this is with host... your 100 200 300 400 500 how far?you can use that? how big is that? that looks...


Upload: ashlie-palmer

Post on 27-Dec-2015




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100 100 100 100 100 100

200 200 200 200 200 200

300 300 300 300 300 300

400 400 400 400 400 400

500 500 500 500 500 500

How Far? You can use that?

How big is that?

That looks like what?

Which star is it?


The distance from the Sun to a distant star is measured in


A 100

What is a light year?


Distances in space are measured in light years

because of this.


What is distances in space are so great that a large unit is


A 200

This distance is most different in size from a light year.

A. Distance across the solar system

B. Distance across the Milky Way

C. Distance across a constellation

D. Distance across the sun

A 300

What is the distance across the sun. (D)

A 300

You send a space probe one way into space with a range of eight light years.

According to the chart this is the farthest star the probe could reach.

A 400

What is Star A?

A 400

Astronomers thought that galaxies were single stars because of this.

A 500

What is they are so far away they look like single stars?

A 500

The ancient mariners (sailors) used the North Star for

navigation because of this.

B 100

What is its position in the sky stayed the same.

B 100

The ancient cultures used the stars as a calendar by doing this.

B 200

What is watching to see which constellations of the

zodiac were in sight?

B 200

The ancient sheep herders didn’t check their watches to

tell time, they did this.

B 300

What is checked the position of the stars, moon, and sun.

B 300

Early civilizations navigated at night mostly by using this.

B 400

What are the stars.

B 400

Jenna was typing a question on “Ask Jeeves for Kids” internet website

because she wanted to research how stars may be used for navigation. This question would help her get the most

information for her research.

A. Why is the North Star important?

B. How did ancient astronomers name stars?

C. How far away is the sun?

D. Why do constellations have different names?

B 500

What is question A?

B 500

If the Milky Way was the size of a bike tire, the solar

system would be the size of

a. A bowling ball

b. a soft ball

c. A golf ball

d. A pin head

C 100

What is (d.) a pin head?

C 100

Listing a planet, the milk way galaxy, the solar system, and

the universe sizes from smallest to largest would be

like this.

C 200

What is planet, solar system, milky way galaxy, and


C 200

The amount of space galaxies occupy compared to the amount

of empty space is this.

C 300

What is galaxies take up an extremely small amount of


C 300


C 400


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You would use this model to help your friend understand the distance across the solar system.

C 400

Model A : yards on a football field.

Model B: markers on the highway.

Model C: city blocks

Model D: matching scale 1

Earth mile = 1,000,000 space


What is model D?

C 400

“Distances from the sun to the inner planets are like the

distance from city hall to other businesses in town,

while distances from the sun to the outer planets are like

the distance between city hall and other distance cities within the state” is an

example of this.C 500

What is a comparison to the distances in the solar system?

C 500

The stars in a constellation have this in common.

D 100

What is the same general direction from Earth?

D 100

In this map of the constellations, the constellation Gemini is found in this direction.

D 200

What is the East?

D 200

D 300

In this map of the constellations, the constellation Pegasus is found in this direction.

D 300

What is the Southwest?

Constellation A is known as “the great hunter”, while

constellation B is known as “the greater dog” because of


D 400

What is they look like a hunter and a dog?

D 400

This is how the constellations were named and identified.

D 500

What is because the ancient civilizations thought they

looked like certain people or animals.

D 500

This star would be the best to use to help you find your way

at night.

E 100

What is Polaris (the North Star)?

E 100

Alpha Centauri is 4.3 light years from the sun. The graph shows it is this star.

E 200

What is Star B?

E 200

We always see these stars during the entire year.

E 300

What are the stars over the North Pole (circumpolar stars)?

E 300

Alpha Centauri is our nearest star neighbor. It is too

difficult to visit because of this.

E 400

What is it is too far away?

E 400

This graph shows the distance from Earth to five of the stars visible in the night sky. This chart best represents

the data.

E 500




What is chart A?

E 500

F 100

Galaxies are made up of this.

F 100

What are millions of stars?

F 200

When compared to the Universe, the Milky Way

galaxy is this.

F 200

What is very small?

F 300

Earth, the universe, the solar system, a galaxy, and the sun are correctly listed in order of size

like this.

F 300

What is Earth, the sun, the solar system, a galaxy, and the


F 400

The set of constellations visible in the night sky changes from month to month because of this.

F 400

What is the orbit of the Earth around the Sun?

F 500

McKenna records her observations of the night

sky one evening in September. She see several constellations. In March,

she goes outside to find the same constellations, but

can’t see them because of this.

F 500

What is the revolution of the Earth?

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The Big Dipper is found in this constellation.

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What is Ursa Major?

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