three different me's

1 Three Different ME’s By Dylan Clark 5-10-13

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Different Me’s

Dylan Clark


Huntsville, Arkansas

May 10, 2013

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Table of contents

5 Part 1 Happiness 6 Weekends

7 Growing up 8 The Final Moments

9 Harry Potter Play 10 Helping Out Friends

11 Part 2 Humor 12 Dogs 13 Shipwrecked

14 The Infection 15 World War 2 16 Train Delay

17 Part 3 Reality 18 Corruption

19 Multitasking 20 The Sunny Winter

21 The Attack 22 The Opposite Choice

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There is a lot of things and people that have helped me think of the things I have put in

these stories. My friends inspired me the most. My good friends, Bobby Reynolds, Dakota Fritts, and Trevan Eggert have inspired me with their silliness. Jarrod Johnson

has also inspired me with his random funniness. They are all inspirations to me, and so is my family. Television has also inspired me. Whether it is comedies, or serious shows,

TV had always been a pleasure. Anyways, thanks for making this work, guys.

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Part 1 “Happiness”

I am happy that we are all doing good and healthy. I consider myself lucky compared to

some other people. Some people around the world are starving to death. I am not. All my friends and family are in a good relationship unlike some others. So far, I think my

life is doing good. I think it is on track. There is some downs and worries, but still, I think

I am doing good so far. My friends and family are good. They are there for me. They inspire me to make these coming couple of stories.

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I woke up in the morning to the sounds of birds tweeting, and squirrels jumping through the trees. I made coffee, and then sat down on my comfy recliner. After I was done

sitting and drinking coffee, I went to retrieve the newspaper that came every other day.

Oh, how I love weekends.

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Growing Up

Even though growing up seems bad, it is actually a somewhat good thing. You get new

chances such as meeting new people and new opportunities. Life is supposed to be a surprise. Growing up can bring a lot of things and create new chances for everyone.

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The Final Moments

They were down by just a field goal. Also even more sad and unfortunate, they were on the defense. There was two minutes left on the clock. This team has never been to

national championships before. During the regular season, this team crushed the others

in the conference and out of the conference. So far, this season has been perfect. They have a perfect 12-0 record. Sadly, so was the other team. The opposing team was a

powerhouse, and always was and will be. They have been to the championship game countless times. The underdog team is feared they are going to get crushed. They want the trophy extremely bad though, and they are determined to win. Anyways, here they

are now, three points down, and a touchdown away from winning the championships. Like I said before though, they are on the defense and now with 1:23 left on the clock.

Plus, they are pinned in their own end zone. Luckily though, a miracle happens. When the opposing team was five yards away from a touchdown, a touchdown which would

seal fate, the star quarterback threw an unlucky pass. The pass was intercepted by the

safety with thirty-six seconds left. He weaved through everyone and scored the winning touchdown. The underdog team kicked off hoping they could keep the lead. It was futile

for the powerhouse team. The underdog’s defense was just too much. They have done it. This team have won their first national title. They have beaten the number one team

in the nation. They won it by four points. The final score was 36-32. The fans went

crazy. You could hear them miles away! The other team and their fans were a lot more quitter. Their only sounds were moans and sobs. The more important thing though, this

underdog team have won their first national title. They won it in their final moments.

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Harry Potter Play

The play was pretty cool. It was a comedy/parody of Harry Potter. It was pretty funny. I

did not like the singing though. Anyways, I did like the play. It was hilarious! My favorite characters were Dumbledore and Malfoy. They were funny. Too bad Dumbledore had to

die though. All in all, I truly enjoyed the play.

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Helping Out Friends

Dear Scot


I hear you do not know how to use a microwave. Well, since I know how to use one, I will teach you how to use it. It is very simple. You just stick the food in the microwave,

and then select how long it says to cook it for. After you select the time, press the START button. After the timer goes off, you can either wait for it to cool down a little, or just grab it and eat it. It might be hot though so watch out! Your decision is up to you to

decide, or how hungry you are. Anyways, there you have it, the steps to using a microwave.



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Part 2 “Humor”

I laugh a lot. Not usually in class though. Anyways, there is a lot of funny things in life.

My friends are the ones that make me laugh the most. Jarrod Johnson says a lot of

random stuff that is really funny. Let’s say he has a unique type of humor compared to my other friends. They are more serious. Anyways, my friends have inspired me to write

these next few stories.

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I do not know what to write about in this freestyle quick write really. So I guess I’ll just

write about dogs. Dogs are pretty cool I guess. There are lots of kinds of dogs in the world. Dogs come from small sizes to large sizes. Yeah, they are pretty cool. Almost everyone loves them. People who don’t are just weird. There are a lot of dog movies.

There are tons like; Where the Red Fern Grows, Marley and Me, My Dog Skip, and tons more. They are usually pretty good movies. It is very sad when the dog dies, and if

people don’t think it is sad, they are twisted and evil. When the dog dies, it makes me start thinking I am a bad dog owner and need to spend more time with him before he dies. Okay, I am getting off topic. But I do think it is kind of funny how no one cares

when the human dies, but when the dog dies, it is horrible. Like I said before, dogs are pretty cool.

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It was 1947 when it all happened. We was all on our shrimp boat when we hit the mine.

Skipping forward, we’ve been trapped on the island for six days now. We have been surviving off of fish and fruit. One lucky day, we have found a spring and it was

connected to a spring which had more fish. On day seven, I woke up hearing a strange

noise. All of my crewmates were sleeping except me. I looked outside and I saw a cyborg shark waddling out of the ocean. I screamed out, “run!” and the crew and I ran

from the evil thing. The last thing I saw was the shark shooting lasers at us before we all died.

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The Infection

The cattle were coming in for their mass attack. We could see hundreds of them. This is

how the story all began. It was a nice sunny day in Mr. Stone’s 8 th period class. He started to talk about bacteria when he said discovered something yesterday. He found

out that cattle were not affected by radioactive waves. They would kill a human he said.

Then he took us outside to find a cow tied up to a tree. Mr. Stone then injected the cow with radioactive liquid. He said the cow will still be fine tomorrow. The next day in

science, we was all sitting and talking when Mr. Stone walked in the door. He had set up the Bell Ringer and we wrote it down. Then he told us to go outside. We went

outside and walked down the hill to where the cow was tied up. The cow looked normal

and it was eating grass. We got within fifteen feet and then the cow turned its head at us. The right side of the cow’s jaw was missing and it had a crazy look in its eyes. It

tried to run at us but was stopped by the rope. We all screamed and ran for our lives and ran back to class. The cow broke free. Unfortunately, the cow ran into Mrs.

Tenneberge’s class. For about two minutes we heard tons of screaming. Then it went

silent for about five minutes. After that we heard a petrifying long “MOOOOOO!!!” After a couple of minutes we saw more zombie cows coming through the woods with blood

on their faces. Well, I am done writing. We are screwed.

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World War Two

From our binoculars, we saw the German tanks coming over the hill. We pulled out our

rocket launchers preparing for battle. The Germans shot the first shell. The battle kept rolling on but it seemed impossible to win for us. The ones that survived ran into the

woods. Luckily, I was one of the survivors. Unfortunately, the Nazis sent out a

recon/scavenger team, and we are now captured…… It has been five days since we have been captured. Luckily, it has been two days since

we have been freed. Do you want to know how we got freed? Batman came in and killed all the Nazis. Right after that, Batman got ate by a dinosaur. Thanks, Batman.

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Train Delay

I didn’t know exactly where the train was going. After paying my fare, I simply stood on

the platform waiting for it to whisk me away to somewhere, anywhere but here. And that is when it happened. Everyone started screaming and running. I was really confused

about what was happening. I was scrambling around when I finally saw it. A zombie had

come into the room. I ran for my life. When I escaped the train station, I had figured out that the zombies were taking over. I ran with the remaining people, but then got eaten.

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Part 3 “Seriousness”

There is a lot of times when I needed to be serious. I am definitely serious in English

class. I need to keep my grades up. There is times when silliness has got to end and you have to be serious. There have been downs in my life that made me realize reality

isn’t always just fun. Reality has inspired me to write these next five stories.

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As we were crossing the Delaware River, I was loading my gun for the battle. After I

was done getting ready, I asked my commander when we will go into battle. He replied,” We shall land approximately ten minutes on General Washington’s command.” When I heard the generals name, I looked at the boat in front of us. The general had a look of

determination. Little as we knew, he later became the first president of the United States. After many years, us people have gotten greedy. This nation have become a


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I am hungry. I am bored. I am thirsty. I am excited. I am writing. I am tired. I am

breathing. I am living. I am done.

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The Sunny Winter

This winter was a bummer. This year, it barely had snowed at all. Actually, a lot of

times, the weather was above fifty degrees. I miss how everyone had played in the snow, and how the school closed down because of it. I remember a couple of years ago, we got two feet of snow. The schools were closed for like two weeks, anyways,

now we are edging spring. We’ll have to wait next winter for snow.

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The Attack

We were in the main control room in the white house. In the control room, there was the

“nuke city” button. Sergeant Bob, and the president were watching the enemy invade the house from the security cameras. The president was about to press the button when

the sergeant stopped him. The president was going to nuke the city to stop the

terrorists, but the sergeant convinced him not to do that. Eventually, without blowing up the city, the army stopped the attack.

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The Opposite Choice

If everyone was thinking the opposite, I would probably not stand up for myself and my

opinion. I would probably just go along with the crowd. If I stood up for myself, I would be outnumbered. I will not try to change others.