those who score above average on tests of mathematical ...€¦ · activated by his _____ nervous...

Page 1 1. Those who score above average on tests of mathematical aptitude are also likely to score above average on tests of verbal aptitude. According to Spearman, this best illustrates the importance of: A) predictive validity. B) factor analysis. C) heritability. D) the g factor. E) reliability. 2. 3. 4. 5. In order to study the development of relationships, Dr. Rajiv carefully observed and recorded patterns of verbal and nonverbal behaviors among men and women in singles bars. Which research method did Dr. Rajiv employ? A) naturalistic observation B) replication C) the survey D) the case study E) experimentation 6. Which of the following play the biggest role in our feeling dizzy and unbalanced after a thrilling roller coaster ride? A) olfactory receptors B) feature detectors C) basilar membranes D) semicircular canals E) tempanic membrane

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Page 1: Those who score above average on tests of mathematical ...€¦ · activated by his _____ nervous system. A) parasympathetic B) sympathetic C) somatic D) sensorimotor E) central 42

Page 1

1. Those who score above average on tests of mathematical

aptitude are also likely to score above average on tests of

verbal aptitude. According to Spearman, this best illustrates

the importance of:

A) predictive validity.

B) factor analysis.

C) heritability.

D) the g factor.

E) reliability. 2.



5. In order to study the development of relationships, Dr. Rajiv carefully

observed and recorded patterns of verbal and nonverbal behaviors

among men and women in singles bars. Which research method did

Dr. Rajiv employ?

A) naturalistic observation

B) replication

C) the survey

D) the case study

E) experimentation

6. Which of the following play the biggest role in our feeling dizzy and

unbalanced after a thrilling roller coaster ride?

A) olfactory receptors

B) feature detectors

C) basilar membranes

D) semicircular canals

E) tempanic membrane

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Page 2

7. A college administrator is trying to assess whether an

admissions test accurately predicts how well applicants will

perform at his school. The administrator is most obviously

concerned that the test is:

A) standardized.

B) valid.

C) factor-analyzed.

D) normally distributed.

E) reliable. 8.




12. Our short-term memory span is approximately

________ items.

A) 2

B) 5

C) 7

D) 10

E) 3

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Page 3

13. Natassia believes that boys learn to be more aggressive than

girls primarily because boys are more frequently exposed to

external pressures to fight. Natassia's belief most directly

exemplifies the _____ perspective.

A) behavioral

B) evolutionary

C) cognitive

D) psychodynamic

E) neuroscience

14. When Carlos was promoted, he moved into a new office with a

new phone extension. Every time he is asked for his phone

number, Carlos first thinks of his old extension, illustrating:

A) proactive interference.

B) retroactive interference.

C) encoding failure.

D) storage failure.

E) organic amnesia





19. As people grow older, they are most likely to need glasses because:

A) the iris loses its ability to contract the pupil.

B) the blind spot increases in diameter.

C) the lens loses its ability to change shape readily.

D) the feature detectors progressively decrease in number.

E) the cornea loses much of its transparency.

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Page 4

20. A race car driver participates in a highly competitive race.

The part of his brain that enables him to plan a strategy to

win the race is said to be the:

A) sensory cortex.

B) limbic system.

C) cerebellum.

D) frontal lobe.

E) reticular system.

21. Jerome believes that his 4-year-old grandson is a hyperactive

child because the boy's constant movement resembles Jerome's

prototype of hyperactivity. Jerome's thinking best illustrates:

A) belief perseverance.

B) the availability heuristic.

C) the representativeness heuristic.

D) functional fixedness.

E) the framing effect.

22. Experiencing a green afterimage of a red object is most easily

explained by:

A) the opponent-process theory.

B) the gate-control theory.

C) place theory.

D) the Young-Helmholtz theory.

E) frequency theory.

23. While Bev was hypnotized, her therapist suggested that during

the next several days she would have a strong desire to eat

well-balanced meals. The therapist was apparently

making use of:

A) age regression.

B) posthypnotic suggestion.

C) a hidden observer.

D) posthypnotic amnesia.

E) paradoxical sleep.




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28. Harlow's studies of attachment in monkeys showed that:

A) provision of nourishment was the single most important

factor motivating attachment.

B) a cloth mother produced the greatest attachment response.

C) whether a cloth or wire mother was present mattered less

than the presence or absence of other infants.

D) attachment in monkeys is based on imprinting.

E) monkeys will not bond with non-monkey "mothers" of

any sort





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Page 6


If research suggested that a pregnant mother's use of an

artificial sweetener caused harm to the fetus, the artificial

sweetener would be considered a:n):


B) form of DNA.

C) depressant.

D) teratogen.

E) neurotransmitter.

34. Parents who are demanding and yet sensitively responsive

to their children are said to be:

A) authoritarian.

B) conservative.

C) egocentric.

D) permissive.

E) authoritative.

35. As a night of sleep progresses, the percentage of time spent

in deep sleep ________ and the percentage of time spent

in REM sleep ________.

A) increases; increases

B) decreases; decreases

C) increases; decreases

D) decreases; increases

E) doesn't change; doesn't change

36. An aroused or activated state that is often triggered by a

physiological need is called a(n):

A) instinct.

B) incentive.

C) drive.

D) set point.

E) requirement. 37.


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41. When Mr. Valdez thought his 1-year-old daughter had fallen

down the stairs, his heartbeat accelerated, his

blood pressure rose, and he began to perspire

heavily. Mr. Valdez's state of arousal was

activated by his _____ nervous system.

A) parasympathetic

B) sympathetic

C) somatic

D) sensorimotor

E) central

42. When spoken language is processed in the brain, sound first travels

as nerve impulses to:

A) Wernicke's area.

B) the angular gyrus.

C) Broca's area.

D) the cerebellum.

E) the occipital lobe

43. As he attempted to spell the word “receive,” Tim reminded himself

“i before e except after c.” Tim's self-reminder best illustrates the

use of:

A) trial and error.

B) insight.

C) an algorithm.

D) a heuristic.

E) prototypes.

44. Walking through the halls of his high school 10 years after graduation,

Tom experienced a flood of old memories. Tom's experience showed

the role of:

A) state-dependent memory.

B) context effects.

C) retroactive interference.

D) echoic memory.

E) mood congruency

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Page 8

45. A dog's salivation at the sight of a food dish, even without

the presence of food, is a(n):

A) conditioned stimulus.

B) unconditioned stimulus.

C) unconditioned response.

D) conditioned response.

E) neutral stimulus.

46. The local fire department sounds the 12 o'clock whistle. The

process by which your ears convert the sound waves from the

siren into neural impulses is an example of:

A) sensory adaptation.

B) accommodation.

C) parallel processing.

D) transduction.

E) sensory interaction.

47. After Olympic Gold Medalist Greg Louganis performs three

spectacular dives, the narrator indicates that underlying Greg's

elegant body movements are the coordinated

activities of the basal ganglia, motor cortex, and:

A) hypothalamus.

B) cerebellum.

C) angular gyrus.

D) amygdala.

E) Pons




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53. Correlational research is most useful for purposes of: A) explanation. B) prediction. C) control. D) replication. E) experimentation.

54. Although Mr. Tong was obviously busy reading an absorbing

novel, his 5-year-old daughter kept interrupting him with

comments and questions about the TV cartoons she was

watching. Before Mr. Tong becomes irritated with his

daughter for being inconsiderate, he should be alerted to

Piaget's concept of:

A) object permanence.

B) habituation.

C) conservation.

D) egocentrism.

E) accommodation.

55. Joshua and Ann Bishop have a 13-month-old boy. According to

Erikson, the Bishops' sensitive, loving care of their child

contributes to:

A) the child's sense of basic trust.

B) the child's secure attachment.

C) the child's sense of control.

D) the child's understanding of conservation

E) the child's sense of morality

56. After receiving a painful shot from a female nurse in a white

uniform, 3-year-old Vaclav experiences fear of any woman

wearing a white dress. Vaclav's reaction best illustrates:

A) shaping.

B) extinction.

C) latent learning.

D) spontaneous recovery.

E) generalization.

57. The idea that an emotion-arousing stimulus is simultaneously routed to the

cortex and to the sympathetic nervous system is central to the:

A) James-Lange theory.

B) relative deprivation principle.

C) two-factor theory.

D) Cannon-Bard theory.

E) catharsis hypothesis.

58. The movement of positively charged ions across the membrane of a neuron

can produce a(n):

A) action potential.

B) synapse.

C) glial cell.

D) myelin sheath.

E) interneuron.

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Page 10

59. Even though Alicia was busy playing when her mother came to

pick her up from her babysitter, she quickly ran to her mother,

gesturing to be held. Alicia most clearly showed signs of:

A) conservation.

B) stranger anxiety.

C) habituation.

D) egocentrism.

E) secure attachment.





64. Psychoanalytic theory suggests that the ego disguises threatening

impulses and reduces anxiety by means of:

A) free association.

B) self-actualization.

C) unconditional positive regard.

D) defense mechanisms.

E) learned helplessness.

65. The ability to distinguish between a conditioned stimulus and similar

stimuli that do not signal an unconditioned stimulus is called:

A) shaping.

B) acquisition.

C) discrimination.

D) generalization.

E) latent learning.

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Page 11

66. News about the supposed effects of briefly presented messages

on moviegoers' consumption of popcorn and Coca-Cola

involved false claims regarding:

A) parallel processing.

B) difference thresholds.

C) kinesthesis.

D) synaesthesia.

E) subliminal stimulation.

67. Which area of the brain is most important in the processing of

implicit memories?

A) hippocampus

B) cerebellum

C) hypothalamus

D) amygdala

E) medulla

68. A therapist suggests that Mr. Ozawa's learned fear of darkness

can probably be traced back to his early childhood when he was occasionally beaten up and

locked up in a small, dark closet by an older brother. The

therapist's suggestion most clearly reflects

a _____ perspective.

A) biological

B) psychoanalytic

C) humanistic

D) learning

E) cognitive

69. According to Freud, the part of personality that represents our

sense of right and wrong and our ideal standards is the:

A) collective unconscious.

B) ego.

C) self-concept.

D) id.

E) superego.

70. Barry has participated in a sleep study for the last four nights. He was

awakened each time he entered REM sleep. Now that the experiment is

over, which of the following can be expected to occur?

A) Barry will be too tired to sleep, so he'll continue to stay awake.

B) Barry will sleep so deeply for several nights that dreaming will be


C) There will be an increase in sleep Stages 1–4.

D) There will be an increase in Barry's REM sleep.

E) Barry will spend more time in Stage 2 in order to process memory



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81. The peripheral nervous system is to sensory neurons as the central

nervous system is to:

A) motor neurons.

B) neurotransmitters.

C) interneurons.

D) the sympathetic nervous system.

E) the parasympathetic nervous system.

82. In preconventional morality, the person:

A) obeys out of a sense of social duty.

B) conforms to gain social approval and to follow certain rules.

C) obeys to avoid punishment or to gain concrete rewards.

D) follows the dictates of his or her conscience.

E) a child will not listen to authority figures if it is opposite their personal


83. A PET scan of a sleeping person's brain reveals increased

activity in the visual and auditory areas. This most likely

indicates that the sleeper:

A) has a neurological disorder.

B) is not truly asleep.

C) is in REM sleep.

D) suffers from narcolepsy.

E) in in Stage 2 Sleep

84. Which of the following correlation coefficients expresses the

weakest degree of relationship between two variables?

A) –0.12

B) +1.00

C) –0.99

D) +0.25

E) –0.50

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Page 14

85. Memory techniques such as the method of loci, acronyms, and

the peg-word system are called:

A) consolidation devices.

B) imagery techniques.

C) encoding strategies.

D) mnemonic devices.

E) recognition factors

86. As the retinal image of a horse galloping toward you becomes

larger, it is unlikely that the horse will appear to grow larger.

This best illustrates the phenomenon of:

A) visual capture.

B) size constancy.

C) closure.

D) convergence.

E) linear perspective.

87. Astrid was emotionally aroused by a TV horror movie. She

became angry when her younger brother momentarily blocked

her view of the screen. When her movie viewing was interrupted

by a phone call from her boyfriend, however, she experienced

unusually intense romantic feelings. Astrid's different emotional

reactions to her brother and her boyfriend are best explained by:

A) catharsis hypothesis.

B) James-Lange theory.

C) adaptation-level principle.

D) two-factor theory.

E) Cannon-Bard theory.

88. The process of replication is most likely to be facilitated by:

A) the hindsight bias.

B) the false consensus effect.

C) illusory correlation.

D) operational definitions.

E) the placebo effect.

89. Motor neurons are an important part of the:

A) limbic system.

B) reticular formation.

C) peripheral nervous system.

D) brainstem.

E) motor cortex.

90. The concentration of glucose in active regions of the brain underlies

the usefulness of a(n):


B) brain lesion.


D) PET scan.

E) hemispherectomy.

91. Mr. Quinones, a fifth-grade teacher, gives a blue plastic star

to each student who achieves a high score on a math or spelling

test. At the end of the semester, students can exchange their

stars for prizes. Mr. Quinones' classroom strategy illustrates

an application of:

A) the placebo effect.

B) transference.

C) operant conditioning.

D) systematic desensitization.

E) counterconditioning.

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97. Mark believes that people are genetically predisposed to

dislike bitter-tasting foods because this has enhanced human

survival. His belief best illustrates the _____ perspective.

A) psychodynamic

B) social-cultural

C) evolutionary

D) behavioral

E) cognitive

98. As a child observes, liquid is transferred from a tall, thin tube

into a short, wide jar. The child is asked if there is now less

liquid in order to determine if she has mastered:

A) the schema for liquids.

B) the concept of object permanence.

C) the concept of conservation.

D) the ability to reason abstractly.

E) proconventional morality

99. A trainer wants to train a chicken to peck a key to obtain food. If

she wants the chicken to first learn this trick quickly and then

behavior to be resistant to extinction, she should use

_____ reinforcement until the response is mastered and

then follow with a period of _____ reinforcement.

A) positive; negative

B) negative; positive

C) primary; secondary

D) partial; continuous

E) continuous; partial

100. Abdul has volunteered to participate in an experiment evaluating the

effectiveness of aspirin. Neither he nor the experimenters know

whether the pills he takes during the experiment contain aspirin

or are merely placebos. The investigators are apparently making

use of:

A) naturalistic observation.

B) illusory correlation.

C) the double-blind procedure.

D) random sampling.

E) the false consensus effect.