this is england 90

This is England 90’

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This is England 90’

Page 2: This is England 90

This is England 90s Episode 3 Channel 4 (2015)

Directed by Shane Meadows

Format: Series Genre:

Drama Narrative Structure: The structure of ‘This is England 90s’ is set in a linear fashion as there is a clear storyline behind the series.

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Story ArcThe couple tell the ‘Family’ Combo has been released from jail and is staying with the family.

At the end of the episode The audience do not get a closed ending. We see one of the characters leave the house with stress

Each member of the ‘Family’ is invited to have dinner (Catch-up) with the rest of the family.

The couple tell the ‘Family’ Combo has been released from jail and causes the family to feel depressed but happy because of combo’s realise

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The event that is relieved during the dinner scene is an event that happens because of previous events and they all tie into each other. This also gives the scene a sense of realism.

The Camera remains on the living room longer than the characters have gone this is effectively used as it was the location of a murder from another episode or the calm before the storm.

The Use of an Establishing shot to show the location of a normal street of terrier housing of working class people this is used effectively as it shows the setting and the working class of people in the area.

There is a lot of use medium shot of the couple giving little information of that they are the reason for bringing the ‘family’ all being there. This could suggest that the two are more important as the rest of the family in the living room.

The conations shot of the whole table is used effectively as the table is made up with two different tables suggesting that they are not normally sitting together for dinner .

High angled shot over the dinner table to show how small the space is and that their friends can really escape the news

Median shot on the couple who have called everyone to the dinner table to show the emotion on the characters face as the news is given out about what happened with their father and what he did.

Camera uses shot reverse shots to capture both sides of the table as they find out the news this is used effectively as it shows the reactions and expressions over each individual character.

Camera remains on Kelly as her emotion of the news comes out about her father

By using close up on Kelly as she try's to attack her sisters to show the anger in her face about what happened and the anger about not believing

The camera holds on to milk’s face as Woody explains that he has to forgive combo so show the emotions on this face.

Technical Camera

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The episode contains both diegetic and non-diegetic sounds to suggest the expressions and emotions of every individual character during the family gathering.

The use of Long silences with no speaking is used effectively in the scenes as it is primarily focused on the tension between characters and the narrative of the story. Music in the scene is added as the purpose of the scene is used to only use diegetic sounds to show and add tension as the events of the scene consist modern family life.

There is certain music which added to show that they are begging Milk to forgive Combo and it also adds the emotion of the room to come through in a musical motion allowing the audience to catch their threats to what they have just witnessed.

Technical Sound

The music then takes over the dialogue to show how this whole event has changed the characters both emotionally and physically.

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Technical Mise En Scene

The visual style of the episode is a tight environment where Lighting and the actual room is claustrophobic, this could suggest the family is in a ‘tight’ situation as another member is supposedly getting outside of jail.

The Visual style also reflects a third class tier family who are suffering from both family and payment issues, this can be reflected as stereotypically speaking, families with these issues do suffer from members in jail and money issues. We know this by the table size and the clothing style each character wears.

As Kelly leaves the audience feeling sorry for her as she was kept out of this world that her other sisters and mother has suffered.

In the ending of the episode, there was a instance of the use of low key lighting in the tunnel were Kelly is running through. We suggest she is ‘falling into darkness’ to reflect her character is broken by the news she has been given.

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Technical Editing

The technical editing of This is England 90’ is used to keep the audience engage with the realism of the narrative and the drama which is going through each individual characters in the scene/ Episode.The main focus of the episode was deliberately focused on the dining table where each character had a chance to have their own facial expressions towards the situation of Combo coming out of jail. The Editing technique used in the episodes where mostly shot reverse shots and a high angle shot of the table involving the whole ‘family’. This was used effectively as it shown the audience how the family reacted without the use of different shot variations. This also made the situation made more realistic as it primarily focused on the drama within the house as well as the characters in the scene. The use of shot reverse shots are used effectively as they are provided to make the audience have feelings for each individual character. The use of shot reverse shots show their emotions after dialogue is spoken between the characters, an example is where milky finds out Combo is getting out of jail. This automatically reverse to his expressions as he is feared Combo will cause more damage to him as it has happened in the past and he believes Combo is a “Racist”.