thoughts - lxxxi [potus-’16 recapitulation and sony; ag-kane and blogging; bho and the dem agenda;...

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  • 8/10/2019 Thoughts - LXXXI [POTUS-16 Recapitulation and Sony; AG-Kane and Blogging; BHO and the Dem Agenda; Illegals and Reverse-Racism; CIA and Guns; C


  • 8/10/2019 Thoughts - LXXXI [POTUS-16 Recapitulation and Sony; AG-Kane and Blogging; BHO and the Dem Agenda; Illegals and Reverse-Racism; CIA and Guns; C



    The thrust of the immediate-prior blast e-mail was to promote Cruz[not Bush] for POTUS-16; the goal

    would be to support thisPOTUS to eliminate any a fundamental difference in policy between D.C. and
  • 8/10/2019 Thoughts - LXXXI [POTUS-16 Recapitulation and Sony; AG-Kane and Blogging; BHO and the Dem Agenda; Illegals and Reverse-Racism; CIA and Guns; C



    Jerusalem. Applying a key-aphorism [Unions own Dems and rent Republicans] yields the battle-lines in

    the GOPs Civil-War [Wall St. and K St. vs. Main St.]; this also illuminates the pro-/anti-Immunity split and

    the tug-of-war over other pork-related issues. That Walker fought the unions probably makes him a

    compatriot but, as I was told rather aggressively by a person with whom I brainstorm, his Foreign Policy

    hasnt been elucidated.

    Perhaps the major challenge facing Cruz/GOP [past/present/future] is this quote from Facebook: I like

    Ted Cruz, and I do want him to be president... but I'm also scared. I am afraid he will defund the social

    programs that keep me and my family alive. Thus, attention must be paid to providing concrete

    reassurances that problematic approaches will be supplanted rather than deletedmethodically.

    The Delayed-Reaction Victories of Ted Cruz have been grudgingly acknowledged by Bloomberg [libs].

    Thus, when he notes that Appeasing our enemies makes America less safe and the world more

    dangerous, he demonstrates his statesman-like qualities. Indeed, per this observation on Facebook,

    Every time Ted Cruz is asked about Jeb Bush running for president he's been a complete gentleman.

    'Jeb is a nice man, I welcome him participating, etc'. But when asked about Ted Cruz running, every

    RINO, liberal moderate and squish has to insult, ridicule and slam Sen. Cruz!! Cruz's maturity alone

    makes him more qualified to be president. And especially after man-child Obama's presidency!!Thus, itisnt surprising thatBHO Fears President Cruz Will Overturn Exec Amnesty [signaling that he feels Cruz

    represents the greatest threat to the progressive left]. {Also note thatMichele Bachmannhas noisily-

    exited the Congress.}

    JEB BUSH IS MEETING WITH ILLINOIS GOP DONORS,andChuck Todd feels Christie Will Lose to Jeb in

    Donor Fight; meanwhile, predictably, theDNCs anti-Jeb Bushtalking pointsclaimed he is no different

    than the rest of the Republican field [not moderate]. Predictably, also, DavidBrooks declared the GOP

    is Moving to Where Jeb Is.{Also noted thatCarly Fiorina is Hiring for President, but Really for VP.}

    A Binary-Fight has emerged between Rubio/Paul,triggered by Cuba but actually encompassing overall

    Foreign-Policy;of course,Howard Dean[former DNC-Chair] said Rubio is 'done' for 2016 and that Jebdoes some very interesting things [trying to steer attention to the weaker of the two, in my view]. The

    conflict has been chronologically evolving [RUBIO: FLORIDIANS DONT WANT CASTRO APPEASER

    Rubio: Rand Has No Idea What Hes Talking About on CubaRand Paul Spars with Marco Rubio, Calls

    Florida Senator Isolationist over Cuba StanceRubio: Rand Adopted Obamas Foreign PolicyRand:

    I Dont Start Fights, But Ill Finish Them]; it seems MCCONNELL SIDED WITH TEAM RUBIO ON CUBA

    ISSUE [despite the fact that he had previously supported fellow-Kentuckian Rand Paul]. {Note that

    Kentucky secretary of state Alison Lundergan Grimeswill take Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) to court [if she has

    to] to block him from running both for president and reelection to the Senate in 2016.}

    It seems people are gradually recognizing that Liberal Zionists cannot Count On Hillary Clinton. Their

    political quandary is that, as part of the Jewish majority that will vote for Clinton regardless, they aren't

    in a great position to make demands and are reduced to hoping that Clinton secretly agonizes over the

    issue as much as they do. [Haim] Saban, the major Clinton-campaign financier, said that Clinton was

    pained by the consequences of Israel's actions, just not publicly. 'I can tell you that privately she has

    expressed empathy for the Palestinians.' {Also noted thatDems are Divided as Elizabeth Warren Rises.}

  • 8/10/2019 Thoughts - LXXXI [POTUS-16 Recapitulation and Sony; AG-Kane and Blogging; BHO and the Dem Agenda; Illegals and Reverse-Racism; CIA and Guns; C



    What should be done is illustrated by howMadonna handled her leaked track 'Illuminati';sheReleased

    Six Songs.Romney has a similar notion [wide-release gratis, suggested $5 donation directed to Ebola].

    Most feel that If the public doesnt see The Interview, the Terrorists Win, and A top Sony lawyer

    stressed the movie studio will release the film through some platform.

    BHO has denied this constituted terrorism, and his acolytes have predictably been supportive:

    BHO: It was an act of cyber vandalism [not war] that was very costly, very expensive."

    Obama Says Sony 'Made a Mistake' Canceling Film

    White House Issues Impotent Response to Cyber AttackOBAMA: SONY MADE A MISTAKE, SHOULD HAVE CALLED ME FIRST

    The United States is weighing whether to put North Korea back on its list of state sponsors of terrorism,

    Obama said.

    Psaki Wont Call Sony Hack Cyberterrorism



    Comments from Conservatives have been scathing:

    How to Lose a Cyberwar with North Korea

    The Latest Sony Attack Begs For A Stronger U.S. Policy In Defending Americas Cyber Domain



    McCain (R-Ariz.) is blaming Sony Pictures's cancellation of a comedy's release on the Obama

    administration's 'failure' to address cyber weapons used by U.S. enemies.

    Obamas Cowardly Hypocrisy on Sony

    North Korea Attacks Americas Moral Cowardice

    Even the libs are upset:

    Clooney: We Cannot Be Told We Cant See Something by Kim Jong-Un, of All F***ing People
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    Responding to Terrorist Threats Not the Job of Theater Owners

    Cancellation sets worrying new precedent for cyber terror


    The Perpetrators are being IDed; thatChina allegedly helped North Koreaundermines the notion that

    BHO should enlist China to help determine the culptrits:

    Iran, China, Russia Behind Sony Cyberattack?

    FBI Blamed North Korea for Sony Pictures Hack

    [DIA: North Korea Planned Attacks on US Nuclear Plants]

    Sony is defending itself:

    SONY: UM, WE DID[call the White House]

    SONY CEO fired back at Obamaclaiming'We Have Not Caved'

    The Racism subcontext hasnt been lost:

    Civil Rights Group Demands Sony Fire Amy Pascal Over Racist EmailsIn Defense of Sonys Decision to Pull The Interview [This is by John Nolte and I disagree; he also

    authored a piece about Colbert with which I disagreed, vide infra.}

    AG-Kane and Blogging

    In Pennsylvania, after theEagles lost to the Redskins, playoff hopes faded;this constituted a comedy-of-

    errors, although most commentators had determined that, this year, the Eagles arent elite.

    Regardless, Dick Vermeil blasted Christie, and one would think his behavior was impolitic [for the

    reaction in Philly would easily be mirrored nationally (except in Dallas). Of greater import was the

    prescientPro-police rally in NE-Philly that drew 400[I would have gone if Id known, for it was only a

    mile away]. Also note thatNCAA and PA officials outlined issues as Sandusky-trial nears; I wrote, The

    key-concern is the elimination of JoePa's victories, period. [Sandusky won't get his pension back.]

    Iraq War Vet Accused of Multiple Murders in MontCo was Found Dead with Cell Video; amazingly, a

    Veterans Affairs psychiatrist had cleared the former marine of suicidal or homicidal tendencies one

    week prior to his killing spree.A VA statement read that Stone met with his psychiatrist on December

    8that the Coatesville [Veterans Affairs Medical Center], and the provider noted that at the time of the

    evaluation, the veteran was without any suicidal or homicidal ideation.
  • 8/10/2019 Thoughts - LXXXI [POTUS-16 Recapitulation and Sony; AG-Kane and Blogging; BHO and the Dem Agenda; Illegals and Reverse-Racism; CIA and Guns; C



    Following-up on one essay [on PoliticsPA] about AG-Kane[Kathleen Kane Told CNN Pornographic Emails

    Included Pictures of Children]was another [Brady Criticized Kane For Neglecting Bribery Scandal]that

    sparked conflict with DD {read blogging, if desired} who again was reflexly defending a Dem; blogging

    notwithstanding, Inquirer Editors explored The truth about Kane and concluded there are 'serious

    doubts about whether Kane can continue.' Dems led the chorus [D.A. Williams: AG Kane made false

    statements about sting case;Philly DA: no affidavits claimed by AG Kane in bribery case existed;andU.S.

    Rep. Brady: I've lost faith in AG Kane]and others piled-on [CHRIS KELLY (almost hired by AG Kane): she

    may be finished; 'I was disgusted that the attorney general would bring racism into this case to pour

    gasoline on a fire for no reason'], promptingPG editors to conclude that taxpayers & voters were left

    again scratching their headsbecauseKane's account of sting drew increasing [reasonable] fire.The

    Prosecuting documents charged lawmakers showed their willingness to play when paid and THE



    boos was not alleviated when the AG CHARGED 10 IN 'MASSIVE FRAUD, KICKBACK SCHEME' AT


    In other regional news,anti-Islam ads may appear on SEPTA,3 Ironworkers pled guilty to intimidation,

    Oldest US black college [Cheney] was on verge of financial collapse,andCasey Pressed Obama To FinishDelaware R. Dredging.Not surprisingly, outgoing Rep. Jim Gerlach (R-Pa.) has landed at the law firm

    Venable in its legislative and government affairs group. The six-term lawmaker, who served on the

    influential House Ways and Means Committee, is joining other former members of Congress at the firm,

    including Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) and Sen. Birch Bayh (D-Ind.).

    One news-item [Not just tolls: E-Z Pass keeping eye on speeders]prompted me to wonder if Penn-DOT

    could issue a ticket simply by noting the time-differential between entering/leaving the turnpike [and

    then determining the average speed that had been maintained.


    Libs claimed BHOexacted Revenge on his political enemies;BHO was said to be back in his campaign

    comfort zone, smiting the GOPby inflicting punishment on his newly empowered Republican enemies,

    who delighted in tormenting him when he was on top. Obama's turnaround in recent weeks - he's

    seized the offensive with a series of controversial executive actions and challenges to leaders in his own

    party on the budget - can be attributed to a fundamental change in his political mindset; he's gone from

    thinking of himself as a sitting (lame) duck to an Emboldened president diving headlong into what
  • 8/10/2019 Thoughts - LXXXI [POTUS-16 Recapitulation and Sony; AG-Kane and Blogging; BHO and the Dem Agenda; Illegals and Reverse-Racism; CIA and Guns; C



    amounts to a final campaign - this one to preserve his legacy and to add policy points to the scoreboard.

    Podesta Detailed Obamas Power Grab in September [and most Conservatives continued to fear its

    import, myself among them] for, unbridled, hes dangerous.

    Domestically, A UBER PRESIDENCY IS BEING CREATED;overseas,Obama rescues tyrants from Havana

    to Damascus.Yet,Truman's Power Grab was KO'd By Courtand multiple suits have been filed against

    Amnesty; during a Hanukkah party, Obama said I'm Jewish 'in my soul'. Furthermore, Obama Only

    Called on Women [print] Reporters at Year-End Press Conference by design; FNCs ED HENRY

    CRITICIZED UNMEMORABLE WH PRESSER QUESTIONSandObama appeared to slip up James Francos

    name, confusing his last name with Baltimore Ravens quarterback Joe Flacco.

    Dem Agenda

    The Top Ten Left-Wing Goals of the Obama Administration in Its Remaining Two Years have been

    proposed, even as the current Administration encountered problems, both simple [Former VA Official

    Inappropriately Awarded a Contract Worth $15 Million to a Friends Company]and subtle [DHS Chief

    Admits Forgetting Pledge of Allegiance]. Prominent is energy-policy, for Sen. McConnell has claimed that

    approving Keystone will be GOP Senate's first move; as the Oil Price Drop Gutted Obama's Green
  • 8/10/2019 Thoughts - LXXXI [POTUS-16 Recapitulation and Sony; AG-Kane and Blogging; BHO and the Dem Agenda; Illegals and Reverse-Racism; CIA and Guns; C



    Agenda,it was determined thatThe True Cost of Green Policies is a 60% hike in Energy Prices by 2030.

    Meanwhile, theFederal Register Added Nearly 1600 Pages of New Regulationslast week alone, and the

    GOP gave Dem' college rating plan an F,for it is considered unwise to yank funds from schools that fail

    to meet federal requirements.

    Polling data revealed thatSatisfaction With Direction of U.S. Continues to Languish;23% of Americans

    were satisfied with the way things were going in the U.S. in 2014 [similar to the averages in the past

    three years], a figure that is well below the historical norm of 38%. As Democratic Allegiance Hit a Low,

    it was not surprising thatU.S. Partisanship Shifted to GOP After Midtermsbecause Victories cure a lot of

    injuries: In the new poll, 47 percent say they havea favorable impression of the Republican Party,

    compared with 33 percent in the month before the midterm elections. An equal percentage have an

    unfavorable view, which marks the first time in six years that fewer than half of Americans said they saw

    Republicans negatively.


    The impact of Illegals on the employment is unnerving [1 in every 5 jobs now held by foreign workers;11

    million fewer Americans in labor force;andImmigrants Account for All Job-Growth Since '07]; also, thechallenge is global [Migrants Made Up to 100 Attempts a Day to Enter UK Illegally this Summer]. Thus,

    state-level trends are increasingly accommodating [New York Revises Regulations to Ensure

    Undocumented Immigrants Can Enroll In Public School; Judge: AZ DREAMers Can Apply for Drivers

    Licenses]and, as a result, an avalanche has been predicted[Census: Immigrant population has doubled

    since 1990; 80 million immigrants by 2060]. Although U.S. District Court Judge Arthur Schwab ruled

    Obamas Immigration Actions to be Unconstitutionalbecause hisunilateral legislative action violates the

    separation of powers," thisCourt Ruling Against Executive Amnesty is Premature.

    In this environment,USCIS Director Assured Illegals that Executive Amnesty is Permanentand thatthey

    should Apply for Amnesty Without Fear;as a result,Immigrants are building document trails to remain

    in USA,even usingFacebook Postings to Meet Exec Amnesty Residency Requirements.Yet, asBoehner

    Took Swings At Obama For Executive Amnesty Flip-Flips, Many Unknowns Remained For Obama'sExecutive Amnesty; nevertheless, theHomeland Sec claimed that Exec Amnesty Improves Immigration

    System and the Senate Confirmed the New ICE Chief Who Believes Some Illegals Have a Right to


  • 8/10/2019 Thoughts - LXXXI [POTUS-16 Recapitulation and Sony; AG-Kane and Blogging; BHO and the Dem Agenda; Illegals and Reverse-Racism; CIA and Guns; C


  • 8/10/2019 Thoughts - LXXXI [POTUS-16 Recapitulation and Sony; AG-Kane and Blogging; BHO and the Dem Agenda; Illegals and Reverse-Racism; CIA and Guns; C



    attend their funerals; it is unclear whether the two policemen who were murdered Saturday-p.m. had

    signed-off on this letter, but it is known that the Man Who Murdered The 2 NYC Police Officers Was A

    Muslim [Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley] and that this GUNMAN EXECUTED 2 NYPD COPS AS 'REVENGE.'

    During the subsequent press-conference,NYPD Officers Turn Backs on DeBlasioand theShaken Mayor

    claimed this was Not a Time for Politics; he failed to acknowledge Eyewitness accounts of People

    Clapping and Laughing Afterthe double-murder.Subsequently, it was discovered that theSuspect had

    Plotted the Ambush on Social Media [They Take 1 Of Ours Lets Take 2 of Theirs];Obama was Briefed

    about what had transpired on Golf Course.Reflecting the national import of these events, anOfficer was

    shot and killed in FLand theNYPD reported a Man Attempted to Shoot a Cop but his Gun Was Empty .


    [tin-foil hats for conspiracy-nuts]

    The New Yorkers JANE MAYER [who had previously attacked inter alia Cruz]was rebutted when she

    claimed that, In releasing the long-awaited Senate Select Intelligence Committee report on the C.I.A.s

    interrogation-and-detention program, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) [2% Heritage Action Rating], the

    committee chairman, proved that Congress can still perform its most basic Madisonian function of

    providing a check on executive-branch abuse In response, it was noted that Dianne Feinstein had beenapprised of what the CIA was doing, turned a blind eye the whole time the CIA was doing it, and

    suddenly claimed heroine status by exposing what she long knew was happening. Thats political

    gamesmanship, not checks and balances.

    During the days following release of the report, it was argued that theseTACTICS 'SAVED LIVES'by the

    Man who had waterboarded 9/11 mastermind [in slamming the CIA interrogation report; multiple

    interviews were highly instructive [Interview with James Mitchell, Architect of Enhanced Interrogation

    Sharyl Attkisson's Interview With the Man Who Waterboarded the 9/11 Mastermind; Architect of

    Enhanced Interrogation: Some Allegations Not True.Perhaps as a result, theWall Street Journaland

    NBC News published the latest in a string of polls that suggest Senate Democrats grandstanding

    attempt to impugn the Bush-era CIA with a bombshell report on the interrogation of terrorists has


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    Senate Approved Obama Pick Vivek Murthy for Surgeon General; he had pledged to MAKE GUNS 'A

    HEALTHCARE ISSUE.'This component of the controversy was amplified when theSixth Circuit ruled that

    a Mental Health Gun Ban Is Unconstitutional;this event, in turn, was satirized when theNY ATTORNEY

    GENERAL determined that WALMART MUST END ONLINE TOY GUN SALES and a Connecticut Paper

    argued that, if one is going to Sue One Gun Company, one should Sue Them All.AsTexas drew Closer to

    Open Carry of Handguns,the libs tried to manipulate the strong public support for the 2 ndAmendment

    [HuffPo: Change Poll Questions so Gun Control Winsand PBS Used Deception to Defend Gun ControlMovement].

    Martha McSally defeated Democratic incumbent Rob Barber in Arizona's 2ndCongressional District;this

    is the seat formerly occupied by gun-control advocate Gabby Giffords. [The 8th was represented from

    2007 to 2012 byDemocratGabrielle Giffords,who wasshot and severely woundedat a public event on

    January 8, 2011. Giffords resigned her seat in January 2012. A special election on June 12, 2012

    electedRon Barberas the new congressman. For the 2012 election, Barber was redistricted to the2nd

    district,which includes the bulk of the old 8 thdistrict. The 8thwas redrawn to include nearly all of the

    Maricopa County portion of the old 2nd District. That district's congressman, RepublicanTrent Franks,

    won the election for the new 8th.] She and her husband [Mike Kelly] continue to campaign for these

    restrictions [perhaps assisted financially by Mike Bloomberg].
