thoth - real-time solr monitor and search analysis engine: presented by damiano braga & praneet...


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Real-time Solr Monitor Search Analysis Engine

[email protected]

[email protected]

Damiano Braga Sr. Software Engineer

Praneet Mhatre Data Mining Engineer


-  What is Thoth ? -  Data Collection and Thoth Core Indexing -  Thoth API & Thoth Dashboard -  Thoth Monitor -  Thoth ML : Prediction and Topic Modeling - Special Thanks & Q/A


What is Thoth? - Innovation project at Trulia - Understand our search infrastructure without touching logs -  Troubleshoot search performance issues

- Designed as a modular system - Set of tools that can help gather info, monitor, understand a search infrastructure -  Open source project :

thoth thoth-ml thoth-api thoth-dashboard thoth-monitor thoth-demo

Problem: Know Your Search Infrastructure - Solr logs are a good source. Sometimes partial information -  Decentralized data (at least 1 log per search server) -  Log rotation - Not searchable

If we could index all the information .. Let’s use Solr ! - We can search on it - We have some handy features for free: facets, stats etc - It’s scalable

Thoth Document

1 Solr Request = 1 Thoth (Solr) Document Server Info hostname, port number, core name, pool name Query Info timestamp, actual query, qtime, hits, exception?

Data Collection (1/2) - Should be smooth. No traffic slowing down. - We care about near real-time data - We care about historical data -  Dataset is growing fast

-  Interceptor on each search server -  We use a SolrComponent attached to a Request Handler -  Queue System (E.g: ActiveMQ) to facilitate and temporary store messages -  Each search server has a manifest in the solrconfig.xml


Data Collection (2/2) <requestHandler name="select" class="com.solr2activemq.SolrToActiveMQHandler”> <arr name="last-components”> <str>solr2activemq</str> </arr> </requestHandler> <searchComponent name="solr2activemq” class="com.solr2activemq.SolrToActiveMQComponent" > <str name="activemq-broker-uri">localhost</str> <int name="activemq-broker-port">61616</int> <str name="activemq-broker-destination-type">queue</str> <str name="activemq-broker-destination-name">test-queue</str> <str name="solr-hostname">localhost</str> <int name="solr-port">8983</int> <str name="solr-poolname">default</str> <str name="solr-corename">collection</str> <int name="solr2activemq-buffer-size">1000</int> <int name="solr2activemq-dequeuing-buffer-polling">500</int> <int name="solr2activemq-check-activemq-polling">5000</int> </searchComponent>

Sizing of Data -  Need for granular information for near real-time data -  Less granularity for historical data

Too much data = slow search, space problem -  Shrinking feature:

-­‐  Create  Shrank  Document    -­‐  Real-­‐3me  Core  cleanup    

-  Shrinking time is configurable

Thoth Index - Solr 4.7 - Soft commit for near real-time search - Soft commit maxTime set to 1s - Auto commit set to 15s - Update chain set to enforce UUID as PkID - Use of Solrj to index data and query

Thoth API - Abstraction for Thoth index and Thoth data - Read only REST-like API - JSON response - Written in Node.js to accommodate Example: {"numFound":95,"values":[{"timestamp":"2014-09-16T18:00:02Z","value":45337},{"timestamp":"2014-09-16T18:15:02Z","value":77325},{"timestamp":"2014-09-16T18:30:02Z","value":109523},{"timestamp":"2014-09-16T18:45:02Z","value":112279},{"timestamp":"2014-09-16T19:00:02Z","value":115334}


Thoth Dashboard (1/5) - Visual insight on Thoth data - Useful graphs divided by server or pool -  Handy list of slow queries and exceptions -  Real-time view for server - Selecting data based on time - Sharable URLs (to OPS team, QA team, Release Eng. )

Thoth Dashboard (2/5)

Thoth Dashboard (3/5)

Thoth Dashboard (4/5)

Thoth Dashboard (5/5)

Thoth Monitor -  Continuously monitoring for metrics -  Stateless -  Alerting through email or Nagios - Examples: QTime, Number of Zero hits,

Predictor Model Health - Possibility to implement custom monitors -  Reuse StatsComponent

[] if possible

Thoth ML What can we do with all this data? •  Rich source of information •  Can we turn it into knowledge? •  How about machine learning?

1.  Query  3me  predic3on  2.  Query  paJern  recogni3on  3.  Server  sizing  and  resource  alloca3on  

1. Query Time Prediction (1/4) •  Goal : appropriately route queries to slow/ fast pool •  Look at query attributes

•  Query  text  •  Start  parameter  •  Facets,  range  queries,  geo  spa3al  searches  etc  

•  Train a supervised learning model •  Use learned model to predict if a query will be slow v/s fast •  H2O Machine Learning Library

1. Query Time Prediction (2/4) Challenges •  Imbalanced dataset •  Frequency of model training •  Type of model •  Minimal delay requirement

1. Query Time Prediction (3/4) Challenges Addressed •  Imbalanced dataset

•  Stra3fied  sampling  •  Frequency of model training

•  Auto  iden3fy  relearning  frequency  •  Type of model

•  Boolean,  categorical  features  -­‐>  Tree  based  •  High  accuracy  •  Gradient  Boosted  Machine  

•  Minimal delay requirement •  User  pool  queries:  45-­‐50  ms  •  Predic3on:  1-­‐3  ms  

1. Query Time Prediction (4/4) •  1000 Gradient Boosted Trees •  Slow queries = (>100ms. Configurable) •  Experimental Results

•  Training  on  ~3.1  million  •  Test  on  ~1.4  million    •  AUC:  0.94542  •  Accuracy:  0.9202223  

Query Time Prediction in Action (1/2) Performance on real time traffic at Trulia

Query Time Prediction in Action (2/2) Performance on real time traffic at Trulia

2. Query Pattern Recognition •  Exceptions, zero hit queries •  Analyze and find out why •  Probabilistic Topic Modeling •  Using MALLET open source toolkit

Topic Modeling Flow

Topics With Keywords

Future Direction -  Thoth ML improvements:

•  Predic3ng  query  3me  buckets  •  Regression  v/s  classifica3on  •  Excep3ons  and  zero  hit  query  analysis  •  Sizing  and  resource  alloca3on  

- Solr Cloud integration - Dashboard integration with Solr cloud - More standard metrics on Thoth Monitor -  More data collection (load, GC)

Contributors and Special Thanks Damiano : [email protected] Praneet: [email protected]

Fork us on Github!

JD Cantrell ( API, Dashboard)

Giulio Grillanda (API, Dashboard) Rajendra Shioramwar (Core)

Ying Wang (Design) Girish Gudla (Monitor)

Alexander Kanarsky Alex Burmester