this special anthology includes thirteen bible narratives, uniquely retold by master on various...


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Post on 24-Dec-2015




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This special anthology includes thirteen

Bible narratives, uniquely retold by Master on various occasions that

shed light on such topics as:

What types of spiritual messages do Bible

stories reveal to readers?

In which ways do these revelations apply to modern people’s lives?

In this book, as Supreme Master Ching

Hai provides in-depth

answers to these questions,

She also guides us to the ultimate road of salvation,

the Quan Yin Method, which leads humanity to regain its Paradise lost.

In the first chapter of the Bible,

Satan transforms himself into

a serpent and lures one of the first humans, Eve, into a rebellious act against

God’s wishes.

Today, one might wonder how we human beings can protect ourselves from this

all-encompassing satanic web, especially

the one created inside our own


As Supreme Master Ching Hai comments in the

first chapter entitled “The

Garden of Eden,”

“The first story in the Bible has given us many good points to

ponder and study.”

“It's not just a matter of fruit; it's a matter of

discipline, mutual respect,

cooperation and ego.”

“There are two people inside us: One’s the good

guy and the other is the bad guy. The serpent is the bad guy in us. We know

we shouldn’t do something,

but we still allow it to happen

carelessly, or even

intentionally, because we don’t have

enough wisdom or good judgment.”

Following this first chronicle are many other extraordinary Bible stories, such as those of

Noah, Lot and Moses.

“A similar event occurred in Noah’s time.

It is clearly recorded in

the Bible that at that time the whole world

was corrupt.

People cared for nothing but mundane material things,

and they had no morals, so God used the flood to cleanse the Earth.”

Supreme Master Ching Hai

uses Biblical stories not only to help trace our spiritual origin but also to uncover

our deep-rooted spiritual difficulties.

By doing so, She helps us examine our own fallacies

in spiritual practice.

She further provides us with

the means of improvement.

As especially outlined in Her lecture

“The Ten Commandments,” Master promises that

in the end we will all be able

to regain the once-lost Paradise.

On Christmas Eve 1990, the Costa Rica Center

was illuminated by the tranquil glow

of many candles.

Sitting in the softly radiant light and surrounded by

disciples, Master began to re-tell

the life story of Jesus Christ.

She also revealed some details about Jesus

not previously known to the world.

“Jesus was the most remembered

because of His greatness, because of His very short

stay with us and [because of]

the way He left us and was resurrected.”

“There were also some other Masters before Jesus;

now people do not remember them so much

as we remember Jesus.”

“Jesus was the Son of God. In other words, Jesus was God

personified on Earth. He had to leave us very

early. He had His purpose.

He wanted to shock us out of slumber.”

God loves humankind eternally.

From these Biblical stories,

we can see how endlessly patient God has been in

Hiers treatment of humans,

and how much grace Hes has bestowed upon

us.God’s love for us

has traveled through time and space,

and followed us life after life.

Through this collection

we wish to share with readers

Supreme Master Ching Hai's profound wisdom,

in the hope that it serves as a reminder of

God's eternal love

for humanity.