is not *ully un%erstoo%.\/]Cn the basis o* observations o* the ratio o* the number o**ungal species to the number o* plant species in selecte% environments, the *ungal king%om has

    been estimate% to contain about 1.5 million species.\/7];n mycology, specieshave historicallybeen %istinguishe% by a variety o* metho%s an% concepts. +lassi*ication base% onmorphologicalcharacteristics, such as the sie an% shape o* spores or *ruiting structures, hastra%itionally %ominate% *ungal taonomy.\/] pecies may also be %istinguishe% by their

    biochemical an% physiological characteristics, such as their ability to metabolie certainbiochemicals, or their reaction to chemical tests. Thebiological species concept%iscriminatesspecies base% on their ability to mate. The application o* molecular tools, such as 2>AseFuencing an% phylogenetic analysis, to stu%y %iversity has greatly enhance% the resolutionan% a%%e% robustness to estimates o*genetic %iversitywithin various taonomic groups.\/!]


    %icroscopic str"ct"res

    !n en/iron#ental isolate of enicillium1K hy*ha&K coni"io*hore+K *hiali"e2K coni"ia5K se*ta

    $ost *ungi grow as hyphae, which are cylin%rical, threa%4like structures &1' min %iameteran% up to several centimeters in length. 6yphae grow at their tips (apices"^ new hyphae aretypically *orme% by emergence o* new tips along eisting hyphae by a process calle%branching, or occasionally growing hyphal tips bi*urcate (*ork" giving rise to two parallel4growing hyphae.\-'] The combination o* apical growth an% branching`*orking lea%s to the%evelopment o* a mycelium, an interconnecte% network o* hyphae.\&1] 6yphae can be eitherseptate or coenocyticseptate hyphae are %ivi%e% into compartments separate% by cross walls(internal cell walls, calle% septa, that are *orme% at right anglesto the cell wall giving thehypha its shape", with each compartment containing one or more nuclei^ coenocytic hyphae arenot compartmentalie%.\-1]epta havepores that allow cytoplasm, organelles, an% sometimesnuclei to pass through^ an eample is the %olipore septum in the *ungi o* the phylum3asi%iomycota.\-&]+oenocytic hyphae are essentially multinucleatesupercells.\-/]$any specieshave %evelope% specialie% hyphal structures *or nutrient uptake *rom living hosts^ eamples

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    inclu%e haustoria in plant4parasitic species o* most *ungal phyla, an% arbusculeso* severalmycorrhial*ungi, which penetrate into the host cells to consume nutrients. \--]Although *ungiare opisthokonts#a grouping o* evolutionarily relate% organisms broa%ly characterie% by asingle posterior*lagellum#all phyla ecept *or thechytri%shave lost their posterior *lagella.\-5]

    ungi are unusual among the eukaryotes in having a cell wall that, in a%%ition to glucans(e.g.,

    41,/4glucan" an% other typical components, also contains thebiopolymerchitin.\-]

    %acroscopic str"ct"res

    Armillaria solidipes

    ungal mycelia can become visible to the nake% eye, *or eample, on various sur*aces an%substrates, such as %amp walls an% on spoile% *oo%, where they are commonly calle% mol%s.

    $ycelia grown on soli% agar me%ia in laboratory petri %ishes are usually re*erre% to ascolonies. These colonies can ehibit growth shapes an% colors (%ue to spores orpigmentation"that can be use% as %iagnostic *eatures in the i%enti*ication o* species or groups. \-7] omein%ivi%ual *ungal colonies can reach etraor%inary %imensions an% ages as in the case o* aclonal colony o*$rmillaria solidipes, which eten%s over an area o* more than !'' ha (/.5sFuare miles", with an estimate% age o* nearly !,''' years. \-]The apothecium#a specialie%structure important in seual repro%uctionin the ascomycetes#is a cup4shape% *ruiting bo%ythat hol%s the hymenium, a layer o* tissue containing the spore4bearing cells. \-!]The *ruiting

    bo%ies o* the basi%iomycetes (basi%iocarps" an% some ascomycetes can sometimes grow verylarge, an% many are well4known as mushrooms.

    #ro$th and "hysiology

    The growth o* *ungi as hyphae on or in soli% substrates or as single cells in aFuaticenvironments is a%apte% *or the e**icient etraction o* nutrients, because these growth *ormshave highsur*ace area to volume ratios.\5']6yphae are speci*ically a%apte% *or growth on soli%sur*aces, an% to inva%e substratesan% tissues.\51]They can eert large penetrative mechanical*orces^ *or eample, the plant pathogen&agnaporthe grisea *orms a structure calle% anappressorium which evolve% to puncture plant tissues.\5&] The pressure generate% by theappressorium, %irecte% against the plant epi%ermis, can ecee% megapascals (1,&'' psi".\5&]

    The *ilamentous *ungus'aecilomyces lilacinususes a similar structure to penetrate the eggs o*


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    Mol" co/ering a "ecaying *eachK The fra#es were ta0en a**roLi#ately 1& hoursa*art o/er a *erio" of siL "aysK

    The mechanical pressure eerte% by the appressorium is generate% *rom physiological

    processes that increase intracellular turgor by pro%ucing osmolytes such as glycerol.


    $orphological a%aptations such as these are complemente% by hy%rolytic enymessecrete%into the environment to %igest large organic molecules#such as polysacchari%es, proteins,lipi%s, an% other organic substrates#into smaller molecules that may then be absorbe% asnutrients.\55]\5]\57]The vast maKority o* *ilamentous *ungi grow in a polar *ashion#i.e., byetension into one %irection#by elongation at the tip (ape" o* the hypha.\5]Alternative *ormso* *ungal growth inclu%e intercalary etension (i.e., by longitu%inal epansion o* hyphalcompartments that are below the ape" as in the case o* some en%ophytic*ungi,\5!]or growth byvolume epansion %uring the %evelopment o* mushroom stipes an% other large organs.\']

    )rowth o* *ungi as multicellular structures consisting o* somatic an% repro%uctive cells#a*eature in%epen%ently evolve% in animals an% plants\1]#has several *unctions, inclu%ing the

    %evelopment o* *ruiting bo%ies *or %issemination o* seual spores (see above" an% bio*ilms*orsubstrate coloniation an% intercellular communication.\&] Tra%itionally, the *ungi areconsi%ere% heterotrophs, organisms that rely solely on carbon *ie%by other organisms *ormetabolism. ungi have evolve%a high %egree o* metabolic versatility that allows them to usea %iverse range o* organic substrates *or growth, inclu%ing simple compoun%s such as nitrate,ammonia, acetate, or ethanol.\/]\-] or some species it has been shown that the pigmentmelaninmay play a role in etracting energy *rom ioniing ra%iation,such asgamma ra%iation^however, this *orm o* [ra%iotrophic[ growth has only been %escribe% *or a *ew species, thee**ects on growth rates are small, an% the un%erlyingbiophysicalan% biochemical processesare not known.\/']The authors speculate that this process might bear similarity to +C &*iationvia visible light, but instea% utiliing ioniing ra%iation as a source o* energy.\5]

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    olyporus s0uamosus

    ungal repro%uction is comple, re*lecting the %i**erences in li*estyles an% genetic makeup

    within this king%om o* organisms.\]

    ;t is estimate% that a thir% o* all *ungi repro%uce by%i**erent mo%es o* propagation^ *or eample, repro%uction may occur in two well4%i**erentiate% stages within the li*e cycle o* a species, the teleomorphan% the anamorph.\7]

    Environmental con%itions trigger genetically %etermine% %evelopmental states that lea% to thecreation o* specialie% structures *or seual or aseual repro%uction. These structures ai%repro%uction by e**iciently %ispersing spores or spore4containingpropagules.

    Asex"al reprod"ction

    Aseual repro%uction via vegetative spores (coni%ia" or through mycelial *ragmentation iscommon^ it maintains clonalpopulations a%apte% to a speci*ic niche, an% allows more rapi%

    %ispersal than seual repro%uction.\]The [ungi imper*ecti[ (*ungi lacking the per*ect orseual stage" or 2euteromycota comprise all the species which lack an observable seualcycle.\!]

    2ex"al reprod"ction

    eual repro%uction with meiosis eists in all *ungal phyla (with the eception o* the)lomeromycota".\7'] ;t %i**ers in many aspects *rom seual repro%uction in animals or plants.2i**erences also eist between *ungal groups an% can be use% to %iscriminate species bymorphological %i**erences in seual structures an% repro%uctive strategies.\71]\7&] $ating

    eperiments between *ungal isolates may i%enti*y species on the basis o* biological speciesconcepts.\7&] The maKor *ungal groupings have initially been %elineate% base% on themorphology o* their seual structures an% spores^ *or eample, the spore4containing structures,asci an% basi%ia, can be use% in the i%enti*ication o* ascomycetes an% basi%iomycetes,respectively. ome species may allow mating only between in%ivi%uals o* opposite matingtype, while others can mate an% seually repro%uce with any other in%ivi%ual or itsel*. pecieso* the *ormer mating system are calle% heterothallic, an% o* the latter homothallic.\7/] $ost*ungi have both an haploi%an% %iploi%stage in their li*e cycles. ;n seually repro%ucing *ungi,compatible in%ivi%uals may combine by *using their hyphae together into an interconnecte%network^ this process, anastomosis, is reFuire% *or the initiation o* the seual cycle.Ascomycetes an% basi%iomycetes go through a %ikaryoticstage, in which the nuclei inherite%

    *rom the two parents %o not combine imme%iately a*ter cell *usion, but remain separate in thehyphal cells (see heterokaryosis".\7-]

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    The %.s*ore" asci of Morchella elata /iewe" with *hase contrast #icrosco*y

    ;n ascomycetes, %ikaryotic hyphae o* the hymenium(the spore4bearing tissue layer" *orm acharacteristic hookat the hyphal septum. 2uring cell %ivision, *ormation o* the hook ensures

    proper %istribution o* the newly %ivi%e% nuclei into the apical an% basal hyphal compartments.An ascus (plural asci" is then *orme%, in which karyogamy(nuclear *usion" occurs. Asci areembe%%e% in anascocarp, or *ruiting bo%y. aryogamy in the asci is *ollowe% imme%iately bymeiosis an% the pro%uction o* ascospores. A*ter %ispersal, the ascospores may germinate an%*orm a new haploi% mycelium.\75]eual repro%uction in basi%iomycetes is similar to that o* theascomycetes. +ompatible haploi% hyphae *use to pro%uce a %ikaryotic mycelium. 6owever, the%ikaryotic phase is more etensive in the basi%iomycetes, o*ten also present in the vegetativelygrowing mycelium. A specialie% anatomical structure, calle% a clamp connection,is *orme% ateach hyphal septum. As with the structurally similar hook in the ascomycetes, the clampconnection in the basi%iomycetes is reFuire% *or controlle% trans*er o* nuclei %uring cell%ivision, to maintain the %ikaryotic stage with two genetically %i**erent nuclei in each hyphal


    A basi%iocarp is *orme% in which club4like structures known as basi%iagenerate haploi%basi%iospores a*ter karyogamy an% meiosis.\77]The most commonly knownbasi%iocarps are mushrooms, but they may also take other *orms (see $orphologysection". ;nglomeromycetes (*ormerly ygomycetes", haploi% hyphae o* two in%ivi%uals *use, *orming agametangium,a specialie% cell structure that becomes a *ertile gamete4pro%ucing cell. Thegametangium %evelops into a ygospore,a thick4walle% spore *orme% by the union o* gametes.=hen the ygospore germinates, it un%ergoes meiosis, generating new haploi% hyphae, whichmay then *orm aseual sporangiospores. These sporangiospores allow the *ungus to rapi%ly%isperse an% germinate into new genetically i%entical haploi% *ungal mycelia.\7]

    2pore dispersal

    3oth aseual an% seual spores or sporangiospores are o*ten actively %isperse% by *orcibleeKection *rom their repro%uctive structures. This eKection ensures eit o* the spores *rom therepro%uctive structures as well as travelling through the air over long %istances.

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    The bir"Xs nest fungus Cyathus stercoreus

    pecialie% mechanical an% physiological mechanisms, as well as spore sur*ace structures(such as hy%rophobins", enable e**icient spore eKection.\7!]or eample, the structure o* the

    spore4bearing cellsin some ascomycete species is such that the buil%up o* substancesa**ectingcell volume an% *lui% balance enables the eplosive %ischarge o* spores into the air. \'] The*orcible %ischarge o* single spores terme% ballistosporesinvolves *ormation o* a small %rop o*water (3uller8s %rop", which upon contact with the spore lea%s to its proKectile release with aninitial acceleration o* more than 1',''' g^\1] the net result is that the spore is eKecte% '.'1'.'& cm, su**icient %istance *or it to *all through the gills or pores into the air below. \&]Cther*ungi, like thepu**balls, rely on alternative mechanisms *or spore release, such as eternalmechanical *orces. The bir%8s nest *ungiuse the *orce o* *alling water %rops to liberate thespores *rom cup4shape% *ruiting bo%ies.\/]Another strategy is seen in the stinkhorns, a groupo* *ungi with lively colors an% putri% o%or that attract insects to %isperse their spores.\-]

    -ther sex"al processes

    3esi%es regular seual repro%uction with meiosis, certain *ungi, such as those in the genera'enicilliuman%$spergillus,may echange genetic material viaparaseualprocesses, initiate%by anastomosis between hyphae an%plasmogamyo* *ungal cells.\5]The *reFuency an% relativeimportance o* paraseual events is unclear an% may be lower than other seual processes. ;t isknown to play a role in intraspeci*ic hybri%iation \]an% is likely reFuire% *or hybri%iation

    between species, which has been associate% with maKor events in *ungal evolution.\7]

    E!olutionMain article 4(olution of fungi

    ;n contrast to plantsan% animals, the early *ossil recor% o* the *ungi is meager. actors thatlikely contribute to the un%er4representation o* *ungal species among *ossils inclu%e the natureo* *ungal *ruiting bo%ies, which are so*t, *leshy, an% easily %egra%able tissues an% themicroscopic %imensions o* most *ungal structures, which there*ore are not rea%ily evi%ent.ungal *ossils are %i**icult to %istinguish *rom those o* other microbes, an% are most easilyi%enti*ie% when they resemble etant*ungi.\]C*ten recovere% *rom apermineralie%plant oranimal host, these samples are typically stu%ie% by making thin4section preparations that can

    be eamine% with light microscopy or transmission electron microscopy.\!] +ompression*ossils are stu%ie% by %issolving the surroun%ing matri with aci% an% then using light or

    scanning electron microscopy to eamine sur*ace %etails.\!']

    The earliest *ossils possessing*eatures typical o* *ungi %ate to the ?roterooiceon, some 1,-/'million years ago ($a"^ these

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    multicellular benthicorganisms ha% *ilamentous structures with septa, an% were capable o*anastomosis.\!1]$ore recent stu%ies (&''!" estimate the arrival o* *ungal organisms at about7'1'' $a on the basis o* comparisons o* the rate o* evolution in closely relate% groups. \!&]

    or much o* the ?aleooicEra (5-&&51 $a", the *ungi appear to have been aFuatic an%consiste% o* organisms similar to the etant +hytri%s in having *lagellum4bearing spores.\!/]

    The evolutionary a%aptation *rom an aFuatic to a terrestrial li*estyle necessitate% a%iversi*ication o* ecological strategies *or obtaining nutrients, inclu%ingparasitism,saprobism,an% the %evelopment o* mutualistic relationships such as mycorrhia an% licheniation.\!-]

    :ecent (&''!" stu%ies suggest that the ancestral ecological state o* the Ascomycota wassaprobism, an% that in%epen%ent licheniation events have occurre% multiple times.\!5] The*ungi probably colonie% the lan% %uring the +ambrian(5-&-./ $a", long be*ore lan%

    plants.\!]ossilie% hyphae an% spores recovere% *rom the Cr%oviciano* =isconsin (-' $a"resemble mo%ern4%ay )lomerales,an% eiste% at a time when the lan% *lora likely consiste% o*only non4vascular bryophyte4like plants.\!7] ?rototaites, which was probably a *ungus orlichen, woul% have been the tallest organism o* the late ilurian. ungal *ossils %o not becomecommon an% uncontroversial until the early 2evonian (-1/5!.& $a", when they are

    abun%ant in the :hynie chert, mostly as Oygomycotaan% +hytri%iomycota.\!]\!]\!!]At aboutthis same time, approimately -'' $a, the Ascomycota an% 3asi%iomycota %iverge%, \1''] an%all mo%ern classeso* *ungi were present by the ate +arboni*erous (?ennsylvanian,/1.1&!! $a".\1'1] ichen4like *ossils have been *oun% in the 2oushantuo ormation in southern+hina %ating back to /5551 $a.\1'&] ichens were a component o* the early terrestrialecosystems, an% the estimate% age o* the ol%est terrestrial lichen *ossil is -'' $a^ \1'/]this %atecorrespon%s to the age o* the ol%est known sporocarp *ossil, a 'aleopyrenomycit