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Page 1: This manual has been produced with the financial support of The … · 2021. 2. 8. · Una guía práctica sobre por qué, cómo y con quién certificar productos para la exportación’’
Page 2: This manual has been produced with the financial support of The … · 2021. 2. 8. · Una guía práctica sobre por qué, cómo y con quién certificar productos para la exportación’’

This manual has been produced with the financial support of The TechnicalCentre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), the Government of theFederal Republic of Germany and the Food and Agriculture Organization ofthe United Nations (FAO). The manual is partly based on the FAO/RUTA(Unidad Regional de Asistencia Técnica in Spanish) manual ‘’¿Es lacertificación algo para mí? Una guía práctica sobre por qué, cómo y conquién certificar productos para la exportación’’ by M. Andersen, C. Pazderkaand P. Liu (2003, 32p, ISBN: 9968-866-30-X).

Authors:Aïcha L. Coulibaly, Commodities and Trade Division, FAOPascal Liu, Commodities and Trade Division, FAO

With the collaboration of:EPOPA Tanzania – Export Promotion of Organic Products from Africa-financed by the Swedish International Development Cooperation AgencySIDA. www.epopa.infoCora Dankers, Commodities and Trade Division, FAOAntoine Fayossewo, Techno 3M Services & Farms Ltd.

Adjustment to East Africa: Marg Leijdens, EPOPA, and Leonard Mtama,Tancert

Illustrations : Joseph Makanza, Tanzania

The mention or omission of specific companies, their products or brand names doesnot imply any endorsement or judgment by the Food and Agriculture Organization ofthe United Nations.The views expressed in this publication are those of the author(s)and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Food and Agriculture Organization ofthe United Nations. The designations employed and the presentation of material in

this information product do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever onthe part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations concerningthe legal, development or constitutional status of any country, territory, city or areaor of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.

All rights reserved. Reproduction and dissemination of material in this informationproduct for educational or other non-commercial purposes are authorized without

any prior written permission from the copyright holders provided the source is fullyacknowledged. Reproduction of material in this information product for resale or

other commercial purposes is prohibited without written permission of thecopyright holders. Applications for such permissions should be addressed to the

Chief, Publishing Policy and Support Service, Information Division, FAO. Viale delleTerme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, Italy or by

e-mail to [email protected]

© FAO 2006

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Why this manual?The objective of this manual is to provide producers and exporters in EastAfrica with:

• information related to regulations of main import countries• information on major certification programmes • contacts where more information on import regulations and

certification schemes can be found.

In East Africa, intensive farming with the use of agrochemicals is present,particularly for cash crops. However, concerns about this agricultural practicearise in view of environmental damages, workers’ health and consumersconcerns about food safety. Many private or regional East African initiativesare undertaken in order to facilitate the adoption of sustainable farmingpractices by producers. The certification of producers is also encouraged sothat they can benefit from market opportunities. However many producersmay feel that the market for certified products is very complex and that theopportunities and requirements associated with the certification programmesare not always clear. In addition, producers do not always know if therequirements are compulsory (created as an official law or regulation in theimporting country) or voluntary (which means that producers/exporterschoose to comply with the requirements or not). They also do not know theadvantages and limitations for different types of certification. Furthermore,the large number of import requirements established by different countriesmakes it even more complicated for producers who want to export.

Contents of the manualPart 1 - Governmental regulations in the major export marketsAny exporter and producer aiming to export their products must first complywith governmental regulations in operation on import markets, whether theirproducts are certified or not.

Part 2 - Major voluntary certification schemesA table summarizes the primary characteristics of the programmes at the endof the manual.

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An important part of the mandate of the Commodities and Trade Division(ESC) of FAO is to identify the problems affecting commodity trade andpropose solutions to address them, preferably through international action.ESCR (the Raw Materials, Tropical and Horticultural Products Service)became involved in issues regarding social and environmental certificationas these continued to arise in the analytical work on trade and economicproblems related to bananas and other commodities for which it isresponsible.

FAO-ESCR has produced several technical studies and informationpublications on social and environmental certification. These include: asmall brochure targeted at wholesale and retail buyers of bananas,explaining the differences between various certification schemes; anextension manual aimed at producer associations and exporters in CentralAmerica on voluntary certification programmes and describing the importregulations of main export markets; cost-benefit analyses on certified citrusin Spain and in Costa Rica; and recently, a technical paper on environmentaland social standards, certification and labelling for cash crops. FAO hasestablished an Internet portal where relevant studies and links toorganizations working to improve social and environmental conditions inagricultural production and trade can be found:

The Technical Centre for Agriculturaland Rural Cooperation (CTA) wasestablished in 1983 under the LoméConvention between the ACP (African,

Caribbean and Pacific) Group of States and the European Union MemberStates. Since 2000, it has operated within the framework of the ACP-ECCotonou Agreement.CTA’s tasks are to develop and provide services that improve access toinformation for agricultural and rural development, and to strengthen thecapacity of ACP countries to produce, acquire, exchange and utiliseinformation in this area. CTA’s programmes are designed to: provide a wide range of informationproducts and services and enhance awareness of relevant informationsources; promote the integrated use of appropriate communicationchannels and intensify contacts and information exchange (particularlyintra-ACP); and develop ACP capacity to generate and manage agriculturalinformation and to formulate ICM strategies, including those relevant toscience and technology. CTA’s work incorporates new developments in methodologies and cross-cutting issues such as gender and social capital.CTA, Postbus 380 - 6700 AJ Wageningen - Netherlands-Website:

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ContentsPART 1 Import Regulations ............................................................1What you need to know about technical regulations and controls in major export markets ..........................................................1

1. Commercial Quality and Labelling Regulations ....................2

2. Food Safety Regulations............................................................4

Maximum residue levels of Pesticides ............................................4

Biological Contamination and Product Traceability ....................6

3. Phytosanitary and Environmental Safety Regulations ..........8

4. Customs Clearance ..................................................................10

5. Organizations supporting exports from East Africa. ...........12

PART 2 Voluntary Certification ....................................................17What is voluntary certification? ..................................................17

Why do these programmes exist? ..................................................18

Why certify? ................................................................................18

What are the costs? ......................................................................18

1. Organic Agriculture ................................................................19What is Organic Agriculuture? ....................................................19

What are the main requirements? ..............................................19

How to get certified? ....................................................................20

What are the main opportunities and constraints? ......................21

2. Fairtrade ..................................................................................25What is Fairtrade?........................................................................25What are the main requirements? ..............................................25How to get certified? ....................................................................26What are the main opportunities and constraints? ......................26


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3. SA8000 ....................................................................................28What is a SA8000 certification? ..................................................28What are the main requirements? ..............................................28How to get certified? ....................................................................28What are the main opportunities and constraints? ......................29

3. EUREPGAP................................................................................30What is EUREPGAP? ....................................................................30What are the main requirements? ..............................................31How to get certified? ....................................................................31What are the main opportunities and constraints? ......................31

4. ISO14001 ..................................................................................33What is ISO 14001 Certification? ................................................33What are the main requirements? ..............................................33How to get certified? ....................................................................33What are main opportunities and constraints? ..........................33

5. UTZ Kapeh Certification ..........................................................36What is Utz Kapeh certification?.................................................. 36What are the main requirements? ..............................................36How to get certified? ....................................................................37What are the main opportunities?................................................37

6. ISO 22000 ................................................................................39

7. BRC Global Standard ..............................................................39

8. Overview of main certification schemes...............................40

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PART 1Import Regulations

What you need to know about technical regulations andcontrols in major export markets

These regulations are differentdepending on the product and thecountry of export and import. Someregulations are based oninternational food standards, whileothers are developed by individualcountries. It is important that theproducer and the exporter are awareof these regulations because theimporting country can quarantinethe produce or refuse to receive it atthe port of import if it does not meetall the requirements.

This part describes importanttechnical norms and importrequirements for the United States,the European Union and Japannamely quality and label standards,food safety controls, environmentalprotection and phytosanitaryregulations and customs procedures.At the end, contact information isgiven for a number of organizationsin East Africa that help producersand exporters meet requirements forexport markets.


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1. Commercial Quality and Labelling Regulations

For agricultural products, there are a

number of commercial quality and

labelling regulations established by

the importing country. Basic

regulations focus on grade, size,

weight, and package labelling. In

general, labelling requirements

include: country of origin, product

name, variety, and quantity. In

addition, the produce must comply

with a number of quality standards

that describe different physical

characteristics such as colour,

maturity, external damage and

shape. Before allowing the entry of a

product into a country, the importer

requires that the produce satisfies

minimum requirements and

conditions which may differ from

one country to another.


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United States of AmericaThe United States requires that agricultural imports begraded according to the standards of the AmericanMarketing Service of the United States Department ofAgriculture (USDA). For more information on product

grading and quality requirements established by the USDA:• USDA: • USDA: • FDA:

One of the components of the 2002 Farm Bill (the Farm Security andRural Investment Act of 2002) is the implementation of mandatorycountry of origin labeling (COOL). • For information on this program:

European UnionThe European Union requires that imported fresh fruits andvegetables follow the European Community marketingstandards for quality and labelling. The control is done byan inspection body at the point of import or in the case ofsome approved “third countries”, at the point of export. For

more information on the marketing standards of the EU, see the websiteof the United Kingdom Department of Environment, Food and RuralAffairs:• DEFRA EU Marketing Standards:

JapanJapan requires that imported products comply withregulations in the Food Sanitation Law, the JapanAgricultural Standards (JAS) Law and the Measurement Law.For additional information on standards and import

procedures for specific products:

• Japan External Trade Organization:

• Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries:


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In light of the growing concernabout food safety such as the riskand spread of food-borne illnessesworldwide, more regulations arebeing used to guarantee food safety.These regulations relate to themaximum levels of pesticideresidues that are permitted in food,biological contamination and thetraceability of the product.

The following links containcomprehensive information on foodsafety regulations both atinternational level (e.g. CodexStandards ) and/or national level:•

default.jsp •


Maximum residue levels of PesticidesAll major importing countries have regulations on the maximum residuelevels (MRLs) of pesticides (herbicides, insecticides, fungicides etc.) that canremain in different agricultural food products. These regulations may differfrom those in the exporting country (when the latter has a regulation onmaximum residue levels of pesticides). Therefore, it is important forproducers to comply with both regulations. Producers may only use thosechemicals that are registered for use on a particular crop and must strictlyfollow the directions on their package.


2. Food Safety Regulations

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European UnionThe EU continues to lower the maximum levels of pesticideresidues permitted in products. For many pesticides thereare now common limits that apply to the entire EU.However, some limits need yet to be harmonized. Each

country verifies that regulations are met (usually through the Ministry ofAgriculture) at its own border point of entry. When European Union countries have not set up maximum levels,exporters are required to obtain an import tolerance.Information on limits of pesticide residue levels in the EU membercountries can be found at:•


For appropriate contact points in the member states:•


For information about application procedure of an import tolerance:


United States of AmericaIn the United States, the maximum residue levels forpesticides are established by the Environmental ProtectionAgency (EPA) and controlled by the Food and DrugAdministration (FDA) at the point of import for all

agricultural products. More information on the requirements and themaximum residue levels established by the EPA at: • US Environmental Protection Agency:


The following website provides information about maximum residuelevels according to crop, pesticide active ingredient or pesticide typeand country.. •


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United States of AmericaThe US government has adopted the Bioterrorism Act,which requires that all exporters register with the Food andDrug Administration (FDA) and give notice prior toproduct arrival in the US. For more information about the

US Bioterrorism Act see websites of FDA: • •

JapanIn Japan, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare andthe Environmental Department are responsible forestablishing and testing residue limits. These limits arebased on regulations that make up the Food Sanitation

Law. For more information about limits for pesticide residue levels: • Japan Food Chemical Research Agency:


A growing number ofgovernments and retailers arenow requiring that the HACCPprinciples together with theapplication of Good HygienicPractices (GHPs) and GoodAgricultural Practices (GAPs) beused in crop production.



Another important purpose of thenew laws is to make sure that allproducers and exporters areidentified and their products can betraced back to the farm. Traceabilityis a major part of HACCP.

Biological Contamination andProduct TraceabilityIn response to recent problemsabout food safety and globalterrorism, many governments areincreasing control over all stages offood production, processing anddistribution to protect consumersagainst the risks of biologicalcontamination of food.

To increase consumer safety,producers are advised to use amanagement system like HazardAnalysis and Critical Control Point(HACCP) system. This is asystematic manner to reduce therisk of contamination, food-bornedisease and other hazards.


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USA COOL program will have impacts on traceabilityrequirement of the United States towards its importcountries. General information on this program can befound at:• USDA:


At the time of preparing the manual, no general traceabilityrequirements for exporters existed in Japan


European UnionThe European Union regulation on traceability enteredinto force in January 2005. In order to comply with theserules, it is important for the EU importers to identify theorigin of products. As a consequence, the importers could

require exporters to comply with traceability requirements even if“Exporters in trading partner countries are not legally required to fulfillthe traceability requirement imposed within the EU”.

General information on traceability can be found at the followingaddresses:•



For detailed explanations on this regulation you can consult thePesticides Initiatives Programme of COLEACP:•, email: [email protected]

For explanation on the foodstuff hygiene requirements, please consult:


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United States of AmericaIn the United States, inspectors from the Animal and PlantHealth Inspection Service (an agency of United StatesDepartment of Agriculture) must examine and approve allshipments before they can be cleared for customs. If signs of

pests or disease are found, the produce may be either fumigated (ortreated in another manner), returned to the country of origin or destroyed.For further information on the plant quarantine system of the UnitedStates:• USDA:


3. Phytosanitary and Environmental Safety Regulations

Producers must comply withphytosanitary regulations to preventthe entry and spread of plantdiseases and pests. The majorimporting countries around theworld implement pest risk analysissystems in order to determine therisk level of an imported product andinspect products on arrival to ensurethat the level of risk is not exceeded.

In many cases, import permitsand/or phytosanitary (plant health)certificates are needed. Thegovernment of the producingcountry issues phytosanitarycertificates, which are required forregulated products such as plants,seeds, fruits and vegetables, and cutflowers.


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European UnionTo export to the European Union, producers and exportersmust comply with the plant health regulations of theEuropean Union. Regulations are enforced at the point ofentry.

For more information on the plant health regulations in Europe,contact the International Phytosanitary Portal at:•

or for the consolidated text on the phytosanitary requirements ofthe EC (Council Directive 2000/29/EC plus amendments) go to:


JapanThe Japanese quarantine system requires exporters tocomply with the Plant Protection Law, the Plant Health Lawand the Food Sanitation Law. These regulations areenforced by the Plant Protection Division of the Ministry of

Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF). If you want to know moreinformation about the Japanese phytosanitary regulations or the Japanesequarantine system, consult the following websites:• Plant Protection Station: • Japan External Trade Organization:



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4. Customs Clearance

Final authorization for product entrydepends on the customs officials inthe country of import. To clearcustoms, the exporter must fill outthe necessary forms (commercial,shipping) and pay all fees (duties,taxes). Since it requires a long time


to process these forms, somecountries now offer pre-clearanceprogrammes to save time. Thismeans that products can be clearedfor customs in the country of originby officials who can guarantee thatproduct regulations were followed.

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United States of AmericaCustoms officials can only authorize the entrance ofproducts into the United States after inspections by APHISand the FDA at the point of entry. Exporters must also paythe necessary duties there, as determined by quantity,

value, description and country of origin. To speed up the processing timeat the border, exporters can complete certain customs procedures beforedeparture. For example, through APHIS International Services it is nowpossible for some countries to get pre-clearance on import documentslike phytosanitary certificates. For more details about the available pre-clearance arrangements in theUS: •

Also, exporters can use an Automated Commercial System developedby Customs to process documents electronically. Additionalinformation can be found at:


European UnionProcedures for customs clearance in the EU vary accordingto countries. However, many of these countries haveelectronic customs systems and other programmes thatspeed up clearance time. For specific information about

customs procedures and tariff rates (by country): • The Expanding Exports Helpdesk provided by the European Com-

mission: • Centre for the promotion of imports from developing countries


JapanPrior to arrival of the products, exporters must notify thequarantine station at the point of entry through anelectronic system operated by the Ministry of Health andWelfare.

To further reduce the time spent at customs, a sample of the product canbe brought to an official lab in Japan or in the exporting country and theresults submitted for pre-clearance. Consumption tax and duties are paidbefore final clearance is given.For further information about import procedures:




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5. Organizations supporting exports from East Africa

Producers and exporters need to familiarize themselves with a large varietyof technical norms and import regulations which can at first seemcomplicated. However, there are a number of international and nationalorganizations located in each of the East African countries that work to helpproducers comply with these regulations. It is always a good idea to contactthese organizations to see how they can help you or provide furtherinformation and training.



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Eritrea• Eritrean National Chamber of Commerce (ENCC);

Tel.: (291)1 121589; E-mail: [email protected] • Ministry of Trade and Industry; Tel.: (291)1 115188;

E-mail: [email protected]

Ethiopia• Addis-Ababa Chamber of Commerce ;

Tel.: (251)1 518055; E-mail: [email protected] ; Web:

• Dire Dawa Chamber of Commerce; Tel.: (251)5 113082; E-mail: [email protected]

• Mekelle Chamber of Commerce; Tel.: (251)4 402529; E-mail: [email protected]

• Nazareth Chamber of Commerce; Tel.: (251)2 112083; Address: P.O. Box 36, Nazareth-Ethiopia

• Ethiopian Export Promotion Agency (EEPA); Tel.: (251)1 504479; Web: , E-mail: [email protected]


At International Level• The International Trade Centre UNCTAD/WTO (ITC): • COLEACP, Pesticides Initiative Programme (PIP) et Harmonized frame-

work for Codes of Practice:

• EU on-line Export Helpdesk for developing countries:

• Guidelines to facilitate trade:

National Organizations


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Uganda• Federation of Uganda Women Business Organizations,

Ind. and Agriculture;Tel.: (256)41 235585; E-mail: [email protected]

• Ministry of Tourism,Trade and Industry; Tel.: (256)41 230916; E-mail: [email protected]

• Uganda Export Promotion Board (UEPB); Tel.: (256)41 230250; E-mail: [email protected]; Web:

• Uganda Export Promotion Council; Tel.: (256)41 236107; E-mail: [email protected]

• Uganda Importers, Exporters and Traders Association (UGIETA);Tel.: (256)77 481478; Address: Plot 20, Namirembe Road P.O. Box 23579 Kampala

• Uganda Manufacturers Association (UMA); Tel.: (256)41 221034; E-mail: [email protected]; Web:

• Uganda National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (UNCCI); Tel.: (256)41 258791/2; E-mail: [email protected];

• Uganda Women Entrepreneurs Association; Tel.: (0025641) 343952; E-mail: [email protected]

Kenya• African Regional Organization for Standardization

(ARSO), Tél: (254)20 224561; E-mail: [email protected]; Web:

• Eastern and Southern Africa Business Organization (ESABO), Tel.: (254)20 340190; Address: P.O. Box 47024 Nairobi-44940

• Eastern and Southern Africa Trade Prom. and Training Centre(ESATPTC), Tel.: (254)20 716234, Address: Ngong Road P.O. Box 30462, Nairobi

• National Association of Kenya Women in Business (NAK-WIB); Tel.: (254)20 334413; Address: P.O. Box 30289 Nairobi

• Export Promotion Council (EPC), Tel.: (254)20 228534; E-mail: [email protected]; Web:

• The Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Tel.: (254)20 220867; E-mail: [email protected]



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Somalia• Ministry of Commerce and Industry; Tel.: (252)1 21453;

Address: P.O. Box 928 Mogadishu• Somalia Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Agriculture

and Fisheries; Tel.: (002521) 80726;Address: P.O. Box 27 Mogadishu

United Republic of Tanzania• Board of External Trade (BET); Tel.: (255) 741268541;

E-mail: [email protected]; Web:• Confederation of Tanzania Industries (CTI);

Tel. : (255)22 2114954; E-mail: [email protected]• Ministry of Industry, Trade and Marketing;

Tel.: (255)22 2180075/9; E-mail: [email protected]• Tanzania Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (TCCIA);

Tel.: (255)22 2121421; E-mail: [email protected]; Web:

• Tanzania Exporters Association (TANEXA); Mobile: (255) 741623598;E-mail: [email protected]

Zanzibar• Zanzibar Ministry of Trade, Industry and Marketing (ZMTIM);

Tel.: (255)24 2232305; E-mail: [email protected]• Zanzibar Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture;

Tel.: (255)24 2233083; Address: Darajani Street P.O. Box 1407 Zanzi-bar

• Zanzibar Trade Centre; Tel.: (255)24 2231114; Address: Darajani Street, P.O. Box 601 Zanzibar



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Zambia• Export Board of Zambia (EBZ)

Tel : (002601) 228106-7Fax : (002601) 222509Email : [email protected] /[email protected] :

• Zambia Export Growers Association (ZEGA)Tel : (002601) 271166; Fax : (002601) 271167/(002601) 271080Email : [email protected] / [email protected]:

• Zambia National Farmers’ UnionTel : (002601) 252649/(002601) 233309; Fax : (002601) 252648Email : [email protected]; Web:

• Trade Point LusakaTel : (002601) 228106/(002601) 228107; Fax : (002601) 222509Email : [email protected]; Web :



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The first part of this documentdescribed important technical normsand import requirements for the US,the EU and Japan. These regulationsmust be followed by exporters andproducers in order to sell theirproducts into these markets. Thesecond part of the manual deals withvoluntary certification. The objectiveof this part is to provide producersand exporters with generalinformation on the major voluntaryagricultural certification programmesavailable in Eastern Africa. This partalso includes contacts where moreinformation can be found.

What is voluntary certification? The certificate is a written guaranteeby an independent certificationagency that the production processor the product complies with certainStandards established by certainorganizations or countries. Thesecertification standards can focus onenvironmental issues (such as soilconservation, water protection,pesticide use, or wastemanagement), or on social issues(such as producer income, workers’rights, occupational health andsafety) or on other aspects of

PART 2Voluntary Certification


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production like food safety and foodquality. Complying with thesestandards can contribute to theprotection of local resources,improve the health of workers, andprovide other benefits for producers,consumers, and farmingcommunities.

Why do these programmes exist?Many consumers are increasinglyaware of the social andenvironmental problems associatedwith the production and trade of thefood they consume. In response tothis interest different types ofvoluntary certification schemes havebeen developed by privateorganizations, governments as wellas the business sector in order toresolve these problems.

Why certify?Certification is used to demonstratethat a product has been produced ina certain way or has certaincharacteristics. It can helpdifferentiate the product from otherproducts, which can be helpful topromote the product in differentmarkets. Certification can also help

improve market access, and in somecases, result in a better producerprice. Certification is mainly usedwhen the producer and theconsumer are not in direct contact,in the international market, where forinstance the consumer cannot easilyverify that the product was producedin the manner described by theproducer.

Producers can choose amongdifferent types of certification. Thedecision to obtain certification aswell as the type of certificationchosen are important decisions thatinfluence farm management,investments and marketing strategies.However, since all certificationprogrammes have differentobjectives their requirements differ.

What are the costs ?The cost of meeting a standard andgetting certified depends on the kindof changes the producer will have tomake on his/her farm and on thetype of certification program chosen.In general, costs are based on thetime spent doing the farm inspection(farm audit) and on the expenses ofthe inspector(s).


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What are the main requirements? There are specific requirements formost organically certified crops aswell as livestock, fish farming, beekeeping, forestry and the harvestingof wild products. Organic standardsfor production require that there is aconversion period (or time that afarm has to use organic productionmethods before it can be certified,usually 2-3 years). If the situationallows counting these years inretrospection it could be shortenedto one year. The certifier decides onthis. Among the requirements arestandards for the selection of seedsand planting materials; the diversity

What is Organic Agriculture?Organic agriculture is a system ofproduction that maximizes the useof farm resources, putting emphasison soil fertility and biologicalactivity while avoiding the use ofnon renewable resources andsynthetic fertilizers and pesticides inorder to protect the environmentand human health. Organicagriculture therefore involves muchmore than just not using pesticides.In East Africa, organic farming isarising notably for crops such ascocoa, coffee, tea, cotton, cashew,honey, herbs and spices, pineapple,mango, sesame and peanuts.

1. Organic Agriculture

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of crops on farm; the maintenance ofsoil fertility and the recycling oforganic materials; waterconservation and the prohibition ofgenetically modified inputs. Thereare also criteria for the use of organicfertilizers and compounds for thecontrol of pests, diseases and weeds.For animal production, there arenormally requirements for animalhealth, feeding, breeding, transportand slaughter procedures.

How to get certified?Standards for organic farming havemainly been developed by privatecertification bodies but a number ofcountries also have national organicstandards and regulations. In EastAfrica, there are national andregional certification initiatives. InUganda, Tanzania and Kenya, thereare national certification bodiescalled UgoCert, Tancert and Encert,respectively. For the moment, thecertification that they deliver is forthe domestic market. In Kenya thereis also Africert which is conductingorganic certification on behalf ofCeres (Switzerland).

Ugocert and Tancert work with IMO(Institute for Marketecology Ltd,Switzerland) in order to obtaininternational recognition. They allcan carry out inspections forinternational certifiers.

Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya areworking on establishing organicstandards at a regional level. TheEuropean Union, the United States

and Japan all have nationalregulations and if producers want toexport their products, they mustmeet the organic labeling regulationsof the importing countries.

The choice of a certification body isvery important. The certificationbody chosen by the producer mustbe officially recognized in thecountry where the product is to besold or it should have an agreementwith the national certification bodyof the country where the product isto be sold.

In the case of a larger group of smallholders producing the organicproduct for export, direct inspectionof all farmers by the certificationbody is not practical. In order toreduce costs and improve efficiency,the producers or the organizationsupervising them, can develop anInternal Control System (ICS). This isa documented system in which theproducer group demonstrates thatthrough training and internalinspection the organic standards aremet. The external certification bodychecks the system rather than theindividual farmers.

The conversion period is often costlyfor the producer because extra costsare made (mainly for certification)while the produce must still be soldat the conventional prices. On top ofthat starting to produce according toorganic practices can result in higherproduction costs and lower yields, atleast initially.


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What are the main opportunitiesand constraints?Organic agriculture may representan interesting opportunity for manyproducers in East Africa and maybecome an important tool toimprove the quality of life andincome of producers. Producersshift to organic agriculture for avariety of reasons. Some feel thatthe use of agrochemicals is bad fortheir health and the environment,while other producers are attractedby the higher prices and the rapidlygrowing market for many organicproducts in recent years. Changingto organic agriculture may be easieror more profitable for someproducers depending on whetherthey use agrochemicals intensively,own their land or have access tolabor (as organic production oftendemands more labor), organic

fertilizers and other permitted inputs.

The main international market forEast African countries is Europe(United Kingdom, Germany, AustriaFrance, The Netherlands). TheUnited States has a growing marketand some countries also export toJapan. The main export products arecocoa, cotton, coffee and tea.Organic agriculture is mostlypractised by small-holders but theprice premium and the importance ofthe European market may encouragelarge producers to use this type ofpractice. Competition is comingmostly from Latin America and therisk that the organic market becomeoversupplied may both decrease theprice premium. However, in returnthis decrease might lead more andmore consumers to prefer organicproducts to conventional products.

More information on Organic Agriculture

International sites:• • IFOAM - International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements;

Tel : (49) 228 92650 10; Web: • IFOAM AOSC – Africa Organic Service Centre; tel: (221) 867 4021 /

(221) 455 2216; Email: [email protected]; web:,Senegal.

• CBTF - Promoting Production and Trading Opportunities for OrganicAgricultural Products in East Africa, Web: , Email: [email protected]

• CABI - Organic Research; Tel.: (44) 1491 832111; E-mail: [email protected] ; Web:, UnitedKingdom

• USDA National Sustainable Agriculture Information, United States

• GTZ, Germany; Tel : (49) 6196 79 1466; Email : [email protected]

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NGOs / Organic Initiatives in East Africa

Ethiopia• Agri-Service Ethiopia Tel: (251)1 651212,

Web:, Email: [email protected]

• Institure of Biodiversity Conservation and Research, Tel.: (251) 1 612244, Web:, E-mail: [email protected]

Kenya• Baraka Agricultural College, Tel: (254)51 721091,

Web: • Farmers Own Ltd, Tel: (254) 2 251 482,

Email: [email protected]• Kenya Institute of Organic Farming (KIOF),

Tel: (254) 02 583383/583194, E-mail: [email protected] • Pelum Kenya Tel: (254)67 31686, Web:,

Email: [email protected]

United Republic of Tanzania• TOAM - Tanzania Organic Agriculture Movement ;

Tel: (255) 744- 618 484 Email:[email protected] • EPOPA - Export Promotion of Organic Products from

Africa, Web:;; [email protected]



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Uganda• NOGAMU - The National Organic Agricultural

Movement of Uganda Tel.: (256) 41 269415,Web: E-mail: [email protected]

• Export Promotion of Organic Products from Africa (EPOPA), Web:;; Email: [email protected]

Zambia • OPPAZ - Organic Producers&Processors Association of

Zambia, Tel: (260)1 265 208, Email:[email protected] • EPOPA - Export Promotion of Organic Products from

Africa Web: ;Email: [email protected] ; Tel: +260 (0)97 816236

Organic certifiers in East Africa

International• ECOCERT-AFRISCO; Tel. : (27)12 349 1070; Web:

E-mail : [email protected]; South Africa• IMO; Tel: 0041-71-626 0 626,, Switserland.

− IMO Uganda, Phone: +256 (0) 41 285513, e-mail: [email protected]

− IMO Tanzania, Phone: +255 748 618490, Email: [email protected]

• KRAV-Ekonomisk Förening; Tel.: (46) 181 00290; Web:; E-mail: [email protected];Sweden

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• BCS Oko-Garantie, Web:, Contact offices:− Ethiopia, Tel: (251) 11 27 62 649, Mobil: (251) 91 11 33 413,

Email: [email protected] − South Africa, Tel: (27)12 545 0409, Mobil: (27)824 665 467,

Email: [email protected] • Soil Association, Tel.: (44-117) 314 5000,

E-mail: [email protected], Web: ;

United Kingdom• Agrior Ltd;

Tel.: (972-3) 561 4898; E-mail: [email protected], 121 Hachashmona’im St. Tel Aviv 67011, Israel

National Certifiers• Uganda: UGOCERT, Tel. (256)41 26 94 56;

E-mail: [email protected] • Tanzania: TANCERT, Tel: (255) 22 2124441;

E-mail: [email protected] Web:; LeonardMtama• Kenya: ENCERT, Tel; (254) 724 910240/(254) 722 767755,

E mail: [email protected]• Kenya: Africert Ltd. , Tel.: (254) 20 828 857/8;

E-mail: [email protected].;

Marketing• Organic Trade Services; Tel.: (44)79 74 10 31 09;

E-mail: [email protected]; Web: , United Kingdom• USDA FAS ,

United States

Research center• FIBL; Tel. : (41) 62 8657 272 ; E-mail : [email protected] ;

Web :, Switzerland


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2. Fairtrade

What is Fairtrade?The Fairtrade organizations work toimprove market access and tradingconditions for small-scale producersand plantation workers. In order todo this, Fairtrade organizations pay aminimum guaranteed price to theproducer, plus an extra allowance orFairtrade premium - which producerorganizations must use fororganizational strengthening andcommunity development. Forproduction on plantations, theprimary aim is to improve theconditions for the workers. TheFairtrade Labeling Organizations

International (FLO) is the worldwideumbrella organization for Fairtradestandard setting and certification(Head office is in Bonn, Germany).There are currently 20 nationalorganizations in Europe, America,Asia and Oceania. In East Africa,Fairtrade certified products aremostly coffee, tea and cut flowers.

What are the main requirements? To obtain certification, producerassociations must comply withcertain standards. These associationsor cooperatives must function in ademocratic manner.

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For plantations, there are a numberof requirements related to thefunctioning of the plantations andthe treatment of workers. Theserelate to issues such as: freedom ofassociation and collective bargaining;workers’ housing and sanitation;workers’ health and safety; and nochild or forced labor. In addition theplantation must comply with theenvironmental and social laws in theproducing country and demonstratecontinuous improvement in annualinspections (audits).

There are also requirements aimingat the protection of the environment.

How to get certified?Fairtrade certification can be appliedfor by a group of producers in acooperative, a farmers association orlarge farms with an organized labourforce. Local auditors inspect the farmand the certification agency, FLO-Cert Ltd, decides whether or not tocertify the producer association orplantation. Once certified, there is anannual inspection to check that theproducers or plantations complywith the Fairtrade minimum andprogress requirements and how theFairtrade premium has been used.Producers have to pay fees for bothinitial certification and annualcertification renewal, based on thecosts of inspection.

Exporters and processors who takelegal ownership of a product need tobe registered with FLO (they don’tneed to be certified) and submit

quarterly reports on Fairtradeproducts handled. Exporters andprocessors do not (yet) use thelabel, but they pay a registration feeand an annual renewal fee.

Traders in the importing countries,who use the FLO certification markon their packages, currently pay thecertification cost through a licensefee. Licensees so far are based inthe 20 countries where there areNational Initiatives as these are theorganizations registering licensees.

What are the main opportunitiesand constraints?A producer association or aplantation can benefit fromFairtrade certification since certifiedproducts normally receive higherand more stable sales prices. Theprice paid to producers isdetermined by production costs,taking into consideration anyadditional costs that might arisefrom meeting the Fairtraderequirements, such as providingliving wages for workers. On top ofthe price a fair trade premium ispaid. There are certainrequirements on how the Fairtradepremium has to be spent. Ingeneral, it aims at improving theliving conditions of its members inrural communities.

A key constraint in the Fairtradesystem is that a group of producerscan only get certified if there is amarket for their Fairtrade labeledproducts. In order to enter theFairtrade system, a good first step is


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to check if there are Fairtradestandards for the product to beexported. Nineteen products orproduct groups can presently becertified Fairtrade, they arementioned at the end of this section. The second step is to ask FLO andFairtrade importers for informationregarding market opportunities forthe specific product. Anotherconstraint is that when a producerassociation or a plantation has beencertified there is no guarantee thatthe whole production will be soldand marketed as ‘Fairtrade’.

More information on FairtradeFor any organization or plantationinterested in FLO certification, it isimportant to read the relevantstandards first. These can bedownloaded from the website( So far, FLO has standards for:1. Small-scale producers: bananas,

cane sugar, cocoa, coffee, dried

fruit, fresh fruit and vegetables,herbs and spices, honey, juice,nuts and oil seeds, quinoa, rice,seed cotton, tea and wine.

2. Plantations: bananas, cut flowers,fresh fruit, juices, ornamentalplants, tea and wine.

• FLO Marketing and support Email: [email protected] (49) 228 949230 Fax (49) 228 2421713

• FLO Cert. For producercertificationEmail: [email protected] (49) 228 24930Fax (49) 228 2493120

• FLO Cert. For trader registration Email: [email protected]

• NI (National Initiatives)Contact information for NationalInitiatives is on the FLO

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2. SA8000

What is a SA8000 certification?SA8000 is a voluntary workplacecertification that has been developedby the US based non governmentalorganization Social AccountabilityInternational (SAI) with the aim tocreate better working conditions.The SA8000 standard is based onthe ILO (International LabourOrganization) conventions, includingnorms for social justice, workersrights and working conditions, etc.Some of the larger agriculturalindustries exporting banana,pineapple, tobacco, wine, cannedfruits and processed coffee areSA8000 certified.

What are the main requirements? The SA8000 certification basicallysets minimum standards for workingconditions to ensure: a safe andhealthy working environment;freedom of association and collectivebargaining; and a company strategyfor managing social workplaceissues. Also there are rules forworking hours, wages, prevention ofdiscrimination and the use of child orforced labor.

How to get certified?Companies that operate productionfacilities can apply for SA8000certification by one of the


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certification agencies approved bySAI. After the initial inspection andonce the workplace is certified, thecompany is monitored to ensurecontinued compliance with thestandards. The producing companyusually pays the certification feewhich includes the audit andcorrective or preventative actioncosts. The SA8000 certification markis not used on product labels but thecompany may use the certification inpromotional activities. There is nospecific price premium or market forSA8000 certified products.

What are the main opportunitiesand constraints?The SA8000 certification is one of themost detailed workplace standardsfor international labour rights. Itprimarily benefits larger agro-industrial companies that can use thecertification in their corporate publicrelations. The SA8000 standards canhelp to improve productivity andquality and can also help to recruit

and retain workers. Although morecommon in other industries, theSA8000 standard has been taken upslowly by the agricultural industrybecause it is difficult to implement inseasonal production.

More information on SA8000• SAI, Tel.: (1-212) 684-1414;

E-mail: [email protected]; Web: , UnitedStates

Accredited certification bodies inthe East Africa:• DNV with a

branch office for East Africa inEgypt Tel : (20-3) 49 56 718,Mobile: (20)1251 51598

• SGS with branchoffices in :- Kenya Tel.:(254) 20 273 3693 99- Tanzania

Tel.: (255) 22 - 213 21 31/2116582/ 211 3982/ 211 2627

- Uganda Tel.: (256) 41 342 746- Zambia Tel.: (260) 1 251 448/ 068

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is not on environmental or socialissues but rather on food safety andtraceability so that the end productcan be linked to the farm where itwas produced. However, standardsalso cover requirements on the useof pesticides, workers safety andcompliance with national labourregulations. EUREP has so fardeveloped GAP standards for freshfruits and vegetable production,(green) coffee, flowers and dairy(check their website).

What are the main requirements?The EUREPGAP standards requirethat producers establish a complete

What is EUREPGAP?EUREPGAP is a voluntary privatesector certification system created bythe European Retailer ProduceWorking Group (EUREP) made up of31 members, mostly largesupermarket chains operating inWestern Europe. It should be bornein mind that EUREPGAP is not aEuropean Union regulation. The aimof EUREPGAP is to increaseconsumers’ confidence in food safetyby developing “good agriculturalpractices” (GAP) which must beadopted by producers. Unlike the other certificationprogrammes, the focus of EUREPGAP


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control and monitoring system.Products are registered and can betraced back to the specific farm unitwhere they were grown. EUREPrules are relatively flexible aboutfield practices such as soilfumigation and fertilizer usage.There are strict regulations aboutpesticide storage and pesticideresidue limits. In addition, it isimportant to document and justifyhow the product was produced, sodetailed records must be kept aboutfarm practices.

How to get certified?Private certification agenciesapproved by the EUREP Secretariat(FoodPLUS) can certify forEUREPGAP. Both individualproducers and groups of producerscan apply for certification, the costof which depends on thecertification agency chosen and thetime spent on the inspection. Inaddition to the certification fee, theproducer must also pay a smallannual fee to FoodPLUS to maintainthe certification.

What are the main opportunitiesand constraints?To obtain EUREPGAP certificationthe producer needs to maintain a

complete administrative system tokeep track of all farm activities. Thisrequires a sufficient administrativeand financial capacity, consequentlyit is easier for large scale producersto meet the requirements. There aresupport schemes to assist smallerproducers and producer groups toobtain EUREPGAP certification (likefrom EU-Coleacp).

The EUREPGAP certified producerhas an advantage selling products toone of the 31 members of the EUREPgroup. These retail membersincreasingly require that theirsuppliers have EUREPGAPcertification. Being EUREPGAPcertified often gives a producer thestatus of preferred supplier. Most ofthe 31 retail-members operate in theUnited Kingdom, the Netherlandsand Germany. In France, Norwayand Finland there is one member percountry. There are no EUREPmembers in countries like Spain, Italyand Denmark.

There is no special price premium orproduct label associated withEUREPGAP, as it is a minimumstandard focused on business-to-business relations rather than directlyconsumer oriented.

__________________1 EUREP members per country: in United Kingdom: Asda, Marks & Spencer, Wm MorrisonProduce Ltd, Sainsbury’s, Somerfield, Tesco and Waitrose ; in Netherlands: Ahold, Albert Heijn,Laurus, Superunie, CBL, Schuitema and Trade Service Netherlands, in Sweden: Coop ; in Suisse:Coop and Migros; in Belgium: Delhaize and DRC/Belgium Retail Association; in Germany:McDonald’s, EDEKA Fruchtontor, Globus SB Warenhaus Holding, tegut...Gutberlet Stiftung & Coand METRO; Coop in Norway ; Eroski in Albania; Kesko in Finland; Musgraves Supervalu Centraand Super Quinn in Ireland; Spar in Austria and Monoprix in France

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More information on EUREPGAP

• EUREP; Tel.: (49)221-57993-25 ; E-mail : [email protected]; Web:

EUREPGAP certifiers in East Africa• Africert Ltd , Kenya,

Tel.: (254) 20 828 857/8, E-mail: [email protected] • SGS with branch offices in :

− Kenya Tel.: (254)20 273 3693 99− Tanzania Tel.: (255)22 213 21 31 / 211 6582 / 211 3982 / 211 2627− Uganda Tel.: (256) 41 342 746− Zambia Tel.: (260) 1 251 448 / 068


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What is ISO 14001 Certification?ISO 14001 is designed to help theimplementation of environmentalmanagement systems fororganizations in both the private andpublic sectors. It was created by theInternational Organization forStandardization (ISO) which is aninternational network of nationalstandards institutes working inpartnership with governments,industry and consumerrepresentatives. While there are anumber of other ISO standards thatcan be used as environmentalmanagement tools, only the ISO14001 can be used for certification.

What are the main requirements?The ISO 14001 standard requires thatthe company develop anenvironmental management systemthat includes: environmentalobjectives and goals; policies andprocedures for reaching these goals;defined responsibilities, staff trainingactivities; documentation; and asystem to review any changes made.The ISO 14001 standard describes themanagement process that theindustry must follow and requiresthat the company respect the nationalenvironmental regulations. However,it does not set specific performancelevels or require that particularperformance targets be met.

How to get certified?The ISO 14001 certification is carriedout by either governmental or privatecertification agencies under their ownresponsibility. In some parts of theworld, national authorities accreditcertification agencies to do the ISOcertification. In most cases theproducer must pay a consultant tohelp with the preparation process andto make the environmentalmanagement plan. After, the producerpays a certification fee to thecertification agency.

What are the main opportunitiesand constraints? ISO 14001 is well known in theindustrial sector. The certificationworks to reduce the impact on theenvironment with a managementsystem that can also create internalbenefits by improving environmentalperformance (for example byreducing the use of raw materials andenergy or by improving wastemanagement). A main limitation ofISO 14001 is that there are noperformance requirements. Thismeans that a company with very strictenvironmental targets and one withlow targets may both be certified.Therefore, the effect largely dependson the commitment of the individualcompany.

4. ISO 14001

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EritreaEritrean Standards Institution; Tel: (291)1 12 20 05, Email: [email protected]

EthiopiaQuality and Standards Authority of Ethiopia; Tel.: (251-1) 46 05 25; E-mail: [email protected]; Web:

KenyaKenya Bureau of Standards; Tel.: (254) 20 60 54 90; E-mail: [email protected]; Web:

United Republic of TanzaniaTanzania Bureau of Standards Tel.: (255) 22 245 02 98; E-mail : [email protected]; Web :

UgandaUganda National Bureau of Standards, Tel: (256)41 50 59 95 Email: [email protected]; Web:


The products from an ISO14001certified farm cannot be ISO labeledand there is no price premium. Sincea growing number of companies arebecoming ISO certified, the standardmay no longer be a determiningfactor for market advantage but

ISO members in East Africa

could lead to other internal benefitswithin the company.

More information on ISO14001International Organization forStandardization


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ZambiaZambia bureau of standardsTel.: (260) 1 23 13 85; E-mail : [email protected]

Certification Body in East Africa• SGS with branch offices in :

- Kenya Tel.: (254)20 273 3693 99- Madagascar Tel.: (261) 20 22 564 10 /11/12/13- Tanzania Tel.: (255)22 213 21 31 / 211 6582 / 211 3982 /

211 2627- Uganda Tel.: (256) 41 342 746- Zambia Tel.: (260) 1 251 448 / 068

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5. UTZ Kapeh Certification

What is Utz Kapeh certification?Utz Kapeh is a certificationprogramme that enables coffeeproducers to demonstrate goodagricultural practices and efficientfarming. This program was foundedin 1997 by Guatemalan coffeeproducers and the Dutch coffeeroaster, Ahold Coffee Company.

The code of conduct isbenchmarked against the EurepGapcoffee code. Some criteria from ILO(International Labour Organization)conventions have also been added.

What are the main requirements?The main objectives of Utz Kapehare to enable consumers and buyersto answer two questions, namely:‘Where does the coffee come from?’and ‘How was it produced?’

To reach these goals, a web-basedtraceability system has been createdand producers must meet the Chainof Custody requirements such asseparating Utz Kapeh certifiedcoffee from non-Utz Kapeh coffeeand keeping records of directsuppliers and buyers.


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Utz Kapeh Code of conductAn Utz Kapeh Code of Conduct hasbeen developed. It comprises goodagricultural & business practices,environmental and social criteria.

Good Agricultural & BusinessPractices’ Criteria• compliance with maximum

residue levels and banned cropprotection production

• workers trained properly• implementation of accident and

emergency procedures• implementation of hygiene rules

and practices• annual internal inspections

Environmental Criteria• reduce and prevent soil erosion• responsible and minimum use of

agrochemicals• minimize water usage and

environmental pollution• optimize use of sustainable

energy • protect water sources• no deforestation of primary


Social Criteria• workers are protected by

national laws and ILOconventions regarding age,working hours, pensions,working conditions, collectivebargaining and safety

• workers receive protectiveclothing when working withchemicals

• access to health care for theworkers and their families

• access to education for children

How to get certified?Utz Kapeh certification can beapplied by any coffee producer orgroup of producers. Interestedfarmers have to go through a self-assessment process to compare theircurrent situation to the Utz KapehCode of Conduct. Once the producer (group) is readyto get certified, a certification bodyapproved by Utz Kapeh will carryout inspection in order to checkcompliance with Utz Kapehrequirements. If inspection is passedsuccessfully the Utz Kapehcertificate is issued. The certified producers or group ofproducers must be inspected on anannual basis.

What are the main opportunitiesand constraints?Utz Kapeh certification enablescoffee farmers to produce a valueadded coffee. They may thereforebenefit from a price premium. Theydon’t have to pay any fees as the UtzKapeh administration fee is coveredby buyers. Producers are alsoguaranteed to produce coffee in asustainable way. Certified productsare differentiated as they bear theUtz Kapeh logo.The main constraint is that UtzKapeh certification requires the


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necessary administration and financial capacity to be able to comply withcriteria such as traceability. Another constraint is that there is only oneproduct that can be certified namely coffee. However, UtzKapeh is workingon the possibility to include more products.

More information on Utz Kapeh certification:

Utz Kapeh certifiers in East Africa

EthiopiaBCS Öko-Garantie GmbH, Tel: (251) 1 762 649, Email: [email protected];

KenyaAfricert , Tel: (254) 20 828 857, Email: [email protected], Tel: (254) 20 273 3690/273 3699, Email: [email protected]

United Republic of TanzaniaIMO (Institute for Market Ecology) Mobile: (255) 748 618 490, Email: [email protected]; Web:

UgandaIMO (Institute for Market Ecology); Tel: (256)41 285 513/ 77 41 32 70, Email: [email protected] ; Web:


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6. ISO 22000

The ISO 22000 voluntary standardhas been developed to facilitate thesetting up of food safetymanagement systems. Itincorporates the HACCP principles.ISO 22000 has been elaborated bythe International Organization forStandardization (ISO) along with theCodex Alimentarius Commission,the Confederation of the Food &Drink Industries of the EuropeanUnion (CIAA), the InternationalHotel and Restaurant Association(IH&RA), the CIES Global FoodSafety Initiative (GFSI) and theWorld Food Safety Organization(WFSO). Therefore, ISO 22000harmonizes the requirements ofnational food safety managementsystems on a worldwide basis.

Any stakeholder of the food chain(crop producers, feed producers,food producers, processors,wholesalers, retailers) can use ISO22000 independently or incombination with othermanagement system standards. TheISO logo can not be used on thecertified products.

For further information on ISO22000 Standards:

7. BRC Global Standard

The BRC standard is a privatevoluntary standard developed by theBritish Retail Consortium (BRC). Thestandard has been set up in order toprotect consumers’ health and toenable British retailers to complywith the United Kingdom FoodSafety Act. Therefore the BRCstandard can be considered as a toolthat provides retailers with acommon basis for the audit ofcompanies supplying retailerbranded food products. The use ofthis standard requires the adoptionand implementation of HACCPprinciples, and the setting up of adocumented and effective qualitymanagement system. BRC standardsalso cover factory environmentstandards and process control. It canbe applied by any food suppliercompany.

The application of the BRC GlobalStandard requires certification by athird party. Certified products aredifferentiated in the market as theycarry the BRC logo.

For further information on BRCStandard and certified organizations:


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The main opportunities and constraints of the main certificationschemes

Overview of main certification schemes

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Page 48: This manual has been produced with the financial support of The … · 2021. 2. 8. · Una guía práctica sobre por qué, cómo y con quién certificar productos para la exportación’’


For many producers, the market forcertified agricultural products is verycomplex and the advantages andrequirements associated with thecertification programme are not alwaysclear. In addition, producers do notalways know the difference between thecompulsory or voluntary nature ofstandards applied to export products.Therefore, this manual has beendesigned in order to clarify voluntarycertification. After having read its content,the reader should be able to understandthe main voluntary certification schemes,the importance of these schemes, thedifference between these programmes aswell as their advantages and constraints.The manual also provides information onthe main import regulations in the USA,the EU and Japan. This manual aims tofacilitate the export of certified productsinto these markets.

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